The real thing

By rimboy

Published on Oct 11, 2002



OK, well let's get this straight, I'm a slut. For about a year now, ever since I broke up with my last boyfriend, I've been whoring round, some days, who am I kidding it's like every day, I just got to have cock. I'm lucky I guess there's a park near where I live where the action is usually pretty hot. There are always guys there looking for sex, so that's where I go, unless the weather is bad, then I head for the sauna.

So this day, not that long ago, I was bent over a tree branch, getting fucked in the ass by a very respectable 7 inch, uncut cock. He was giving me it all but I don't know if you know what I mean, but it was one of those fucks that just wasn't working for me. He was pounding away, I'll give him that, the guy had stamina, but I might as well have been filing my nails for the sexual kick I was getting, even the whiff of poppers he'd stuck under my nose wasn't working, my cock stayed soft, my ass remained unmoved, there was no way this kid was gonna get me moaning, squirming and cumming. But I won't have anyone say I don't give good ass. I made the right slutty noises, urging him on, pushing back my ass, and telling him to fuck me harder. I could sense he was near, I tightened my ass muscles, worked his cock for him, and sure enough, after a few minutes he was spewing his juice into the condom in my ass (hey, I might be a slut, but I'm not stupid). We went through the motions of 'Great fuck man' etc, etc, then he buttoned up and left. I tidied myself up a bit, pulled up my jeans (I sometimes like feeling my cock-ringed cock naked against my jeans so today I wasn't wearing underwear), and started out of the clearing where Mr Boring Fuck had been trying his best to make my earth move for the past 20 minutes.

There was only one way out of this 'secret' clearing, a narrow path through the bushes, and as I bent to make my way through, not really looking ahead, I was suddenly brought to a halt. A hand on my shoulders stopped me, a deep voice said.

'So where do you think you're going?'

Fuck, I thought, just my luck, police or park rangers or something. I looked up.

Two guys, both tall. One thin, the other shorter and muscled. Rough, cropped hair types. Not police and not rangers either. Not usually the type I go for, but something about them spoke to my cock. It stirred; fuck I started to get hard. The guy who'd spoken, squeezed my face, forced me back into the clearing and said one word


I started to walk off, saying 'Sorry man, not my scene.'

But he grabbed me, next thing I knew he slapped my face - hard.

'I said strip, you fucking slut, we've just watched you get fucked in the ass by that boring creep, reckon now you need some real cock up you'.

The truth was I was scared, they were big; I've never been into the rape scene. But I was also incredibly turned on. My cock was stiff, my nipples too. I started to strip.

'Get a move on', he barked again, and he slapped my face hard.

Naked, my 7.5- inch uncut dick rock hard, my nipples sticking out like rocks, he pushed me back over the branch I'd just been fucked over. He slapped my ass once, twice in all about 12 times; hard stinging slaps then he kicked my legs apart. Then with no warning he pushed two thick fingers deep into my still lubed, open asshole. As my mouth opened to yell, the second guy ripped open his jeans, pulled out his thick nine-incher and, pushing down my head, shoved his cock into my mouth. I was being assaulted from both ends, my cock dripped pre, I wasn't sure I had ever been this excited.

The guy behind mercilessly fingered my ass. And kept up a barrage of filthy, obscene talk that sent my mind reeling. Calling me a slut, a whore, a piece of worthless faggot shit. The guy in front fucked my throat, I gagged a few times, but like a good slut swallowed it, and the sensations were too good. Fuck I might even be about to have a hands-free cum!

The guy behind removed his fingers. Slapped my ass hard a few more times, then placed his cockhead at my ass ring and pushed all the way in. Fucking me with the full length of what felt like a veiny 9-inch cock. I would have yelled, screamed, if my throat wasn't full of his mate's cock. After only a few strokes my body spasmed and I shot volleys of hot juice onto the ground. They paid no attention to my orgasm, just kept on using me. My cock stayed hard, the orgasm just emphasising the exquisite pleasure/pain I was in.

'Let's swap', the guy behind me said, 'You gotta feel this tight ass'

He pulled out, walked round, and waved his dripping, ass-smeared cock in my face, just as his friend plunged back into my ass. I moaned with pleasure. I looked up at him, smelling my ass on his cock, he grinned. Grabbed my tits and twisted them hard, looked at the pain/pleasure on my face and grinned again. Slapped my face with his hard dick and forced my head down to lick his big, lemon-sized balls in their shaved ballsac. Fuck he smelled and tasted good. As my ass got pounded, I licked and sucked his balls; He twisted my nips mercilessly making me moan as I bathed his balls with my tongue. He turned, spread his ass cheeks and pushed his musky, sweaty ass crack onto my eager, greedy slut tongue.

As I was fucked, I tongue fucked his ass. My hot slut tongue delving deeper and deeper, swirling round to give him the best rim job he'd ever have. He moaned deep, with more filthy words coming from his mouth. What he said excited me so much. He quickly turned round, and after a couple of slaps to my face, thrust his dripping cock back into my mouth.

I was hungry for cock, I could think of nothing only the cock in my ass and the cock in my mouth. He found my tits again. Played with them, twisting and pinching. My cock slapped obscenely under me as I was pounded from both ends.

I could sense the cock in my mouth was about to shoot. My finger found his moist, tongued ass hole and I prodded it in. His tongue- lapped pucker opened wetly to my finger and I thrust in.

'You fucking slut' he yelled, as my finger dug in and his cock exploded in my mouth, shot after shot of scalding hot cream. My ass spasmed, the guy behind me moaned, withdrew, walked round and placed his cockhead in my face just as he blew his load. My face dripped with 6- 7-8 blasts of thick, hot cockjuice, the smell and taste of cum filled all my senses.

They made me kneel.

'Play with yourself' the well-muscled man ordered. He walked up to me. Placed his cock in my mouth.

'Jerk yourself off'.

As I approached orgasm, I felt his cock jerk and my mouth started to fill with his hot piss. I had to swallow or choke. It didn't taste bad - good in fact. The taste pushed me over the edge. I shot my load as he pissed my mouth, his mate laughing as the piss dribbled out my mouth and volley after volley of cum shot over his boots from my cock.

Naked, kneeling, they laughed at me. The first guy's mate walked over and started to piss on me, as the stocky guy told me what a worthless piece of faggot shit I was. Fuck, why wouldn't my cock go down? Two orgasms and still hard. The language turned me on so much. He slapped my face, made me stand. Slapped my still stiff cock and balls. Kept up a barrage of dirty, filthy language.

'Fuck, he wants more, the greedy little slut'.

They both laughed.

He got a card out of his pocket. Threw it on my pile of clothes.

'Ring me if you want a lot more of the same slut'.

Then, with one hard slap to my ass, they went. Leaving me there, naked, hard as fuck. I went over to my clothes. Looked at the card. Just a name and a number. As I thought of the possibilities, I knew I'd ring. I couldn't wait for more.

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