The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Feb 9, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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"You have my permission to speak now."

Oh my gawd Mr Stihl, this is your OFFICE??

"No Bobby, this is my house; my office is in the basement. Cmon, I'll give you a quick tour before we get to work."

The garage was huge..... I counted six cars under tarps plus a Range Rover and a BMW motorcycle; probably Rick's go-to vehicles for everyday business.

"We'll go in the front door so you can get the full experience before we get down to business."

He pressed a button and the garage door closed as we walked on a slate pathway to the mansion's main entrance. It was dramatically lit and led to a set of massive teak doors. Rick punched a code into a keypad and the doors slowly swung open, revealing a foyer hung with tasteful male nude artwork. I followed Rick down a hallway lined with simply framed black and whites that appeared to be from photo shoots and magazine layouts. All the major fashion designers and fragrance corporations were represented and I recognized some of the ad campaigns. There must be hundreds of photos here! They lined both sides of the hallway and were hung from floor to ceiling.

" Impressed Bobby? You didn't think I bought all of this from making porno films did you?" Take a close look at some of these people.... Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger.... they wanted the best faces and bodies representing their product." Rick pointed out photos of him, impeccably dressed with various celebrities, athletes and dignitaries.

Wow Mr Stihl, you really look good in a suit like that.

"Do you think you have what it takes to end up on this wall Bobby?"

Gee, I don't know Mr Stihl: they're all so hot-looking and fit.

" That's just it Bobby, you lack discipline in your life. You can just skate through life or you can let me take control and guide you to your destiny. You can start right now, all I need is a yes."

We continued down the long hallway as I mulled it over in my head. A series of stunning photos of a young blonde surfer caught my eye. One photo captured him cutting back on a wave, another one had him dressed in Ocean Pacific shorts and shirt staring off towards the horizon. He looked so familiar but I just couldn't place him. I examined yet another photo, this one had him shirtless, waxing his board on his knees and looking back over his shoulder with his long hair flowing and a big smile on his face. It was as if he were smiling at me.

Yes Mr Stihl, I want you to take control of me.

" Ah Bobby, I just knew you would say yes. Now follow me to my office and I'll lay everything out in black and white what's expected of you."

I looked at the smiling surfer one more time.... You sure have nice teeth Erik I thought to myself.

I followed Rick down the long hallway, noting all the famous people he has rubbed shoulders with.... wait, wait Rick, is that a Saudi Prince?

Rick stopped dead in his tracks, spun around and slapped my face with his open hand before I could even think to block it.

"Rule number one.... don' me by my first name.

Rule number two... you don't speak unless I ask you to.... Understood?"

Yes Sir Mr Stihl.

Whamm! He caught me again on the other cheek.

"No! You don't understand... you just broke rule number two. Now do you understand you piece of shit??"

I was shaking and to the point of tears, but I nodded my head yes.

"Good! You are teachable after all. Now follow me to the office. We reached the end of the hallway where the room opened up to two elevator doors painted with an East Indian motif. Rick pressed the down button and the doors opened up to a scene that frightened me to my core. All the walls were covered with pornographic murals of violent sexual acts in Oriental and Indian cartoonish style. The genitalia of all the characters were obscenely large and the holes they were penetrating seemed stretched way beyond human capacity. I hesitated, thinking this was a very bad decision but Rick pushed me in and pressed the button marked office. As the door closed, I looked up to the ceiling to see the depiction of an effeminate Asian boy's ass being stuffed with not one, but two huge Samurai cocks as two more were pissing in his mouth. " You like it Bobby? That's gonna be you up there someday haha"

Oh my gawd, I am descending straight into Hades and Rick is escorting me there! I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment when the elevator stopped and the doors opened, expecting to see even more nightmarish scenes of torture and depravity, but was pleasantly surprised to see what appeared to be a very clean and tidy gymnasium. Rick hustled me past a racketball court, a basketball court and a weight room until we came to a locker room complete with wooden benches and a communal shower room/sauna. Beyond that was an office door that just said Coach on it.

" Park it right here Bobby" Rick patted the wooden bench and I obediently sat down facing a row of lockers. " I knew you were going to say yes so I already got you a locker.... See, it's even got your name on it... Bobby. Well, go ahead, open it up."

I eagerly opened the locker like a kid at Christmas and my jaw dropped when I saw what was inside.

" Well, do you like it Bobby?"

I nodded my head, still somewhat in shock.

Rick laughed " Oh yeah, you may speak freely son.... but down here, you address me as Daddy and when we're in public, it's Sir or Mr Stihl Sir, got it?"

Yes Daddy, I got it.

" Good! So, do you like it or not?"

I love it Daddy, thank you so much.

" You know who took those pictures don't you? Yeah, that's right, Richie... the best in the business."

Plastered on the inside of the locker door from top to bottom were black and white glossies of me sucking the two Euros I met on that fateful day at Black's Beach. The photos very clearly conveyed my hunger for cock and cum.

" Yeah Bobby.... Richie and I were just relaxing on the pool deck that morning drinking mimosas when he spotted you heading down the cliff. Damn he's got an eye for talent! We just followed you down and confirmed you have just the hunger and raw talent we're looking for. And as they say... the rest is history. So go ahead, check out what else I have in there for you."

I was still in shock over the intimate photos, wondering how many people had already seen them...but it was all the other things in the locker that had me questioning my decision again. There were some things in there that one would expect to find in any gym locker: several pairs of Adidas sneakers, a couple pairs of shower slippers, shorts and tank tees, all in my size. There were also one black and one white jockstrap, several white towels and a bag of toiletries. All these things were neatly arranged on the two bottom shelves of the locker. What frightened me was everything else hanging from the wall and on the two top shelves: leather straps, handcuffs, riding crops and a neatly a row of anal plugs, nearly arranged from smallest to gigantic..... and those were the things I recognized!

" I know Bobby, it can be a little overwhelming at first, but we're going to explore everything in there and you're going to learn new things about yourself you never knew were hidden deep inside. Now cmon, let's get undressed and get you cleaned up. You can toss your dirty clothes in that hamper over there."

I was glad to get out of those stupid tight jeans and jock strap and I tossed them in the hamper as I watched Rick strip off his clothes. He was a specimen of manliness and even while flaccid, his thick, big-headed cock was impressive. He caught me staring and said " Grab that douche bag in your locker, I want you squeaky clean tonight."

Oh my god, he's going to take my virginity tonight, right here in this locker room! I blurted out... Douche bag?? Isn't that what girls use to make their pussies smell fresh?

" Exactly, now grab it and follow me to the showers."

Ok Daddy. I grabbed it plus a towel, shower slippers and toiletry bag and followed Rick, mesmerized by his muscular, hairy ass.

Rick already had the shower going and it was hot and steamy as I stood next to him, our bodies contrasting in so many ways. We could have been mistaken for a father and his young son. Rick filled the enema bag to overflowing then hung it on the shower head.

"Turn around Bobby, let me soap you up. Yeah, you like that don't you? There's a reason you're more sensitive down there than most guys and we're going to explore more of that side of you tonight. Now I'm going to slide this nozzle in and open the valve and you're going to take the whole bag. You're going to want to take a shit right away, but I want you to walk to the toilet so you don't slip ok? Once you dump everything out of your gut, you need to come back here and fill up again and keep going until your shitting pure water. Is that clear?

Yes Daddy, I'm ready! Oh my gawd.... I'm going to lose my cherry today to Rick Stihl! Rick released the valve and I was amazed how fast the bag emptied into my bowels. Rick was lathering up with soap and I turned around to face him and started to rub the suds into his massive hairy chest.

Uh oh .... I gotta go!

"Walk Bobby.... don't run!" Rick was laughing as I waddled to the toilet squeezing my butt cheeks tightly. I barely made it to the toilet in time to have a torrent of warm water and shit flow out of me. I sat there for awhile until the last of it seemed pooped out. I gingerly got up and headed back to the showers. Rick was at the sink with a towel wrapped around his waist, a white beard of shaving cream on his face. Oh my, he is going to make this a special night as I give up my virginity to him.

"Again Bobby... until you're pooping water only."

Ok, it's not that bad. I filled the bag up to overflowing, inserted the nozzle and opened the valve. The warm water felt really good and I wondered if I could feel his cum when Rick shoots inside of me. Then I started to think about Erik and the look of pain on his face when Rick first penetrated him. Oh god, I gotta go again. I barely made it to the toilet and sat there as my body expelled all that water . I looked in the toilet and it looked pretty clean.... maybe that's enough? I noticed a big round hole in the partition between toilet stalls and wondered who has used them.... Erik for sure. I flushed and starting walking back to the showers and I saw Rick fully dressed in business casual attire. It's coming out clear Daddy, am I done?

" One more full bag should do it Bobby, I want you clean as a whistle."

Damn! Now I know for sure he's gonna fuck me tonight... but why is he dressed for leaving?? Is he going to take me out on a date to make the evening even more special? I filled the bag to overflowing again and jammed the nozzle up my butt, enjoying the warmth of the water. This time I headed to the toilet with time to spare and sat down in time to let out a watery explosion. While my gut was rumbling, waiting for the last few flushes of clean water, I inspected the hole on the bathroom partition. It was lined with duct tape and it was wide enough to allow even Rick' s huge cockhead through. I put my mouth up against it, imagining just how wide I would have to stretch to get it in.

" You done in there yet Bobby? I gotta get you back to the bar before Del Rio heads back to San Francisco."

Yes Daddy, it's all clear now.

"Well get your sweet ass in here and stand in front of your locker for inspection. Good, now bend over and put your hands on the bench.... Yeah just like that"

Rick rubbed his big hands all over my butt cheeks and then roughly spread them apart.

" Just look at that little rosebud... so squeaky clean! I think I'll have a little taste"

He pressed his tongue against my tight hole and it was like electricity flowing from his tongue to my whole being. Oh my gawd that feels so good Daddy! Rick pushed a spit-lubed finger all the way in and probed the walls of my clean hole, lingering at my prostate. I could feel a string of precum flowing from my six inch pecker."

" Here, taste your virgin pussy Bobby." He offered me his thick middle finger, moist with spit and my juices. I greedily sucked on it and he pushed it down on my tongue, almost gagging me.

Mmmm that tastes good Daddy, are you going to fuck me tonight?

" Don't be silly Bobby.... that's a special gift reserved for someone very important in your life.... there will be plenty of time for fucking, believe me.... Now remember when we were upstairs and I asked you if you if you wanted me to control your life? Do you remember what you said Bobby?"

Yes, Daddy, I said yes.

"That's right! You did say yes Bobby, and that control starts right now. No speaking unless I ask; am I understood?"

I knew to shake my head affirmative to avoid a face slap.

"Very good Bobby, you're learning quickly. Now turn and face your locker... yes, now open it and hand me the crop with the wide leather end.... Yes! That's the one Bobby. Now face your locker again and bend over with your hands palm down on the bench. Del Rio asked me to straighten you out, so this where we will start.

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 11

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