The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Feb 18, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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"Very good Bobby, you're learning quickly. Now turn and face your locker... yes, now open it and hand me the crop with the wide leather end.... Yes! That's the one Bobby. Now face your locker again and bend over with your hands palm down on the bench. Del Rio asked me to straighten you out, so this where we will start.

I did as I was told and presented my freshly douched ass to my new Master, Rick Stihl. I put my head and hands on the wooden bench and braced for the inevitable impact of leather on my bare skin. My body shook with uncontrollable convulsions and I felt the urge to shout out GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY, but Rick took his time and spoke to me in calming tones.

"Ssssh. Ssssh Bobby, it's alright.... Daddy knows what's best for you." He ran the crop softly up and down my spine and traced lazy circles on my butt cheeks. " That's it Bobby... relax....Daddy knows what you really want... what you really crave." He pressed down on my lower back with the crop and I automatically arched my back, sticking my butt out as if presenting him with a gift. " Yes, that's it Bobby....Daddy knows all your deepest, darkest desires.... now open up for your Daddy." He ran the crop up each of my trembling thighs and I dutifully spread my legs, allowing him full access. He brushed my balls ever so lightly with the wide leather end of the crop and then reversed his grip and pressed the blunt end against my tight, virgin rosebud. " You want to give this to your Daddy don't you Bobby? "

Yes, Daddy I want you to take it.

" Well, that's real sweet Bobby, but you know what? It's not yours to give anymore, it already belongs to me and I can give it to anyone, anytime, anywhere I decide. Turn around and look at me. Don't you remember upstairs when you said yes? It's too late to go back, I own you now Bobby, body and soul. Now I want to hear you beg for what you deserve. Turn back around and assume the position."

He was right..... he does own me... he's owned me since that first moment at Black's Beach when I confided to him, a total stranger, that my virginity is still intact. And I LET him slap me. He knew he had me back then, even without the blackmail photos of me sucking cocks. I placed my head and my hands on the bench, spread my legs wide and resigned myself to my fate.

"Good boy Bobby..... Now tell me what you want, tell me why you're standing here with your ass up in the air like that...cmon Bobby, we don't have all night... spit it out."

I, uh I want you to fuck me Daddy.... Please fuck me Daddy!

"I'm sorry Bobby, but that's the wrong answer. There's something else you desire even more than my cock opening up your precious little pussy... isn't there??"

I knew what was coming, but I had no idea how much it would hurt and had no way to prepare for it. The SLAP of leather on my bare ass cheeks rang out twice in the empty locker room, and my tears began to flow freely. Somehow, I felt relieved that Rick finally gave me what I deserved for wanting to be such a slut for cock.

" You like that Bobby, don't you? You crave discipline from your Daddy don't you?" He smacked me again on both cheeks, stinging my ass like a swarm of hornets.

Yes Daddy, yes! Please spank me again, I've been so bad!

" Yes you have Bobby.... you have been very bad and you are going to obey me from now on aren't you? WHACK WHACK! Aren't you Bobby?"

Oh FUCK... yes Daddy.... I'll do everything you tell me to Daddy... I swear!


My ass was on fire and my tears and snot were flowing onto the locker room bench and floor. YES, I fucking swear I will Daddy!!

"You really enjoy this don't you Bobby? He ran the crop between my legs and placed it so my cockhead was resting on the square of leather. After a moment, he withdrew the crop from between my legs and held it by my downturned face. " Look at all this boy honey coming out of you.... go ahead, taste it... that's the fruits of pain... it's pure. Imagine what somebody would pay for virgin boy honey like that! "

I looked at the crop and could not believe that much precum came out of my body. From being spanked!! I licked it all up and hung my head, anticipating more flagellation, but Rick put his hand on my seared butt and said " OK Bobby, I think you've learned enough about your innermost thoughts and desires... I need to get you back to your car at the Brass Rail so you can get home. Remember we have a very important meeting with your parents this afternoon I wouldn't miss for the world. Now let's get you into a nice ice bath to cool off your burning buns."

He led me to the training room and a large stainless steel tub filled with ice and water. " Well, don't just stand there get in. It's a whole lot easier if you dunk your whole body all at once. Yes, there you go! Now I need you to stay in there for about ten minutes. I gotta go and grab something from your locker.... so just chill haha."

Oh my god this is cold! I could feel my whole body going numb but I stayed put. Rick returned with a big smile on his face, holding a phallic looking thing made out of stainless steel rings and a medium sized butt plug.

" Do you know what this is Bobby? I didn't think so; you still have so much to learn my boy. It's called a chastity cage and it's going to help keep you focused. Now let's get you out of that cold water and onto that table over there."

I got out of the ice bath shivering uncontrollably as Rick guided me to a trainer's table. I laid down on my back as he spread my legs and pulled me towards him.

" Haha, Bobby... where did your little penis go? " He rubbed my inner thighs to get some circulation back." Oh there he is..... the little guy was hiding! " He slid a ring over my flaccid dick and pulled my balls through, latching the cage over my now expanding penis. He dangled a little brass lock with an engraved "RS" monogram in my face before snapping it onto the cage's latch. " There, now you really belong to me Bobby.... now lift your legs up so I can get to that sweet little virgin boy pussy of yours. Yes, so tight and squeaky clean." He pushed a lubed finger deep into my ass and probed until he located my prostate. He pressed on my button until he saw a few drops of precum start to form on the tip of my caged cockhead.

"Ahh, now that's my sweet little honey maker. Daddy's going to condition your tight little pussy so it'll be ready when the time comes. Open up for Daddy."

He pressed the blunt end of a lubed butt plug with increasing pressure against my hole until my sphincter opened up and then slammed shut on the narrow neck. He gave it a firm tug and said "There, that's not coming out until I want it out. Now get your ass dressed, I don't want to keep Mr Del Rio waiting."

He led me back to my locker and I opened it, taking a quick glance at my cock sucking collage plastered on the door before making my clothing selection. My underwear choices were jockstrap, bikini briefs or thong. I slipped on the white bikini briefs, noticing the telltale outline of my cockcage was showing. I quickly grabbed a neatly folded pair of 501 Levis from the shelf and slipped them did he know my size? I buttoned up the fly and patted my crotch.... the cockcage made it look like I was sporting a permanent semi. I completed the outfit with a Hang Ten t-shirt, socks and Adidas tennis shoes.... all amazingly in my size. I grabbed a hair brush from the toiletry bag and headed to the bathrooms where there was a full length mirror. I brushed out my shoulder length hair, and checked out my new outfit...... I looked like any other surfer from San Diego. I twisted my body around to see if the butt plug was protruding out at all when Rick yelled out ... "Hey Adonis.... you look fine.... now go grab a pair of Speedos and your douche bag and let's get out of here before sunrise."

Damn, I have lost all sense of time down here..... it seems like weeks since I was at the Brass Rail watching Erik getting gangbanged on camera. I flashed on Rick choking out that barfly who was throat fucking me in the bathroom stall as I grabbed the Speedos and douche bag. I know what the douche bag is for but why the Speedos?

I followed Rick to the elevator and shuddered a bit before we stepped in, still shocked at the depravity of the artwork on the walls. I looked up at the ceiling and noticed the petite, effeminate Asian boy being sodomized by four Samurai, was wearing a cockcage just like mine. And there was a long strand of precum drooling from the end of his little caged penis.

"You really like that one Bobby, don't you? It's one of my favorites. The artist lives in Los Angeles.... maybe I'll commission one with you in it... how would you like that?"

Uh, that would be nice Daddy.

WHACK! The slap to my face shocked me more than the pornography on the elevator walls.

"You're slipping already Bobby. I told you to only call me Daddy when we're in my office, am I understood??"

Yes Sir, yes Mr Stihl Sir.

"That's much better Bobby, just don't let it happen again.... you know the consequences. Now let's go through the garage. Grab a helmet and here's my jacket..... I know it's way too big but you'll look like my bitch on the back of my bike. "

He opened the garage door and fired up the BMW. I jumped on the back, holding on tightly to his waist as we raced through the San Diego streets. The sky was growing lighter and I let my hand slip down to caress and massage his massive bulge as we flew towards the Brass Rail. The vibration of the big bike moved through the butt plug straight to my prostate, and I could feel the wetness of my "boy honey" soaking through my bikini briefs. By the time we pulled into the Brass Rail parking lot, the sun was up and birds were singing.

The lot was almost completely empty, a stark contrast to the night before when the big black bouncer had to create an opening in the line for me to pull my Datsun in and park. Rick parked the bike and locked our helmets onto it as he hustled me towards the bar. I must look ridiculous in his huge leather jacket and I can feel the wetness in my jeans... I'm sure it's fucking obvious. Rick unlocked the bar door and we headed upstairs to the office.

" Well look what the fucking cat drug in..... is this your new bitch Stihl? It looks like he creamed his jeans pretty well.... you must've had him plugged, and that bumpy ride on the back of your bike took him all the way to happy town. So, did you straighten him out like I asked? Good, that's what I wanna hear Stihl. Even though he fucked up royal last night, we got some good tape on him and I'll start shopping it the minute you get me that birth certificate like I asked. We edited out all that noise he was making off set and Jake rallied for one more of his signature money shots to Erik's face. I thought your boy here sucked everything Jake had, but that young stud always seems to hold a big one back for the spotlight. Erik was in prime form tonighty, I think he was a little jealous of your new bitch taking Jake's best load, so he worked a little harder all night.... and I mean ALL night. We got tons of film to go over the next couple of weeks. Your golden boy is passed out on the couch over there.... I think he earned a break. Why don't you let him lounge around your pool for awhile until he's rested up and ready to earn us some more big bucks. I'm off to the airport.... Let me know when you have that birth certificate in hand... I'll make a special trip to verify it and we'll put young Bobby here on the fast track to stardom. Now give old Dick Del Rio a big hug Bobby."

The big Mexican wrapped his massive arms around me, running one big paw from the back of my thigh up to the crack of my ass. He found the end of the butt plug through my tight jeans and pushed on it repeatedly with his thick fingers. He whispered in my ear " Don't worry kid, you'll be seeing a lot of old Dick soon enough." He gave me a playful but hard swat on my ass and grabbed and shook my caged cock giving Rick a wink " Keep up the good work Stihl... we got a diamond in the rough with this kid."

And just like that, the legendary pornstar and director was out the door.

" Hey Stevie, go bring Bobby's car around front... he's gotta get home and rest up for a very important meeting. I'm gonna wake up sleeping beauty here and take him back to my place. Why don't you follow us? You worked an all nighter and deserve a break. You two can play by the pool."

" Sure thing Mr Stihl Sir... right away"

Stevie hustled out the door while Rick sat on the couch with Erik, gently stroking his hair and face as the blonde cumdump gradually awoke.

"Mmmmm good morning Daddy..... errrh, I mean Mr Stihl Sir... I was having such a good dream."

" That wasn't a dream Baby... you really outdid yourself last night. Now how about a bike ride to my place... you and Stevie can play out by the pool."

" That sounds awesome! Hey who's that wearing your jacket?"

" Oh that's Bobby, you don't remember him from last night?"

" OH Yeah... he's the gagger that almost ruined my shoot. What's he doing here??"

" Be nice Erik, he's going to be the studio's next big star and you're going to help him get there."

" Fuck that! Either he can deep throat or he can't... I'm not teaching that little punk my secrets!"

WHACK! For once, it wasn't me on the receiving end of Rick's vicious face slaps. Erik was definitely awake now. " Wrong answer Erik... try again."

" I'm sorry Mr Stihl Sir..... what I meant to say is I'd be happy to help Bobby out." He gave me a fake smile " We'll be best buds, right Bobby?"

Yea sure Erik, best buds.

"Great! Now kiss and make up boys."

I stuck my hand out towards Erik to shake and he pushed it away. " He said KISS you idiot.. c'mere" He threw his left arm over my shoulder and pressed his lips against mine, forcing my mouth open with his tongue as he groped my cage encased package with his right hand. His mouth still tasted of semen and I wondered how many loads he swallowed last night. He tugged on the cage as he pulled away from the kiss and started to tongue my ear. He whispered softly into my ear "You're the new bitch now, don't ever forget it"

He broke off from our embrace and pronounced "Yes Mr Stihl Sir, me and Bobby are gonna get along just swell... ain't that right Bobby?" I nodded in agreement, accepting my role as the lowest of the bottoms.

" Great to hear boys.. now Bobby, give Erik my jacket... he's gonna need it for our ride back. And here comes Stevie with your keys Bobby. I need you to head straight home and rest for our big meeting this evening... no dicking around like you tend to do.. Comprende? "

" Stevie, come follow me to the house. You two can play by the pool and maybe we'll spot some new talent heading down to Black's.... Bye Bobby!"

I got into my Datsun and it felt totally strange... like a relic from a very distant past. I squirmed in the seat as I drove towards home, trying to get comfortable with the butt plug lodged in my ass and my dick confined in the steel cage. I ended up unbuttoning my fly all the way and pulled my jeans part way down so I could get some air circulation to my junk. I drove almost all the way home like that till I got a couple miles away. I pulled over and parallel parked by a curb with no other cars so I could pull up my bikini briefs and get my jeans buttoned before coming home. It was quite a challenge with the steering wheel and the fricking cockcage trying to get them pulled up. I glanced up in the rear view mirror and to my absolute horror, my best friend Russell was frantically pedaling his bicycle to catch up to me. There is no FUCKING way I can get my pants pulled up in time to drive off, so I managed to get just the top button buttoned before Russell banged on my passenger window.

"Hey Bobby, what the fuck are you doing?? Can I get a ride back to my house?"

To be continued ....

Next: Chapter 12

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