The Reunion

By moc.loa@gnoSniR

Published on Jan 3, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure fiction. It is in no way meant to show that he members of 98 Degrees are homosexual. This is just a piece that I have had running around my head.

Rating: PG

I love all of the feedback that you guys are sending! Keep it coming. All righty, here you go.

Enjoy it! I know that it is not long but, bear with me. If I had to stretch it out anymore than I already have, I think I would have truthfully butchered it. If you peeps want another 98 Degrees story, just drop me a line and let me know.


The silence that followed was like nothing that Matt had ever heard before. He pulled away from Nick and stared into his face for a moment. "I have missed you, mister," he whispered softly.

Nick just stood there for a moment and then smiled back at him and hugged him close. "Oh, baby, you don't know how many times I have tried to call you, or write, or whatever."

"Ahem," Laura cleared her throat softly. "Um, Matt, dear, can I talk to you for a moment?" She motioned Matt over to the couch on the far side of the room. Matt followed her over there as Jeff and Justin stared in amazement at the two of them. Barbara just smiled like she knew a secret and guided Nick towards on of the other couches.

When she had him seated, Laura turned and looked Matt in the eye. "You want to explain that one to me? I thought that you couldn't deal with that?"

"I know," Matt sighed. "It's just, well, I did a lot of thinking on the plane ride and the drive from the airport. I miss him, pure and simple. Nothing more, nothing less. If he asked me right now to marry him, I would. I don't know why I did this but, it just feels right. You know?"

"Yeah, I do know," Laura laughed. At that moment, they heard Jeff call to them.

"Matt, Laura, over here."

They turned to see a man in hospital scrubs standing just inside of the doorway. He looked exhausted. "Well, he is in recovery. We were able to repair all of the damage that was done from the impact. He will have a long hard road to recovery but he will recover."

Barbara thanked the doctor and pulled Nick into her arms and stood there with him crying tears of joy and relief. Laura turned and rested her head on Matt's shoulder and whimpered softly. Jeff and Justin stood there for a moment until Nick pulled them in close with him and his mother.

After a bit, Matt watched the group let their relief fill the room and disengaged from one another. Nick walked over and put his arms around Matt and Laura. He kissed Laura on top of the head and Matt on the lips. Matt returned the gentle kiss and looked into the taller man's eyes. "I am glad that you are here, Matt," Nick said softly.

"You better be," Matt said . He smiled around the room at those he considered as part of his family. "Because let me tell you something mister. I don't intend to ever leave. Period."

Well, that's it. I have to tell you, I myself am not that pleased with the ending. But, if you like it, great. If not, sorry. Hopefully, I will have the first part in a new story with the boys out soon. Thanks for reading!!!!!

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