The Reunion

By moc.loa@gnoSniR

Published on Nov 2, 2000


Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure fiction. It is in no way meant to show that he members of 98 Degrees are homosexual. This is just a piece that I have had running around my head for a couple of weeks.

Rating: NC-17 for mm relations.

I love all of the feedback that you guys are sending! Keep it coming.

Oh, and one quick note <> these indicate private thoughts.

Anyway, enough of my yammering. So, here it is.


Chapter 9

Nick woke up and blinked at the annoying machine on the night stand that was making that horrible noise. He reached over and turned off the alarm when he heard the knock at this door. "I'm coming, give me a sec," he called. Rising out of the bed he pulled on a pair of boxers and answered the door.

"Good morning to you too," Jeff said. He was holding a tray in his hands. It was loaded with a coffee pot, two cups and two covered plates. "I brought breakfast. Can I come in, these things are heavy."

Nick just stood there for a minute and stared at his friend with a evil grin on his face. "Hmm, I don't know, maybe I should let you stand here for a while." He laughed at the look of frustration came across Jeff's face. "Come in before you bust something."

"Thank you," Jeff said, sarcastically. "I thought this might make up for last night."

"Last night? What are you talking about?"

Jeff stood there for a moment, his cheeks flaming. He realized that Nick had never realized what he had been trying to do. "Oh, nothing special. I felt that I was being rather rude last night, just barging in like I did, that's all."

"Oh, that's cool. It's no big deal," Nick said, coming over and pulling Jeff into a hug. "I needed someone to talk to anyway. So, what time do we leave today?"

Nick sat down at the dinette set that occupied a small corner of his room and started setting things up for them to eat. Jeff walked over and poured both of them some coffee and grabbed a croissant and made himself a breakfast sandwich while Nick contended with the pancakes and eggs that were on the plate in front of him.

"Well, Steven said that he wanted us on the bus before noon," Jeff said around a mouthful of food. "So, I thought that, knowing how you are, that you could use a wake up call and some room service."

"Thanks, Jeff," Nick said, smiling up at him from his plate. "I truly appreciate it."

"Hey, what are friends for," Jeff said. He swallowed the rest of his breakfast and walked around the table to stand next to the chair Nick was seated in. Without another word, he leaned down and kissed Nick softly on the lips.

Nick gasped at the contact and just sat there for a second. Jeff straightened up and looked a bit worried. "Was that crossing the line?"

"Not at all," Nick said softly, grabbing the front of Jeff's shirt and pulling him down for another kiss. This one was longer and much more passionate. When they broke apart Nick looked up and smiled at Jeff.

Jeff smiled back and walked over and sat down on the bed. He patted the comforter beside him and said softly, "Just one more time. Please. I just want to feel you love me."

Nick smiled and walked over to him. Sitting down and kissing his neck his whispered, "That's what friends are for."

Jeff turned and pulled him into a piercing kiss and began to ravage the other man's mouth with his tongue. He felt Nick pulling at this clothes and broke apart long enough to strip. He stood there his cock reaching for the ceiling and oozing a steady stream of precum. Nick leaned in and took Jeff into his mouth and began to suck on him like he was a man lost in the desert who had just found a pool of water.

Jeff stood there lost in the feeling when he felt his knees try to buckle. Nick pulled of and lowered him onto his lap and began to kiss his chest and neck softly. Nick looked up and saw that Jeff's eyes were glazed over with the ecstacy that both of them were sharing. He pulled them both backward onto the bed and pulled off his boxers and laid down beside Jeff and began to rub his hands up and down the other mans chest and arms.

"Oh, Nick, I want you so bad. It's been so long," Jeff whispered. He voice was getting rough and his breath was coming quicker.

Nick sat up and climbed in between Jeff's legs and lifter him up onto his lap. Jeff smiled at him and leaned over and began to rummage through Nick's overnight bag and pulled out a small container of lube. He handed it to Nick and leaned back against the pillows.

Nick applied some to his cock and the began to work a finger in and out of Jeff. After a moment, he pulled it out and began to slide himself inside of Jeff's tight opening. He could see Jeff biting on his lip and he began to slowly move in and out.

After a moment, Jeff rose up and sat down on Nick's lap and began to raise and lower himself to match Nick's thrusts. It wasn't long before both men were covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Nick pulled Jeff into a kiss and began to thrust harder. He was close and he could tell be the way that Jeff was starting to tighten up that the other man was as well.

Then, Jeff began to cry out as their chests were covered in his orgasm. This sent Nick over the top. He began to come with a vengeance. He filled Jeff with stream after stream on cum. This was the first time that he had actually had sex with anyone since Matt had left. The release felt wonderful.

They both sat there catching their breath when Jeff leaned in and kissed Nick softly on the lips and told him, "Don't even say it. You're more than welcome."

Without another word, he climbed off of Nick and headed for the bathroom. "You gonna join me?

Nick stared out the window as they pulled into St. Louis. It was a nice day outside. St. Louis was enjoying an Indian Summer this year so the temps were still in the upper sixties and lower seventies. The sun was setting behind them and casting a rosy glow over the skyline. Nick was remembering that the last time he had been in St Louis was when Matt's dad had died.

He sighed as he remembered that. Matt's sister had called and told Nick the news and said that Margaret was asking for Matt to come as quickly as he could. Matt had been at the studio with Steve, helping to organize their latest appearances. Nick had called and gotten a hold of Steve.


"Steve, it's Nick, is Matt there?"

"He just ran down the hall for a sec. Nick, what's wrong? You don't sound that good," Steve said, concern evident in his voice. "Is everything all right?"

"I wish it were. Didn't you come by and pick Matt up and drive him down with you?"

"Yep. Sure did."

"I need you to bring him home as soon as he gets back.. Steve, his sister just called. His dad just died."

"Oh, shit. Well, we'll be there shortly. And I am not going to say anything. Nick, I will let you handle that part. All right?"

"That's fine, see you in a bit."

Nick hung up the phone and called for plane tickets and made all the other arrangements while waiting for them to arrive. Just before they pulled up the phone rang again. Nick picked it up and said "Hello?"

"Nick , hey there sexy! It's Laura. Is Matt home?"

"He's on his way home now. He and Steve were working at the office today. Hey, can you get someone to watch your store for about a week or so? It's really important."

"I probably can, what's up?"

"Matt's dad just died. I just got off of the phone with his sister. I am going to call the airport and have a plane waiting for us. If you can, I would really appreciate you coming with us. I think he is going to need all of the support that he can get."

"You do that. I will be there in a couple of hours. And, Nick?"

"Yeah, Laura,:" Nick asked, his voice beginning to crack.

"Take care of my boy. I'll see you two as quick as I can get there."

"Thanks Laura. I really appreciate this." With this said, they hung up and Nick waited for Matt and Steve to arrive.

Almost twenty minutes later, Matt and Steve walked through the front door. Matt was picking at Steve. "What is wrong with you? You are acting like you just lost your best friend."

Nick walked in from the kitchen and smiled at Steve. Matt had his back to him, so he didn't see him come into the room. "Matt, babe. Come here."

"Hey sexy man," Matt said, walking over and wrapping his arms around Nick. He looked up and saw the look of concern on Nick's face. "Nick, hon, what's wrong?"

"Babe, you need to sit down..." Nick began.

Matt cut him off quickly and efficiently. "Nick! Just tell me what is going on here?"

"Matt, oh God, I don't know how to say this. Babe, your sister just called. Your dad just passed away."

"What?" The color drained from Matt's face as he sank onto the white leather sofa they had in the living room. "When?"

"A little over a half an hour ago. You sister called. Your mom wants you to come home."

"Just let me get packed. Then we can leave for the airport," Matt said, heading for the bedroom. Nick stopped him.

"Hey, just sit down for a sec. I have already packed some clothes and called the airport. Steve gave me permission to use the Cessna. That way we don't have to deal with the crowd of a commercial plane. I called Laura, she is on her way down now. As soon as she arrives we will leave."

As soon as Nick stopped talking Matt just leaned in and wrapped his arms around Nick's neck. Looking up at Steve, who was still standing at the door, Nick felt Matt shudder and then he heard the tears come out.

Steve excused himself silently and let himself out. Nick just sat there and held his love as he cried and sobbed. Matt was still crying when Laura walked in the door. He looked up and ran into her waiting arms. She sank to the carpet and cried with him while Nick stood over them wiping his eyes.

Laura managed to get Matt into the bathroom and into the bathtub while Nick made some tea for him. He was just coming out of the kitchen when the door opened and Drew, Jeff, and Justin walked in. Their faces panic stricken.

"Guys, I was just about to call you."

"Nick, how is he? Steve called us about an hour ago. We came as quickly as we could," Jeff said.

Drew walked up and hugged Nick. "How ya doin' bro?"

Justin walked over and patted him on the shoulder. "Hang in there. We're here for both of you. Matt's as much a part of us as you are."

"Thanks guys," Nick said, feeling a weight lift off of his shoulders. "He's in the bathroom. Laura is with him right now. She came right away. What have you got Jeff?"

Nick had just noticed that there were suitcases sitting on the porch. "We are going with the three of you. No arguments."

"You won't get any from this corner."

"Hey guys, when did you get here," Laura asked, walking into the room. Her face was red from crying but she was smiling.

"We came to see how Matt was doing," Justin said, walking over and giving her a hug. "How you holding up?"

"I'm good. Well, he cried for a few hours and now he is getting impatient to go. I think we should leave as soon as possible. Matt and his mom are really close. I think she is the main person that he needs right now."

"Is he going to be all right," Jeff asked, his face a mask of concern. Before Laura could say anything, they heard a voice from the hallway.

"I'm fine, guys," Matt said, his voice hoarse from crying. All of them turned and looked at him with pain and sadness on their faces. Matt smiled wanly and walked into the kitchen. It was then that Nick noticed that he was dressed.

"Hey, you want some tea? I just made a pot. I thought that you could use some."

"Here, let me put it in a travel mug," Matt said, smiling up at Nick while he opened the cabinet and pulled out to thermal car cups. "I want to get going as soon as possible. I need to call and get plane reservations for the next flight, pack some things..."

Matt's voice trailed off and Nick walked up behind him and pulled him back against his chest. "Hey, I have all of that taken care of," Nick told him softly. "Let's just get you where you need to be."

Matt sighed and pulled out of Nick's arms. He turned and smiled through tear filled eyes at the man he loved with all of his heart and soul. "All right, let's go."

The plane was waiting for them when they reached the airport, as was security. They pulled up in front of the main terminal and handed the keys of Matt's Dodge Durango over to a security officer, they would park it in long-term parking for the duration. They were immediately loaded onto a small bus and driven around the airport to the waiting plane.

Once on board, Nick went up to the cockpit to talk to the pilot while Laura and Jeff helped Matt into a seat. "I'm fine," Matt griped at them. "I am not handicapped. Just depressed."

Laura and Jeff laughed and backed away. By now, it was late in the evening and all of them were beginning to feel the effects of the stressful night sink in. Nick walked in and saw that most of them were sleeping. Jeff and Justin had taken the two captains chairs at the front were out for the flight. Laura and Drew had taken on of the couches. Drew was already asleep, his head on Laura's shoulder. Laura was watching Matt when Nick walked in. She looked up and smiled at him and closed her eyes.

Nick walked over to the other couch and pulled Matt into his arms. He thought he might be asleep, until he felt Matt burrow his head into the hollow of his shoulder and sigh. "Nick, I don't know what to do."

"Shh, it's going to be all right, baby," Nick said, running his hand over his partner's hair. "We will take care of everything. Don't worry about it."

Chapter 10

Nick was watching the traffic out the window from his room when the door opened. "Yo! Nick!" Drew called, walking in and slapping Nick on the back. "Come on man! We need to get over to the theater so that we can rehearse."

"Oh, yeah, sorry Sprout," Nick said, turning from the widow. He laughed when he saw Drew standing there and bouncing in place. "Pent up energy, bro?"

"Yeah, I don't know why, but I feel like I could take on the world right now. Come on, they are waiting on us!"

Nick laughed and followed his younger brother out the door. He said good morning to Jeff and Justin and then grinned at Steven as they walked out together. Steven was talking softly on the phone and glancing around while they walked out of the elevator and into the empty lobby.

They guys looked around and visibly relaxed when they saw that there were no screaming fans present. "I am so glad that it is quiet," Justin said with a lopsided grin. I don't think that I could have handled a screaming group of girls this early in the morning."

"I know what you mean," Nick said. "Their voices have a way of cutting right to the quick don't they?"

All of the laughed and joked the whole way to the theater. Steven sat up at the front of the bus and made some quick phone calls.

"Matt Richards," came the voice from the other end of the phone.

"Matt, it's Steve."

"Steve, you guys in town yet?"

"Yeah, we are on the way over now. I thought that I might give you some warning."

"Thanks Steve. I appreciate the thought but, I think I'll just stay in my office. If there is anything I need from the stage floor I can have one of the office staff retrieve it for me," Matt said, relief evident in his voice.

"All right. I'll drop by while the guys are rehearsing and maybe we can go get some lunch? How's that sound?"

"Sounds great, Steve. See ya later." Matt hung up the phone.

Steven was putting his phone away when he heard Nick's voice from right behind him. "Who you having lunch with Steve?"

"Oh, Karen Taylor. She is the Promotions Manager of the theater that you guys are performing at tomorrow. She and I are going to hammer out some last minute details over lunch."

Nick did not say anything else. He walked back and joined the guys, much to Steven's relief. They arrived at the theater a few minutes later, without any trouble at all.

They guys were being given a tour of the theater before the started rehearsal. Justin and Drew were ooing and ahing over the art deco architecture and splendor of the place while Jeff was lost in thought. Nick was absent-mindedly glancing around when he what appeared to be a directory.

He walked over and was glancing at it when he saw something that shocked him completely. 'Matthew Richards. Promotions and Special Events Coordinator. Office 4E. Ext. 52964.'

<Matt? It can't be. Can it?> He was interrupted by Jeff calling his name.

"Nick. What' are you looking at?"

"Nothing, just a directory. C'mon, let's catch up with the others." Without another word, he grabbed Jeff's arm and led him away.

Matt said goodbye to Steve and told him that he would see him the following day and went back into his office. He was looking out the window when he heard the door open. He turned and said, "You know Karen. I love my...Nick."

He stopped and stared at the man standing in his office. Matt could not move. He felt like someone was sitting on his chest, he was having such a hard time breathing. After all this time, the sight of the man still took his breath away.

"I saw your name on the office directory and wondered if it was you. You were who Steve had lunch with wasn't it," Nick asked, the pain still evident in his voice.

Matt sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. <Why did this have to be so hard?> "Yeah, it is. How you been Nick?"

"How have I been? Lonely. I miss you."

"Nick, I'm sorry that I did what I did. What more can I say?"

"Do you still love me? I know that I never stopped," Nick said. He took a step towards matt and stopped when he saw the other man tense up. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know that Nick. I know you better than that. I just never thought that I would be this nervous. "I don't know what to say..."

Matt didn't get another word out when his door opened. Karen walked in with the other guys in tow. "Matt, you have some gentlemen here who would like to see...oh, I"m sorry." Karen stopped when she saw Nick standing there. Jeff and Justin gently moved past her. And stood beside Nick.

"Hey Matt,: Justin said. "How's it goin'?"

HI there Matt," Jeff said, smiling. "Long time."

"Yeah, it has been," Matt said softly. He was trying for fight the urge to cry. "How ya been guys?"

"We have been great." Matt jumped when he heard the bitterness in Drew's voice. He looked up to see him shoulder his way past Karen. "Excuse me, ma'am. We have been real good since you left."

Matt straightened where he stood and glared at Drew. "I know that we were never the best of friends Drew but this is my office and what happened between Nick and I is none of your concern. So I suggest you just turn around and take your pompous ass right back out the door."

Jeff and Justin both raised their eyebrows and stared in shock at Matt. He had never talked to Drew like that. In the past, they had always managed to keep it civil. Drew said nothing, he only turned and walked out. Nick tried to stop him but couldn't. "Drew, man, come on. He didn't mean it."

Nick turned and looked at Matt. The pain evident on his face. "Matt, come on, he didn't mean it."

"Nick, I think that you should leave. I'm sorry but, I think it would be for the best."

Jeff and Justin both nodded and waved softly at Matt and led a stunned Nick out of the room. After they were gone, Karen walked over and put her hand on Matt's shoulder. "You handled that pretty well, considering what happened."

"Then why do I want to run after him and tell him how much I love him and how sorry I am?"

"Love is strange that way, Matt. You just can't explain it," Karen said. She walked over to the door and turned to look at Matt. "Go home. Get some rest and we will see how the rest of the weekend works out. As a matter of fact. Take the rest of the weekend off. I can handle all of this."

"Thanks Karen. I think I will." Matt grabbed his things and walked out behind her. He reached the door to the street and walked out. As he stepped onto the sidewalk, he looked up and saw the bus drive by. Nick was watching him as they passed.

Matt turned and quickly walked to his car. Wiping his eyes, he climbed behind the wheel and drove home.

To Be Continued...............

Don't freak out on me. I love endings like this. But, the story isn't over yet. Hang in there.

Next: Chapter 6

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