The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Sep 14, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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Dejected, I slowly opened the locker and expected to see all those glossy's of me sucking the euros' cocks at Black's Beach. It seemed soooo long ago...I stood in shock... the photos had been replaced by newer ones... Oh my gawd! Those are from yesterday with the young chauffeur Stevie in the jacuzzi!! I can't believe the clarity! You can literally see the vein bulging on Stevie's cock as the photographer caught me with my tongue about to catch a long glistening strand of precum. Whoever took the picture caught that lustful hungry look on my face that made me hard just thinking about it. There were more photos of me kneeling in front of Reggie's cock as he sat back in a deck chair, hands behind his head, a look of total satisfaction on his face. He must really be enjoying my total humiliation. I gazed at a closeup of his cock, just inches from my face in the photo. It really is a thing of beauty.... too bad it's attached to such a prick! And then.... Fucking unbelievable.... this was just a few hours swallowing Leyna's huge cumload and then a shot of me on my back with Terrance's hand gripping my throat with his massive cock buried inside to the hilt. "But how did someone get such clear pics without me knowing??" " Bobby, don't ask... just know that Mr Stihl and the Company guard our assets very carefully and we are always on the cutting edge of technology. There's this new thing called the net or the web or something like that..... Bobby... the Client already has all these photos and more, and he's thousands of miles away from here! We have 24/7 surveillance on you to make sure we deliver a certified virgin...... we guarantee the Client will be satisfied or we refund him one hundred percent! I know you'll do everything you can to make sure the Client is completely satisfied, won't you Bobby? I thought so Bobby... there's a lot of people counting on you, a lot of people who'd be real disappointed if you didn't completely, thoroughly satisfy the Client. But I know you will... that's your nature.. you were born to serve and satisfy." He's fucking right I thought to myself.... how did I develop such a lust for cock?? I must've had it before I met Rick Stihl, or I would have never found myself in the bushes of Blacks Beach in the first place. I studied Reggie's cock in all the pictures.... it was beautiful and powerful at the same time. Staring at his cock jogged my mind to a faded memory of playing at the Andrew's house when we were little kids. I don't know why, but I had hidden those memories so well I had completely forgotten some of the things we did as kids. I remember me and Reggie peeing in his backyard and " crossing swords" with our piss streams and Reggie had to point out that his penis was way bigger than mine. And one time, I remembered us wrestling in his basement and Reggie pantsed me and spanked my bare bottom til I cried. He laughed and pointed at my little erection " Look at your little peepee... it's hard haha... mine gets like that when I look at my Daddy's dirty magazines.... wanna see??"

" Hey! Earth to Bobby.... you gonna stare at dicks all day or you going to work out? " " Ahhh, sorry Coach.. yeah I'm ready!" I looked down at Chester's package and the bulge it made even while soft. Yeah I'm ready to work out on that beautiful hunk of meat I thought to myself. " Ok, we're going to start with a beach run to warm up. Take that butt plug out, wash and put it with the others., then meet me in five minutes on the pool deck for stretching. Don't fuck around... five minutes! Don't make me come down here and have to drag your lazy ass out!" " Hey Coach, what about this?" I grabbed the chastity cage with my poor cock inside. " You're gonna make me work out with this on??" " Sorry Bobby, that's not our choice. The Client believes virgin cum has some kind of power and he wants you to have as much of it as possible at the time of your deflowering. I don't have the key anyways, sorry buddy. Make sure you wear a jock and no shirt! See you in five minutes and don't be late!" Damn! Now I'm really curious who the Client is and where he's from. I yanked out the plug and stuck a finger in my gaping hole... satisfied when my sphincter clamped down tight. Yeah, this rich fucker's gonna get what he paid for alright. I washed and dried the plug and opened my locker again to put it up with the others. Funny, I didn't notice these before....There was a row of very lifelike dongs with thick metal rings on the scrotum end. They were hung on pegboard hooks and arranged by size, just like my Dad's wrenches in the garage. I grabbed one off the hook... it felt fleshy yet firm.. I put it back on the hook with the others, threw on a jock and gym shorts and ran up the stairs to the pool deck. " You're late surfer boy.... one more second and I would have had to send your buddy Reggie here to get you." " Miss me Bobby boy?? Chester says you were drooling over pictures of my cock at your locker....just like old times right buddy? But don't you worry, you'll be seeing a lot more of it up close and personal once we get your cherry popped. And speaking of virgins.. I had a great time with Cindy last night... don't worry... she's still a virgin... but I didn't have the heart to tell her that her ex-boyfriend gave much better head hahah! You should have seen the expression on her face when I whipped it out.... fucking priceless!! She said I was WAY bigger than you Bobby... she tried Bobby... she really did... but in the end I had to jack myself off and she sopped up my load with a Kleenex and tossed it in the trash....not like you buddy right? You'd swallow my whole nut, thank me and then beg for more right??" " Go fuck yourself Reggie! You're an asshole... always have been and always will be!" " Excuse me?? Coach, can you believe what this pissant just said to me?? Do I have your permission to swat him?" " Of course Reggie... the kid is way out of line and you're well within your rights... Standel!! Get your ass over here and turn and face the wall. Now!! Drop your shorts and grab your ankles boy!" I did as I was told, totally and utterly humiliated by my old nemesis. I stood there in the bright morning sunshine with my shorts at my feet and my hands tightly gripping my ankles, waiting for the impact of Reggie's open hand. " Just like old times huh Bobby? Remember when we were little kids running around naked in my old man's basement? " Reggie gently stroked my ass as if he were calming a spooked horse. "You would wiggle your little ass at me, begging me to spank it...then you would cry your eyes out but your little pecker would be hard as a nail. Remember that buddy?? I sure do!" WHACK WHACK WHACK My ass, still tender from the thrashing Chester had given it earlier, was on fire, and the morning sun seemed to magnify the heat. " How's that Bobby? Just like old times, right? Lemme see if I still have same effect on you." Reggie reached between my legs and slipped his hand into my jockstrap, feeling my boner through the confines of the cage. " Just as I thought, his little pecker is about to bust through that cage.... and watch this...Hey Bobby! Pull that jockstrap down a little." I obeyed my cocky tormentor and pulled the strap down to my trembling knees. Reggie reached once more between my legs and grabbed hold of the cage, pushing his middle finger through the cage pisshole, he pressed his finger against my throbbing boner. " Well, would you look at that?! Look at all that fucking juice! " He reached around and put his wet finger just inches from my lips. " You're wetter than Cindy last night when I tried to finger bang her. That's why I like you Bobby... you get HOT when I play with you! Fuck Bobby... you never got wet like this when we were kids.... you must be ready.... damn! I wish I could be the first one in but I'm happy to settle for sloppy seconds! Especially with the payout we're all getting.... oh, all of us except you Bobby haha! Now lemme do a little tightness check..." Reggie took his slippery finger and lubed up my hole before pushing it in as far as it would go. He twisted it around and then rabbit fucked me... " Damn that's a tight little pussy Bobby... now grip down.. yeah that's it... now try to keep me from pulling it out... ahhh nice try but you need to work on your grip." Reggie presented his wet middle finger to me and I instinctively knew what he wanted me to do. I dutifully sucked it clean and Reggie patted me on the head... "I always knew we would eventually get to this point in our friendship...Bobby. I'm glad you finally accepted that role you played so well when we were kids.... I still remember the first time I showed you my old man's dirty magazines.... you had a non-stop boner and....." " Hey! Enough with the reunion already Reggie! We only have a few days to get the kid primed for the Client. Why don't you go shake the bushes for some new talent or something?" " Excellent idea Coach! I'll just grab my board just in case it's slow.... have fun Bobby boy.... we'll catch up on old times real soon!" Reggie grabbed his board and a towel and headed out the gate and down the cliffs to Black's Beach. " Ok kid, put your jock back on on let's do some stretches before we run... I don't need you pulling a muscle before your big event." Chester worked me through some stretches as he stretched himself, and I couldn't help but be in awe of his physique. He was thick in all the right places... chest, biceps, thighs and calves.... and of course that girthy slab of wonderful manmeat, fighting to burst out of his tight coach's shorts. He isn't as long as his "little" brother Terrance, but he's just as thick. I stared at Chester's magnificent body and mentally undressed him as we worked through our stretches. In my mind's eye, I worshipped his body with my mouth and hands until he was hard as steel and then I presented him with my virgin ass, which he lovingly accepted. " Hey hey space cadet!" Chester snapped his fingers twice, jolting me out of my daydream. " Stay with me, I need you limber ok?" " Yeah yeah sorry Coach... I got you." We continued through the stretches and I couldn't get my mind from wandering. I thought back to that day at the Thai Girl Spa when Achara showed me the gay porn magazine to help me reach orgasm. I can't believe I got off looking at the Three Amigos, Rick Stihl, Dick Del Rio and a very skinny teen Chester fucking Randy Andrews! I tried to reach way back to my foggiest memories with Reggie Andrews and the dirty magazines that got me so hard as a kid.... " Alright Bobby, you're as limber as you're gonna get... let's go!" Chester ran out the gate and scurried down the cliffs like a goat with me in hot pursuit. When he reached the sand at the bottom, he ran towards the ocean until he hit hard packed sand, then headed North. Fuck ME! This fucker's twice my age and he's kicking my ass! I kicked in the afterburners and caught and passed him. To the gawkers on the beach, we must have looked like that scene from Rocky, with Rocky and Apollo Creed racing down the beach, only I was a much skinnier Rocky with long hair. We reached the North end of Black's, which was obviously the gay end of the beach. Black's Beach is a clothing optional beach, but most of the guys here were wearing tiny Speedos. Chester slowed us down to a stop and then said " Wait here.... I gotta talk to someone and I'll be right back... just stretch so you don't lock up." We were both sweating and panting in our tight shorts as we high fived and Chester headed towards the bushes at the base of the cliff where are the heavy action happens. Who the fuck does he need to talk to in there?? I watched his tight buttocks rise and fall as he walked up towards the entrance to the gay maze. I took his advice and started to stretch standing on the wet sand and just coming up from touching my toes when I noticed two bearded guys in speedos making a beeline straight for me. " Sorry to be so forward... but did you just have a fight with your boyfriend over there?" The shorter of the two indicated in the direction of the bushes. " Uhh no, that's my Coach and we weren't fighting... he just needed to talk to someone over there" The two lovers giggled " Oh hunny, your boyfriend can coach us anytime hahaha.. you are such a naïve little surfer boy... men don't go in there to talk....they go in there to... well, let's just say they go in there to get to know each other better.... Would you like to get to know us better?? Hahaha" " Uhh, no I need to stretch out some more so I don't cramp up." " I bet you need to stretch out with a boyfriend like that.... can you say .... HUNG ??!! Anyway, suit yourself... but if you change your mind and want to "get to know us" our towels are right over there. The two lovers walked back to their towels, giggling and sneaking glances towards me. I strained my eyes to see if I could see Chester in the bushes, but no luck. What the fuck could be taking him so long?? I was covered in sweat and decided a dip in the ocean would be just the thing to cool me off and take my mind off Chester. I stripped off my shorts, tossed them on the sand and started to jog towards the ocean. As my feet splashed in the water I looked down... Oh fuck.... The fucking chastity cage!!!

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 22

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