The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Jan 14, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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Whhh what?? Aren't you coming with me??? Nah kid, I still have some unfinished business here. Now get your ass out of here and don't look back. He turned and walked back north towards the maze. WTF! Mother Fucker !! I was cursing to myself as I headed up the cliff. I turned to look back and he was standing there with his arms crossed shaking his head and mouthing the words no no no.... Fuck! I turned around, headed up the cliff and never looked back.

I hopped into my Datsun and gunned it out of the parking lot and headed up the Coast Highway. My mind was spinning as I tried to get a grasp of what had just happened. My day started well enough, swallowing two big cumloads which I anticipated to be just the first of many but then I let an unseen cameraman spook me out of blowing a literal conga line of horny men staring at me with their stiff cocks in hand. And then I met Rick Stihl, a dreamy hunk who probed my virgin asshole, prompting primal urges in me I had no idea were there. And that huge cock of his! I could tell just by the outline in his shorts the shape and size and HE knew he was packing a bigger gun than just your average joe. He was so sweet and nice and then boom! Just like that he turned mean and controlling and I could still feel the sting of his palm on my face and my ass. And I let him get away with it! Damn, I need a cigarette to clear my head, and now I can finally buy them legally myself! I pulled in to a 7-11 and parked right next to a cop who was busy writing something on a pad. I grabbed my wallet out of my backpack and walked straight up to the counter and asked for a pack of Marlboro Reds. Sure thing kid, can I see some ID? I smiled widely and said of course, just got it this week. I opened my wallet and my jaw dropped. What the fuck?? That mother fucker!!! Hey kid, that routine doesn't work here. You gotta be 16 with ID to buy. Got some candy cigarettes over on that aisle if you like. Mother fucker stole my ID! I'm gonna kill him!! Calm down kid or I'll tell that cop you parked next to that you're driving without a license. Sorry, never mind. Have a nice day! I smiled at the cop as I got in my car, making sure I put on my seatbelt and checked my mirrors before carefully backing out. Fuck fuck fuck!! I know that mother fucking Rick grabbed my ID as he pretended he couldn't find the sunscreen in my backpack. Shit! I was so blissfully unaware with my ass toasting in the warm sun that I let him rifle through my shit anticipating his big hands all over my body. I grabbed my wallet from the passenger seat and checked for the cash.... yeah, looks like it's all there. Why would he take my license?? Oh, well it looks like I'll be riding my bike for awhile, don't want to risk getting pulled over without a license. I pulled into our driveway and sullenly walked into the house with my backpack and towel in hand. Hi Mom Hi, oh my gosh, what happened to your face?? Oh yeah that. I was playing football with some guys I met at the beach and I face planted in the sand, it's not that bad. What beach did you go to? Uh, uh I went to Solana Beach, never been there before. How come you didn't bring your friends? You know they've been calling all day wondering where you're at. Russel even rode his bike over and said if you went to the beach, why is your board still here? They really miss you, you know. Nah, they just want a free ride to the beach. So who were these boys you played with at the beach? Ah Ma, just some some guys that hang out there... enough with the third degree already! Oh I'm just worried about you falling in with the wrong crowd. OMG if she only knew!!! Aren't you working at the restaurant tonight? Oh snap! I think I'm gonna ride my bike to work so I can stay in shape for track season next year. I kissed her on the cheek and ran inside. Gonna shower real quick and go. Aren't you going to eat anything, you're getting too skinny. Ah Ma don't worry, the cooks'll fix me something on my break. I ran into my room and stripped, pausing at the mirror to inspect my reflection. Oh yeah, that fucker slapped me pretty hard alright... I had a fat lip and the whole right side of my face was puffy and red. I turned to look at my ass, it was beet red, more from the sun than the hard spanking Rick dealt me. That motherfucker just ruined my whole summer. I jumped in the shower and as I was soaping up, I mindlessly started to stroke my meat as was my habit ever since I discovered orgasms. I closed my eyes, letting the warm water ease my current worries. I thought back to the two Euros and ran my tongue around in my mouth, hoping for a little semen aftertaste. As I stroked, I pressed a soapy finger of my left hand against my tight asshole and pictured Rick Stihl and his massive big headed cock, grinning and saying I've got better plans for you. I stroked furiously and came in buckets and I think I yelled out fuck yes!! My Mom banged on the door.. you ok in there?? Yea Ma just got soap in my eyes, sorry for cussing. Oh that's ok, you just seem a little on edge since you got home. There were a lot of crazy drivers on the road today, I think I'm gonna ride my bike to work. I thought you said you were going to ride to get in shape for track? Yea, that too. Can you just stay out of my business for a change?? Sheesh, ok just trying to be your Mom Mr grumpypants. The orgasm did nothing to relieve the stress, in fact it made me feel worse since I knew I wouldn't be getting any more man on man sex until I could get my ID back. And Black's Beach is now off limits according to Rick Stihl. The rest of the week was uneventful; I ended up telling my buddies I was grounded from driving for staying out too late with Cindy Johnson and they finally gave up on calling and never dropped by. I rode my bike everywhere and actually started to prepare for track season by running wind sprints on the high school track. I biked to work every evening and I could feel I was really getting in to top shape. I stopped masturbating twice daily and my Mom even noticed my mood was starting to lighten up. What's gotten into you Mr Sunshine huh?? And then one day, my friend Russel pulled up with his older brother and his friend... Hey grab your board, it's pumping at Black's Beach the rest of the week, six foot overhead with bigger set! My brother's an adult so I can drive with my permit cmon! I knew there was no way I was going to risk an encounter with Rick Stihl or the photographer I know is working for him. Nah I can't today, I booked a private lesson with my sax teacher. I have to be ready to audition for first chair this fall. You mean a private lesson with your SEX teacher?? I heard that old man's a homo! Nahh, he's just very friendly and he's got 3 kids for fuck's sake. Ron Hill's younger brother Eddie stopped taking clarinet lessons from him cause the old man said he had a dream him and Eddie were naked and then the old perv grabbed Eddie's junk and said oops, I meant to grab your knee. My ears turned red as I recalled my teacher pulled the exact move on me 3 years ago... only difference is I let him continue grabbing my junk until it was rock hard and we ended up sucking each other off in his music room. Well suit yourself, you're gonna miss some tasty waves and maybe even tastier babes... butt naked!! Ahh I heard all the naked people are old and wrinkled and fat! Yea? Well I heard the beach is loaded with fags sucking each other off.... Maybe your teacher's heading there after your lesson hahah Very funny Russell... now get out of here before you miss all those tasty waves. Sheesh, I thought they'd never leave! Well, maybe I oughta give my old perv teacher a visit for real. It's been months after since our last session after all. I used to look forward to our sex sessions at the beginning but they became so hohum vanilla boring that I would prefer to jack off to a dirty magazine. He had erection problems which seemed to get worse as my enthusiasm wained. He also told me from the very beginning that since he had a vasectomy, nothing came out when he orgasmed. I was so naive I believed his fake orgasms until I read that a man still shoots plenty of juice after a vasectomy, just no seeds. Our routine became the same thing over and over..... I would suck him off until he "came" with grunts and shuddering, and then he would suck me off until I jacked my load into his mouth. He would never swallow; he always spit my load into a handkerchief. I'm sure he saved it to smell later on. Now I wondered how many other kids he was doing this with. Oh well, I'll give him a call and I'm sure he will fit me in. Ma, I'm gonna call for a sax lesson today; I wanna be ready to make section leader this fall. Good for you , I just love hearing you play!

Hi, I know it's been awhile but I really need to work on my arpeggios today, can you fit me in? (Arpeggios was our key word that meant let's have a suck session) Ok, great! I'll see you then! He can fit me in this afternoon Ma. Great! You two have been working on arpeggios for years; you'd think you'd have them down by now. Well, you know what they say, use it or lose it! I spent the next couple of hours playing my sax and then showered, paying special attention to my tight little bunghole. I think I'll shake up the old arpeggio routine with something a little less vanilla. I wiped down the sax and threw it in its case, taking care it was secure on my bike rack before peddling to my teacher's shop. He was smiling from ear to ear when I pulled up.... You're a sight for sore eyes, my but you've grown! Now get in here and let's get to work on those arpeggios. He checked both ways down the street before letting me in with my bike. He locked the door and turned.. Now give me a kiss, I cancelled the rest of my lessons today so we have plenty of time to reacquaint ourselves. He pulled me as close as his ample belly would allow and opened his mouth wide for a sloppy tongue kiss. His hand went straight for my crotch and my young boner did not disappoint. I pulled away from the kiss and said Let's get to those arpeggios right away, I have to cover someone's earlier shift at the restaurant. Ok ok , it's just that haven't seen you in so long I thought you were gone forever. Nah, just working and training for next season's track. I unbuttoned his slacks as he removed his shirt. His ample cock was growing as he helped me out of my clothes and I just hoped he could maintain his erection for more than 10 minutes. I dropped to my knees, cupped his balls in one hand and took his growing member deep in my mouth. Oh my you are the best! I thought to myself, does that mean I'm better than all the other teens you've molested?? Oh thank you! I just miss this big cock of yours and I love to make you feel good. Let's go over to the couch and get more comfortable. He sat down on the couch and I knelt on the floor and continued to suck and lick his thick cock and I was pleased that he was remaining hard. I deep throated him and he kept saying ooh yeah every time I went down. I could sense he was preparing for one of his fake orgasms, so I just went along with the charade. He finally started to grunt and shake and said I'm cumming. I held his cock in my mouth until I felt it begin to go flaccid. Was that good for you ? Oh yeah you are the best. Let me catch my breath and then it's your turn. Ok. I sat down on the and spread my legs wide. I want you to lick my balls first ok? Of course my pleasure. The old man started to tongue my balls like a cat and said, You've grown more hair since we got together last. Yeah, a lot of things have changed since we got together last. Yeah that's it that's it! Now go lower, yeah right there right there that feels so good. I started to jack my meat as he licked. Now tongue my asshole Daddy! He paused and looked at me.. I don't know, I don't think that's too sanitary. I washed real good but my ass is a little sweaty from the ride over here; a little sweat won't kill you. Ok, alright I'll do it for you, just let me get a warm soapy washcloth and I'll make sure you're squeaky clean. Take your time, I'll be right here. I threw one leg over the arm of the couch and leisurely stroked myself with my head thrown back and my eyes closed. While he was busy getting the washcloth, I was thinking back to that day at Blacks Beach, the two cocks I sucked, the blonde twink getting gangbanged, and especially Rick Stihl probing my virgin rosebud. Oh I see you're still hard as a rock, this warm cloth should feel nice. I lifted my ass for the old man and he swabbed my butt cheeks and then spread my crack to get to the prize inside. I closed my eyes again and tried to picture Rick Stihl, the prominent bulge in his shorts growing bigger as he fingered my ass. Oh yeah that feels good Daddy, I imagined I was crying out to Rick and his thick fingers. You're clean as a whistle down there and boy you're leaking like a hose! The old man took my throbbing boner in his mouth, greedily sucking up all my natural cock lube. Ok, I'm ready to try this, open up for me. I moved my hips forward and up and spread my ass cheeks to give the old perv a better angle of attack. The second his tongue touched my butt crack, I knew where my true erogenous zone was; my ASS! Not just my hole, but that entire area from my crack to my ball sac. It was like electricity and I could feel my cock pulsing in my hand each time his tongue made contact. You like it? Oh hell yeah don't stop!! Mmmm he hummed into my ass as he ate it out. I was edging my orgasm and I knew I could blow a load at will. I closed my eyes and threw my head back, picturing Rick Stihl eating me out in preparation to take my virgin hole. I could see him in my mind with such clarity..... he smiled as he took off his shirt and removed his shorts, revealing a long, thick and veiny cock with a prominent mushroom head. Oh fuck me Daddy! The old man took that as a cue to intensify his probing of my tight hole with his tongue and he grabbed me under my thighs and pushed up to get deeper into my ass. I could tell he was enjoying our new found pleasure act and was becoming quite proficient. I was now at the point of no return as I jacked my slippery cock, picturing Rick grinning above me, his hips driving into me. Oh fuck me Rick!! I came in buckets, shooting to the side all over the old man's couch. The old man pulled his head away from my ass and said Who's Rick???? I don't know, who's Eddie Hill and why did he quit clarinet lessons with you? How many other kids did you pull that "I dreamed we were both naked" shit on?? I gotta go before I'm late for work, thanks for eating my ass out, you're pretty good at it I said as I was getting dressed. What about the cum all over my couch?? Not my problem. Bye! I grabbed my sax and bike and was out the door, leaving my teacher naked with a couch full of cum. Damn that felt good I thought to myself as I pedaled my bike home. I parked my bike in the garage and walked through the front door with my sax in hand. My Mom and Dad were sitting together with some papers spread out on the kitchen table. How was your lesson? Are you getting those arpeggios down? Oh yeah, the lesson was great and I think we've moved past the arpeggios. What's up? You guys look so serious. Is there anything you would like to tell us? Anything you might have been hiding from us?? Oh no I thought to myself, this is it, my life is over. Uhhh I don't think so. Are you sure? Do you know a man named Rick Stihl with Stihl Talent Agency? Uhhh the name sounds familiar. Well he sure knows you! Now come sit down over here and look at what he sent us. Us?? Oh my God, he sent the pictures! I am so fucked!! I stood paralyzed for a moment, wondering if I should just run out the door and keep on running. Don't just stand there sit down! She patted the chair between them and they were both smiling. Oh my God, this must be the calm before the storm and they are going to beat the living hell out of me! I sat down but couldn't bring myself to look at the pictures. Now why in the world would you ever want to hide this from us? You are just so handsome!! She tousled my hair and said Look look! You are just so beautiful! I willed myself to look at the 8 x 10 black & white glossies spread out on the kitchen table. Damn! That's me alright, and I recognize the shrubbery from Blacks Beach but I'm definitely the only one in the frame. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief but I knew that someone had the rest of the pictures and would use them against me to get whatever they wanted. You look so intense in every shot, I've just never seen this side of you. And the photographer did such an excellent job with the background, it looks like you're in the jungle. Just look at how the dappled light is falling on your face and chest. It's magical! Oh my god is that cum on the side of my nose on that one??? I casually slid that photo under the envelope they came in. Ah Ma it's nothing. Just a few dumb pictures. Nothing? Just look at this letter from the President of the agency, he's absolutely gushing about you. You must have made quite the impression on him, just imagine My son the Model! How in the world were you able to keep such a great secret from us?? I don't know Ma, I guess I wanted to see if things would pan out or not. Looks like they did. I smiled a smile I knew was fake. Now you've been keeping another secret from us haven't you? Ugh, I thought to myself, they're toying with me. No, I don't think so. Well I do know, you lost your new drivers license and were too ashamed to tell us, didn't you? That's why you've been riding your bike everywhere and avoiding your friends. I bet that's also why you've been so grumpy lately. Yea, I'm sorry, I just got it and now it's gone. Well guess what?? She was grinning ear to ear. It's not lost, it's right here! She handed me the ID. That nice Mr Stihl mailed it along with a hand written note. He said he was so sorry for any inconvenience and will be sure to make it up to you. He said his secretary left it in the copy machine after your interview. He left his card and said to call him as soon as you get the package. Cal him! Call him now! She was literally jumping up and down. I looked at my license and then his card, I dialed the office number.... Yes may I speak with Mr Stihl? I looked at my ID again while on hold. It looked perfect except..... sonofabitch! I'm 21 !!! "Hello Rick speaking....."

Next: Chapter 4

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