The Rebirth

By Tony James

Published on Mar 22, 2020



Hi guys. Here's a story about my favorite super heros. I grew up with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and I'm still a huge fan. I've often wondered what would happen if the rangers confronted Goldar and Zedd directly before the latter struck again. As always this is a work of fiction and is intended for entertainment purposes only. I have no knowledge of any of the actors sexual preferences or desires herein depicted. All characters names are the property of Saban Entertainment. Hope you guys enjoy it. I enjoy hearing from you guys. Drop me a line at


Tommy had just received his new White Ranger powers from Zordon and he was eager to test them against one of Lord Zedd's monsters.The courageous new leader of the Power Rangers gazed around the command center at all of his friends.For their part, the other Rangers were overjoyed to have Tommy back among them.Zack was particularly happy to see Tommy again.The Black Power Ranger had a crush on Tommy.He had been crushing on the handsome youth ever since Tommy first joined the team as the Green Ranger.The happy mood in the command center did not last long.

Zordon had just finished speaking when the siren went off.Zordon was a wise and powerful intergalactic wizard.He had been trapped in a time warp by the devious Reta Repulsa.Consequently, he was forced to help the Rangers from within a floating column of energy which fulfilled the dual purpose of maintaining Zordon's life force as well as enabling him to Interface with the earth's dimension.

"Lord Zedd's latest monster is attacking the industrial center!"Zordon exclaimed.

Jason stepped forward to address their mentor."Zordon, our Thunder Zords were damaged in the last battle with the Nimrod monster.We need time to repair them."Zordon was distressed to hear this." The situation is urgent.Tommy, you must engage the Nimrod monster until the others r able to join you.Go now and may the power protect you."

Tommy raised his new morpherto the sky and called upon the source of his strength." Tiger Zord."The command center was illuminated by a burst of pure white light and Tommy was gone.Streaking towards the battle in a burst of pure white light, Tommy found the terrible monster destroying the city." stop right there you ugly beast."Nimrod had just ripped apart a car and took no notice of Tommy except to throw a metal pipe at him.Tommy dodged the missile easily." if you won't stop on your own, I guess I have to stop you."Without delaying any further, Tommy launched a flying kick at the creature.His boot caught the creature squarely in its chest and sent it staggering back.Tommy then landed a combination of punches which floored Nimrod."Ah-ha, not so tough now are you."

From his lunarpalace, Lord Zedd watched the battle with growing rage." that power pipsqueak isn't going to defeat me!Not this time."He raised a hand and a silver grenade appeared in it."Grow Nimrod!Grow!"Laughing maniacally, the master of evil hurled the grenade to earth.

Nimrod had just managed to regain his feet when the grow bomb struck The ground beside him.There was a massive explosion and the evil creature was temporarily obscured from site Buy a billowing cloud of smoke.When it cleared, Tommy was confronted by a creature that was as tall as a New York skyscraper.Nimrod laughed as he brought his foot down on the White Ranger.Except that Tommy wasn't there anymore.The ground shuttered under the impact and Nimrod looked around for his quarry.The White Ranger was standing hands at his waste upon a nearby building.He tapped his foot unimpressed." is that all you got?"Tommy clicked his tongue." shame, Lauren Zedd must be losing his touch."With a roar of rage, Nimrod charged.A fist as big as a cement block crashed through the roof of the factory exactly where Tommy had been a second before.The White Ranger had jumped at the same moment that Nimrod's fist was descending."I'm tired of playing this game.It's time to bring you to an end."

Tommy pulled the enchanted saber from itsscabbard on his hip."What do you say Saba?Shall we end this now or later?"" activate the Tiger Zord."The enchanted sword agreed.

Tommy wasted no more time but gave the first command to his new Zord."White tiger Zord.Tiger mode.Battle ready now."

A ferocious roar echoed through the mountains surrounding Angel Grove.The White Tiger Zord raced to answer the call of it's new master.

Nimrod was laughing." what's the matter White Ranger?You're a little kitty cat sleeping?Nimrod grabbed a nearby telephone pole.Effortlessly, the monster ripped it from the ground and swung it like a baseball bat.At exactly the same moment, the white tiger Zord leaped into view.It was a magnificent machine, sleek and powerful.The Zord took the blow on its shoulder. The machine was completely undamaged, but the telephone pole splintered upon impact.Tommy laughed with glee." charge the monster!"He ordered his new Zord.

The magnificent white tiger rushed forward without hesitation.It collided with Nimrod, sending the terrible monster staggering.There was a flash of silver as the ferocious Zord raked its claws down the creature's chest leaving 4 long deep gashes in the monster's torso.Tommy jumped from the building to balance himself on top of his Zord.Nimrod had already recovered his balance." so you like it rough?Your toast White Ranger!"With that declaration, Nimrod sent a fireball hurtling towards Tommy.The Zord twitched and the missile destroyed a building.The White Ranger jumped into the white tiger Zord's control center."Ah, much better.Let's send this fire fly packing!"

Tommy activated one of his new Zord's powerful weapons.The Zord let out a mighty roar.The ground shook as though in the grip of a record setting earthquake.The vibration was so strong that it knocked Nimrod off his feet.

Tommy slid Saba into the control panel in front of him."White tiger Zord, convert to warrior mode now!"The machine shuttered all down its length, then begin to change.The Zord transformed from its tiger mode into its powerful warrior mode, ready to obey Tommy's commands."Saba, I want this Zord to follow my every move. Tommy proceeded to punch the air followed by a devastating front kick.Matching his motions, the Zord slammed into the Nimrod Monster.Quick as lightning, the Zord planted a massive fist in Nimrod's face, then delivered a front kick that sent the creature flying through the air."That was most impressive."Saba commented." thanks, let's wrap this guy up."

Lord Zedd's Monster wasn't going to give in without a fight.As quickly as he fell, Nimrod bounced back onto his feet again as strong as ever." I like to have power pop tarts for breakfast!Only I like them extra crispy."Nimrod proceeded to send blast after blast of lightning at the tiger Zord.The white tiger Zord was as agile as it was powerful and was easily able to avoid the blasts.Nimrod howled with frustration as lightning ball after lightning ball failed to find their target.Tommy's awesome new Zord capered as Nimrod's lightning danced and crackled all around it."What's the matter Nimrod?"Tommy taunted."Can't hit a moving target?Maybe you need new glasses."

Nimrod gathered all his remaining strength.Startled cries came from the residents of Angel Grove as all things electronic ceased to function.The entire town was plunged into darkness as every drop of electricity was drained away.Not just from the various electronics found in every home, but from the very power grid itself.

The air around the creature grew heavy and Tommy could smell ozone."Time to barbecue your steak Power Pest!"Nimrod unleashed all the energy he had stolen.The sky cracked open.The largest lightning bolt ever recorded -- many trillions of volts -- flashed down.It was heading straight for the Tiger Zord.

Tommy waited until the perfect moment, then he rolled hard to his right.The massive machine mimicked his action with the speed and grace of a cat.

A giant crater was blasted in the ground as the lightning bolt struck.The burst of light and noise momentarily disoriented the senses in the massive machine.When the view screens flickered to life again, Tommy saw Nimrod stalking towards him.The monster was incensed.What the fuck do I have to do to get rid of you Power Ranger?"You're just like a cockroach.Why don't you just fucking die?"Tommy rubbed his shoulder where he had slammed it against the wall of the Control Center as he answered."You can never get rid of us."

The White Ranger decided it was time to finish the battle.The ground was pitted and scarred from Nimrod's repeated attacks, but the White Tiger Zord itself had not a single mark upon it.The Zord could go for another few rounds, but Tommy didn't want to take the chance of a stray lightning bolt hitting the town.Tommycalled on another one of the white tiger Zord's special weapons."It's time to fight fire with fire!White tiger thunderbolt, armed and ready!"The red orb in the Zord's chest glowed brightly.With a blinding flash, a thunderbolt shot from the Zord.It exploded against Lord Zedd's terrible monster,.Screaming in both rage and pain, The monster was blasted into pieces.Nimrod The scarlet sentinel had finally been destroyed.

Back in the command center, Tommy celebrated his victory with his friends.The other rangers were suitably impressed with how Tommy had handled the latest threat.Zordon offered is congratulations." I commend you Tommy for The courage and strength you demonstrated today."Tommy shrugged."It was nothing."Zack punched Tommy playfully." I was watching on the viewing globe.It was simply awesome.Why don't we go to the juice bar to celebrate?My treat."Zack had men do invitation for Tommy only and the sub text was not lost on the other rangers.Billy shared a knowing smile with Jason."We'll be in the park if you guys need us.Go and have some fun."

Zack and Tommy sat alone at the counter of the Juice Bar.They both had plates piled high with French fries in front of them and tall glasses of Ernie's latest experiment.It was some kind of blend of pineapple, orange juice, and a secret ingredient that Ernie refused to divulge.Whatever the combination, it was cold and refreshing.

Zack looked carefully around the juice bar to make sure they were alone before he leaned close to Tommy." look man, I've been doing some thinking and I say it's time we go on the offensive."Tommy was interested." we're not supposed to use our powers for personal gain."He reminded his fellow ranger.Zack twitched as though to dislodge an irksome fly." I know the rules as well as you do.I'm getting tired of sitting around doing nothing and always waiting for the next attack.It's time we take the fight to the enemy."

Tommy popped a fry into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully." we could get into a lot of trouble you know.We may even get our asses fired from the team."Zack sighed." you're right. Just forget about it.It was a bad idea."

Tommy reached out and squeezed Zack's hand.The Black Ranger felt a tingling in his fingers." I didn't say it was a bad idea.I'm just making sure you know what the consequences might be.We were given these incredible powers always to defend never to attack."Tommy paused briefly before continuing."I agree with you though.We've followed the rules for over a year by this point.Yes we have emerged triumphant every time against Lord Zedd, but he is relentless.Sooner or later, he's going to create a monster that even we can't defeat.What is your plan?"

Zack brightened."It's really quite simple.All we have to do is convince The other rangers that this is a good idea and then use the Command Center's teleporter to get ourselves to the moon.Once they're, we can morph and use our power weapons to damage Lord Zedd's creepy crib."

Tommy's eyes were glowing with excitement." that's a great plan.Only, why stop at our power weapons?Why not summon hour Zords?The Zords are far larger and far more powerful than even the power blaster.I think we should do that."Zack agreed enthusiastically." let's go trash the palace."Tommy only had one more word of warning." remember, we are the Power Rangers and we are here to protect our planet.Let's go scare Lord Zedd, but let's also try our best not to hurt him."

The other rangers were surprisingly agreeable.Jason in particular felt he had a score to settle with Goldar." I say we do it!"

Billy spoke up."I'm not sure about this plan."Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Trinny, and Tommy all looked at him waiting for an explanation.Billy continued." i'm not saying it's a bad idea.I would just like to point out that we may not have access to our powers that far away from earth.The moon is approximately 238,855 miles away.That's 0.0000000406311 lightyears.The earth's gravitational rotation combined with the moons weak magnetic field..."Billy trailed off as he noticed the glazed expressions on the faces of his friends.He sighed."It probably won't be a problem, but I just thought I would mention it.I'm in."

Zordon was not pleased.After the Rangers had discussed the plan a little more - Kimberly adding a few good ideas here and there - the team had teleported to the Command Center." Rangers, I commend you for your courage and your dedication to the protection of your home planet, but the rules r quite clear.You must never use your powers for personal gain.You must never escalate a fight unless Lord Zedd forces your hand.You must never reveal your identity as Power Rangers to anyone."Zordon paused for a moment.He was clearly thinking over the situation." I have scanned our data banks and I can conclude that what you are proposing to do is unprecedented.I have never known your judgment to be faulty before.If you truly believe that this step is necessary in order to preserve the safety of the earth...then go now and may the power protect you."

Alpha 5 Who have been silent up to this point, now spoke." I have already made the necessary adjustments to both The power generator and the teleporter.Once you arrive on the moon, you will have 1 and a half earth hours to complete your mission.After that I cannot guarantee your powers will remain stable.""90 minutes will be plenty for what we have in mind."Tommy assured the automaton.

The teleporter glowed with energy.One after the other, the Rangers stepped through the Gateway and vanished from the face of the earth."Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi Zordon!I hope they no what their doing!"Alpha exclaimed."Don't worry Alpha.I have full confidence in our young friends.The rangers are many things, but stupid is not one of them."

The rangers materialized on the moon.They took a moment to look around them selves.Fortunately for them, Lord Zedd had cast a spell on his palace so it would always be located on the side facing the sun.

The palace was a large forbidding structure constructed of Blackstone.At the head of a flight of steps stood 2 massive iron doors.The doors natural strength had been further enhanced and reinforced by a dozen powerful spells.The entrance was flanked by two large skeletons.The skeletons were carrying wicked blades.On the roof sat a very large and very ugly gargoyle.The team shivered.The palace seemed to exude evil.

Tommy was the first to break the erie silence." come on guys let's do this.It's morphing time."

In unison, the rangers raised their morphers to the void of space and called upon their dinosaurs."Tiger Zord.""Mastodon!"" pterodactyl!"" triceratops!"" sabertooth tiger!"" Tyrannosaurus!"

In a blinding flash of energy, The six teenagers were transformed into the Power Rangers.Tommy the White Ranger.Zack the Black Ranger.Kimberly the Pink Ranger.Billy the Blue Ranger.Trinny the Yellow Ranger.Jason the Red Ranger.Together they were a formidable fighting force.

Tommy was the first to act.Raising his hand, Tommy summoned Saba.The magnificent magical sword appeared from thin air."Ok buddy."Tommy said to his partner." give it your best shot."Saba's eyes glowed with glee."Aim for the gargoyle."Tommy did so.A second later, twin blasts of energy shot from The enchanted weapon.Saba scored a direct hit.A huge hole was punched in the chest of the ugly statue and pieces of stone flu through the air.They didn't actually fly of course, but it was impressive nonetheless.Saba destroyed what remained of the ugly creature.

No doubt summoned by the destruction of the gargoyle, Goldar suddenly appeared among them.

The hulking figure of One of the Rangers oldest enemies shimmered into view.His primarily gold armor was offset by his pail blue face.Massive golden wings rose from his shoulders, completing the intimidating picture.The Rangers were far from intimidated.Goldar spoke in a gravelly growl."Master we have power geeks to deal with."Jason somersaulted to stand before Goldar." that's right you overgrown golden baboon.We've come to deliver a very clear message.Don't ... fuck ... with ... us."With that declaration, Jason roundhouse kicked Goldar in the face.The creature saw the kick coming, but was still too slow to block it.Jason's boot landed squarely in Goldar's face.He staggered, but didn't go down.The Red Ranger followed up with a rite hook.His fist connected solidly with Goldar's chin.The alien's head snapped back.Goldar attempted to defend himself, but Jason would have none of it.Back on earth, the Rangers had agreed that Goldar would likely be the most dangerous threat and therefore it was crucial that he be eliminated from the equation as quickly as possible.Rite left rite.Pow pow pow.

Goldar was trying to retreat now.Jason, instead of backing off, pressed his advantage.He hit Goldar with a sweeping kick that took the legs out from beneath him.This time, Goldar was able to strike back.As he fell, the alien grabbed one of Jason's legs.The Red Ranger had not been expecting this.Jason was polled momentarily off-balance.Goldar seized his chance.He was back on his feet in an instant.He drew his gleaming sword from no where." fight me now pathetic power punk."He sneered.Jason made know reply, but drew the power sword." you will pay for stealing my morpher!"He promised."Also for stealing the dragon dagger.You will answer for a thousand other crimes.""" I will enjoy crushing your planet one city at a time.Starting with Angel Grove."

While Jason was fighting Goldar, the other Power Rangers had not been idle.They had drawn their own unique power weapons and were methodically destroying the palace.Zack, the black Power Ranger was using his power ax to blast away the skeletons flanking the doors.The skeletons had come to life when The gargoyle had been destroyed.They were doing their best to turn Zack into Power confetti, but the black Power Ranger was more than equal to them.They seemed unusually resilient, but Zack was determined and soon they lay in a pile of shattered bones all around him.Kimberly was using her power bow.Pink streaks of energy flew toward the palace.They left deep craters in The masonry.Trinny and Billy had taken on a group of Z-Putties Who had come from no where.They made short work of their opponents.When the last Putty had disintegrated, The other rangers rushed to stand with Jason.

The Red Ranger had held his own so far, but Goldar was proving to be a skilled fighter.Their blades had crossed again and again.Once or twice they had even locked and Jason was able to force his enemy back by exerting pressure on the power sword, but Goldar had been able to use the same trick against Jason.Slowly but inexorably, Jason found himself retreating as the large alien employed all of his considerable strength.

Goldar had been jeering as he had forced Jason back, but now he hesitated as he saw the entire power team arrayed against him.Tommy spoke first."Flee Goldar.Flee from our galaxy and never return.This is your last chance."Goldar tried to sneer, but he was nervous." what if I refuse?"He demanded." we will finish you."Jason said simply.Goldar was no fool."You power Brats haven't seen the last of me!"His promise delivered, Goldar vanished.

The teens knew it was time for phase 2 of the plan.Mysteriously enough, Lord Zedd had not yet put in an appearance.Jason intended to change that in a hurry."Ok guys, let's do it.Let's bring them together."The Rangers knew what to do.

Zack went first."Power ax!"He cried and threw it.The weapon spun end over end through the air then came to a horizontal stop.Kimberly, the Pink Ranger went next."Power bow!"The elegant weapon locked into place on top of the power ax." Power daggers!"The Yellow Ranger cried.Clang clang.The power daggers locked into place.Billy was the second to last ranger." Power lance!"Clang!The almost completed weapon was glowing with energy.Jason was last."Power sword!"Jason jumped up pie and locked his weapon on top of the others.The power blaster was now complete.All of the Rangers were required to support its weight.

Finally, Lord Zedd appeared.Tall and skeletally thin, Lord Zedd had tried and failed to retrieve the Zeo Crystal.The Zeo Crystal had not agreed with him.The outcome of this conflict was a creature that was humanoid in shape, but with skin burned raw red.Though none of the Rangers had the slightest desire to touch him, Zedd's skin looked bumpy and scaly like a reptile.Mysterious silver tubing ran through his frame and his hands were adorned with silver claws.

Lord Zedd was incandescent with rage." how dare you power poodles trespass on my land!"Tommy spoke up."We are here to offer you a chance to step before we destroy your palace.Step now and step fast."Lord Zedd sneered." you guys are just infants.You don't have the authority to send me anywhere!"The villain raised his z staff." I think I will turn you into a pack of poodles and keep you up here to amuse me." Tommy leapt and kicked the staff out of Zedd's grasp.

Simultaneously, The rest of the team fired the power blaster."Power rangers!"There was a high-pitched whine.It Rose and Rose until only dogs could hear it.A large ball of energy shot from the blaster.It struck the palace.

Lord Zedd's magic was extremely potent.The palace had stood for more than 10 thousand years.The doors should have held.They did not.The instant the ball of energy touched them, the doors disappeared in a cascading rainbow.They didn't merely shatter, they disintegrated utterly.

The team moved into the palace.They could clearly hear Zedd cursing fluently as he fought the White Ranger.Even with out his staff, he was still a formidable fighter end it took all of Tommy's considerable skill to hold his own.

Zedd tried to floor Tommy with a clothesline, but the White Ranger back flipped out of it.He next attempted to sweep the legs out from beneath his opponent, but Tommy somersaulted over him.

Zedd pivoted sharply, but before he could strike again, Tommy had grabbed him by both wrists.The youth used a combination of the week gravity and his own unique powers to hoist his foe into the air.Standing in place, Tommy began to spin around.Faster and faster. Zedd's body was still suspended in mid air by his wrists thanks to centrifugal force."Let me go!Let me go!You will be sorry for this.I swear on everything that is unholy!Let me go!"Tommy didn't bother to respond, but spun still faster.Clouds of dust billowed up.The hard surface beneath Tommy's boots was becoming eroded as they vanished into a whirlwind of red and white.

A few seconds later, Zedd found himself hurtling through the air.Straight towards the solid wall of the palace.Tommy had learned long ago to use whatever hard surface was available and there was no question that Bone could ever compete with stone.Zedd crashed into the wall and his momentum carried him through it.If the fight had taken place on earth, debris would've rained down all around him, but though the stone did shatter, it merely floated lazily through the air.Tommy somersaulted after him.Zedd found his feet in a matter of seconds.

Tommy kicked out at him, but Zedd was ready for it this time.Grabbing Tommy's boot as it rocketed toward his chest, Zedd used The White Ranger's momentum against him.Before Tommy knew what was happening, Zedd had flipped him onto his back.The evil being seized his chance.

Tommy had only time enough to register what had just happened then Zedd was on him.Blows rained down.Tommy blocked several of them, but just as many got under his guard.Zedd landed several punches to Tommy's chest and face, but fortunately for the White Ranger, his suit and powers were able to minimize the blows.He could feel them as though from a distance."I'm going to kill you for this!"Zedd snarled.He took a vicious swipe at Tommy's face.His silver claws screeched across Tommy's faceplate.The helmet stopped the worst of the attack.Tommy suddenly kicked up and out with both feet.Zedd, consumed with animalistic rage as he was, failed to anticipate the blow and as a result, he found himself airborn.He flipped end over end then fetched up against a newel post.The entire staircase shuttered, but held.

Tommy hand-sprung to his feet.Zedd had barely recovered when he found himself being forced outside again.

Meanwhile, the other Rangers were moving deeper and deeper into the palace.The interior of Lord Zedd's domain was a labyrinth of twisting corridors lined with torches.Hideous statues stood sentry every few feet.The creatures attacked the rangers but they simply blasted them to dust.They reached the throne room at the heart of the structure and reduced it to so much rubble.Much of the palace remained.The Rangers had deliberately left the superstructure standing.Time was running out, but they still had one more step in their plan.

Jason spoke for all of them." let's join the power of thunder!"In sequence, the five Rangers called upon their funder Zords." mastodon lion Thunder Zord power!"" pterodactyl firebird Thunder Zord power!"" triceratops unicorn Thunder Zord power.""Saber tooth tiger griffin Thunder Zord power!"" Tyrannosaurus red dragon Thunder Zord power!"

From the depths of the Morphing Grid, The five Thunder Zords roared to life and rushed to the Power Rangers aid.Led by the red dragon Thunder Zord, the Zords combined to form the powerful mega Thunder Zord. The mega Thunder Zord proceeded to punch a large hole in the palace.

Lord Zedd looked up from his fight with Tommy.His momentary inattention was all that Tommy needed.Pow pow!Tommy hit the self-proclaimed master of evil with The old one too knock out punch, flooring him.Zed gazed up at the White Ranger.Saba came down and stopped quivering 3 inches from his throat.Tommy spoke calmly."You have two choices.You can either crawl back into whatever black hole you came out of or..."Saba dropped an inch." I end it now."Behind them, the mega Thunder Zord kicked out One of the many decorative columns which had supported the roof.Zed snarled, but he knew he had been defeated at last." I surrender.Damn you power brats!I surrender."Saba dropped another inch.The tip of the enchanted blade was touching Lord Zedd's throat now." are you sure?"Tommy asked conversationally as massive thunder mortar bombs shattered One entire wall of the palace.At least 2/3 of the palace remained." yes you miserable power pipsqueak!Tommy withdrew Saba." go now and don't let us catch you anywhere in our galaxy again."Zed rose slowly."Serpentera, to me."Tommy started as the massive machine rose from the lunar surface.He began to raise Saba threateningly, but Zedd waved him down." I need a way to get out of here.Actually, come to think of it, there are lots of other galaxies I could be conquering.You have won White Ranger.I won't be seeing you.I wish you a very painful and protracted death."Waving goodbye, The nemesis of the Power Rangers took his leave.

Tommy stood watching as Serpentera grew smaller and smaller.A considerable piece of stone was flung after it.Tommy couldn't be sure at this distance, but he thought the fragment of stone had clipped Serpentera.

It was time to deliver the final blow." White tiger Zord, tiger mode, battle ready now!"The morphing grid stirred again.The white tiger raced through a jungle composed of energy.It burst into physical being several yards away from its master.Tommy leapt into the control center immediately." White tiger Zord, convert to warrior mode now!"Once again, the magnificent white tiger transformed from its tiger mode into its powerful warrior mode.Tommy knew that only minutes remained to them."All right guys, let's finish this."

The white tiger Zord and the mega Thunder Zord stood side by side."It's time for the thunder saver."Reaching to its own waste, the mega Thunder Zord drew its final weapon."Thunder Saber battle action!" The blade of the Thunder Saber blazed into life."On three let's finish this.Fire all weapons, maximum power!"Tommy counted."One ... two ... three!"

At the count of three, the two powerful machines unleashed everything they had.Thunder mortar bombs shot from the legs of the thunder Mega Zord.Pulses of energy shot from its eyes.Spinning razor sharp disks fired from its chest.The thunder saber rose and fell.Again and again and again.

Next to it, the white tiger Zord had its arms outstretched.White tiger missiles were launching one after the other from its palms.Bolts of Energy were also coming from its eyes.Not just the eyes of the warrior, but also from the eyes of the tiger.At last, Tommy used his finisher."White tiger thunderbolt, armed and ready."The thunderbolt completely obliterated what remained of Lord Zedd's erstwhile palace.

When they had returned to Angel Grove, the teens celebrated their victory.Now that the evil had gone permanently, the Rangers felt they could finally relax.Zordon and Alpha 5 had congratulated the Rangers upon their return.After a brief meeting in the command center, The six young people had all split.They were determined to have an extended vacation.

Zack and Tommy ended up at Zack's crib.Actually, they had ended up in Zack's crib...quite literally.

Zack kicked the door of his apartment closed and Tommy shoved him against the wall.Their tongues dueled and their paws were all over each other.Zack broke the kiss." I never knew you were gay."He panted.Tommy nibbled on his earlobe.The hands of the White Ranger slid down to grip Zack's muscular ass.Pulling their bodies together, Tommy ground his crotch against Zack's.Their cops were steel and both of them were leaking copiously.

Tommy pushed away from Zack only long enough to divest the ladder of his shirt.Zack whimpered as Tommy licked and sucked his sensitive tits.Tommy dropped to his knees.His face was on a level with his friend's crotch.Tommy rubbed Zack's cock through the denim.Zack's head fell back against the wall."Hmm, that feels good."

Tommy undid Zack's jeans.They fell to the floor.Tommy was delighted to discover his teammate went commando, despite the fact that Zack's 10 inch tool almost poked out his eye when it spraying out like a jack in the box.He jerked his head back just in time."Woe dude!You're dick is huge."Zack smiled down at his friend."You like?"Tommy didn't answer verbally, but only gave his friend's dick a long lick.His tongue started at the base and traveled all the way to the head.It swirled around it and even dipped into Zack's piss slit.

Zack moaned loudly as he felt Tommy's tongue."Fuck yeah man.That feels epic!Suck my cock boy!"

Tommy did as he was bid.The bbc was uncut and when Tommy pulled back the foreskin, he revealed a Beautiful mushroom head covered in pre-cum.Zack moaned out as he felt Tommy's lips closer on him.Zack had fantasized about this moment for so long.He spread his legs as best he could to allow Tommy better access.Tommy played with Zack's large balls.He even licked and sucked them, driving Zack crazy."Fuck!Yeah man.Lick those balls."

Tommy was thoroughly enjoying himself, but he didn't want it to end quite so soon.He gave Zack's luscious dick One more long lick before standing up again.

Zack whimpered." don't stop man.I am so fucking close!"Tommy chuckled as he shed his clothes." I know and believe me I want you to cum just as much as you do."Tommy stood with his back to Zack. He spread his legs to shoulder width.Zack's eyes widened as they beheld the magnificent ass in front of him." dude are you for real?"Even as he asked the question, Zack kicked off his jeans and moved closer."You want me to fuck you?"Tommy looked over his shoulder and gave his teammate a wink." that's the general idea."Zack spread Tommy's ass open even more.He took some precum from his own dick and spread it over Tommy's hole.The White Ranger moaned as Zack pushed a finger inside." damn dude your pussy is nice and tight.Are you sure about this? Once I sink my dick in your boy pussy I'm not going to be able to stop."Tommy looked over his shoulder again and rolled his eyes." dude, just fuck me already.Fuck now, ask questions later."

Zack lined his dick up with Tommy's hole.He grabbed Tommy by the hips." OK white boy, you asked for it."

Zack shoved his cock into Tommy's ass.Zack's cock was drooling like a dog does at the prospect of a juicy steak and as a result, The two boys didn't need any additional lube.Both boys cried out in pleasure as Zack came to rest Barry half way.He gave Tommy a few seconds to get used to his length and girth, then he started to move.He thrust his hips, driving his dick deeper and deeper every time.Soon Tommy was taking all 10 inches and loving it."Yeah man!Fuck that boy pussy.Damn, your dick feels so good in my ass.Give me every fucking inch!"

Zack sped up.He was fucking Tommy now like a machine and nothing was going to stop the impending climax.Reaching around, Zack found Tommy's rigid cock.It was only a few inches shorter than Zack's but it to was slick with desire.Zack pumped the other boy's dick in time with his own thrusts.

After what seemed like forever, but was in reality only about five minutes, both boys reached the point of no return."Oh fuck!Fuck I'm cumming!"Tommy cried.Zach sped up his stroking of the other boy.Tommy's entire body tensed as he crested the wave and tumbled over the edge.Zack felt the dick pulsing beneath his fingers as long sticky ropes of jizz blasted out.Tommy's ass clenched around the large bbc.Zack continued to fuck Tommy through his climax and poured cum up his ass.

They came down slowly.Zack loved the feeling of his warm ball juice surrounding his softening cock.He pulled out with a slight feeling of regret."Dude, that was phenomenal!""Morphenomenal!"Tommy agreed breathlessly.

Zack knelt behind Tommy and began licking up the jizz that had leaked out of the other boy's hole.Tommy groaned as Zack worked.Zack had eaten his own cum several times before, but never out of another guys ass.It was great!

Zack had swallowed most of his milk, but he kept a small amount in his mouth.Turning Tommy around, Zack pressed his lips against Tommy's mouth.Tommy opened up and tasted Zack's cum.The taste was electric.The two boys passed the nut butter between their mouths for a few seconds.

Finally Tommy swallowed it." I love the way you taste."Zack grinned." I always aim to please."Zack sank to his knees again and took Tommy's soft dick into his mouth.Now it was Tommy's turn to articulate his pleasure as his friend worked him over.Tommy had just shot his load not two minutes before but that didn't matter.His dick quickly those two attention as Zack sucked on it.Zack loved the way his Friends cock felt in his mouth as it hardened to its full 7 inches.His original intention had only been to clean Tommy's dick, but that notion quickly went out the window as he felt his own dick stir to life again.

Tommy placed his hands on Zack's head and started to fuck his friends face.Zach was a natural born cocksucker to begin with, but Billy had taught him a few more tricks in secret.He brought all those skills to bare now, determined to feel his friend explode down his throat.

Tommy pulled out quite abruptly and Zack looked up at him confused.When he spoke, Tommy's words were clipped and to the point."Bedroom, 69, now."Zack started to rise to his feet, but Tommy had other ideas.The White Ranger picked his friend up easily and Carrie him to his bedroom.Once there, Tommy dropped Zak onto the king sized bed and fell on top of him.Zack loved Tommy's weight pressing down upon him, but he quickly switched their positions so that he was once again on top.He felt Tommy take him into his mouth and Zack quickly copied him.The Black Ranger swallowed his friends dick until his nose was buried in his balls.Tommy growled deep in his throat and sucked the bbc harder.Reaching up, Tommy ran a finger down The crack of Zack's ass eliciting a moan that vibrated through his dick.Tommy swallowed and Zack's cock, which had only been in his mouth halfway, slid The rest of the way down until he had swallowed the bbc to the base.Zack loved The way Tommy's throat constricted around his shaft.

The two boys sucked each other's dick for all they were worth.Zack could feel the cum building in his balls.Zack raised his mouth until only the head rested inside.Tommy was fucking his mouth frantically.He pushed on Zack's hips and the black boy pulled his dick out until only the head was inside the warm wet mouth.

They both exploded at the same time.Zack felt his body spill out into Tommy's eager mouth.At the same time, his own mouth was full of the salty flavor of man milk.Zack swallowed as quickly as he could.Tommy was gulping down Zack's ball juice like a man dying of thirst.

Finally, the 2 boys were spent.They cuddled side-by-side in Zack's enormous bed.Kissing softly, the friends shared one another's taste."That was really sick!"Zack murmured against Tommy's lips.The White Ranger agreed."I'm glad we finally did this."His hand drifted over Zack's flat tummy.Zack was drifting on a happy cloud and didn't choose to respond.In fact, he was almost asleep.

Tommy lay quietly thinking about everything the power team had been through over the last couple of years.Between Rita, Goldar, and Zedd - the rangers hadn't had a single moment of peace.Although he was happy that Goldar and Zedd had fled the Galaxy, he wondered what would happen to The Power Rangers now.Tommy yawned and snuggled closer to Zack.His last comforting thought before he fell asleep was that Angel Grove and the world was finally safe.

Tommy was wrong.Even as the 2 boys had sex together, a new and more powerful force was approaching.King Mondo, Queen Machina, and Prince sprocket.Together, they formed the house of gadgetry.King Mondo had already enslaved most of the universe with his machine empire.His final Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were finished.In their place, there rose a new and more Advanced fighting force, capable of taking on the machine empire and winning.Tommy will become the leader of the zeo rangers.

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