The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Sep 17, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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Oh fuck.... The fucking chastity cage!!! I had just run into the Pacific Ocean wearing nothing but a stainless steel cage over my cock and my shorts lay on the sand about fifty yards behind me. I was in full panic mode and I spun around to look back on the beach to see if anyone had seen me. Thankfully, it was still morning and the beach wasn't too crowded.. just a couple naked old guys heading for the bushes and the two lovers who were so interested in my relationship with Chester laying on a towel.Oh shit! They're waving at me...and... they're getting up and walking my way!! Fuck!! I have no where to go but further out in the ocean. I swam out through the whitewash and just past the breakers and then turned to tread water and see if they followed me. Damn! Those fuckers are swimming out after me... well let's see just how fit they are. I stroked hard due west out in to deeper water then turned around to check my pursuers. Just as I thought... they had given up chase and headed back towards the beach. Fucking pansies!! I waited for them to turn around and then gave them the one finger salute. Yeah go fuck yourselves you fucking faggots! I floated on my back and basked in the sun, the prick cage breaking the surface of the water like a periscope. Damn, I better get back to the beach before Chester gets back. I swam until I reached where the waves were beginning to form and scanned the beach for activity. Still no Chester but the beach was slowly filling up with mostly men and a few brave women. What the fuck are the lovers waving at me?? Oh shit! One of the bastards has my gym shorts and he's waving them around like he just won the war! Fuck!! I gotta get in now! I caught a wave and body surfed in but stayed in waist deep water, waiting for a surge of people to pass by. The lovers had rolled my shorts into a tight ball and were volleying them back and forth, occasionally turning to look at me and laugh. The crowd thinned and I took the opportunity to charge out of the water and directly at the fucker who was holding my shorts. He looked down at my crotch and smiled " Come and get it sweetie!" I charged at him and just at the last second, he threw my shorts to his partner. " Oh look Honey... somebody owns this cute young thing!" I turned to face his partner who backed up as he caught my shorts. " Oh my gawd, you're RIGHT! He looks waaay too young to be playing rough, but hey... with a Dom as hot as his Black Bull, you bet I'd be saying spank me harder... HARDER Daddy hahah!" The prick tossed my shorts to his lover just a split second before I had them in my grasp. As I spun around to face the other guy, I spotted a large group of nude sunbathers heading our way. I dove face first onto the lovers' big beach blanket, hiding my shame from public view. " Ohh my gawd.. this little cherub wants to join us for a little ménage a trois" one of the pricks said as the two of them plopped down of either side of me. I heard a wolf whistle from the pack of nudies as they passed by our blanket. " I don't know about you Donnie, but I'm absolutely burning up in these speedos.." He shimmied them off, his growing boner slapping his flat belly as he lay on his back. " Oh my gawd, the sun feels absolutely heavenly... you gotta join me and slave boy here....don't be the odd man out." " Don't have to ask me twice Phil" Donnie said as he too removed his speedos, his growing erection bobbing with his every movement. " Ahhh, freedom! Isn't this great Phil.... Oh except for our new friend here.... looks like he's locked up for the time being....hey what's your name by the way sweetie? Mine's Donnie and that stud poking you in the side with his happy stick is Philip. That's ok if you'd rather not say... it looks like you might have got yourself into a rather heavy S and M situation and if you don't mind me saying.. you're probably not quite mature enough to handle it. My oh my, from a distance, I thought your cute little tushy was sunburnt, but it looks like you've been beaten with a riding crop or something." Donnie tenderly touched my ass... " See Phil, look at this, it's all puffy.....I've got just the thing for it in my bag.. See! Aloe Vera gel... it's cool and soothing... how's that baby?" " Can you just give me back my shorts... PLEASE? "Sorry baby, but Phil and I feel you are safer with us right now... anyone that would do this to a kid is just an animal!" Donnie's soothing voice had a strange calming effect on me and I relaxed a little as he worked the gel into my tender butt cheeks. Phil got up and sat Indian style by my head and began to massage my temples and ran his fingers through my hair. " You poor and Donnie don't get into all that kinky stuff.... just sucking cock and fucking ass.... I bet you love sucking cock baby... don't you?" What the fuck do you think pal?? I thought to myself. Why the hell else would I find myself in this predicament?? " Yeah" was all I could muster. " I thought so... would you like to suck mine?" "What? Here?? With all these people around???" " Well we can't exactly go into the bushes if we want to avoid your Dom can we? Here, I'll just put this towel over you and my lap and nobody can see us." I didn't protest at all as he threw the towel over my head. I went straight for his throbbing member with my tongue and mouth and smiled to myself as he moaned in pleasure. Damn I'm good! " Oh fuck Donnie.. this kid is a natural! You gotta get you some of this!! Oh fuck baby, where'd you learn to suck cock so well huh?" " In a minute Phil honey.... I'm enjoying this end myself.... Would you just look at that perfect ass??" I felt safe and loved in my little towel cocoon, with Phil's dick in my mouth... the sun beating down on my exposed ass as Donnie massaged in more aloe gel. He dribbled a generous amount down the length of my crack and I felt the thick cool liquid run down to my ball sac where it pooled at the base of the cage. " It's a shame you can enjoy this too... let me take a look at that cage... maybe I can pick the lock. " Gawd that would be awesome I thought to myself. I flipped over onto my back, keeping the towel over my face while the two men marveled at the chastity device. " Wow! I've never seen such an elaborate device. You're Dom must be rich! Look at the filigree around his monogram on the brass lock.... RS.. what's that stand for sweetie?" " Real Shitty... that's what it stands for .... now can you get it off me or not?" " Oh my gosh, I am so sorry sweetie.... your poor balls must be bursting, but it's beyond my expertise. My gosh...look at all this juice you're leaking....when was the last time you came?? Maybe we can take you home with us and figure it out." Phil piped in " That's a great idea but let the kid finish what he started first.....I'm getting my own case of blue balls and I bet the kid swallows, don't you baby? " Phil rolled me onto my side and guided my mouth back to his erection, the towel still shielding us from public view. "Mmmmmm" was all I could say with his dick in my throat. " I think that was a yes Donnie.... how's that ass...tight I bet?" Donnie had lubed up a finger with more aloe and was probing my ass for my hot button. " Oh yeah... see for yourself." Donnie pulled out his finger and I felt Phil reach around and dip his in its place. " Damn! That is tight!! We gotta take this kid home so we can give him a proper fucking." They alternately finger banged me and I forgot all about Chester, and Rick Stihl and the Client.. I was just focused on Phil's cock and I wanted them to take me home and fuck my brains out. " Why wait til we get home Phil... this kid is ready to breed right here right now!" I felt Donnie throw another towel over my bottom half as I continued to suck away on Phil. Donnie shifted around on the big beach blanket until his chest was touching my back. Donnie pressed his blunt cock head against my hole and I thought... finally! I want to feel a real hot throbbing thrusting cock in my hole and be complete! I began to suck Phil with more abandon and I pushed against Donnie's fat head as he probed for my opening. Just as I was about to reach the point of no return... I flashed on Rick Stihl's face.... I pulled off of Phil's dick.... "Stop!! This is a bad idea! They'll fucking kill me!!" " Oh don't be so dramatic baby... we'll take care of you. Hey Phil! Cover the kid back up... somebody's heading this way. I've seen this surf punk before.... He's kind of a prick but look... he's hung like a fucking horse!" " Hey! You guys didn't see a little surfer kid around here did you?" I began to shake under the towels.... fucking Reggie!! " Oh my... we've seen several today and are hoping for more... what'd he look like?" " Well, he's about my height but skinnier with long brown hair that's sunbleached." " Is he hung like you too? Cause if he is... we'd love to meet him." " Nahhh, he's got a teeny pecker but he's got a fine ass if you're in to that kinda thing" " What was he wearing... surf trunks, speedos... naked like you?" " Nahh.. he was wearing gym shorts.... exactly like the ones over there." Now I was really trembling as I could sense Reggie closing in. " So what do you two fags have under the towels? Have you been fucking a little twink right here out in public? You know that's statutory rape in the State of California." " Are you a cop? You can't be a cop with your dick out like that.... That's entrapment!" " Nah, I'm not a fucking cop. Hey Chester!!" Reggie did the two finger whistle.... the really obnoxious loud one... the one he used to tease me I was gay cause I couldn't do it... " Chester! I found him... he's right here." Reggie ripped off the towels, exposing me laying on my side with my naked ass, slick with aloe gel. " Hello Bobby... miss me?" " Hi Reggie... nothing happened... I swear..nothing!" " You! What's your fucking name?" " Phhhil my name's Phhhil. You can't boss me around like this poor boy!" " Oh yeah Phhhhil?? Just fucking watch me!! So Phhhil, did you let Bobby suck your dick? Huh? Did you??" " Absolutely not! The boy was getting heat stroke so I put a towel over his head. Me and Donnie could tell the young man had been abused so we were just trying to protect and comfort him. " " Fucking LIAR!! Bobby!! Did you suck Phhhhil's dick?" " Yeah Reggie... they were being real nice to me and I was just returning the favor. Donnie was just rubbing aloe on my butt cause it was tender from all the whippings this morning." "So now we're getting to the truth here... So Phhhhil, how was the blow job... on scale of one to ten? Hey Chester... glad you could join us... Phhhil... your final answer??" " You must be fucking kidding me... that's absolutely crude!!" " Phhhhil... meet Chester, Bobby's Coach. Chester needs to know how Bobby's how was the blowjob Phhhil?" " Oh alright... it was a ten! A fucking ten! There... are you satisfied??" " No... but I bet you were if you gave him a ten....did he swallow your whole load??" " Oh Bobby... I'm so sorry.. I'm just so sorry you have to go through this. You're such a beautiful tender young man." " Sorry? Why are you fucking sorry? You just gave this cocksucker a ten! Ok Phhhil, I'm done with you... Donnie! Stand up Donnie.... Chester, can you help Donnie up? Donnie my man, did you just fuck Bobby here?" " No, no Sir, I swear on my life I did no such thing." " Ok Donnie, maybe I believe you. But what's this slimy shit all over your crotch and pathetic little pecker? Huh? Looks like aloe Vera, the same shit that's all over Bobby's little ass. What if I find this aloe Vera INSIDE Bobby's hole, huh? Isn't that overwhelming evidence you fucked him? Get your ass over here and bend over Bobby... oh yeah... still tight but what's this on my finger, huh? Aloe! Same shit that's on your dick Donnie. Now I'm gonna ask you again... did you fuck Bobby?" Donnie started sobbing... " No, no! I swear I didn't! I was going to... I was going to but Bobby stopped me at the last second...."

" Bobby! You fucking cock-tease...."

To be continued.....

Please keep the encouraging emails coming! I really want to get Bobby laid!! Stay hard!

Next: Chapter 23

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