The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Apr 30, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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"Hi Reggie, you're here kind of early " I heard Stevie say. "Yeah, the old man was excited about joining me for a coaching session with Bobby. I think he just wants to be close to Black's Beach, it's his second home you know. Hey Bobby, don't bother getting up, we'll have plenty of time to get reacquainted."

Stevie held my head in place with my nose pressed against his pubes as Reggie rambled on. The kid was surprisingly strong and pulled me up by the hair just long enough for me to breathe through my nostrils before pushing me back down balls deep.

" Bobby Standel, my oh my, I bet I was the last person you expected to meet here. You think I hate faggots don't you Bobby? Oh wait, don't answer, it's rude to talk with your mouth full. Shit Bobby, I don't hate faggots, in fact I love `em. In fact, I think everyone should own one... ain't that right Dad?? Why don't you get in there with Bobby and show him how a real fag sucks a cock. Bobby, you remember my old man don't you? Oh shit I'm sorry Bobby.... Hey Stevie, why don't you let ole Bobby there come up for air for a minute and say hello to my old man."

Stevie let go of my hair and I came up coughing, saliva and precum running from my nose and mouth.

I looked up at Stevie and could tell he was disappointed that our romantic interlude was so jarringly interrupted by the crass Reggie Andrews.

" Damn Bobby, you suck dick like a rookie" Reggie said as he slipped out of his Hang Ten board shorts. Now give my Dad some room and watch a real cocksucker go to work. And fucking Stevie, what the hell are you doing drinking on the job?? You think Bobby's gonna be your forever boyfriend or some romantic shit like that? Forget him, he's gonna be a bigger slut than Erik. Now go sleep it off... what if Uncle Rick needs you to drive?"

Uncle Rick??? He certainly isn't talking about Rick Stihl is he ??

As Stevie got up and stormed off towards the guest house with his unsatisfied boner pointing the way, I turned and looked at Reggie's Dad standing nude next to me in the jacuzzi " Mr Andrews, is Rick Stihl your brother??"

" Oh please Bobby, call me Randy...."

" HEY faggot! Enough with the talking.... now SUCK!!"

" Yes Sir!" I could not believe my eyes as I watched Mr Andrews, a man I had known for years turn and suck his own son's cock, a kid I had known since elementary school.

" Yeah see that Bobby, the old man loves my big cock, see how he worships it? Yeah, I know you want it too.... I've seen you checking me out in the showers after gym. And believe me, I've been checking out that fine ass of yours. As soon as Uncle Rick gives me the green light, you can bet I'll be tapping it every chance I get."

As I watched Randy expertly swallow his kid's thick ten inches, I flashed back to the nostalgic porn mag I had jacked off to at Thai Girl Salon with Randy fucking and sucking Rick and his young buddies on a beach in Mexico.

" So Reggie, is Rick Stihl really your uncle?"

" Oh fuck no, Uncle Rick and Uncle Dick started making gay pornos back in the sixties before I was born and my old man was their favorite bottom. He had reels and reels of 8mm film and dirty magazines in a locked footlocker. When I was little, they would always toss the football and wrestle with me before they left with my Dad on some surfing safari or European tour. They were always so much more manly then this bitch with my dick in his throat....RIGHT DAD?? So I never really found out what my old man did for a living until I started sprouting pubes and jacking off. That's when Uncle Rick picked me up in his Lamborghini one day and gave me the grand tour of this place. Rick said I had what it took to make it in this business....... a mean streak and a big cock haha, right faggot??"

Randy just mumbled his agreement and continued to suck and slobber all over Reggie's pulsating manhood.

Reggie suddenly burst out laughing which did nothing to slow down his Dad's cocksucking.

" What's so fucking funny Reggie"

"Hahah... I was just thinking about the other night when I told you we were all going to jack off onto my old man's face when he got home..."

"Yeah so what?"

" Well, I already knew you had your cock locked up in a cage and I just loved watching you squirm knowing everyone would know once you dropped trou. And then when my old man pulled up with Chester.......I bet you thought he was going to fuck us all up... didn't you Bobby?"

" Well, yeah, Chester's a big fucker and he's a super nice guy. I thought he would stand up for your Dad."

" Well, you're right on one count, he is one big ass fucker. Ain't that right faggot?? My man Chester fucked this bitch so hard ALL night long... and I got it all on film. Yep, I'm gonna be the next Dick Del Rio and you're gonna be my biggest star Bobby! But first, you're gonna learn how to properly suck a big cock like mine."

Reggie yanked on Randy's thinning hair.... " Ok you greedy bastard, save some for Bobby."

Randy reluctantly pulled his lips off of Reggie's throbbing manhood, glistening with saliva and precum. He moved aside as I opened my mouth wide to accept Reggie's meaty gift.

" Wait, wait. Not so fast Bobby. This is a very special moment and we're gonna make it last. Bitch! Make your old faggot ass useful and bring us some beers and my weed and poppers. How many years have we known each other Bobby? And how many times have you tried to peek at my cock at gym class and after our surf sessions? And now, finally, you're holding it in your hands! So, let me hear a little gratitude ok Bobby?"

" Thank you Reggie for letting me suck your cock"

Whamm!! Reggie caught me off guard with an open palm slap to my face. I could feel his cock grow even harder in my hands.

" Hey! What the fuck was that for Reggie??"

" First of all faggot, from now on you will address me as Sir. Second of all, I didn't say you could suck it yet... now try again."

I could feel my cock pressing against the confines of the cage as I spoke " Thank you Sir for letting me worship your cock"

" Much better faggot. Now I want you to take one hand and grip the base of my cock...yeah, right up against my pubes like that. See, you can't touch your fingers can you? Now take the other hand and stack it on top.... Yeah, just like that. See how much dick is still showing? Now that's a real man's cock... not like that pathetic thing you have locked up between your legs. Fuck, I'm almost as big as Uncle Rick or Chester. Now take your fingers and put them lightly underneath my ball sac. Go ahead and lift them up.... feel how heavy they are? That's cause they're full of protein and IF you're a good cocksucker, I just MIGHT give you some. Now what do you say to that faggot?"

"Please let me suck your cock Sir and taste your cum." I couldn't believe I was between this punk's legs begging to suck his cock.

" Well, faggot, since you asked so nicely, I'm going to allow you to suck my cock but you're going to have to earn my cum. Now get out of the jacuzzi and lose the Speedos so I can see what I got to work with. Hey! Here comes the old fag with the party favors... what took you so long bitch??

I climbed out of the jacuzzi and followed Reggie and his dad over to some deck chairs. Reggie threw a towel over one of the chairs and plopped down with his legs spread wide open and started barking orders.

" Hand me a beer you old bitch and give one to Bobby. Did I not fucking say to lose the Speedos you fucking homo?? Now take em off before I gotta get up and rip em off your ass. Yeah, that's better, now turn around, I don't wanna see your pathetic dick in a cage. Yeah, yeah that's more like it! Would you look at this firm round piece of ass Pops?? Don't you wish you still had an ass this firm? Bring it closer... let me inspect it."

I backed up to Reggie and he started rubbing his hands all over my bare ass cheeks while I chugged the beer Randy had handed me.

" Yeah, go ahead and drink another one and then take a hit off this joint... you're gonna want to be numb when I work you over. Fuck me! This ass is sweet! That Thai Girl bitch does good work, not a hair on you and smooth as silk. She's not my type but that bitch can FUCK by the way. Her ass is as tight as a coke bottle neck even after all the big dicks she's had in her. It's some kind of mysterious Asian technique like Tai Chi sphincter control she uses and she told me she's going to teach you. You're gonna be very popular around here Bobby boy.

Reggie tugged on the butt plug " Go ahead, see if you can grip it tight enough to keep me from pulling it out. Ooh, cmon cmon you can do it! Ahh damn, nice try pussyboy.... you can try again next week... now open your mouth like a good bitch...yeah, yeah how's your ass taste? Mmmmm? That's why Uncle Rick wants you to keep it clean at all times. Now keep it in your mouth while I do a little more inspection."

Reggie jammed one, then two, then three then all four fingers into my ass. " Squeeze bitch!! Tighter!! Is that all you got? Boy, you got a lot of work to do. Now put that plug back where it belongs and kneel down on this towel in front of me."

I obediently put the plug back in my ass and knelt in front of Reggie's crotch, his cock twitching like a live wire just inches from my face.

" Open" I opened my mouth and he stuck his fingers, fresh from my hole, into my mouth, past my tongue and into my throat. " GAAAKK! " I almost threw up and Reggie started laughing hysterically.

"You're pathetic pussyboy! You better get used to big things getting shoved down your throat. Now chug one more beer to get you good and numb and we'll try some throat stretching excercises.

I downed the beer and placed my hands on Reggie's knees for balance. "Sorry Reggie, I don't think wine and beer mix too well."

WACK! " What the fuck did you call me pussyboy?

The slap to my face knocked me over and had me seeing double. " I'm sorry Sir, it won't happen again."

I was back on my knees and watched as Reggie's cock throbbed and oozed a drop of precum. He was really getting off on humiliating me.

" That's more like it cocksucker. Now look me in the eyes and tell me what you want."

" I want to suck your cock Sir."


" I want to taste your cum Sir."

" Well, you're going to have to work for it bitch. Don't think I'm going to just jack off into your mouth.... No, I'm going to fuck the living shit out of your pussy throat. Think you're ready for that pussyboy?"

" Yes Sir"

"Ok then. Get to work! You better get some spit on it or I'll tear your throat raw."

I spit up and down Reggie's glans and shaft and I fingered under his balls to coax more precum out of his piss slit. I was rewarded with a long strand of clear fluid which I spread up and down his pulsating cock. I took a deep breathe and opened wide to accept his superior manhood. I grabbed a hold of his waist for leverage as his fat head met resistance at the back of my throat. I fought the urge to gag and pressed on but it was no use and I pulled off his cock just in time to spray out red wine and beer suds all over his lap and the deck chair.

" Fuuuck! You pathetic piece of shit! Dad, get your ass over here and clean up this fucking fag's mess. Now dammit!"

" Hahah, so this is Rick's new star?? What a fucking loser."

It was Erik, lime green surfboard under his arm and sweaty and sunburned from a whole day at the beach.

" I thought training didn't start till tomorrow."

" Yeah that's right, but I caught him giving Stevie head in the jacuzzi."

" Oh fuck, that's hilarious... did Stevie fall in love again? Haha. They make a great couple."

"Stevie was drunk as a skunk and all gaga eyed over the new bitch. I sent him to sleep it off and then pussyboy begged me to suck my cock. He ain't worth a fuck puking all over the place."

" Should I give him a creampie surprise?"

" Oh hell yea Erik, that would be awesome! Hey Bobby, why don't you lie down on this recliner over here. Erik's got a welcoming present for you."

I sheepishly obliged, laying face up on the deck recliner... painfully aware I was the only one with my dick in a cage. Erik stripped off his board shorts and squatted over my face.

" You ever heard of teabagging loser? Stick out your tongue and lick my balls. Yeah, that's it. How they taste? Salty? Haha now move down a little further... yeah lick my taint. It tastes a little different doesn't it? Kinda creamy isn't it? Now lick my hole bitch! Yeah fuck, lick up all that salty goodness! Now fuck me with your tongue bitch! Harder! Deeper! Dig for that white gold pussyboy! "

I could taste and smell semen but try as I might, I couldn't penetrate Erik's tight sphincter muscle to release the flood.

"You wanna give up loser? I can clench it tight all day long, I had a great little Thai tranny teach me all her tricks. But I tell you what, I'll relax for a split second and you can have all you can get, but you gotta show Reggie before you swallow, got it loser?"

From underneath his sweaty ass I said " Yeah give it to me Erik."

Erik dropped his ass on my face with his full weight behind it, grinding against my face so hard I couldn't breathe. I struggled to get up but Reggie had straddled my legs and had my arms pinned to my side.

" Fucking let me up goddammit I can't breathe!!"

" Listen you puke, Erik may be a bottom boy and a cumbucket, but right now he's on top of you so you better fucking address him as Sir, got it pussyboy?"

"Yes Sir, just get him off my face so I can breathe!

Erik lifted his sweaty ass off my face and I greedily sucked in air as my two tormentors laughed hysterically.

" I've been collecting these cumloads from strangers all you want em or not loser?"

"Yes Sir, I want to taste all that cum from your ass."

Reggie chimed in " Taste it? You better swallow every last drop without spilling or I'll piss down your worthless pussyboy throat....and that's not a threat.. that's a promise!"

I shuddered at the thought of Reggie, a punk I've known all my life, dealing me the ultimate humiliation. I had to draw the line somewhere.

" I'll do it Sir, I'll swallow every last drop"

" Ok Erik, you heard the pussyboy, he wants to be a bigger cumslut than you... bombs away!"

" My pleasure..... literally! Now get your tongue in there loser!"

Erik spread his cheeks for better access and lowered his ass onto my tongue.

I pressed hard against his tight ring until I felt it magically flex and open just enough to let a squirt of warm man milk into my mouth before clamping shut again. I held it on my tongue as Erik stood up to give Reggie a view.

" Open up bitch and show me the load.. swallow....good pussyboy! You like the taste? You know it's first in first out don't you? That means that load you just swallowed is freshest. The last load's been brewing in his bowels since this morning. Good luck on the next one. Lower away Erik!"

Erik spread his cheeks and dropped his sweaty ass on my face once again as I dutifully probed his moist hole with my tongue. I could feel his ass muscles twitch and his hole opened up wider this time, rewarding me with a torrent of semen warmed by his insides. This batch was definitely more acrid than the previous and the sheer volume caught me off guard. As Erik stood to let me sit up and show the load to Reggie, I almost spat it out.

" Oooh that was was close pussyboy! I hope you're thirsty cause I gotta piss bad. Give `em the rest Erik, you damn cum bucket, let's make this rookie really squirm!"

I laid back down and let Erik straddle my face for the last time. If I can just endure this long enough to avoid the total humiliation they have planned for me, I'll keep what little dignity I have left. I stuck out my tongue to meet his hole which already started to open wide as a silver dollar. A light stream of lumpy jizz slowly dribbled out and I felt like I was home free until a big glob splatted onto the back of my tongue and rolled down my throat. My eyes teared up as I fought the urge to gag. I could see Erik's hole start to close up when suddenly he blasted me with a cum fart that sprayed my eyes nose and mouth with the last nasty dregs from who knows whose long gone orgasms. I pushed Erik off of me and turned to retch as the two Alphas laughed uncontrollably.

" Looks like pussyboy's getting a golden shower, haha you fucking loser... a bet's a bet. You go first Erik, I'm gonna down another beer... they go right through me you know haha!"

" Go over to the outdoor shower over there so you don't make a mess and we can watch everyone as they walk down the cliffs to Black's Beach. Don't worry, nobody can see you behind the wall cause you'll be on your knees haha."

I followed the two Alphas ( I can't believe I'm thinking of Erik as an Alpha) to the shower and assumed a submissive kneeling position on the tiles.

" Ok loser, close your eyes and open your mouth, I'm gonna hose all the cum off your face."

Erik's warm, salty piss started in spurts on my forehead and then built into a steady stream, washing the cum that had been clinging to my nose and cheeks into my open mouth.

"Aaaaaahhh what a relief! Erik shivered as he flicked the last few drops of urine onto my outstretched tongue. " Now what do you say loser?"

" Thank you Sir, that was delicious."

"Out of my way cumdump! I gotta firehouse that needs emptying now! "

Reggie pushed Erik aside and stood with his semi erect manhood inches from my face. I leaned back on my haunches, closed my eyes and dutifully opened my mouth wide to accept his golden offering.

"No! Open your eyes pussyboy... you're gonna drink straight from the tap!"

I opened my eyes and grabbed hold of his cock to put in my mouth but he must've been holding his pee for awhile, because he sprayed me with the warm liquid before I had a chance to wrap my lips around it. He grabbed me by my hair and pushed his spouting penis towards the back of my throat and I had to keep swallowing to keep the piss from flowing out of my mouth.

"Yeah keep swallowing you fucking piss mop, that feels good! Aaaaahhh, I thought my bladder was gonna burst. Yeah, squeeze those last drops onto your tongue pussyboy.... fuck, I should have done this to you a year ago after track practice. I had a feeling you were born to be a bottom boy. Now why don't you shower off and learn a thing or two from a seasoned vet."

I quickly soaped and rinsed off under the shower as I watched people only a few dozen yards away make their way down the steep cliffs towards the nude beach below. That was me only a few months ago. Erik rudely pushed me away as he pulled Reggie under the shower with him. He soaped Reggie up and the two of them seemed more like lovers than a Dom and his Sub. I jealousy watched as they rubbed against each other, the water splashing like diamonds off their tanned surfer physiques. Reggie always had the reputation of a homophobe, but he appeared almost tender to Erik and I half expected them to come together in a French kiss. Then Reggie's Alpha instincts took over. He pushed Erik down to his crotch and the blonde twink took the hint and immediately began to deepthroat Reggie's thick cock over and over and over again. They both looked at me to make sure I was seeing the ease with which Erik could swallow Reggie's pornstar cock. Reggie held Erik's head in place as he reared back to savagely fuck the twink's throat without mercy. He finally stopped and grabbed Erik by his long blonde locks.

" Get up cunt! I want to show this virgin faggot what he's missing out on. Now bend over and show me that magic trick where you make my cock disappear. Pussyboy, get over here and kneel right next to my dick so you can see up close and personal. No, closer... close enough to kiss it. In fact, I want you to kiss it before I go in. Yeah that's it....Hey! I said kiss, not suck you greedy bitch! Ok, watch and learn... spread those cheeks cumdump, I'm going in!"

Erik smiled as he dutifully spread his ass cheeks, giving Reggie full access to his exposed hole. I watched in awe as Reggie's thick cock easily penetrated the twink's pussy, eliciting moans of pleasure from both horny surfers.

" Oh fuck, see how easy he let me into his pussy? That's gonna be you one day but not today loser. You're gonna dream about this wishing it was you.... take a good look..... see how his pussy grips me when I try to pull out? Yeah, he wants me deeper....don't you cumdump?? Yeah, look at him fuck me back.... you can't get enough cock, can you, you fucking cock whore?? "

Reggie suddenly pulled out of Erik's ass and slapped him hard across his butt cheeks, leaving angry red marks. The twink yelped and ground his gaping ass in the air, as if Reggie's cock was still in it.

" Put it back in ppplease Sir!"

" How bad you want it whore??"

" I want it REAL bad Sir."

" Tell me what you'll do for it whore! In the meantime, I'm gonna have the rookie here keep me hard.... Not with your hand dipshit.... SUCK IT! Yeah, just like that.... how's that whore's pussy taste?"

Reggie's cock was rock hard... no doubt he was really getting off dominating both of us. I just answered him with moans as I worshipped his slimy manhood.

" I'll do anything for you Sir... just please put it back in.....PLEASE!"

" Anything? How much cash you got on you?"

" I don't have any Sir... you can even check my board shorts."

" How about the five hundred bucks in your locker? Shit, you probably make more than that in an hour! So what do you say whore? Isn't my cock worth at least that?"

" Yes! Fuck yes!! Take it all! Just put your dick back in! Please Sir!"

" You got a deal slut!"

Reggie abruptly pulled his cock out of my mouth and roughly shoved it back into Erik's gaping cunt. Reggie fucked the twink so violently the boy's head hit the short wall several times, forcing him to stand with his chest rubbing against the wall as Reggie continued his relentless assault. Beach goers paused to gawk at the two surfers from a distance. Even though they were only visible from the waist up ,it was obvious what they were doing. Reggie only lasted a couple of minutes before reaching orgasm.

" Take my seed bitch!!"

He grabbed Erik by the hips and ground against his ass until he was spent.

" Get over here Bobby and clean this mess up"

I dutifully lapped up every last drop of Reggie's cum from Erik's battered hole and then sucked Reggie's shrinking penis dry, squeezing one last drop of white gold from his piss slit before looking up at his smiling face."

" You better get some rest Bobby; training starts tomorrow and Big Chester's gonna test your limits."

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 18

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