The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Apr 20, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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" Sure thing Bobby, and don't forget we have a session on Tuesday... don't be late!"

Session on Tuesday? Hmmm, I better check my itinerary carefully, don't wanna miss that one for sure!! I was drooling just thinking about that slab of meat Chester was packing in his jeans.

I watched as Chester helped a very inebriated Mr Andrews up the steps to his front door. Mr Andrews's hands were all over the big black bouncer's body and I couldn't imagine how the two of them could have possibly hooked up. They couldn't have come from more opposite ends of the spectrum, yet it appeared they had some kind of history between them. Then I thought about the albums full of Polaroids Reggie had of his dad sucking and getting fucked at Black's Beach and what an insatiable appetite he must have for cock. He's probably paying the big bouncer to fuck him all night with that thick black cock of his. I also thought about Reggie and the rest of those punks lying in wait for his old man just on the other side of the door. Boy, do they have a surprise coming! I thought about sticking around for a moment to see the looks on their faces, but decided it would be best to avoid any confrontation that might reveal my true nature. I whipped the Datsun out of the driveway and headed home. I turned off my headlights as I coasted into the driveway, quietly closing the door as I headed to the back of the house and crawled in through my bedroom window. I stripped and crawled into bed and fantasized about Chester and his big black cock. I desperately tugged at my cockcage, wanting to jack off in the worst way but ended up fingering my asshole and pressing on my prostate, in a futile attempt to relieve the pressure in my balls. Somehow, I managed to eventually fall asleep and didn't wake up until I heard my mom pounding on the door. " Get up Bobby!! You don't want to be late for Thai Girl... that's a once in a lifetime experience I'll never get." I was in a cross mood. " Once in a lifetime?? Says here on my schedule I gotta go there once a week!" " Oh my gosh Bobby!! You are sooo lucky, your father would never fork out that kind of money for me to go....IF we could get an appointment. That's the most exclusive salon in the state! Now get your lazy butt up and out of here!" "Yeah, yeah" I grumbled as I turned on the shower. I filled up the douche bag out of rote.... " Squeaky clean Rick says" .... well I certainly wouldn't want to disappoint him. After finishing my business, I stashed the douchebag and looked at the butt plug sitting in my backpack. "Fuck poor ass needs a break." I pulled on my 501s commando style and threw on a Hang Ten tshirt with Vans with no socks to complete the ensemble and headed out the door. "I want to hear all about it Bobby ok?" " Sure Ma, love you." I made good time into downtown and found a parking spot within easy walking distance to the salon. I walked up to the very ornate door of Thai Girl Nail & Spa and pulled on the handle but was shocked to find it locked. I looked at the sign on the door...By Appointment Only was all it read. I cupped my hands over my eyes and peered in through the glass door. Just at that moment, a petite Asian lady turned the lock and opened the door, causing me to lose my balance and almost fall through the doorway. " Oh, I so sorry, you must be Mr Bobby" " Uhh, yea, Mr Stihl booked me; I'm supposed to come here every week." " Oh, yes yes, come in please... you look more handsome than your pictures" "Pictures? What pictures??" "Oh, the ones Mr Richie take at the beach.. you so beautiful boy!" Oh boy, who hasn't seen those pictures?? " Come, come inside you take off shirt I wash your hair first" I took a closer look at her... she looks so damn familiar but I just can't place it. She's probably late twenties, very petite with a short school girl skirt and a white cropped top that exposed a flat belly and a pierced navel. " Have we met before? You look awfully familiar " " No Mr Bobby, I would remember a cute boy like you." She smiled and blushed " Now sit in chair and I shampoo". I did as I was told and let her massage my scalp and neck as I relaxed in the chair. I found it odd to be shirtless in a salon but figured it was all part of the deluxe treatment my mom had raved about. " Come come, now we cut hair. You have such pretty long hair. I give you good cut yes" " Sure, you're the expert." I looked at her in the mirror. " Are you sure we haven't met? You look so familiar. What's your name?" " My name Achara, it mean Little Angel in Thailand. Maybe you see me in magazine or movie. Mr Stihl, he find me in Bangkok and bring me to USA. See picture on wall?" She indicated with her chin the wall covered with framed photos and magazine covers. " Wow! Those are all you? Are you still modeling? " " Oh no, Mr Stihl say time for retire, he buy me beauty shop and I so happy. Ok haircut done, now you take off pants" " Excuse me? You want me to take my pants off?? What for?" " Soon enough you see, now take OFF!" " Jeez ok ok" I unbuttoned and stripped off my 501s "There! Happy now??" Achara grinned from ear to ear as she looked at my caged package. "Yes, I very happy now. Now sit, Achara clean you up." I sat down on the salon chair as she reached into her shirt, pulling out a key on a gold chain. She grasped the brass lock holding my penis captive, inserted the key and opened it, freeing my poor schlong. She dropped the cage and lock into a jar filled with blue liquid and went to the sink, returning with a warm, soapy wash cloth. She proceeded to wipe my cock and balls and the warmth of the cloth plus her touch gave me a semi erection. " You prefer men don't you? That's ok, so do I" She giggled. "Now stand up and turn around." I did as I was told and she grabbed my butt cheeks firmly and spread them apart. " Tssk, tssk Bobby you naughty boy! Where your butt plug? How you speck be ready for big man?? Mr Stihl he be plenty mad! Achara fix you up." She opened a drawer filled with pink dildos and grabbed a medium sized one " This one close enough, bend over!" She snapped on a latex glove, squeezed some lube on the fingers and roughly probed my asshole. " Good boy, you douche like Mr Stihl say" And just like that, she rammed the plug home. " Ok Mr Bobby, you go in that room and lay on table, face up. I be back in one minute. What the hell, maybe I'll let her jack me off. It's still driving me fucking crazy where I know her from. I laid down on what looked like an examination table and waited for her to return. She came back carrying a tray which she set down. " Lay back Mr Bobby and enjoy." I stared up at the ceiling as she spread something warm and sticky all over my balls and pubic area. She then pressed some gauzy material over the sticky substance and handed me a photo album. " Something to look at while you wait, please lay still Mr Bobby" I opened up the photo album and the first few pictures were of tropical jungles and beaches. The next pictures were of a teenage boy in a Speedo frolicking on the beach. He looked like someone I had seen before but the photos were from a distance. The next group of photos featured a couple of men in speedos splashing in the waves with the teenager. One of the men looked vaguely familiar....he was Hispanic and had a Fu Manchu mustache and his wild salt and pepper hair flowed way past his broad shoulders. I knew exactly who the other man was. Even though he had a thick black beard and longish black hair, I knew by the intense eyes I was looking at Rick Stihl ten years ago! It was as if he was staring back at me and I could feel the blood rushing to my cock and my sphincter involuntarily clenched against the pink butt plug. I looked a little closer at the other man and mentally added about fifty pounds and took away the mustache and long hair..... that's Dick Del Rio, the famous porn director and producer. I thought back to my "audition" night and how I made love to his huge cock with my throat. My mouth watered and my hands were shaking as I turned the next page of the photo album. It was an 8 x 10 glossy facial shot of the teenager smiling..... his pearly white teeth contrasting against his smooth tan skin. He was bookended by the men's crotches, the thin fabric of the Speedos barely containing their bulging cocks. The huge mushroom head to the kid's right was confirmation that it's owner was indeed Rick Stihl. "Achara, do you have a twin brother? Cause this kid in the picture looks just like you." " Oh Bobby, you so silly, that me ten year ago" " What?? You're a......ouch!!!! Oh my fucking gawd that hurt!!!! I dropped the photo album to the floor and grasped my pubic area in pain. Achara had ripped the hair right off my balls and crotch area with one swift tug. She held it up high like some kind of trophy. " Why didn't you warn me? That hurt like a sonafabitch!" " Oh big baby you Bobby.... you gonna get used to it. Now relax, I do belly and chest next. But I leave funline from belly button to here." She ran her long fingernail from my navel to where my pubes had been just a moment before. " I bleach them blonde so you look young boy." " So you were a boy before Achara?" " Oh yes, but I always felt like girl inside. But look, I still get my boy parts haha." She lifted up her skirt and pulled her thong to the side, revealing a small, dark brown penis and scrotum encased in a clear plastic cockcage. " Well, I enjoy being a man and I'm not letting anyone turn me into a girl!" " Oh no have to worry Mr Bobby, you much too handsome to be girl. Mr Stihl, he like boys anyway. Now ready I pull hair off." " Ouch! Fuck that hurts dammit!" "Haha big baby you. Now get off table and bend over and spread butt cheeks for Achara " " Oh hell no! Mr Stihl said he was saving my virginity for someone special and you are certainly not it" " Haha you soooo funny Mr Bobby. I help get you ready for Mr Stihl" Did I understand her correctly?? She's prepping me to give my cherry to ravishing Rick?? Gawd I hope so! " So did Mr Stihl take your virginity when you were still in Thailand?" " Oh no Mr Bobby, he took me all over world to meet many important and rich men. He make agreement with big Tokyo businessman for have me for one month. That man was first of many many men to to have me. He very kinky man... like dress up like samurai with friends and have fun with me."

Oh my fucking gawd!! That's where I'd seen Achara before. I flashed back to that first night at Rick's mansion above Blacks Beach:

Good! You are teachable after all. Now follow me to the office. We reached the end of the hallway where the room opened up to two elevator doors painted with an East Indian motif. Rick pressed the down button and the doors opened up to a scene that frightened me to my core. All the walls were covered with pornographic murals of violent sexual acts in Oriental and Indian cartoonish style. The genitalia of all the characters were obscenely large and the holes they were penetrating seemed stretched way beyond human capacity. I hesitated, thinking this was a very bad decision but Rick pushed me in and pressed the button marked office. As the door closed, I looked up to the ceiling to see the depiction of an effeminate Asian boy's ass being stuffed with not one, but two huge Samurai cocks as two more were pissing in his mouth. " You like it Bobby? That's gonna be you up there someday haha"

" Achara, did you know there's a painting of you in Mr Stihl's elevator?"

" Oh yes Mr Bobby, do you like it??" The rich Tokyo businessman commissioned it as a gift of thanks to Mr Stihl. It's a very famous artist and we had big party to celebrate."

" I bet you did! Did you actually pose for that painting?"

" Oh haha no Mr Bobby, the artist paint from movie still I did with Tokyo businessman and his friends."

" Holy shit! That shit happened for real?? Two dicks in your hole at the same time?? You let those guys piss in your mouth for real???" I looked over my shoulder to see her reaction. She was blushing.

" I told you he was very kinky man..... anyway, I kind of like it very much.... now turn round and spread butt cheeks!" She playfully slapped me on the ass and I obliged, spreading my cheeks nice and wide. She pulled out the pink butt plug and inserted two gloved slender fingers.

" Squeeze tight on my fingers..... tighter! Tighter! You going to make plenty men happy if you make tight. Good! Now Achara remove more hair... spread cheeks wide and hold.... good boy Mr Bobby"

I obediently held my ass open as she smeared more of the warm sticky wax around my hole.

She pressed the gauzy material into the wax and began to hum in an Far Eastern scale as she rubbed my lower back.

" You going satisfy many mens with this fine ass Mr Bobby, now ready I pull hair NOW!"

" Oww fuck! I don't think I'll ever get used to that."

"Oh you will Mr Bobby, now lay down on table and I rub you down."

I laid face up on the table and let Achara rub in some aromatic lotion all over my body, including my balls and taint.

" This make you skin so soft Mr Bobby, you like turn over now." I obliged and she rubbed my back and shoulders and my legs and butt, paying special attention to those spots where hair had been.

" I put butt plug back.... You wear all the time and practice squeezing... you make many many mans happy ok?" You douche all the time... make fresh for many many mans ok?" She jammed the plug home and slapped my ass. " Ok up up Mr Bobby, put on Speedos and you lay down in tanning bed over there."

I pulled on the tiny Speedos and obediently climbed into the tanning bed. The isolation gave me a few moments to reflect and my mind was racing. Rick Stihl fucking sold Achara's virgin ass to the highest fucking bidder! What was he planning for me?? And what did she mean I would be making many men happy with my ass??

"Ok Mr Bobby, up up time to give me semen!"

" Excuse me? What does that mean?"

"Haha silly Mr Bobby, I need your cum" She lifted up her skirt and mimicked jacking off. She doubled over in laughter. " Not for me silly, it for Mr Stihl... he want me take you semen every week."

Well, I certainly don't want to disappoint Mr Stihl now do I?

"Ok, so where do I do this?"

" Go inside this room here and sit on stool, you like use lube? It right there on table."

I sat on the stool with my dick in my hand and applied a liberal amount while Achara rummaged through a cabinet. For the first time ever, my poor schlong remained at half mast and refused to join the party.

Achara approached me with a graduated cylinder and a funnel.... Oh poor ting, too much excitement for one day?? I know Mr Bobby like looking at men, here, look at this magazine. Mr Stihl said you will like this one very much."

She handed me a very worn glossy magazine; it made me think of my old man's dirty magazine collection of Oui and Penthouse, only there wasn't a single woman in it. I could tell by the color and fonts it was from the early sixties. The hairstyles and clothes were also an indication of the era. The first story I came to was "Mexican Surf Safari" and I took a double take. That's fucking Reggie Andrews in a woodie with three other teens! How can that be??? They must have some kind of filter that makes photos look old timey or something. That's definitely Reggie for sure. I leafed through the pages to see if I recognized the other dudes. They were all wearing cut-off jeans and huarache sandles, the surfer fashion of that era. There was a tall, skinny black teen and a buff Mexican with long black hair and then I saw HIM! Fucking Rick Stihl!! He looked like he was maybe sixteen or seventeen at most but was already showing a ripped body and those intense eyes. My hands started to tremble and I could feel blood flowing to my awakening penis.

" Oh yes Mr Bobby, Mr Stihl is so macho isn't he? I can see you are very happy to see him. And do you recognize the others?"

"I thought I recognized him" I pointed at the kid with the dirty blonde hair. " I could have sworn he was my friend Reggie Andrews, but he wouldn't have even been born back then."

" I don't know him but you see the skinny black boy? He's not skinny anymore, his name is Chester and he works for Mr Stihl. And the brown boy, that the famous Mr Dick Del Rio. Ooh, Mr Bobby, I see you really like looking at these luscious sooo hard! You ready make plenty semen now... I help you."

Achara reached around me from behind and started stroking my meat. She wasn't kidding.... I was hard as steel looking at the dirty magazine and I knew I would soon be blowing an epic load of cum. I flipped through the pages as the boys eventually stripped out of their cutoffs and got down to business. The next page I turned to was a close up of the dirty blonde kid's face..... HOLY FUCKING SHIT! That's not Reggie Andrews, it's fucking RANDY Andrews, Reggie's fucking dad!!! It was obvious who the Alphas in the group were as Rick, Dick and Chester pummeled him in the face with their massive dongs over the next couple of pages.

" Whoa whoa slow down some you're gonna make me cum!!"

Achara giggled " Oh Mr Bobby, I must hold the funnel, you must finish by yourself. " I stood up and put the magazine on the stool so I could turn pages with my left hand as I stroked with my right while she grabbed the funnel and the cylinder.

The scenes got raunchier and raunchier as the Alphas took turns abusing Randy's throat and ass. Now I know what Chester's cock really looks like and I can't believe Reggie's dad swallowed him balls deep almost twenty years ago and he probably did again last night. " Get the funnel ready!!"

The next few pages took me over the top as they showed extreme closeups of Randy's ass being stretched beyond belief by Rick's massive mushroom head.

" Ohhhh Fuuuuck ohhh gaaawd take my load bitch!!!

Uhhh mmm uhhh oooh fuuuck mmmmaaaaahhh yes

Achara giggled and helped me milk the last few drops of white juice from my dick into the funnel. She pushed the jizz clinging to the edges of the funnel down into the graduated cylinder and then set the funnel down. She gently shook the cylinder to settle the contents and then held it up to take a measurement. " 18cc's .... that's a BIG load Mr Bobby!!"

She jotted some figures on a label, slapped it on a little container which she then filled with my splooge from the cylinder. She put the container on a shelf and then pulled my cockcage out of the jar of disinfectant and set it on a towel to dry.

I was still looking through the dirty magazine, knowing I had a workout with big Chester in the morning. My cock sprang to life again as I looked at the extreme closeups of that big black beauty and I absentmindedly long stroked myself picturing it attached to his current buff body.

"Hello Mr Bobby, sorry but it time to get back in your cage."

"Awww come on Achara, let me just rub one more out.....please!! I'll let you help. I just can't take a whole week in that damn cage!"

" Ohh please....what about me?? Who's going to unlock this?" She lifted up her skirt and her brown cock was straining the confines of her little cage.

"Oh I'm sorry Achara, I forgot."

"That's ok, no need feel sorry for Achara, I very happy. I help you feel good some more."

She rubbed my ass and looked over my shoulder as I leafed through the magazine and stroked my rock hard cock. I couldn't believe I was looking at cocks I lusted for now, twenty years in the past! Achara was silent, understanding my need to fantasize as she rubbed my inner thighs and balls. I came upon a photo I knew would take me over the edge and she sensed it as she fingered the plug in my ass and slowly moved it in and out.

The photo took up a whole page and was of Rick fucking Randy Andrews from behind. The kid's dirty blonde head was at the bottom of the frame, almost out of the picture. His tanned back was arched and the contrast of his milky white ass against Rick's dark meat and thick black bush was stark.

The picture was snapped with Rick mid stroke, a good six inches of his thick veiny shaft exposed. I could only imagine Randy's pleasure with another four inches and that fat mushroom head buried in his quivering hole. Achara saw me pause at the photo and silently began to work the dildo harder, deeper and faster into my hole.

A teenage Rick was looking straight into the camera and into my eyes as if to say " I've been fucking this bitch for twenty years and I'll be fucking YOU for another twenty more!"

I focused on the grinning teen stud's face as I pounded away on my meat and the tiny Asian TGirl silently dildo fucked my ass.

" Oh fuuuck Rick, that's it THAT'S IT! You own my fucking ass!! Give it to me yes fucking give it to me oh fuuuck YES! You're going to make me cum you fucker!!"

Rick Stihl was in my head big time and I could almost feel him in my ass as well. Even though I had just blown a humongous load just minutes ago, I could feel another one welling up from deep in my balls. The tiny TGirl could sense it as well as she swung around in front of me and replaced my hand with her mouth as she caught everything I shot at her. " Oh you fucking cum whore, swallow my fucking load bitch!"

My legs were shaking as she pushed me down onto the massage table, my rapidly shrinking dick still in her mouth.

" Oh my goodness Mr Bobby, you cum so much again. Lay down I clean you up."

I was totally spent and I let my mind go blank as she wiped my junk with a warm washcloth. She patted me dry with a towel and then rubbed in a soothing ointment onto my raw pecker.

" This help with cage so no feel scratchy."

I didn't fight it as she tucked my balls and cock into the stainless ring and snapped on the cage with the monogrammed brass lock.

"Ok Mr Bobby, get up and get dressed. Hurry hurry, you have busy day tomorrow with Mr Chester.....Ooh, I sooo jealous..... he so BIG and strong! But first you make promise.... never say nothing what happen after first semen, specially no tell Mr Rick ok? You make promise ok?"

"Sure sure, I won't tell a soul; it'll be our little secret."

"Ooh thank you thank you so much Mr Bobby, I so excited I can't wait to see you next week!"

"Me too, maybe you can show me more magazines?"

"Maybe.....maybe I have more surprise for you! You work hard for Mr Chester tomorrow."

"Oh you can bet I'll be working real hard for Chester tomorrow!" be continued....

Next: Chapter 16

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