The Real Antonio

By Justin Balancier

Published on Nov 19, 2024



Part 8

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Being with Antonio, and also Carlos, created doubled duty for me. However, if either of them are right in front of me, I'm hooked.

I was no sooner in the house, with the door closing behind me, when a silver pick-up truck, parked behind my car in the driveway. It was almost 6:00 pm.

I opened the door just as Carlos was about to knock.

"Hey, Johnny-John, I couldn't wait to get here. I just got out of work sweaty and dirty from hammering on a roof all day. Can I hit the shower and cool down?" asked Carlos.

"Sure, I'll get you a towel. Where is Antonio," I asked.

"He met some girlie tramp today, hanging around the mall, and he is seeing her after work. They are probably at the house, right now, fucking. I didn't even want to stop home to get cleaned up.

"Yup, that dude is bonkers when it comes to sex." I said.

"Looks like we all are. I am probably the worse, but this maul pig was not for me, when I had this number. You're number one,"

"Well, that's cool knowing a whore pussy comes in second. Here is a towel, go wash your ass." I said jokingly.

Carlos grinned, "It will be kissing clean, and went into the bathroom, leaving the door open.

A lot has happened since first meeting Antonio, four years ago. It took a while, for sure, but here was the real Antonio. His brother Carlos was cut from the same cloth only more into men, than Antonio. Just the same, they would fuck anything with a hole and a pulse.

Carlos was showering and I heard him drop the soap.

"How about I get in there with you," I asked.

"I don't care, it's your shower, but if you do that, you will be all over me, and I want to fuck you on the bed." He yelled back competing with the running water.

"I'll wait."

"I thought you would." Minutes later Carlos was resting on top of my bed. He looked fabulous, I blanked out Antonio, eyeing his cock-crazy brother. You can't top the real thing.

I stood in the doorway looking at him. I could have pounced at any moment, but I wanted to stare a bit longer.

He rested naked with his arms up, and his legs spread. A patch of black hair on his chest travelled downward joining the fur on his crotch. His cock was firming up hanging over plump milk filled, balls. He put one hand on his dick, and beckoned to me.

"Hungry Johnny?" he said to me, sexy as a motherfucker.

I didn't reply, how does one answer that? I took my clothes off except for jockey underwear. My butt looked pumpkin great, with the fleshy cheeks of my ass moving like the dough boy.

I sat next to him on the bed saying how good he looked. He didn't seem interested in hearing compliments. He was hot, wanting me to be his whore again. I thought why the hell not, and became ready to work again.

He pulled me on top of his chest. Grabbing my hair, Carlos lowered my head to his face and being nasty, slurped my lips. I was not about to analyze anything. I only wanted to be slutty for cock. Now, you're talking...

"My balls are still wet from showering. Dry them Johnny using your face." He said, but not demanding.

"Why do that? I will only get them wet again licking those babies," I replied.

Carlos stretched saying, "Your mouth feels good down there, Fuck, take what you want," he mumbled, closing his eyes.

I scooped his legs up to me and held him with my arms wrapped around his thighs. I buried my head in his crotch, being dick slapped trying to munch those balls, so I had to suck that pecker out of the way putting it in the back of my mouth.

"Fuckin hungry bitch. I love it," he mumbled, touching me wherever he could reach. Eat my ass, and then fuck it," he continued mumbling. "Don't look at me that way!" He continued."

"You don't mean that. Okay – okay, I'll take your butt. I'll take your milk too."

"Yeah – okay, do it Johnny," Carlos groaned. Geezus, he was so gay acting. He was wonderful and becoming wilder every time we had sex together. Now, if I could get Antonio to come across like that, I would move to Mexico.

Carlos never objected to anything. I didn't come inside his butt since it would diminish my hunger to drink cum, and I wanted that. Ever since Antonio called it milk, it set me on fire. It sounded so hot and even hotter when begging for it. It's crazy, but it's true.

I went back to sucking cock. "You like drinking that shit," don't you? Carlos asked. "Here let me do it. I'm good at this."

Carlos got off the bed and stood with his hand on his cock. His balls were wet from putting them in my mouth. "C 'mon Johnny, on your knees whore.

He jerked his cock, slapping me in the face (which I didn't like, but accepted with no comment) Using his other hand he held my chin with two fingers pressed against my lips. I knew he was playing ALPHA male, and I was his pig. Okay fine – just fine. Hum, that's correct. Alpha and whore – yup, that works.

"Get back on the bed," he commanded.

I sprawled across, the sheet, with my head hanging off the side. Carlos holding his meat, a long thick tube, over my mouth.

I rested there under his balls watching them churn up sticky sauce. It sounds outlandish watching a dude getting ready to empty his tank – This is where outlandish means, "outlandish."

Carlos slightly talented whispered a sentence or two, every few minutes. When he said, (in not so perfect with English) "For you, I give you my big cock with balls that make you leche. Are you hungry for me Johnny?" – That did it, for me, and the winner is?

He squeezed my mouth open and creamy cum poured in spurts going down my throat. "Drink Johnny – drink my milk," he whispered. "I saved this for you."

Back on the bed he jerked me off with cum landing on my chest. He scooped it up and fed me that too. Geeze, I didn't care for that, but I got it down okay.

"You wanted it, "was all he said, pitting fingers in my mouth.

Next: Chapter 9

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