The Renovation

By Al Schwartzer / bearinelmjack4u

Published on Jan 6, 2015


With the closing of hospitals in the city, hospitals that remain open have seen an amazing influx of patients in recent months. The hospital I work at is no exception. To keep up with the demand, we recently had a major expansion, adding a brand new 8 story building that, with time, will make us one of the largest hospitals in town. Since the new building opened, different departments have moved into it, and their old areas have been abandoned (for now), until hey can be upgraded and reopened for future use. Working for the communications department, one of my jobs is to make sure all lines are disconnected and no equipment is left behind, so lalety, a lot of my time has been spent in these areas. Kind of boring, because there is no one to talk to. One Tuesday afternoon, I was in an area that had housed the old operating rooms. This was decidedly creepy, almost something out of a horror movie. The old lights, the tiled walls, etc. I had tried to turn the lights on, but the electricity had been turned off. I would probably have to come back in the morning, because I would need the light from the outside to do my work. As I was daydreaming about what a great setting this would make for Stephen King or someone of the sort, I was startled: - " Hey, what are you doing up here in the dark?". It was Gary, one of the security guards. - "Gary, what's going on. I had to check these phone lines, but I can't see shit. Its too dark, and there's no lights up here". Gary was one of my favorites. late 50's, about 6 feet, salt and pepper hair, clean shaven and my weakness, glasses. Wearing his uniform ( light blue shirt, dark blue tie, grey flannel pants) , he was about as sexy a man as you could find in the building. -" No problem. I saw the door was open, and no one is supposed to be here. ". -" I gotcha. I hate being up here myself. But this crap has to get done". - " Yes. Mike was here earlier, he took down the security cameras. Don't know why, since they will have to put them back up when we reopen, but, what the heck, I am not the boss". My mind now started turning at a hundred miles an hour. Here we are, alone, in a secluded area, with no cameras to see us, and with the hottest guy in the hospital. Should I, or shouldn't I ???? -" No cameras, Gary? Be careful, I may attack you !" I said kidingly. -" Be careful, I may let you" was his reply, as he put his hands on his belt buckle and grined. I wasn't going to waste this opportunity. I was openly gay. Everyone in the building knew it, so nothing lost there. I approached him, and I could already see his pants popping a tent. He was more than ready for this. I put my hands on his shoulders and started massaging his chest. Making circles around his pecs, he started removing his tie. I helped him unbutton his shirt, which he put on top of the operating table. I now had access to his strong, muscular chest, covered in white hair. I started kissing him on his chest, then very lightly licking his left nipple. He shuddered and let out a slight moan. He leaned against the table, as my face and tongue slowly but surely made their way down his belly, then his belly button. As I got closer, I put my hand on his cock, which was begging to be let out. He looked down at me, smiled, and started to undo his belt. -" Its all yours, buddy" he said, as he leaned his head back. I unhooked his pants, undid the zipper, and they dropped to the floor in one big flop. The noise of the keys hitting the ground startled me for a second. His cock was rock hard, and already peaking through the opening of his boxer shorts. I started to slowly lick around it, then down the underside, all the way to his balls. I now started to wrap my tongue around his head, still not taking his cock in my mouth. -" Oh my God, that feels soooo good" he whispered. I grabbed his hips with both hands, got fully on my knees, and said: - "Gary, we are just getting started. Tell me how this feels". With that, I took his full cock into my mouth. He instantly let out a groan of pleasure. I slowly kept getting more and more of his shaft in, until I started deep throating him. He now started rhythmically fucking my mouth. He was really getting into it, and I was loving it. He stopped leaning on the bed, stood up, and with his knees bent, he grabbed my head, as he kept fucking my face. -" Gosh, this feels so good, My wife never does this. We are going to need to do this more often" he whispered. With a mouth full of cock, there wasn't much I could say. He took his cock out of my mouth for a couple of seconds, and then just let the head rest on my lips. I made my mouth tighter, so that his head would feel my tight lips around it. He started again, slowly pushing his cock back inside my mouth. He was now caressing my hair as he kept fucking my mouth as if he had never fucked anything before. -" This is sooo good, baby. There you go. Suck it. Suck it. Its all yours. Yeah, make Gary happy. Ah !!!! I could feel his body start to tremble. I knew he was getting closer. Obviously, so did he, as he accelerated. - "Oh, oh, you are going to make me cum!!!" he grunted, as he started pumping his cock faster and faster into my face. Then, with a loud groan, he pushed my face into his body, and started draining his load into my mouth. I had no choice but to swallow his load, just to keep breathing. His spasms continued for a few seconds, until he finally let go of my head and started pulling back. I spat out whatever remained of his load in my mouth, and then look up to him. He was drenched in sweat, but with a grin from ear to ear. -" Men, that was AWESOME!" he sounded like a teenager who had had sex for the first time, not a 50 year old man. -"Gary, you keep this between us, and we can always have a repeat session" I told him. -" Oh, you bet there will be a repeat session. Not to mention I need to get to fuck your ass !" he said, as he gave me a slap. We both laughed, and were looking at each other, when we heard the outside door slowly close. Had someone been in there watching? Did someone walk in and leave right away? We didn't know, and that put us both on edge. He quickly got dressed, tapped me on the shoulder, and started walking out real fast. As he got to the door, he stopped, and called me over. -"Come here, look at this". I went over. Right by the door, there was a paper towel, and a load of cum next to it. Someboy HAD been watching (and enjoying), but whom? Would we ever find out.?


Next: Chapter 2

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