The Right Wing Alpha

By tim parkin

Published on Apr 16, 2020


I woke up to the piercing sound of my alarm. Morning had come too soon. I was sweating and my ass throbbed around the my plug. There was a hair in my mouth. I fished it out and looked at it. It was one of Dave's pubes.

My ass burned and I reached down to rub and sooth it. Even the lightest touch burned. I had to crawl backward on my hands and knees to get off the bed without inflicting more pain on myself. I should have been angry, but Dave had shown me my rightful place last night and I respected him for it. He had shown me no mercy, because I didn't deserve any, and I had for the very first time experienced the full force of a Real Man's hand. I felt relieved and at peace. I was grateful. My conscious was clear.

I inspected my bare ass in the mirror. There was no blood, but my ass was still a deep red and the lowest part of both cheeks was beginning to bruise. My new metal butt plug gleamed in the bright morning sun.

I continued my inspection by very carefully running my hands over each cheek. In a couple areas my skin was rough to the touch, like sandpaper. I inspected the plug. I had survived the first night with it. I tapped on it and waves of pleasure coursed through my body. The plug only occupied a few inches of my body, but it felt as if it consumed me entirely. My entire pussy was burning with desire. It was as if it were the only thing I could feel, aside from my burning ass. My body was throbbing in both pain and pleasure.

I got up and floated to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and tried to remove the plug. My ass didn't want to give it up. It was as if it had healed around it, swollen tight. I pulled on the base several times but it didn't want to give and my efforts became painful. I thought about leaving it in, but wearing it all day and all night seemed like a day idea, and I had to obey the rules. My efforts finally succeeded. It looked bigger in the day light. Fuck!

I hopped in the shower, afraid to even allow the water to hit my back side. I was tired and struggling to get my energy up. When I was ready to leave I found new aches and more soreness as I descended the stairs. By the time I hit the street I had developed a limp. Dave had really beat me up! There was no hiding my condition. My coworker, Melanie, asked if I was okay the moment I walked in. I told her I had started a new workout and overdone it.

Today was Thursday, my last double of the week. I must have had 5 cups of coffee by the end of the day. In addition to being exhausted I was also quite absent minded and made quite a few mistakes. Luckily, I seemed to evoke more pity than anger. Last nights events just kept replaying in my mind over and over again.

On my break I snuck out back to look at the pics I'd sent last night. As I looked down at my cum covered face, smiling wide and bright, it took me a minute to process. Just a little over twelve hours earlier I had slinked home covered in his thick alpha cum. I had realized a pretty amazing fantasy, and I'd pulled it off without getting caught. I could never have imagined a night like that happening back in the city. I was turned on. My pussy throbbed. I was so glad I had been brave.

The evening meeting crowd seemed extra demanding, but it was probably just that I was losing my fight to stay awake. I did my best to stay out of the way and avoid eye contact with the customers once they had been served.

When I arrived home my apartment smelled of fresh cigarette smoke. Dave must have been here just minutes before. All that remained were his scent and some ashes on kitchen floor. Part of me was glad. My body simply couldn't endure much more, but still I longed for him. I thought of that sweet moment when he held me after he'd spanked me just the night before. I wanted more.

I stripped down and walked to the bathroom. As soon as I flipped on the light I saw he'd left me a present. A toilet full of hot yellow hard working man piss and heavy spray all over the seat. I knelt down to get closer. The cold tile floor soothed my rug burns. The smell rising from the toilet was intoxicating. I traced my finger around the seat until it was coated in piss, then licked it. My little dick shifted in my pants.

I pulled back the curtain to prepare my bath and discovered a second gift. Dave had installed a shower shot for me to use. Fuck! My stomach sunk. Did this mean? He really did intend to fuck me. I was both excited and scared.

I fished the packaging for the shower shot out of the trash and read the instructions. It was pretty straight forward and it really did make the process more efficient and comfortable. After a restorative deep clean I applied lotion all over. Finally I ate the salad I had brought home from the cafe. My day was complete.

I retired to my bedroom to finally get some rest. I had deliberately left my plug on my nightstand that morning so that I would not forget to put it in before bed, but it wasn't there. I looked around and noticed that my underwear drawer was slightly ajar. I walked over and looked inside. There was my plug, along with a new bottle of lube and a note that read "Sleep tight pussy boy." The drawer was otherwise empty.

The only pair of underwear I was left with was the pair I had worn to work. I had always enjoyed going without underwear and it looked like I no longer had a choice in the matter. It seemed I wouldn't have many choices at all anymore. I slipped the plug in, climbed into bed, and drifted off to dreamland thinking of him. What might lay ahead...

The next morning I awoke to Dave kneeling on my bed beside me and tapping firmly on my plug. At first I thought it was a dream and pushed back, arching my back, opening myself up to the sensation. I was squirming and moaning softly with my head buried in my pillow.

He cleared his throat. I shot awake. My eyes adjusted to the bright morning light. Birds were chirping. This was real! Fuck! He had me pinned down with one hand and continued to play with my plug with the other. He ordered me to push it out. I tried. He seemed impatient and gave me a few light slaps on my ass. The threat was clear. I pushed harder and the plug out. Before it was fully out he shoved it back in. He loved toying with me and I loved being his toy. This went on until I was again grinding back into his strong hand as he held a firm grasp on my plug.

Then suddenly he shoved it all the way in, stood up and said, "Come on. Daddy's gotta eat and you've need to make yourself pretty." He stood in the middle of my bedroom with his arms crossed, waiting. I climbed out of bed and lumbered out to the kitchen. My ass was still a bit sore and my legs were stiff.

"What have you got to eat around here?" He asked.

"I don't have much. Will eggs do, Sir? I have granola and yogurt too, Sir."

"Eggs. Make em fluffy, faggot."

I got to work scrambling up my last 5 eggs while he sat and watched from my small round dining table. I walked them to him and set them down in front of him. He sighed.

"Coffee!?!" He remarked, clearly irritated that I hadn't offered.

I scurried away with my tail between my legs and began to brew a pot as fast as physically possible. I already knew how he took it and had a large mug ready to go as soon as it was ready. I carefully rushed back to him, dropped to my knees and offered it to him. He looked down into me as he accepted the mug. I remained still, waiting.

"Just as I suspected, you belong in the kitchen, but your manners could use work." He said.

I knelt down and kissed the toe of his boot and symbolically begged for forgiveness.

"How did you like your presents, timmy?"

"I love them, Sir. Thank you, Sir." I said between kisses.

"Good! I've got another for you."

I paused and looked up. He adjusted his protruding bulge. Was he going to let me suck it again? Was he referring to his alpha seed?

"You can have it after you make yourself pretty. Show me you can use your new gifts."

I hopped up and obeyed immediately. Did he mean... Was he going to fuck me? I cleaned up thoroughly, but as quickly as I could. I applied a nice liberal coat of lube to my pussy but didn't reinstall my plug when I was done.

He had moved to the couch and had his big boots up on my table. I began to rush over, but noticed his empty plate still sitting on the table. I quickly grabbed it and hand washed it, placing it in the cupboard and rushed back to kneel beside him. It was then I noticed a pink box on the table between his boots. My present wasn't his cock, but something else instead.

"Refill!" He demanded, nodding at his mug.

I grabbed it and rushed to the kitchen and returned with a full mug, presenting it on my knees. We sat there is silence for a couple of minutes before I finally worked up the courage to ask "May I... Sir."

He slapped me swiftly across the face. I had forgotten the rules. I knelt down and kissed his boots. He raised his eyebrow.

I asked again, "May I please, Sir?"

He nodded "Go ahead."

I delicately unwrapped the small box, starting with the pink satin bow. Inside I found four pair of little sexy panties. The first were soft white cotton bikinis with tiny red hearts all over and a little red bow in front. The second was a satin red string bikini. The third was a little thong in a red and white school girl plaid. The last was a light pink thong with frilly lace around the waist. I looked up at him, dumbfounded. I hadn't expected this at all.

"What do you say boy?"

"Thank you, Sir."

"Good! Let's see how they look..." He raised an eyebrow.

I hesitated.

"Fashion show time, bitch. Get to it!"

I had experimented with my mothers panties when I was an early teen, but I'd never worn them for a man to see before. I was apprehensive and shy at first, but he seemed to really love it. Once he adjusted his cock and I could tell I was making him hard I turned into a complete slut. I actually loved how soft and submissive they made me feel.

I was modeling the school girl thong when I really got into it. I wanted to show him every angle. I found myself down on my knees when he stuck out his boot. I began ripping at his laces. I got them both off and climbed up onto his lap. This was a bit too forward for him. He wrapped his hand around my throat and pushed me back.

I couldn't breath, but I didn't care. I wanted him so very badly. Nothing else mattered. He slapped me across the face and twisted and squeezed my nipples. I didn't flinch. I just stared into his eyes, placed both my hands behind my back and locked them together to demonstrate my surrender. A smile washed across his handsome bearded face, then he released my neck allowing me to fall into his lap.

I was grinding and bouncing on him like a maniac and staring into his eyes, begging for him to fuck me. He shoved two fingers into my mouth and I sucked hard and sensual. He reached behind me and placed them on the lips of my pussy. I continued bouncing as they slid inside me. I was writhing on top of him and began to whine "Fuck me, Sir. Please fuck me."

He pushed me off of him and I fell to the floor. He unzipped, stood, and then shucked his jeans and boxers in one quick motion. His huge dick flopped out and swung in the air. He stepped out of them and then sat back down on the couch. I jumped back onto him and began gyrating and humping wildly, completely possessed. He slapped his enormous cock against my aching pussy as he shoved his thumb into my mouth.

"You sure you're ready for this? Cuz once I start..."

I interrupted him "Yes! Please. Yes, fuck me. Yes, oh please Sir!"

He back handed me. As I sealed from the shock and pain he pulled my thong aside, slapped his enormous cock against my pussylips again, and then shoved the first few inches in with one quick motion and then left me handle the rest. It was HUGE. My body was struggling but I could not stop. I just kept bouncing, taking as much as I could each time. It was no fast ride to the bottom, but I was making steady progress and he was being surprisingly patient with me. Taking the last couple of inches was beginning to seem impossible. It was as if we had hit some brick wall inside of me, until finally he just gripped my hips and slid me all the way down. I think I screamed, but I heard no sound. I couldn't believe I had taken it all, but I could feel his thick pubes against my smooth spread ass. I reached back to feel for myself. All I could find were his enormous balls sub against my wipe open pussy. I had taken it all. Fuck!

As happy as I was I was still too afraid to move. I suddenly remembered his ominous words "Once I start..." I stared into his eyes and my eyes began to well up with tears. I wanted to ask him to be merciful but I was afraid that the mere request would ensure he was not. He staring into my eyes with a smug expression on his face. He cupped my entire jaw in his hand and guided me forward. I shut my eyes and he kissed me, deep, and long. His lips were soft yet firm and his tongue was forceful. Never did I think this would happen. His scratchy beard sent a warm wave rushing over my body. I felt safe and I wanted him more than ever. I sank a little deeper, as my body fully surrendered to him.

"Ride it!" Was all he said as I began sliding up and down on his enormous cock, gentle but with increasingly long strokes. The power of the friction between us was incredible. After a few minutes he took hold of my hips and began slamming in deep, then swiveling his hips, then guiding me all the way down to the bottom in slow steady strokes. It was total euphoria. Then all a sudden he lifted me high and his huge hard dick slid out of my pussy with a loud pop as my pussy tried to hold onto his ultimate manhood.

My pussy was wide open and begging to be reclaimed. He stood up and positioned me kneeling on the couch facing the back. Instinctively, I stuck my ass out and pushed back as I arched my back. I wanted him back inside me more than anything. He slapped my still tender ass. It stung. I whispered "please?" He slapped me even harder. Then he stepped behind me, held tight to the small of my back, buried his huge dick straight up to balls and held it there.

It went even deeper in this position and practically knocked the wind out of me. The head of his enormous cock felt like a searing hot rod of steel branding my soul. I tried to inch forward, but he held me down even tighter. My body began to shake and then it subsided. He grabbed a handful of my hair and began to pound me. I was grunting and moaning and babbling incoherent fragments of words.

I could feel his sweat drip down onto my back and hips, but what I chose to focus on were his balls. His beautiful pair of huge hairy cumtanks were swinging with each thrust and slamming into tight little balls, taint, and upper thighs. I just could not believe how much man there was behind me and inside of me, but every time I felt those balls the reality of what was happening was crystal clear. I was getting conquered by a Real Man!

I wanted him to breed me and turn me into the perfect pussy for him and only him. As he released his primal urges on me I began to repeat in my head "He is MAN. Be his pussy." over and over. I could feel his intensity growing. He ordered me to fuck myself and I obeyed, throwing my aching pussy back with as much intensity and force as natural physics would allow.

Then he grabbed my hair again and hauled me back onto him and up to my feet. He waited for a moment while I found my balance. Then suddenly I was spun around and he was walking me towards the bedroom. My toes could barely touch the floor and he was literally pushing me and directing me with his enormous cock inside of me. I was like an extension of him. A simple ornament for this pleasure.

We stopped next to my bed, facing my mirrored closet doors. I looked so tiny and weak with the epitome of MAN towering over me. It was surreal. He placed his humungous hand on my shoulder and reality washed over me again. I felt his thick and sweaty pubes pressed up against my ass. There was so much MAN deep up inside me. How was it even humanly possible?

Just as I was beginning to wind up in my head Dave reached around and began mash my nipples with his powerful thumbs and grate them with his rough calloused fingers. I began to involuntarily pull away from the pain, which drove me down even further on his huge dick. He had me right where wanted me, completely powerless. He kept punishing my little tits as he began to slowly pump deep and long through my pussy. Every stroke was full depth.

I watched in awe as his fuck intensified. His powerful thrusts pushed me back up onto my tippy toes and I found myself bouncing back to meet them. It was getting brutal and I was completely at his mercy. I relied on my mantra "He is MAN. Give him pussy."

He released my aching tits and I dropped my shoulder and back, increasing my arch and taking him even deeper. This incredible depth still hurt like hell, but I wanted it. I went back to my mantra, "He is a MAN. Be His pussy." He maintained his rhythm as he began flexing his huge biceps. All I could do was watch in exaltation. There was no doubt he could break me in two with those huge arms and right now me was sawing me in half with his huge cock.

I began slamming back as hard as I could. It was practically knocking the wind out of me with each thrust, but he was Man and I was pussy. I needed to please him and show him my dedication. He grabbed my hips and started truly slamming into me, forcing shallow screams and gasps from me. I had never experienced a fuck like this. I have never encountered a Man like this.

Then he wrapped both his hands around my little neck and continued his brutal fuck. I could barely breath and my toes were barely touching the ground. He was in full rut; pulling almost completely out and then slamming into me so hard that I swear I could feel his pelvic bone impact my hips.

He slammed deep inside of me and then lifted me and pushed me forward with his strong hands, still tight around my neck. I tried to maintain my footing but couldn't and my legs began to flail as I was held up entirely by his mighty hands and his powerful cock. He lowered us down to the bed as one being, pinned my arms behind my back and continued his brutal assault. My bed was creaking and shifting. I thought it was going to break. The neighbor below began banging on the ceiling and shout. Dave didn't even seem to notice and all I could manage was to endure the primal rut of this alpha god.

I watched in the mirror as his grunts became deeper. His face contorted and he let out a primal roar as he buried his full length inside me and held it there with force. I felt his body shake and his cock pulse as my guts fill with a warm sensation. After a few more random deep thrusts he laid down on top of me and swept my legs tight together with his powerful thighs.

He released my arms and swept them far out in front of me as we just laid there. He was crushing me down into the mattress and making it hard for me to breathe. He left his huge cock buried deep inside me as it slowly softened and shrunk.

I couldn't bare the thought of him interpreting anything I might say in this perfect moment as disrespect so I just laid there studying him in amazement. His body was so hot and I could feel his heart pounding. I was drenched in the sweat that dripped from his body and clung to his thick hair. It felt so good on my chest, ass, legs.

The heat seemed to subside and I finally caught my breath after a few minutes. He fell asleep and began to snore. I began to gently thrust back and swivel my hips, hoping to coax his massive cock back to arousal. His snoring subsided. Then suddenly he tightened his arms around me and rolled over, putting me on top on my back.

I continued to try to coax the beast. After a few minutes I was getting more aggressive and began to ride his thick soft shaft up and down. To my shock and dismay, I went too far on one stroke and his heavy slab of man meat flopped out, accompanied by a loud queef as the suction released. I felt utterly humiliated.

He slid back to sit up and ordered me to get him a glass of water. I did, but found it very difficult to walk. He had really torn me apart! I returned with the full glass of water, knelt, and handed it to him.

"Say thank you." He demanded as he placed his foot in front of my face.

I said "thank you, Sir," and kissed each of his foot three times.

"Now clean up your mess." He said as he pointed to his huge hanging dick.

I began gently kissing, licking, and worshipping the incredible thing that had just fucked me deeper harder, and rougher than I ever imagined possible. I was lost in it's glory. There were gobs of thick cum trapped in his pubes, on his balls, and up and down his shaft.

After I don't even know how long he said "that's enough" and I shrunk back down to the floor. He ordered me to turn around and show him my pussy. I spun around swiftly, arched my back and placed my head to the floor. He yanked my panties down to my knees. I reached back and spread my cheeks as wide as I could.

He laughed "Guess nobody's going to mistake you for a man at this point. You are wide open!" He reached down and shoved four fingers inside my cunt. I was tender but still in euphoria. It felt so good!

Then he said "come here."

I lifted my head and spun around. He held his four fingers out. I opened my mouth and he shoved them in until I gagged, then backed off just a little so I could bob up and down and suck them clean. He stared down and I stared up.

"Go check it out." He ordered and tilted his head toward the mirrors. I got up and walked over as he moved to that side of the bed and sat on the edge. I positioned myself in front on him and looked over my shoulder to inspect my pussy. I was gaping and my pussy looked like a real pussy, a tall slit and with a quarter inch gap in the center. My lips were bright pink and so incredibly swollen. As I stared it began to leak and I did my best to shove his potent Alpha seed back up inside of me, but a small drop hit the floor.

Without hesitation I got down on my knees and licked it up. He gave me a really heavy handed firm smack on my upturned ass. It stung and I loved it! I kissed both his feet over and over to demonstrate my gratitude.

"Good GIRL...," was all he said.

He quickly tired of my kisses and told me to go find my plug. I clenched my hole as best I could as I rushed off to the bathroom and returned with my shiny metal plug. He held out his hand and I handed it to him. He made a circular motion with his hand directing me to turn around. I obeyed and stuck out my ass. He pushed more leaking cum back up inside me of me and then shoved the plug in. He slapped it firmly a few times to make sure it was staying put.

He ordered me to find his pants. I went to the living room and retrieved all of his clothes and laid them on the bed beside him. I placed his socks and boots on the floor. He ordered me to get dressed too. He informed me that I would be making him dinner tonight.

He dressed faster than I could and I could tell from the expression on his face that he was waiting for me to help him with his boots. I stopped to assist him. He lit up a cigarette while I finished. We made our way out of the apartment and to his truck in silence. I tried to move quickly and just hoped and prayed that my neighbor wouldn't come out to berate me for the disturbance earlier.

The plug slipped out as I climbed in and slid partially down my pant leg. I had to find it, reposition it, and then sit down on it to pop it back in. He laughed at me.

"Looks like we're going to have to find you a bigger plug there, pussyboy."

I simply nodded in agreement.

It was a little over a mile to the grocery store so we arrived in no time. He stopped in front of the store.

"Tonight I want a big juicy steak medium-rare, a baked potato, and some green beans. Can you handle that?"

"Yes, Sir." I said affirmatively, looking forward to this challenge.

"Get to it then." He said impatiently.

As I climbed out of the truck he said "Don't forget to get a salad for yourself. Have mine hot and ready at 6:30."

I shut the door and he drove off. I was going to have to walk home.

I enjoyed carrying out his orders. I pulled out all the stops; biggest steak I could find, all the fixings for the potato and green beans. Reaching for the top shelf was a bit nerve wracking. He was right, I almost forgot to about my salad. I kept it pretty simple as the costs started to add up in my head.

The walk home was actually harder than I imagined. My legs were feeling weak. I was feeling weak. Dave actually drove by me. He blew his horn but did not stop.

I snuck quietly back into the apartment and immediately got to work chopping the accouterments for the sides, looked up recipes for timing guidance and built a timeline so everything would come out right on time. I stuck a beer mug in the freezer to frost.

My legs were still quaking as I cooked, but I powered through. I guess the sex had been more strenuous that I realized. It didn't seem to make sense. All I really did was take it. He was the one exerting himself with that brutal pounding.

Everything was coming out just as planned and I had my little table set beautifully. He showed up right on time. I helped him out of his boots and served him. I knelt and waited for his judgment. He demanded salt and pepper, butter, and some steak sauce. I crawled to retrieve them.

I began to ask if I may eat now, but he interrupted me before I could get past "May I..."

"Don't ever interrupt a MAN when HE is eating, bitch. That is rule 6. Got it?"

I bowed down and kissed his big filthy boot toes.

"What are they? Let's hear them my little cuntboy!"

I listed them, kissing his boots between each rule.

"1. Whenever we are alone I will say hello by kissing your mighty feet Sir.

  1. Unless you address me I must kiss your feet to request permission to speak, Sir.

  2. Always obey and do not question you, Sir.

  3. Fridge is to always be stocked with at least 12 Lager for your enjoyment, Sir.

  4. Always sleep plugged, Sir.

  5. Never ever interrupt a Man, Sir.

Crack! He reached down and walloped my ass, then said "Good GIRL."

That was all the approval I could possibly ask for. I just waited there until he set down his fork and knife and pushed back in his chair.

"The steak was perfect, but I don't like cheese on my potato and the green beans were overdone." He said.

"Yes, Sir. I will make sure it is better next time, Sir. Please may there be a next time, Sir?"

He ignored me, stood and said "I saved you a little meat. Thank me." He pointed to his crotch. I knelt forward and planted a series of big wet kisses all over his hot mound of flesh through his rough denim jeans as I profusely thanked him. He tousled my hair, turned, and walked out door.

I sat there listening to his heavy boots descend the stairs and then the loud slam of the door before standing up to inspect his plate. He had left me 5 tiny bites of steak to add to my salad. They were the most delicious bites of steak I think I had ever tasted.

Next: Chapter 4

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