The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Jan 29, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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Oh, by the way, put this on, nobody wants to see that moist little clitty of yours." He tossed me my jockstrap and clapped his hands as he headed to the center of the room.....

Ok gentlemen.... Let's get this fucking party started!!"

Dick Del Rio had the entire room's attention as he barked out orders and directions to the crew and actors. Richie joined up with two more cameramen, already unpacking a variety of lenses and other gear. Two more crew were frantically setting up lights and boom microphones as another pair dragged a mattress and a wooden bench into position per Dick' direction. I slinked off to a dark corner of the room in my soggy jockstrap and moped as Dick went over the simplistic script with the actors.

" Ok ok listen up people. We're only going to run through the dialogue one time while the crew is setting up. Erik, you got your lines down? Great! Ok, you're gonna walk through that door and hit your spot and then give me that really over the top surprised look .... Yeah, that's it.... now give me the line."

" Oh my gosh Uncle Ricky, I'm so surprised!!! I can't believe all your friends came just to wish me a happy birthday!!!"

" Oh believe me they wouldn't miss my favorite nephew's 18th birthday for the world, now give your Uncle Ricky a big bear hug!"

Rick Stihl, wearing only a short silk kimono, reached out his massive arms around the blonde twink, grabbing under his ass and lifted him up as Erik wrapped his legs around the big man's trim waist.

Rick shoved his tongue down the twink's throat and they French kissed for what seemed way too long for a just run-through. Rick finally set Erik down as the twink looked up at him with dreamy eyes....

" Ohh you're the best Uncle in the world Uncle Ricky! How can I possibly thank you ?"

" Well... I can think of at least one way" Rick purred as he slowly undid his kimono.

"Ok, ok " Dick Del Rio clapped as he began to bark out directions again. " Good job on the dialogue guys... the tough part is over, no need to rehearse sucking and fucking. Richie, I want your crew ready to go in 10 minutes. I need a camera on that door catching everyone as they enter the room and there's a box of party hats and horns over there...there's only a couple dozen, so share please. I want this to look like a kid's birthday party gone bad. Ok, we're gonna film til we run out of dicks or run out of film... take ten everybody!"

I was sick to my stomach with jealousy as I watched the interaction between Rick and Erik.... That should have been me kissing him with his big paws all over my tight ass! The thought of him sucking and then god forbid FUCKING that blonde tramp was eating me up inside. I gotta get out of here before they start filming! Where the fuck are my clothes??? Oh my god! The room was filling up with more men, laughing and joking and stripping off their blue jeans and leather outfits. I was being groped and jostled as I frantically searched amid the chaos. Some guys were already starting to stroke their meat as they prepared for their part in Erik's "party". One dark haired guy looked me in the as he stroked his thick eight inches of cut cock.....

"Hey, the fluffers are getting younger and cuter all the time.... C'mere sweetie.. I need help rehearsing my part"

Uhh, I don't know what that means, I just need to find my clothes and be on my way.

" Oh no, please keep `em off. A little eye candy like your sweet ass is gonna help me blow when they want my money shot. Stick around, I guarantee you'll be glad you did." He placed my hand on his expanding penis. " Hey Mr Stihl, where'd you find the new fluffer? He was just trying to sneak out and I put him right to work... see? He's a natural". He pointed to his cock which had expanded at least another inch in my hand.

"BOBBY! What the FUCK are you doing??" Rick pulled me by the hair. " What did Mr Del Rio tell you to do??"

Uhhh, he said to sit quietly in the corner and to watch and learn from Eric....


" Hey, take it easy on the kid... I was just showing him some of the tricks of the biz..."

Rick got right in the dark haired stud's face

" The kid is my business, you just worry about your own business or we're making you a fluffer... got it??"

"Yeah, yeah I got it, I got it."

Rick grabbed me by the hair again and dragged me over to a dark corner of the room where he proceeded to slap me several times. It wasn't nearly as hard as previous but it got my attention.

"So, you were sneaking off??"

Uhh,'s just that when you were kissing Erik and I know you're going to let him suck your cock.... it's just that... well... I didn't want to see that happen, so I was looking for my clothes and then...

" And then you met some stranger and you were ready to get on your knees and blow him in the middle of a crowded room???"

No.. no Mr Stihl.. it wasn't like that at all

Rick slapped me again, this time harder.

" Oh yeah? Just like that slob In the bathroom you let facefuck you? I should have let him finish instead of saving your pitiful ass. Well, tell you what, I'm gonna let Mr Del Rio know we've got our fluffer for tonight's shoot and you ARE going to watch Erik suck me and the rest of the gang here.... What do you think about that Bobby? You're not under contract, so you won't be making a dime for your efforts and you know what else mister?? You won't get the satisfaction of tasting a single cumload you're gonna work so hard for.... My boy Erik is going to get every single last one and you're going to have a front row seat. Now go over to Mr Del Rio and tell him I'm letting you audition for the fluffer position tonight."

Yes Sir Mr Stihl. I walked over to Dick Del Rio who was busy lining men up for the "party"

" Hey there Bobby... I thought I told you to stay out of the way and just watch and learn from Erik. I can't really use you until I see that birth certificate... nothing personal, it's just smart business."

I know Mr Del Rio.. I guess I just got a little uncomfortable watching Erik with Mr Stihl.

" That's totally understandable Bobby, but just be patient... that'll be you real soon. Sorry to cut you short, but I have a film to do. Can you please go sit in the corner?"

It's just that, well... Mr Stihl told me to tell you he wants me to audition for the fluffer position tonight.I know I won't get paid but that's alright... I need the experience.

" Oh he did, did he? " Dick looked over at Rick who was preparing for the shoot. " Ok, ok... we'll try you out... but you have to stay real quiet and you have to stay out of the field of view of the cameras. You can sit on this low stool over here to save your knees. Your job is to keep the actors hard and when it's time for their cumshot get them close... they are pros and will let you know when to stop and let them cum on or in Erik. Under NO circumstances are you to let them cum with you. I'm paying these guys bonuses for their loads so you'd be stealing from me AND them. And I guarantee that if you steal a cumshot, your boss Rick would be seriously pissed and he would.... Well.... he would... we'll just don't let it happen, ok kid? Looks like we're ready to roll and here's your first two customers..... gentlemen, please meet your new fluffer for the evening... Bobby!"

"OK, lights, cameras..... ACTION!"

Next: Chapter 8

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