The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Mar 5, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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" Hey Bobby, what the fuck are you doing?? Can I get a ride back to my house?" "Shit Russell, you scared the fuck out of me! Don't ever sneak up on me like that." The cockcage was making it literally impossible for me to button up my Levi's in a seated position, so I finally gave up trying." OK, you caught me red handed bro. I spent the night with Cindy and she left me with a serious case of blue balls.... I just had to rub one out before I got home." " Hey, nothing wrong with spanking your monkey, I do it all the time.... but on the street in public?? Damn, Cindy must've teased the fuck out of you! I can wait outside if you want to finish it bro." " Nah, just let me stand up so I can button my 501s." I stepped out of the Datsun and became painfully aware of the butt plug shifting with my movements and instinctively clenched my ass cheeks, afraid it might pop out right there on the street. "Damn Bobby, are you holding a shit or something??" " Yeah, you know how it is..... I didn't want to take a dump at Cindy's and ruin the mood." "What mood Bobby?? It looks like she left you blue-balled again. Anyways, give me a hand getting my bike in and we'll trade juicy details from last night." As I buttoned up my Levi's over the bulky cockcage, I thought to myself there is no way in hell I'm sharing any of MY details with you Russell. We loaded up the bike and drove off towards Russell's house.' "Dude, I'll go first.... Last night was epic! We played Monopoly for a couple of hours until Reggie showed up with Amy Reagan, you know that senior chick with the short hair that looks kinda like a dude? Well she's been hot for Reggie's dick all year and he had a plan to get her drunk and get her to blow us all. So anyways, we started to play Monopoly but for shots instead of money and she was wasted in no time. So Reggie takes her down to the basement and we all gathered outside the window to watch the action and we couldn't believe she was deep throating Reggie's big tool! We knew we would all be next so we started high fiving and shit and then stupid Ron Hill decides to take a Polaroid of the action.... The fucking camera flashes caught Amy's attention and fuck was she pissed! She made Reggie take her home right away and told all of us "faggots" to fuck off. When Reggie got back, he was pretty grumpy until he discovered Amy had left her purse behind. " Woohoo, what do we have here? Ok boys, get your little peckers out..... we're all going to make a deposit in Amy's purse... Hill, you dumbass.... you're going first for fucking things up tonight.... shit, I oughta make YOU blow us tonight!!" " Shit Bobby, Reggie was so pissed and wound up, I thought for a minute he was gonna make Ron suck his dick! Hill was shaking like a leaf and Reggie just slapped his face and said gimme those fucking Polaroids..... look at that's a real man's dick there Hill.. fuck you all... I'll go first... watch and learn. So Reggie fucking whips his Johnson out right there in front of all of us, spits on his hand and starts stroking his dick.... I fucking kid you not". " You're fucking making this up Russell you homo" "No I fucking swear Bobby. Reggie told us whoever didn't shoot a wad into Amy's purse was going to get thumped. He made Ron go through his old man's dresser drawers and bring down some porno tapes to get us all in the mood. Ron told me later he couldn't believe some of the stuff he found.... big dildos and fag movies.....the old man really went over the edge since the divorce. So anyway, he found some gangbang tapes and brought them down while we all got comfortable on the couches with a couple of joints and a bottle of tequila. " What took you so long Hill you fucking homo? Find something up there you like? Maybe when the old man gets back from his business trip, you two can get together and watch his favorite movies. So what'd you bring us? Gangbang Cuties, Cum Whores Volume 10....perfect! Pop em in the VCR and let's give Amy a gift she'll never forget." " Fucking Reggie opened up Amy's purse, put the Polaroids of her sucking him off inside and just started jacking off like a madman. " " All you little faggots watch and learn how a real man gives a money shot!" He held a little brown bottle to his nostril and huffed at it long and deep. He capped the bottle, threw his head back and started to stroke his cock with his right hand while he held the purse in his left. " Ohhhh fuuuck..... take my load bitch!" " Bobby, you would not fucking believe how much cum Reggie pumped into that purse.... he coated the Polaroids so you couldn't even tell it was Amy. The fucker passed it around and made us all look at it." " Now that's a real man's load boys..... who's next?? Who's a real man like me?" " We were all kinda freaking out at this point, but the weed and the booze were kicking in and the porn on the big screen was pretty intense so we all eventually did it. Yeah we all fucking jacked off into that purse. Poor Ron was up last and really freaked out, so Reggie sat down right next to him, both of them bareassed naked, and he pats Hill on his thigh. " Come on Hill, you're not a pussy are you?? Look at that chick in the gangbang.... look how much she's enjoying all that attention. Wouldn't you like to be her?? " " Bobby, I fucking kid you not.... Ronnie popped the biggest boner ever... we all fucking saw it. Reggie said " I thought so Hill, that's ok... just take a little whiff of this and focus on how good it feels" " Shit Bobby, Ron took a long hit from the brown bottle and fucking got all glassy-eyed and Reggie was whispering something in his ear to get him off..." " That's it Ronnie, go with your natural feelings.... look at all the hot cocks ready to shoot in her open mouth... yeah stroke it Ronnie.... here, take another hit....yeah.. breathe it in Ronnie... yeah.... that should be you taking those loads.." " Bobby, you would not believe what Reggie did next... he put that fucking cum filled purse with all our loads in it right up to Ron's nose and whispered something in his ear.....and fucking Ron inhaled the aroma like he was smelling roses or some fucking shit like that...." " That's it Ronnie.... one more big hit... fuck yeah take my load baby!" "Holy shit Bobby.. I never seen so much fucking cum in my life! It was fucking hilarious!! Hill was jacking his load everywhere and fucking Reggie was trying to direct it all into the purse. We were all rolling on the floor laughing and Reggie was pissed cause half of the fucking cum landed on his arm or on the fucking carpet. He scraped it off his arm into the purse and then told Hill he's gonna make him lick it off the carpet unless he takes the purse to Amy tonight." " So did he do it?" " So fucking Reggie drives us to Amy's house.... We're still stoned and laughing..... fucking Hill puts the purse with all our jizz and the Polaroids on Amy's porch and fucking rings the doorbell and runs. The porch light came on and fucking Hill slipped and fell on his ass.... Amy's mom opens the door and we're all laughing and yelling at Hill to get up and run to the car and she's yelling she's gonna call the cops.... Oh my gawd we were laughing so hard... it was epic! So how was your night?" "Nothing like that for sure....just another boring night with Cindy." "Yeah, yeah sure. So Bobby, we've been friends forever, since we were kids right? And we tell each other everything right?" " Yeah, of course, what are you getting at?" " Well, you wouldn't be hiding anything from me Bobby, would you?" "No, of course not... what makes you say that?" " Well, Cindy stopped by Reggie's last night cause your mom said you were spending the night with us. She's really cool and she had a few beers with us. Anyways Bobby, she really likes you but she's worried about you." " What the fuck do you mean worried about me??" "Well, she says she's really horny all the time and you're not." " What the fuck Russell?? We both promised each other we'd save it til we're ready. You're fucking lying to me.... she wasn't even there... I was with her all night!" " Shit Bobby, I wish I wasn't lying. She asked Reggie if he thought you were gay since his dad just came out of the closet and he would know best. Reggie told her "one hundred per absolutely fucking percent" " Fuck Reggie! If anyone's a homo, it's him! Just look at the shit you told me he did last night! " " I'm sorry to have to tell you this Bobby, but Reggie has been hanging out at Black's Beach.... he discovered the bushes where all the fags hang out, and he gets a blowjob almost every day. He said one day he saw your Datsun in the parking lot and he knew he'd find you in the bushes sucking some stranger off. But instead, he saw you walking towards the cliffs with some big older dude. He said it looked like you were arguing or something. Then you just walked up the cliff leaving him standing there like you just had a lovers quarrel... he said the dude watched you the whole way up and you never looked back. Reggie wouldn't make that shit up." " Ok Russell... I'm so sorry I hid this from you for so long, after all, we are best friends. That was me at Black's Beach that day Reggie saw me.... why the fuck didn't he say hi?? Isn't he the homo if he's getting blowjobs from dudes?? That older dude is Rick Stihl, he's going to be my agent... He owns the biggest modeling agency on the West Coast and we were just doing a photo shoot down there. He's going to make me rich and famous! We weren't arguing, he just wanted me to be careful going up the cliffs so I don't damage the merchandise. Anyways, we're going to sign the contracts this afternoon and pretty soon your going to see my face plastered all over." "Wow, just fucking wow... so does this guy need more models?" " Sorry Russell, you gotta be good looking haha. Here's your house, I'll help you get your bike out."

" Hey Bobby, just so you know, Reggie asked me to make sure you make it to our next Monopoly party so we have a backup for Amy."

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 13

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