The Retreat

By Mr. T.

Published on Apr 16, 2009



This is my fist story for Nifty. Feel free to e-mail me and tell me what you think, whether you likes it, if you have any story requests, etc.

Thanks, M.


The Bachelor Retreat

I really didn't believe I might not be purely straight until that night when I had one cock in my mouth, one in each hand, and a thick, purple-headed monster pounding in and out of my asshole and making me feel like I was being fucked by a bear. That, and the fact that I was loving every minute of it and couldn't wait to be covered in cum put the thought in my head that I might be a little bi.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning..

My name is Walter Stein. I'm 32, about 6' 2", 185. I've got black hair and brown eyes, and am generally an attractive guy. At least, that's what Lorie, my wife, says. This story all happened to me about a year ago, just before I got married. I had been dating my wife, then girlfriend, for a couple of years before I asked her to marry me. Her saying yes was a bit of a surprise to me, because some part still thought she was way out of my league. She's a tall, thin brunette, with a great body. Luckily, we have the same sex drive, and it's rare we don't have sex at least twice a day. We also have the same oral fixation, and half of the time I end up filling her mouth with my cum. Like I said, I'm a lucky guy.

It wasn't until a couple of months before the wedding that my best friend Jim called me up and brought up the subject of a bachelor party. I had almost forgotten about that. I'd never been one for strip bars-except once in a blue moon when Lorie wants to go-and a 'guys night out' sounded kind of boring. That's when Jim suggested "The London Retreat".

I'd never heard of it before. Naturally, I thought it was somewhere in London, England..

"No," he said. "As in 'Jack London'. You know, 'The Call of the Wild'?" He explained it was a resort up in Canada that catered to small groups. It had about a dozen cabins spread out over a huge area of wilderness. The cabins had only the most basic equipment; a combination fireplace and stove, bunk beds and and out-house. There was no phone, no electricity, no roads for about 50 miles in any direction.

"We go and live in the woods for a week," he said. "We get some basic food and equipment, but it's essentially us vs. nature. We have to hunt, fish, find wood, keep ourselves warm and fed. It's great. Survivalism for the office drone."

We'd always talked about a trip like that, one where we'd test ourselves against the harsh face of nature. And this sounded perfect. I jumped at it.

"Great," he said. "I'll start planning it."

So in the weeks ahead we worked out the details. It turned out we could get a great deal if we got five or more people since the cabin slept six, but we could only find four guys who could go. There was me, Jim, and our friends Kevin and Gerry. We'd been friends since college, having all been in the same fraternity, but didn't see each other that much any more. We were all eager to get a shot at the trip, but we needed at least one more to make it a little more economical.

That's when Gerry suggested Tad. Gerry was a bigger guy who had been a bouncer right after college. He owned his own private security company now, and was a solid guy. Tad was a guy Gerry had hired a while back. He was a few years younger than the rest of us, but everyone knew him at least a little. He was a decent guy, and since we all got a long with him, we invited him as well. When he accepted, we were set.


We had to fly in on a puddle-jumper, a prop plane with floats instead of wheels. The pilot pulled us up to the dock, dropped all our gear off, pointed us towards the cabin and wished us luck. "And remember," he said. "If you get in trouble, just hit the EPERB and we'll be here in a jiffy." And without further ado, he was gone.

The five of us kind of stood around for a while, watching the plane take off from the small lake. It wasn't until we could no longer hear the engine that someone spoke up.

"Well, boys," Gerry said. He was about my size, but blonde and a little better built. He always liked to give people a hard time, and was one of the best poker players I knew. "We're not going to get any warmer staying here. Let's go see what we got ourselves into."

There was a slight chill to the air, so we all picked up our stuff and headed over to the cabin. At first glance it didn't seem too bad, but when we got inside…

"Holy crap," Jim said. "They weren't kidding." Jim was the unoficial leader of our group, always had been.. Taller than everyone else, he was thin and kind of geeky looking, but always bold. He knew how to use his looks too, and he was never at a loss when it came to women. He got more ass than a toilet seat, but never seemed to brag about it despite his success.

Looking around the cabin, I saw what he meant. It was fairly dark, with a fat, black stove in the middle of the room surrounded by a couple of couches and chairs. A kitchen table was tipped up on its side against one of the walls, and the windows didn't seem to let in a lot of light. Two large coolers sat in a corner along with a couple of crates. We knew these were the food stores we had ordered, though the rifles and fishing tackle that were right next to them made me wonder how long they'd last. The room ran along the south side of the cabin, and a single hallway running south led to the two bedrooms.

We all walked in, set our gear down and gave the cabin the once over. The two bedrooms each had two single beds in them, and they weren't much bigger than most of our closets back home. "I guess someone gets to pilot the couch," Jim said as we came back into the living room.. "Probably the best spot here, as it's next to the stove. The nights get pretty cold up here, even now."

No one really said anything, we all kind of took a seat. Jim and I sat on the couch, while the rest of the guys took a chair. Gerry and Kevin kind of looked around with smile son their faces. Kevin was the funniest of all of us. He could always find the right thing to say to make us laugh. Though he was only about 5 9, he was easily the best built out of all of us. Not hard to understand since he was a personal trainer.

"So," he said. "What do you guys want to do? Should we go out hunting or just start the circle-jerk now?" We all laughed at that. When I'd told my wife what we were going to do, she asked me if this was my way of telling her I was gay. I guess the other guys had been thinking the same thing.

"I think we save that one for tonight, hoss," Jim said. "We gotta do something to keep us occupied when the sun goes down."

We joked around for a while after that. Jim found the crate with thealchohol and we all had a beer or two. After that we picked rooms. Tad drew the short straw and ended up with the couch assignment, with me and Jim in one room and Gerry and Kevin in the other. We put our bags away and reconvened in the living room after that.

"I don't know about you guys," Tad said. "But I think I'm gonna try to catch some fish for dinner." Tad was about my height, but a little bigger. He had been in the army before he started working at Gerry's company, but you wouldn't know to look at him.. He had the longest hair out of all of us, kind of an emo-rocker look but without the guy-liner and black fingernails. I guess he was still Army underneath. He walked over to the fishing poles and picked one out, along with a small tackle box of supplies.

The rest of the guys said they wanted to try out the rifles, so I told Tad I'd give fishing a try with him. "Great," he said. "Let's go."


We took our fishing tackle and started casting from the dock. It didn't take us long before we got a few bites, and I landed the first catch of the day a little while after that. "Man," Tad said. "Look at him. He's huge."

And he was. A nice lake trout, about 2-pounds and beautiful. I put him on the stringer and went right back at it. "This is great," I said. "I mean, listen to how quiet it is out here. No noise, no nothing. Just great."

"You might not be saying that by the end of the week when we're all stinky and hungry," Tad said, half smile on his face.

"Or horny,"" I said, laughing.

"That too. But hey. It's the wild. You can go anywhere and spank it."

"Yeah. Or find a friendly she-bear, I guess."

Tad laughed. "Hell, a he-bear might look good enough by next Monday."

"Careful, you might give the other guys the wrong idea talking like that. They might take you up on the offer. Especially Jim. That guy has a permanent sweater on his chest." I laughed and cast my line out again. Reeling it in, I looked over at Tad and saw he had kind of a funny look on his face. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing," Tad said, shaking his head. "It's just…I don't know if Gerry said anything."

"About what?"


"Dude. What? You're not gonna tell me you're gay, are you?" I laughed again and shook my head. When he didn't laugh back, I stopped. "Oh shit, I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean…"

"No, it's okay," Tad said. "I'm not gay, but I'm kind of bi. I'm actually seeing a guy back home right now."

I felt like a complete ass. "Hey, listen. I didn't mean anything by it, you know. I mean, it was just guys talking. You know how it is."

"It's really okay," he said. He looked at me and I saw he wasn't upset, which made me feel better. "I'd have done the same thing a few months ago too. It's…it's something kid of new to me, you know?"

"It's cool, man." I said. I knew he was the outsider in our group, and I didn't want to make him feel worse. "I mean it, it's cool. I'm glad you had the guts to tell me. And don't worry about the other guys. If you want me to stay quiet, I will. It's up to you to say anything, alright?"

He thanked me for being so understanding, and we went on fishing after that, just talking about anything. We caught enough fish to feed everyone, and after a few hours we headed back to the cabin. By the time dinner came around, I had almost forgotten about what Tad had told me.



The other guys had spent most of the day hiking around, playing with the rifles. We all were back at the cabin before sunset and Jim cooked dinner; fish, some pre-mixed camping stuff and plenty of beer. We all agreed it was some of the best food we'd had in a long time..

It got dark and we all sat around the stove, talking and drinking. We played cards for a while, took turns using the one flashlight we had to go to the outhouse, and generally had a great time. By the time we noticed it was already 1:00 a.m., we all decided to go to bed.

I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up with a start some time that night. It was still pitch black, and the only light around was the thin moonlight coming through the window. I didn't know what had waken me, but I looked over and saw Jim sleeping soundly, his head completely covered by thick blankets. From somewhere, I heard the sound of someone snoring, but other than that it was completely quiet.

"Must have been a dream,:" I thought. I tried to go back asleep, but I noticed a dull pressure in my abdomen. The thought of having to go outside to piss didn't seem really appealing, so I tried to hold it off and make myself go to sleep. After a few minutes, I knew it wasn't going to work.

I sat up, and as soon as my feet hit the wood floor, I nearly jumped from the cold. I found my socks on the small nightstand near the bed, put them on, and gingerly tried the floor again. Still cold, but I could manage.

"The damn grass will be a lot colder than that," I thought. "Maybe I'll find an empty beer can and use that."

My plan sounded good, so I made my way out of the bedroom and towards the living room. Before I got there, though, I thought I heard something again. This time I knew it wasn't a dream or my imagination. I stopped moving and listened. Someone was talking, whispering actually. It was coming from the living room.

I leaned forward, trying to listen, but all I couldn't hear very well. So, I crept forward, trying to hug the wall as I moved. I got closer to the living room, and tried to peek around the corner. That's when I saw it.

There, in the center of the room, standing next to the pot-bellied stove, were Tad and Gerry, butt-ass naked except for the thick hiking socks they wore on their feet. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. What made it even more unbelievable was that each of them had one hand on the other's ass, and tad has his hand on Gerry's cock.

Tad was sort of swaying, using his hand to stroke Gerry's cock while he let his own cock swing back and forth, rubbing against Gerry's. I almost gasped out loud, but forced myself to suppress it.

I was flabbergasted. When Tad told me he was bi, I had been surprised. But I had no idea Gerry was into gay sex too.

Then I heard what they were saying. "That's it," Gerry whispered.. "Stroke it. Just like that. Nice and slow." Tad let out a soft moan as he continued his motion. I could hear the wet sounds of his hand stroking Gerry's cock, a sound I was all too familiar with from jerking off my own.

"God," Tad said. "You're so hard."

I had never really looked at another guy's cock before, but I couldn't help staring now, even though in the dull light I could see too clearly. Tad's cock was about average looking. I'd guess about six inches, maybe six and a half, but I noticed he had shaved his pubes complete.y. Gerry, on the other I had never seen him naked, but I guessed his cock must have been at least 8 inches, maybe closer to 9. And it had a big head on it, the proverbial baby ‘s arm holding an apple.

"Yeah," Gerry said quietly. I saw his other hand was playing with his balls. "Like that." He sounded very into it.

I don't know how long I stood there watching, but at some point I became aware that my own cock was now rock hard. I didn't give it much thought, because all my attention was focued on the two naked men in front of me who were doing to each other what I had only done with women.

Tad shifted position then, moving closer. He kept his head down, looking at their cocks. But with his hands, he took both cocks and stood them up, rubbing against each other. Then he started using both hands to jack them off at the same time. Gerry let out a groan.

"God," he said. "I love that. I love the feel of my cock against yours."

"Yeah," Tad said. "I want to see that huge cock of yours cum. I want to see it shoot all over my cock."

I was shaking with lust. I'd never even dreamed of seeing anything like this, and god damn it was hot. Tad started stroking faster and faster. Soon, Gerry reached up with one hand and started twisting one of Tad's nipples. Tad groaned in response and hurried his pace.

"Faster," Gerry said. "Make me cum. Stroke my cock for me you fucking faggot."

The words felt like they hit me almost physically. But to Tad they had an amazing effect. He let out another moan, this one loud. I looked back for a moment, panicked, thinking it might wake the other guys up, and I didn't want them to see me watching what was going on.

"God I love your monster cock," Tad said, his motions getting almost frantic. "It's so hot. So hard. I love how it feels in my hand."

Gerry kept playing with his balls and pinching Tad's nipple, and then it happened. A thick rope of cum shot out of Gerry's cock, shooting feet into the air and landing against Tad's chest with an audible sound. More spurts shot out, all over Tad's hands and both their cocks. A second later Tad's body tightened up, and he shot his load too. He came even harder than Gerry, with the white jizz shooting out like a geyser. Both guys hugged the other one too them as they let their orgasms work themselves out.

At that very second, I heard a noise from the other bedroom. Not wanting to take any chances, I raced back to my own bed as quietly as I could. I slid under the covers and tried to calm down, but my heart was racing so fast I thought I would certainly be found out.

I waited for what seemed like an hour, the whole time trying to hear some kind of indication that anything was going on, terrified that someone was going to walk in at any moment and bust me. When I finally peeked out from under my blankets, I noticed that there wasn't any sound at all, The cabin was still, no one was moving or talking. I breathed a sigh of relief and tried to compose myself, tried to go over what I had just seen. All thought of me having to piss had vanished, and I decided to wait until morning to do it.

I also noted that there was no way I could do so any time soo, as my cock was still rock hard, and a wet spot had formed on my pajama bottoms from the river of precum that had been oozing out non-stop since I first saw Tad and Gerry rubbing their cocks together in the light of the stove.

(***End of Chapter 1. More to come soon. Feel free to e-mail me at:

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