The Ride Home

By moc.oohay@000retirwysatnaf

Published on Jun 23, 2003


DISCLAIMER: If gay content, gay sex, kink, bondage, S&M or actual dialogue in a porn story offends you please don't read further. If it's illegal for you to read this story due to your age or location, either grow up or move before reading on. The names, events, circumstances, and locations in this story are all fictitious. It's fantasy, get it?

Copyright Notice: All rights reserved by the author with the exception of its use by Download it, copy it for your pleasure or whatever floats your boat, but you have no right to repost this or pass it on for commercial purposes.

Thank you for your patience as I completed this part, I'll try and make the final segments appear a bit faster. I am grateful for the many encouraging e-mails and trust that this episode has been worth the wait.


The sleep was very deep. Only the pressure of something large and blunt pushing against my ass was capable of waking me. I opened my eyes and the light from the bathroom illuminated Carter, lying asleep on his back next to me. He was truly beautiful. The light played on his caramel skin to show off his defined curves, his cock lay half hard pointing up at his smooth chest. As I admired his body a hand suddenly clamped over my mouth.

"Be quiet," Darren whispered in my ear, pulling even closer into me as I lay on my side.

I felt a hand push against my leg and I moved it in response. Darren's cock immediately slid right up against my hole. It felt slick-I knew then that he'd already prepared himself to fuck me again.

"Let me in," Darren whispered in my ear, one hand putting more pressure over my mouth as the other came around my waist, lightly brushing my cock before gripping my torso. I squirmed from that touch and tried to relax my ass but evidently it wasn't quick enough for the horny teenager.

"Let me in, bitch," Darren said with a menacing whisper as he reached up and twisted a nipple.

The hand over my mouth shifted up a bit so that a finger was over my nose. It was immediately difficult to breathe. I moved my legs apart as much as the bonds would allow me and felt the tip of Darren's cock enter my ass. I didn't even have a moment to get used to his large cock when he pushed all the way in with one strong motion.

"Mmmmm," I moaned through his hand over my mouth.

"Be quiet!" Darren whispered harshly in my ear, as he put even more pressure on his hand over my mouth and nose, moving his other hand down to grip me around my waist.

I squirmed involuntarily from the assault on my ass and the lack of oxygen and it only seemed to make him hornier as he started to grind in and out of my ass. This wasn't like before, when I could tell that he was enjoying the sensations of his first fuck. This was about taking-about having the power to take my ass when he wanted, how he wanted.

As Darren fucked my ass he moved his fingers away from my nose

and I sharply drew in a breath.

Darren's strokes were long and deep, his nine-inch cock pulling almost all the way out of me before pounding back into my hole. My ass stung from this third assault in less than a day and as I pulled against the chains that held me to the bed I felt helpless.

Then I remembered when Carter had raped my ass that first time. He'd told me about my ass fucking his cock. I started to tighten and move my ass when Darren stroked into me and he immediately started fucking harder and faster.

I clenched my jaw and held onto Darren's cock with my ass for all I was worth. I knew it was the only way I was going to get out of this.

Darren started quietly moaning, the pitch getting higher with each hard stroke. Even as I felt his hot cum inside me he kept stroking until one final strong push so deep I felt his smooth balls pushing on my butt. His big cock pulsed inside of me and I felt his hot breath on my neck.

I opened my eyes and looked over at Carter, now lying on his side, a wicked smile on his face.

"Good baby. Breaking in our new slave boy," he said huskily, looking directly at Darren.

Carter sat up quickly and then practically vaulted over me, landing on top of Darren. This move ripped Darren's cock right out of my ass and left my ass quivering for a moment, almost like an orgasm. I rolled over to watch as Carter straddled Darren, pinning him down and holding his hands over his head.

"So you think since you topped this tied up slave boy you can do things without asking? Huh baby boy?"

"No.. uh. no Sir!" Darren got out just before Carter's hand slapped him across the face.

Carter moved up so his dripping cock was on Darren's chin. Watching us fuck must've gotten him horny, I thought.

"Since you can't use that mouth of yours to ask permission then put it to work doing something right baby boy," Carter commanded.

Darren obediently opened his mouth and lifted his head, taking Carter's cock in his mouth. Carter raised his firm round ass so he could better slide his cock deeper into Darren's willing mouth. Carter held Darren's hands above his head, his legs on either side of his upper body as he power fucked the blonde boy's mouth.

I felt my cock start to throb as I watched the incredible show next to me. Maybe it was watching Darren submit after he'd raped my ass, or just two hot teenagers going at it, but I wished I could break free and touch my now dripping cock. I unconsciously started grinding my hips so that the tip of my cock was brushing against the bed.

Carter's hand reached out and grabbed my nipple and gave it a twist as he warned me, "Don't you fucking cum boy!"

I shuddered from the pain of my nipple being twisted and the electric shock it sent from my chest through my groin and right

out the tip of my cock.

My hard cock involuntarily twitched as I concentrated on not cumming. Instead I concentrated on the sight before me.

Carter moved his hand back to Darren, the muscles on his bubble butt contracting as he started pounding deeper and harder into Darren's mouth.

I watched his abs flex each time he drew his cock back, the muscles on his arms stand out as he held himself over the blonde boy underneath. Darren's pretty-boy face contorted as his mouth opened as wide as possible to take Carter's thick cock.

"Mmmmm," Darren moaned. This seemed to motivate Carter even more.

Carter grabbed the back of Darren's head, the darker skin of his fingers interwoven with the boy's golden blonde hair as he pulled him close to his groin.

With one final thrust into Darren's mouth Carter threw his head back.

"Fuck yes," he hissed through clenched teeth.

After a few minutes Carter loosened his grip and ordered Darren, "Clean me up baby boy."

Darren then relaxed his lips from around Carter's cock and licked all around the base and the large smooth balls. He'd obviously been well trained in their time together.

"You want some of that," Carter said, looking at me.

I realized that I had been licking my lips.

"Give it to him boy," Carter ordered Darren, moving to the side. Darren rolled over, facing me and put his pretty soft lips against mine.

"Open up boy," Carter demanded.

I relaxed my lips and Darren's tongue invaded my mouth. I recognized Carter's taste as Darren shared the recent load he'd taken. As Darren's tongue touched mine I felt a flush come over my body. Our tongues played against each other as Darren forcefully drove his tongue deeper into my mouth. He seemed determined to fuck me with whatever resources he had, whenever the opportunity presented itself.

"Okay boys, don't go getting all worked up, it's time to get some more sleep. I want both my boys ready for a big day tomorrow," Carter ordered, putting an end to Darren's new method of assault.

"Darren, get our new boy up and let him use the bathroom," Carter ordered.

Darren complied, getting up and releasing the chain holding my ankles. As he reached over me to release my arms I saw his cock, still half hard, glistening from fucking me, a drop of cum leaking from the tip.

God it felt good to have my arms back down at my sides, even if my wrists were still bound together. For a brief moment I thought about escaping but realized that the odds weren't in my

favor-Carter had the edge. Darren was another matter. That boy had some issues he'd already started working out on my ass and I knew if I crossed him I'd end up as his own personal punching bag.

During my bathroom break I caught Darren looking at me. Not like you'd look at a person, but like somebody looks at something they're going to use.

"Clean him up while you're in there, baby boy," Carter ordered from the bedroom.

Darren had me stand in the tub while he used a washcloth to clean the dried cum and lube off my body. When he came around to my ass he was rough with the washcloth. I felt two fingers push into me and looked at Darren. His eyes were closed and his jaw set firmly as he violated me. I squirmed away and Darren opened his eyes and glared at me.

"Hurry up boys, I'm getting tired," Carter yelled from the bedroom.

Darren toweled me off and I stepped out of the tub. A shiver ran up my spine as he firmly gripped my arm and walked me back into the bedroom.

"Get him into bed baby boy," Carter said, laying on his back on the bed, his cock flopping over one leg, his abs forming a sixpack even while relaxed.

Darren strapped me to the bed, ankles secured, arms over my head. I heard the tape ripping and knew I was going to be gagged again.

"Wait a minute baby boy," Carter said.

I felt the bed move as Carter got up and saw him walk into the bathroom.

He returned carrying a glass of water. He kneeled on the bed beside me and lifted my head.

"Gotta' drink something other than cum, boy," he smirked as he put the glass to my lips.

I drank all of the water, realizing only then that I was thirsty. Maybe it was how gently Carter lowered my head back onto the bed or that he gave me water but it almost seemed tender. A moment's consideration was all I had as Darren gagged me, pressing hard on the tape to make sure it was firmly in place and I couldn't call for help. The bed bounced as Carter got up to take the glass back to the bathroom.

Darren leaned down, his face next to my ear. "I'm not done with your ass."

"Get in here baby boy, we both need a shower," Carter called from the bathroom.

Darren stood up next to the bed, his eyes roaming up and down my bound body. As he licked his lips he turned and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

I lay tied to the bed in the dark, alone for the first time since Friday afternoon. I pulled against my bonds but knew I wasn't going anywhere. I rolled onto my side, pulled my legs up slightly, bent my arms as much as I could and tried to get

comfortable. I wiggled my head around so that the chain collar wasn't pinching, and felt the lock lying on the skin around my shoulder. The sheets were cool and comforting. My ass had a nice glowing feel. I knew I'd been taken captive and raped and that it was likely going to happen again before I could figure a way out of here but somehow I didn't feel helpless, just warm and oddly satisfied.

`Weird,' I thought, and before I could ponder these newfound feelings any further I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up alone in bed. It was light out and as I looked around the room the first thing I saw was the alarm clock on a nightstand by the bed. It read 9:13. Then I heard the clicking of a keyboard and rolled over towards the sound. Carter was sitting at a desk looking at a computer screen, Darren standing behind him, hands on his shoulders.

"You are one hot stud baby boy," Carter said, reaching back and putting his hand on top of Darren's.

As I focused on the screen I realized it was a picture of me sucking Darren's cock.

Carter and Darren turned towards me.

"Good morning, boy," Carter said, smiling. "Hot pictures, huh? Bet I could make some good money selling these on the net."

I just stared at the screen.

"Get him up baby boy, it's time for breakfast and he's our cook," Carter said over his shoulder to Darren.

Darren walked over the bed ripped the tape from my mouth, his mouth set in a smirk. I refused to give him the pleasure of responding to the pain. He then released my ankles from the bed, attaching a small chain between the cuffs so that I could walk. Darren got up onto the bed and leaned over me to release my wrists, his cock on my face. I smelled his fresh skin, a trace of soap from his shower last night along with an unmistakable odor I was beginning to recognize as Darren's. The blood rushed back into my arms as I lowered them to my sides.

"Get the other cuffs on him baby boy," Carter said as he put a CD into the computer.

Darren leaned over the edge of the bed and came up with a pair of leather cuffs held together by a length of chain. He moved my hands back over my head and sat so that his balls and cock draped lazily over my face. I looked up and Darren was looking down at me, a grin on his face. I squeezed my lips together in defiance.

The mitted cuffs were removed and replaced by the leather cuffs. I heard clicking noises and when Darren got off me I brought my hands down and saw that the leather cuffs had small locks on them, holding both the cuffs and the short length of chain in place. Even with my fingers now mobile I couldn't remove them.

As I wiggled my fingers around I looked over at Carter. He took the CD back out of the computer and held it up.

"Got some really hot pics of my baby boy breaking you in. What do you suppose they'd say if they saw you sucking teenage cock, huh boy?"

I didn't reply.

"I know what I say: you better do whatever I fucking tell you. Just remember that before you get any ideas today, you hear me boy?"

"Yes Sir," I replied, not wanting to push his patience.

The CD glittered in the morning light as he flipped it around and put it in an envelope.

"Finish getting him ready baby boy," Carter ordered Darren.

Darren reached into the duffel bag and came up with what looked like a smaller version of the leather cuffs around my ankles and wrists, but with an extra strap on it. He got back on top of me, this time planting his smooth round ass on my face so that I could just barely breathe out of my nose. As I inhaled his musky smell Darren wiggled his ass on my face, as though daring me to react.

I felt my cock and balls being manipulated. The touch of cool leather around the base of my cock and around my balls made me shudder. The pressure around my cock and balls increased for a moment, then I heard come metallic clicks. Darren got off me and I looked down. A black leather cockring with an extra strap separating my balls was locked in place. A chain ran from the lock to the chain holding my bound wrists together. I tried to tell myself that my cock was hard from being moved around but I knew that wasn't true. I liked having that boy sit on my face. Fucking betrayed by my own cock again.

Darren grabbed my wrists and lifted them away from my body. When they were almost directly in front of me I felt a tug on my balls as the chain reached its limit.

Fuck,' I thought, what the hell else does he have in that damn duffel bag?'

Carter got up and walked to the bed, taking my wrists from where Darren held them. "Come on, it's time for breakfast."

I was led downstairs to the kitchen where this whole thing started.

"Get the stuff out for him baby boy," Carter said to Darren.

Darren obediently got out a frying pan, a mixing bowl, some plates and glasses from the cupboard, along with some utensils from a drawer. Then from the refrigerator he

produced a carton of eggs, some milk, bacon, and a loaf of bread.

"I like my eggs scrambled, my toast dark and my bacon crisp. There's salt and pepper on the counter. Darren will take the same. Get busy boys," Carter ordered.

Darren went back to the refrigerator and got out some orange juice. He poured three glasses and after giving the first to

Darren he sat one on the counter in front of me.

My chains rattled against the edge of the counter as I moved around making their breakfast. When I went to reach for the salt and pepper a painful tug on my balls reminded me that the chain had limits. I also realized that my patience did too. `What

fucking nerve this kid had to put me in this position,' I thought. They'd both fucked me, using me in every way possible. Now they were finding a new way to use me.

"Don't overcook those eggs boy," Carter warned me, bringing me back to the reality of being their naked slave-cook.

As I finished dividing up the eggs and bacon onto three plates Carter came over. He placed his hand on top of mine.

"Did I say you could eat yet boy?" he demanded.

I just stared at him.

"You and your hot ass made me and my baby boy work so hard last night we're really hungry," he said, re-dividing the food onto just two plates. "Here we've been feeding you all this good cum and now you don't want to feed us back?"

Carter reached down and grabbed my balls, starting to squeeze them. "I'm talking to you boy, you got an answer for me?"

"No Sir," I replied, fighting the urge to reach down and move his hands away from my balls.

"You go ahead and make yourself something to eat now, we have what we want," Carter said, giving my balls a final painful squeeze.

I doubled over a bit from the pain as Carter turned and walked to the breakfast table.

"Now get that food over here," he ordered.

I picked up the plates, took them to the table and set them in front of Carter and Darren.

"Look, some sauce for our breakfast," Carter said, laughing.

I followed his eyes down to my groin and saw a small string of precum dripping from my cock. My face flushed with the embarrassment of having no control over my cock liking this situation.

"Go eat boy, you're gonna' need your strength," Carter ordered as he dug into his breakfast.

I went back to the stove, cooked some eggs, made some toast, and ate them standing in front of the counter.

"Get this shit cleaned up, Carter said as he stood up from the breakfast table, adding, "And don't get those cuffs wet, I keep my leather in good shape boy."

Carter walked out of the kitchen and Darren stood up from the table, walked over and hopped up so he was sitting on the counter close to the sink. As he leaned forward the muscles in his arms flexed. In the light of day I could see that he that his body was truly hairless, nothing but smooth creamy skin covering lean muscle.

Just as I was thinking he looked beautiful he said, "You heard him, get moving boy."

Okay so he was beautiful but he was also a totally out of control prick. Finally getting to be on top had definitely gone to his

head, and being in charge was definitely an overdose for him.

I briefly imagined slapping him but the tug on my balls then I moved the plates reminded me that there wasn't enough chain to bridge the distance between that desire and his smug teenage face.

"Get over here," Darren said as I finished the last dish.

I just looked at him.

"Do it," he said, his voice low and serious.

I stepped over and stood in front of where he was sitting on the counter. His cock was already hard, pointing straight up, tight against his flat belly, the tip well above his belly button.

"I think you need fed again," he smirked as he reached up and grabbed my head and pulled it down towards his cock, spreading his legs as he did.

I debated whether or not I should open my mouth.

"You want me to tell Carter you tried to get away, or you want to suck my cock bitch?" Darren said, in answer to my unasked question.

I opened my mouth and took his thick cock in. Darren leaned back a bit then pushed my head down firmly and I felt his velvet skinned cock hit the back of my throat. As I gagged I thought for an instant that I might lose my breakfast. I stiffened so I could keep from choking any further.

Darren then moved his hands so his fingers were grabbing my hair and started pushing my head up and down on his cock. I realized that the way out of this situation was the same as last night: make him cum as quickly as possible.

"Yeah," he moaned as I moved my tongue around swirling his large cock head at the top of each stroke. I kept as much suction as I could on his shaft, minding my teeth and trying to get the occasional breath as his cock swelled even larger in my mouth.

"Suck it boy," he moaned deeply, moving my head up and down even faster on his hot cock.

I could feel the small amount of stubble from his shaved pubes on my nose, and lips as I bottomed on every stroke. He tasted so good.

"Unnnggghhhh," he moaned as he slammed my head down onto his groin one last time. I felt hot cum shooting into the back of my throat; some of it dripping back down into my mouth and onto my tongue. It wasn't as much as what he gave me last night but still an impressive amount: he was definitely a healthy boy and I was thankful he was a horny teenager who could cum quickly. As

I tasted his salty sweet load I realized I could tell the difference between his and Carter's cum. I didn't have time to become disgusted at this revelation.

"You boys done down there yet"? Carter yelled from upstairs.

"Yes Sir," Darren answered, pushing my head away from his groin, adding to me, "You shouldn't talk with your mouth full."

As I swallowed Darren's load he hopped down from the counter and reached around the back of head, pulling my face towards his. As he brought his lips towards mine his other hand found a nipple and gave it a vicious twist. When I opened my mouth from the pain he jammed his tongue deep into my mouth, searching for whatever I hadn't swallowed. I gave in to the kiss and our tongues danced for a moment as Darren moved closer to me and ground himself into my now-hard cock.

Just as I lost myself in this surrender to my tormenter he abruptly pulled away and said, "Let's go."

I was led upstairs to the bedroom.

Carter was laying on the bed, dressed in baggy gym shorts and a loose fitting sleeveless t-shirt, the kind with really big arm openings. It gave a great view of his defined torso and showed lots of smooth caramel skin. He looked absolutely sexy.

`How come I didn't notice him in the gym before yesterday?' I thought.

I followed his fingers as he pointed at some clothes laid out on the bed. It was a pair of small white gym shorts and a tank top.

"Listen carefully boy. Darren's going to take you out of those cuffs and you're going to get cleaned up and dressed. Then we're going to go shopping and you're going to go with us, and you're not going to fucking try anything, got it?"

"Yes Sir," I replied, wondering where we were going and whether or not it offered any chance of escape.

"Get him ready baby boy," Carter ordered Darren, handing a key to Darren.

Darren unlocked the locks holding my cuffs and chains together, placed them neatly on the bed and handed the key to Carter. I thought he was going to also unlock the chain around my neck but he didn't. Then Darren unbuckled the cuffs around my ankles and wrists and put them neatly on the bed. Without thinking I put my hand down to re-arrange my balls.

"Did I tell you to touch yourself boy?" Carter yelled.

"No Sir," I said, quickly pulling my hand away from my groin.

"Those are mine now. And so is your ass. Get used to it," Carter said firmly before turning to Darren. "Take him into the bathroom and let him do his business baby boy."

Darren took my arm and guided me into the bathroom. Even though I was out of the restraints I still felt like their prisoner. Then it dawned on me, I wasn't tied up or strapped down anymore. I could. and then I saw the printed picture taped to the mirror in the bathroom. It was of me, lying on my back and with Darren fucking me. From the angle you could clearly see Darren's cock invading my hole, but couldn't see that I was restrained. I blushed.

"Nice pic, huh?" Darren smirked. "Now get cleaned up."

I took care of my business and was then led to the shower.

I got in and Darren handed me a washcloth.

"Hurry up, we've got things to do," he said, adding, "Don't get your collar wet."

I started up the water as Darren scooted up onto the bathroom counter and sat watching me.

When I was finished showering and drying off I was led back into the bedroom. Carter was still lying on the bed, now with his hands behind his head.

"Get that cockring back on our new boy," he ordered Darren.

Darren obediently picked up the cockring and strapped it around my cock and balls, then picked up a lock and locked the package in place.

"Now get dressed boy," Carter ordered me.

I picked up the shorts and stared at them. They were white nylon, the kind that usually required a jock or underwear underneath, and had no liner.

"You don't like what I gave you to wear boy? They fit me just fine. In Junior High!" Carter laughed, adding, "Now put them on."

I pulled the shorts on. I could feel they were a snug fit and when I looked down I saw that they weren't really long enough and no amount of re arranging would hide the outline of my cock.

"Don't forget the shirt," Carter said, tossing the tank top at me.

It wasn't as snug fit but was cut so that it barely covered

my nipples with large openings around the neck and arms. It barely came down to the waistband on the shorts. I looked like the boys I'd seen working Santa Monica Boulevard hustling johns, the locked chain around my neck a lewd accessory.

"Get your shoes on boy, we're going shopping!" Carter said, pointing to the floor where my shoes and socks from yesterday were laid out waiting for me. "Get dressed baby boy," he added, to Darren.

As I reached down for my shoes the tight shorts squeezed my balls and I had to quickly bend my knees to avoid the pain.

"How much you charge for that ass boy," Carter said, as both he and Darren laughed.

I got my shoes on, stood up and felt something cool on my cock. When I looked down there it was, hanging out the leg of my too tight, too short shorts. I reached down to put my cock back in my pants.

"Hey boy, I told you not to touch yourself," Carter said as stepped towards me. "Hands behind your back."

I obeyed, embarrassed to be standing there in front of these two teenagers dressed like some street whore with my cock hanging out of my pants.

Carter reached out and fondled my cock, making it start to grow hard. He smiled as he stuffed it into the tight shorts. As I looked up from glancing at the bulge in my shorts I saw Darren

staring at my crotch.

"Come on boy, it's time to go."

Darren had also put on a pair of baggy gym shorts and sleeveless t-shirt similar to Carter's, and looked equally as sexy as Carter. I felt embarrassed to be dressed this way and in their company.

Darren led the way downstairs, through the kitchen and into the garage. My car was still parked where I'd left it yesterday. Darren pushed the button to open the garage door as I walked towards my car.

"We don't need the muscle car, I've got my muscle boy to play with," Carter laughed, and pointed at the Honda.

"We're taking my ride."

Darren opened the front passenger door for me and pulled the seat forward. I took this as a sign that I should get in the back seat. As I sat down I had to move my legs apart, as the tight shorts were again pinching my cock and balls. Darren pushed the seat back and got in just as Carter opened the driver's door and got in.

Carter turned around and said to me, "We're going to go out and get some new toys to play with and some videos to watch, then some lunch. If you feel like you want to take off, then go for it. But remember you have no I.D., you're dressed like some kind of pussy-boy perv, and I've got some amazing pictures of you with my baby boy."

Carter then put the car in gear and backed out of the driveway. He flicked the garage door opener, put the car in gear and we headed down the street.

As I sat in the back seat I wondered how the hell this ride would end.


Next: Chapter 5

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