The Ride Home

By moc.oohay@000retirwysatnaf

Published on Jun 2, 2003


DISCLAIMER: If gay content, gay sex, kink, bondage, S&M or actual dialogue in a porn story offends you please don't read further. If it's illegal for you to read this story due to your age or location, either grow up or move before reading on. The names, events, circumstances, and locations in this story are all fictitious. It's fantasy, get it?

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Thanks for your encouraging e-mails and patience as I figure out .asc files, margins and converting text.

The Ride Home, Part One By MC

Carter pulled me to the left at the stop of the stairs and we went into a bedroom. Some basketball posters on the wall, a desk with a computer on it, and a four-poster bed filled up the smallish room.

"First thing I have to do is get you ready," Carter said, leading me through the bedroom and into an adjacent bathroom.

Once in the bathroom Carter pulled my shorts, jock, socks and shoes off. He took a step back, put his arms across his chest, and looked me up and down. "Nice."

When Carter opened the bathroom cabinet he took out what I knew was an enema bag. Seeing my eyebrows raise, he said, "I told you I wanted your ass. Now I'm going to get you ready. Get in the tub and get down on your knees."

I stepped over the edge of the tub and stood in the middle, then kneeled as Carter filled the enema bag. He stepped over and pulled me towards the side of the tub. "Lean over the edge," he ordered, holding my shoulders as I did.

There I was, tied up, stripped, the taste of cum and beer in my taped- over mouth, ass in the air in this sixteen year old kid's bathtub about to get my butt hole cleaned up so he could fuck me. I sighed.

"Just do what I say and you'll be okay," Carter said, sensing my mood. I felt something cold being pushed against my hole.

"Relax, I put some Vaseline on it. Just let it in boy," Carter said, soothingly.

I felt the tip enter me and snake its way up my ass. Carter reached back and twisted something and I felt warmth as the water filled me up.

"Good boy," Carter said, kneading my ass as the enema emptied into me.

In moments I was feeling uncomfortably full and started groaning.

"Just a little bit more, boy."

Just before I was about to explode, Carter pulled out the tube from my ass and said, "There. Now, hold it in. Don't let anything out until I tell you to."

I lay over the edge of the tub taking shallow breaths trying to do just that.

Finally Carter grabbed my shoulders and said, "Stand up, it's time."

I stepped out of the tub and over to the toilet, where Carter helped me sit down. As I let everything out Carter stepped in close and rubbed his half-hard cock around my taped over mouth.

"You're going to be an incredible fuck, boy," he said, leering down at me. I'd have thought the same of him if the situation were different. As I looked up towards his face I could see nothing but smooth defined abs and pecs. And what a face: boyish going on handsome. Our eyes met and I saw both lust and power as he looked back at me.

Carter stood me up and walked me over to the bathtub again. "Time to get you cleaned up," he said, starting the shower.

It was brutally cold for a moment until Carter adjusted the temperature, stepped into the tub next to me and closed the shower curtain. He grabbed a washcloth and soaped it up, then started cleaning me up. Starting on my face, he worked his way down. He was very thorough, making me lift my arms behind my back so he could scrub my armpits, rubbing the washcloth over my still sore nipples. I moaned through the gag.

"You like that, don't you boy?" he said, adding, "It's okay. You're supposed to."

Carter bypassed my groin-but not for long. After washing my legs he tenderly soaped up my cock and balls, moving his fingers around and teasing me into an erection. As he fondled my cock he moved his other hand around to my ass, first using the washcloth then his fingers as he cleaned.

I felt a finger push into my hole. I stiffened as the second finger went in and Carter stroked my cock just a little faster.

"Good boy," he said, as he continued to finger fuck me and bring me closer to an orgasm.

I started moving my hips, fucking his hand as he stroked me. Carter suddenly took his hand off my cock.

"Not yet boy, you have to earn it. Get down on your knees."

As I kneeled I felt Carter's fingers come out of my ass, and found myself face to face with his hard cock.

"You just take a look at what's going to rape your ass while I clean up," he ordered.

Carter put on a lewd show while he lathered up and rinsed off. I had to admit, if I'd seen him in a bar in Chicago I would've made a move on him without a second thought. But for now I was the one being moved on, whether I liked it or not.

Carter rinsed himself off, and made me stand as he gave me another rinse. He pulled the shower curtain aside, grabbed towel off the rack and started drying me off, taking the same care as he did when he washed me. I stood there as he dried himself off.

"Come on, I got plans for my new slave boy," he said, guiding me out of the bathtub and into the bedroom.

"Face down on the bed," Carter ordered, pushing me face-forward onto the bed. I flopped down onto the bed and heard Carter open the closet door. A small duffel bag was placed on the bed near my head, and I felt Carter straddle my legs, then sit down on my butt.

"I'm going to replace this," Carter said, grabbing the ropes on my wrist. "But first I'm going to make sure you can't try and get away."

I saw Carter reach into the duffel bag and pull out some leather loops and turn around, still sitting on my butt but now facing my feet.

"Bend your legs and lift them towards me," Carter ordered.

When I did I felt a leather cuff being placed around each ankle, then heard a metallic snap as my ankles were clipped together. Carter jumped off the bed and pulled my ankles down to the end of the bed. I heard a chain rattling then a snap. Carter tugged on my legs and they moved about six inches before coming to a stop. I was chained to the bed.

Carter got back on top of me, sitting on my ass. When he did I realized I was rock hard and his weight made me grind my cock painfully into the mattress. He leaned down and in a husky voice whispered into my ear, "If you try and get away from me when I change the ropes I will beat your ass `til you're black and blue, you understand, boy?"

I nodded my head and added a muffled "Mmphhh" for emphasis.

Carter turned around on my back so that he was sitting on my shoulders, his legs holding my upper arms to my side. I heard him take something out of the duffel bag-whose contents I was just beginning to become acquainted with. Something that felt like a thick mitten was placed over my left hand then a strap was tightened on my wrist, with the same for my right wrist. Carter turned around on my back and moved down, sitting on my ass. My arms were free but because I'd been tied up for so long I was sluggish. Carter used this opportunity to bring my hands around from behind my back, out to my sides and then above my head. I felt his warm smooth body lay over the top of me as he did. Carter's big hard cock moved up from the crack of my ass to the middle of my back as he pulled my wrists together. My hard cock tingled at this contact and I unconsciously ground my cock into the mattress. A metallic click sounded as my wrists were clipped together. A chain rattled as Carter reached between the bed and the headboard. Another click and my hands were now chained above my head, each hand secured in a leather mitt that made it impossible to grasp and undo the wrist straps.

Then he was in that damn duffel bag again. Because I was stretched out over the bed I couldn't see what he was doing but could hear him rustle around in the bag.

"I got lots of toys in that bag. It's amazing what you can buy on the net with PayPal," Carter said, as though answering my unspoken question about where the hell he got the equipment he was using to make me his slave.

Suddenly I felt something cool being pushed in-between my ass cheeks, right up to my hole.

"You can let it in or I can push it in-your choice."

I relaxed my ass and Carter slowly, firmly pushed a dildo in. Fortunately it wasn't one of those stunt things that resemble a fire hydrant but it was still about the size of Carter's sizeable endowment.

"Mmmmmmm," I grimaced through my gag.

"Trust me-you'll appreciate my opening you up with this before I rape your ass, boy."

I believed him.

Carter moved off of me, stood next to the bed and ordered, "Roll over boy."

I did as I was told, pulling against my bonds and wiggling my ass in order to roll over. As I moved to a face-up position my hard cock came into view. Carter smiled and then our eyes met.

Carter ran his hand the length of my body, up my legs, across my abs and chest, over my left nipple and up to my chin, where he rubbed his thumb over the tape covering my lips.

"You are going to be one fine fuck boy, but first we gotta' use that mouth of yours for something else." With that Carter ripped the duct tape from my mouth in one swift move.


Carter's hand immediately went over my mouth. "Did I tell you to speak?"

"Mmm-mmm," I mumbled through his hand, shaking my head just a little from side to side.

"I'm going to ask you some questions, and you're going to answer either Yes Sir' or No Sir,' you got it?" Carter asked, removing his hand from my mouth.

"Yes Sir."

"You understand that the only way you're going to get out of this is to submit, right boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"You know I'm going to rape your ass, your mouth, whatever I want to do until I say I'm done, right boy?" Carter asked, a leer on his face.

"Yes Sir," I replied, biting my lower lip.

"Now what are you worried about, boy? It's not like you haven't been enjoying yourself?" he said, brushing his hand over my cock.

I'd been forced to be tied up, face fucked, finger fucked, and chained to a bed with a dildo up my ass by this hot sixteen year old--never being given the chance to cum. With that one touch I started quivering and felt cum starting to move towards my cock. Carter grabbed my cock and squeezed it like a vise, quelling my impending orgasm.

"I told you you'd have to earn that right boy, you understand?"

"Yes Sir," I said, clenching my teeth.

"You ever had sex while tied up before boy?"

"No Sir."

"Have you bottomed before?"

"Yes Sir."

"I thought so, you took that dildo like a baby takes his momma's milk," Carter replied, smirking. "Bet you've topped a lot though, fine looking muscle guy like you, huh?"

"Yes Sir."

Carter got up on the bed and straddled my chest, his beautiful bubble butt inches away from my face. The view was short-lived as he pushed his ass into my face. "Get that tongue of yours up my hole boy-that's the only way you'll ever fuck this hot ass, got it?"

"Mmm-hmmm" I hummed as I moved my tongue into his ass.

Carter ground his ass into my face, forcing my tongue deeper into his hole. I smelled and tasted soap and felt smooth skin on my face and velvet on my tongue as I did what I was told.

Just as suddenly as he'd jumped onto the bed Carter pulled off of my face and lay down next to me, putting his leg over my groin, trapping my hard cock. I absent-mindedly ground my cock into this thigh.

"Stop that boy, you don't have permission," he growled, and I lay perfectly still.

In the same deep, husky voice he'd used before when telling me not to try and get away, Carter asked, "Are you negative, boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"That's important boy, are you telling me the truth?" he asked, giving my nipple a hard twist as he did.

"Yes Sir," I replied, clenching my teeth.

"You better not be fucking lying to me, boy," Carter said, moving to sit on top of me and twisting both nipples furiously."

"I'm not, Sir, I promise!" I yelled.

Whack! I saw stars for a moment before I realized that Carter had slapped me hard across my face.

"What'd I say about yelling at me boy?"

"I'm sorry Sir."

"Good boy. Enough talking. Let's put that mouth of yours to good use," Carter said as he slid up my body and moved his cock towards my mouth. "Take it," he ordered, as he put his hand around the back of my head and pulled me down on him.

I didn't so much suck him in as relax my neck and head so that Carter could forcefully fuck my mouth. His cock was like silk on my tongue, the small neatly-trimmed patch of hair at the base of his cock was soft as it hit my upper lip and nose at the base of each stroke. I concentrated on keeping my lips around his cock to avoid getting my teeth into the act. Carter gave one final push and held still, his cock deep into my mouth as I felt it pulse for a moment, then stop.

"You trying to get me off so I won't take your ass boy?" Carter laughed. "Not gonna' work--remember I'm sixteen and I can come again and again, and..." Carter paused, reaching back and twisting my nipples, "I'm the one in charge."

Carter got off me and I heard rustling in that damn duffel bag again. A ripping noise and then a piece of duct tape was held over my face. "Get those lips together boy," Carter ordered, as he put the tape into place gagging me.

`In-exhaustible supply of tape,' I thought.

Then what sounded like chains rattled again, but on a higher note. A flash of chrome and I felt something cold being placed around my neck. Carter grabbed one end of the chain and twisted something, there was a click and I saw him move his hand away with a small key in it. His tug confirmed what I thought: I was now wearing a slave's chain locked around my neck. I felt something deep inside me quiver, like the first time I had sex with a guy. I tried to put it off to being the feel of Carter's skin on my chest but I knew better. I didn't have much time to think it over, though.

"Now you're ready to fuck, boy, roll over," Carter ordered as he moved off of my chest.

By now I knew it was best to do what Carter told me to, and I wiggled around until I was on my stomach. I also caught a glimpse of my hard as I rolled over: it was dripping with precum.

Carter grabbed my hips and pulled them up, slipping a pillow under my hips. I felt my cock grind into the softness as I laid face down. That pleasant feeling was short-lived as Carter then removed the dildo up my ass with a quick pull.

"Mmmmmmm," I moaned through the gag.

"Don't worry, I have something even better for that hot ass of yours boy," Carter growled. Carter took a tube from a drawer in the adjacent nightstand and kneeled on the bed next to me, cock jutting straight out as he dripped lube onto it. As he stroked his cock he looked at me with pure lust in his eyes, then got on top of me.

With one quick thrust Carter impaled me on the velvet rod I'd been sucking on since being taken captive.

He didn't start fucking me. Instead he just wiggled his hips a bit from side to side, pulsing his dick inside my ass, angled up by the pillows so that my prostrate got massaged with each movement. I felt my cock twitch with each pulse; it was like an electric current coming right out of the tip.

Carter slowly started gliding in and out of my ass in smooth, even strokes. I'd been fucked before--not as many times as I'd fucked some trick I'd picked up--and I couldn't remember it feeling like this. Not this good.

I realized I was moving my ass to meet each stroke Carter was giving me.

Almost in acknowledgement Carter whispered huskily in my ear, "Good boy."

I fought back. Not against the bonds because I knew I couldn't get out of them. Hell, even if I could Carter had made it evident he'd fuck me in a different way. No, I was fighting against the realization that I was enjoying being fucked by this boy who'd taken me captive and was using as his fuck toy.

Carter's smooth strokes picked up speed.

"Grab it with your ass boy!" he commanded.

I squeezed my ass as best I could. Carter slammed his cock deep into his ass and held it there.

"No, not with your butt, with your ass. Come on boy; squeeze your ass around my cock. I know you can feel where that is," he said, pulsing his cock as he did and making me quiver, my ass involuntarily contracting at the sensation. "Yeah, that's it boy."

I tried out my newfound skill again, contracting my ass. My mind flashed to a scene a few months earlier when I'd picked up a trick in Chicago and gone back to his place. I couldn't remember his face but man could I remember the sensation he gave me when I fucked him. What a way to learn that new skill I thought as I tried it again.

"Oh yeah that's my boy, fuck my cock with that hot ass," Carter moaned into my ear. "You're gonna' make a fine cock slave, yeah."

The more I twitched my ass the faster Carter stroked into me. I could hear his breathing growing ragged as he fucked me faster and harder.

"Aaarrwwwahhh!" Carter moaned into my ear as he slammed his cock hard into my ass and held it there. I felt him shoot five times, each pulse making my ass twitch and seeming to draw the next shot out of him. My own cock twitched underneath me, not quite cumming.

I don't know if it was five minutes or ten or twenty that Carter laid on top of me. The feel of his cheek on the back of my neck, his chest on my shoulders, his hips on my ass and his legs wrapped around mine was like a warm comforting blanket. I drifted in and out of consciousness.

The sound of the doorbell woke me up and I felt Carter stir on top of me. It rang again and Carter pulled out of me, his cock still half- hard.

"You roll over boy and I'll be right back," Carter said, giving my legs a tug as he climbed off the bed.

Even though he'd left the room I obeyed. I told myself I only did this because I was tied up and forced to but I somehow knew it was just my way of saving some dignity over being raped by this kid.

I heard voices downstairs talking for a few minutes, then footsteps coming up. My heart started beating faster-what if somebody saw me this way, tied to the bed naked, gagged, with cum dripping out my ass?

Somebody was about to see me. It was Darren, and Carter had his hands over the eyes of the teenager he'd introduced me to on the ride home. He was completely naked, except for a slave chain collar and lock around his neck. As I looked him up and down I noticed that his cock was every bit as healthy as Carters, and growing hard. He had no pubic hair-in fact he had no body hair visible at all except on his head. Darren was as beautiful as Carter, and as I admired my view I momentarily forgot my predicament.

Once they were in the room standing at the foot of the bed Carter took his hands away from Darren's eyes and said, "Okay, here's your reward, boy."

Darren opened his eyes and I saw him focus first on my hard cock, then my bound arms, then my bound ankles, then back on my hard cock.

"You got him Sir!" Darren said, a smile on his face.


Next: Chapter 3

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