The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Jan 9, 2022


This story is authoritarian in nature as the protagonist succumbs to the sexual will of an Alpha male

This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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Ahhh, summer is finally here! Three months of absolute freedom to explore the world in my beat-up Datsun station wagon. I bought it myself from wages and tips I earned busing tables at a family restaurant and I finally got my California driver license so I don't need to have an adult with me to drive legally. And I know exactly where I want to go......Black's Beach!!! Ever since I read an article about the hot and heavy gay cruising scene at the famous nude beach north of Torrey Pines, I've been itching to go and find out for myself. I must've jacked off a dozen times picturing myself on my knees servicing total hunks in the warm San Diego sunshine. I needed to leave the house quickly before any of my surfing buddies showed up looking for a ride to one of our regular North County spots like the Oceanside Pier or Tamarak in Carlsbad. If they only knew how much I hungered for cock, they would probably kick my ass. I was a pretty "normal" high school student; besides surfing, I ran track and played saxophone in the marching band. I was in good shape but too short for basketball and too skinny for football. I never had problems getting a date for all the formal dances and girls considered me "cute" with my long curly locks and my surfer's tan. But makeout sessions with girls just didn't do it for me, as I had dick on my mind 24/7. I was getting a reputation as chivalrous guy who didn't want to take advantage of an innocent girl like most of the horndogs my age, but deep down, I was more leacherous than any of them, daydreaming about being gangbanged by the entire football team and loving it!

I swung the Datsun out of the driveway and soon found myself on the I-5, heading south towards La Jolla. My heart was racing as I pulled in to the parking lot and looked around, making sure nobody from school was here that might recognize me. I grabbed my backpack and a big beach towel and followed a group of people heading towards the beach cliff trail. The trail was steep and narrow and the sandstone surface was like walking on marbles at times. I watched several of the mixed group of guys and girls ahead of me slip and recover, just to slip again. I learned from their mistakes and made it to the bottom with out a scratch!

I passed up the group as they paused to rearrange their coolers, beach chairs and other beach paraphernalia; jeez, are they spending the night?? I broke into a jog, knowing from the article I read the gay cruising area was about a quarter mile to the north. The loose sand was hard to run in, so I veered towards the ocean and the wet, hard packed sand. The air was damp and the sky was overcast, your typical "June gloom", perfect for jogging but not for sunbathing. Regardless, there were a few brave but cold souls in all their naked glory, laying on towels, playing frisbee and playing volleyball. I focused my attention ahead, as I spied an expanse of scrubby trees and brush lining the base of the sandstone cliffs, looking exactly as the article described it. Oh fuck, this is it and I'm not going back til I've sucked some cocks. Now up to this point, the only experience I've had with gay sex was with my 70 year old music teacher. He must have instinctively known I was gay because he told me about a dream he had about us both being naked. As he was describing the scene, he reached for my leg and my boner gave me away. Long story short, we carried on a secret relationship for years but it was very unsatisfying for me as he had erection issues and never came for me. So now, I was steeling my nerves for some real MAN sex! I slowed down to a brisk walk as I scanned the beach for activity, looking for obvious signs of man love. Even though I have a ravenous appetite for cock, I have limited experience in the ways of the gay but I'm confident it will come naturally.

SPEEDOS UP AHEAD!! Holy shit! If that's not a sign I'm in the right place, I don't know what is. I came to a dead stop, dropped my towel and backpack and took off my shirt. The hunks in speedos ignored me and kept walking towards the bushes at the base of the cliff. Damn, I'm wearing my board shorts and it's probably like a neon sign over my head "HETERO" The sun starts burning through the morning haze and I decided to ditch the shorts, this is a nude beach afterall! I spread out the towel and decide to sun my buns as I watch the parade of guys climbing the trail up to the bushes. There's quite a variety of men, tall, fat, skinny, hairy, dark, pale white. There's even one that reminds me of my music teacher. Some are wearing speedos and some are nude. I can feel my erection growing against the towel as I imagine sucking them all, one after another. I roll over onto my back and my boner points straight up at the sky. There's another sign! I'm going for it!! I pull on my board shorts and my cock makes them look like a pup tent. I adjust my cock flat against my belly so just the head is peeking out the top, with a glisteng drop of precum spreading down for all to see. I grabbed my gear and headed up the trail towards the bushes, following the rest of the men seeking relief. At the entrance to the bushes, a tall lean-muscled guy with a thick mustache looks me up and down and then after seeing my oozing glans, smiles and says have fun! He must be a lookout for cops or prudes, but I hope he gets a turn in the bushes... he's hot! I followed the well worn path into the bushes trying to imagine where all those hunky men went and what are they up to. The further I walked, the denser the brush got and the cool shade was a relief from the the sun which had now fully burned through the morning haze. I came to a fork in the path and decided to go left, which rose up abruptly into an opening devoid of any brush and I had to squint from the brightness. From my vantage point, I could see the ocean and then turned around and looked down on the beach which was starting to fill up with more MEN! I looked around and saw another guy in a clearing just like mine a few yards away. We briefly made eye contact and he smiled at me. I saw more men standing in similar clearings further north and it made me think of prairie dogs surveying the vast prairie outside their holes. I ducked back into the shade of the dense brush and backtracked till I got to the fork in the path, this time taking a right. The brush got heavier and the scent of tropical sunscreen was thick in the air. I followed my nose to an opening in the brush like a small room where two swarthy men stood embraced in a tongue kiss. They sensed my presence and broke the kiss to look at me. I'm sorry, I said looking down at my feet. That's ok kid come over here one said with a very heavy European accent. I tentatively walked up closer, knowing exactly what I wanted to do but too scared to actually make that move. I stood inches away from them, looking into their faces for some kind of instruction. They pulled me in closer and my hands instinctively reached into their speedos, grasping two thick, pulsating cocks. Yes , you like? They pushed down lightly on my shoulder and that was all the encouragement I needed to drop to my knees, and pull both their now fully erect cocks out of their speedos. They could pass for twins, even their cocks! They were both dark and their cocks were even darker. And they were uncirmcised! I had never seen or touched one before and now I had two to play with! I alternated between sucking and stroking each one, carefully pulling back the foreskin. They went back to passionately tongue kissing as I ministered to their throbbing boners. I closed my eyes for a moment, taking in the sounds and smells. This is so much better than the awkward sessions with my music teacher! These are REAL men with REAL cocks and I know they are going to fill my mouth with REAL cum! With my eyes still closed, I buried my nose in one set of balls and then the other, taking in the musky, masculine aroma. I could hear their soft moans as I licked the undersides of their ball sacs, pushing my tongue hard against their `taint. I also heard what sounded like a whirring high speed camera, the kind you see being used to shoot super models and pro sports. I opened my eyes to look around but one of the Euros grabbed me by my long hair, said OPEN and started to fuck my mouth with vigor. I could still hear the camera clicking but I no longer cared, I was getting what I came here for! The first Euro pulled out of my mouth with a long string of spit and precum trailing from the head of his cock to my lips. Before I could catch my breath, the second Euro grabbed my hair and savagely plunged his cock down my throat until he hit bottom, causing me to gag violently. I felt so ashamed and the Euro said sorry sorry as his cock stayed pulsing and dripping inches from my face. I gathered myself together, took a deep breath, opened wide and took his cock until it hit the gag point again, but this time, I willed myself not to gag and I pushed on until my nose was mashed against his hairy belly. I stayed there for a moment listening to his low moans and I could hear the camera whirring furiously in the background. I slowly pulled off his cock as I continued to stroke the other Euro and it was at this point I realized their cocks were quite different when fully erect. The one that gagged me was considerably longer whereas the other one was thicker. I took the thick one in my mouth, enjoying the way it completely filled my mouth and I let him begin to fuck my my face as I stroked the long one's cock, slick with my spit and his precum. Thick One picked up his pace, using long deliberate strokes that almost knocked me over. I let go of Long One's cock and grabbed Thick One's ass cheeks for balance and to assist his thrusts. I closed my eyes to soak in all the sensations and I could hear Long One furiously pounding away at his slippery cock and the frantic whirring of the unseen camera. I cumming I cumming I opened my eyes as Long One blasted my face before I had time to pull off Thick One and open my mouth wide to receive the last spurts of his copious cum shot. I rolled the cum on my tongue, savoring the flavor I'd been waiting for years. I peeled back the foreskin on his still throbbing yet shrinking cock and sucked on his glans until I was sure I had all of his yummy cum. He shuddered a little as I deep throated him down to his pubes. He patted me on the head as I pulled off of his gradually shrinking cock. I looked up into his eyes and said thank you. Thick One now had my undivided attention and I devoured his throbbing cock like a man who hasn't eaten for a week. I cupped his heavy balls in my right hand as I grabbed his ass with my left, urging him to fuck my face harder. He took the hint and grabbed fistfuls of my hair with both hands and reared all the way back, thrusting his hips with all of his might as he pulled my face onto his thick cock. He worked up a savage rhythm, pausing at the bottom of his stroke to grind against my face and I now had both hands on his ass cheeks, hanging on for dear life. He picked up the speed of his thrusts and I could feel his cock growing even thicker as I could taste the juices flowing heavier, a sure sign of an impending orgasm. My hunger for his cum made me intensify my ministrations as I fingered his hole and pressed my lips tighter against his pistoning cock, encouraging him to fill my mouth with his seed. He suddenly slowed the pace almost to a stop, taking long deliberate strokes, almost pulling out of my mouth only to slowly plunge down my throat, flattening my nose against his belly. On each upstroke, I could feel and taste the difference in his precum. It was thicker and saltier and I knew he was at that point.....I could hear the camera clicking furiously somewhere out of my line of vision.

Ahhhhh fuck he cried as he shot load after load of delicious cum into my hungry mouth. His body shuddered as he continued to ooze that white gold onto my tongue. I peeled back his foreskin and sucked on his glans, willing all his DNA into my eager mouth. He shook again and violently pulled me off his shrinking cock.... Enough! I looked up in to his eyes and said thank you. He reached down, gently touching my face with a finger. He wiped Long One's cum off my nose and cheek and held it to my lips. I gratefully opened my mouth and let him stick his finger in past the last knuckle. I licked the cum off and then sucked on his thick finger until he pulled it out, patted me on the head and said goodbye. I had been so focused on servicing the Euros that I hadn't noticed that several watchers had gathered nearby and by the looks of their erections, had been enjoying the entire show. My natural instinct said stay down on your knees and they'll come to you with their hardons in hand, but I wanted to find out who the fuck was taking pictures of me in that vulnerable position and what the fuck are they planning to do with them?!!

To be continued........

Next: Chapter 2

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