The Reunion

By Selena Anders

Published on Dec 18, 2002


The Reunion

This story is a shared writing experience, created by Joni and Selena Parts by Joni begin with 1). Parts by Selena begin with 2).

  1. Stacy stepped from her car. Grabbing her overnight bag and make-up kit, she walked briskly from the parking ramp into the hotel with great anticipation. It had been ten years since she graduated from high school and she was looking forward to the reunion. She registered at the front desk and got to her room in just a few minutes. During the ride up the elevator, she wondered. Would Jane be there? She hoped so.

  2. The pretty clerk at the check in desk glanced at the credit card, "Ms. Stacy Clemens? I believe I have a message waiting for you. A Ms. Jane Rogers wants you to contact her in room 1231, so I have taken the liberty of assigning you to room 1233." The clerk quickly finished the business of getting Stacy checked in and, as she handed the credit card back along with the key card, she momentarily held Stacy's hand between hers. "My name is Amy, and if there is anything you need, any little thing at all, just dial the front desk and I will personally take care of all your needs."

The phone rang in 1231, and Jane Rogers heard Amy's voice, "She's here. Should I bring up the champagne?"

Jane laughed her deep throaty laugh and replied, "No, not yet. Give her a chance to get settled in first. I'll call you." Jane hung up the phone stretched. It was time to get out of her lawyer's business suit, and into something a lot more comfortable.

  1. The key card slipped into its slot on the door easily. A click sounded and Stacy pushed the door open. As she walked into the room, she noticed the sweet smell of perfume. The curtains were drawn shut and a small lamp was on in the corner of the room. Stacy went over the reunion plans in her mind.

"Social gathering tonight at Clancey's, a tour of the old school and the reunion party tomorrow and brunch on Sunday." she thought. She planned to stay tonight and tomorrow night, and then return home on Sunday after brunch. She unpacked and started to hang up her slacks and top for the reunion party tomorrow. She decided they would look better if they were pressed first. She picked up the phone and pressed the button for the front desk.

Amy answered. She said the dry cleaners usually picked up in the morning, but she knew an overnight service that could have Stacy's outfit back first thing in the morning. "... and they provide excellent service. I know you will be pleased," she added.

Stacy said that she was planning to run out for a quick bite and she'd be gone for a while.

"Just leave the outfit on your bed with a note," Amy suggested. "I'll be up to get them while you are out."

  1. Jane began to disrobe. First went the jacket that was almost as long as her mid-thigh skirt. Jane was an exceptional looking woman who had learned to use her physical assets to intimidate and distract the male lawyers who dominated her world. She pulled the pins from her long brunette hair, allowing it to cascade down over her silk blouse. Swiftly she unbuttoned her shirt then pulled down the zipper of her skirt. Both garments fell to the floor.

Jane was not immune to a certain degree of vanity, so she turned to admire her 34C-24-35 figure in the hotel mirror. Her bra was carefully from a "Madonna" line of lingerie, making her breasts thrust out like bullets to threaten other lawyers. She wore only crotchless panty hose, preferring not to allow her woman-scent to build up inside panties. Her hands drifted over her breasts, down over her flat tummy to slide down the crack of her shaven pussy.

But enough of that. It was time to run a quick bath. Jane walked half-naked into the bathroom and got the water started, before removing her spike heels, scanty-hose, and bra. The hotel had provided a tiny bottle of bubble bath, which she dumped into the water. Jane had just finished sinking into her bath and turning off the water, when she heard the click of a lock at the room next door. She leaned back and closed her eyes, but her ears were wide open.

Jane could hear the scraping of hangers along a steel clothes rack. She could hear that a woman was speaking on the phone, but not make out the words. Was that Stacy's voice? It must be, because Amy had said she would book Stacy into the next room. Oh Goddess! It had been 10 long years since she had seen her first lover, the beautiful Stacy, and now she was right on the other side of the hotel room wall! Then the lock in the next room clicked again. Stacy was going out somewhere. Would she please not be going far? Would Stacy please be about to knock on Jane's door?

  1. As she walked toward the elevator, Stacy opened her small purse to stash the room key. Her eyes fell on the slightly faded photo. She took it out, held it in her hand and snapped her purse shut.

Arriving at the elevator, she pressed the "Down" button. The photo brought back many memories. It showed two laughing teenaged girls - one a brunette and one a blonde - at a party. They were hugging and obviously having a very good time. The photo was of Stacy and Jane during their freshman year in college.

The elevator car arrived and Stacy stepped on. She punched the Lobby button and stepped back as the door closed. The car dropped slowly. Stacy's mind tripped back to the first time she met Jane. Tall, thin and lithe, Stacy was something of an enigma. During high school she played on the girl's basketball team during the winter and ran on the track team in the spring. She loved athletics, but never was "girl jock". Stacy loved the exhilaration she felt when she pushed her body full-tilt. At the same time, Stacy loved to draw and to paint. She carried a sketchpad with her wherever she went, because she never knew when inspiration would strike. During her fall term as a freshman, her art instructor introduced the class to live models. For the first few sessions, the models - male and female - were clothed and were fairly dull as subjects. On the fourth session, however, Stacy was inspired. The model was a gorgeous brunette girl. During the first fifteen minutes, she sat on the stool in the middle of the room while the class sketched her.

"Concentrate on the model's face and hair," the instructor suggested as he guided the students, "Don't worry about anything else just yet."

Stacy couldn't keep her eyes off the girl. At the same time, her hand danced on the sketchpad in front of her. It was like an angel was guiding her, the vision and the drawing were melding into one clear image. The model seemed to spend more time looking at Stacy then she did looking at any of the other student artists.

At the end of the quarter hour, the instructor called he students to halt. He signaled the model and she stepped into his office. "Close your eyes now," he demanded of the class, "Remember how she looked and the impressions you got of her. Think of her hair, her eyes, her nose." Stacy did and she started to get a nice warm feeling.

There was a rustling noise and the sound of the stool moving. "Open your eyes now," said the instructor. The model was sitting on the stool, draped in a bathrobe. "Your challenge now is to draw the rest of the model," he continued. The model stood and made one smooth motion as she allowed the robe to drop from her body onto the floor. She sat back on the stool.

"She IS gorgeous," Stacy thought as she allowed her eyes to drink in the sight of the model's breasts and her shapely figure.

"DING!!!" It was at this moment that the elevator reached the lobby level, rudely pulling Stacy from her memory. The door opened. Stacy stood for a moment. She took a step, then stopped and pressed "12". The door closed again.

  1. Jane listened to the footsteps of the woman in 1233, as they walked past her door toward the elevator. A tear leaked out of her eye, as she thought that she would have to cancel that bottle of champagne. She sank lower into the mountain of bubble bath suds.

Amy had several small chores, updating client accounts billed from the hotel room service to individual rooms, but her reception desk had a direct view of the elevators. One of the doors opened, and there was Ms. Stacy Clemens. Oh yes, she would have to go up right away to collect the outfit from the bed of #1233. She grabbed her master key and headed toward the elevator, but before she got there she was surprised to see the woman reach out to press another button, and the elevator door closed.

Quickly, Amy stabbed the UP button, and soon another elevator arrived. She pressed '12'.

Jane had decided to just relax and enjoy her bath, and to put her lustful thoughts about her long-lost Stacy from her mind. Again her fingertips strayed to her nipples, and to more intimate places.

Suddenly there was a light and tentative knocking on the hotel room door. Startled, Jane splashed water and suds all over the bathroom as she went to peer out through the security eyehole. Goddess! It was Her!

Amy emerged from her elevator on the 12th floor to see Ms. Stacy knocking gently on the door of room 1231. Well, her job was to collect clothing from a different room and ensure it was properly pressed. She walked toward the lovely figure of Ms. Stacy as that woman waited patiently for her knock to be answered. Amy nodded pleasantly to the hotel guest, and was just about to walk past her to go to Stacy's room, when the door of 1231 opened. Amy and Stacy both froze. For there, in the doorway, was a gorgeous brunette, dripping water and clad only in soapsuds.

  1. Stacy took in the vision. Jane had only grown more beautiful. Somewhere, deep inside, old feelings stirred. The blonde took a slow, deep breath as her eyes fixed on a small soap bubble that perched at the very tip of Jane's left nipple. She reached out with her index finger and popped it. The women laughed.

Stacy stepped in. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Without a word, she leaned forward and kissed Jane. It was a quick, soft kiss. "Um, hi Jane," Stacy whispered, "You look... It's nice..." She took another deep breath. Slowly, she put her arms around Jane and pressed their bodies together as she kissed the brunette again. This was a deep, sensuous kiss; it was a kiss that spanned all the years of separation and made them feel like mere seconds had passed. Jane's hands softly caressed up and down Stacy's back and moved to her waist. The blonde opened her mouth just a bit; it was an invitation that Jane understood and accepted. Her tongue slid between Stacy's lips and sank into her mouth.

Stacy's head was spinning. Jane's kisses and tender touches were like heaven. "Why had we fallen apart?" she wondered. Her fingers dropped to the small of Jane's back and then lower as her mind returned to the past.

Stacy and Jane realized their attraction for each other during that class. They shared a cup of coffee after, followed by an evening of indescribable lovemaking. It was as though the two women were complementary Ying and Yang. Though different in appearance - Jane's buxom figure and Stacy's 32-"almost A" breasts - and opposite in scholastic interests - Stacy was a very creative free-spirit while Jane was a logical, studious and politically active collegiate - the two shared a deep passion for each other. They loved their mornings together, weekends shopping and their nights exploring every nook and cranny of their bodies.

The separation occurred, not because they fell out of love. Their career choices led them down different paths. Each wanted to attend the very best school for their career. That meant that after their sophomore year of college, they would change schools. Stacy traveled to Europe for her art classes. Jane stayed in the U.S and transferred to an East Coast university, then attended Law school, where she graduated second in her class.

"Stacy?" Jane's voice drifted through Stacy's memories. She returned to reality again. "Stacy?" Jane paused again. "Do you mind if we close the door?" Jane asked. "It's a bit chilly out in the hall." She gave Stacy one more hug - and as she did, Jane gave a sly wink to Amy, who had been watching all the time.

  1. That single act of Stacy popping a soap bubble on her nipple gave Jane a hormone rush that made her head swim. She drew her old lover into the room, still clinging to her as if breaking contact would let Stacy magically vanish from her life again. Amy took that wink as an invitation, and discretely followed, closing the door behind her.

At 5'11" tall, Stacy was 5 inches taller than her friend. Even with Jane in bare feet, she towered over the brunette. Amy, short for Amourette, which means 'little lover', was the same amount shorter than Jane. Her long wavy hair was a medium brown, with pale streaks from much time in the sun. Born in Algeria of Arab and French parents, there was not a trace of a tan line on her darkish skin. Her compact, petite body had never gotten over 105 lbs, even on one of her 'fat' days. She watched as the two older women hugged and kissed, then began to giggle as the water from Jane's soapy arms began to soak Stacy's blouse, and then her slacks as Jane's hands cupped her lover's ass.

Quietly, "Ms. Stacy, you are going to get your clothes soaked. Why don't you let me hang them up for you?" Amy suggested. That was all Jane needed. Quickly her hands ran from Stacy's ass, up her back and over her shoulders. Jane had to break their kiss and push her friend just a few inches away in order to let her hands rest for a moment on her friend's firm little breasts, before beginning to unbutton her blouse.

Stacy closed her eyes and allowed herself to be slowly and sensuously stripped. The moment Jane finished unbuttoning her blouse, Amy whisked it away to place it precisely on a hanger in the closet. Amy turned back to where Jane was playing with Stacy's tits through the totally unnecessary bra. Quickly Amy unhooked the bra in the back, and it fell away to give Jane her first view of those lovely pink nipples in years. Jane didn't have to bend over far to give each of them a quick suck, while Amy put the bra away in a nearby drawer, then knelt at Stacy's heels.

With only a little urging, Stacy stepped out of her shoes, as Jane's tongue slid slowly down her tummy to the top of her slacks. Hands to waistband. Snap unsnapped. Zipper unzipped, and Amy was there to help pull the slacks down those long, lovely legs. Amy faltered, for there were the perfect globes of the firmest, creamiest ass she had ever seen, parted only by the narrow back of a satin thong. She couldn't help herself, but carefully placed a little kiss in the exact center of each of those buns, before helping Stacy step out of her pants.

Jane gazed lovingly up into her long-lost lover's eyes as Amy efficiently hung up the slacks. Then the scent of Stacy's womanhood drew her attention inexorably down to the one remaining scrap of cloth on that long limber body, and the growing dampness in its crotch. Jane's hands went to Stacy's hips, while one of Amy's went to the base of the woman's spine. Together they drew down that bit of satin, and together their tongues reached for the treasures revealed.

  1. Stacy was completely naked now, but she felt revealed, not exposed. She was seeing and being seen by her lost love. This new woman - Amy - only added to the excitement as the couple became a trio.

Jane allowed her eyes to drink in everything about her goddess. Stacy's skin was the color of a soft suntan without any lines. "She still sunbathes nude," Jane thought. Letting her eyes continue on their voyage, Jane felt a stirring in her stomach as they fell on the view of Stacy's very neatly trimmed pubic hair. The blonde hairs were cut into a "V" that started at the point where her labia folds met and rose for about two or three inches, never becoming more than an inch wide at the top. It was a cut that would hide behind the very skimpiest of thongs.

She pressed on the inner side of Stacy's thigh and the blonde moved her legs apart slightly, improving Jane's' access. Stacy's inner labia lips were quite large. The outer lips could not contain them, so they were always partially exposed. The pink flesh glistened now and Stacy's internal juices flowed from her excitement. As Jane thought about that, and the small piece of cloth that had just covered that part of Stacy, her tongue made contact with the exposed woman-flesh; soft skin against soft skin. As she breathed, the aroma of Goddess' sex wafted into Jane's nose. It brought back memories of their many nights of lovemaking so many years ago.

Stacy was glad that her parents had sent her Forsythe, an exclusive high school. It catered to only the best and brightest students and, because it was a private institution, they could experiment with unusual teaching techniques that were supposed to accelerate a student's learning. They also offered the greatest opportunities for athletic or artistic development. No public school board would have dared to let freshman high school art students have nude models - or be a live nude model. Yet, when the teachers could justify their ideas with sound reasoning, the Forsythe administration supported this kind of forward thinking. They believed that by experiencing life and its possibilities in the right atmosphere, Forsythe students would excel in their academics and, as a result, would become leaders in their public and personal lives. They were right. Some of the nation's universities' admissions departments found that Forsythe's students were between 18 months to two years ahead of their contemporaries in both academics and personal development. They almost always graduated in the top one percent of their university class.

Jane was a highly intelligent freshman who understood her own beauty and how to use it to her advantage. So she had offered to be a nude model for the all-girl art class. It gave her an excuse to show off her well-toned body to other girls in the school. She enjoyed the class almost as much as she enjoyed showers after gym class. There, she could be seen naked AND see other girls naked, too. It was in the shower that Jane first saw Stacy. Though Stacy did not seem to notice the brunette, it was there that Jane decided she wanted to be with the beautiful goddess. A slightly different movement brought Stacy back to the hotel room. Amy's fingers found the opening to Stacy's pussy. The pink cavern was moist and very inviting. The diminutive newcomer circled the opening with her slim fingers, being careful not to scratch the woman that Jane - her mentor, called "Goddess". At that same moment, Jane's tongue found Stacy's clitoris. She licked it from the base of its hood to the exposed, sensitive tip. Stacy shuddered at this touch. Jane pushed her face closer; her nose touching the blond hairs on Stacy's mound as she surrounded the clit with her lips and gave a gentle suck, drawing it into her mouth. Oh, the taste was wonderful! Stacy stood, legs bent slightly as she was being made love to - and supported from falling by two beautiful women.

Next: Chapter 2

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