The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Apr 24, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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"Maybe.....maybe I have more surprise for you! You work hard for Mr Chester tomorrow."

"Oh you can bet I'll be working real hard for Chester tomorrow!"

I hugged the little Asian TGirl goodbye and thanked her for the deluxe hairstyling and that I can't wait for next week's surprise.

I checked my itinerary; looks like I have just enough time to make it to Rick's office/mansion to check in for "orientation", whatever that means. Rick Stihl and Jake are out of the country for a couple weeks so I'm a little apprehensive about who's going to be showing me around. The schedule does show a couple of hours of free time though; maybe I'll get a chance to look a little closer at all the pictures and artwork Rick has displayed.

I pulled up to the security gate of Rick's compound and was about to press the call button, when the huge gate silently swung open allowing me to drive in. The place looked even bigger and more ornate then I remembered from my fateful first night with Rick. I followed the driveway until I came to a massive porte cochere where I parked the car. A tall gangly teen hustled up to the side of the Datsun and opened the door for me.

"Welcome to Stihl Manor Mr Standel, I trust you had a pleasant drive?"

"Cut the fake British accent bro, I remember you.... you're the valet from the Brass Rail, aren't you?"

" Haha, yea Bobby, that was me. I'm Stevie, it's nice to meet you again. Your hair looks fantastic by the way... isn't Thai Girl fantastic?"

" Oh yeah, but she wore me out. I think I might have to take a nap."

"Haha, she does have that effect, doesn't she? Well, hop in the passenger side and I'll get you all checked in."

We switched seats and Stevie drove us down a service road until we reached a rather industrial looking four bay garage. Stevie pressed a remote and the first bay door rolled up. He pulled the Datsun in and shut off the engine, pocketing my keys. Mine was the only car in the huge empty garage.

" Cmon Bobby, grab your stuff."

I grabbed my backpack, the only thing I brought with me and watched as Stevie threw a car cover over the Datsun.

"Hey Stevie, you don't need to do that, I was thinking of driving into town once you show me around."

"Sorry Bobby, but you're not allowed to leave the property on your own without Mr Stihl's express permission."

" Damn, that's ok Stevie, you can chauffeur my ass around in Rick's Lambo, I can't believe he trusts a punk like you to drive that bitch."

Stevie looked crestfallen and I immediately regretted my words. " Oh fuck Stevie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come on like some arrogant prick, that's how I talk to all my best buds. Cmon, show me around this joint. I especially want to check out Rick's wall of fame and that groovy elevator if you know what I mean, wink wink."

"That's ok Bobby, all you surfer types are a little hung up on yourself and kind of vulgar for my taste."

"Haha, yeah like that prick Erik right?? That fucker thinks he's God's gift to men doesn't he? Is that asshole staying here too?" Stevie looked perturbed. This poor bastard has an inferiority complex and I'm probably exasperating it.

"Yes, unfortunately, Erik is here for a couple more days until he leaves for a shoot in Budapest. He has a free day today so thank God he left at the crack of dawn with his surfboard. He'll drag his sorry ass in just in time for dinner. And NO, we won't be touring Mr Stihl's house.... It's strictly off limits without his express permission. Follow me to the dorms."

Fuck, I really started off on the wrong foot with this kid. Something tells me I need him on my side.

" No problem Stevie. You know I really appreciate you showing me around and stuff. So how do you like working for Mr Stihl?"

Stevie perked right up " It's the best! I get to drive around with rich and famous people all the time and the pay, tips and benefits are awesome. Mr Stihl's a very busy man but he's always so nice to me."

" So did you ever fuck him?" Oh shit, why did I ask that?? I gotta learn to think before I speak.

" Bobby, unlike you, I like to keep my private life private. "

"I take that as a yes" oh no here I go again! "I'm an ass, don't mind me Stevie."

" Don't worry Bobby, I'm used to it. So here's the dorms and that's your bed over there. You can use this shelf for storage and the bathroom and showers are down that hallway. Erik's the only other one staying here for now, his bed is over there."

" Where's this door lead?" I asked as I tried to open it before asking.

" That leads to the gym and your coach will open it when he's ready for you."

"So where's your bunk Stevie?"

"Oh, I stay in the guest house with the coaches."

" Damn! You live with Big Chester?"

"Well, I'm the only one that lives there full time. Chester and the other coaches stay there when they're training someone."

"So have you seen Chester's schlong up close? Is it as big as it looks in those tight jeans?"

Stevie gave me a perturbed look.

"Stevie, I didn't ask if you fucked him, I just asked if you've seen it up close, sheesh don't be so sensitive."

"You are absolutely incorrigible!! And yes, it is MUCH bigger. So here's the kitchen, you can eat anything you like, just make sure you clean up after yourself. Now if you would please follow me up these stairs, I'll show you the pool deck."

The brightness of the sun when Stevie opened the door to the pool deck caught me off guard and I tripped on the top step. I reached out to Stevie to keep from hitting the deck and my hand brushed against his surprisingly thick and semi-hard manhood.

" Oh shit, sorry Stevie, that afternoon sun is bright. Good thing I had something firm to hold onto."

Stevie's face blushed red " Just be careful Bobby, Mr Stihl would kill me if something happened to you."

" Yeah, like I'm a valuable piece of property or something. Holy shit! This pool looks like something right out of Disneyland with all the waterfalls and slides and shit. Look at that fucking huge jacuzzi... oh yeah, I can get used to this place. Look at that fucking view of Black's Beach Stevie.... sonofabitch, is that a telescope???"

"Here Bobby, let me show you how it works. Just adjust this dial to zoom and this one to focus. See those bushes to the North? I bet you know all about what goes on in there. Now see that neon green surfboard in the sand just south of the bushes? That's Erik's. He usually surfs from dawn until nine or so, depending on the wind and waves.

"So that bitch has been in the bushes the last five or six hours? What the fuck's he doing in there??"

" Oh don't be so naive Bobby, you know exactly what he's doing in there. You've done it yourself! Now give me that scope for a second."

" Who me? Done what?"

" Oh for fucks sake Bobby, don't patronize me.... here... take a look for yourself."

Stevie had expertly focused in on a sparsely foliaged spot and stepped away from the telescope. I adjusted my one eye to the view lens and was blown away by the clarity.

" Holy shit, it's like I'm right there next to him! What a fucking slut! There's gotta be a dozen fuckers waiting their turn to pound him!"

" Exactly, he's a disgusting cumdump who lets any old slob deposit his load into either end and that's where you're going to be in a year or less, mark my words."

" Oh come on Stevie, I have more discerning taste than that blonde bimbo."

"Oh no Bobby, Rick knew exactly what kind of whore potential you had the minute he laid eyes on you. He told me you'll make Erik look like a choirboy once he's finished with you."

" Wait, wait a minute Stevie boy..... all of a sudden it's RICK?? What happened to MR STIHL? Cmon buddy, you gotta come clean... you fucked him didn't you you little horndog you!! I bet you rode him like Roy Rogers rode Trigger!"

" You're just trying to deflect the conversation away from you Bobby, but if you must know, yes, Rick tried to make love to me once but he's just too big and it was too painful for me to bear. That's why he goes for whores like you and Erik with your cavernous holes. I'd appreciate it if you can keep that information to yourself.

" Oh yeah, well I'd appreciate it you didn't lump me in with that cunt Erik. Cavernous hole??? I'm still a fucking virgin for your information; even though Rick keeps telling me he's going make my deflowering a special event. Since you know so much Mr Stevie, what do you know about that huh? Why won't he just fuck me and get it over with already??"

" Do you drink wine Bobby?"

" Uh, beer and weed are more my style, but if you're pouring, I'm drinking."

"Why don't you change into your Speedos and meet me back by the jacuzzi. I'll fill you in on everything I know."

" It's a date pal."

I ran downstairs and grabbed the Speedos out of my bag. I figured now would be the best time to trade the TGirl's pink dildo still lodged in my ass for my original black buttplug. I made the switch and marveled out how smooth my pubes were after this morning's wax job. I pulled the Speedos up over my caged schlong and ran up the steps to the pool deck. Stevie had already poured two glasses of red wine and appeared to have drank half of his already as he sat in his Speedos.

" Whoa cowboy, I was only gone a couple of minutes, let me catch up." We clinked glasses and Stevie downed the rest of his drink and poured himself another.

" Ok Bobby, I'm only going to tell you this because deep down I think you're a nice guy... not at all like that pig Erik. So Rick is a very successful businessman. It's true he started in the porn business before he was eighteen but he really has diversified and has legitimate top ten models and I have no doubt with your good looks he's going to book some fantastic gigs for you and you'll land contracts with big name companies that are household brands. You're going to travel the world and see people and places the rest of us mere mortals can only dream about. But there's a much darker side to Rick and his business. You see, men with all that money and power think they can have anything they desire and Rick fulfills those desires for them for a price. How do you think he pays for all of this? So Rick is going to prepare you to meet some of the richest most powerful men in the world and he's going to sell your virginity to the highest bidder!"

" Nahh, Stevie, I don't believe you. That just sounds like fantasy to me. Rick just works hard and fucks hard and that's that. He got rich the old fashioned way....he earned it. Anyways, how's he gonna prove I'm still a virgin? In fact, why don't we just get it over with right now and you just fuck me right here on this pool deck?? Huh, then I'm just damaged goods and not worth shit on the virgin teen boy market... now how about that??"

" Bobby, you don't know Rick like I do.He has people everywhere. He sees a lust in you he knows how to harness for his own gain. He saw the same lust in Erik, but Erik was too cocky for his own good and went over the edge. I'm just saying I think deep down you're nice and I'm worried about you. There, I said what I had to say."

Stevie clinked my glass, downed his and poured another one. He looked deeply into my eyes and said " Hey, you want to try out the jacuzzi?"

" Oh hell yes Stevie boy, I thought you would never ask! Oh this is nice!! "

We slid into the jacuzzi simultaneously, keeping our wine glasses held high. Stevie clinked my glass again and downed his, setting the empty an arm's length away. He sighed heavily and looked deeply into my eyes.

" I usually don't drink and I'm feeling a little light headed..... it's just that.... Oh my gawd you're so cute! Can I kiss you....PLEASE??"

"Sure, c'mere Stevie" Our lips met and then our tongues exchanged greetings as Stevie reached down the front of my Speedos only to encounter the steel cage.

"Oh my gosh I am SO sorry... I forget about the cage.... Please forgive me, I'm really not a prick tease."

" No problem Stevie, you're the valet.... Just grab the key and release the beast."

" I'm sorry Bobby, I'm so sorry but Rick has each lock made custom with only two keys and I don't have access to them."

" That's ok Baby, at least one of us is free"

I had rolled down Stevie's Speedos over his growing erection and had begun to stroke it with my right hand as I cupped his balls with my left.

" Sit up on the ledge so I can taste this beautiful cock of yours Stevie." Stevie hopped onto the ledge and I yanked off his Speedos and began to devour his throbbing boner.

" Oh my gawd Bobby, you are so good! Please don't stop!"

Gawd I love sucking cock I thought to myself as I felt the slippery precum just flowing freely out of Stevie's piss slit as I ministered to it. I let his thickness fill my throat as I pressed my lips against his pubes and stayed there as he ran his fingers through my hair.

" Hi Reggie, you're here kind of early" I heard Stevie say.

" Yeah, the old man was excited about joining me for a coaching session with Bobby. I think he just wants to be close to Black's Beach, it's his second home you know. Hey Bobby, don't bother getting up, we'll have plenty of time to get reacquainted."

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 17

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