The Renter

By James B.

Published on Feb 18, 2012



Disclaimer: This story involves sex between two consenting adult males. Do not read this if you are under age or if the adult content in this story is illegal where you are. This story contains mature content, reader discretion is advised.

Themes: Gay sex, married family man, college student, domination, work out.

Chapter 1

My wife asked me to put out the ads as soon as possible on craigslist, on the local paper, or wherever to find a renter for our newly finished basement suite. It was going to be our little mortgage helper. The monthly payments we got from the basement suite would not only help pay for the house faster, but we'd also be able to put some money away for a rainy day, or even help put a dent on the kids' future college tuition. The basement was large and we decided to cut it into half. One half was going to be the little gym (and storage room - a concession for my wife) that I've always wanted, and the other was going to be a basement sweet. Even though it was only half of the floor, it was still quite large, enough for a good sized living room with a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom.

The add was simple enough, describing the size and the look of the suite, I even attached a couple of photos on the craigslist add to showcase the look of the space. I included all the other necessary information like monthly payments, laundry and transit accessibility, etc. My wife and I are pretty nice folk, so our rent wasn't that expensive, not wanting to take advantage. Some people would probably say that it was too kind but that's what we were comfortable with. Lea, my wife, had no pre-requisites for whoever rented the space just as long as they were responsible and made their payments in time. We also threw in access to the gym that I built as an added bonus. It made sense since there was a door that connected it to the adjoining suite.

Because of our great location and our cheap rent payment, it wasn't very long after I posted the add that we got a flood of inquiries coming in. There were a whole bunch of people ranging from immigrants who were just starting out, professionals who wanted a place that was cheap and close to work, to students who were attending the local college that was a short bus ride from our block. It took us weeks to do the interviews, calling and interviewing person to person, but there was one guy in particular that I couldn't quite forget.

His name was Kai, a 23 year-old who had just started attending the local college taking Film classes. He was kind, he was polite, and he was also quite well read, intelligent with a certain amount of wisdom to articulate all his intelligence. He had a steady job, although he didn't specify what, and he had quite a lot of references that praised his responsibility from various previous employers, and all of them seemed to check out. He was quite personable and won over my wife quite quickly, very charming really. I suppose that it helped that he was attractive. Very, very attractive.

There was a certain ruggedness about him, a demeanor that oozed masculinity. When I checked his driver's license for the record it said that he was 6'3" and 175 lbs. He had dirty brown hair and dark brown chocolate eyes. When we first interviewed him he had a 5 o'clock shadow on his face that accentuated his sharp features, his wide jaw, his prominent cheekbones, and the slight indent of a chin dimple.

When we talked I found out that he was a very active man, preferring to bike to work and school than driving, although he did have a car. He was the outdoorsy type of guy, who liked to camp, hike, and fish. I asked if that was the focus of his films studies, nature settings that is. He gave an awkward kind of cough and a coy smile before responding "not really". I just shrugged and let it go.

My wife liked him and was actually the one who was fighting for him to be the renter. But her motives were quite transparent. The guy reminded her a bit of our eldest son, who was turning seventeen soon, and when he said that he didn't really have any family in the province and that he was basically on his own in the area, having moved out of the urban area where he used to live downtown and into a more suburban neighbourhood at the outskirts of the city. But this area was a close transit and bike ride from the college he was attending, and apparently he already got a job in the downtown core (that is the 'downtown' of our rather suburban area, not the downtown of the whole city). I gathered that he apparently worked in one of the stores in the small 3 block business district fifteen minutes away transit from our home. It was no wonder that he was quite excited about the prospect of living in our basement. But I digress, yes, my wife was a bit of an old softie and she started picturing our own son going through this someday, and in her mind she created a scenario where a similarly nice people would be able to offer our son similar opportunities. Karma, she called it.

So with a few signatures he was now our official renter.

In just a few days time he had moved in and had made himself at home. He had a separate entrance at the rear of the house, his own kitchen, laundry and drier, and his own parking spot. He was quite ecstatic with the arrangement. On the first night he officially spent in our house my wife invited him over for dinner.

The kids were home and I was able to leave work early to help her out as well. He came over at around half past six, but we didn't eat until seven.

He met my kids, all three of my boys, our eldest Colby at sixteen, and our middle child Ken at ten, and our youngest Jaimie at the precocious age of five. We laughed, we talked, and we enjoyed ourselves. Being a film student my sons grilled him with all sorts of Hollywood related questions. But Kai just laughed it all off and answered their questions in kind.

But the entire time that we were eating I was hard pressed not to stare at him all night long. There was something about Kai that drew my eyes towards him. The way his body moved and how his various muscles twitched under his slightly tight shirt every time he moved, or his sexy smile. I sat at the head of the table, with my wife to my right, and Kai sat to my left. At times when we chatted and he leaned close to me so I'd be overheard over my sons' loud chatter, over Jaimie's high pitched squeaks while Lea fussed over him, I could smell his musk, the scent of his skin. I doubted he was wearing any cologne or any of the sort, but there was something about his scent that drew me, and aroused me. It took all my effort to move my eyes away from his neck. For a moment I thought he might have caught me checking him out, noticing a slight impish grin on his face, but I wrote it off as a product of my imagination. It was also the prime time for Jaimie to have a snowball fight with everyone in the room using the mashed potatoes, and time for Kai to have left after endless apologies from my wife and I.

Due to the ho-hum schedule of our daily lives, my wife and I work, the kids go to school, Jaimie goes to day-care, for the first month or so we actually saw very little of Kai other than the occasional time when our paths crossed when I was heading in from work or when I was heading out of the house, but those times we just exchange the courtesy hi's and hello's.

Usually in the evenings, before I go to bed, I would go down to the gym in our half of the basement and work out. I wanted to keep in shape, or at least maintain the shape that I had going out of high school. I was now thirty-eight years old, and standing at an even 6'0", with short cropped black hair and a persistent five o'clock shadow, and I was about a respectable a hundred and seventy five pounds. Not pure muscle, mind you, a bit of fat here and there and a slight indent of a beer belly, but since I was never a heavy drinker my stomach was still quite flat. I had excellent biceps, triceps, as well as an impressive chest that my wife always liked. I had hair on my chest that thinned and trailed down my abs to my crotch, which also dusted adequately my arms and my legs, but thankfully I had no hair on my back, although tufts of hair on my chest would stick out of the neck of my t-shirts. My legs were in great shape too, running in the morning was the one thing in my routine that I never got rid off. But because of the heavy workload this past month, it meant that I had to stay at work longer and get home later, and when I did, I was too exhausted to work out. By now my body was feeling kind of flabby and weak. Although it seemed I still looked the same in the mirror, I knew if I didn't pick up the weights and went back to my regimen soon, I'd loose all the work I've done to myself in the past years. So when I got home I was intent on hitting the gym.

After dinner and bidding the wife and early good night, she was going to work early in the morning, I headed down to the basement in shorts and a shirt with a towel in hand to work out. I did all the necessary warm ups, stretching my muscles before doing any of the lifting, and doing some of the yoga that my wife had taught me that would help strengthen my core and warm up my muscles. After about twenty minutes of this, I headed off into a weight-lifting station and started my work out.

It wasn't twenty minutes later when the basement suite door opened and Kai walked through. And he was only wearing a pair of black shorts.

"Oh, hey Chris. What's up? First time seeing you here." He said amicably, clutching a towel in his left hand.

I was surprised, to say the least, that I almost dropped the dumb bells that I was clutching. I got up to greet him and shake his hand, using a lot of effort to not stare at his body but instead use my peripheral vision to check him out.

He was fit. Very fit. At the edges of my vision, making sure my eyes never strayed from his, I could tell that his body had heavy muscle definition. His shoulders were well muscled, and his chest was broad with a light covering of black hair that trailed down between his six pack abs and into a navel that I could just see at the very bottom part of my field of vision. His arms were well muscled, and his forearms looked sturdy, and this was conveyed in his strong handshake. He looked like a marine.

But the most distinguishing feature that I could see was the large black swirling tattoo that covered his upper arm, up his shoulders, stopping just at the base of his neck, and down and over his right pec, extending close to his right nipple which, I think, had a small silver barbell piercing through it.

"Hey Kai," I greeted, "yeah. I haven't been in here the past month unfortunately. Work has been keeping me in later than I would have liked since there's so much to do, and by the time I get home I'm too exhausted to keep up with my routine. But I'm hoping to change that."

"Well I'm glad bud," he said with one of the sexiest smiles I've ever seen, punching my shoulders lightly. "You going to lift? I'll spot you, come on."

"Uh. sure." I shrugged.

He turned around and smiled a crooked smile. "You don't mind that I work out shirtless do you?" He asked, running a hand through his body as he said that.

I think some phlegm suddenly caught in my throat. "Not at all, we're all guys here."

"Well then why don't you take yours off too then?" He asked offhandedly before changing the weights at the end of the barbell.

I laughed at that. "I'm not sure I'm confident enough to take my shirt off around you right now. You're a pretty fit guy."

He turned and looked at me with an impish smile. "You think so, eh?"

"Well yeah, I mean look at you man. You're built like a marine." I tried to say this as offhandedly as I could.

"Well I noticed that you're not so bad yourself." After he said this he grabbed my shirt and pulled it up and off my head so smoothly and quickly that I didn't even have time to react. "There we go, now you won't ruin this shirt, right?" he winked and laughed.

He looked at me up and down, his eyes raking down my body and for the longest moment I suddenly felt self- conscious, and aroused.

"You're a pretty fit guy yourself Chris. You have nothing to be shy about." He winked at me. "Now come on, why don't you do some bench presses and I'll spot you."

I didn't say anything else. I lay down on the bench and grabbed the barbell and started breathing as evenly as I could.

"You ready bud?" He asked.

I just answered with a grunt and lifted the weighs. After a few reps, my breathing started to get strained, and Kai started encouraging me by saying things like "push it Chris, push it buddy, yeah, you can do it". It worked and I was able to gather more energy to make more reps, but the further along we got the more. different his encouragements became. The word buddy was now replaced with the word, "bitch", saying things along the lines of "do it bitch, push it, push it, do it you fucking pussy, lift it bitch". But as I was doing my best not to clench my jaw too hard and at the same time make even breaths, and also trying very, very, hard not to be distracted by the view of the huge bulge in his shorts, that I said nothing of it. So when I finally finished the reps that I could do and placed the barbells back in the stand, I was surprised when he said "that's all you're doing, bit of a little bitch aren't ya?"

I struggled to sit up, still panting for air. I was too tired to be too surprised, but I was able to wheeze out an "excuse me?"

"Oh come on man, I know you can do better than that. Or can't you? Maybe you're just a little bitch after all."

By this time he had walked around and moved in front of me. His crotch was at my eye level, and when I looked up I saw him looking down with a look I've never seen before. It was a look both of lust and condemnation. He moved his hand and started rubbing his crotch with his hands.

"I've seen you checking me out. That time during dinner when you couldn't take your eyes off my chest, or was it my neck? And every time we chatted for a bit in the garage, or the backyard, or the walkway, how your eyes darted back and forth between my face and my body and my crotch." He said this with a deep and heavy voice. "You've been lusting after this like a little whore haven't you?"

It was then that he grabbed the back of my head and pushed it into his crotch. I struggled and tried to push him away, but he just grabbed both of my wrists and gathered them in a strong hold with both of his hands, folded them to the back of my head and once again pushed my face into his crotch while lightly locking my wrists.

"Breathe it in bitch, smell my dick. This is what you've been wanting right? Maybe not consciously, but I could tell. I've seen your look a hundred times."

With my face in his hands and with me still trying to catch my breath, it was inevitable that I did breathe in, and I breathed in deeply. I then caught the scent of his musk, the concentrated scent from his crotch. A tangy, salty smell of sweat and cock. Similar to a used brief, or the smell you get in a locker room, but more potent. And to my surprise, I found it erotic. My dick began to harden and, unconsciously, my mouth started to open.

I heard him chuckling then, in between my deep breaths. I didn't even notice that he had let go of my wrists and I had grabbed on to his thigh, pulling his crotch closer to me.

"I knew it. I knew you were a little cock slut. Fuck I love dilfs (*Note: "Dad's I'd Like To Fuck")." He said.

I didn't know what he meant but I just kept on breathing in his scent, my mouth hanging open, his bulge pushing as much as it could inside it. Then without warning he pulled down his shorts and his jockstrap aside, his dick now in plain view in front of me.

"Right, I don't know how much time we have left so unfortunately we can't do this the way I'd want it too, plus I'm so fucking horny man, so for now you'll suck me off." He said this as he walked closer to me, his large cock standing straight and erect.

It was big, bigger than mine, probably at around nine inches long, and was quite thick. I wondered fleetingly what the girth was.

At that moment I probably shouldn't have sat agape in surprise. He quickly pushed his cock in, not even preparing me for the event.

"Watch your teeth, but even a little slut like you, virgin as you are, should still know how to suck a cock. It's in your blood right? Like nature. Yeah, see that's it. You're not using your teeth, and you're using your tongue. Fuck yeah, suck that cock bitch. You're a natural." He said as he pumped his cock in and out of my mouth.

It took me a while to get the breathing correctly and even, to take it in without chocking. But he didn't stop even when I tried to pull away, he just kept on pumping his cock in my mouth. But eventually I got used to it all, and even started to enjoy it a bit, and notice other things.

Although his cock was hard, the skin of his dick was soft and it felt great on my tongue. I also enjoyed the smell of his crotch, it was like that odd combination of sweet and rancid cock cheese smell that all guys get, but his was like this surprisingly attractive aroma for me. I couldn't quite get his whole cock in my mouth, but he seemed to have been pleased with the amount that I could take in. I pumped the rest with my hands, the shaft lubed by the drool that I couldn't swallow as he kept on pumping his dick into me. Occasionally I would turn my eyes up as he pumped my mouth full of his cock to look at his expression. He was looking down at me with a look of pure lust. He was caressing my jaw with one hand and clutching my hair with the other while pumping his dick in and out of my mouth.

Looking up I saw that he had other tattoos, and it was indeed a nipple ring that I saw earlier, one on his right thigh that arched to half of his pelvis, and went down and out to his upper thigh.

After minutes of sucking and jacking him off, I actually began to enjoy it quite a bit. Even enjoying listening to his moaning and groaning as my mouth serviced him. I enjoyed the moments when he threw his head back with pleasure, even enjoying the moments when he berated and complimented me in the same sentence. "Yeah, such a good cock sucker, fuck. You want my cum bitch?"

But before I could even think about it, he pumped into my throat hard, hitting the back of my throat that I gagged. He had plunged in deeper than what I had been taking in the whole while. If I hadn't been so surprised and how the pump occurred so quickly, I probably would have pushed his dick out. But he had started to cum in my mouth. I tried to move my mouth off of his cock, but he just held my head with his hands as he filled my mouth with his seed.

"No, no. Drink all my cum slut, yeah. I know you'll like this. Drink it you fucking cum whore." He growled as I coughed and sputtered, struggling to swallow as much of his enormous load as I could. I was forced to breathe in through my nose as his cock filled my mouth. When he started to slowly pull out of my mouth he was still coming and, with my mouth still wide open, I could feel the strings of cum still landing on my tongue. It was warm, thick, salty, and sticky on my tongue and lips. But I lapped it all up like a whore. Some dribbled down my chin, and when he had taken his cock out of my mouth he started rubbing it all over my face, my skin becoming sticky with his load.

"And that's what sluts are supposed to look like." Kai said with that cocky smile of his.

Then with a chuckle and a smile he turned and walked to retrieve his towel and his shorts and jockstrap.

"Well, I'm certainly going to enjoy living here. Especially now that I know I have my very own bitch." He said with a wink before walking off, leaving me to myself, my face covered in his cum and a sizeable bulge in my shorts.

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