The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Sep 5, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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" You better get some sleep Bobby boy.... Chester's gonna

give you all you can take and then some tomorrow.... give him

a kiss for me! Here's your robe, I'll walk you to your

room." I can't believe I just sucked off Reggie Andrews dad and we shared the same butt plug! Somehow I know Reggie is going to find out and I'll never hear the end of it. He's such a fucking prick and now he's going to own my ass literally and figuratively.

"Good luck tomorrow and thanks again for sucking that load out of me. I feel so much better now. Sorry that is was more than a mouthful and I'm sorry I couldn't reciprocate." Randy glanced down at my caged junk. "You'll find out what blue balls are really like after you spend a few weeks in that thing."

" I didn't think forty year olds could cum that much... but thank YOU for such a sweet tasting load!"

"Forty?? Fuck you, you little bitch! I'm only thirty one!! And you're welcome.... they're going to put you on the same diet to make you smell and taste just as sweet. You're going to be the newest flavor of the month and irresistible to any Alpha male. Anyways, you have the whole dorm to yourself; Stevie is driving Erik to the airport to hook up with Rick and the crew in Budapest and Reggie's probably partying with all his friends at our house. Don't worry about your ex girlfriend.... I think Reggie prefers to dominate men.... they're much less complicated and easier to control than women. And speaking of discipline Randy pointed to two posters on the dorm wall make sure you familiarize yourself with the house rules and your work schedule and the consequences of not following them to the tee. Stevie was supposed to go over them with you this afternoon but obviously was distracted by your sweet ass and cocksucking lips. I'd go over them with you myself, but it's almost "lights out" and I don't want us both to get disciplined for breaking curfew. Goodnight and good luck Bobby boy!"

I stood there alone in my terry cloth robe and chastity cage and stared at the two posters, the reality of it all sinking in. The poster on the left was a list of house rules and the poster on the right was actually a dry erase board with the title DUTY ROSTER

HOUSE RULES 1. Wake up time 5am 2. Fed, bed made & douched by 6am 3. At attention ready for Coach's inspection 6am 4. Never question or talk back to Coach 5. Keep dorm facilities clean and orderly 6. Lights out 9pm absolutely NO sounds

Any infraction of the above rules will result in immediate discipline by the Coach. Repeat or habitual offenders will be brought before a disciplinary board to determine punishment or expulsion from the program.

Hmmm, 5am is a little early for me but I think I can handle the rest. Now, what about this chore list? It appears that Bobby is the only name on the DUTY ROSTER

Monday: KP (all meals), Laundry, toilets, mop all floors Tuesday KP (all meals), toilets, vacuum all carpeting Weds KP (all meals) Laundry, toilets, dust all surfaces Thursday KP (all meals), toilets, mop all floors Friday KP (all meals) Laundry, toilets, wax all furniture Saturday KP (all meals) toilets, strip & wax all floors Sunday KP (all meals) toilets, power wash pool deck

Are you fucking kidding me??? My one chore at home was to take out the trash, and my mom usually had to nag and beg me to do it every time. And who the hell does laundry three times a week ? I'm sure Chester will explain everything first thing in the morning. I wonder what time it is anyway? I don't wear a watch; there's probably an alarm clock next to the bed. Hmmmmm, nothing here.... I opened the drawers on each nightstand next to each bed but they were all empty. I dropped to the floor to look under every bed when suddenly everything went dark. Hello?? Who turned out the fucking lights?? Damn, I didn't notice before, but there is not a single window in the whole dormitory complex and the doors must be sealed to keep out the light. At least I now know what time it is.... 9pm... lights out!! Now if I can just find a light switch, I'll flick them on just long enough to find my bed again and wait for them to come on at 5am. Fuck it's dark! I can't see my hand in front of my fucking face! I'll just bump into furniture until I can find a wall, and then follow the wall to a door, where I should be able to find a light switch. Ouch! Sure enough, I found a low table with my shin. Dammit, I gotta piss bad but I have to find that damn light switch first. I'll just take this butt plug out to relieve a little pressure and set it on the table so I can reinsert it later. Ahhhh, yes! Much better! Now where's that fucking light switch? I groped around in the inky blackness until I bumped into a bed. I felt along the edges until I reached a wall. Great! Now I'll just follow this to a door and a light switch should be nearby. I ran my hands along the wall, bumping into a couple more beds along the way until I finally reached a door frame. Fuck yes!!! I felt the wall along on both sides of the door frame but found nothing but more wall. I jiggled the door handle but it was locked from the outside. I pushed with my bare shoulder, hoping some light would show through the edges of the doorframe but it was sealed tight. Now my bladder was really feeling full and I was starting to panic so I banged on the door and yelled but there was only silence when I stopped. And then a stroke of genius hit me. The fucking refrigerator light! Hell yes!!! I'll open that door and it will be as if the sun rose inside the dorm room and I'll see everything clearly! I pictured the layout of the rooms and hallway that led to the kitchen in my minds eye before the lights were shut off and headed off, with my right hand tracing the wall for reference. I banged into every single piece of furniture as I stumbled in the darkness, but I didn't care, I was on a mission. I could tell when I reached the kitchen because I could hear the refrigerator quietly humming and felt linoleum on the floor. I traced my fingers along the countertop until arrived at that wonderful appliance that would allow me to see again. I grabbed the handle and squinted my eyes to guard against the impending brightness, but sadly, there was only more darkness and cold air. No! The fuckers thought of everything!! I'm tired as fuckall and have to piss like a race horse, and there is no way I'm going to hold it til I can grope my way to the bathroom. Fuck it! I'm doing laundry and mopping the floors tomorrow anyway. I stripped off the terrycloth robe and bunched it up by my feet so I'd have an easier target, and to keep the piss from spreading on the floor. I had held my piss so long I was aching and it took a while for my pee stream to finally start. Ahhhhhhh, relief at last! Dammit! I kept missing the hole in the chastity cage and my piss was flying everywhere....splashing my belly, thighs and feet. No stopping the train after it's left the station... I continued to wet myself until my bladder was completely empty and my body involuntarily shook with relief. Too exhausted to try to find the showers in the pitch black, I shuffled my way around until I bumped into one of the beds and fell in, drying myself off with the sheets. I figured the lights will come on at 5am and I would have an hour to clean up as I slipped into a dreamless slumber. I awoke to darkness, wet and shivering and thirsty as hell. Must've been all that booze I drank with Stevie earlier and the salty loads I ate from Erik's ass. I hope I can find the fridge again for a drink of water. I stumbled through the darkness, almost slipping on my piss soaked robe until I found the fridge. I groped around, feeling containers, trying to guess what was in them. I finally settled on one with a handle that felt like a pitcher and I shook it to feel and hear liquid sloshing around. I sniffed it then tipped it slowly till the contents dripped onto my outstretched tongue.... yes! It's water!! I guzzled until the pitcher was empty, some of the cold water running down my chest to my belly and finally to my salty crotch. I guess that's the closest thing to a shower I'll get tonight. I stumbled back to my bed but after feeling the sheets still damp with urine, I moved to the next bed, luxuriating in the dry sheets. I fell fast asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and soon began having the most erotic dreams. Rick, Jake and Dick Del Rio stood completely naked, smiling at me with their dicks in hand at full staff. And then Erik appeared in his board shorts and said follow me. I chased him on the beach and he ran into the surf, splashing and giggling like a schoolgirl. He stripped off the shorts and shook his ass at me, the stark whiteness of his ass contrasting dramatically with

the rest of his tan body. Cmon Bobby fuck me!! I looked down at my cock and it was expanding, stretching the steel of the chastity cage until the cage exploded in a million pieces and my cock sprang free, pulsing and whipping around like some kind of crazed snake. Erik's ass ballooned up and I started pissing all over it, holding my flailing cock with both hands. The pissing felt so good... like I was having one long orgasm. I yelled for Erik to turn around and I continued to piss on his face and open mouth. We were both giggling as I continued to piss all over Erik but a huge wave crested behind him and I tried to scream...... All the lights came on in the dorm at once and shook me out of the dream. Fuck! I pissed the bed and I only have an hour to get ready for Chester. I blinked my eyes adjusting to the sudden light as I looked around. The place was a mess.... furniture knocked over, bedding strewn everywhere and the ammonia like smell of urine permeating the entire dorm. I jumped up and read the House Rules again. Fuck! Guaranteed I'm going get disciplined... just wondering how bad. I found the bathroom, mentally notating its location for future reference. I opened a cabinet and found a packet with my name on it. Inside were various toiletries, including a douche bag with a note and a small bottle with eye dropper. Use just one drop per douche. I opened the vial, emitting a strong minty odor. Candy ass I chuckled to myself. I took a dump, wiping myself and then prepped the douche bag, carefully adding just one drop. I hung the bag on the shower head and turned on the shower, glad to get the piss smell off of me. I soaped up my bunghole and the douche nozzle, and easily inserted it, opening the valve to let the contents out of the bag and into my colon. Wow, one drop and the whole shower smells like peppermint candy! I stepped out of the shower and sat down on the can and emptied out my colon in one big blast. Hey, that peppermint has kind of a numbing effect on my sphincter. Well, a couple more cycles and I'll be as clean as a whistle. I jumped in the shower and pumped myself up with another minty load of water, stepped out of the shower and was just about to sit down on the can when I heard a booming voice.... "Standel! Get your pissy ass out here for inspection.....NOW!" I'm royally fucked! "I'll be there in a minute Sir....I'm uhhh just uhh finishing up Sir" "NOW faggot... or I'm gonna come in there and drag you out!" "Yes Sir.... here I am." I stood shaking before the massive black giant, squeezing my butt cheeks tightly to keep the douche water in. I looked up at Chester, trying to read his face. He was so sweet to me that first night when he helped me get into the Brass Rail and the other night when he drove a very drunk Randy Andrews home. He scowled at me " Look at this fucking pigstye! Did you even bother to read the house rules?" He dragged me by my long hair and stood me in front of the House Rules sign. " You managed to break every damn one.... I got a report from the staff you were banging around and yelling way past lights out. And what the fuck is this?? " Chester pointed at the piss soaked robe on the floor. " Oh I get it little piggy... you're into water sports aren't you? Well, you're going to love this then.... on your knees! Now!!" I obeyed, immediately dropping to my knees, my eyes fixated on the bulge in Chester's tight coach's shorts. " You like that, don't you surfer boy? You're a born cocksucker aren't you baby?" The lust in my eyes said it all as I gazed up at the big black man. " Sshh.. don't say a thing... just close your pretty eyes and open your mouth.... yeah... wider.. more .. cmon wider.. yeah yeah... just a little wider... now get ready... here it comes!" Gahhhhh...mmmmff!! Chester shoved the wettest part of my piss soaked robe into my mouth and draped the rest of it over my head. Then he roughly pushed me face down on the floor and held me there with his size 14 sneaker. " Ass up face down Bobby... cmon surfer boy... lemme see that pretty white ass! Oh yeah baby, you nice and tan but you got that pearly white ass look like a real bitch! Arch that back baby... yeah cmon Bobby.... stick it up way high like you wanna get fucked right now... yeah that's it baby... yeah you fucking horny for Coach's big dick ain't you?" Chester was right, even though I was gagging and tears were streaming down my face, I desired Chester's big black cock more than anything at that moment. " Yeah baby, I know you want big Chester to take your cherry. Yeah, you tight ain't you surfer boy? I know you tight cause you been holding that douche in ever since I walked in on you. " Chester pressed a thick finger against my rosebud and I thought I would explode, but I held it all in. " Yeah, work that pussy muscle boy, you're gonna make some lucky sonafabitch very happy. Now hike that sweet ass up a little higher and spread them cheeks for Coach.... I got something for you I think you're gonna love" I did as I was told and grabbed both cheeks, spreading wide for Chester, as I heard the sound of his zipper and felt him move in close. Oh fuck! Is this really happening?? Is he really going to fuck me right here right now?? " Get ready baby, here it comes!" I braced myself for the worst and heard Chester exhale heavily " aaaahhhhhhhh" I felt a warm splash hitting me right on my exposed cherry and the stream slowly went up my asscrack tracing my spine and up my neck, drenching my long hair. " Turn around and open your mouth!" I did as I was told, spit out the soggy robe and let a black man piss in my open mouth and all over my face and chest. The warm, golden liquid ran down past my belly and pooled in my belly button and on my caged cock and balls, dripping off the end of the cage to form a salty puddle on the floor between my legs. I looked up at Chester as he anointed my forehead and nose with the last warm spurts from his now empty bladder and we locked eye contact. " Tongue!" I obediently complied and Chester laid the fat head of his flaccid cock on my outstretched tongue. I could feel the sheer weight of it as Chester involuntarily shivered, the last of his piss warmly coating my tongue. " Ahhhhhh..." his eyes rolled back and then he looked down at me, his dick still resting in my mouth, and smiled. It was that warm friendly smile I remember from before, and I felt loved and accepted by the big guy. I started to suck deeply on his cock as a sign of appreciation and I felt it pulse and grow in my mouth. " Whoa, whoa..... not now surfer boy... we got work to do before you get a reward!" He roughly yanked his growing boner out of my mouth and stuffed it back into his shorts, the rigid outline of it clearly showing and rudely teasing me. " Boy, I had you going there for awhile didn't I Bobby? You were raring and willing give me that virgin pussy right here on that floor. Well, I'm not tapping that gold least not until after we get paid from the highest bidder..... and my man Rick is close to closing that deal any day now. Yeah, boy... I'm gonna buy my little brother a house in the rich white part of town. Yeah... you're gonna love Terrance... I call him my " little brother" but the fucker's bigger than me. And he's only 17! Same Daddy, different mother. Yeah, all of us boys took after Daddy.... We'll all fuck till we drop dead. Don't matter if it's a woman or a pussyboy.... long as they can satisfy their man. Now, I'm gonna go get breakfast with Terrance and when we get back, this place better be spotless. We got a lot of work to do to get you ready. Awww, don't look at me like that; Im gonna send a bitch in to help you and show you the ropes." "What about this chore list?? It's just me in the dorms... I know I made a mess last night but there can't possibly be this much work to do in the dorms." " Haha.....those chores are for the WHOLE compound dumbass.... read your contract. When you're not modeling or filming or doing anything that makes the Company money, you better be doing chores around here. Nothing's free surfer boy.... Ah, here's your helper....Leyna. She's from Brazil, so be careful... she's got a hot temper and don't fuck around with her, Terrance has got a mean crush on her and you don't want Terrance on your bad side. Oh and by the way.. you're excused to finish your douching." " Hi Leyna.... I'll be right back after I take a quick shower." I waddled with my butt cheeks squeezed tight to the bathroom as Leyna and Chester giggled and spoke in Portuguese. I closed the door and collapsed on the toilet, letting a torrent of water pour out the moment I relaxed my sphincter muscle. I could hear Leyna cursing loudly in Portuguese and as I emptied one last bag of minty water into my colon, she banged on the door and then opened it wide.. tossing my butt plug at my face. " Fucking vagabonda!!" I would later learn that is Portuguese for whore or slut. After my shower, I dressed in a jockstrap and gym clothes I found in a dresser and caught up with Leyna, who had already stripped all the beds and was mopping the floors. She glared at me, cursed under her breath and went back to mopping. I could see why Terrance had a crush on her.... She was tan and slender with a nice bubble butt, green eyes and full lips. She had a short skirt... way too short for this kind of work. Whenever she bent to reach down, her tan ass cheeks peeked out from under her skirt. I took the mop from her and told her to take a break. We worked the rest of the morning together in silence. When we were making the last bed together, I decided to break the ice. "So Leyna, do you like Terrance?" She scrunched up her face " How you know Terrance?" " Chester told me. He said his little brother has a crush on you." " Oh no Senior Terrance too big for Leyna" " What? Is he too tall for you?" " Oh no.... It his dick... too fat for tiny Leyna" " Haha.... I always thought bigger is better" " Oh no Bobby... Terrance hurt Leyna very bad " " Jeez, I'm sorry " In my mind I was picturing what It would be like being sandwiched between Chester and Terrance.....

" You two sissies trading stories about your men?" Chester and who I presumed to be Terrance walked through the door without knocking. Terrance was indeed taller than Chester by a good two inches but he was much leaner and had a smooth teenage face. " Did she show you her dick?" Leyna slapped Terrance on the chest and said something in Portuguese. " Oh I'm sorry babe... I thought he knew... well fuck secret's out.... Show him what you're packing." Leyna blushed and smiled demurely, lifted up her skirt and tugged down her panties, revealing an impressive eight inch boner. " Damn baby, did surfer boy here get you all hot and bothered? You want him to take care of that for you? Cause you know Terrance don't suck no dick." Leyna smiled and nodded her head vigorously in the affirmative. " There's your answer surfer boy. I heard you suck a mean dick... now show me... go ahead she don't bite." Leyna stripped off her panties and hiked her skirt up past her belly and leaned back on her elbows on the bed. Her thick brown cock was throbbing and a little bead of precum was forming at the tip, drizzling down the shaft. I knelt between her legs and grabbed the cock firmly with my right hand as I lightly traced circles with the fingers of my left on the ball sac. Chester and Terrance encouraged me and gave me directions as I worked the glistening cock. " Deeper! Fuck yeah.... gag on it! Look at this pussyboy's ass! Imma fuck it as soon as soon as he's on the market. Yeah fag, grind yo ass while you suck that dick...." Leyna was pulling on my hair and grinding the cock deeper down my throat and I could sense an impending orgasm. " Oh yeah faggot you take that load and swallow it...then I'm next.....a real man's dick for your pussy throat!" The volume of the load took me by surprise and I almost choked as spurt after spurt of sweet spew filled my throat and mouth. " Fuck baby.... when's the last time you cum? You about to drown the poor boy. Sorry Bobby, I usually leave the bitch caged up like you so she can concentrate on her man's needs. Now, you ready for the real thing? I'm gonna thank you in advance for buying me a new house by fucking your throat. After the deal is done and your Cherry's popped, my big brother says I can fuck your ass any time I want, no questions asked. Cause this bitch here complaining all the time I'm too big for her little pussy. Not like my other surfer bitch Erik.... that ho can't get enough of T man's dick and you just like him.... cock hungry jizz sucking twink ass surfer bitches... right C Man?" " Absolutely T.... these pussyboys need cock 24/7... and we gonna make it happen and they gonna make us rich. Once you turn eighteen, Rick Stihl's gonna bring you into the partnership and you gonna faint at the money you gonna be making. Now get out those clothes and show Bobby what a real Pornstar cock looks like." Terrance stripped off his clothes, revealing the largest cock I had ever seen, including porn flicks. It swayed and bounced against his thighs as he pushed Leyna aside and took her place on the bed with me positioned in between his legs. " Good luck vagabonda....he too big for me!" I grabbed hold of Terrance's massive slab of meat with both hands figuring it was as big as it was going to get. I was wrong.... the seventeen year old was just starting to get hard! I stacked my hands one on top of the other twice with cockhead still showing, which put him over twelve inches. I was thankful he couldn't fuck me yet, because his girth was like a beer can and couldn't wrap my hand all the way around it. I licked and slobbered all around the head and shaft to lube it as much as possible for the throat fucking that was surely to come. I teased his balls with my fingers and tongue, hoping to get him off in the shortest amount of time possible." " Quit playing around and suck it bitch!" Terrance pulled my by my hair so we were looking eye to eye. " Don't make me ask twice" I opened my mouth wide and took him in, just to the entrance of my throat, and then came back up slowly, drool running down his veiny shaft. I repeated it over and, each time going a little deeper. " Take it all bitch!" Terrance pulled on the back of my head and thrusted forward with his hips until my nose was pressed against his nappy pubes. He held me there for an instant and then I came up gagging and coughing. Leyna said something in Portuguese and the three of them laughed and laughed. " Get up pussyboy! " Terrance yanked me by my hair to my feet. He dragged me by the hair over to a massage table and then easily picked me up and laid me down on my back with my head hanging off the edge. "Watch me beat this bitch up with my dick." Terrance stood over my face with his spit wet cock blocking out the light. He banged his thick slab of meat down on my face a few times and then side slapped both cheeks, leaving my face a slippery mess. " Haha you look like a real slut now..... open up and let's see how much real man's dick you can take.... yeah ... wider bitch... I don't wanna feel no teeth! " I stretched my jaw open as far as it could and covered my teeth with my lips as I awaited the onslaught. Surprisingly, Terrance took his time, using a slow yet deliberate pressure to push his fat head past the entrance to my throat. It must be the angle of my throat leaving it wide open to accept his girthy manhood without gagging. I could see nothing because his massive ball sac was covering my eyes, but I knew I had swallowed him whole when my bottom lip was tickled by his nappy pubes. " Whoowee, surfer boy... you a natural born cocksucker...Leyna! Get your bitchass over here and see how you supposed to suck my dick. " I could feel Terrance's big hand stroking my neck and Leyna was speaking low and fast in Portuguese. " See look at his throat bulge baby... you can see the outline of my cock right there baby... see...see? Watch me move it in and out real slow. " He was running his hand up and down my neck like he was jacking off while inside my throat. Leyna put her hand on my throat and giggled while Terrance continued with long, slow strokes of his massive cock. He started to pick up the tempo and I could taste and feel more precum each time he pulled out. I was starting to struggle with timing my breaths with his strokes and I started choking and coughing and grabbed hold of his hips to get him to pause. " Oh no you don't you little cocksucker.... not when I'm just about to blow my load." He slapped me hard on my cheek twice with an open palm. C Man!! Come here... hold his arms down!!" Chester grabbed my arms and easily held me in place. " Hey little bro, I know you need to get your rocks off, but try not to damage the merchandise... Bobby here is gonna buy you a new house with that sweet virgin pussy of his. And Bobby... just relax and take it.... this won't be the last time T Man fucks both your pussies. In fact, Dick Del Rio has you slated to star with Terrance on his eighteenth birthday on his debut film. My big little brother will get 50 percent of royalties.... not a bad start for a teenager." I stopped struggling and relaxed my throat as Terrance picked up where he had left off... plunging harder and harder into my wrecked throat until he started to slow into long drawn out strokes... moaning each time he plunged to the hilt. " I'm cumming pussyboy! Get ready to take my load!!! Uggghhhmmmmm fuuuuck!!!" I felt his cock swell and pulse as he shot load after load of semen into my hungry throat and mouth. He squeezed out the last few drops into my open mouth and then laid the fat tip of his spent dick on my lips, smearing them with a sticky white glaze. " Damn Bro.. you was right... surfer boy here was born to suck cock! Bobby... you and me are gonna be seeing a lot more of each other real soon. I gotta split but I thank you in advance for making my dreams come true with the new house. And let me say I wanna be the first in line to tap that ass once your cherry's popped." " Yeah, you and a dozen other fuckers T Man.... Be safe out there.. I want you to make it to your eighteenth birthday party.... I'll make sure Bobby's invited. Now if you and Leyna will excuse us... Bobby and I need to deal with the consequences of his House Rules violations "

To be continued......

I know I promised Bobby would lose his virginity this chapter, but these damn characters keep getting in the way! Stay hard and keep reading and writing

Next: Chapter 20

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