The Reunion

By moc.loa@gnoSniR

Published on Dec 3, 2000


Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure fiction. It is in no way meant to show that he members of 98 Degrees are homosexual. This is just a piece that I have had running around my head for a couple of weeks.

Rating: PG

I love all of the feedback that you guys are sending! Keep it coming.

I know, the parts are getting smaller. I have to admit that I am having some hard parts with this are of the story. I know how I want to end it but I am having difficulties trying to tie it all in. I don't want to just finish it quickly and move on. Bear with me, I am trying to make this one work. Wish me luck! LOL

<> these indicate private thoughts.

Here ya go! Enjoy!!


Matt stopped at Wicks 'N' Sticks and picked up some more candles to replace the multitude that he had burned the other night while in the bath. He stood and talked with the owner for some time before leaving. He had worked there briefly after high school and still considered her to be one of the better people that he had ever worked for.

After leaving the candle store, he just began to window shop. He stopped in at the Gap and bought some new pants and a couple of tops to go with them. From there he headed across the way over to the Disney store. <I don't know why I do this. No matter what I try and do, I always walk out of here with something.> Nonetheless, Matt walked through the door and stopped as soon as he came face to face with one of the last people he expected to see here.

"Matt!" Jeff all but shouted. "Hey man. How ya doin'? Hey, Droopy, Matt's here."

Justin looked up from the rack of sweats that he was looking through and grinned at the two of them. He walked over and caught Matt on the shoulder. "What's up Matt? Interesting show the other night. Too bad you missed it. Jeff made a fool of himself on stage."

"Oh?" was the only reply that he could come out with. Matt's mind was racing. He knew that if they were here, Nick and Drew weren't far away. He had to get out of here as quickly as possible. <Why does this always have to happen at the worst possible times?>

Ahem, um...Matt," Jeff said softly. When Matt turned and looked at him he saw that the man was blushing slightly.

"That embarraising Jeff? Now I am sorry that I missed it," Matt told him, putting his arm around the other man's shoulders. Justin laughed out loud, which just caused Jeff to blush even more.

"Yeah, actually it was. But, enough about me..."

"Jeff," Justin said, his tone telling volumes. "I thought we agreed not to get involved."

"I know, Jus. I can't though. I can't just sit by and watch this again."

"Watch what again," Matt asked. He was looking back and forth at both of them, confusion covering his features. "What are you two talking about?"

"Nick," Justin said. That was the only thing that Matt needed to hear.

"I don't need this guys. Not from you," Matt told them. He held his hands up and turned to walk back out the door. It was at that moment that a sales woman, looking entirely too chipper and friendly for Matt's taste, walked up and asked if she could help him. "No, you can't, so just get away from me and if I need help I will be sure to look for you. Got it?"

Feeling rather proud that he could still be one major bitch, Matt turned and looked at Jeff and Justin. He didn't see the woman quickly flee behind him. Jeff and Justin just stood there for a moment and watched him in silence. "What? You got a problem? Jeff, Justin? Well, I'm waiting."

"Matt, you didn't have to be mean to her. Just because you are mad at the two of us there is no reason to take it out on the staff," Justin said, walking over and putting both of his hands on Matt's shoulders. He looked Matt in the eyes for a moment before releasing him.

"Yeah, C'mon man. It's not her fault," Jeff said, agreeing with Justin.

"I know," Matt sighed. Between the two fo them, they were pulling the guilt trip extremely well. "Look, I really need to go. I'm sorry."

Matt turned to walk out the door when he was grabbed by the arm by Jeff. "Matt, don't walk away, please. Can't we just go somewhere and talk? Just hear us out?"

"All right, come on," Matt said. He started walking out the door and Jeff and Justin quickly caught up with him. None of the saw Nick come to a halt only a little over twenty feet away. Justin told Matt and Jeff that he was going to go find Nick and Drew and keep them occupied. Jeff told him that he would go with Matt and that he would meet him back at the hotel later.

"I hope you don't mind," Jeff said to Matt as the walked down the promenade of the mall. "I mean, that I just volunteered you to take me back to the hotel."

"No, I'm cool with it," Matt said. "Jeff, why are you doing this? Be honest with me."

Jeff sighed and looked over at the slightly shorter man walking beside him. "I care for you and Nick. I don't like seeing either of you in pain. Which is what I am seeing all the time. Even more so since we came to St Louis."

"Oh, I see," Matt said softly. He could not think of anything else to say at that moment. Neither of them said another word as they walked outside into the cooler air. Matt pulled his jacket closer around him and wished silently that he had worn a heavier coat.

"Man, it is freezing out here," Jeff said, putting his hands under his arms in an attempt to keep them warm. "How far out are you parked?"

"Not far, here it is," Matt said, smiling at Jeff. "You look pretty funny trying to keep warm in just your shirt. Why didn't you wear a jacket?"

"We have been here for a while and it was nice when we left the hotel this morning. How the hell was I supposed to know it would turn into the north pole on us? Can you let me in now, please?"

Matt laughed and unlocked the car. Climbing into the front seat, he threw his packages into the back of the car and started the engine. Jeff was quickly into the passenger seat with the seat belt on and was rubbing his hands together. He caught Matt's amused look and grinned at him. "What?"

"Nothing," Matt laughingly replied.

Jeff gave him an odd look but said nothing. He just sat back and watched the traffic go by as they drove back to Matt's house. Neither of them noticed the car that was following them.

Nick waited until he know that Justin would not see him as he walked past and then quickly headed towards the rental car they had brought with them. He found it fairly quickly and drove around to the back of the building which was the direction that Matt and Jeff had been headed. As he turned the corner he saw them walk out of the building a short way down the sidewalk. He pulled into the garage behind them and quickly into a parking spot and tried to look inconspicuos. He hoped in any case.

Neither of them noticed him parked there as they drove by and out onto the lane and headed for the traffic lights. Nick quickly followed them and hoped that Matt would not recognize him behind the wheel of the car.

Driving behind them, Nick paid close attention to his surroundings. He knew that if things went bad with Matt that he and Jeff would have to drive themselves back to the hotel. Jeff had a horrible sense of direction but Nick was one of those few people that could find anyplace, once he had driven there.

He pulled over a short way up the street in the subdivision that Matt had pulled into and watched the car pull into the garage a few houses away. As soon as he saw the door close he climbed out and headed for the house. He wasn't wearing a jacket but he did have on a sweater so he was not as cold as Jeff had been. But he had a feeling that it would not last for long.

He just had to find out what was going on. <Please, don't let them. Please>

Matt climbed out of the car and headed for the kitchen door when he heard Jeff. "Nice neighborhood."

"Thanks, it took me a while to find it when I came back but I am happy here," Matt replied, hoping that did not sound has false as he thought it did. "I had some work done to the interior and the back yard but other than that, it is the same as when I bought it."

"How soon did you buy this after you moved back out here?"

"Oh, right away. I didn't want to saddle my Mom with having me move in. I paid for it and moved in about a month after being home."

"Where did you get the money for this? If you don't mind my asking," Jeff said, smiling at Matt.

Suspicion instantly seized Matt's mind as he looked at the man in his kitchen. <Oh, what the hell. In for a penny, in for a pound.> "Steven paid me for the work I did for him. If you don't believe me call him. The phones right there." Matt pointed to cordless resting in its cradle on the wall and walked over to the fridge.

"Sorry, Matt. Steven told me that he had been paying you the entire time. I just wanted to see if you would be honest and tell me the truth," Jeff said, grinning sheepishly at Matt. He had his head bent down and was rubbing the back of his neck while he was talking. Matt rememberd that Jeff had always done that when he was nervous about something.

"Oh, I see. Want one," Matt asked, pulling open the fridge and grabbing one out for himself and another for Jeff.

"What?" Jeff looked up and blinked at Matt.

"A beer. You want one?" Matt held the bottle up and in turn took a swallow of his.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks," Jeff replied. He took the beer and opened it with a quick twist. After taking a drink he turned back and looked at Matt, who was leaning up against the counter. "So, you gonna give a tour?"

"Oh, sure. Follow me," Matt said. He showed Jeff the house and they ended up in the living room on the couch.

Nick watched them through windows in the back of the house and then sat down on one of the chairs that sat out on the patio. He ran his hands over his face and sighed. "Why am I doing this? You would think that I could have moved on with my life by now."

Nick stood up and headed for the front of the house. He reached the street and walked quickly back down the road to where he had left the car. Climbing in he sat there for a moment. After a bit, he started the car and drove off, leaving his best friends and the love of his life behind.

Next: Chapter 8

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