The Reunion

By moc.loa@ewolramlhp

Published on Jul 29, 2001



This is a true story about one of my first experiences with another man, back in the time when I thought I could be straight and just have some fun on the "gay side" lol I have changed names on the off chance a family member reads this and figures the whole thing out. Anyway, enjoy and email me with any comments. :-D

The Family Reunion

He wasn't really family. That's what I kept telling myself. It was strange really how many people showed up to this thing without really being family. It was the family reunion of 1995. I was 16 years old and there were about 80 people running around my aunt's home in West Virginia. I knew most of the people, but had no idea how I was related to them. I gave up trying and just tolerated the "my how big you've gotten" and "wow, aren't we growing up?" comments. It was really annoying but I smiled and moved on.

All I really wanted was to go swimming in the river and get away from all these people. But that was impossible...they were everywhere. Like a plague of locusts they swarmed around the entire area. GOD how I wish I had my license so I could drive away from here.

I started walking for the river. Hoping no little cousin would tag along. I reached the top of the stair leading down to the banks and sat on the top step. RATS. Some cousins had already made it to the water, leaving my area of peace and quiet infected with yet another branch of the locust family. I sighed and placed my head in my hands trying to figure out what to do. "Hey" came from behind me. It was Mike. He was a little older than me but only by a couple months. When we were younger we didn't get along because to be honest, he was a short pudgy freak with this glasses and a real problem with keeping himself clean.

I hadn't seen Mike in a couple years. I barely recognized him. He was 6'1" bout 170 pounds on sheer muscle. He sported a six-pack, nice clothes and the glasses were replaced my contacts. In short, he was a hottie.

"Hi Mike. Man, you look great. What happened to you?"

"I'm on the varsity football team. They work us pretty hard." We came over and sat beside me on the top step. We began to chat about what was going on with us. We talked about high school and girls and all sorts of things that a typical teenager talks about. He lived in the area, just a few miles away. I on the other hand lived up north and was just staying for the week. Mike and I were barely related. He was the grandson of my grandfathers second cousin. Which if you were that specific about whether you were blood or not would mean that almost 75% of the US was related. So what happened didn't bother me too much. ;-)

We spent most of the day together. It was nice to have someone to talk to who had similar interests and such. The day started to wind down and everyone was beginning to clear out. Mike's mom called to him to say that the family was leaving. I sighed. This had been the highlight of my week and I wasn't about to let it end this easily. "Hey Mike, why don't you stay the night? I brought my tent with me and I was thinking about taking a hike through the fields and staying up by those trees" I pointed to a spot a few hundred yards away. He looked over to his mother.

"Mom, you mind if I stay. I'll get someone to drop me off tomorrow." She said sure and we looked at each other and smiled.

Later that evening we begin to round up the tent and sleeping bags. We filed our backpacks with some snacks and headed for the hills. It only took us about twenty minutes to get to the spot where I wanted to stay. We pitched the tent and crawled inside. It was about 9pm and the sun was almost totally gone from the sky. We sat there laughing and talking about stupid things. The topic turned to girls, which in turn turned to sex. "Have you ever had sex with a girl?" I asked him rather shyly.

"No have you?"

"No" I wasn't lying. I had never had sex with a girl. I had sex on four previous occasions with four different guys...but never with a girl. :) "What about a blowjob? Ever had one of those?" I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited at this point. I begin to think about previous experiences. Things I said...things I did to excite the other guy into doing something with me, even if he was straight. My mind was racing about the possibilities of me and Mike.

"No I haven't. My girl won't do anything. And it sucks!! I'm at my sexual peak and she won't help me out. I take care of it myself but its not the same as having someone go down on you, ya know?"

"Oh I know." I smiled not realizing what I had said.

"You've had a blowjob??" I had backed myself into that one. What was I going to say? 'Sure I sucked off my best friend he returned the favor' of course not, the last thing I needed was for some cousin I never saw to out me to my family.

"Well sort of," I nervously replied. "It's a long story" I think he understood what I had meant by the whole thing. In fact I know he did cause what he said next took me totally off guard.

"Have you ever given one?" I was shocked. My erection from the evening's conversation immediately went down. What was I going to say? Yes and maybe have a night of fun or no and lie and risk losing it all? I decided that it was worth the chance. Worse case I'll pin it on teenage experimenting to my parents.

"Yeah I have."

" mean, it's ok with me. No big deal." He smiled at me a playful smile. I was too naive what that smile meant. "Do you think you could give me one?" That erection I mentioned earlier...well it just popped back to full attention.

"If I give you one will you return the favor?"

"What do you mean? Give you one too?"

"Yeah" I replied "Its only fair."

"Ok...I will."


"Promise" I began to lean forward. I pulled back my sleeping back and lifted myself to a sitting position. He slipped off his shirt, revealing a slightly hairy chest and that gorgeous six-pack. I pulled down his sleeping back and took a look at the bulging cock under a pair of blue boxers. I had moved from nervousness to excitement. I had no fear about diving deep onto his hard penis. I grabbed the boxers at the waistline and slowly pulled them off. He raised himself to make it easier. His penis flopped against his stomach. It was larger than mine, much larger than the normal at that age. It had to be 8 inches long. I began to move closer. I reached out and gently grabbed his penis at the base, pointing it towards the top of the tent. I lowered my head over it and took the head in my mouth. It had already begun precumming. The taste was salty but not too salty to ruin the experience. I slowly went deeper on the rock hard penis, eventually taking all 8 inches into my mouth. I was an expert after all.

He began to moan in pleasure. I could feel him getting ready to cum. I wasn't about to let that happen. I wasn't done with him. I lifted off and looked at him and smiled. "What do ya think?"

"Man that was awesome."

"You're turn" He didn't seem to mind the command. In fact, I think he was excited. I laid back down and placed my hands behind my head. He pulled down my sleeping bag and then my underwear. My penis stood at attention waiting for him to begin to suck. He reached out and took hold of the base with his thumb and pointer finger, gently holding it in place while he lowered his head. He took the head in his mouth. It was obvious that he was attempting to mimic the actions that I preformed on him only a few minutes before. Which was fine, he didn't know what he was doing. He began sucking faster and faster. After going about as long as I had on him he stopped and moved back to him side of the tent.

"Now what?" he asked. I smiled. I knew what I wanted. I wanted that penis inside of me. All the previous sexual experiences I could never get someone to fuck me. I wanted it badly. I had dreamed about having someone pound inside me.

"Do you want to do me?"

"Do you? What do you mean?" He was not well versed in gay sex practices.

"I'll get on all fours like this," I maneuvered myself into the doggy style position. "And you fuck my ass from behind." He nodded and began to move himself into position. I felt his slick head begin to poke at my ass. "Be gentle, this is my first time" He said ok and began to press forward. Looking back on it I have no idea how he entered me so easily. Even today it takes longer to take someone who is smaller than he was. But that dick, covered in precum.... pressing against my ass slowly slid inside of me, until his entire member was planted in my ass. He moaned.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yes...fuck me please." He took the command and slowly began to pound in and out of my willing ass. It felt wonderful. Feeling him inside of me, his warm penis moving in and out, the sweat from his naked body dripping onto my back. I knew I wouldn't be able to hang on for long. I flew back and took went up on my knees. I leaned my head back onto his shoulder as he continued to fuck me. "Jerk me off" He took the command and reached down with his right hand and grabbed the base and began to jerk it back and forth. Soon his jerking was in sync with his fucking. I began to moan "I'm gonna cum!!" My body jerked with pleasure and my ass clenches, giving him more pleasure as he pounded in and out. I began to come, three, four, five big spurts of hot cum into his hand and all over the floor of the tent.

"Yeah I'm going to cum too," he cried. I leaned forward and let him slip out of my ass. I flipped myself over and laid in the pool of my own cum. He positioned himself over me and began to jerk his 8 inches. Soon his body tensed and loads of hot milky cum spewed from his cock. He pounded every last drop out of it all over my chest and face. Breathing a sigh of relief, he flopped down beside me. "Thanks, that was great," he said.

"You're welcome," I replied. We cleaned ourselves off with a couple of socks we had in our bag and went to sleep. The next day my uncle road him to his house. I road along in awkward silence. We never mentioned what had happened the night was obvious that he felt bad and regretted what had happened. We said goodbye as he darted out of the car.

I ran into him a couple years later. It was the last family reunion I ever attended. I was 18. We talked a little, acted like nothing happened. On a whim as he was leaving I asked him if maybe he wanted to camp out again this year. He looked and me and said, "no thanks, I have a bunch of stuff to do this weekend." It was then that I knew that what had happened between us didn't mean as much to him as it did to me. I haven't seen him since...who knows, maybe I will go to the reunion next year. :)

I had to touch it up a little (mainly cause I didn't remember everything) but all in all this is a true story. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. This is my first attempt at writing an erotic story so Id like to know if I did a good job.

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