Rent Boy

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Aug 5, 2003


This is the first short story I've tried to publish so please take it as it is... (PWP). All the usual warnings apply: If you're under 18/21 hit the BACK button as the story is homosexual in content (youth on boy to be blunt). My fictions don't wear protection... you should. Don't ask where I got my heroes names from.

You can mail me at if you wish I'd appreciate comments/feedback.

THE RENT BOY by G. Cutter


Brock looked up as a boyish voice broke into his thoughts to see that a short figure had joined him sitting on his low stone wall. He'd been enjoying a lovely warm evening and now had company of sorts. It had been boring sitting indoors and he'd decided to wander down to the Steyne, which was a few minutes away from Brighton's centre. The place was a notorious haunt for gay cruisers but tonight, in spite of the pleasant weather, it was deserted. He had initially been accosted by a couple of elderly queens but they weren't really his 'cup of meat' and he'd ignored them until eventually they'd disappeared in the general direction of the pubs and clubs.

'Hi,' Brock returned the greeting and casually studied his visitor who was certainly youthful but a bit of a mystery, as a baseball cap scrunged down on his head shadowed his face and sitting under a tree, they were shaded from the orange street lighting. All Brock could make out was that the stranger seemed to have a pleasantly chubby face and teeth that almost flashed as he smiled his greeting. A bit of a dish... maybe.

'You looking or what?' The accent was London or nearby.

'Looking for what?' Brock himself eighteen coming on nineteen grinned.

'Looking for company.'

'What,' Brock laughed out loud. He'd been chatted up many times but never so blatantly and never by anyone as young as this boy; Brock could now see that he was clearly a boy and not an adult

'I need somewhere to stay the night,' the kid mumbled looking at the pavement. 'I thought you might be OK after you pissed off the other two rat bags. They were a couple of old pervs,' he added knowingly.

'I might be a young perv.' Brock fished out a packet of smokes and stretched out offering the kid a smoke.

'I shouldn't ponce,' the boy took a cigarette and accepted a light, cupping Brock's hand in the process. 'Ta,' he smiled and tilted his cap back, blowing smoke up into the warm evening air.

Brock estimated the kid was around sixteen or maybe a little either side of that. He was a good looker and he was certainly jail bait. The police in Brighton came down on youngsters on the loose at that time of night like a ton of bricks.

'What's your name?'

'Ash.' The boy sucked his cigarette bringing a brief glow to his face. He grinned at Brock again. 'As in fag ash.'

Brock wondered if the kid was talking American speak or hadn't realised what he'd said, probably the latter.

'OK, Ash. I'd really like to help you out but you look like a schooly, I could get in some deep doodoo...'

'I know the score,' the boy laughed softly. I've legally left school, so call me eighteen and I'll see you OK for your trouble.'

'Yeah, well...' Brock wavered then made his jump. 'OK, my name's Brock. How old are you really?'

'Sixteen,' the boy whispered, as if the area was bugged. 'But I won't tell if you don't.'

How could Brock refuse? If he didn't look after the stray someone else would, and that someone might not be the sort a sixteen year old wanted to meet on a fine summer's evening. Brighton could be very unforgiving at times, especially to young strays.

'Come on, pal.' Brock stood suddenly decision made. 'I live ten minutes away.'

'Great.' Ash breathed out gustily and stood up, Brock saw that the boy was about the same size as he was and not as plump as he'd first thought. In fact, Ash was quite gangly. He grinned at Brock again and fell into step as Brock moved off.

On the short walk home Brock found out that Ash had come down from London looking for seasonal work and had been looking since early morning with no luck. Ash honestly admitted he was down to a fiver and getting desperate. He'd met another lad earlier on in the evening and this boy had suggested that he try the Steyne and see what was on offer; the boy had told Ash what the score was on the Steyne and Ash had decided to try his luck.

'Mind you, I wouldn't take a hike with any old slapper,' Ash babbled on.

'Cheers,' Brock laughed.

'Feel free,' Ash replied with a cheeky grin.

'Here we go.' Brock entered his road with Ash, walking so close it was if they were Siamese twins. 'The Brock Pad,' Brock announced as he opened a garden gate.

'Is this all yours,' Ash looked at the darkened house standing a little bit back from the road.

'I wish,' Brock guided the boy to the side of the house where an iron staircase gave access to the upper floor. 'I've got the top half,' he explained to his guest.'

'You live by yourself?' Ash asked nervously seeming to have lost some of his earlier confidence.

'Apart from the goldfish.'

'I love fish and chips,' Ash giggled.


'Only joking.' Ash followed Brock closely up the stairs.

'Here we are, home sweet home.' Brock stepped into his small hallway without putting the lights on and Ash followed.

'Great.' Ash followed in and closed the outside door.

'Yeah, great,' Brock smiled in the darkness, and turning, he grasped Ash by the waist and pulled the boy closer.

'Brock,' Ash squealed as he was pulled into Brock's arms and felt warm lips on his neck. Brock's hands moved down and cupping Ash's firm buns, pulled their bodies closer together. 'You are tasty, Ash,' Brock nuzzled at the boy under his jaw savouring the warmth and smoothness of his young guest's body.

'I know,' Ash pressed himself into Brock and giggled, his eyes gleamed in the semi-darkness as Brock's tongue probed at his lips until he opened his mouth, allowing both tongues to meet in a slippery embrace.

They kissed long and hard until Brock broke the embrace. 'Gawd, that was something else. He reached back and turned the light on. 'Do you want something to drink, something to eat?'

'Something to eat,' Ash smirked as he dropped to his knees and nuzzled at Brock's groin. 'Something to eat,' he repeated and laughed softly as he felt Brock's penis awakening. 'Mmmm... something to munch on,' he mumbled and glanced upwards as he felt Brock harden inside his jeans.

'Christ, let's go to bed.' Brock thrust his hips forward with his hands on Ash's cap before pulling the younger boy to his feet.

'I'm a two way guy,' Ash remarked conversationally as he was tugged into the bedroom.

'I can handle that.' Brock eagerly pulled the boy into his bedroom and flicked the light on. For the first time he saw Ash in a proper light. He removed the kid's baseball cap and studied his catch.

Ash was dark skinned and kept his black hair short, it wasn't a skinhead but not far off. He had soulful brown eyes and full red lips. He smiled at Brock as the older boy studied him. 'You like?'

'Very much.' Brock dropped to his knees; it was his turn to sample the wares. He was surprised to find Ash was fully erect within his cargoes and was a respectable size, certainly no giant but not too bad for a sixteen year old.

'Mmm.' Ash closed his eyes and ground his crotch into Brock's face as the older boy dry nibbled into his khaki covered package. 'Let's go to bed, I could pop at any time now.'

'Right.' Brock pushed Ash onto the bed and stood looking down at his prize as Ash lay spread-eagled grinning up.

'Knock some lights off,' Ash whispered running the tip of his tongue over his lips in a blatant invitation.

'Jeez, you're a tease.' Brock snapped the bedside light on and doused the overhead,

'I don't tease,' Ash smiled, and cuddled into Brock as Brock lay alongside him on the bed. Fully clothed they snuggled together, and with their tongues explored each others mouths, and with their hands slowly began to undress each other.

This time Ash was the first to break free. Straddling Brock he slowly began to strip the older boy until Brock's slender, fair skinned body was naked, apart from his briefs with their front damp with precum, displaying his seven inch pride and joy as a thick cotton covered pole.

'Yummy.' Ash leant forward and licked Brock's belly and moving slowly downwards placed his lips over Brock's straining glans. 'You taste nice,' he whispered nearly bringing Brock off by gently sucking at the soaked mass.

'Enough,' Brock laughed and struggled free. With Ash's willing co-operation he stripped the lad until he too was down to his pants, though the kid was wearing boxers and his erection kept popping through the fly, much to Brock's delight.

'Ooooh,' Ash collapsed laughing as Brock caught hold of his jutting shaft and with a final flurry of arms and legs got the boxers down around his knees. 'Let's get naked.' He looked at Brock with blatant desire on his dark face. 'I wanna see you naked.' He kicked his own boxers free of his legs.

'OK,' Brock was clear of his last garment in a minute, and a minute after that had Ash on his belly, laying atop the sixteen year olds warm flesh with his dripping penis nestling between Ash's cheeks.

'You're dribbling,' Ash giggled nervously .

'No I'm not.' Brock kissed the nape of Ash's neck. 'Babies dribble.'

'Not from where you dribble,' Ash chuckled and craned his head around for a kiss, at the same time squeezing his cheeks on Brock's probing meat.

'I want you.' Brock put one knee inside Ash's legs and then the other, spreading the boy out beneath and gazing into Ash's parted cleft at the treasure within.

'Don't hurt me.' Ash grasped Brock's young maleness and guided it to his pucker, smearing Brock's juices on and around his hole.

'No way.' Brock, breathing heavily, gently pushed, meeting resistance to his entry. 'Relax,' he whispered.

'It's hard.'

'It's supposed to be.' Brock pushed again feeling a slight yield.

'Not that you dummy.' Ash jerked as Brock's engorged glans began to open him up. 'Relaxing I meant.'

'All over now,' Brock sighed. He could feel his slippery knob firmly lodge inside Ash's gate and the boy was actually relaxing and even pushing back a little. 'Alright, kid?'

'I'll live.' Ash gave a shaky laugh and gasped as he felt Brock move in and the youth's meaty cock slowly begin to enter his arse, the penetration smooth and filling. 'Take it easy,' he gasped but then contradicted himself by pushing up into Brock's advance.

'Relax, relax,' Brock crooned as he gently and ever so slowly began to rock to and fro inside Ash's deliciously tight and incredibly hot flesh. 'Beautiful,' he sighed as he sank deeper into welcoming warmth.

'Fuck me.' Ash spoke suddenly and pushed up, this time more forcefully and Brock met this by slipping fully inside his lover and crushing the boy's lithe body to himself.

'I'm there.' He stirred his hot cock deep in Ash's boy fanny.

'No kiddin', lover.' Ash made with his giggle again and this time pushed back really hard. 'FUCK ME, Brock.'

This time Brock needed no further urging. Grasping Ash's slender hips he began to thrust and pound hard and deep into the boy's taut bubble buns. Ash writhing and moaning beneath his onslaught.

It was over too soon. Brock groaned with frustration as he felt his steam heated semen rush up his cock and pump, splatter and splash deep within Ash's sweating body.

'Jesus, Jesus,' Ash moaned and he pushed back as if trying to swallow Brock's pumping penis as it offloaded it's copious flood of sweet sticky spunk deep into his body.

'That was good,' Brock sighed as he slowly pulled his cum soaked organ free from it's liquid nest.

'I am shagged.' Ash rolled onto his back and grinned proudly up at his lover as Brock came in yet again for a kiss.

'And you haven't cum?' Brock lightly ran a finger up Ash's straining erection. He stared at the dark pole laying on Ash's belly, the bloody thing had grown, it was bigger than his own. He grinned at his guest... so much for schoolboys. This kid was a very serious eight inches of twitching boyhood.

'Nah,' Ash gave Brock a sad puppy look. 'I'm so hard,' he whined.

'About time you used that thing then,' Brock laughed and lay on his back. 'Come on, Romeo. Do your stuff.'

'Yeah?' Ash grinned with delight.

'Yeah,' Brock pulled his knees to his chest as Ash clambered up on the bed. 'You are bigger than I thought.' He grasped Ash's hot meat. 'Use some glop.' He produced a blue tube from under his pillow.

Brock gazed at Ash as the boy kneeled between his legs and generously anointed his swollen member with KY until it was slippery and gleaming in the dim light. He noticed that the boy's glans was weeping also as a thin strand of precum dropped downwards.

'Lube me up.'

Ash looked puzzled for a moment and then with an evil grin applied slippery fingers to Brock's entrance smearing and then slowly inserting one finger deep and working it to and fro.

'A bit more,' Brock begged. This kid was seriously big and could do damage.

'Take two,' Ash laughed and held up two greasy fingers before pushing and then inserting them into Brock's tunnel of love. 'Ready?' he whispered his KY coated cock brushing over Brock's now limp weapon.

'Slowly,' Brock whispered. He'd been fucked before but this was his biggest yet and it was stuck on the front of a sixteen year old. He cringed a bit, but he wanted Ash and you couldn't have one without the other.

Ash didn't play about, he slipped his two fingers free and before Brock had time to adjust he positioned his knob at Brock's well lubricated pucker and pushed in slowly but firmly.

'Jeeeezus.' Brock let out a strangled groan as he felt Ash's plum-like glans spread his ring and start to slip inside. 'Slowly, slowly,' he begged his schoolboy lover.

Ash didn't answer, he just leant forward to kiss and continued to slowly enter Brock's tight flesh. As they kissed Brock could feel Ash's meat sink deeper and deeper filling him more and more.

'Aah,' Brock moaned again as the boy's oversized cock pierced his body and then began to move to and fro. 'Jeez.' He jerked as he felt Ash's thick meat slide along his prostate and then again and again.

'OK?' Ash was getting lost in his love making. He was thrusting deeper, going harder and faster at each thrust.

'Fine.' Brock smiled with encouragement as he felt the boy's crisp pubes mash against his soft bottom. The monster was fully inside he'd swallowed super-cock.

Brock moved in time with the kid's thrusting; he didn't know where Ash had got his experience but he certainly wasn't a first timer, he was an expert. It seemed to last for ever. Every time Ash felt his juices rising he slowed down or stopped and gently kissed Brock's sweat-sheened face until the older boy begged him to finish the job.

By the time Ash slammed into begging flesh for the last time Brock was soaked in sweat and clutching the wrecked bed with his own returned erection bouncing up and down on his belly at each of Ash's thrusts.

'Yessss,' Ash sheathed himself hard and deep for the last time and fell on Brock's sticky body as he felt his cock buried deep in his lover swell even more, throb and then send wave after wave of scalding hot sperm into Brock's tightly clamped arse. Brock's own cock jerked on his belly as he too ejaculated, a lot less than the first time, but a second coming all the same.

'I came again,' Brock laughed shakily pushing himself onto his kiddie lover's ejaculations.

'Excellent,' Ash grinned proudly as he gave a final push into Brock's spunk filled hole and then slowly slid free. 'I am fuckin' wasted.' He dropped down alongside his lover and slipped into a sweaty cuddle. Brock turned onto his side and smiled happily as he felt Ash's warm stickiness.

'You wanna stay whilst you look for a job?' Brock whispered. Enjoying Ash's body heat and the definite flutter of the boy's heart on his back, he pushed his bum back onto Ash's sticky spunk stained groin.

'I'd like to.' Ash kissed Brock's neck.

'Wanna stay when you get a job?'

'I'd love to.'

'I'd have to charge you a bit of rent.'

'How much?' Ash grinned. He knew what was coming.

'Oh, about eight inches a night.'

'I can do better than that,' Ash laughed and slipped free. Brock rolled over and they kissed long and hard. 'What about twenty four inches a night?' Ash grinned and gave a little pelvic thrust.

'Big head,' Brock laughed, and playfully grappled with his lover. 'It's a deal.'


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Next: Chapter 2

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