The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Sep 23, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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Donnie started sobbing... " No, no! I swear I didn't! I was going to... I was going to but Bobby stopped me at the last second...."

" Bobby! You fucking cock-tease......what'd you do? Get old Donnie here all hot and bothered, shaking your ass and then say oh I'm sorry, I'm only sixteen and still a virgin... I shouldn't be doing this??? Give me a fucking break!" " No Reggie, that's not how it happened. I was going to go for a swim and I forgot I had the cage on. Donnie and Phil were just curious and wanted to see it... and...well one thing led to another and...." " Just curious?? And then you let Donnie finger bang you while you swallowed old Phhhil's kielbasa.... is that how it went down Bobby?" " Yeah, Reggie, kinda like that. " " And then you said Wait! Stop! I have a headache Donnie.... please maybe later??? Cmon get real!!"

Donnie spoke up with a soft, trembling voice, his hands shaking uncontrollably. " He said They'll fucking kill me.... he said Stop! This is a bad idea.... and I believed him. Phil and I are honestly worried about this young man's safety. We wouldn't do a thing to hurt him." Chester put his big arm around Donnie's shoulder and put on that tender persona I remembered so well from that first night at the Brass Rail. " I know Donnie.... and I believe you when you say you didn't fuck the boy. I'm sure that took a lot of will power on your part, but you and Phil here seem like pretty decent dudes that wouldn't take advantage of a minor.... especially a minor in MY care. The boy is fine, and the cage just keeps him from getting into trouble... you know how teenagers can get with all those hormones raging hehe. Bobby! Tell these men we're good."

"Yes Sir, Coach takes real good care of me."

" You dudes see that look on his face? That's love and trust.... you've got to earn it with a boy like Bobby. Now Bobby, get your shorts back on and run on back home.... Security will let you in. Just lay face down on the massage table and wait for me... I won't be long. Reggie and I are just gonna get to know your two new friends a little bit better."

" Here, take my board back with you Dick-breath!" Reggie shoved his surfboard into my chest. He stood there nude with his surf trunks in his hand, proudly displaying the cock I had secretly lusted after since we were kids. Donnie and Phil both struggled to keep from stealing glances at it as I waved goodbye and headed back to the

Compound with Reggie's board under my arm.

" So, you two come here often?? Haha " Chester cracked himself up as he stood in his tight coach's shorts with his muscular arms crossed over his bare chest. " Yeah, we like to work on our all over tans and watch all the eye candy go by" Phil blurted out while trying not to stare at Chester's prominent package. " Looks like you do more than watch" Reggie sneered, his semi swaying as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. " Funny, I figured you two for Bottoms when I cruised you earlier this morning, the way you both were checking out my junk. Then I catch you trying to spit roast our little twink Bobby. You guys are fucking A studs!" " Look Reggie, I don't know how many times we can say it, but me and Phil are honestly sorry.. it was a mistake and it'll never happen again." Reggie chuckled " Oh, we're way over it now that we know Bobby is safe... we lost him for a minute and we're glad you guys found him and took good care of him. We just want to get to know you guys a little better is all. And by the way you two have been eyeing our packages, it looks like you'd like to get to know us better too. What'd ya say we head up to the bushes where we can have a little privacy?" Reggie winked at the two lovers and twitched his cock twice for emphasis. " Uh, I don't think that's a good idea considering the circumstances." " What circumstances Donnie? They're cool with us and all is forgiven, right guys?" Phil seemed eager for action. " Sheesh Donnie... I swear.. you need to be a little more adventurous sometimes or I'll have to look for another partner.....just kidding....Cmon.... put on your Speedo and let's go! " Phil's growing boner was peeking out the top of his Speedos and he shifted it and tugged on the fabric to cover up his stiffness. " Sorry guys.... Just a little excited haha.... Well if you're going to just sit there like a bump on a log Donnie, suit yourself... more meat for me!! And... I don't have to choose between white meat and dark meat... I can have them both!!" Donnie sat back down on his towel with a dour look on his face " Go ahead and go with them...but don't come crawling back to me expecting any sympathy if they play too rough." " Fine! I'll give you all the gory details tonight at home and you can beat your meat to what you missed out on." Phil blew Donnie a kiss and walked up the beach towards the bushes, with Reggie and Chester squeezing in on either side of him. Donnie watched Phil's tight butt cheeks rise and fall as he walked away sandwiched between the two Doms. As they walked further towards the gay bush maze, Chester dug one big hand into the back of Phil's Speedos, squeezing so tight it made Phil jump. Donnie watched from a distance as he saw his lover glance up at the big black stud and then run his hand up and down Chester's spine. " That's it! " Donnie muttered to himself " Hold up guys! I'm coming with you!!" He shimmied into his Speedos and ran towards the trio, his growing boner forming a tent and pointing the way. "Oh... so look who decided to tag along.... somebody's a little JEALOUS??? " Now Reggie's hand was in the back of Phil's Speedos, splitting his crack with rough fingers, feeling for his rosebud as they walked. " No sweetie, not jealous " Donnie panted, winded from running " just couldn't live with myself if something happened to you." " Oh please.... something happened like what??? I get ravished by these two studs?? I mean come on.... Just look at your boner... you want it just as bad as me....just go with the flow... get a little wild ok honey??" " Yeah, yeah..... you're right... you're always right. Count me in! Look, we're almost there."

There was a steep rise in the trail against the sandstone cliffs where the stunted trees and brush began to grow denser, creating a natural leafy maze of dusty footpaths leading to sun dappled grottos. The perfect place for horny men to find anonymous mutual relief. At the entrance to this gay Adventureland , stood two burly studs who looked like bouncers, except they were clad in only black speedos and sunscreen. One was just under six foot, but had a hairy barrel chest and thick arms, thighs and calves. He had a swarthy complexion with a thick handlebar mustache that made him look like a buff Mario Brother. The other stud looked like a lean Slavic basketball player and the tiny Speedo barely covered his proportionately sized package. " Hey Boss... looks like you're having a business meeting?" It appeared Super Mario did all the talking for the pair. " Yeah Tony, we're going to need about an hour or two of privacy. That means nobody comes in or out without my say so... is that clear?" " Crystal clear boss" said Tony as the big Slav just nodded his affirmation. " Good! Now if anybody whines, just tell them a bunch of vice cops are sweeping the area for illicit activity." " Roger that Boss... have a good meeting!" Tony gave Phil & Donnie a knowing wink and smile as they passed and Phil responded back by dropping his gaze to Tony's fat package and then back up to stare directly into his brown eyes as he licked his lips. Phil leaned into Donnie's ear to whisper " Oh my gawd Donnie.... a business meeting! That's a euphemism for carnal knowledge! He said he needs one to TWO hours! Can you imagine how much fucking and sucking we can do with these two studs??" "Oh yeah?? How deep of a hole do you think we can dig in two hours? Deep enough to bury a couple bodies! I can't believe I let you talk me into this.... those guys looked dangerous... did you see the guns on that guido??" " Yeah I did.... looked like he was packing a Magnum in his bathing suit....he's kinda hot, maybe he'll join us!" " You are incorrigible!!" " Ok you love birds, we're here!" Chester gestured towards a small opening in the leafy growth that led to a cave-like room with dense green walls and a solid roof of foliage so thick only a little sunlight managed to filter through. The ground was a layer of fine dusty sandstone covered with a myriad of footprints and dozens of used condoms and empty KY lube packets. " Welcome to my office boys... excuse the mess... I'll have someone clean up once we're finished here." Chester removed his shorts as he spoke and Phil and Donnie gasped in unison as his impressive semi sprung forth. " What's wrong? Haven't seen a black man before? " Chester and Reggie both set their shorts down on an old felled tree limb that was at the perfect height to serve as a bench. They sat down together so close that their thighs were touching. Reggie looked at the lovers and spat on the ground. " Oh... so now you're shy?? You weren't so shy when you had Bobby under the towel now were you? Get the fuck over here and on your knees and get what's coming to you." Phil immediately dropped to his knees and took Reggie's growing boner into his mouth while Donnie hesitated, his head on a swivel. Chester smiled at the jittery man. " Cmon Donnie, you're not going to let your boyfriend keep all this dick for himself now are you?" He patted Phil on the head who took that as a directive and fisted the big black cock as he continued to work Reggie's erection with his mouth and throat. He pulled off Reggie just long enough to look over his shoulder and grin at his lover, before turning his attention and mouth to Chester's now fully erect manhood. " Mmmmm... suit yourself " he mumbled with black meat in his mouth... " more for me!" " Ahhhhhh. Dammit! Scoot over you greedy bitch!" Donnie had dropped to his knees next to his lover and gave him a hard hip check as he wrestled Reggie's cock from Phil's hand. " Don't act you're the only cocksucker in town honey.... Two can play this game!" No longer fearing for his life, Donnie wrapped his lips around Reggie's fat head and began sucking with gusto. Soon, the only sounds in the sun dappled grotto besides the crashing of the distant surf was the satisfied moans of the two Alphas and the wet sounds the two lovers made as they sucked away. For a good twenty minutes, no words were spoken save for the three word mantras of Reggie and Chester.... "Yes! Fuck! Ohh! " repeated in various combinations... and then footsteps were heard shuffling through the sand into the tiny entrance to the grotto. " Hey bro! What took you guys so long?" Donnie pulled off of Reggie's dick to see who was standing behind them. " Hey bitch! Did I say you could stop sucking?? Get back on it now!" Reggie pulled Donnie's head around by his hair and thrust his hips up into the kneeling man's open mouth. Donnie began to gag but Reggie held him firmly in place with his strong forearms. " Sorry bro, we got held up by Chef Boyardee and Lurch.... those fuckers said nobody comes in without your say so. So I showed him the fucking pictures and he let us right in.... these are the dudes?" Phil tried to turn around to see and Chester slapped him open palm across his face hard... "Suck bitch!" " Yeah these are the dudes.... now give us a hand here. Bitch! Put your hands here. Don't take your mouth of my dick or Imma have to slap you again... ok Terrance, hold this fag's head down on my cock and Richie you do the same with Phil over there.. yeah that's good... now keep your hands here on this branch. Ok, this won't hurt unless you struggle." "Oww fuck! What are you doing?? Please don't fucking kill us! We didn't hurt the boy!" Chester and Reggie had zip tied the two lovers side by side on their knees to the heavy branch and now they were both wailing and begging for their lives. " Please.... please don't kill us!!" " Shut the fuck up you faggots... nobody's killing anybody... sheesh... we're not barbarians! Now, get up on your feet... NOW!!" The two lovers shakily rose to their feet. With their wrists tightly secured to the thick tree limb, they had to bend at the waist, ass up and head down. " Nice... boys, help them get a little more comfy and out of those Speedos.... yeah... that's more like it... uhoh.. looks like we gotta couple of shy turtles haha. Richie, make sure you're getting all this on film. Now fellas, I need you to stay real quiet and listen real open your mouth...wider ....WIDER " Terrance and Reggie jammed the lovers Speedos into their mouths as Chester continued... " There now.... That's for your own good and so I can talk to you without interruption. Now you boys look a little spooked, so let me put you at ease.... nobody's killing anybody today or any day over this matter. We're a successful business and Bobby just happens to be one of our company's most valuable assets at this time. You boys jeopardized his value big time today and we would like to settle this matter in a civilized manner. Richie, show the boys the photos." Richie held the photos in front of Phil and Donnie's faces and both their eyes opened wide. The photos showed the two men laying with Bobby before the towels concealed their activity. They were closeup shots and they caught Phil with his dick in Bobby's mouth and Donnie with his finger in Bobby's ass, lubing up his cock in preparation for penetration. " You guys are both professionals... you gotta admit it would be bad for both your careers if these photos came out. Not to mention the legal implications of sex with a minor. Now I know where you guys work... Donnie, you teach English at San Dieguito High School and Phil, you have an orthodontics practice in La Jolla.... this would be very bad, right? So I offer you an alternative... you can work for our company part time....granted... you won't be paid or have any benefits other than we don't beat you to within an inch of your lives and we don't reveal your secrets. You can keep your jobs... you'll just have to do whatever we ask, whenever we ask you.... Now how's that sound?? Is that a yes? Or do you want the alternative? Oh I thought you boys would agree. Perfect! You'll hear from us from time to time for jobs we need done... just be ready to go or be prepared to suffer dire consequences. I gotta get back to Bobby.. he's probably worried sick. I'm going to leave you with my little brother Terrance and Reggie... they've been working hard and need to blow off steam and Terrance has been looking forward to finding someone who could finally take him deep... his girlfriend will only give him handjobs... says he's WAY too big. Oh, and Richie will stay to film it for posterity. You know it's ironic.. these two boys are minors so even though they'll be fucking you, you guys could be found guilty of statutory rape haha. Oh, make sure you tidy up my office when you're through."

To be continued....

Keep the comments cumming and I'll keep writing!

Next: Chapter 24

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