The Resort

By Mike

Published on Jun 11, 2002


I went to a resort in Manzanillo, Mexico every year since I moved out on my own at twenty. It was out of the way, and about 450 miles north of Acapulco with few tourist but I always had a good time. I came from a small town outside of El Paso, Texas and it was a bit of a drive at 22 hours, but I could take two weeks off from work so had plenty of time. My father was the minister at the local church and my older brother Jake followed in his footsteps. I was expected to do the same. I knew from an early age that I wasn't the same and would not be following that route. I also knew from an early age that I was also attracted to cock more then pussy. I tried it and had many girl friends in high school. One of the best was Mary Hopkins, she loved to suck cock sixty-nine was her favorite, while I enjoyed getting sucked I really hated to eat her pussy. I put up with it just to feel my cock explode in her mouth. She really liked the taste of cum, all the boys knew about her. What I had dream of, was my greatest jerk-off fantasy was to have a cock exploding in my mouth while I was shooting into another mouth. That's changed now to I was made into a cocksucker. When I was 13 the boy of my dreams was Jared, I went to school with him and he attended our church. He was just so sexy brown hair and eyes, dark skin he definitely had some Mexican blood in him. I always dreamed of being on my knees and peeling his pants down. As I start to suck his uncut cock (which I knew he had from seeing him after gym class) he would push me down on my back and pull my pants down engulfing my cock. We would suck each other for hours, bring each to the brink of an orgasms then backing off repeatly until we both exploded so hard we would choke each other with our volleys of cum. It was this that I thought about seeing him in church . I got such a hard-on that it hurt, I knew I had to jerk off right away or I'd never make to the end of my father's surmon. I told my mom that I had to go to the bathroom, then went to my father's office to use the toilet there. I dropped my pants and underwear and sat down on the toilet. I quickly took my cock in my hand jerking it quickly. I didn't realize that I forgot to lock the office door, after all who would dare to enter my father's office. Well his assistant would and he did. I looked up at him and dropped my cock in shock.

"Well now Bobby what do you think your dad would think if he knew you were pulling your pud in his office during Sunday service." He said.

I looked in his eyes and didn't know what I was seeing at the time, but I now know it was lust. He started to rub his crotch.

"I'm ... I'm sorry Mr. Blakely it uh ... it uh just happened. Please don't tell my dad." I said.

He just looked down at me, still rubbing his crotch.

"Well that depends." He said. "Depends on what sir?" I asked as I looked up at him. "On how you take care of me." He stated. "Take care of you?" I asked puzzled. "Yes or should I say take care of this." He said as he fondled his crotch. "Huh? I don't know what you mean." I stated tunefully. "Well you will." He said.

With that he undid his pants and dropped them to the floor. I looked at him and his cock it was semi-hard and about four inches cut. As I looked at it, it hardens to its full five inches, I thought at the time it was big. I had only seen my own small hard cock. I thought he was an ugly old fat guy at the time. I would latter to learn to love older chubby guy's cocks; they just loved to get them suck off. He pushed it at my lips, which I kept closed. I knew what he wanted, but I didn't want his ugly cock in my mouth.

"Open your fucking mouth boy or I tell your dad." He ordered.

I opened my mouth to say no and he pushed in his hard cock. My teeth scraped his shaft as he pushed it in all the way.

"Fucking asshole cover those teeth with your lips." He yelled at me.

I was afraid that someone might hear what was happening and I didn't want my dad to find out I was jerking off in his office. My dad had already given me his speech about the evils of masturbation and I had heard his sermons about homosexuals. If he ever found out that I jerk-off thinking about being with a guy, I was sure he would have killed or at least beat me to a pulp. I knew how it was done, so I obeyed him when he went to put it back in my mouth. I held still, not really wanting to do it to him. He grabbed my ears and started moving my head back and forth as he quickly thrust his hips back and forth. I could feel his fat belly hitting my forehead riding up it to the top of my head. This lasted maybe a minute when I felt his cock start to throb, just like mine did right before I shot my load. I tried to pull off thinking his cum must taste nasty, I often ate my own cum which I thought was good. He kept hold of my ears keeping his cock in my mouth as he started to shoot. He had a big load and I gag trying to hold it to spit it out. When he was done he held my mouth to his crotch until I had no choice but to swallow it down. He pulled out and pulled his pants up.

"Now get back to your seat and maybe I won't tell your dad. He told me.

I stood up to pull my pants up; I was amazed my cock was still hard. I sat through my dad's sermons glancing at Jared wishing it was his cock I had just sucked. I looked back at Mr. Blakely and it seemed that he was staring at me. When service was over and my father had greeted everybody I seen his talking to Mr. Blakely. Oh shit the bastard was telling him I thought and I knew if I tried to tell my dad what he had done to me, that I would not be believed. The strange thing was that my father was smiling. Then he called me over.

"Michael, Mr. Blakely has told me how well you have been doing in the youth group. As you know Steven is leaving for college. This will leave Mr. Blakely without an assistant; he would like you to take on that position. I think it would be good for you and it would make me proud. It would mean extra work for you, he says you would have to meet with him on Tuesdays for about an hour or two. Do you want to do this? He asked.

"Yes dad I'll do it." I stated knowing I couldn't get out of it.

I looked at Mr. Blakely and he was smiling. I was worried what he was planning. I knew he was a widower and lived alone. What would he want me to do when we were alone in his house?

"Good, so please be at my house about 6:30 Tuesday night.". Blakely said. "That will be fine. My wife will drop him off and he can call when you are done." My dad said. "Oh I'll drive him home, no need to have your wife come out again.". Mr. Blakely said.

We left for home to eat Sunday dinner. After I finished eating and doing the dishes. I went to my room to change out of my suit as always. I looked at myself in the mirror and could see the outline of my cock in my briefs. I started to rub it and it grew hard. I dropped my briefs to the floor and sat at my desk. I slowly worked my uncut cock up and down. I didn't have to worry my parents never just walked in on me when my door was shut. I closed my eyes and imagined that I was with Jared. I had a Playboy and we were looking at all the girls. Then we just dropped our pants and started jerking our own cocks. Then I began to talk about Mary, how she sucked so good, but pussy tasted so nasty. He said he had never been with her and never had a girl blow him. I then offered to show him how it felt. I shot my cum on my belly as I saw myself dropping to my knees in front of him. I pumped out my load then brought my fingers to my mouth and licked them clean. I scooped up the cum on my belly and chest eating it all. For the next two days all I could think about Mr. Blakely and what he was planning for Tuesday. I knew the only reason he chose me was that he could be me alone once a week. At the very least he would make me suck his ugly cock, his fat belly hitting my head, it was grossing me out. Tuesday finally arrived, after supper my mom and I left. We pulled up in front of his house; I slowly walked up the path to his door, as my mom pulled away. Why should she worry this was my father's trusted assistant. I rang the bell and after a minute Mr. Blakely answered the door wearing a robe. He stepped aside to let me in. The hallway was narrow and my back still rubbed against in fat belly. I heard the door close and then felt a hand on my shoulder.

He pushed me to the floor, opened his robe and made me blow him, then latter had me jerk-off on his cock and belly. He made me lick up all my cum and blow him again. This went on every Tuesday for the next five years. He told me he knew I was a queer, that he seen how I looked at other boys and men and if I didn't he'd tell my dad.

This is what I thought of as a sat at the beach bar in Manzanillo. Across from me sat another tourist, an over weight fat guy. The only other person at the bar was the bartender. I wanted to get a better look at the fat guy. Ever since Mr. Blakely I had some how learned to like chubby fat guys and one other thing was that I learned I was a cocksucker. I started sucking guys in school, but I liked Mr. Blakely the best I didn't know exactly why at the time, but since found out it was because the way he degraded me and treated me as the cocksucker I was. I moved from the bar to a table near the end of the deck facing the beach. This was also on the other side where I could get a better look at the fat guy. For awhile I just looked out at the water and the few surfers. This time of day most people stayed in out of the high heat of the day. I looked at the chubby guy thinking how good it would be to licking his big man tits and down over his big belly. To feel his cock in my mouth and his belly rubbing against my head. To feel him wrap his flab around my cock as I rubbed it over his belly. He noticed me looking at him, he said hello and I returned the greeting. Then he spread his legs just a little, just enough to let me know he knew what I wanted. I finished my beer, walked to the bar to get another one and stood right next to him. The bartender walked over handing me another one.

"Hi I'm Tom." He said holding out his hand. "I'm Bob." I answered shaking his hand. "SO you're from the States?" Making more of a statement. "Yes from outside El Paso." I stated "Phoenix myself." He said.

We made small talk and I kept looking down at his belly and crotch, then back at his face. After about 20 minutes of this he smiled at me.

"I only go with guys that will let me be in total control. Guys that like to be degraded and used that are slut boys." He stated

I looked at him, thinking could I have found a better guy.

"Yes, SIR." I answered. "Yes sir what boy?" He asked.

At first I didn't know what to answer him then it hit me.

"Yes, SIR I am your slut boy to use." I simply stated. "Well, let's test that out boy. Unzip me and take my cock out." He ordered me.

I did as I was told not wanting to lose this guy. He reached over the bar and grabbed a cocktail glass handing it to me. I looked puzzled not sure what he want me to do with it.

"You're going to make yourself a cumtail. You'll jerk me off into the glass and then drink it right here." He stated.

He ordered another drink as I took the glass from him. He was drinking Jim Beane on the rocks. The bartender set the drink in front of him and smiled at the both of us then went to the other end of the bar. I took his hard cock in my hand it was maybe three inches with small balls. I just loved guys like this I could take their whole cock and balls in my mouth. As I jerked him up and down I placed the rim of the glass to the tip of his cock. I increase the speed of my jerking and he responded. Soon he was Cumming into the glass. When he was done I removed the glass.

"Lick me clean boy." He ordered. I bent down and licked the tip of his cock clean of the leftover cum. I came back up with the glass. He tipped his glass of Bourbon toward me and took a gulp. I tilted the glass of cum to my mouth drinking it down, but some stuck on the side. He looked at me telling me he wanted me to get it all, but leaving it up to me how I would do that. I knew I couldn't get my tongue all the way to the bottom, so I took my beer bottle and poured some into the glass swirling it around. I drank it down, the taste of cum and beer was more then I could handle and I creamed in my cutoffs.

"Well boy you did good, but look at you, shooting a load in your pants." He stated. "Thank-You sir for your cum, Sorry I wasted a load of mine." I said "Well you'll learn not to that again. You only cum when I say you can." He stated. "Yes SIR, sorry Sir. I couldn't help myself." I begged for forgiveness. "Well I think it's time to get to my room, where I can have some real fun. Tip the bartender for both of us." He ordered me.

I reached for money.

"Oh no you will give him a proper tip." He told me.

I looked over at the bartender he was rubbing his crotch, which I could see held a hard cock. He was not my type big build probably had a big cock. But I did as I was told and walked around the end of the bar. As I got in front of him I could see in was a dark skinned Mexican. I dropped to my knees and reached up to his zipper. I slowly pulled it down hopping that my new master would call me off. He didn't and I pulled his cock out of his pants, he was uncut and at least seven inches. I looked back at Tom and he seemed to love the position he had me in, he knew I craved his cock and I wasn't going to get it unless I did exactly as he told me. I slid down on his dark cock and he grabbed my head. He faced fucked me quickly, soon he shoot his load into my mouth. Some escaped onto my chin and I licked it up then I licked his cock clean and put it back in his pants. I went back around the bar to my master.

"Follow me." Was all he said.

I followed him back to the hotel and the elevators. He pushed the tenth floor and the doors closed.

"On your hands and knees." He ordered as he turned to me rubbing the flab of his belly against my face. "You will stay that way and crawl to my room slut boy." He informed me. "Yes Sir." I answered.

We rode to the floor without stopping. When the door opened I followed him out on my hands and knees. His room was half way down the hall. He sat on the end of the one bed inside. I stayed where I was, waiting for him to tell me what he wanted.

More to cum

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