The Ring

By Tony Hardy

Published on Dec 12, 2006


This story is part real part fantasy. Covers subjects of cross-dressing, piercing, of a sexual nature and fem Dom.

The Ring

Part I

It's amazing how a small piece of jewellery can change your life for Ever. It was only 22mm in diameter ring, made out of titanium with a 6mm Ball .to close it together. Which you could buy for less than 10 pounds in any jewellery or body piercing shop. But it had a profound effect on my entire life.

I will take you back to the beginning of my tail. My girlfriend and I had been together for about two years or so. Everything was going well relationship wise; we got on like a house on fire. We still had a good sex life, if anything it was better than the start of the relationship. Where it's just lust and sex, but now we take our time. Turn each other on; we know how to get each other going.

Through a lot of fooling around and little dares, I found out that Nikki my girlfriend loved it if she had my put on her panties. Which I didn't mine because I got to wear tights as well. Ever since I was small I've always love to wear tights. Never really any other pieces of women clothing just tights. So I had a hart to hart with Nikki about my little fetish. To my surprise she was trilled about it, on one condition. That if I wore tights I had to wear panties with them all the time, I wasn't aloud to go commando in tights as I had done when growing up. Also that she wound get to choose which panties I wore. Some time she asked me just to wear panties and no tights in the summer. Nikki found it a big turn she said, that her boyfriend was wearing panties under his normal clothes.

So our relationship was going great. A few years before I meet Nikki I was in to heavy metal music grow my hair long. Had my ears pierced a few times wore the usual leather gear. Lived in jeans, black tee shirts, and Para boots. So to live up to the image as a hard rocker I had my left nipple pierced. Times move on and you grow up abit. You stop going to the clubs and gigs as much. The hair becomes a pain, as it take so long to dry and sort out. You generally smarten up your act abit. Time comes when the hair has to go. So there I was now looking like a normal bloke. Short hair,

Jeans, sports top and trainers. Probably the only thing I kept from those days was my nipple ring. One I couldn't be bother to go to a shop and have removed and two I love the sensitivity of it. Nikki loved to play with it all the time when we were in bed. This always made me horny as hell. Which is why I think she did it?

After some great sex on a Saturday morning, I told her that if she liked it so much that she should be pierced as well. We had played with the idea before a number of times. This time she looked into my eyes and said ok then. We was going to go shopping anyway that morning so before she changed her mind, I was going to get it done this afternoon. So after we had done all the shopping and I'd bought her some very sexy underwear. Nikki had bought me a thong, she said if I wanted her to look very sexy. It was only right that I was sexy as well. So we got in the car and started to drive home when I pulled off the road which took us home on to another which was a slight detour. As Nikki notice we weren't going straight home, I pulled up out side the tattoo parlour which I knew did body piercing. I turned to her and said its time to get your nipples done. I want something to play with; she just smiled and said if I want her to have both of them done. I was having my other one done as well. I didn't realise that I had said it plural but if that's what she wants I don't mind. So we walked hand in hand to the tattooist.

After three weeks our piercing's had healed. I couldn't wait to play with her erect ringed nipples. Nikki found out that once the soreness have worn off that she was incredibly sensitive nearly all the time. As her nipples rubbed on the insides of the cups of her bra. This made her horny most of the time. She told me that once she had to go into the toilets in her break time to play with herself to relieve the constant throbbing of her clit. I was getting more sex than I could handle. I would always tease her clit to orgasm before we had penetration. But now I could get her to cum simple by licking and sucking her nipples, then just gentle brushing her clit with my tongue or finger. We've always been big into toys but as I now was wearing panties just about every weekend. I said that she would have to do something I wanted so we bought some love balls and a butt plug. When I wore panties she would always have either the butt plug or the love ball inside her. The love balls were fun because sometimes you could hear them rattling when she walked up and down stairs. Nikki said that some times she felt very self conscious of herself. It was on the same as I did when I was wearing panties. We both laugh, it was a great summer.

One day in late October we were making love as usual. I was teasing her beautiful smooth pussy, I wonder out load that if your nipples are that sensitive after being pierced what would it do to your clit. As I flicked my tongue out and teased her nearly to another orgasm. Nikki wasn't very happy with the idea of having her most sensitive part pierced. How would I feel if I had my dick pierced? I had to give her that one. The idea of me having my dick pierced never really crossed my mind and to be honest it was something that made squirm at the thought of it. A few days later Nikki was ideally playing with my nipple ring, when she came out with it. She said she had thought about it and seeing how she never regretted having her nipples done, and how they were such a big turn on now. She would like to have her clit pierced but only if I have my dick done as well. See looked on the web at a piercing site and she had decided that she would have a vertical piercing in her clitoral hood. Also my dick would look good with something called a Prince Albert through the end of it. I was abit stunned as she pulled me out of bed and ran to the computer. Nikki had booked marked the site and went straight to it. I was abit shocked with some of the pics of peoples genital and how they had self mutilated them selves with huge barbells or rings. Nikki said not to worry its nothing like that; she showed me how she wanted her piercing to look. Its beautiful nester ling in the middle of the folds in her labia, mine on the other hand was right through the middle of my `japes eye'. Coming out at the base of the head of the mushroom. But she loved it nearly as much as I loved her piercing. So the next day which was Saturday we down to the tattoo parlour, with a little apprehension on my part Nikki didn't seem too worried. The lady at the tattooist said she didn't do that sort of piercing but gave me a number for another shop which did about 30miles away. So I got on my mobile phone straight away and booked an appointment for next Saturday.

Saturday came to fast for my liking but Nikki was looking forward to it, even thou I had read on the site Nikki had booked marked that it wasn't advisable to have sex for the first month. Which being a man I was abit bothered about, but Nikki said we would find ways of amusing ourselves. So I drove the 30 miles up the motorway to the other tattoo shop. We both went in together, we both striped from the waist down.

Luckily Nikki hadn't made me wear panties today but I did notice she had her butt plug in. She said that over the summer she got that use to wearing a butt plug or love eggs. That she just got up in the morning and would insert one or both if she didn't she felt like something was missing. I was starting to do the same at weekend; I would automatically reach for a pair of panties. The lady didn't say anything. We both started to ask questions about if would affect our sex life and our normal life. It wouldn't affect Niks' life that much apart from that time of the month. Her name was Linda by the way, if any thing it was easier because you could pull the sting of your tampon string though the ring so you didn't lose it. Me on the other hand it would affect, it might hurt the first couple of times we had sex also I wasn't aloud sex for least a month. Also Linda told me not to do much physical exercise, don't want it banging about. So I told Nikki that I couldn't have it done due to my job, my job was quite physical in the run up to Christmas. Nikki went mental at me, she said that I wanted her to have it done and I was too much of a coward to have it done when it was my idea in the first place. I tried to calm her down; I said I would get it done straight after Christmas and to make it up to her I would do anything she wanted me to do. That seemed to calm her down abit, Linda asked if she still wanted it done or to make appointment after Christmas. Nikki said that yes she still wanted it done also to make appointment for me straight after Christmas. It took about twenty seconds for Linda to insert the ring through Nikki's hood. She was pulling on her panties when Linda said that she was surprised to see only Nikki wearing a butt plug. Nikki told Linda that I usually wear a thong but she spared me the embarrassment of it today. But she wont next time, I went white with shame that Nik had just told a stranger of our arrangement. Linda asked why Nikki still wore a plug if I didn't wear a thong. She replied that she got use to them and felt empty with out it; Linda said that if I didn't wear a thong I should wear a plug instead. Nikki grinned then Linda said there's a good sex shop just round the corner. Linda gave Nikki her card and said if she had any trouble with her piercing she should ring or just for a chat. As we left Linda said see you in January, when we left the shop I told Nik that I couldn't believe that she told a complete stranger that I wore panties. Don't worry that's the lease of your problems now, what do mean I said. Well I've decided to take Linda's advice to heart. No panties means a butt plug you cant wear the love eggs but you can a butt plug. There it is, just where Linda said it would be. I looked up there on the other side of the road was a sex shop with black out windows. We walked round for abit; Nik bought a new vibrator, KY gel and of cause a new butt plug. It looked a lot bigger than the one we bought together in the spring. Nikki told me how the one up her ass was become abit lose, she liked a very tight fit so I was getting her hand me downs just like her panties and she said this loud enough for the bloke behind the counter to hear. The bloke smiled at me when I paid for the items, Nikki asked if we could use the changing room. He motioned over his shoulder, I went bright red. We entered together, I was still blushing as I knew that the bloke knew what Nikki was about to do to me. Nikki dropped her skirt and pants and bent over, She told me to gentle pull the plug out as I have done many times before. She wiped it with a tissue out of her bag then broke the packaging of the new butt plug. Smeared them with the KY gel and said watch closely because this will be a common thing for you to do. She gently rolled the point of the plug round here ass hole till it was centred then pushed the butt plug home. Her eyes bulged a bit till it was just quite right then she smiled, drop your trousers it's your turn. I just looked at her, and then she said you promised me you would do anything to make you happy. I did it so I would like you to do it for me, is that to much to ask.

So I dropped my trousers and bent over for her.

Part II

That was two months ago now, I wear a thong & my butt plug every day. I no longer have any male underwear what so ever. I only have women's underwear, thongs mostly or the odd g-string Nik bought me as a giggle. About a week before Christmas we were having fun in bed playing with one of Nikki's vibrators. Nikki loved teasing me by put the vibrator up again my nipple rings to turn me on, which it did. Then she massaged my balls with it, which got me hard as a rock. As ive been wearing a butt plug for near twos months solid, my sphincter was quiet stretched by now so when Nikki move the vibrator from my ball to my ass it went in quiet easily to my surprise. I was very turned on but the fact that now I had an 8" vibrator being slowly pushed in & out of my ass by my girl friend freaked me out. I told her to stop & I didn't like it. I said that I wasn't gay & no vibrator or dicks was going up my ass. Nikki laughed & said that how can you say that your not gay when you lying there in a satin nightie, stockings & suspenders and 4" high heels.

(Nikki asked me to start wearing heels for sex about a month ago when we was fooling around we had sex doggy style but instead of the both of us being on the bed, I was standing up as kneeled on the bed. She loved the deep penetration of the position, but the next time we tried it, me only being 5'8 I could not get the same height. Then she remembered I was wearing heels so they became part of our love making.)

I replied that how could I be gay when I only sleep with her & I dressed this way to please & turn her on. Nikki turn round & said that the only reason why I wanted her to wear a butt plug was to have easier anal sex.(which she loved now)So I didn't want anal sex, even if its only with your girl friend. You wont have to wear your but plug anymore. I said that suits me. The thing that they don't tell you about butt plugs on the packaging, is that if you wear them for a prolonged period of time your sphincter stretches & will take time to snap back into place. Which I found out the next day at work as I nearly shit my self twice before had to put in toilet paper folded like a sanitary pad in the crotch of my thong. Even then I had to change it every forty minutes or so. By dinner time I couldn't take it any more & drove to the nearest supermarket, I bought some tampax which I knew Nikki used then disappeared in to the gents to insert a tampax up my own ass. I found it very humiliating, but after that the day went quiet smoothly till I got home. I search high & low for my butt plug but I couldn't find it. I found an old one which I'd stopped wearing about a month ago but it didn't fit anymore it was to small, it would just pop out after a couple of minuets. So it was back to putting another tampax in. As I was putting the rubbish in the bin Nikki came up stairs, when she saw what I was doing she started to laugh which made me feel even more humiliated than before. Have you been looking for this, as she pulled out my butt plug from her hand bag. I said yes, so you want to put it back in do you. So do you want to be fucked up the ass. I said no but without it I'm as good as incontinent, she laughed again & said there are two ways of sorting this out but neither of them you will like. The first one, is the one you have resorted to which is to wear a tampon every day till it snaps back (if it does) or you can douche every day morning & night like some women prefer to do. Or there is a third one which is, you can wear your butt plug as you have been doing. If you do that it means I can toy with your ass hole as I see fit. No if or buts if I want to buy a strap on to fuck your brains out I can, non of this I'm not gay business. So which is it to be?

I said I will try the douche before I will give up my ass to you. She laughed but before we do I would like to see that cute little string hanging out of your ass before I go down the chemist to get you a douche kit or you don't have to show me but you can buy the douche kit yourself. You are turning very feminine & douching is probably the most fem of them all. She laugh.

So for the next 2 days I tried to douche my self in the end on Wednesday I asked her if I could have my butt plug back as it was the only one I didn't feel total humiliated with. She said ok but remember what the terms are for the plug. Then I bent over, she pulled my thong to one side & inserted it home. God it felt so good to have it back in place a got an erection straight away. We went upstairs & fucked like it was the end of the world. We had a great Christmas, bought each other some sexy underwear & had lots of fun. I complete forgot about the appointment at the tattooist to have my Prince Albert inserted into the end of my dick but Nikki hadn't. Since Christmas I had started to wear stockings & suspenders every day under my jeans, the morning I was going back to Linda's I put on my favourite black thong with matching stockings under my jeans & we went shopping. On the way back Nikki told me that it was time to go Linda's & a promise was a promise. So I said that I was wearing underwear & I couldn't let see a stranger see me like this. Nikki got really mad & I was trying to back out again, anyway Linda knows that you like to wear girlie underwear. So I relented & drove to the tattoo shop, we got there & Nikki talked to Linda before I went through. Linda asked me to strip but I hesitated but a look from Nikki I dropped my trousers. Linda say that I looked very sexy in my stockings & suspenders & my thong. She asked me to remove my thong & was very impressed that I was wearing a butt plug now. Linda also asked Nikki if my lack of pubic hair was permanent or just shaving or waxing. If it wasn't permanent she knew a great guy who was a dab hand at hair removal for private places. They both laughed & Nikki said she would keep it in mind for the both of us. The Prince Albert was done in a matter of minuets & I was told I was not to masturbate or have penetrated sex for at least a month till I came back to get it checked.

With that she wrapped my penis in a ball of tissues paper then told me I could put my thong back on, which I did. To go to the toilet was agony for the first 3 days the urine burned like acid but that helped the healing process, ive never had a piercing heal as quick as my Prince Albert. On Sunday afternoon Nikki was horny as hell & she kept teasing me by rubbing my dick through my jeans. She needed a release so she asked me to lick her pussy so I did, 3 times she came. Then at bed time she asked me again to make her cum, by Tuesday morning I was licking her pussy in the morning when she first woke up the when we go home from work then at bed time 7 she was averaging 7 orgasms a day. On Thursday night after I had made her cum for the 6th time that day she told me that it was like have her very own lesbian lover morning ,noon & night. I was getting very frustrated by this, because I was horny as hell with no release. She loved the new pattern of our sex live & because of that. She said lets have a bit of fun by turning me in to a true lesbian by making me dress & look like a women. So by Saturday I was starting to wear skirts & blouses around the house as well as my usual underwear. Nikki was starting to show me how to do make up. On Sunday I was in a yellow summer dress which Nikki said I looked sexy in & just made her cum yet again. She was so horny at the weekend for my tongue that she stop wearing her thong now, so when she wanted me to go down on her she would just lift up her skirts to give me full access. I was getting so horny I begged her to let me cum, so she said as it's been a week, I will let u cum. I thought when she told me to take off my thong that she was going to give me a blow job but she told me to turn round. As I did so she removed my butt plug with a pop then went to the draw pulled out a mid size vibrator & lubed it up. I didn't want this to happen but I so needed to cum that I wasn't bothered how it happened. Within 2 minuets of having the vibrator inserted up my ass & Nikki gently fucking my ass with it. I came for all I was worth, over the bed. I had never felt anything like it; it was so different to what I had experienced before. Nikki said that she would do that more often as she really enjoyed the power of making me cum. Before I could clean my self up I was between her legs again licking & teasing her cunt again & again. She was so turned on she wouldn't let me go from between her legs till she passed out on her 6th orgasm.

Part III

It's been six weeks since I had `The Ring' pierced in the head of my penis; I haven't been aloud to penetrate Nikki yet. Ive been back to Linda's twice since, once to have the ring checked to see if the piercing was healing ok & the seconded time was to have a larger diameter ring inserted into my piercing. It wasn't as bad as the first time it was pierced, it still stung abit when I first went to the toilet(Which I now have to pee sitting down, due to the larger diameter of the ring I find it very difficult to form a jet of urine. Its more like a spray, which is more feminine according to Nikki).

Also we now have 3 matching Chinese characters tattoo's around our left ankles in a band. Which Nik absolutely loves, I found it very embarrassing being told to remove one of my stockings. In front of Dave, Linda's best tattooist. He could clearly see the bulge in my black thong. Ive had a tattoo before so the pain didn't bother me, it's just the fact I looked such a sissy. In female underwear & having a quiet feminine tattoo round my ankle.

In the last six weeks a few things have change for me. Apart from the adjustment to my ring, I now wear women's cut jeans, im no longer aloud to wear men's jeans. I also have to wear a skirt or stirrups ski pants when lounging round the house. Nikki's started buying me only male / unsex shoes with heels on. I always wear my heels for sex but now its all day Saturday & Sunday. Just as I like Nik in heeled boots, she also wants me to wear the same sort of style. Nikki has given up wearing any sort of knickers at all now, as she demands her pussy to be licked anywhere she feels the need for an orgasm. Im so used to her vibrator now, I don't need lubricating anymore. Nikki use's the vibrator a least 3 times a week to make me cum.

When we had our tattoo's done about a week ago I heard Nikki & Linda talking about something that I couldn't quite catch. Then next Saturday night Nikki asked me after licking her pussy for the fifth time that day, how would I feel about her being permanently smooth. I loved the idea, but asked who was going to do the electrolysis. Nikki said the she would have the laser treatment done at Linda's. But wont it cost a lot to have it done I said. Then she dropped the bomb shell that it wouldn't cost her a penny & that I was to have the same treatment, except I was going to lose my eye brows as well as all my body hair.

But there was a catch

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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