The Right Wing Alpha

By tim parkin

Published on Apr 5, 2020


I woke up the next morning grinding my hard little dick into the mattress and imagining Dave pinning me down pounding the life out of me. How his hairy muscular body would feel on top of me. How his big bull balls would feel crashing down on me as I took the full length of his enormous cock with each powerful thrust. I flipped over, raised my legs and touched my hole. I squirted immediately, not even touching my dick yet. Fuck! That was new.

I had to piss really bad, but my little dick was still too hard. I had to sit, bend forward, and push it down to get it in the toilet. He had fed me so much piss the night before and even recycled it still had the same unique smell. This was his piss, not mine. Fuck!

I got right down on my hands and knees on the bathroom floor and with just a few tugs I came again. I was already behind schedule and I still reeked of his piss. It was as if it were seeping out through my pores, but it may have just been stuck in my hair. I had to clean up, shower and dress quickly.

I rushed to the cafe, hoping no one would notice my new aroma. I spend the morning learning how to use the different machines. I did my best to focus, but Dave occupied the biggest part of my mind. I drifted off into fantasy a couple of times but I don't think anyone noticed. Would he come in? I kept getting hard thinking about him. I wasn't at much risk of it showing, but it was uncomfortable.

On my lunch break I took a sandwich home and jacked off again to the photos of what he'd done to me last night. In the afternoon I was trained on the register and how to interact with customers. I helped with the rush as the evening meeting crowd arrived. I thought things went relatively well.

I went home that night and crashed hard. After being on my feet for almost fourteen hours three day in a row and the late night I'd had with Dave I was completely exhausted. Luckily, I had Fridays off.

I woke up late the next morning and again I immediately was consumed with thoughts of Dave. I was obsessed. I thought back to the rules he'd given me. Surely that meant he wanted to see me again? When would I see him again?

I got dressed and decided to treat myself to breakfast and to get compliant with the rules. The closest liquor store was about a mile away. I bought two twelve packs of lager. It was hard to carry them both home but I smiled all the way. It made me happy to serve this man, even in this small way. I had fantasized about men like this, but never actually thought I'd have a chance with one. I promised myself on the way back that I would be brave.

I decided I needed to find Dave. I downloaded the same app we'd first connected on and created a new profile. I used the same name, Prettyboy, so I wouldn't be hard to find. I could not find him. There were other men on there, but I didn't want them. No one could compare to him.

I started some laundry and decided to use this free time to clean my apartment, starting with the cigarette ashes he'd left on my living room floor. Kneeling in that spot again got me excited. I was grateful for the ashes, but they had to go. My place needed to be spotless. I wished my intercom would buzz and it would be him, back for more.

On Saturday and Sunday I worked the breakfast and lunch shift. I kept a close eye on the door hoping he would appear, but he did not. I was really starting to get down.

Monday I had off again. After lunch I drank one of Dave's beers. Lager wasn't really my thing, by my refrigerator was half full of it now. I tried putting a slice of lime in it. It was awful! I choked down about half of it before I poured it out. This made me feel guilty. I had to show him total respect, especially after the way things had started. I hiked back to the store and bought another twelve pack. It began to rain on the walk back. As the spray hit my face I tried to imagine it was his spit and held my head high.

Tuesday was another uneventful day, aside from two older gentlemen griping that I was a "slow faggot" when I had been left alone to manage both the register and the machines. Back in the city I would have stuck up for myself or maybe even asked the man to leave for such a comment. Instead I felt guilty and humbled. I didn't fight back or even try to defend myself. These men weren't wrong. There service had been slow and I was a faggot. I apologize when I delivered the drink. My apology was ignored. I needed to do better.

Wednesday I woke up happy, confident that I would see Dave at his weekly meeting tonight. My excitement made me more outgoing and attentive than usual. Joe, the owner, even commented on my attitude. He liked my enthusiasm.

The group began to assemble for the meeting around 5:45. The meeting began at 6:00. Dave hadn't arrived. I was deflated. Crushed. 10 minutes later he came strutting through the door. He exuded an understated confidence, and I suspected I wasn't the only one that knew where it came from. His dick literally entered every room first due to sheer enormity of his bulge.

It was clear he was well liked by the group as all the attention shifted to him. A couple guys joked about his tardiness and he sparred right back. Dave was smart and an Alpha no matter who he was talking with! He picked a seat and put down his keys and cigarettes down before sauntering up to the counter. I looked at the cocksure expression on his face for a millisecond and then averted my eyes towards the floor. I kept them there, but his obscene bulge soon filled my view. I spoke softly as I took his order. I was mesmerized. My mouth watered. I could taste it.

His voice somehow seemed even deeper and more authoritative than before. Without thinking I called him Sir and then feared that might seem indiscreet and displease him. I kept my responses as succinct as possible after that.

As he handed me his money he held onto the bill until I looked up into his eyes. He looked around to ensure no one was paying attention, then leaned in just slightly and whispered "Go to the Men's room and hide your keys under the trash can." He released the money and rejoined the group. I did my best to hide the face that I was blushing. What did he intend for me? I could not wait to find out!

I delivered his coffee just as he liked it and then immediately went to the bathroom to carry out his order. I was careful to not make eye contact with anyone when I came out. The group was discussing the dangers of faggots and trannies using public bathrooms and what could be done about it. What timing! I had to fight back a smile. I instinctively looked at Dave and he shot me a quick glance. I knew he was laughing inside too. It felt so good just to be seen by a real man. Dave got up a few minutes later and returned with my keys in hand. He played with them throughout the meeting.

I gave the group extra attention that night. Empty plates were cleared with lighting speed and not one cup ever went below half, especially Dave's. I made sure to not show him obvious special attention, but I couldn't help but try to get close to him. I craved his pheromones. They had a calming and energizing effect on me that made me want to be bold. I wanted to mount him right then and there, but I knew better.

Around 7:00 the group wrapped up and one by one they departed. Dave hung around and struck up a conversation with Joe. Joe invited him to grab a drink later. I heard Dave reply loudly "I can't brother. I've got a date with some pussy tonight." I knew it was for me to hear. I was that pussy. I couldn't help but smile.

He left while I was taking the trash out, without saying goodbye. I finished my checklist and was out the door at 7:30. I rushed home. It felt strange to use the intercom to enter my own building. I didn't have to say a word. He spoke before I could, "You'll find everything you need hanging on the door. Remember rule 3."

Rule 3: You do what you're told when you're told. If you have questions there will be time for that later.

What lie in wait for me? I hurried up the stairs. Hanging from my door handle was a pair of pink and white open backed little briefs he'd selected from my drawer. I almost hesitated, but he'd warned me, rule 3. I stripped right there and put them on, then entered the apartment carrying the rest of my clothes in a wad.

As I stepped inside he rushed up to me. He was so big and intimidating. I froze. He grabbed the wadded up clothes and threw them across the room. I dropped my shoes. He slammed the door behind me. The floor shook. For a moment I was terrified. He was so intense! He put both of his big hands on my shoulders and pushed me down to me knees. He was so strong! He stepped forward and buried me face in his swollen crotch. I melted and sunk a little deeper on my knees. I was happy again. He spoke softly "Welcome home, pussyboy." His manly scent filled my consciousness.

After a moment he walked away and took my bliss with him. He flopped down on the couch. I asked him if he would like a beer. He replied "beer and a foot rub would be nice boy." I was only a few feet from the fridge so I crawled to it and grabbed one of the lager, then crawled to him with the opener in hand. I found my place between his big outstretched legs. I could tell by his expression that this pleased him.

He took the beer from me and I began to remove his boots. I proceeded to remove his socks and began kissing and licking with affectionate fervor. He spoke "Those panties make your ass look sweet." I looked up and smiled, silently thanking him for the compliment. "Show me that sweet pussy" he said. I spun around and showed him. I kept moving to show him all different angles. I went full face to the floor and aimed my ass to the ceiling he leaned forward and smacked me hard enough to leave a handprint.

I stayed still while I felt the sting fade away. He barked "Back on those feet!" I stood up and looked back at him. On his face I saw an intensity I had never seen before. Anger! He reached forward and yanked me by my hair. It hurt like hell and I folded, trying to match his movement and minimize my pain. He spun me around with a jerk. I was back on my knees in front of him again. It seemed as if I was shrinking as he grew. He slapped me hard across the face. Once, twice, three times. "THESE FEET YOU STUPID BITCH!" He bellowed. I finally realized, I had heard what I wanted to hear and not what he intended. I was stupid.

Still staring into my eyes as they welled up with tears, he released his grip on my hair and pushed me back with his huge foot on my face. I fell backward but caught myself with my elbows. I sat there frozen, in shock, as I watched his anger fade to amusement. He laughed and pointed down at me. There was a wet spot in the small pouch of my massless briefs. It was too big to be precum. I had pissed myself, just a little. I just stayed there, afraid to do anything. Finally he stood up, grabbing me by the hair again and silently led me into my bedroom.

He released me on the floor beside my bed and yanked my wet boy panties off me as I struggled to remain upright. I collapsed back on the floor and looked up at him. I hated the idea that I had disappointed him. I knew I was going to be punished. He reached for my face and I shut my eyes in fear. He hooked his thumb in my mouth and shoved my wet underwear in my mouth, then sat down calmly on the bed. He looked down at me and patted his lap. As I climbed up onto the bed and across his lap I looked to the other side where the mirrored doors of my closet were. My mouth was stuffed and one little pink strap hung loose out of my mouth. I looked pathetic, tiny, broken. He positioned both of my hands behind my back and told me "Be strong." I didn't ask how many I was due. I couldn't. I just stared back at myself as my punishment began. He counted for me. Twenty-five hard spanks and I felt his incredible cock grow with each one.

My panties tasted foul and shameful, but I actually took comfort in being gagged. It allowed me to squeak and groan a little without fear of earning more. I tried my best to focus more on his growing cock than on the pain I was receiving.

When it was over he placed his open hand in front of my mouth, indicating I could spit out my panties. He guided me up and onto his lap and let me process what had just happened while he stroked my hair, back, and bright red cheeks. I wrapped myself around him like a baby koala. I whispered "I will do better Sir," as I began to sob again. He whispered back "You just did." Relief washed over me.

A few minutes past and then he suggested I get up and take a look at myself. My eyes were red and puffy but my ass was brighter. He stood behind me, looking me over. As I inspected my flaming ass he spoke "You handled yourself well today." I turned around and smiled at him with excitement.

"You need to understand who I am if this is going to work," he began. "I'm straight."

"Yes, Sir." Who was I to argue? Truth is he was. I could tell. To him I was just a girl.

"I'm a potent man. Even on birth control, I still get them pregnant. That's how I ended up with my fifth son, and you know once the seed is planted she's going to carry it. That's why I gotta use pussy like you. I gotta be responsible, you know?"

"Yes, Sir."

"I've even had a couple girls get their tubes tied for me, but it's only a matter of time before I hurt `em and they get mad. Girls like you on the other hand... you stay grateful." He said as he touched my face, ran his hand down my side, and then began to gently tap on my hole with his big rough fingers.

I looked up at him. He stared down.

"You tell anyone and there will be HELL to pay. Got it?" He threatened.

"Yes, Sir."


"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Still want to be mine?" He said as began to finger my hole.

"Yes, Sir."


"I want to be yours, Sir."

"You want to be my pussy?"

"I want to be your pussy, Sir."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that,,," he said as he roughly squeezed and dragged his big rough fingers across my hot tender ass.

I gasped and tried not to scream.

He released me and walked back to the living room. As he did so he said "Get dressed. Skip the panties. T-shirt, jeans. Try not to look like a pussy."

I sprung to action. Pulling my jeans up took the breath right out of me. My ass was on fire from the spanking I'd received just a few minutes earlier, but my Sir was waiting. I threw on a black t-shirt and walked as fast as I could, which wasn't fast at all, out to the living room. He was sitting in the chair with his boots at his feet and a lit cigarette in his hand. I made a mental note to buy an ashtray. He motioned towards them and I understood the command.

I winced as I knelt to help my Sir back into his boots. Kneeling wasn't so bad. It was a bit awkward, but he was patient with me and I eventually got his boots on and tied. He then stood up and walked over to the door where my shoes lay. The only way I could get them on was to stand and bend over, but that was still quite difficult as it drew my pants taut over my tender ass. Finally we were ready.

The stairs were a challenge too. He led and I followed. I fell a couple stairs behind and he waited a few seconds at the door for me to open it. I could tell by the look on his face that this was improper, and I took the last stairs quickly, even though it hurt.

His big white Super Duty pickup was parked right out front. It was one of those trucks with the big bench seat up front and the tiny jump seats in the back. Getting in to such a high truck in my condition proved to be a challenge, but I could not keep him waiting so I powered through. We were already moving by the time I began to figure out how to sit down. My ass hurt so bad that I considered kneeling on the floor board. I slowly lowered myself down while holding onto the grab handle and practicing my lamaze breathing. The truck was a diesel and he had a lead foot. The vibrations and the rough motions only made my attempts to avoid pain harder. Finally I got seated and released the handle. "You want me to turn on your seat heater?" He joked. He had a good sense of humor. I did not, at that moment, and I glared back at him. He smiled at me, laughed menacingly, and tousled my hair.

"Where are we going?" I demanded.

"My shop. To make a set of keys."

I said nothing. He still had my keys. There was nothing I could say.

He turned into an industrial strip mall. He drove on the left so that only the right tires would mount the speed bumps. I winced over every one. He stopped in front of the third set of huge roll-up doors and hopped out. I followed and made my way around the truck as he unlocked the door. He shoved me inside and locked the door behind us. My Sir owned a commercial plumbing company. I was impressed.

He stopped half way down the hall. "Why don't you make yourself useful? Strip down so you don't make a mess of yourself" As I stripped he explained "The cleaning lady quit a month ago. Leave the trash by the front door when you're done. Then come find me." He turned and walk deeper into the building, taking my clothes with him.

I flicked on the light switch. It was a small kitchen and it was absolutely filthy. There were coffee grounds and stains on the counter. The floor was sticky and so was the table. The microwave was an absolute disaster. Luckily, the fridge was bare and just needed to be wiped out. I did the best I could with just the small bottle of dish soap and an old sponge I found in the cabinet.

About twenty minutes later the microwave, table and counter were nice and clean. I was scrubbing a particularly stubborn stain on the floor when I heard his heavy boots coming down the hall. He turned the corner and remarked "That's a good look for you! Hurry up and meet me in my office." He turned and walked away. I scrubbed as fast as I could and was done about 10 minutes later. I delivered the trash to the front, washed the crud off my hands and knees, then made my way cautiously down the dark hallway to the only room emanating light.

His office was surprisingly large. He was sitting behind a large wooden desk looking intently at the double screens in front of him. I paused in the doorway. My instincts told me not to interrupt whatever he was in the middle of. Suddenly he stood up and walked the long way around the desk. He had stripped down to just his t-shirt and his enormous half hard cock and huge hairy balls swung left and right as he walked. My jaw dropped.

He stopped in the middle of the room and I dove for it, stepping forward and dropping to my knees in one continuous motion. The perfect drop of precum was forming at the tip of the most amazing cock I had ever laid eyes on and it was just inches from my face. I couldn't help myself. I took hold of the shaft and licked the underside of the head, slow and deliberate to wrap my tongue perfectly around the contour of the massive head. I savored the salty liquid and let it melt on my tongue as I stared up at him.

He had his hands behind his head and was looking up and away. I could not read him. He pulled back just slightly and then slowly swiveled his hips from side to side so his massive dick would smack my face and then slide across. This was the first time I had gotten a sense for the weight of it. This thing was a weapon, but I was ready to let it hurt me. I continued to stare up at him as it bounced off my face, poked me in the eye, stabbed me in the cheek, and left slimy trails of precum along the way.

Finally he looked down on me nodded. I had been with some well endowed men before, but never quite this big. I would need to use everything I had learned to properly please a man of this magnitude. I began by licking and sucking his balls as best I could, gently and lovingly. His balls were so big that I quickly realized actually sucking his balls may not even be possible, but I showed them the respect and care that they so righteously demanded. I kissed my way up the shaft kissing, sucking intermittently. I relied on all the sensations I could create, showing love and adoration to every inch.

It was working. A drop of precum had dropped onto my wrist as it lay on my thigh. I slid back and stared down the huge cock that hung from this truly mind-blowingly alpha man. I got to work as best I could. I could only get about a quarter of it in my mouth and my jaw ached in no time. There was no man alive who could successfully throat this cock. It was just a fact. He was too thick. It didn't matter. I kept trying, completely overcome with lust and drunk on his precum. He too was enjoying my struggle as soon he was palming the back of my head with his huge hand and choking me with his huge dick.

With my air supply fully cut off he took a few steps over to the couch and sat down. In this position I could go a little deeper. He made sure of it. Just as I thought my jaw was going to dislocate he eased off and directed me down to suck his balls while he stroked his huge shaft. He alternated between choking me with his huge dick and making me worship his balls. This went on for what could have been hours or even days. I was so drunk on his precum that I really had no idea.

My jaw had gone numb. My knees and ankles were numb. I was just a mouth, a tongue, and a heartbeat. Things got really sloppy after a while. My whole front, the couch, and the carpet were wet with thick gag slime.

All of a sudden he stood up and began furiously stroking his cock. I latched onto his leg and voraciously licked and sucked at his huge balls, being careful not to suck too hard as they bounced while he roughly jacked his huge cock. I was staring up at him and watched as his face began to contort. He knocked me back with a swift thrust of his knee. He gripped the base with one hand and worked the last third of his huge dick with the other. His breathing became more labored and he gritted his teeth. I saw his balls tighten.

I looked up as he let out a deep primal grunt and a torrent of hot thick man cum shot from his perfect dick. I closed my eyes outstretched my tongue and turned me nose to the ceiling. I was lucky. Several ropes landed on my tongue. It tasted so damn good. By the time he was done my face was coated. There was more on my chest and in my hair. I could feel it cooling on my hot skin. I was in heaven. One of my dreams literally just came true. I swallowed and sat there in euphoria watching his chest heave as he laid back and caught his breathe.

His dick softened. He was still huge. His balls somehow seemed to hang lower and bigger than ever before. I was grinning ear to ear. He leaned forward, scooped a big gob of cum off of my chest and fed it to me. I sucked his three fingers like they were his cock. He lit a cigarette, gestured to his dick and said "clean it." I very delicately licked clean and suckled the head.

After a couple of minutes he adjusted his position and lifted his dick so it lay across his thigh, away from my face. I sat back. My ass still burned. I had been so caught up in pleasing him that I had actually forgotten, but now my wonderful distraction was over. The cum on my face was beginning to dry and glaze over. He seemed pleased with the mess he had made of me. That was all the reward I needed, but there was more to come.

He stood up and stepped right over as he headed for the door. His balls just barely missed my head. I wished they hadn't. He snapped his fingers and I crawled behind him, down the hall and into a new doorway. He flipped on the light. It was the bathroom and it was even more disgusting and neglected than the kitchen. Grime, pubic hair, and splatter seemed to cover every surface I could see from down on my knees. As eager as I was, I caught myself hesitating. It was that gross.

He stood in front of the toilet. I took my place beside him. He began to piss and it sprayed everywhere. He hadn't even bothered to lift the seat. Typical man! The smell overwhelmed me and I was transported back to that first night in my tub. Splatter was slowly coating my chest and thighs. I just stared in amazement. He d "You can hold it if you want."

I reached up and wrapped my hand around the center of his dick. His powerful stream sprayed left, all over the wall and floor. I overcorrected and quickly drenched my neck to my tiny dick before aiming it back into the toilet. He laughed at me. I kept my focus and finally his stream turned to a trickle, then ceased all together. He took it from my hand and shook it wildly. Little drops of piss flew everywhere. A few hit my face. He took one step back, turned towards me and pointed at his big swinging dick. "Clean it," he said sternly. I sucked the head until he pulled it away again.

He told me to "clean this up," and then walked out. I found cleaning supplies under the sink. I started with the puddles of piss on both sides of the toilet. After all, they were my fault. I continued until the entire floor was clean, then moved on to the toilet, sink, and mirror. As the mirror cleared I saw the thick glaze of man cum that covered nearly all of my face. My lips were puffy and my hair was a mess. I looked like I'd endured a week long gangbang.

I had to go back to the floor to get the hairs and grit that had fallen while I cleaned the higher surfaces. He came back in as I finished up. I heard his heavy boots approaching, but didn't dare stop. I felt him stand over me and then a hard smack landed square on my sore ass. I yelped and tried to contain myself.

"That's good enough," he said and handed me my clothes. "Thank me for my cum, prettyboy."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Don't even think of washing it off. Have some respect!"

I carefully dress so that I didn't disturb my face or enflame my tortured ass. I walked back into the hall to find him shutting and locking the door to his office. I began to ask him about the mess, but he ignored me and guided me out of the building with his hand in the small of my back. I climbed back up into the truck as he locked the door.

It was five of midnight. I must have been sucking his dick for close to two hours. Fuck! I began to take stock of the nights events and my little dick got hard. I squeezed my legs together as he climbed in.

We drove in silence. A few blocks from my apartment he pulled over and ordered me to hand him my phone. I unlocked it and handed it to him. He entered his number and handed it back to me. Then he unbuckled himself and reached into the glove box. He pulled out a metal butt plug and handed it to me. It was heavier than I expected. He looked me right in the eye and said "spit on it and put it in." I lifted myself, dropped my pants, and put it in. It wasn't small and it hurt going in. Luckily it was cold and I think that helped dull the pain. He was unphased by the look on my face. I pulled up my pants and sat back down.

"Rule 5. You sleep with that in tonight and from now on. EVERY NIGHT. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied meekly.

He handed me my keys and said "Now get out."

I wasn't expecting this and I hesitated. I was a sore assed, cum covered, sloppy mess. I just sat there with my mouth open, staring at the floor. What if someone saw me like this? He reached across and opened my door. I climbed out.

"Send me a pic when you get that pretty face home. You can wash before bed."

I just stood there, mouth open, still in shock. How would I possibly get home without being seen?

"Shut the door," he said.

I did.

He pulled away and made the right turn. I looked around. There was nowhere to hide, just the glow of the stoplight illuminating my shame. Luckily there was not a soul in sight. I decided my odds would be best if I hurried. These were long blocks. I had about a quarter mile to go. It took me about 15 minutes. A few cars passed and I did everything I could to shield my face. I got really nervous as I got to my building. I could see work. If anyone saw me like this I'd be ruined. I'd have to move. I hurried up the stairs, powering through the pain as the fabric of my jeans tightened over my ass.

I locked the door behind me and sunk to my knees in relief. I followed his order. The image shining back at me made me smile. I'd earned his load. I'd survived. I was honored to serve and please him. I sent him a photo of me looking up, smiling wide, as the beautiful mess he had made me. The shower stung my injured ass and somehow made it glow an even brighter red. I sent him another photo of the silver steel plug in my tight red ass.

I needed to be up in 5 hours. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Next: Chapter 3

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