The Return of Detective Steves Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 12, 2021


Those two weeks were a vacation that steve couldn't have imagined. It started once they had begun driving. From behind his glasses, Rick sneered (it was the tone of his voice. He always seemed to have contempt for the world. That and a raspy voice): "What pissant hotel are you staying at, boy?" steve gave him the name and Rick laughed. "NO FUCKING WAY WE'RE STAYING THERE. HOLD ON." The car was equipped with hands free cellular, and Rick made a call. A pleasant voice answered. "Madame's. This is Rhett, how can I help you?" "Rhett, yeah, this is Rick. Can you ask Johnson to come to the phone." "Uh, sure." "Johnson" was not the owner's real name: only his good friends called him Johnson, which was why Rhett was surprised. "Yup. This is Johnson. Who's calling." "NO NEED TO BE SO FORMAL BIG GUY. RICK HERE!" steve heard the dialogue as they went back and forth. Johnson DID have Rick's favorite room - as he called it, the "den." Once he was done, he got the phone number for steve's hotel, and had steve cancel it. "I don't know this hotel Sir." "Ha ha. It's kinda a little secret. Gotta be a serious Dom to get any kind of room. Johnson's particular about his guests. I dunno if you're gonna like it." He laughed harder. "But you're gonna KNOW you were there."

And that IS how it was. When they got to the room at "Madame's" steve found a four poster bed with the leather restraints at the corners laid out in a neat pattern on the bed. He saw a side table covered with things like a jar of lube, a vibrator, handcuffs, a small flogger, and some things he didn't even recognize. Instead of the standard "Welcome" note, with chocolates, there was a note that said "have fun, boys," and a package of condoms.

"Ha ha. Johnson always remembers I like extra large." Rick picked them up. "Well, let's get vacation started boy." He had taken off the chains that he made steve wear on their way down, and now, steve was simply handcuffed with his hands behind his back. He felt the key fit into the cuffs, and as he rubbed his wrists, Rick barked out "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR ? GET ON THE BED. FACE UP. SPREAD OUT. NOW." steve had a case of the screaming purple hornies himself, so he just said "yes sir." "WAIT. TAKE YOUR FUCKING T SHIRT OFF." Then Rick smiled. "Johnson knows these are one of my favorite toys." He found a pair of soft leather gloves at the side of the bed. "This is the item most stolen from the hotel. Steal them? He bills you. Refuse to pay? You just stayed the last time." steve assumed Rick had a pair back in NY (he did). No one had ever used them on steve before, but after Rick had secured the wrist restraints, he got to work. "UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" was all steve could say as Rick unbuttoned his shorts, took out his cock, and manhandled his balls in the gloves. "OH GOD SIR THAT'S... THAT'S INTENSE." "SHUT UP. LOTSA GAGS IN THIS PLACE AND DAMN, YOU'D LOOK HOT IN THEM." The gloves were mostly designed for nipple torture, and with steve's sensitive nips, that's precisely where Rick went. When he wore them, pinching and squeezing was awkward, but he stroked steve's chest, back and forth, slowly, using one hand, while he opened his own pants with the other one (Rick had driven shirtless). When he had steve quivering, moaning and begging, he took off the gloves, and got to work with his bare fingers, and his tongue. steve had had his nipples worked by some of the best tops in NYC. This workout though, put them all to shame. When Rick grabbed one nip and his cock, and teased. "You wanna cum boy?" with steve whimpering "yes sir," the answer he got back was. "Better not. I didn't give you permission. And by the way... you're not getting permission until you beg me to fuck you." He put the gloves back on. "Which I assume will be happening.... soon." Where the gloves were not that effective in stimulating steve's nipples, rubbing his earlobes put him on fire. "PLEASE SIR. FUCK ME. FUCK ME. IT WAS A LONG RIDE. I NEED IT. I NEED IT BAD." "Damn right you do steve. You have an itchy man pussy, and Rigger Rick is gonna see what he can do to scratch it." steve's legs went up, and ... if the fucking he got in NYC was brutal, it was romantic and gentle compared to the one Rick gave him now. steve felt like a bottle was going up his ass. Rick was fully engorged, and very, very aggressive. He heard the moan when his cockhead touched steve's prostate, and he laughed. "Just found my bitch boy's g spot didn't I?" Through moans, steve got out, "yes sir." "Well, I'm just gonna have to get a sense of that geography because right now... I'm gonna flood you like the Nile." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" steve moaned out loud when Rick shoved in even harder, and then the gushers of his cum filled steve's ass. "TAKE EVERY BIT OF IT. YOU WANT YOUR NEW TOPMAN'S COCK, BITCHBOY?" "YESSIR. I WANT ALL YOU'LL GIVE ME. FILL ME. FILL ME ALWAYS." Rick smiled as he pulled out. "I oughtta leave you tied down here for a while, handsome, but we got unpacking to do. And I gotta see what we need to pick up.

Rick felt that they did indeed need some things. He thought steve's bathing suits would be fine as gym shorts, but they weren't nearly short enough or tight enough for "my boy," so swim suits went on the list. He took a look at the clothes that steve brought and decided he needed a few more t shirts. Later that day, they were in a shop where he saw a gray one with the words "fit to be tied" written over the left pec. "We'll take two in size small." "Sir, I'm a medium." Rick smiled. "When you're with me, you're a small, studmuffin. I want everyone to see what I've got. " Very short, very tight fitting bathing suits were their other purchase. "Know what? Seeing you model those shorts... I'm fucking horny again. I hope your mouth is nice and wet." "Yes sir. It is," steve answered. When they got back to the hotel room, Rick shoved him down on his knees and rammed his cock in his mouth. It was fast, and rough. As he finished, he smiled. "Not nearly as much as this morning but no worries. I'll have a lot more for you soon. " steve smiled. He had never spent time with a top man who exhausted him, but it might be about to happen.

After that first day, they settled into a traveler's routine. Rick always woke up hard, and steve's first job of the morning was to take care of that with a good blow job. Sometimes Rick deep throated him, sometimes it was fast thrusts back and forth, but it always ended with steve sucking down wads of cum. Then there was a trip to the local gym for a brief workout, followed by breakfast. They'd dress for the beach, and frequently get undressed when they got there, because Rick knew all the nude beaches in the area. He had steve wear a chain collar to show anyone who saw him just what his role was. After the beach and then lunch, they'd go back to the hotel room for a few hours of "napping," which usually involved some kind of bondage game that Rick had decided on, sometimes followed by a nap. Then, a few hours out on the town to experience the Key West night life after dinner, followed by another bondage game, one which usually involved a period of at least half hour of edging of steve. Sometimes, Rick would bring him off, and sometimes, he wouldn't. One of the games Rick liked the best: simple but devious, involved putting steve on a butt plug, sitting him down, then tying him and gagging him with a bandana so he could drool. Then, he'd simply go about his business and every time he passed steve, he'd do something like tweak his nipple, or run his hand up and down his cock, or whisper something filthy about what he was gonna do to him. The "worst" for steve was that whispering: Rick had stubble: ALL the time, and steve's ears were more sensitive than his nipples. Between the stimulation of the stubble, and the butt plug, he'd drool mightily. Rick would gather it in his hand and use it as "lube" when he played with steve's cock. He'd keep steve tied up in the chair for about two hours, before he'd move him to the bed, and then fuck him brutally.

Rick began adding another game when he found out what steve did for a living. "OOOOOOOOOOH. A DETECTIVE. Someone who's used to DOING the 'up against the wall and spread em' thing." steve said nothing. He knew what was next: the spread eagle, and the pat down, became part of the games. There was a time or two when Rick made steve dress in the "good clothes" he had brought with him: oxford shirt, black jeans, and a thin jacket, so that he looked like a "real" detective when he was tied up. It took steve a lot longer to figure out what Rick did. He knew Rick was on the phone a lot during the day: when steve came out of the shower in the morning, Rick would be jawing away on the phone, and he was on the phone often during their "nap time." steve asked once and got a look. "Too much talking could mean way more gags, boy" , and he let it go. Eventually, though, he figured it out. Rick was facilitating sales of products like cigarettes, alcohol, etc, in a way that they avoided taxes. This put steve in a rough situation. He was a police officer, ultimately, and he knew something illegal was happening. He wasn't a part of any of the illegal activity, but still. He thought, frequently: "I need to get out of this," and then Rick would throw a hot fuck into him and he'd forget for a while.

As the two weeks drew to an end, one night Rick announced to steve that he had "passed the audition." steve was tied down on the bed at the time, and Rick was "tenderizing" him as he put it, with the gloves. "The audition Sir?" "Yeah.. the audition. I was testing you out. I knew you were a great bottom, but would you make a good slave. I think you will." He paused. "I'm claiming you, steve rich." steve began to squirm. He had no problem with bottoming: he loved bottoming for Rick, and he knew his role as a sub. But SLAVE? "Do I get to say anything Sir? OWWWWWWwwwwwww." Rick had just taken steve's balls in one of his gloved hands. "Not one thing, bitch. What is it about you slaves? You think you have anything to say about being captured, and OWNED?" He slipped a glove off and began twisting steve's left nipple. "You were owned the minute you came up to me in that bar. YOU know it, I know it, I'm just telling you, that's the way it is." Rick flashed a smile. steve still didn't know if he wanted this, especially with what he knew. Then Rick said "Move your head to the left. I want that neck." steve hesitated for all of ten seconds and then said "yes sir." As Rick lowered his scruff to his neck, steve knew: he was the lamb who had just given up to the lion. The fuck that he got that night was even harder than the previous one. "You'll call me Sir Rick from now on, boy. GOT IT?" "Yes Sir." "We're gonna work out the details when we get back to NYC, but... you'll be moving into my place. That's our first weekend back in NY." "Yes sir." "What have I done?" steve thought before he fell asleep wrapped tightly in Rick's arms that night. He thought it again, the next morning as they packed to leave. He stood back, chain collar on, head bowed and hands behind his back, while Rick and Johnson said goodbye. "Come on back, studs. You make the place look good." "HEH HEH. You KNOW we will comrade. I'm gonna look around for a boy for ya too. Someone who can handle those 13 inches." None of that made steve think, but when they got to the car, Rick tossed the luggage into the back seat, rather than the trunk. Then, he cuffed steve's hands. "You're riding for the first hour in the trunk. Just like property. Cause that's what you are." steve gulped. He had mild claustrophobia. Could he handle it? He'd have to. "GET IN BITCH" Rick yelled, and steve jumped to the order. The trunk door slammed, and then he felt the car move.

Up in the front, with steve out of the way, Rick was making more calls. One of them was to a friend and colleague to say that they'd have to be careful, since, "my new BITCH is a fucking cop. And no, I'm NOT giving him up."

The hour turned into two. When Rick stopped driving and popped the hood, they were in a rural area - of course, steve didn't know the state. "You're coming up front co-pilot. But first.... country air makes me horny. ON YOUR KNEES." Being locked up and thinking about his situation had made steve horny too. He had no problem saying "yes sir," and slurping down Rick's cock. The man WAS horny, and if the options were this, or getting fucked on the dirt, well. "If a drop of my cum spills, slaveboi, you're gonna have to clean it up." "mmmmmmmmmmph," said steve, his mouth filled with cock. Then Rick began to challenge him by pulling back as he got closer to climax. steve almost fell, trying to keep Rick's cock in his mouth. He needn't have worried. The thrust before the orgasm started was so deep that there was no chance of a drop spilling. When he was done, Rick undid the wrist restraints, but he held out the manacles. "Get them on your ankles and your wrists. Then get in the seat. "Yes sir." steve had always bottomed, always tried to sub, but he had an independent streak. He could feel it disappearing with Rick.

Next: Chapter 3

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