The Reunion

By moc.loa@gnoSniR

Published on Dec 30, 2000


Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure fiction. It is in no way meant to show that he members of 98 Degrees are homosexual. This is just a piece that I have had running around my head.

Rating: PG

I love all of the feedback that you guys are sending! Keep it coming.

All righty, here you go. Please forgive the error on Nick and Drews mother's name. I can't seem to remember it right off of the top of my head.

<> these indicate private thoughts.

Here ya go! Enjoy!!


Matt woke up with a start, realizing that he was on a plane. <What the...? Oh, that's right, I am on my way to LA. What time is it?> He glanced at his watch and noticed that it was almost four in the morning. He glanced out his window and heard the sound of the captain's voice come over the intercom.

"Ladies and gentleman, we will be landing at Los Angeles La Guardia International Airport within the next few minutes. If you could raise you seatbacks and tray tables to the original upright position, and fasten your seatbelts we will be on out way. Flight attendants please prepare for landing."

Matt made sure that his seatbelt was fastened and noticed that his drink was already gone. At just that moment, the young flight attendant from earlier appeared in the aisle next to him. "Oh, you're awake. I was just coming to let you know that we are about to land."

"I heard the captain, thank you," Matt said, smiling at the young man and nodding his head. He did not have the heart to be mean. Not with everything that had already occurred and what was still to come.

Matt was thankful when they announced that the passengers could now depart the plane. He did not mind flying, it was the landings that drove him to distraction. Nick always laughed at him during landings because he got so nervous. He grabbed his carry on and his suitcase and headed for the door.

Walking out of the gate, he glanced around and saw a man in a drivers uniform holding a sign that read "Matthew Richards" and was looking about. Matt walked over and introduced himself and followed the man out of the airport to the waiting car.

Matt climbed into the back and closed his eyes while the driver put his luggage in the trunk. He heard the driver climb in and start the car. After a moment, he felt it pull away from the curb and into traffic. Matt forced his eyes to open and watch the lights of the city all around him. He had never been to LA before, so this was a new experience to him. <Too bad it couldn't be under better conditions.>

"How long until we reach the hospital," Matt asked the driver.

"We should be there in approximately twenty minutes, sir," the driver told him. Matt nodded and turned his attention back to the scenery outside the windows. After a moment, Matt leaned forward and called for the drivers attention.

"Excuse me, but you don't happen to know where my hotel reservations are for do you?"

"I was not told anything about a hotel, sir. It was my understanding that you would be staying with either Mr. Timmons or Mr. Lachey. I can call ahead and have the arrangements made if you would like."

"No, that is all right, thank you," Matt told him. It was then that he heard the sound of a phone being dialed.

"Yes, sir, we are en route now. Yes, we will. Thank you sir."

Matt was about to ask who he had been on the phone with and thought better of it. He just sat back and watched the city move around them.

Matt was lost in thought when he was jolted slightly by the limo coming to a halt. He raised his head to see the driver climb out and walk around the car. Matt reached for the door handle as it was opened for him and he climbed out. As he did, he saw Jeff standing just outside of the front doors to the hospital.

He saw Matt and ran towards him. Matt stepped onto the curb and held his arms open and let Jeff fall into his embrace. He stood there for a moment and held the other man while he cried softly into his shoulder.

Matt saw the driver looking at him anxiously. "I don't know how long I will be."

"It's all right, sir. I will stay with the car. Allow me to park and just call me when you are ready to go. Mr Timmons or Mr Jeffries has my number in the car." With this said, the driver walked around and climbed behind the wheel.

As the car pulled away Jeff raised his head and looked at Matt. He smiled shyly and laughed softly. "You always were a great shoulder to cry on."

Matt laughed softly, blinking away the tears that were coming to his eyes. "Thanks Jeff. It's good to see you again. How is he?"

"We haven't heard anything yet. They are still in surgery. C'mon, let's get inside. The others are waiting," Jeff said. He put his arm around Matt's shoulder and led him into the brick building.

Matt followed Jeff into the building and through the lobby to a waiting elevator. Matt was thankful of the late hour, it meant little to no traffic in the building. As the elevator ascended, Matt turned and looked at Jeff. He looked terrible, dark circles under his eyes, which were bloodshot. He was in need of a shave and his hair was in disarray.

"What," Jeff asked, when he glanced over and saw Matt studying him. "What is it?"

"You look like hell, to be honest," Matt said with a smile. That was one of the things that he and Jeff had always been to each other, totally and completely honest. Jeff had been the first one to pull him aside and tell him that if he ever needed anyone to talk to that he could come to him, any time.

"Thanks, I needed to hear that," Jeff said, laughing and shaking his head. "Thanks, man, I needed to laugh."

"No problem. How is everyone else? And who is here?"

"Well, Laura, obviously, and Justin. Nick and his mom. That's it. Laura and Barbara are clinging to each other for support. Justin and I have been giving each other that much. Nick, he just paces. He won't sit still for more than five minutes at a time."

"On my, he is taking it badly isn't he," Matt said, his forhead furrowing in concern. Nick had always been the rock of the group. Anytime anything had happened, he was the calm and sensible one. "What did he say when you told him I was coming?"

"Well, that is the thing..."

"What!? Jeff Timmons, don't you dare tell me that you didn't tell him!?"

Matt quickly lowered his voice as the doors opened. "At least tell me that Barbara knows."

"All right, she knows. Actually, she was the one that suggested we call you. She said that you could help keep everything together," Jeff said, glancing at him with an apology in his expression.

"Don't worry about it," Matt sighed. He rubbed his hands across his face. "I just need some coffee."

Jeff and Matt walked through a set of double doors only to be stopped as soon as the closed behind them. "Excuse me, but you can't be up here, sir.," a nurse sitting behind the desk said, glancing at Matt. It was in that moment that she saw Jeff. "Oh, Mr. Timmons. I didn't see you there. I take it that you are together?"

"Yes, thank you. He is with us."

Jeff smiled at the nurse and motioned Matt down the hallway. As he they walked down the hall, Matt saw Justin pop his head out of a doorway and smile. He ducked back inside for a moment and the walked out into the hallway. He pulled Matt into a tight hug as the came close enough.

"Hey, Matty, good to see ya," Justin said softly into Matt's ear. Matt could tell by the hoarseness in his voice that he had been crying.

Justine put him down as he heard a soft wimper from behind him. He turned to see Laura standing in the doorway, a wadded up tissue in her hand and her face wet with tears. Saying nothing, he walked over and pulled her against his chest as she cried her heart and soul into his breast. He let the tears fall then and saw Barbara smile at him as Jeff put his arm around here.

Laura pulled away and smiled up at him. "Hey sweets," she whispered. "I was hoping that you would be able to come out."

"Hey, anything for you. You know that. Have you heard anything?"

"No, not yet. This is the worst, the waiting. If not for Barbara I don't know what I would do. Nick is blaming himself. He is in really bad shape."

"Speaking of Nick, where is he," Jeff asked, looking around.

"He went to get all of us some coffee," Barbara said. She walked over and hugged Matt. "It's good to see you son. I have missed not being able to talk to you."

"I've missed you too, Barb," Matt said, hugging her back. It was in that moment that they heard Nicks voice from the door way.

"Hey, what are you guys all milling about for? Have you heard anything ye...Matt."

Matt turned at the sound of Nick's voice. He was standing in the door way hodling a tray with some cups of hot coffee on it. Jeff was standing next to him. "Nick, we called him...." Jeff never got any further with his excuse. Nick shoved the tray in his direction and crossed the room quickly.

Matt stood his ground, waiting for the argument to ensue when he was totally shocked. Nick pulled him to his chest and started sobbing. "It's my fault, all my fault. If I hadn't drank, we wouldn't be here. I can't believe I did this to him."

Nick would have gone on with it except that Matt pulled away and shoved his finger into Nick's chest. "Stop it! Right this instant! Do you hear me, Nicholas Lachey? Well, do you? None of this is your fault. None of it. So you had a few drinks, big deal. It's not like you forced Drew to drive you home. He chose to. And I am sure that he didn't decide to wreck the car just to get back at you, so snap out of it!"

The room was suddnely very silent. Nick just stood there with his mouth open. Jeff and Justin looked like they were ready to jump to Matt's aid if he needed it. Laura and Barbara just stood there, horrified. It was in that moment that Matt surprised all of them, even himself.

He pulled Nick to him and kissed him with all of his strength.

Next: Chapter 11

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