The Renovation

By Al Schwartzer / bearinelmjack4u

Published on Feb 11, 2015


The day after, my mind was racing. I was the kind the believed in " Don't shit where you eat", yet the encounter with officer Gary had been awesome. Part of me wanted to repeat it, however, there was the issue we had been seen. Would the person tell on us? I decided to occupy most of the day with repair calls that had come in that day, and "accidentally" leave the abandoned OR disconnections for the end of the day. Just after 5p, same time as the day before, I made my way upstairs.. Again, the door was open, and still no lights. I went into the abandoned area and waited. About 5 minutes later, officer Gary walked in. This time, he pushed the door closed, and locked it."Great", I thought, this will ensure no interruptions, and no unwanted guests. As he walked toward me, he didn't look happy. Then, just before he got to me he stopped, and, turning to his right and looking into the darkness, he said " We are here".

Before I had a chance to figure out what was going on, a figure emerged from the dark. Tom, one of the

evening maintanance guys, just stood there, looking at both of us."What's going on?" was all I could hear myself say in a cracking voice." I will tell you what's going on" Tom said. : "You boys had some private fun yesterday, I want a personal show today". I looked at Gary, and he said, shaking his head:

  • " He took a video of us".

I stopped for a second, and then looked at Tom

  • " Are you blackmailing us?"

Tom smiled.

  • " I wouldn't put it that way. All I 'm saying is, do this for me, let me watch, and I will make sure no ones gets the video".

I was really angry. On the one hand, I had always felt an attraction towards Tom. Short man at about 5'5", with a slightly stocky build, he reminded me of George on "Seinfeld". His bulge was always noticeable in his maintanance uniform (dark green pants, light green shirt), On the other hand, this man was about to force us to do something as blackmail. And with him having evideince of us having already done, something, our options were limited.

  • " Let's get this over, please" said Gary in an inpatient voice.

I turned, and Gary was sitting on a chair, his pants unzipped, his dick ready for action.

I took one look at Tom, and he looked like a kid in a candy store. His eyes were huge and got even bigger as I knelt in front of Gary,

Gary stood up, put his hand behind my head, and pushed his dick into my mouth. Last night, it had been a pleasurable experience, today, it was an angry one. Gary was fucking my face like a man who was fresh out of prison and having sex for the first time in a decade.

After a couple of minutes of this, he pulled out, and walked over to one of the beds that was left in the room, He laid on his back near the edge of the bed and opened his legs so I would have easy access to his cock. He seemed more relaxed now, so I was able to take my time and enjoy our session, kind of putting Tom out of mind for a bit.

As I continued to pleaseure Gary, who also seemed to be more into it now, I was able to take a couple of glances at Tom. His dick was just ready to explode out of his pants, and I noticed he had kept creeping closer to the action.

As I was still looking at him, I noticed he looked at me, and walked over. Next thing I knew, his right hand was playing with my hard on, while his left was going in and out of the crack of my ass. The feeling was intense.

I now felt his right hand starting to play with my belt buckle. After he was unsuccesful, I helped him undo the buckle and unbutton my pants. With that, they fell right to the floor. I continued to work on Gary's cock, as well as licking his balls, which seemed to thrill him to no end. Gary moved a little higher onto the bed, which meant I had to lean forward a little more to reach him.

As soon as I did that, Tom stepped away from me, and started unbuckling his pants.

  • ''Time for me to have some fun".

As he said this, he pulled off his pants. His boxer shorts didn't have a chance in the world to contain a cock about 7 inches long. It was kind of thin, which made it seem even longer.

Reaching into the left pocket of his shirt, he pulled out a rubber and a small container of lubricant, and started to walk behind me. There was no doubt what was about to happen, and I was really eager to enjoy it.

My mind was still trying to adjust when I felt the cold lube being applied to my ass. In the meantime, Gary was now starting to slowly and rhytmically fuck my face. as I realized this, I could feel Tom's dick starting to penetrate me. The fact that it was so thin meant it seemed to start going in right away. However, in just never seemed to end. There was more and more of Tom inside me. Maybe I had short changed him at 7 inches. Finally, I felt his body against my ass. He was all in.

I looked up, and saw Gary looking past me, and nod. Obviously, he was looking at Tom. I soon knew what the nod was about, as they started to fuck my ass and my mouth simultaniously.

The feeling was incredible. They were in perfect unison. As one dick drove up my ass, the other came out of my mouth, and vice versa,

It seemed like an eternity, until suddenly, Tom started to scream that he was coming.

With that, Gary seemed to start picking up speed, and, before I knew it, I had men shuddering with spasms in front of me and behind me.

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