The Right Wing Alpha

By tim parkin

Published on May 13, 2020


On Saturday morning I rose with the sun at a quarter to six, twenty minutes before my alarm. For the first morning in a long time my dick was soft, but my spirit was still aroused. I arched my back and raised my knees so I could grind my plug into the mattress while I surveyed my utterly destroyed room. Just yesterday Dave had made me his. I could feel his seed slosh around in my gut as I moved about. I was proud to carry his Alpha seed. I was so lucky that he had chosen me.

I laid there replaying yesterdays incredible events until my alarm finally went off. I needed to be in the cafe by seven so I made my way to the bathroom. I decided removing my plug now would be a bad idea since I had no substantial underwear to prevent Dave's cum from spotting on my pants. The truth is I really just didn't want to give it up yet. I wondered how long it would take for my pussy to completely absorb all of his cum.

I took a quick shower and got ready for work. I made a point to be quiet as I descended the stairs. I had not yet met my neighbors, but they were clearly upset by the noises coming from my apartment. It turned me on that they had heard me enduring Dave's punishing fuck, but I was also ashamed. There was no denying what happened. Anyone would take one look at me and know that I was the one getting pulverized. No matter what people say there is very little respect in the world for faggots and in this area people were empowered to openly berate and harass sissies like me. I was terrified of any confrontation.

Work was uneventful. Walking around and interacting with so many people with my guts full of cum made me feel like a slutty little deviant. I loved it! After six hours on my feet gravity had finally taken effect and I was beginning to leak around my plug. I could feel the damp stickiness between my cheeks as I walked.

As soon as my shift ended I rushed home, taking two stairs at a time but stepping as delicately as I could. On the last step I felt a little gush of cum squeeze around my plug and I knew my pants were ruined. I rushed to the bathroom, stripped and removed the plug. A huge gob of cum slipped out with the plug and slapped loudly on the tile floor.

I was horrified to see so much of his cum wasted so I dove down and began to lick it up. I aimed my pussy high to try to stop the flow but cum continued to flow from my pussy. I finally gave up and sat down to release the rest. It just kept coming and as I looked down between my legs I was in disbelief at just how much cum was left after 24 hours of absorption. Fuck! How was this possible? It now made sense why Dave had turned to using faggots. Any woman in my position would already be pregnant. I found myself fantasizing about carrying his next son as my little dick began to stiffen.

Finally the flow stopped and I patted my tender pussy lips dry, then hopped in the shower. I had just finished cleaning my pussy and was shampooing my hair when I heard my apartment door slam. I heard two deep distinct voices. It was Dave and another man. Fuck! I finished up and steeled myself for what was about to happen.

I'd never been around Dave's friends before and I wasn't sure how to behave. There was nothing in the rules to guide me. I emerged slowly and peeked around the door frame. Dave and the Man with him were smoking cigars on the couch and watching a baseball game. Dave's friend was attractive, tall, and sturdy with long legs and arms. I guessed him to be in his late 30s. He had light brown hair and was wearing big black leather boots, dirty jeans, and a dark blue t-shirt. Like Dave, there was no doubt he could easily break me with his littlest finger. I was mesmerized by them. I watched as they ashed their cigars in my crystal key bowl, a housewarming gift from my best friend Connor.

Dave broke my trance when he bellowed "What are you hiding for, faggot? Put something pretty on and get to work!"

I covered my little fag shame as I dashed to the bedroom.

"Beers!" Dave shouted as soon as I slipped on my pink thong with the frilly lace trim.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed two fresh beers for the men. As I walked into the living room Dave shoved my coffee table forward with his left foot so that I could kneel beneath them and present my offering. I was scared and intimidated as they towered over me, sitting comfortably while I kneeled on the hard floor. I kept my eyes low, afraid to look either man in the eye. Dave took a long pull on his cigar and then exhaled, enveloping me in smoke. I stared up at him in awe as I coughed and gagged on the thick smoke as it swirled around me. The men paid me no mind.

"So this is the little squealer?" the new man said to Dave.

I blushed, knowing Dave must had told him all about the day before.

Dave said, "Pansy, meet Rick. Show respect. First me, then him."

Without hesitation I interlocked my hands behind my back and folded forward to kiss each of Dave's huge sneakers twice, then Rick's. I looked up at them. Dave seemed pleased, but I could not read Rick.

"Turn around. Show off that pussy." Dave ordered.

I spun around, placed my head to the floor and stuck my ass up.

"Fuck!" Rick exclaimed with a chuckle. "That's a cunt alright!"

I wanted to cry. I craved their judgment but at the same time I feared it. I had never felt so vulnerable or small. Dave was taking the truth and shoving it down my throat. Was I ready for this? It didn't seem I had a choice.

Dave placed his foot on my back, forcing me to arch even more while Rick leaned forward and slipped three of his huge hairy fingers into my slack pussy, tugging up and down.

I whimpered as he invaded my cunt and my last ounce of pride fell away. Dave removed his foot from my back, took a good grip on the waist band of my panties and yanked me back until my ass was up against the front of the couch and my lower knees were beneath it. Both men placed their feet in front of me and Dave ordered me to remove their shoes. I gently but swiftly removed their shoes and socks and passionately kissed them as I reveled in their sweaty man scent.

Quickly I found myself lost in submissive headspace. Rick had lifted his left foot and laid it over his right knee so I could lick and nibble on the calluses. I felt Dave's heavy hand on the back of my head, directing me where to work. Then all of a sudden he gripped my hair and yanked me up. I looked around terrified and then I was dropped do the floor.

I looked back at them as they both rose up. Dave reached down, grabbed me by my shoulder, and flipped me onto my back. Before I knew what had happened Rick's right foot was covering my entire face. When he pushed down I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see anything but the bottom of his enormous foot. Dave took hold of both my ankles and lifted them straight into the air before passing them to Rick.

Dave yanked my thong aside and began to prod at and spit on my exposed pussy lips. Dave began to shove his fingers deep into my cunt as Rick fuck my face with his foot. I did my best to take as much as I could. Rick's toe nails were long and unkempt. I winced as they scratched my cheek.

Rick actually apologized "Sorry about them nails boy. I haven't had anybody to take care of them in a while."

Dave scoffed "I told you that bitch was trouble! They're always trouble."

Rick replied "I've been thinking. You may be right."

Rick began fucking my mouth with his other foot, still immobilizing me with my legs in the air as Dave was now deep tongue fucking my pussy.

Just then my intercom buzzed. Rick removed his foot from my mouth, nonchalantly walked over and pressed the buzzer. I held my legs up in the air, afraid to move and terrified of what was happening.

Dave stood up and gestured for me to follow. I stood there about to burst into tears as he bent down, pulled my face close and hocked a big frothy loogie right between my eyes. I stood there stunned as it began to slide slowly down my nose.

Before I could process what was happening there was a knock at the door. Dave took my arm and pulled me over to the door. He shoved some money into my hand and then opened the door. I was standing there with my face covered in sputum in nothing but my little pink thong. I held out the money, my hand shaking.

"Oh my!!!!" Was all the man said before grabbing the money and shoving a pizza box into my hands.

I could not look at him. I just stood there frozen and shaking until the door swung shut. Dave guided me to the kitchen as my mind struggled to process the humiliation I had just suffered. The men returned to the couch and resumed watching the game as I proceeded to prepare two plates for them.

"Another round!" Dave ordered.

I presented them each with hot pizza and fresh beers. They ate ravenously while I remained silent.

Dave finished his and shoved his plate at me. I hopped up and returned with two more pieces just as Rick finished his. I quickly did the same for Rick. Once they finished I cleared their plates.

As I knelt before them they both moved forward and Dave raised his fist. I flinched instinctively and shut my eyes. The blow of Dave's fist never came. Still cowering, I opened one eye to see Dave and Rick clink their beers and begin chugging. Dave finished first, then Rick. Dave nodded at me and I fetched another round.

"Do I have anything in my beard, bitch?" Dave asked.

"Yes, Sir." I replied.

"Well climb up here and lick it clean then."

"Yes, Sir" I squeaked as I crouched awkwardly licking little gloss of sauce out of his bushy beard.

As soon as I was done Dave ordered "Now go get in the tub. Strip naked, but mind your manners. Got it?" I knew exactly what he meant.

"Yes Sir," I said and scurried away smiling. I knelt there for a few minutes crushing my half hard little dick between my legs so it could not be seen. They were unbuttoning their jeans as they entered the bathroom. I could not help but smile. Dave's bulge always made my jaw drop and Rick's jeans also strained to contain his manliness. They sauntered over as they sipped what appeared to be fresh beers. As they closed in on me they blocked out the light. I knelt humbly in their enormous shadow. Their heavy belts clinked as their pants dropped to the floor.

"Say please." Dave demanded as he pointed to his cock.

I moved forward, being careful to keep my little dick hidden between my thighs and began to make out with Dave's enormous cock head through his thin boxers. His pheromones drove me wild and I lost myself again, until a swift slap brought me back to reality. Panting, I moved to Rick. I nuzzled his fat cock and breathed deep to indulge in his scent. I kissed and sucked until he pulled it away. I stared up at his expressionless face the entire time. He leaned forward and let a big long drop of spit slide off his tongue and right onto my forehead. Finally he smiled.

Dave said to Rick "This one is still a beginner. We better strip."

I watched as these two godly Men slipped their boxers off. Their two huge cocks bounced and swayed as they removed their shirts. Dave took my breath away every time and it was hard to take my eyes off of his truly glorious manhood. Rick was not quite as long as Dave but big, thick, and uncut. His perfect foreskin covered everything but the piss slit and his pubes were like a wild thicket. You could tell that his balls were also big by the way they pushed his cock up and out but no flesh could be seen through the thick hair. I watched as he retracted his glorious foreskin. I wanted so badly to wrap my lips around them, both of them, but all I could do was breath deeply as their potent virility saturated the air.

"Now sit back and try to look pretty. Close your eyes, and open wide, pussy."

As soon as I shut my eyes I felt Dave's stream hit my chest, then Rick's on my neck. Dave adjusted his aim to my face and then my mouth while Rick coated my entire front and then joined Dave filling my mouth. I was swallowing as fast as I could but still found myself kneeling in an inch deep puddle of hot man piss.

At one point Dave began spraying me all over while Rick shifted forward and placed his cock at my lips. I latched on instinctively and chugged as fast as I could while Dave aimed at my hair. It flowed in all directions. Every last inch of me was covered. Rick stopped first and stepped back while Dave continued. I latched on and drank the last of his golden liquid, then suckled for any remaining drops. When Dave pulled his enormous dick away I returned to Rick's, searching for the last drops of his piss. I felt Rick's cock begin to stiffen and grow.

"Say thank you," Dave commanded.

"Than-koo, thrr" I said with Rick's cock head still in my mouth.

Dave nodded to Rick and Rick pulled away.

"I looked up and saw in Dave's eyes the look of disappointment. He expected more."

"Thank you, Sirs. Thank you for showing me my place and for being the Men that I could never be..."

Their expressions remained blank and unreadable.

" is an honor and a privilege to serve you Sirs. Thank you so much for your delicious piss Sirs."

"Recite your rules, little cunt!" Dave ordered.

"Yes, Sir. Rule 1. Kiss feet to say hello. Rule 2. Do not speak without permission. Rule 3. Do as told without hesitation. Rule 4. Keep the fridge stocked. Rule 5. Always sleep plugged. Rule 6. Do not ever interrupt MEN. Thank you Sir."

"He's learning!" Dave remarked to no one in particular.

"Come on. We can still catch the end of the game," Rick said to Dave.

"Clean this up and report to me when you're done." Dave said as they walked away.

I quickly washed and returned to my post. I brought two more beers as I was sure these two big men would be ready for more soon, if not now. I presented them kneeling and to my surprise Dave patted the couch between he and Rick. I very cautiously sat between them. There wasn't much room between the big men. I sat there with my back arched, wondering what would happen next. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dave's cock flex I was immediately overcome with lust. Even soft it was so big that laid across his thigh it stuck into my side. The men were focused on the game as I very cautiously reached out and began to stroke both of their enormous cocks. My ass began to throb and I caught myself subconsciously bouncing as I stroked.

I saw a drop of glistening precum form at the tip of Dave's dick and without even thinking I slipped off the couch and began to lick Dave's cock up and down, taking Rick's hardening cock in the other hand. After I'd licked it all over Dave began slapping me with it, leaving nasty wet dick prints all over my face. His dick was so heavy it hurt but I didn't mind. The pain represented its power! He lifted his huge cock and sunk deeper into the couch so I could worship his balls properly.

My trance was broken by Rick loudly planting his big feet on the floor. "I've got to take a leak" he said.

Dave placed his big strong hands on my face, forcing me to stop licking, and nodded his head towards Rick. I crawled between Rick's legs and looked up at hime with my mouth agape, tongue half extended.

"Are you serious?" Rick asked.

"It's the bottom of the ninth Man!" Dave replied with a chuckle.

I begged with my eyes.

"What about the mess?" Rick asked.

"That's what bitches are for!"

Rick thought for a second, fished his dick out of his boxers and shifted forward. I placed my mouth around his huge cock head and waited as he turned his attention back to the game. Rick let out a grunt and it began to flow. The flow was strong but it was easy to drink. I managed to drink it all without spilling a drop and once I was sure he was done I gently sucked to make sure I had emptied him completely.

All of a sudden both Rick and Dave nearly leapt off the couch. The Rockies had finally scored after being shut out for the first eight innings. It was the bottom of the ninth and the score was now tied; Mets 1, Rockies 1. The sudden motion forced Rick's softening dick to the back of my mouth, making me retch and gag. The men ignored me and discussed the play. I couldn't understand anything they had said. Then I felt Rick's big mitt on the back of my head, pushing me down on his big dick. I got to work slurping hungrily at Rick's big dick. Like Dave, I thought he was impossible to throat.

A time out was called. Dave reached over, gripped my hair, and pulled me off of Rick. Dave stood up and stepped towards me. With his other hand he gripped his cock and shook it at me. I latched on and stared up at him. Almost immediately a torrent of piss began to flow. I did my best to keep up, but I couldn't even pause to breath. Somehow I didn't spill a drop. As soon as I knew it was over I pulled off of his dick and desperately tried to catch my breath. I saw a couple of droplets of piss fall from the tip of Dave's dick as he sat back down. I licked the droplets off of the floor and then lapped at the end of Dave's dick to finish the job. Some piss had already soaked into my couch where he sat. I sucked it up as best I could.

The game resumed. The men both shifted to the edge of the couch. Their big cocks and balls hung heavy from their big hairy bodies. My mouth was watering. Rick slammed down his empty beer bottle. I jumped up to fetch them each another beer.

As I knelt to present the beers Rick pushed my head aside so I wouldn't block his view. Neither of them acknowledged me as they took their beers. I kissed both of their feet.

All this man piss was far too much for my little bladder to handle. I was squirming and trying to wait to ask permission to retreat to the bathroom, but I couldn't get Dave's attention. He nearly kicked me in the face when I kissed his foot again. I crawled to the bathroom and emptied my aching bladder.

In the meantime the Rockies scored again and the game ended. Dave and Rick were pissed! They Rockies had stolen the game and they both hated the Rockies!

I was dabbing my little dick dry when Dave appeared and took hold of my arm and dragged me off the toilet and back to the living room. My thong was left tangled around my right foot. He dropped me at Rick's feet and began prodding at my pussy.

"You're tightening up back here boy. Were you plugged when we got here?" Dave asked.

I spoke softly, hoping he would be pleased but knowing I hadn't strictly adhered to his orders. "Right before, Sir."

"Good gurl! I can tell, but you're tightening up fast. I like those soft pussy lips so we're going to have to do something about that." He growled as he slapped and squeezed my upturned asscheeks. The sounds echoed through the apartment.

"Please Sir, my neighbors..." I began to whine as Dave playfully bit my cheek.

"Shut up, cunt! Rick is going to help you out. Aren't you Rick?" Dave asked.

I looked up at Rick and saw a cocky grin wash across his face.

"You think you can scream with this in your mouth?" Rick taunted.

I stuttered.

"Save it!" Dave cut me off and spit in my face. "Nobody cares what a pussy thinks."

I wrapped my lips around Rick's big half hard dick and began to suck while Dave began to tongue fuck my pussy again. His thick beard tickled and his hot breath made me melt. I began bucking back onto Dave's tongue, throwing my whole body into the blowjob I was giving to Rick.

Dave pulled away and appeared next to Rick. He slapped his huge hard dick in his hand and barked "lube me up, bitch!" I pulled off of Rick and slurped Dave's dick up and down until it was slick with spit and throat slime. I tried to swallow it while I massaged his big heavy balls.

The second Dave withdrew Rick replaced him. I felt Dave drop his huge wet dick on my back as his hairy balls came to rest up against my hungry hole. It was so long and so heavy! Dave slid back, spit on my hole and teased me with one finger as Rick held me down deep on his massive cock. I was gagging and drooling.

In one slow steady motion Dave slid inside me. My body reflexively tried to pull away as I gasped. Rick's dick popped into my throat. Without hesitation Rick shoved his big dick all the way in. My eyes nearly shot out of my skull. Rick was holding my head tight and thrusting his hips forward while Dave waited for me to adjust. I was choking and sputtering. My pussy was aching and throbbing around Dave's huge dick.

Rick slid out until just the head of his dick was in my mouth and allowed me to catch my breath. I was looking up at Rick. Rick was looking at Dave. I could tell they were communicating. Rick began gently fucking my mouth while Dave remained still. I could tell something was about to happen and I began to panic which caused me to gag violently on Rick's cock as he repeatedly stabbed at my throat. Dave tightened his grip on my hips.

Suddenly I realized I could not feel Dave's thick wiry pubes or his big bull nuts against my pussy. Before I could panic again Dave savagely buried his cock to the hilt in one powerful thrust. I screamed and as I did Rick thrust forward and forced his huge dick down into my throat again. My face was buried in his thick pubes and his big hairy balls were bouncing off my chin as he fucked my throat.

Before Rick withdrew Dave began to pump. I was terrified. I was getting fucked deeper and harder than I had ever imagined by two of the biggest dicks I had ever seen. I'd never thought this was even possible and yet here I was living it. I was helpless. I surrendered and began to repeat in my head "THESE ARE MEN. GIVE THEM PUSSY."

They both began to pound me mercilessly. I was afraid that I would suffocate and tried to push back against Rick, but I was far too weak and the lack of oxygen made me even weaker. I found myself hoping that if I lost consciousness Rick would stop and let me breathe.

Just then Dave took a big step back and brought me with him, pulling me from Rick's clutches. I was heaving and sucking in wind as fast as I possibly could. My throat burned. He ordered Rick to grab a camera.

Dave stood me up and began manhandling my tits as Rick began recording video and snapping pics. He held me tight to his huge hairy body and stood tall, lifting me straight off my feet. I flailed as my full weight drove me all the way down on his huge dick. His hands went back to my tits and he began to torture my nipples. His enormous hands were the only thing keeping me upright while my legs dangled helplessly. I stretched out my toes and tried to find the ground, but it was out of reach. "Knees up!" he ordered and I raised my knees so my legs were up and out of his way. This made my back arch and I felt this incredible pressure in my pussy. It was pain and pleasure at once and made my whole body vibrate in tremors.

He carried to the bedroom like that and Rick followed. Dave stopped in the center of the room and let my body tilt forward. Rick wasted no time putting me back to work on his big dick. I was able to catch a quick glimpse in the mirror and again my reality washed over. These two studs had conquered me and invaded both my pussy and my throat. I dreaded what might be done with the footage, but whatever it was would have to be worth it.

Rick set the camera down and returned to fucking my throat long and hard as Dave took on a steady, deliberate pace. I had been reduced to a rag doll by these two Alphas. Rick yanked his big cock from my throat. It was covered in throat slime. Rick began to stroke vigorously while shoving his big bouncing balls in my face. I licked and sucked at them as I endured Dave's full rut.

Without warning Rick rammed himself back down my throat and began piston fucking away. I knew he was close and for the first time since we had begun. I needed his cum and I needed to make Dave proud. Rick buried himself in my throat and shouted "FUCKKKK YEAHHHHHHH! SWALLOW MY SPERM. BITCH!!!" My vision was obscured by his thick dark pubes, but I felt his cock rhythmically swell and spew in my throat and his balls rise and fall as he pumped their contents straight into my stomach.

Rick withdrew and shouted "FUCK!!!" A banging sound came from the floor below. Fuck! I whimpered and fought back tears as Dave continued fucking me with long deep strokes.

Rick walked into the living room as I watched his hairy ass and back as he lumbered out of site. He returned seconds later with one of their rolled up socks in his hand and shoved it into my mouth.

Dave stepped back and sat on the end of my bed, pulling me with him. For a moment I was allowed to rest as I adjusted to breathing with a dirty sock drying out my mouth. Dave ordered me to fuck myself as Rick took pics and video. I was so humiliated, but there was only one option for me. Obey. Dave was slapping my cheeks and calling me filthiest names. My thighs were burning.

He took hold of my shoulders and was slamming me down onto him. Then he stood up and lifted me off the ground again. He fucked me like that for a few strokes and then lowered me to the floor. His big dick was keeping my cunt up high but I had to reach down and support myself. It was a very awkward position. Dave jackhammered my pussy, bottoming out with each thrust.

"Ugh! Ughh! Ughhhhh!!! Here it come's timmy!" He growled.

I squealed through my gag with each thrust. Dave roared and fucked me with short deep thrusts as emptied his balls inside of me. We dropped to our knees as we caught our breath. I looked down and saw a little puddle on the floor beneath me. I didn't understand until a little more dripped from my limp little dick. I had cum too. Did I get hard? I was so deep in worship to these two amazing men that I hadn't even thought of myself.

Dave withdrew and positioned me on my hands and knees on the bed. Dave stood at the end of the bed and as soon he looked into my eyes I knew I was in trouble. I had forgotten to clean his cock and thank him for his seed. I set to work licking and sucking and working hard to extract even the tiniest remaining drop of cum.

By the look in his eyes I knew I wasn't to go anywhere. We stared into each others eyes as piss began to trickle, slowly at first, into my eager mouth. I was able to savor the taste this time. There were undertones of semen and my endorphins were flowing fast. I drank him down. When it was over I had to burp. They both laughed. I said, "Thank you, Sir."

Then Rick stepped up and dropped his big dick in my mouth. I drank him down with the same respect and gratitude that I had with Dave. Simply being in the presence of these Men was a privilege and here I was full of their cum and piss. I burped again when I was done and thanked him. I'd consumed 6 loads of piss today and it wasn't even dinner time yet.

Dave ordered me to round up their clothes and make myself pretty. After collecting their clothes laying them out neatly on the bed I went to freshen up. I used some mouth wash, washed my face and combed my hair. Dave came in while I was pissing and tossed my shoes and wadded up clothes on the floor. My panties were missing. I dressed quickly.

Dave and Rick were standing in the kitchen. I knelt and helped them with their boots, kissing the toes when I was done. Dave put his big strong hand around the back of my neck as he walked me out the door after Rick. Their heavy stomps echoed in the stairwell.

As we reached the landing the door to the apartment below mine opened. A man stood in the doorway with a woman behind him. The man quickly tempered himself, obviously intimidated after seeing how big Dave and Rick were. Or maybe it was the realization that he'd just heard a faggot getting his last ounce of manhood fucked out of him?

The woman tried to push past the man and shouted "Don't you have any respect?"

I glanced quickly but Dave directed Tim's head forward towards the door.

"Oh, we just got hours of it. Didn't you hear it, sugar tits?" Dave joked.

"Sugar Tits!?!" The woman repeated in shock.

"I bet that little guy can't even get her moaning." Rick scoffed.

"Maybe we should invite her up next time?" Dave replied as he pushed out the door ahead of him.

We walked down the street to where Dave's truck was parked. He opened the passenger door and I climbed in. The middle seat was tight between such big men. My pussy lips were still swollen and the middle seat was very firm. My pussy ached.

"Timmy, are you hungry?" Dave asked as he lit a cigarette.

"Starved!" I responded.

Dave and Rick began to discuss dinner options. There was a jovial energy in the truck. The men decided on a new burger joint a couple towns over.

I foolishly spoke "I love burgers!"

Dave pulled over. I could tell I had done something wrong. Dave ordered me to unbuckle and kneel on the floor. I did as told and looked up nervously at both men.

Dave began "What is rule number 2?"

`Never speak without permission, Sir"

"And how do you ask for permission to speak, boy?"

Rather than speak I showed him by leaning over and kissing the toe of his boot.

"Are you a Man, timmy?" Dave said as he gripped my chin and stared into my eyes.

"No, Sir." I replied as he sniffled and tried to compose himself.

"So when MEN are speaking you keep your fucking trap shut." Dave decreed, then spit all over my face.

I stared up at him with apologetic eyes.

"ARE WE UNDERSTOOD?" Dave shouted in my face.

"Yes, Sir." I replied, trembling with fear.

Dave unzipped his pants and fished out his soft dick.

"Here! I'll make it easy for you." Dave said as he guided Tim's head down into his lap.

Tim took the head in his mouth and stared up at Dave. Dave shifted into gear and continued driving. The men continued talking as Tim nursed on Dave's fat cock head. Finally we pulled off somewhere and parked.

Dave held my head down and said, "I'll go easy on you, but if you make a mess of my truck you'll be walking home," as he began pissing down my throat again. I heard Rick unzip his pants as Dave's stream turned to a trickle. I already had to piss badly so the thought of swallowing another ounce of any liquid made me want to cry, but I knew better than to complain or ask for mercy. I slid over between Rick's legs and took his dick in my mouth. HIs flow was harder to keep up with than Dave's, but I did my best to step outside of myself and just perform. When it was over Rick zipped up and I followed him out of the truck.

The restaurant was in a small storefront downtown. The area was pretty quiet and many of the businesses appeared to be empty. Some of the street lights were out. I walked behind the men. As we approached the door the men slowed and Dave ordered me to open the door for them. I obeyed. Rick stepped on my shoe and shoved me as he walked through the door.

The men walked to the corner and claimed a booth. Dave waited for me and pushed me in ahead of him. Once again I was trapped between the two men. They each picked up menus and I followed their lead, but Dave yanked it out of my hand and placed it out of reach without a word. I sat quietly.

The waitress came over with water and began to take our order, starting with Rick. He ordered a double burger with onion rings and a porter. When she got to me Dave cut in before I could speak "The boy will have a small salad." The waitress looked at Dave, then at me, then quickly to Rick. "He's got a full stomach." Rick added and laughed. The waitress looked back and me and then to Dave. Dave proceeded to order a steak sandwich with hash browns, and a lager as I stared straight down. My cheeks felt hot. I must have been beat red. I couldn't look her in the face. After a long pause she said "Alright..," and walked away.

I felt the sudden urgent need to piss. I was squirming and crossing my legs as the men spoke. I did my best to not draw any attention to myself. I didn't dare speak. Finally, Dave asked if I needed to use the restroom. I shook my head vigorously, yes. Dave pushed the table a couple inches toward Rick and directed me to climb over him to get out. I had to slide over him and pause as I maneuvered my way around each of his massive legs. My swollen pussy lips were so sensitive.

I rushed to the bathroom, squeezing my legs together as I walked. Sweet relief washed over me as I released a massive amount of their recycled piss into the toilet. It smelled like man piss. I took a second to inspect my pussy. I was still loose, but leaking was minimal. Dave had planted his cum deep!

My heart sunk when I saw myself in the mirror. My eyes were red like I'd been crying. My lips were a little swollen, and I had dried spit on my face and in my hair. I pulled myself together and returned to the table. The men were engrossed in conversation so I waited silently until there was an opportunity for me to politely slide back into my seat. This time Dave held me down as I slid over him. I found myself subconsciously gyrating my hips as I bounced off his lap.

Then Dave asked me "so why don't you have a car, boy?"

I looked at him for a moment, making sure it was safe to speak. "I don't have a license, Sir."

"You lost it? What did you do?" Dave asked.

"I took drivers ed in school but I never actually took the test."

"Shit!" Rick said. "Dave, where do you find these pussies?"

I feared someone would hear their booming voices.

"Well, Rick here has offered to sell you his girls car and you're going to buy it." Dave commanded.

I looked up at Dave, then Rick, then back to Dave. Both men were staring at me.

"I... Yes, Sir. What happened to your girl, Sir?" I asked Rick.

Rick sighed. "Well, I knew when she came to me that she had a warrant. I tried to keep her safe until the statute of limitations ran out, but she got lippy with me in public."

I was shocked to hear this. I looked at Rick, then at Dave to see if it was okay to speak. They both seemed to be waiting for me. "You turned her in, Sir?"

"No!" Rick replied, seemingly offended by my question. "Somebody called the cops and that was that. That bitch nearly brought me down with her too."

"I'm sorry Sir, I didn't mean to imply..."

Just then the food arrived and the men quickly began to scarf down their food. I ate more cautiously. When Dave finished he burped aloud. Dave quickly settled the check and we headed back to the truck. Again they both waited for me to open the door. As we approached the truck I looked around to confirm no one could see, then dropped to my knees and kissed Dave's boots to thank him for dinner.

"Take your shoes off and give them to me" Was all he said.

Dave snatched them from my hands and chucked them into the bed of the truck, then grabbed me and tossed me up into the cab. I began to buckle in, but Dave stopped me. He grabbed me by my sides and lifted me with ease up onto his lap. I could feel his massive cock running down his left leg. I felt it flex. His cock was so strong that it almost lifted me! I moaned and they both laughed.

"It's time for your first driving lesson boy. I'll handle the pedals and you're going to steer. Just follow my directions and you'll be alright." Dave ordered.

He shifted into drive and we were off. We continued down the access road for a few miles before turning off onto another straight road. I was doing pretty well. Dave was really good at giving direction.

At the first light I began to rock back and forth to stimulate Dave. He scolded me and told me to take this lesson seriously. Dave directed me to place my feet on his to get a feel for how the pedals worked.

After a few more miles Dave grabbed the wheel from me and we turned into a parking lot for a place called Big Rick's Leather and Metal. It was a lonely cinderblock building with just one frosted glass window by the front door. Dave knocked my hands away and took the wheel. We parked in back.

The headlights shined upon a rear door to the shop. The entire building was painted black. Rick climbed out, unlocked the door and disappeared inside. Dave pushed me over to the center and lit up a cigarette. Dave took a long deep drag and then ordered me to strip.

All I could see in the dark was Dave's imposing figure and the bright red glow of his cigarette as I removed my shirt and pants. Dave ripped them out of my hands and tossed them into the back seat. I was too afraid to ask any questions. We sat there in the dark listening to the crickets and a bull frog.

The door opened a crack and Dave bolted from the truck, dragging me by the arm. The sharp gravel hurt my bare feet, but Dave kept me moving quickly. We entered the dark building. I was forced to my knees as the door slammed behind us.

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