The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Mar 11, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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"Hey Bobby, just so you know, Reggie asked me to make sure you make it to our next Monopoly party so we have a backup for Amy. You know... to suck our cocks."

"Reggie's full of shit and you know it Russell. You tell him he can suck MY dick! " " I'm not telling him shit! He's been a prick ever since his old man came out of the closet. It's like he's taking it out on all of us...poor Ron's never gonna be the same and I'm not gonna get on Reggie's bad side. So tell me Bobby, if you weren't at Cindy's all night, where the fuck were you that you had to rub one out so bad before coming home?" " Ok, but you gotta keep it to yourself. I don't want Cindy to find out, and I especially don't want REGGIE to know. He'll wanna get in on the action. Can you promise me Russell? I'm not fucking kidding.... nobody else, ok?" " Sure, fuck Bobby... we've been friends forever... if you can't trust me, who the fuck can you trust?? I swear, whatever it is, my lips are sealed." " Ok, Russell, you're not going to fucking believe this. So the dude Reggie saw me with at Black's Beach the other day is a fucking multi millionaire and reps all kinds of famous models all over the world. Anyways, last night he treated me to dinner with his hot Czech girlfriend and one of his new models.... she's a fucking a 10 plus but she's sixteen like me and didn't speak much English, but we hit it off anyway. We left my Datsun at the restaurant and Mr Stihl drove us in his Lamborghini to his pad in La Jolla. You would not believe this fucking place! It's got an elevator and a gym with basketball and racquetball court and a weight room. It's fucking unreal! Anyways, Mr Stihl warned me to keep my hands off of Anna or he'd personally kick my ass.... and believe me, he would! He's fucking built like a brick shithouse and probably wouldn't think twice about burying me in the backyard if I fucked with his "property". So me and Anna just played one on one hoops and then she schooled me in racquetball. We were all fucking sweaty and she said Hey let's

go upstairs to the swimming pool. I told her uhhh, I don't have a bathing suit and she said neither do I! So we took this badass elevator to the pool deck, fucking stripped naked and dove in. The pool was fucking huge and had a fucking grotto, waterfalls and fucking slides. This bitch must've been an Olympic swimmer cause I couldn't fucking catch her and you know damn well how good I can swim. Anyways, she lost me somehow and then I spotted Mr Stihl and his bitch in the jacuzzi..... well, she was in the jacuzzi and he was sitting on the edge....receiving a serious knob job! He didn't see me and I heard Anna whistle from the grotto.... She was hiding behind the waterfall and I dove in the water to join her. We were making out like crazy and she was grabbing my junk and I thought I would cum right there! Then I heard Mr Stihl yell I know you're in there Bobby... come out before I have to drag you out! We came out and Mr Stihl said he was giving me one chance and then he's going to rip up the contract and make sure I couldn't model for any other agency in the country. So to make a long story short, he drove me back to my car and that's where you found me, jacking off to the thought of Anna before I drove home. That's the truth and you better keep it to yourself I swear Russell, or I'm gonna have to thump you." " Wow, that's fucking awesome Bobby... of course you can trust me to keep it a secret.... now gimme a pack of cigs ok? You still keep `em in your backpack right?" " Hey don't touch that dude! I'll fucking get them for you... here you go... those things'll kill you, you should really quit" OH FUCK THAT WAS CLOSE! He almost saw the Speedos and douche bag!! " Jeez, you're fucking edgy bro, you really do need to bust a nut. I'll give you some privacy..... and don't worry Bobby, your secret's safe with me."

Russell pedaled away and I wondered if he really believed me and I wondered how much Reggie really saw that day at Black's Beach. But right now, I'm fucking tired and my ass is sore both inside and out and all I want to do is sleep. I pulled into the driveway and told my mom we had a blast at Reggie's, but we were up all night and I needed to get some rest before Mr Stihl showed up with the contract. "Robert, you look like somebody slapped you....Your face is all swollen. Do you want an ice pack for that baby?" " Nah Ma, we played tackle outside Reggie's before Monopoly. I just need to take a long nap before Mr Stihl gets here.... don't let me over sleep please." " Here, take this anyway" handing me an ice pack "you need to look your best for him. I don't understand why you boys take Monopoly so serious anyway. Hey, where did you get all the new clothes and shoes? They look nice... maybe a tad too tight for me but I guess that's what the girls like these days." " Mr Stihl gave them to me the day they took those photos... he gets tons of stuff free from their clients. I got my other clothes dirty playing football and I remembered I left them in the car. Thanks for the ice pack." I closed my bedroom door and stripped off my clothes and stood in front of my closet mirror. My body was a physical reminder of what happened last night. My eyes and cheeks were puffy and red from Rick's vicious face slaps, my jaw was sore and my throat was raw from the stranger in the bathroom face fucking me, and from making love to Dick Del Rio's massive cock and all the actors I fluffed...especially Jake... the only one to give me not one, but two loads! I twisted around to get a good look at my ass in the mirror.... it was covered with angry red welts, Rick Stihl's handiwork with the leather crop. Did I really let him get away with that?? Of course I did... in fact, I enjoyed it! And then.... the butt plug. It has been lodged in my poor virgin hole for hours. I pulled on it and my sphincter held onto it like it didn't want to let go. It's as if my ass was telling me it belonged there. And then I looked down at the solid steel proof that my body no longer belongs to me. I fingered the little brass padlock that kept the cage locked tightly around my genitalia....I stared at the initials "RS" engraved on it, rubbing it with my thumb as if to rub away the memories of everything that happened since meeting Rick. Did I make a huge mistake?? I closed my eyes tightly, somehow hoping in vain, when I opened them again, my cock would be free as a bird and I could stroke myself to a mind numbing orgasm. No such luck..... I tugged on the cage, wondering if I could pull off some kind of Houdini magic dice... Rick Stihl literally has me by the balls! Fuck it, I'll take out the butt plug, take a shower and take a nap until Rick gets here and we sign the contract to make it official. I grabbed the douche bag out of my backpack and hung it up in the shower. I figured this was going to be a part of my regular routine so I might as well get used to it. I got the water running and stepped in, letting the warm water flow over my sore body as I soaped up. I soaped up around the plug and squatted as I tugged on it. It finally plopped out.... it felt like I took a dump but nothing came out except the huge plug. I thought back to the locker at Rick's and remembered this was the smallest of at least half a dozen plugs lined up neatly according to size. Was he really going to make me work my way up to the last one? It was as big as a football! I felt my tender hole with soapy fingers.... It was wide open in a big "O" and I could fit all four fingers in if I squeezed them together. I imagined Rick opening me up with his thick fingers as he prepped me for his big mushroom head. I clamped down on my fingers, testing the strength of my sphincter... wanting to be his best fuck ever. I filled up the douche bag with warm water and inserted the nozzle into my once again tight hole and watched the bag empty after I opened the valve. I stood there until the urge overtook me and jumped from the shower to the toilet emptying nothing but water from my well- rinsed bowels. I wasn't surprised as the only thing I'd eaten in the past 24 hours was about 20cc's of Jake the bartender's yummy semen. I towel dried myself, paying special attention to the cockcage... I was afraid if I didn't dry myself well enough I might get some kind of fungus. I plugged in my blow dryer and swept it across my cramped cock and balls on low heat, which caused my erection to press against the tight confines of the cage. I wonder when Rick is ever going to let me out of this thing. It's kinda like a wedding band, I'm going to always be reminded of him when I see or touch it..... what if someone else sees it?? What are they going to think??? Well fuck it, I'm tired as hell and am going to take a long nap before he seals my fate. I spied the butt plug and the douche bag in the shower... I better hide the evidence before someone sees it. I dried them off and stashed the bag in my backpack. I handled the plug for awhile, marveling the fact that it was jammed in my butt for so long. I suppose Rick will make me work my way up through all the sizes.... I better get used to it now. I tried pushing it back into my dry hole while standing, but my ass was putting up resistance and I didn't have the right leverage. I laid down on my bed, legs spread and in the air.... I spit on the plug and put the narrow end as far as it would go into my mouth to get it wet, and then tried pushing it into my hole but my sphincter protested all the more. I spotted my trusty hand lotion dispenser on my nightstand, (it's a must have for every sixteen year old boy) and squirted a liberal amount on the plug and my fingers. I worked a couple digits into my tender hole and then redoubled my efforts with the butt plug. Now I was having trouble holding onto to the big dildo as everything had become a slippery mess. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get that thing back in where it belonged. I finally got up off the bed and set the plug upright on my footlocker where I could squat down onto it. I held the circular base down as I lowered my ass onto the narrow end, letting my weight and gravity do the rest. I spied my reflection in the mirror, cockcage and all, as I dropped the last few inches.... my butt cheeks touching the footlocker and the plug firmly and securely lodged in my boy pussy. My cock was straining against the cage and the boy honey was flowing freely from the end of my constricted member. The familiar scent of the hand lotion made me involuntarily reach for my dick to stroke myself to orgasm but instead of hot throbbing boycock, my hand encountered cold hard steel. Fuck, fuck and double fuck! What have I gotten myself into? I put on a pair of gym shorts, set my alarm and passed out on my bed.

BANG BANG BANG! Robert wake up!! Didn't you hear your alarm?? Mr Stihl is here! " Whhhaa what? Shit! I'm up I'm up Ma! Tell him I'll be right out."

I stumbled out of bed, still groggy and sore. I grabbed a loose pair of 501s and quickly buttoned them up, commando style. I threw on a colorful Ocean Pacific shirt and tried to drag a brush through my long, matted hair but gave up... I just don't have the time. I put on some deodorant and splashed my face with cold water.... Damn! I should have used that ice pack. I slipped some Vans onto my bare feet and walked out into the living room.

" Well, well... Sleeping Beauty has arisen! It looks like you could've used a few more hours though... what happened to you.... get hit by a truck?" It was Rick Stihl, in all his studly glory, sitting on a couch across from my parents. He was dressed to the nines in an Armani suit and seated right next to him, similarly dressed sat JAKE the fucking BARTENDER! " Bobby, let me introduce you to my associate Jake; he'll be notarizing all your paperwork today." Jake grinned and stood up, extending his hand to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you Bobby" " Oh, the pleasure is all mine Jake, believe me" I caught a quick glance at his crotch and gave him a little wink as I gripped his firm handshake. If we weren't in my parent's living room, I'd be on my knees right now, coaxing yet another scrumptious load of manjuice from his ample supply.... I could still recall the taste and texture of his yummy semen.

" Jake here is my right hand man. He's a paralegal right now but he's planning on going to Harvard next year..... kid wants to become a full fledged attorney"

My mom was beside herself " Oh my, but you're sooo handsome and YOUNG! I thought you were one of Mr Stihl's models, I could swear I've seen you in magazines or movies somewhere."

"Hehe, you probably have Mrs Standel. Mr Stihl took me under his wing when I was younger than your son Bobby. He got me work right away in print ads and TV and even some movie extra work. But he made sure I kept up on my studies and I had my High School diploma at fifteen. You can be sure Bobby will be in good hands and Mr Stihl will help guide him to his true destiny."

My dad piped up " That may have worked for you Jake, but just look at the kid..... he's a damn mess! I've been riding his ass to cut that damn mop on his head and all he wants to do lately is surf and hang out with his buddies all night. And I really don't want him hanging out at that Reggie Andrews house any more. His father swings from the left side of the plate if you get my drift and he lets that punk get away with murder. And Bobby and all his friends follow him like the damned pied piper! What time did you come home... noon??"

" I understand your concern Mr Standel , and believe me, I will take personal responsibility to make sure your son Bobby stayed focused on all his goals. We all want to see him realize his full potential."

"Well, if you need to spank him, you got my hundred percent permission, where do I sign?"

"Haha, I prefer to always use the carrot over the stick but there is a clause about corporal punishment in there."

"Whatever it takes to motivate his lazy ass. You know I've spent thousands of dollars on saxophone lessons since he was twelve and he's still not first chair in the band. I think that music teacher is a damn quack."

Actually, dad I thought to myself, he's not a damn quack.....he's a damn pervert and you've been paying him to teach me more about blowing dick than blowing a saxophone since I was thirteen.

"Just so you understand, because of all the global locations Bobby will be traveling to, we'll be taking full charge of his education, and we have the finest accredited teachers and tutors the industry has to offer. I'll leave this brochure that talks about our staff and curriculum. Of course, we also like to take advantage of local instructors..... who knows? Bobby may end up speaking several foreign languages along the way. "

My mom seemed to panic a little. " Where is he going to be staying? When will we get to see him? Who's going to make sure he eats right??" Dad chimed in "How's he getting paid ?"

"Relax, everyone, this isn't my first rodeo. When he's not traveling or working in our San Diego studios, I would hope he's still welcome to stay here with you and he'll probably want to spend the holidays with family.... although, we do occasionally have events that overlap and will take priority if you want him to stay employed with us."

"By all means Mr Stihl, please feel free to keep him as long as you like. The kid's been eating us out of house and home since he hit puberty."

"Haha, since Mrs Standel is concerned about him eating right, let me put you at ease. We have a staff of dietitians and chefs that will be making sure he's getting a proper balance of nutrition and he's going to get a taste of some very exotic dishes when he's traveling abroad." " That sounds wonderful..... can you take my husband with you too?" "If he's willing to pose in Speedo's without a shirt... we may consider it." My dad's face turned three shades of red " No, that's ok... let's leave all that posing stuff for the young bucks. Now where do I sign??"

"Well ok then. You'll need to read every page and initial and sign where the little arrow stickers are. You also mentioned about pay.... The schedule is broken down on these pages. There's a minimum base salary which will go directly to Bobby and he can choose how he wants to spend or save that. These pages go over commissions, and as you see, the more gigs he gets, the more money he makes. These funds go directly to a Trust Fund which he can't touch until he's twenty one. " "Jeez, this is more complicated then buying a house. Gimme that pen. You better not blow this one Bobby." " Oh, Mrs Standel, did you find Bobby's birth certificate? It's really important I have the original since he's still a minor." "Oh yes here it is.... now make sure your secretary doesn't leave it in the copy machine like his drivers license." "Oh no Mrs Stihl, I'll guard this with my life."

To be continued......

Hey Nifty readers, I really appreciate all the encouraging emails. All of us authors thrive on feedback. I've really developed a fascination for male chastity devices but I don't have any personal experience with it which makes it hard to write authentically about it. I'd appreciate if anyone could help me convey the physical and physiological feelings/changes a traditional cockcage creates. If you're an author that's already written about that subject, please point out your stories.

Stay Hard!

Next: Chapter 14

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