The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Feb 6, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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From out of nowhere a big hand clamped over my mouth and pulled me up on my tiptoes. He whispered into my ear " You're done here Bobby.... grab your clothes and get ready to go."

Oh boy.......Rick Stihl was in foul mood and he was taking it out on me..... and to think, just moments ago, he was all smiles and balls deep in Erik's tight ass!

I miraculously found my jeans and shirt and squeezed into them as Rick guided me by the ear through the crowd of horny men waiting for their turn to ejaculate on the star of the show. Dick Del Rio noticed us leaving and gave Rick a hand signal to hold up. I suppose the cameramen were adept enough to finish the gangbang scene without a director.

Dick led us into a small, soundproof office and he motioned me to sit as he took his place behind a small desk. Rick remained standing and paced back and forth as Dick Del Rio softly spoke.

" Hey kid, sorry things didn't go so well for you but you kinda fucked up out there tonight. I can have the engineer edit out all your racket in the background but you really fucked up when you took Jake's nut.... he's got one of, if not THE best cumshots in the business and you swallowed the whole fucking thing off camera! Now what the fuck am I gonna do with that, huh?? You think Erik was pissed?? Not near as pissed as I am right now. Well I hope Mr Stihl can straighten you out, because right now I can't work with an amateur like you.... right Rick? Can you teach this kid some manners?

" Of course Dick; I'm going to take Bobby straight to my offices and get him back on track. He'll be film ready by next week."

"That's IF you can show me an original birth certificate that says he's at least eighteen. If he's not, I'm burning his audition tape. I will not go down on account this little cocksucker..... am I clear?"

"Yes Sir Mr Del Rio.... crystal clear!"

Dick Del Rio winked at me... " If you are underage kid, come back when you turn eighteen.... you're a natural." ( so he did like my bj afterall)

" We have a meeting with his parents this afternoon and I'll be sure to get a copy of his birth certificate to you right away"

" I don't want a copy you sonofabitch Stihl, I want the ORIGINAL! Comprende?"

"Yes Sir, I'll get you the original."

"Well alright then, go straighten out the kid and try to get him home before noon.

"Yes Sir, thank you Mr Del Rio." Rick and Dick shook hands and then Rick grabbed me by the ear and pulled me close to him. " Now I don't want to hear a word or a sound out of you..... not even a peep until we're in my office. Am I understood?"

I started to say Yes Sir, but before I could even get the Y out, Rick slapped me and put a finger over my mouth. " I said, am I understood??" My eyes were wide open in fear as I nodded in the affirmative.

" Good boy Bobby... did you see that Dick? He's learning already."

Rick opened the door and pushed me through the sea of sweaty bodies, all stroking in preparation for their moment to ejaculate on the golden boy. The bright camera lights intensified the steamy heat in the room and the musky male scents almost made me swoon as I tried to navigate in my skin tight jeans. As we headed towards the exit, trying to stay out of camera view, the door opened and still more horny men streamed in to take the place of the studs who had just spent their loads. Unbelievable!!

Once outside, I turned to look at a sign on the door;


Rick was right... that Erik is a cumdump!

I kept quiet as Rick guided me through the bar; trying to ignore the whistles and catcalls...

" Mmm.mmm. m somebody's gotta Sugardaddy tonight!! Yeah, old enough to bleed, old enough for me!"

We made it out to the parking lot and I finally saw a friendly face.... the big black bouncer who brought me safely into the bar. I smiled and he smiled back

" Hey Mr Stihl... heading home early I see. I'll get someone to bring your car around." The big man whistled loudly and a young valet hustled to grab keys and bring his car around. " Hey kid, I see you survived the animals." I smiled and was about to say yeah when Rick squeezed my shoulder hard....

" Yes, I think Bobby was having a little bit too much fun in there tonight and we're going to have to set some parameters ... aren't we Bobby?" I nodded, remembering not to speak. " That's good Bobby, we have an understanding now don't we?" I nodded again. " Good, please give your keys to Chester and he'll have your car parked out back. "Good, here's my car."

The young valet rumbled up in a bright yellow Lamborghini Countach. He stepped out and opened the passenger door for me and then walked over to Rick who was chatting with Chester. " Hey Stevie, you're looking handsome as ever. Could you please park Bobby's car out back? I'm taking him to the office for a meeting and should have him back in a couple of hours." " Sure thing Mr Stihl... it's always business before pleasure for you right ?" "Haha, you got that right young man.... try to stay out of trouble"

Rick handed Stevie a wad of cash and grabbed the valet's ass. " Thanks Mr Stihl ... you too" he winked at Rick and then smiled at me.

Rick gunned the engine and peeled out of the parking lot and onto the main drag. He popped in a cassette of classical music and cranked the volume and drove on as if he were alone in the car by himself. I could tell we were heading towards La Jolla and I imagined he's probably got a pretty fancy office in the high rent district. We drove through the town and ended up on La Jolla Farms Rd. Oh my gosh! This is where all those multi million dollar homes on the cliffs that overlook Black's Beach are! Rick turned down the volume of the music as he slowed up to a fancy driveway. He pressed a button and the ornate gates rolled open, revealing a spectacular mansion inside. He pressed another button and one of several garage doors opened up, and as he pulled the Lamborghini inside, he turned to me and said:

"You have my permission to speak now."

To be continued .......

Next: Chapter 10

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