The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Jan 19, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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Call him! Call him now! She was literally jumping up and down. I looked at my license and then his card, I dialed the office number.... Yes may I speak with Mr Stihl? I looked at my ID again while on hold. It looked perfect except..... sonofabitch! I'm 21 !!! "Hello Rick speaking......" "Hello, this is Rick.. can I help you? Are you there??" Uhhhh sorry Mr Stihl, I had something caught in my throat. "Oh, that sounds like fun" Haha, well anyway this is Robert Standel, you sent my folks some pictures of me and an invitation to create a portfolio and maybe audition for some of your clients. " Oh Bobby, I know exactly who you are, did they like the pictures of you sucking off those two strangers in the bushes??" Uhhhh yea yea, they loved the pictures, they said I looked very intense. " Yes you did, you looked very intense young man. I can send you more if you like." No, no that's ok. Thanks for returning my ID by the way. " My pleasure. I had to look twice at it, I can't believe you're that old can you?" I quickly tucked the license in my pocket as my my mom was trying to lean in on our conversation. No, no that's ok it was an honest mistake. I'm sure she didn't mean to leave it in the copy machine. "Oh I see, mommy's right there trying to listen in" Yea that's right. " Now listen to me closely" he was whispering now " I want you to meet me at a bar downtown called the Brass Rail at 9 tonight. Just sit down at the bar and order a beer. Nurse it, I don't want you getting drunk and I may be running late, got it? " Yes I got it " Good, now tell your parents I'll stop by tomorrow at four to go over contracts and hopefully have you signed up with the agency and working by next week." Then he whispered again " tell them you're spending tonight at a friend's. 9pm sharp, Brass Rail." -click- Ok great! We'll see you tomorrow at four. What'd he say, what'd he say??? He's stopping by at four tomorrow to sign paperwork. Oh my gosh, you have to stick around and help me straighten up and clean this place. Aww Ma!! You're not going anywhere till our house looks presentable to Mr Stihl. Jeez ok, but I promised Reggie I'd make it to his annual All Night Monopoly party tonight. Of course you can go when you're finished here; just remember to bring a toothbrush. The afternoon dragged on but the sun finally started to set and my mom said Ok I'm done with your help, I'm going to the store...go get ready for your party. Shit, what do I wear to a bar?? I've never been in one in my life. Damn, I don't even know where this place is. I grabbed the yellow pages and searched for Bars and the Brass Rail. I found a quarter page ad featuring a shirtless biker and a stud in a sailor suit dancing cheek to cheek with frosty mugs of beer in their hands. " Drop in for a cold one and hook up with a HOT one!" I called the number and after about 10 rings, a gruff voice came on " Rail, how can I help ya?" I'm new in town, can you tell me how to get there? " You're gonna have to speak up, I can't hear ya" I could hear a pounding disco beat and yelling and laughing in the background. How do I get there? I shouted The guy yelled out directions which I wrote down and stuffed in my pocket. Is there a dress code? " Nah, not really, but most of the guys wear denim or leather, the tighter the better if you know what I mean" Yea, yea I think so, thanks. " Hey buddy, just so you know, newbies get their first drink on the house; just ask for me, I'm Jake and I'm working the bar till 1am." Ok thanks Jake, my name's Bobby. I hung up the phone and hustled into my room, closing the door behind me. I know I didn't have any leather so I looked through all my clothes for something denim and tight. My 501's looked good on me but I don't they weren't tight enough. Wait, here's a pair from last year, they have some tears at the knees but should be nice and tight. I slid them on bareback and found they weren't too tight at the waist, but almost painfully tight in the rear. It's from all the bike riding and short track sprinting I've been doing. And the surfing has kept my waist trim. I checked my ass in the mirror... nice! I'd even tap that ass!! Oh shit, I must've grown two inches since last year, the bottom of the legs were well above my ankles, I can't go like this or they'll think I'm some kind of country bumpkin! I took off the pants and examined the seams at the bottom...thank goodness my mom had hemmed them and there was plenty of length if I took out the hem. I cut out the hem and tried them on again... perfect! Now to complete the outfit. I grabbed a denim jacket I had from my cowboy phase. It was always too big but now with my surfer's build, it fit nice and tight. I looked at all the shirts in my closet and nothing stood out to me. I went to my underwear drawer and pulled out a sleeveless "wife-beater" Yes! Now for underwear..... I looked at my tightie whities and boxers... nahhhh. Should I go commando?? Nah with jeans that tight I'll chafe my dick and I'd be worried about precum showing through. Got it..... jock strap, yes!! I put on the whole outfit and did a couple of turns in front of the mirror..... damn you look like a fag! I threw a change of clothes into my backpack, and rushed out the door, hoping and praying nobody sees me in this getup. I pulled out of the driveway, finally relaxing a bit as I merged onto the freeway. I allowed my mind to wander..... what does Rick Stihl have in store for me at a gay bar?? I pictured him as I last saw him at the beach, his shirt open exposing his massive hairy chest with his thick, big headed cock outlined in tight white shorts. " I got better plans for you son" I had to be aware of my speed as my heart raced in my chest thinking about what he had in store for me. I took my exit off the freeway and made my way into the busy part of town until I saw BRASS RAIL in big neon letters. There was a line of men on the sidewalk waiting to get in to the bar and I had to wait for them to clear an opening in the driveway as I signaled for a left turn into the parking lot. One big guy in biker leathers pounded on my window and signaled me to roll it down. " This parking lot is for bar patrons only junior, you need to turn it around" No I'm going in there, I'm meeting someone. " You gotta be fucking kidding me... you don't look old enough to be driving this car, let alone drinking in a bar. You gotta be 21 and they'll damn sure be checking your ID" No problem my man, I'm all good. I pulled into the last remaining stall and jumped out of the Datsun to head to the back of the line of men. Rick said to meet him at the bar at 9 and it was only 8, but the line looked like it would take an hour to get in. I heard plenty of catcalls and wolf whistles as I struggled to walk normal in my incredibly tight jeans. " Hey little boy, Daddy's got some candy for your sweet ass.... Hey baby, I'll let you cut in front of me just to look at that tight ass of yours all night!" I finally made it to the back of the line and was mobbed as I waited for my turn to get in. They towered over me and I was starting to feel for my life. " Hey, back the fuck off of the kid everyone!" I looked up to see a giant black bouncer pulling big guys off of me like they were rag dolls. The big guy pulled me out of the line and away from the crowd... "Listen kid, you gotta be 21 to get in. I gotta see your ID now and if it's a fake, I'm holding you here for the cops. We can't risk our license." Here you go, I'm just here to meet someone. He grabbed my ID and took out a big flashlight. " All these horndogs are here to meet someone. If I got here a minute later, they would have eaten you alive" He examined my ID closely with the flashlight, looking at my face and then the ID, back to my face again. " Damn, you don't look a day over 16 but this ID looks legit. Follow me, I need my boss to confirm it and I'm not going to leave you alone with these animals" I followed the big man, trying to keep up with his long strides in my tight jeans. My ears were burning from all the catcalls as we entered the dimly lit bar. The bar was thick with smoke and bass-heavy disco music was pumping out of speakers that were aimed at a crowded dance floor. The bouncer led me to a small office in the back of the bar and closed the door. " Hey boss, take a look at this kid's ID and look at his face..... it looks legit but he can't be a day over 16." Hhmmm. Yea that's him alright and the ID looks flawless... Robert, what year were you born? I had memorized the birthdate on the ID and answered correctly. OK, I guess you're in. You do know this is a gay bar don't you? Yea, I'm here to meet someone. Well damn, you came to the right place then! No, what I mean is somebody's coming here to meet me at 9. He said to order a beer and wait at the bar for him. Haha, well Bobby, meet Jake, the best bartender the Rail has ever seen. Hi Jake, pleased to meet you; you gave me directions over the phone. Oh yeah, well pull up a stool, first beer is on me. He poured a cold frosty beer in a 20oz mug and I took a sip as I glanced at the clock on the back of the bar. Shit, it's only quarter after eight and Rick Stihl said to get here at nine and nurse my beer. " Hey darling, haven't seen you here before, is this seat taken?" He was a big guy, probably early thirties with a slight paunch around the middle but with a barrel chest and big guns exposed since he was only wearing a leather vest and blue jeans. No go ahead, I'm just waiting to meet someone. " Give me your hand" he stuck out his big right hand and I shook it but he held the grip and then placed my hand palm down on his crotch, stroking his growing member. " My name's Lester, now you've met someone, cmon let's dance" Uh hi Lester I'm Bobby, I think I'll just sit here and drink my beer if you don't mind. " Absolutely fine.... Hey Jake another beer and a shot of tequila for the kid and I'll take a beer"" He threw a wad of bills on the bar, grabbed my crotch and stared into my eyes. " Mmmm feels like somebody's in the mood, wanna go to the bathroom with me after these beers?" Uhhh sorry Lester but I'm meeting someone at nine. " That's a half hour from now; I only need ten minutes to shoot my load, especially with a tight young thing like you. You gonna drink that beer or nurse it? Or maybe you like drinking piss warm beer? If you do, you can drink straight from the tap, right here" he said as he patted his growing bulge. I downed my first beer and then threw back the tequila..... whoa that went right to my head.. " Take it easy kid, I was just messing with you.... maybe...haha" he chuckled and winked at me stroking his package for emphasis. " You ready to dance yet?" Nah. I said as I glanced at the clock, I'm gonna just sit here and drink. Lester whistled so loud it cut through the booming disco music " Yo Jake, another round pronto" Hold up Jake, no mas tequila for me. " Suit yourself kid.... two beers for me and two for the kid." I guzzled my current beer and put it down just as Jake put two more in front of me. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I spun around. " Dance???" Nah, sorry I'm just drinking tonight. I turned down a couple more guys and I heard one say " Stuckup bitch, you ain't all that" I looked up at the clock after I polished off the two beers in front of me and it was 9:30. Shit where is he?? "Hey kid, I don't think your Prince Charming is coming so why don't you just come with me and I'll show you a good time." Uh, no, I know he's coming, he said he might be running a little late, but damn, I gotta piss like a racehorse... which way to the bathroom? " Oh no, you don't want to go there alone, they'll eat you alive. Cmon, follow me. Jake, hold the kid's seat in case his date ever shows up." I jumped off the barstool, nearly falling over and had to reach out and grab Lester for balance. "Easy kid, I know I'm sexy but have a little class. You can have all of me once we get in the bathroom." What?? Oh no, this can't be happening.... but I have to piss SO bad!! We walked through the bar past the writhing bodies on the dance floor, all eyes seemed to be on us. We entered the crowded bathroom and I made a beeline towards the urinals. Lester grabbed me by the collar and said " No, get in here" as he opened an empty handicapped toilet stall door and pushed me in, following me in he latched the door behind me. But I really have to piss!! " Just sit down and piss like a girl then" I barely got my jeans and jock past my knees with my cock in hand pointing downward as I fell back onto the toilet seat, pissing like a firehouse. Oh my god the relief!! I was still pissing when Lester pulled me by the hair" Open your fucking mouth bitch" I complied and he shoved his thick cock into my mouth and down my throat making me gag and causing me to stop pissing mid stream. I had one hand still on my cock trying not to piss on myself while I held the other hand against Lester's belly, trying keep him from hitting my gag point again. " Don't fight it kid, just go with it...... yeah that's it, that's it! Yeah, work the rim yeah yeah YES! Now open up wide and take it all! Yeah yeah YES that's it that's IT!! Fuck yeah now hold it there... fuck yeah you're a natural kid... yeah yeah YES now lick my balls... yeah just like that .... just like THAT! I told you ten minutes is all I need... now keep sucking like that and you're gonna get a big load!" BANG BANG BANG Bobby, are you in there??? Oh shit! It's Rick Stihl!! "Keep sucking kid!! ...Wait your fucking turn ASSHOLE! I'm about to shoot my wad down this kid's throat!" Bobby, open the door or I'm gonna kick it in! "Stay here kid, this'll only take a minute...he pulled his cock out of my mouth and zipped up his jeans....cmon in asshole, join the party!"

Lester unlatched the door and it immediately swung open and Rick Stihl reached in and pulled him out and threw him against the urinals, scattering pissers like bowling pins. And in a lighting quick move, Rick had Lester in a chokehold and he tapped out. The big black bouncer that let me in earlier high fived Rick and said " I knew you had this under control bro, now let me escort this piece of trash outside." Rick poked his head in, I was in semi shock with my jock and pants still around my knees, my cock still in my hand pointed down to pee. " We'll discuss what just happened here later, right now you and I have a meeting upstairs with a VIP. Now get cleaned up and go see Jake; he'll escort you upstairs to the meeting" As soon as Rick left, I unclenched and let my piss stream flow freely..... aahhhhhh.....fuck at last! I zipped up and splashed some water in my face at the sink and I could feel I was being watched as I bent over the sink. I dried off with paper towels and headed to the bar to look for Jake. The bar was filling up with patrons of all shapes and sizes, all of them horny men, no boys among them. I felt like the only beta swimming against a school of alphas as I squeezed through the crowd. I could see Jake's friendly face up ahead as I fought off grabbing hands and grinding crotches. "Damn pal, you sure are causing a lot of excitement around here, follow me." I followed Jake upstairs and down a hall to a set of ornate double doors. He knocked once and the doors were opened by a nondescript man with a camera around his neck. The guy gave me a knowing look and I stared back trying to remember where I'd seen him before. "Here he is, the man of the hour, come on in Bobby. Jake, I need you to stick around for a bit too ok" It was Rick Stihl, in all his studly glory..... just minutes removed from throttling a big horny drunk guy who was determined to plant his seed down my throat. I swooned a bit from the booze and standing in Rick's presence. I glanced at his package.... yep, as magnificent as I remember it from the beach. Rick cleared his throat, jolting me out of my trance. " Bobby, I'd like to introduce you to Dick Del Rio, he's the owner of Del Rio Studios, the biggest production company in our industry. He was so impressed by the "head shots" from the beach, he had to fly down from San Francisco to meet you in person." It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Del Rio I said as I extended my hand to shake. He grasped my hand in his big paw, almost crushing it " Please, call me Dick haha... hey Rick are you sure you checked this kid's ID? He doesn't look a day over sixteen! You know I run a legitimate business" Show Dick your license Bobby. I handed him my license and he took it over to a big desk, switched on a lamp and after putting eyeglasses on, inspected it from all angles. He looked back and forth from the ID to my face until he was satisfied. " Well damn, I guess you're old enough to work with me then. I'm still gonna need an original birth certificate before we sign any contracts; I don't take risks with my business." No problem, we have a meeting with his parents tomorrow and I'll make sure to get his birth certificate. " So Bobby, I'm not sure how much Rick told you about tonight's meeting but basically it's an audition and a test shoot to see how you'll look on screen. The stills from the beach looked hot but I need to see more. Just a little sucking and fucking; nothing complicated, we just want to see how you perform with a little direction." Sorry Dick, just sucking tonight; no fucking.... I'll let Bobby explain. My face turned beet red and I looked at Rick for some direction. He just grinned. Uhhh, Mr Del Rio..... I mean Dick... uh it's just that, well... I'm still a virgin. " Holy Fuck! This is a first for me and I've been in this business a long time. Holy shit almighty!! Ok kid, get your clothes off and stand under that light for me.. cmon, I don't have all night" I could sense he was getting agitated so I quickly stripped and stood under the light. I noticed the cameraman had sprung into action and was filming the entire proceedings. " Ok kid, I need you to pretend that the cameraman is not there, just like you did at the beach... just act natural like we're having a conversation with a few friends, only you're naked. Now, I'm gonna be brutally honest, you got a hot body and and are cute as fuck, but with that little penis of yours, the only roles you're going to get in this business are as a bottom boy, you okay with that?" I looked at him and then I looked at Rick and Jake and then at the cameraman who was now standing behind Dick. Yea, I'm ok with that. " Ok Bobby, just so you know, the real tops like Rick and Jake over there command top dollar because everyone wants to see their cocks on film. If you want to make a living in this business, you're gonna have to crank out a couple of scenes a day and you gotta be willing to do interracial, gangbangs and maybe even DP's... you know what that is?? Two cocks in your ass at one time!! With all that, you'll still only last a few years because there's always someone younger willing to do more. So you still want to do this??" Yes Sir! I couldn't believe that just came out of my mouth!! "I knew you would say yes! Those photos of you sucking cock told me everything I needed to know. Now turn around and bend over and show me that virgin ass of yours. Hey Rick, you got first dibs on his cherry but can I at least play with it??" Of course! You're The Man! "Ok, bring it in guys!" I could not believe what was happening to me as Rick and Jake began to strip and the cameraman started moving in closer......

Next: Chapter 5

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