The Realtor

By Edward Chong

Published on Mar 27, 2007



Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the express permission from the author, me. If you have that need, just e-mail me. If you have any feedbacks, just e-mail me. If you wish to know me, just e-mail me.

The following is a fictional, graphical depiction of sex between men. It contains many BDSM elements such as bondage, spanking, waxing, tit torture, electro torture, and good old fucking. If you're not supposed to read this, then don't go any further. If you don't like to read something like this, then do find another story. After all, there are plenty to be found here. If these BDSM elements tickle your fancy, go ahead and read on, but I do suggest you strip naked and have some tissues handy. This is going to be one hot ride straight down to orgasm. Have fun. I know I did.

************************************************************* The Realtor *************************************************************

I am early.

As usual, I am early. I have never been late for an appointment before, especially not for a prospective buyer like this one. Mr. Dark has seen this apartment once. I can tell from his expression that he likes it. Now that he is asking to see it for a second time, and so urgently at night too, this deal is definitely set. Mr. Dark, heh, what a weird name. And why does he want to see the house so late at night?

I must admit that this is not the best of my properties on hand, but for the price range, and my mediocre skills as a real estate agent, this could be a break for me. Not a big one, but still a break. It's been three months since I have started in this field and I have yet to sell a single item. It may be a small two-bedroom apartment, but it's fully furnished. The commission may be tiny, but it's crucial if I want to keep going in this line. Ah, there he is, arriving in his BMW and all its glory. Why would he be interested in a cheap unit like this is beyond me. And quite frankly, I don't care as long as I make the sale.

"Good evening, Edward. Sorry to call on you so late." Mr. Dark greeted me as he exits his car. I gave the polite acknowledgement and a smile, trying not to seem angry or eager.

"I'll be frank, Edward. I really like this apartment. Sure, it's small and cheap and the location is not really ideal, but I like the way it is furnished. What little renovation it has really hits my perks, you know. It's important that when you buy an apartment, it makes you feel at home."

Well said, Mr. Dark. Well said. I think you will make a better realtor than I. It's not that I am uncomfortable with this small talk as we ride the elevator, but at the back of my mind something keeps buzzing. I can't shake the feeling that something is not entirely right with this guy. He seems, a little too eager. And I'm the one who is trying to make a sale. Maybe I really am a lousy realtor. And what's with the duffel bag that he is carrying?

"Here we are, Mr. Dark." I said as I opened the door to the apartment and led him inside. "Let me get the lights and "

That was all I remembered.

That, and a strong, awful smell.

When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is Mr. Dark. He stood over me, naked. Naked and hard.

I am lying down on a bed. I tried to move but realized that my hands and legs are bound to the four bedposts with ropes.

I tried to speak, but found something hard has lodged itself in my mouth. It felt like rubber. Rubber in the shape of a small cock. Oh I get it. A cock gag.

And under these circumstances, one would normally be naked too. Am I naked? I tried to lift my head and look down. Yep, I am naked. Naked and hard. What the hell?

I feel another thing adorns my neck. A collar no doubt. Hey, I may be a lousy realtor, but I know a BDSM scene when I see one, or in this case, when I am in one. Oh shit. What have I gotten myself into?

"Are we comfortable, Edward?" Mr. Dark asks, seemingly rhetorical. It has to be, since I am gagged and can't speak.

"You look comfortable. I know I am." He chuckled.

"Before we begin, let me tell you the truth. What I like about this apartment, like I mentioned earlier, is the furnishing. The decor gives out a certain feel, one that demands attention, and domination. It's sexy. Think about it, Edward. You are in a client's house, showing me around, a prospective buyer, in the dead of the night. The neighbors are all asleep, and even if they are not, they cannot hear you and cannot help you. I, on the other hand, have complete control over you. I will use your body to my pleasure. I will make you moan, groan, cry, scream, and beg, not particularly in that order of course. And I promise you. You will love every second of it!"

With that, he placed a blindfold over my eyes and everything went black again. I am so scared I am about to piss in my pants. Wait, I am not wearing any.

Before I could gather my thoughts, I felt a sharp bite on my left nipple. The clamps. It's only natural for him to start with the clamps. As the other clamp bites down on my right nipple, I bite into the gag. He pulled on the chain attaching the clamps away from my body, not too strongly, but letting me know who is in charge. I hissed into the gag.

Well, maybe I should explain here that I am gay. At least I think I am gay. A virgin at 27, I don't really brand myself as homosexual. I am beginning to think that I am asexual! I am, definitely, not into the BDSM scene though. Still, I have read enough homoerotic literature to know what to expect in a scene. Otherwise, one would panic by now and having an emotional battle with himself, trying desperately to convince himself that this is not what he likes, and using the last ounce of his willpower to convince himself to not feel excited about it. But the fact is, I am excited about it. My cock is rock hard. I haven't had a good jerk off in days, no thanks to this new job. Showing people around, house after house, day and night, and making no sale at all. I wasn't in the mood for sex. But I sure am now, and it doesn't seem like I have a choice. Don't get me wrong, I am scared. I am scared I won't make it out of this alive, but like I said, I don't have a choice, do I? Naked, tied, blindfolded, gagged, I can't even scream for help. My nipples are burning with pain, or is it pleasure?

Touch. I felt his hands touching my skin, from my chest, to my abs, to my navel, avoiding my crotch, and went down my legs. Slowly, teasingly, he lightly caresses every inch of my body, except for my crotch, which he ignored totally, until he had to put the cock rings on me, and tied off my balls with what I would assume to be a parachute stretcher. It felt like a parachute stretcher. I have seen the pictures so I can guess how it would feel like. He must have tied the parachute to the foot of the bed with a rope because I felt my balls being pulled taut. There's tension, but not pain. Wait, the cock ring is not a cock ring. It's a Gates of Hell. Oh Hell.

But man, did that feel erotic! I haven't been touched by anyone before, and now I know what they are talking about. The sensuousness of the touch, it's electrifying! It's like a sensation that borderlines itchiness, and comfort. You would want him to touch you with more strength just to feel normal, but you want him to continue like this because it doesn't feel normal. It feels, arousing. It makes me want to moan.

And now he is moving his hands down to my ass, cupping the buns and lightly squeezing them. He blew on my hole, and I shiver. Well, as much as the bondage allows anyway. Then something cold is applied to my ass. Lubricants. The gentle nudging of a finger, and then with a bit of force, it pushed itself past the sphincter and into my rectum. This is the first time someone other than myself is finger-fucking me. And I can't say I dislike it. The hot feeling of something poking at my backdoor, the thrusting and twisting digit that is scratching and searching for my love button, they are almost overwhelming.

He was gentle with his finger. He was slow and methodical. Saliva has slowly begun to overflow from the side of my mouth, squeezing past the gag. If you listen carefully, you will hear my soft moans in that silent apartment. He is right; I am beginning to enjoy this. And I have started moaning.

After a while, he adds another finger to his fucking. I can feel the heat permeating from my body. The room is warm. I am beginning to sweat lightly. I am moaning a little louder. I cannot bear these sensations that I am feeling inside me right now. It's all so new to me, and I feel like I am going to explode if I don't moan louder. So I moan louder.

Then I felt it. Like an electric shock that made me gasped for air, sending my mind and body into overdrive. He found it. My prostate. He hit it again with his fingers, and I tried to arch myself from the bed, pulling on my balls in effect, but the ropes held me down. He was using both his fingers to massage my joy button, making me moan very loud, making me feel like I need to cum, or piss. He began to scratch it with his fingernails. I was on the verge of screaming. It was maddening. He's gotta stop this or I will explode, but he has to keep doing it, because I am liking it!

When he withdrew his fingers, I protested, but was silenced by the gag. I think Mr. Dark heard me anyway, because he told me not to worry, and something else will soon occupy my hungry hole. And true to his words, I feel a blunt and slightly cold object trying to enter me. It felt rubbery. A dildo. Didn't take Mr. Dark much effort to slide that toy fully into me. He must be good to open me up so quickly. I am a virgin after all, and other than my finger and a small vibrator, I don't have many toys to stuff my behind with. Or maybe it's a small dildo that he's using. Just for starters.

Without warning, he pulled the dildo out full-length, leaving only the head inside. I groaned from the deepest part of me. Slowly, he pushed it back in. After a while, he pulls it back out again. Push in again, pull, push, pull, push. I am now delirious with arousal and I can tell my cock is leaking a massive amount of pre-cum. How do I know? I can feel it pooling up on my navel. The wet, warm, and sticky pre-cum. I can even feel the string of it from my cock head to the pool on my navel, feeling it swing around in the air every time my cock jerks.

Mr. Dark played with the dildo for some time. When he got tired of it, he replaced the dildo with a cold, metallic egg. It doesn't vibrate. If it doesn't vibrate, then what's the point of having it in me? Well, just having it pressing at my prostate feels pretty good though.

And now, some lubricants on my cock head. Ah, he is going to jerk me off finally. After I cum, then we can go home and live our own separate lives. I do hope with this service, he would buy the apartment though.

My cock is so hard, mainly because this is my first time, partly because this is turning me on, and mostly because of the Gates of Hell. When Mr. Dark stroked my cock, it felt like all the rings are scraping at the inner tissues of my cock. I could feel distinctly each ring moving up and down my cock. My balls are also being pulled with each jerk, stretching them further and further away from my body. I am beyond moaning now.

Mr. Dark kept doing this for a long time. It doesn't seem that he will stop until I have cummed. And it's not going to take long. I can feel it building up in my balls. A few more minutes and I will be blowing my wad all over the place. I hope they don't get on the sheets or I will have one hell of a time cleaning up later. Worse if Mr. Dark decides not to buy in the end, and only used this opportunity to ensnare me in his little devious plan for his little wicked game.

Oh, ah, a few more, a few more strokes, yes, stroke my cock, yes, grip it tight, yes, make it hurt, yes make me cum, make me cum, make me CUM!!!

And cum I did. They spurted out of my cock like a geyser. The hot, molten lava of my balls sears through the inside of my cock, and erupted onto my face, my chest, and my abs. I laid there panting, not that there was anything else I could do.

I was panting, trying to catch my breath, when I felt a smarting feeling over my cock head. I nearly screamed. The sensation returns again, and this time, it is constant. Mr. Dark, you evil bastard. You are giving me a Rosy Palm right after I cum! What a sadistic man. The feeling was crazy. My legs were hot with each polish of the knob, using my own cum as lubricant. My body arched on the bed, and I tried to scream but was held back by the gag. He kept doing this without fail, and it finally dawn on me that he is not going to stop until he makes me cum a second time. Oh Hell.

Doesn't his hand get tired from moving in that circular motion in such a high speed? Repetitive Strain Injury, or RSI, I believe it is called. But that's not going to stop Mr. Dark, is it? He is going to keep moving his palm at high speed over my cock head, over and over and over and over and over again, until I cum. But I can't, not after I have just cummed.

He was relentless. With one hand holding my still erect cock, he used the palm of his other hand to slide across my cock head, sometimes squeezing it, sometimes stroking it, but most of the time, just sliding it around in a circular fashion, polishing it. He wouldn't stop. He just wouldn't stop. I was crying at this time. He just wouldn't stop. And then I feel it. My balls contracting up to my body. The fluids mixing and ready to go for the goal. As he polished my cock head one final round, I screamed into the gag and my cock pumps out another volley of cum. Considerably less, this time, it shot onto Mr. Dark's still polishing hand, and used that cum as new lubricant to coax more and more cum out of me.

The orgasm wrecked my mind. I was crying openly now. Tears streaming down the sides of my face. Saliva flowing like a river down the sides of the gag. My cock is now limp and spent. He took pity on me and stopped playing with it. I cried and pant, trying to regain my composure, and trying to think what I have done to deserve this. This evil, sadistic, and inhumane torture. I am being used, sexually, and abused, sexually. But this is far from over. I know. He still hasn't had his fun yet, because he still hasn't cum. But he will. Oh he will. And the most sickening thing is, he is right. I am beginning to like being tortured like this. There must be some sadistic or masochistic streak in every man, no matter how little, there must be. It just takes the right condition to set them free.

When I felt the nipple clamps being removed, both at the same time, suddenly, I really did scream into the gag, regardless of whether I made any sound or not. The intention wasn't really to scream for help, but merely to express and release the pain that I am feeling in my nipples. They were on fire! Much more painful than when the clamps were put on, or when he pulled on them. He massaged my nipples with his fingers, which didn't help the pain. It didn't help at all. He did this for about a minute, and then he re-attach the clamps back on my nipples, only this time, they bit more fiercely on my little erect nubs. The teeth are sharp and metallic. Oh hell, alligator clamps. Crocodile clamps. I am not sure what's the difference between the two, if any, but they hurt like fuck! Oh hell!

Not caring that there seemed to be wires connected to the clamps, I tried to jerk away when I felt Mr. Dark touching my cock. He must not be trying to make cum again. That would be insane. I would go insane. I felt lubricants. Shit, no, not again. But instead of a stroking hand or a polishing palm, I felt something cold trying to make its way into my cock. Fuck, that's a sound! A catheter if I ever felt one, and what do you know, I am feeling one. Voluntarily, this is definitely something that I wouldn't allow. But this is not voluntary, is it? I am being tied and tortured by Master Dark, and he will use whatever implements on me that he wishes. He will use and abuse my body in any way that he chooses. Wait a minute, did I just call him Master Dark? Oh hell!

The sound worming its way into my cock is not fun. Not fun at all. The smarting sensation is driving me crazy. The scraping of the inside of my cock, it's making me jerk in my bondage. I cried and groaned and screamed at him to take it out, but he wouldn't listen. He couldn't, because I am still gagged and everything that I am saying comes out as gibberish. Someone help me please! Make it stop. Make it stop! And it did stop. When the sound hits the bottom of my cock. Master Dark, I mean, Mr. Dark, pushed the sound, but it wouldn't go any further. Instead, it puts pressure on my prostate, from the inside of my cock. He did it a few more times, and I am getting hard. This is unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable!

He began to pull the sound out of my cock. The smarting sensation, the release of pressure, the need to piss (or cum) were indescribable. Surely something that feels like this cannot be real. It cannot be done or produced by the human body. And it certainly cannot be done to a helpless person by another sadistic person whose joy and arousal only lies in the sight of his vulnerable victim being manipulated and tortured by him, completely at his mercy. It can, and as if to prove this, Mr. Dark pushed the sound back into my cock, only to pull it up again. He repeated this over and over, fucking my cock from the inside. And my cock is getting hard again! Crying, groaning, moaning, I was doing them all now. What else did he say he would make me do?

Mr. Dark finally stops playing with the catheter in my cock, and left me alone for a while. I was so jaded that I didn't feel something being attached to the sound still embedded in my cock. Then I felt him taking the parachute off my balls. So far, he has not done anything other than putting the parachute on my balls. But the parachute took care of my balls by itself. Every time I arch, jerk, and move, my balls would be pulled by the parachute tied to the foot of the bed. My balls would be stretched, the tension, dare I say, only makes it more erotic. Mr. Dark replaced the parachute with some metal ring around my balls, but it felt more like a cage, encasing my balls. And it's entirely made of metal. Soft metal. Kinda like a steel mesh. It doesn't hurt my balls, just making contact. Like the metallic egg inside my ass, I have no idea what this time is for. However, I am quite sure that I would find out soon. Very soon.

It took me a while. It took me a while to register the tingling sensation running through my cock. I can't really put my finger on it. Well, of course I couldn't put my finger on it, but you know what I mean. It's like something is tickling me, from the inside of my cock. Then the sensation switched to my balls. My entire balls were so itchy it felt like there were thousands of ants running around on my balls. Believe it or not, it almost made me laugh. But I didn't laugh, because suddenly, I was arching up in the bed, screaming, seeing red and blues and stars in my darkened space, as my ass felt like it was being struck by lightning, not that I know how that would felt like, but that's the closest I could get to explaining the pain that I was experiencing right then. It shot through me, from my ass through my entire body.

It only lasted for a moment, no more than a second, but it felt like eternity to me. I didn't know what happened. I didn't even feel the tingling sensation back on my cock and balls. I was panting, sweating, and trying to figure out what it was. Surely he couldn't have done something to damage my ass, like shoving a baseball bat in it. It must be something else, something that has to do with the metallic egg, because it felt like it was coming from the inside of my ass, very close to my prostate. Electric! That must be it! He's using electric on me! That would explain why everything that's attached to me right now is made of metal! He must have attached them to a T.E.N.S. unit or something. That's the tingling sensation on my cock and balls.

Oh wait, they are not tingling anymore. The pressure on them are getting greater by the second. It feels like someone is masturbating my cock and squeezing my balls. My muscles are contracting. It actually feels quite good, but not for long. The pressure is getting higher and higher. He must be increasing the voltage being fed into the catheter and the balls cage. It's no longer tickling or pleasure now. It's pain. It's real pain. My cock and balls felt like they are being crushed by some invisible tool, and I am screaming into my gag again, crying, and trashing around on the bed.

Then it stopped. Suddenly I felt nothing. Then my tits come alive when the electric runs through them. It felt like I just had a heart attack. Am I having a heart attack? No, it's just the electricity running through my tits. Sharp, short, shocks. I don't know how, but my tits felt like they are as erect as my cock. Then suddenly my ass was on fire again. And the process repeats itself. Mr. Dark must have set the control to automatic, because after a few cycle, you can anticipate the patterns. I wonder if Mr. Dark intends to make me cum this way, because I have heard that those who are hooked up to such electro devices will come, no matter what.

I don't know about cumming, but I sure can use a piss. I didn't get a chance to go to the toilet before all this started, and it must have been well into an hour now. I also drank quite a lot before the meeting, so I really need to go to the toilet now. But what could I do? I can't talk, I can't move, and I am being shocked out of my mind by this electro unit as Mr. Dark stands there watching me shake on the bed, admiring his handiwork. Maybe he did know about my need to go to the loo, but he chose not to care. Or maybe he decided to not let me go for other reasons. Maybe he's into golden shower. Hey, if a man can torture me like this, what else is he NOT into?

The electro device must have been left on me for quite some time now. I can't really tell how long. Maybe ten minutes, maybe twenty, maybe an hour. I have experienced about 5 shocks to my ass now since this torture began. I heard Mr. Dark pissing in the toilet, as if I needed more enticement. He flushed the toilet, and somehow I felt him coming back into the room. I was truly trying to hold it back now. I pondered upon pissing on myself, right there, but with the catheter in my cock, I wasn't sure if that's even possible. And think about the bed! How am I going to sell this place afterwards?

I can hold it in. I can hold it in. Just hold on until this is all over. Why did he make me cum? If he didn't make me cum, then the need to piss wouldn't be this great. I must hold it OH HELL!! The shock to my ass made me lost all concentration, and my bladder just let go. The dam is now open. Piss pushed itself out of my cock, slowly, because of the catheter, and flowed onto my own body. Before I could smell it, I immediately regret my lost of control. Urine conduct electricity, and my cock and balls are now on fire. The intensity of the electric torture just went up exponentially. I screamed and I trashed and unbeknownst to me, I was cumming!

Following the piss were my cum. The shock in my ass triggered my bladder to let my piss flow out of my cock, onto my crotch, which in turn cranked up the juice on my cock and balls, which in effect caused me to cum, right after I finished pissing. It wasn't a weak orgasm either. I think the neighbor heard my scream even through my gag. The catheter flew out of my cock by the sheer pressure of the cum shooting its way out of my balls and cock. My hips thrusts up and down the bed, fucking the air, pissing cum out of my cock, flying everywhere. I even heard Mr. Dark went 'wow' through the throes of orgasm. The entire ordeal lasted a good minute before I settled down, out of breath, out of sanity. I don't know how much more of this I can take. And I don't think this is over by a long shot.

This must be a dream. It couldn't be real. It couldn't have been a dream. This must be real. I am delirious. I can't distinct between what is real and what is not anymore. My mouth is dry, my tears have dried, my cum is all over myself, drying. The entire bed is wet with my piss and sweat. I can smell it now. This must be the end of it. What else could he do to me that hasn't already been done? Is there anything else more malicious than this? Anything else that you can actually do to another person's body, to torture him this way? I can't take it anymore, but I want more.

As if hearing my thoughts, Mr. Dark removed the balls cage and the metallic egg from my ass. He used a simple piece of rope to tie my balls taut, separating each ball in their sack. He also removed the alligator clamps from my nipples and replaced them with some vibrating clamps. I can't really tell, because by now, my tits were practically numb. I then heard something big and heavy being moved around the room. How fucking big is his duffel bag?! Again, as if hearing my thought (maybe he saw my facial expression), he told me that this device, he got from his car while I was being electrified earlier. He even had time to set the entire thing up. How fucking long did he let that bloody thing shock me?!

I felt something at my asshole. Feels like a dildo, only a little bigger than the previous one. It also felt slippery. There must be a lot of lube on the dildo. Mr. Dark had no trouble getting the dildo in to the hilt. I guess after all that, my ass is pretty loose now. Virgin or no virgin. Maybe Mr. Dark likes it loose.

"It's not that I like it loose." What the? How did he hear my thoughts? "It's just that I have a really big and long cock, and if I don't loosen you up enough, you would be split in two when I push it in you later. The last time I fucked someone... ok, raped someone... without loosening him up first, the poor chap ended up in a hospital for a week. You'd probably need medical attention too when I am done with you, but at least you'll get out of this in one piece, and maybe even likes it so much you'll come back for seconds, and more." What the fuck?! Is he crazy?! "Now, let me introduce you to my assistant, Mr. Fucker Robato. He's a very efficient fucking machine, and he lasts a long time too! You'll see what I mean. Now without further ado, I'll let you two get to know each other a little... well, a lot better! Have fun!"

With that, he switched on the fucking machine. At first, it started slow and gentle. Mr. Robato withdrew slowly, and pushes the dildo back in slowly. I could feel every vein on the dildo dragging itself out of me, and every ridges of the latex cock pushing itself into me. The big bulbous head pushes hard at my prostate every time it is buried to the hilt. He was almost kind to me, giving me time to recover from my previous tortures. Hey, what the fuck? Did I just referred to the fucking machine as Mr. Robato, and said that he's kind?! I am going out of my mind!

Unfortunately, Mr. Robato wasn't kind for long. The fucking tempo increased bit by bit. I could hear (and probably the neighbors too) the hydraulic sound of the machine working the dildo in and out of me, fucking my ass, loosening me up for the grand finale when Mr. Dark will fuck my brains out. And I can't wait. Huh? I can't be serious!

As Mr. Robato reams my ass inside out, Mr. Dark began to play with my balls. He first squeezed them gently. It felt kinda nice to have a little bit of pressure on my balls sometimes. I do that too when I jerk off. But then I felt the pressure increased. He's squeezing them harder and harder. If I could scream, I would have. I thought he would crush my balls. He probably stopped short of just doing that. I was wet with sweat, the bed was wet with sweat, the room reeked of sweat and cum. I wonder how long it has been since Mr. Dark had captured and tortured me. It felt like the longest time in my entire life, and for some crazy reason, I don't want it to stop.

Then I felt it. Something hit my balls so hard I screamed into the gag. The after-pain kicks in and I felt nauseous. That bloody tormentor of mine must have hit my balls with a paddle or something. When I almost had the pain and nausea under control, I felt it again. The same cycle of pain and nausea repeats itself, but this time, he hit me sooner than before. He repeated this a third time. The pain, the nausea, and I felt the fourth hit even sooner. He keeps beating my balls, shortening the intervals between hits with every repetition of the cycle, and soon, he was practically hitting my balls non-stop. He's going to beat them into a pulp! I screamed, I jerked at the bondage, and my ass is still being fucked by Mr. Robato, which by now has become quite intense. When he was done with my balls, he gave me some time to recover. I thought I would puke from the pain, but I didn't. My balls were so tender I couldn't really feel them.

My attention was quickly, suddenly, and painfully snapped to my cock when I felt a wealth of burning pain on the underside of my cock. In the balls-bashing game my tormentor had played on my body, my cock had involuntarily become hard. It's lying on my abs, exposing the underside to my cruel Master, whom I assumed is using a cock whip to stimulate my cock even more. The next batch of pain came, again suddenly. I felt like my cock is on fire, like it has been stung by a million bees. He continued his onslaught on my cock, mainly the underside, but he would also hold my cock up and whip the topside. The worst pain came when he decided to whip my cock head. I screamed yet again into the gag, screaming for help, screaming for him to stop. Just for the fun of it, he also whipped my balls some. I just can't believe what this man is doing to me!

His hand must have tired from the attacks when he stopped for a while. I tried to gather my mind, recover from the pain, and brace myself for what is coming next. I don't know what it is but I know it's coming, and it won't be pleasant. I heard the struck of a match. He's not trying to burn me, is he? Even someone as wicked as Mr. Dark couldn't be that cruel and inhumane. Could he? I jerked away when I felt a heat source being placed near my chest, close enough burn whatever hair I have on my body. I am smooth naturally, so you can imagine how close that fire must be from my body. I was shaking my head telling him not to go trough with it, screaming uselessly into the gag, and then screamed louder when I felt a something burning on my chest. I thought he had pushed the match onto my skin, but that wasn't it. The burning sensation quickly go away, leaving behind something cool and hard. Wax! He's dripping candle wax on me! Bloody freaking hell!

The next drop of wax landed right next to the first, and as the wax from the candle melted, more and more drops began to cover my chest and abs. Once you got used to the wax, it really wasn't that bad. First a hot burning sensation on your skin, but it quickly turns into nothing, and you can be sure you are not harmed. Sure, he's dripping wax on my inner thighs, which are sensitive, but I could handle the pain. It wasn't as bad as what had happened to me thus far. I can survive this, I thought. It's not that bad, until I felt the first drop of wax on my cock head. I screamed yet again into the gag. You'd think I'd lose my voice by now, but the screams keep on coming as Mr. Dark relentlessly drips wax onto my cock, covering it in a generous layer of hot burning sensation. He then moved on to the balls, dripping on it sparsely, all around, then back to the cock, then my chest, then my thigh, then my balls. I never could expect where the next drop of wax will land on my body. I was squirming and writhing on the bed, bound, gagged, clamped, tied, being fucked, and being the target of dripping wax.

The candle must have burnt itself out, because for a minute, I didn't feel anything. Ah, this was an easy torture, I thought. Among all of what he had done to me, this was the eas and I screamed at the top of my lungs. That bastard had collected a pool of wax on the candle and poured them all at once onto my cock and balls. Because there were so much wax, it didn't harden immediately, but flowed and trailed down on my balls, running a hot stream of molten wax down my perineum, onto my gaping and fucking asshole. Arching up on the bed didn't help the flow either. The wax finally cooled off and hardened around my asshole, and were eventually broken off the skin by Mr. Robato's high-speed fucking.

I was lying down on the bed, panting, almost losing my consciousness. The torture had taken a toll on Mr. Dark as well, because I heard him falling into a sofa, breathing heavy. I heard a can opening and smelt alcohol. He's drinking a beer! Then I heard another match being struck. I held my breath. Mr. Dark must have heard me, cause he chuckled. It wasn't what I was expecting, and I didn't know what I was expecting. When the thick smoke invaded my nostril, I knew he had just lit up a cigar. What the hell? The bastard is drinking beer and smoking cigar while I am tied to the bed, covered in wax, and being fucked by a machine? Dear Lord, if I kill this man when I have the chance, please forgive me.

Depending on the size of the cigar, it can take anywhere between 15 minutes a few hours to finish. I have been in this situation for so long I have completely lost track of time. Even so, knowing that this ordeal has yet to be over, and the climax has to be cumming soon, I let myself rest for a while. This is a very welcomed break. Probably Mr. Dark felt the same way, because he sure did take his own sweet time to smoke and drink while I was still tied up and fucked. Oh yes, Mr. Robato is still diligently fucking my ass with his latex cock, unrelenting, un-tiring, and un-merciful. With all the tortures, all the pain, and all the pleasure thus far, I have not really realized how tormenting being fucked by a machine can be. The strokes are always the same. The force, the thrust, and the speed, are always the same. The intervals, the sensations, and the pressure on my prostate is always the same. It's maddening. After I have recovered, slightly, from the candle wax ordeal, it began to register just how much suffering Mr. Robato is causing me. I bore with it at first. But as time goes by, I began to moaned and groaned. Then I began to shake my head from side to side. I am near my breaking point.

After Lord knows how long, I felt a hand on the back of my head. Mr. Dark was finally going to release the gag! My first reaction was to scream for help, but it didn't happen. My throat was so dry I couldn't get my voice to come out. I tried to swallow but all my saliva had ran down the sides of my face. Mr. Dark then took off the blindfold. I could see him again. It didn't take long for my eyes to adjust to the dim light in the room. Finally, he stopped Mr. Robato and slowly eased the dildo out of my well-fucked hole. I whimpered at the sudden emptiness. Mr. Dark heard that and chuckled. I tried to lift my head and saw Mr. Dark coming towards me with a beer can. He helped me gulp it down. I really needed that. I think I have dehydrated all liquid within my body. And once my throat has moisturized itself, my first words were:

"Fuck me."

"What was that, boy?" Mr. Dark feigned ignorance.

"Fuck me... please. Please fuck me, Mr. Dark" Yes, I am pleading at him to fuck me. And he knew he has won.

"I will, my dear boy. I will."

With that, he put the beer away and slip on a condom in front of me, showing me that even a person as he, takes safe sex seriously. With my hole so well-fucked, he only needed a little bit of lube to get his huge cock in me. It didn't hurt, of course not. It did take him some time to get all of his cock in me though, since it was so long and thick, thicker than Mr. Robato's dildo. It filled me fully and comfortably. He's right. If it wasn't for Mr. Robato, his cock would have split me in half. My eyes was glazed with lust, looking straight into his eyes, determined and proud, as I felt his hot poker invading my most private sanctuary.

Having his cock in me is totally different from taking a dildo. His cock is hot and pulses with every beat of his heart. I could almost feel the blood flowing in the veins. When he pulled out, it felt like he was dragging my entire gut with it. No, he was dragging out more than that. It felt like he was dragging my entire being, my soul, out of my body. And then, he slams it back in. He knocks the wind out of me, but not the lust. I began to whimper and cry for him to fuck me, and fuck me harder.

Like Mr. Robato, he began gently. He would pull out slowly, and then push it back in slowly. After about what I would assume to be a couple of minutes, he began to pick up his speed. The different tortures that he has bestowed upon me and my body this evening have definitely fueled his libido to the maximum. He wouldn't last long, I thought. But alas, I was wrong. He lasted a whole 3 hours. He fucked me till the cows came home. No, not really. Actually, he fucked me until sun rises, all night long, all the way. He enjoyed every moment fucking my tight ass. And I can't complain either since I loved every minute of it. How did I know? My cock was rock hard again since the third minute he fucked me.

I thought I would be able to handle whatever a man could dish out, especially a fucking. Mr. Dark had proven me wrong on all occasions this evening, and he is proving it to me again. I could endure the first hour fucking without any problems. I could keep myself quiet and just laid there for him to use. But by the second hour, I began to moan and groan. Like the fucking machine, his strokes were methodical, and it was driving me crazy. I tossed my head from side to side, quietly pleading him to stop, but softly begging him to fuck me. Yes, he did mention that he would make me beg, didn't he? He certainly kept his promise, and then some.

When the third hour came, I broke down completely. I was crying, I was writhing on the bed, gyrating my hips, trying to get him to cum. I was begging loudly for him to fuck me and cum in my ass. It's dawn and neighbors have begun to wake up, ready for a new day. I was still tied to the bed being fucked up the ass by my client. I don't even care if anyone hears me. I just want Mr. Dark to fuck me, and cum in me, as soon as possible. I beg, I beg, and I beg. I beg him to fuck me. I beg him to fuck me harder. I beg him to cum in me. His fucking tempo has increased to almost super-sonic speed. He mounted me like a rabbit, missionary style. He jack hammered his cock into my ass like a madman, but precisely hitting my prostates every time.

It was getting more and more intense. Both of us were panting, sweating, and grunting. He fucks me like a machine, and I am begging him to fuck me like a machine, only better. His thrusts, each of them hard, each of them powerful. He was putting his entire body weight into fucking me. He was practically squatting on the bed, with my ass almost upturned, jabbing his cock into me over and over. My legs were pulling tight onto the ropes still binding them, but I don't feel the pain. I was begging, crying, and screaming for him to fuck my brains out, but I don't hear it. All I could feel was his hot cock thrusting in and out of my ass. All I could hear was the sound of flesh slapping flesh. And all I could see was his lustful eyes, staring straight into mine.

He must be getting near as his cock becomes harder and his thrusts became shorter and faster. I could also feel it building up in my balls. I am going to cum again. A few more strokes, almost there. I could hear the neighbors walking outside the apartment, going to work, each of them, one by one, and I am here in this bed, tied up, and being fucked relentlessly by Mr. Dark. I don't know if they can hear us, and I don't care. All I care about right now is Mr. Dark's hot cock pumping my ass, pumping the cum out of both of us. He fucks and he fucks and he fucks, and finally, we were there.

With a roar, both of us cummed at the same time. He blasted his load into my ass, and as I felt those hot semen hitting the walls of my ass, I blasted mine into the air. He kept fucking throughout our orgasms, fucking the cum out of me, just as I begged. I shot and shot and shot, like it would never end. My cum then fell back down on me, hitting me on the chest and my face with loud splats. I was completely covered in sweat, wax, and my own cum. He had taken me. He had taken my virginity. He had captured me, tortured me, and he had fucked me until I shoot my load without anyone even touching my cock, and this is not the first time I ejaculated tonight. I was completely defeated as I slumped into the bed and Mr. Dark onto me, both of us catching our breaths. If someone said that Mr. Dark owns me now, I wouldn't have objected.

Finally, the ordeal is over. I knew this was the end. A part of me didn't really want it to end though. I guess I have taken a liking to this entire situation. Maybe we could do it again at another time, at another place. I mean, doing it in a house I am supposed to sell is thrilling, but what if the owner decides to come back now? What if the door opens and in walk the lady owner, never expecting to see this scene in front of her? Two men in her former bed, one tied, the other spent. Not a good position to be found in. Wait, hang on, did I just hear the door knob turning?

Well, it's been a month since the incident. It's been a month since the landlady saw us in her house. It's been a month since I got fired. Apparently, the neighbors had heard our little misadventure and called her to come in and check. She wanted to press charges at first, but when Mr. Dark threw the cheque at her, she shut up immediately. From what I have heard, Mr. Dark bought the house at twice the asking price. I could have gone to jail for what happened, even though I was the victim in the entire incident.

But that was a month ago. The apartment has now become Mr. Dark's torturous rendezvous point. I am scheduled to meet him tonight, but as usual, I am early. He promised to show me a better time than the last. I am sure he will. I am sure he will. And my duffel bad will make sure of that. Ah, there he is in his BMW. Yes, he looks uptight as usual. This is gonna be fun. Excellent, the cloth I am holding inside my pocket is still wet.

****************************************************************** The End. ******************************************************************

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