The Rangers Dragon Tamer

By Kumba Kabba

Published on Aug 29, 2020



This is a Harry Potter Fan Fiction about Charlie Weasley, the Weasley brother no one talks about. You do not have to like or even know anything about HP to enjoy this story, but there will be dragons and magic in it. Also lots of sex.

While obviously I do not own the rights to anything Harry Potter related, Warner Brothers, Portkey Games or any association to JK Rowling, the story is of my own imagination and it was the first story I ever wrote many years ago after reading the books for the umpteenth time. I ask that my work respectfully not be plagiarized.

If you happen to be a die hard HP fan reading this, the Potters and the Weasley do make appearances in later chapters. However I apologize for the following mishaps: The story takes place a year after the Battle for Hogwarts, which historically happened in 1998 but I flubbed the timeline a bit by the pop culture references so it is set in the early 2000's instead. Also, I changed Charlie's location from Romania to Albania because for some weird reason I know more about Albanian topography.

Please reach out if you have questions or feedback about my writing! I appreciate constructive criticism, it's the only way I can get better!

-Kumba Kabba

10:57pm. Three more minutes until the start of his shift. His first solo shift. Christopher Jennings was staring proudly at himself in the old rusty mirror in the back of the Tank- what they call the Ranger Headquarters because it is literally shaped like a water tank- on the bathroom door. Green top and bottom, the official uniform, brown utility belt with his radio and tranquilizer gun on his left and .38 holstered on his right, small pad and pen in his top pocket. 10:58pm. Chris put on the cotton ranger hat to match with the brown strip, vowing to buy a real fedora at some point. He smiled. "Fuck yeah," he whispered to himself. "Happy there?" Christ was startled, almost forgetting that he wasn't alone in the room. Sasha, his immediate supervisor and mentor was ending her shift. He put on his most serious face. "I'm just happy to be serving the people." Sasha laughed. "Well I'm going to get out of here. You have my notes: Eight campers officially in the woods but keep an eye on that blue sedan parked on Pine Road. There is a couple in there that has been making out since my last round at 9pm. They are probably doing it by now. It's up to you if you want to stop them." Chris who enjoys a good fucking now and then said, "Nah." He used his peripheral vision to glance at the clock. 11:00pm on the dot. He contained his excitement long enough for Sasha to grab her bag and say "Good luck on your first night. Bye!" and she headed out. He could have cried inside, he was so happy. Finally after four years of getting his degree in Forestry, two years at the Academy and one year of basic training in the forest shadowing Sasha, he finally became a park ranger in the same woods where he frequented as a boy. He knew every inch of this 5,000 acre forest of Verdan, from the Cerauvian mountains to the River of Lad, where it leads out to the sea on the right, and pools in the lake in the center. That's where the campsites were, and he would patrol there first on this night. He thought of his mother then who died almost six years earlier but it was as fresh as yesterday. His heart ached. His beautiful mother, who would take them here at least once a month no matter the weather, because Ma Ami always said Korcee, especially Maliq, the city they lived in, did not leave room to breathe. "And where else could you breathe but around the trees that have given us life?" His African mother always had sayings and proverbs to share with them. Sadness started to take over – his dark cloud he called it – as he remembered his mother's famous words: "Choose life and love over sadness and death, always." Today he choose to focus on this amazing life he has worked so hard to achieve, and how he is going to love his dream job. Chris re-tied his black boots and pulled a chair out to the catwalk to count the stars. August 1st was going to be the beginning of great things for him, he could feel it. ~~~ Charlie yawned. It was his first week back and he still wasn't used to the night shift again. He could barely keep his eyes open. After a year of gallivanting the four continents with his younger brother George, drinking and smoking way too much marijuana, and more sexual partners in one year than he has had in his entire 27 years on this earth, coming back to his daily routine was almost torturous. He absentmindedly touched his chest, feeling his once rock hard body get some softness to it. He was down to a four pack, he thought to himself and laughed internally. To the world he was humble but inside Charlie knew his body was a site to behold and he took pride in it. It's what attracted people to him. It certainly wasn't the fiery red hair, blue eyes, and brown freckles that dotted most of his cheekbones, although that did make him stand out for sure. No, what caught people's eye was the shape of his body, his 2% body fat and muscles all over. And when he was in a tank top showing off his Chinese Fireball tattoo on his back and shoulder men and women flocked to him. Charlie yawned again. Shit I need to wake up, he thought. He started walking the perimeter of the Reserve. Six dragons in total, a manageable number, the smallest amount that they have had in years. No complaints though, anytime there were seven or more, there was always chaos. There were about 100 men – no women since Chitra left a few years ago – who dedicated their lives, sometimes literally, to ensure these endangered beasts have a safe place, a place to live and die in peace from the cruelty of humans. And humans are cruel. He had been obsessed with dragons his whole life but after coming face to face with one when he was 15 years old, he knew he had found his calling. He joined the Reserve right after his schooling at Hogwarts and never looked back. Hidden safely in the Verdan forest, they have found peace, and so had Charlie. He passed the sleeping London, the Ukrainian Ironbelly possibly 1000 years old and blind, with brown flesh that was still pink in his rawest spots. They named him London because they knew that's where he had come from, Gringotts Wizarding Bank during the Second Wizarding War that ended just a little over a year ago. How he even knew to come here no one knows. He just showed up on top of one of the Cerauvian mountains drinking from its natural springs. He stayed up there for two days before Dale, the Ringmaster of the Reserve, was able to coax him in the valley. They've become pretty close since then and even though he has two Tamers, Dale is the only one he lets ride. London sleeps a lot, which is fine. It is probably the most rest he has gotten on this earth, so they let him. He passed the newest one, a Swedish Short Snout, barely a year old that they have yet to name. Some git must have opened an egg and tried to keep it as a pet. When it got too much they just dropped her off in a cage in the woods. Seriously, a bloody dragon in the middle of the woods with muggle rangers all about. Who the fuck is that stupid, they will never know. Charlie was still fuming about it, as he was the one that found her in July before he officially resumed working at the Reserve again. She is wild and always looking for a way out. Plotting. She seemed to like him though, most likely because he was the one that took her out of her cage and cleaned her wounds. Everyone else she gave hell to, snaps her jaw at anyone who gets too close but to Charlie she just roars him away when she doesn't want to be bothered. She was currently sleeping at the base of the hill, just before the field and compounds. One of these days she is going to sneak right through the field and off the Reserve, he laughed to himself. Next up were the two Hungarian Horntails that came in together half a century ago, who they named Ben and Anna. They have only been separated once when Anna got to participate in the Triwizard Tournament with Robbie and Hyun Hee, and Ben didn't let them forget it for months. They were probably the youngest before the Short Snout came, no less than 100 years old each, and very playful. The story goes they were raised together in Hungary until their kind wizard owner died, leaving in his will they were to be sent to the Reserve to live out their lives. Both were sleeping, curled up next to each other like the lovers they are. Hyun Hee, called Honey, was their Chinese Fireball. She had a partner too, Liu, who was Charlie's first dragon as a Tamer and who he mirrored his own tattoo of. They had been on the Reserve the longest, the rumor is they were the first dragons here. Liu died about 7 years ago from an unknown heart condition, but they were pretty mature in age, at least 800 years old, when Liu died. It broke Charlie's heart and he has vowed to take care of Honey since then. Being part of the Tournament was the most alive she had been in years. It helped her to slowly come out of her depression, which is good. She too was sleeping. Charlie looked at Robbie the second oldest dragon on the Reserve, at 850 years old. The Common Welsh Green could be feisty at times, but generally he was happy to be here. He has taken a liken to London since he arrived and they usually fly together. They rescued Robbie from Ireland almost eight years back and Charlie was a part of that mission, his first. He is usually up this time of night but even he was asleep. Charlie thought it was the medicine that Sarah, their Reserve Healer, gave him for his arthritis. Everyone was sleeping which was usually a good thing but it did little to help Charlie's lethargy. The night crew Reservers were pretty much milling around, keeping occupied until the sun rose, the dragons woke up or trouble arrived. No sooner that Charlie thought this, the front entrance alarm went off. 30 men came running up from the compound including Dale who caught in the loo, pulling up his pants yelling "sonofabitch sonofabitch" repeatedly. Charlie likewise ran to the front as well. There was no apparating in the Reserve unless you were Dale. Vladimir, the newest nighttime fixer was running back up from the front entrance. Dale screamed, "What the fuck happened? Is someone trying to get in?" Vlad cried out, "No! It's the black one, the baby, she..she got out! She snuck up on me and jumped on me...I thought she was sleeping but she wasn't! By the time I stood up she was gone! She went right down the hill and out the main entrance!" The Reservers stood there with their mouths open, no dragon had gone out the front entrance into the woods before, as far as they know. But no dragon came in through the front entrance either, like she did. Dale turned to Charlie to tell him to go find her but he was already down the hill and out into the Verdan forest. ~~~ Chris had just rounded Marker 9 when he heard a noise. Knowing his training he turned off his flashlight and froze on the spot, and let his eyes do the listening for him. Could be a wolf or bear, either way he has to stay still. The forest was denser over here and he knew that's where the real wildlife hid, away from the people. He never got too close and they never came out so it was a non-issue but every once in a while something decided to wander from their habitat and the rangers had to deal with it. He heard it again. Something was walking toward him. Chris slowly got to a crouch and unlocked the strap on the left side of his utility belt where the tranquilizer gun was. Whatever was coming, was coming from the southeast of him. He figured he would subdue it, bring it further into the forest, then continue his rounds. But what Chris saw coming as his eyes got adjusted to the dark literally made him drop to his knees and froze every muscle in his body. The beast was at least 7 feet tall, and Chris was a good 6 feet himself. It was so black but it was also dark blue which Chris couldn't figure out if his mind was playing tricks on him. It walked on four legs, but when it saw Chris, it stood up on two. Eyes that were orange and yellow stared at him. Teeth bared like a wolf ready to attack. It took a moment for Chris to realize it had wings. What. The. Fuck. Is. It. Chris thought to himself. He also thought, This would be an appropriate time to shit myself, yet even his bowels locked up. He was terrified but also in awe. His brain said, This would be a good time to move, but his body would not budge. He watched the beast open its mouth and Chris saw electric blue light in his throat, and continued to be frozen in awe. In a split second, something - someone? - slammed their entire body against Chris, rolling him along with him by his shirt, just in time as the beast let out a roar, shot blue flames from its mouth, and the tree behind where Chris was just kneeling went up in flames. That magnificent blue-black beast let out a roar and spit magnificent blue fire from his mouth. Ho. Lee. Shit, Christ thought, as his voice seemed to have left him. Charlie, who landed on top of Chris locked eyes and said quietly, "Are you okay, mate?" Chris nodded although he felt anything but okay. Charlie jumped up and ran to the dragon with his wand raised. "Now, now there," Charlie chided. " You know better than to run away. I'm not mad at you, but you have to come with me now." Chris, who was lying in the same place Charlie left him was shocked. He was talking to it like it was a dog that got out of its fence, Chris thought. The beast eyed Charlie with intent as he continued this casual conversation with it. "You know," he said, "I haven't given you a name yet. Maybe that will help you feel part of the family. Do you want a name, sweetie? No, not Sweetie? Okay, duly noted. Let me think of some names. Ginny? No. Hannah? No. Beatrice? Nah, you need a name that can be masculine or feminine. Like a Taylor or a Jamie. Or maybe a girl's version of a boy's name, like Thomasina? Wilhelmina?" "Robetta," Chris called out of the darkness from the ground. He knew a Robetta in high school. Charlie glanced back at smiled, looked at the dragon and said, "Robetta it is! We can call you Betta for short if you like that. Do you like that, Betta?" He put his wand away, took a couple of steps toward it, now speaking so softly, like he was talking to a newborn baby, barely audible, but Chris heard every word. "Robetta, I won't hurt you. You know this. But I need to stun you a little to get you back okay ol' girl?" She moved back down to four legs and grunted as he came closer. He touched her gently and she grunted again but did not back away. Chris watched as he slowly reached in his pocket with his other hand, all the while cooing the dragon now known as Robetta. Suddenly his hand went up and he threw in the air a bright yellowish powdery dust as thick as pollen. The dragon yelled as it coated her head, her eyes, her nose and mouth, then fell down as if in a deep sleep. = "Whew," Charlie said. Chris realized he was still laying on the ground where Charlie left him, when Charlie came over and held out his hand to help him up. Chris took it and stood up. "So you're the new ranger?" he asked. "And you're the...beast whisperer?" Chris asked, still in awe. Charlie laughed. "Yea, I guess so." Chris looked over at the beast. "What is it?" he asked. "A dragon. A Swedish Short Snout to be exact," Charlie answered. Chris scoffed. "Fuck off, what is it really?" He laughed. "Okay, what do you think it is?" To this question Chris stopped laughing and his eyes went wide. "Are you serious? A fucking dragon? Like, A Game of Thrones, The Hobbit, Eragon, Puff the Magic Dragon, kind of dragon?" Charlie laughed. "You certainly know your classics." Chris moved closer, touched her scaly skin like a lizard, toenails as big as his foot. "She is beautiful," he said. Charlie said, "Yes. And she is just a baby. She will grow to be about 20 feet at least. I have to get her back now, but first I need to..." he raised his wand. Chris spun around, reached up his hand and grabbed Charlie's wrist, yelling, "DON'T!" Chris has read and watched enough sci-fi to know what happens next, his memory to be erased somehow, and he couldn't let that happen. Charlie paused, wand in mid-air as Chris held his wrist. Neither gave any resistance but held their arms up. They locked eyes. Chris held Charlie's gaze and said, "I swear to God I won't tell a soul I saw her. Not a single person. I will take it to my grave that dragons exist. Don't take this from me, please. Please." His eyes pleaded. And Charlie believed him. He began to slowly bring his hand down and Chris let him go. As he lowered his wand all the way to his side he asked, "When does your shift end? 7am?" "Yeah," said Chris. "How do you know?" Charlie ignored the question. "I'll come by at 6am. We'll talk then." And with that Charlie snapped his finger and Robetta levitated off the ground. He started walking into the woods, the dragon floating after him. Chris stared after them until the darkness swallowed them up. He realized he had five more checkpoints to do and he methodically completed his rounds, all the while thinking of Robetta and the man she led to him. Chris did his second round about 4:30am a lot quicker but lingered around Marker 9, all to his disappointment as it was quiet. He sat down to complete his logs at the table but his mind continued to wander: Dragons are real! And real people guarded them. Suddenly his dream job seemed trivial to what he wanted to do. I want to be a dragon tamer, he thought hysterically. He would need to ask that man when he arrived in the next 30 minutes how to get that job. And who was that man anyway? He didn't even know his name. But he remembered everything about him, white guy, thin lips, red hair, brown freckles – that's how close he was to him. His body was rock solid. The side of Chris that was attracted to men was definitely fascinated by it, but the dragons intrigued him more. Chris realized at 5:45am he had barely written a word. "Okay. Focus." he said to himself out loud. All quiet, he wrote at each marker. When he got to 13, Mr. Red Haired Rock Hard Body was at the entrance. It was like he appeared silently. All of a sudden Chris's mouth was dry and he was nervous. He slowly leaned back. Charlie on the other hand strode in like he had been here before, sat down across from Chris and put his black boots on the table, crossed at the ankles. He was wearing a different set of clothes, earlier he had on some kind of full uniform, a light brown coverall you step into and zip up. Now he was wearing a blue t-shirt that showed his bulging muscles, blue jeans, black boots and a satchel across his back. For a moment they stared at each other and no one spoke. Chris broke the ice, "And how is our Robetta?" he asked casually. Charlie smiled. "Doing well. She woke up on the east side of the Reserve which pissed her off, but she's fine. Since we know she is going to try to escape again, we put a tracker on her. And we didn't know she could spit fire yet so we nipped that in the bud too. Either way, I got my eye on he Chris nodded, and they were silent again, watching each other. It dawned on Chris why Charlie was quietly watching him. "Sooooo... How many rangers have you erased their minds so they wouldn't know about the dragons they saw? Before me." Charlie smiled a little, he was beginning to like Chris's frankness. He said, "Two so far. You would make number three." "Has anyone ever resisted?" "No, because I didn't give them the chance to." "But you gave me a chance to. Why?" Chris asked curiously. Charlie paused, then said, "Honestly I don't know. I guess you have an honest face." Chris nodded again, then said, "And did my face get less honest in the light of day?" Charlie laughed. "No, I still trust you. But seeing a dragon is a big fucking deal. You're going to need to talk to someone about it at some point. Confide in at least one other person that you trust, and that's how it gets out. And that's a risk I can't take." Chris nodded a third time. "Okay. Then I'll just talk about it with you." "With me?" Charlie was surprised. "Yes, with you. If I ever get the need to talk about dragons or whatever else I might find out, I will talk to you, my new best friend." Charlie couldn't help it, he smiled widely, took his feet off the table and leaned in folding his hands together. "You don't even know my name." "Oh that was deliberate!?" Chris said mockingly. "I just assumed between taming dragons and saving my life, you just forgot to mention it, like I forgot to give you mine." Chris leaned in as well, crossed his hands at the table and said, "I'm Chris Jennings. I live in Maliq, but I'm not Muslim, I'm Catholic. I live in a duplex with my two sisters and my nephew. Mum's dead, Dad's in Vlore near the sea. I'm single and ready to mingle. Born in Ireland, raised in Albania right here in these woods and until yesterday I thought I knew all of its secrets. "I'm not asking to visit the area, I'm not even asking about any others. I just want to keep the knowledge that there is one magnificent beast in this world that I touched it, and almost got killed by it. I'm not going to lie, if you erase me, I may forget what happened, but you and I both know I will never forget the feeling that I experienced something amazing and that I'm missing something. And I will probably keep searching for it." He exhaled. "Please don't erase me." "Obliviate," Charlie told him. "Huh?" "When you take a piece of memory from someone, it's called Obliviate. I do it with my wand." Charlie took his wand out of his pocket and put it on the table. To Chris it resembled a white stick with a black handle. "What are you, some kind of wizard?" Chris said jokingly. "Yeah sure," Charlie said sarcastically "Shut up," Chris said in disbelief. "Okay, I'm not," Charlie said seriously. And Chris suddenly believed him. "Yes. Yes you are," he said with a straight face. Charlie did not say anything. They stared at each other again. Chris leaned back and said, "Well Mr. Maybe I'm A Wizard, can we make a pact?" "I'm listening." "I will keep your secrets and you don't have to Obliviate me. In return I will keep all the rangers out of your area for as long as I'm here, to avoid another Robetta incident. I won't ask any dragon questions, but I may ask about our Betta from time to time, just to make sure she is okay And I especially will not ask about your stick or the fact that you might or might not be a wizard who knows or does not know how to do a lick of magic. Can we shake on that?" Charlie didn't say anything, mostly for effect. Because what Chris didn't know is that five minutes into their conversation he had decided he wasn't going to Obliviate him. Right after he called him, "my new best friend." He took a couple of moments and stuck his hand out, "I'm Charlie by the way. Charlie Weasley."

Charlie met up with Chris every day at Marker 11, which was the closest to the Reserve entrance. Since Charlie's shift was from dusk to dawn, he was in the woods hours before and was able to take his break around 1am. He convinced Dale that it was important to keep an eye on the new ranger, and Dale reluctantly agreed to let him. They would patrol together and talk about their lives and families. Charlie would walk with Chris to his last Marker 4 until Chris started doing his rounds backwards, starting at Marker 14 and ending at Marker 1, so their time together would be longer.

Charlie was a very interesting guy to him. He learned Charlie was the second oldest of seven children, but one passed away about a year ago and his twin is still trying to find his way. They just got back from a cross continent backpacking trip but he would say little to nothing about what they did. Charlie was born in England and moved to Albania 10 years ago at age 17 to work with dragons. He spoke Albanian and a bit of French because his sister in law is French and his older brother convinced him to learn it with him.

Charlie learned about Chris as well, he is the second oldest of three children in the middle of two sisters. Chris is biracial and amusingly calls himself a Black Irish. He has a father that he does not get along with and a mother who was his whole world until she died of ovarian cancer suddenly and aggressively. Growing up in Albania was tough due to his skin color but he quickly made up for it by running track and being a champion for his middle and high school.

Chris and Charlie became fast friends. They would do rounds together, then head back to the Tank, drink beers and play cards until around 3am when Charlie would head back to the Reserve. For the first few weeks they talked about surface stuff. Then one evening when it started raining on their way back, Charlie waved his wand behind Chris's back and magically their rain would fall around them as if they had an invisible umbrella over them. Chris looked at Charlie suspiciously when they were no longer getting wet, but as promised, he did not ask.

When they arrived at the Tank however, Chris said, "I promised not to ask, and I haven't, and I never will. But. I will anything you would want to tell me about being a...wizard."

Charlie sat at the table and Chris did the same. He said, "You have to understand, I am breaking a huge law here in my world. Since the 17th century wizards have taken a solemn oath to remain in secret from the muggle world."

"Muggle world? The regular world? Sorry! No questions." Crapping himself because he asked a question. He was happy that Charlie answered him without an issue.

"Yes," Charlie said, "the world of non-magical people. Muggles are humans without magic."

Chris nodded. Charlie explained the International Statute of Secrecy and the circumstances that it has been breached in the past, such as wizards and witches falling in love with muggles, or muggles suddenly having children with magical abilities. "At that point we would have to bring them into our world, and they too would take an oath of secrecy. When mistakes happen, we just Obliviate and move on."

Chris said, "I understand the seriousness of it all. And I meant it when I said I would not tell another soul. I'm glad you didn't consider me a mistake and Obliviate me, mate."

Charlie smiled. "Well I think I enjoy your company far more than I let on, mate. You remind me of my brother that I just spent a year with in combination with the one I lost."

As the leaves turned color and got ready for the fall, so did their friendship grow deeper and richer. Charlie opened up more about the Wizarding World and the troubles that seemed to die down for now. Charlie comes from a long historical family of pure blood wizards, but none of it mattered to them, as they grew up poor but rich in love and family. He spoke about the divide between muggles and wizards, between pure bloods and half bloods and muggle born wizards and the war that ensued. He told Chris about the Battle for Hogwarts that ended it all, where his soon to be brother in law, a 17 year old named Harry Potter at the time defeated one of the deadliest wizards to ever walk the earth. He also spoke about his regret for not getting there on time to save his brother's life, but only briefly as it was clear it was something he didn't want to talk about. Death Eaters still lingered about causing trouble here and there, but they had no leader or organization, and masses of people weren't dying anymore. Interestingly, Chris told Charlie about a cult of serial killers when he was in high school that was being blamed for people disappearing and then reappearing in the woods in the weirdest places, just dead with no known cause. Then suddenly it died out and no one was actually caught. Charlie confirmed they were Death Eaters in the Eastern European area. "There is still a lot of prejudice and hate and mistrust in my world, and that will take a long time to heal from, if ever," said Charlie. Hmmm...sounds like a lot of racism, sexism and homophobia if you ask me. Those aren't things people heal from quickly," Chris said. "Surprisingly, those things you mentioned do not matter in the Wizarding World. Power and blood rite is what makes the difference, no matter what color your skin is, what gender you are or who you love." "Really? Then maybe I should have been born a wizard," Chris joked. "Actually, it has been noted that Africa is the birthplace of magic, and some wizards believed that the more melanin you have, the more powerful your potential could be. In the 15th century during the slave trade, English wizards were purposely getting female slaves pregnant in the hopes they would have a powerful child. If they showed magical abilities by age eight, they would keep them. If not, they would sell them off." Chris's mouth dropped. "That's fucked up." Charlie agreed. "It definitely is. The things people do to keep their bloodline pure and powerful is nothing short of disgusting." "So it's possible that I could have some magical bloodline? Maybe after I start having kids I just might be passing down Wizarding genes from my African mama." He laughed, but Charlie said, "You never know. That's pretty much how it happens, out of nowhere one of your children starts doing unintentional magic. But first we have to find a woman that will want to fuck you," Charlie laughed. Chris shrugged and smiled slyly. "Or a man." Charlie's mouth dropped a bit in surprise, but quickly recovered. "Oh. Okay. You just never mentioned it so I didn't know..." he trailed off. "That I like boys and girls?" Chris asked amusingly. "Well it's not like it's glaringly obvious. Except the fact that you paint your nails black, but I just thought you were goth." "I'm that too." Chris said and laughed a bit. But then said, "Are you okay with that, mate?" Charlie feeling himself go slightly pink said, "Why wouldn't I be? Like I said, those things don't matter. You like who you like, love who you love." "Well I haven't loved anyone in a long time, but I do love sex." He smiled. Charlie laughed, really turning pink now, always amused by his candor. "So how does that work? You just choose a partner based on..." "Based on what I'm feeling at the moment. Sometimes I need soft, feminine, wet. Sometimes I need hard, strong, tight." Charlie wanted to ask more questions, but instead decided not to. As usual picked up on it and said, "Do you want to know what it feels like? Being with a man?" Charlie chuckled, trying to avert direct eye contact. "I've worked alongside men for the last 10 years. I just can't imagine being with anything other than soft, feminine and wet." "That's because you've never had tight." Charlie looked skeptical. "I've had tight." "Whatever you consider to be the tightest hole you've ever been in, multiply that times 10." Charlie's mouth opened in surprise again and they looked at each other, with Charlie looking away first. Chris smiled. "You're turning red, mate." he said. Charlie rolled his eyes. "Fuck off." They were quiet for a moment. Then Charlie asked, "So your last relationship was with a man?" "Technically my last relationship was with a woman," Chris said. "About a year and half long that ended earlier this year. But my last sexual partner was with a man, who we've been on and off again for way too long. It just needs to be over at this point." "Was it because of him that it ended with her?" "No actually. That was all me fucking it up with my commitment issues." They both laughed. "But it doesn't help that I had someone waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces. That's done though. I'm getting too old to keep going back to him." Charlie nodded, realizing he was less embarrassed by this conversation. Chris had a way of making him feel at ease. Chris asked, "What about you? You haven't mentioned a Mrs. Weasley in the last couple of weeks." "That's because Mrs. Weasley is my mother." They both laughed. He said, "I'm not with anyone. I haven't been for a long time, over two years ago. She was a Reserver, the only female there and we were together first as just something to do, and then exclusively for about three years until she left the Reserve to be with her family while the war was going on. She moved back to India with them." "So you've been celibate for two years? There's no way I believe that with you looking the way you look." Charlie started turning pink again. Chris was looking at him in a way he hadn't before. Or maybe he never noticed until now. He said, "No. I have not been celibate. I'm just not actively dating right now. I've had more than enough sexual partners during my trip because of my sexually charged little brother literally bringing girls home with him, and they would come willingly all because he is a Weasley. So I'm just trying to hang back for a bit. I wasn't celibate before, but I kind of am now." "Sounds like you feel guilty about getting your rocks off." "Not guilty. I just feel like I should have been a better influence on him, instead of letting him influence me." "Well. Considering he watched his other half die, I think it was perfectly fine to let him do whatever the fuck he wanted to do to feel alive. And it was perfectly fine for you to do the same." Charlie looked at him and nodded. Then Chris said, "Buuuut now that I know the Weasley name will get us buns, we're going to have to hang out, outside of the woods man! When's your next trip to London?" They both laughed. Charlie looked up, and it was almost 4am. He said to Chris, "Time to go." "Hey, thanks for talking with me, about the Wizarding World, about you," Chris said. "As usual, your secrets are safe with me. I mean that." Charlie nodded. He said, "Hey Chris, want to see a magic trick?" Chris smiled as Charlie disapparated on the spot.

On Chris's 26th birthday in early November, Charlie came to bring him a deck of cards, introduce him to one of his favorite games, Exploding Snap, which became incorporated in their daily routine. They continued to meet up daily and patrol, then Charlie would hang out with Chris and talk about everything. No topic was off limits now, from Wizarding World stuff to sexual escapades, which Charlie talking about the former and Chris talking about the latter, all the while playing chess, checkers and card games.

Charlie taught Chris other magical games such as Gobstones and told him about Quidditch. And because Chris was already exceptional at chess, he introduced him to Wizarding Chess, which he picked up quickly as well and had considerably less broken pieces and cuts on his hands than Charlie did. In turn, Chris taught Charlie the simplicity of Monopoly, which became a favorite of his.

One day a few weeks later, they were in the middle of a very intense Exploding Snap game when the alert went off at Marker 6. Someone has pressed the emergency alarm. Chris jumped up to the switchboard and pressed 6. "Ranger Jennings how may I be of assistance?"

A woman obviously scared breathlessly said, "He's going to kill me. Hurry. Please don't let me die." And then the line went dead.

Chris ran out and Charlie was right behind him, running into the northwest side of the forest to the Marker. When they arrived, all was quiet and not even footprints of someone having stood there were visible. Charlie sensed it as he waved his wand and said, "There was a wizard here. You see these blue spots? It's called magical traces. Something bad is happening, I can feel it. You should go back."

Chris scoffed. "You do realize these are my woods and this is my responsibility right? I'm not going anywhere. You should go back to the Reserve."

"No you don't understand, you could get yourself killed," Charlie said.

"That's kind of part of the job, Charlie."

"Not today it isn't. Go back."

"No you go back, I got this."


"I don't need you to protect me, Charlie!"

"I'm not leaving you out here to die, Chris!"

Something more than friendship passes between them as they stared at each other. Charlie brushed it aside. "Listen, we'll go together. But stay super close to me."

Chris scoffed again. "And you stay out of my way." He walked further into the woods and Charlie rolled his eyes at his arrogance.

They moved through the woods as silently as they could until they heard a man's deep voice chanting. Chris froze and Charlie went into a crouch, pulling Chris down with him. He whispered, "It's a wizard. It sounds like a spell he is doing. And I don't think it's one to conjure kittens and rainbows."

"We need to get closer," Chris said, and started crawling on his hands and knees toward the sound.

Charlie hissed, "Chrissssstopher!"

But Chris was already ahead of him. Charlie followed until they saw a faint orange light and they followed it until they came to the outskirts of a clearing. In the clearing was a large rock and with a wooden slab big enough for a human to lay across. And there was an unconscious female whose skin was glowing orange tied to all four corners of the wooden slab, hands and feet. The man was in a long black cloak, walked around the woman, waving his wand and saying words Charlie did not understand but knew it was bad.

Before Charlie could stop him, Chris jumped into action. He stood up and raced into the clearing with his .38 drawn and said, "Ranger Jennings here, kindly step away from the woman before I put this lead in your arse."

The dark wizard raised his wand and said "Avada Kedavra!" at the same time Chris fired. It missed the dark wizard by inches and Chris saw the flash of green from his wand.

Charlie yelled, "Protego!" from the outskirts of the clearing also at the same time, and a blue light created a barrier between Chris and the spell that would have killed him instantly. Instead the spell bounced off the barrier and hit a nearby tree, bursting it into flames.

Charlie yelled, "Get out of here, Chris!"

Chris yelled back, "I'm not leaving you with this manic, Charlie!"

As the wizard sent a wordless spell toward Chris, Charlie yelled "Protego" again, this time walking into the clearing. The spell bounced off the barrier again, this time hitting the boulder splitting it into two and sending the plank with the woman on top of it sliding to the left. The dark wizard realized he was dealing with another wizard and set his eyes on Charlie.

"Get the fuck out of here Christopher!!" Charlie yelled again. He started throwing a series of spells toward the wizard, "Stupefy! Petrificus Totalus! Flipendo! Stupefy!"

The dark wizard as well starting throwing spells at Charlie. "Crucio! Everte Statum! Crucio!" Reds, blues and greens lit up the night as they two wizards dueled, equally matched.

Before Chris could react a rebounded Reducto spell hit the ground inches in front of him, sending him three feet into the air backwards and he flew into a nearby tree, closer to where the woman was lying. Chris felt blinding pain knowing his skull split somewhere, but all he could think of was saving Charlie. He slid over to the woman first, realizing that his right ankle was twisted as well. He touched her neck to feel for a pulse and make sure she was still alive. Then he pulled himself to a standing position to see Charlie and the dark wizard continuing in a heated and fast paced duel, colors ejecting from their wands, apparating and darting behind trees. Chris looked down at a log near his foot and bent over to pick it up, waiting for his chance.

And then it came. One of Charlie's protection spells wasn't fast enough and he was flipped backwards to the ground by the dark wizard's spell, wand flying from his hand. Chris had no time to think, lifting the log over his head as the dark wizard lifted his wand again and began to yell, "Avada Kedavra!" He hurled it in the wizard's direction with all his might. The log bounced off the center of his back and he roared in pain as he curse was blown off course. The dark wizard looked in Chris's direction.

Charlie took that opportunity to cry, "Accio wand!" The wand flew out of the dark into his hand. As soon as it touched his fingers he pointed it cried again, "STUPEFY MAXIMA!" The dark wizard was instantly knocked to the ground unconscious.

Charlie quickly walked over to the wizard and murmured, "Incancerous" and ropes flew from his wand wrapping itself around the wizard tying him from ankle to shoulder. Charlie then made his way to Chris, who had fallen over right after throwing the log.

He knelt beside him, "You okay?"

"Bloody fucking brilliant, mate." Chris groaned.

Charlie touched his head where he was bleeding. "That's really bad," he said.

"I'll live, thanks to you," Chris said. "She's alive too by the way. What do we do now with a bad wizard and an unconscious girl under a spell?"

Charlie searched the grounds for Chris's radio and handed it to him. "Call it in like normal. I'm going to press Marker 6 again, hopefully they will come faster." He hesitated, then said, "I can't be here, I'm sorry. I will come check on you later, but for now I can't be found here."

He walked over to the woman and murmured, "Diffindo" to cut her binds from the plank. Once removed he gently laid her on the ground next to Chris. Charlie realized that the plank was actually a door with markings on it. He had never seen anything like it before.

He said to Chris, "Listen, when they come, find Inspector Stannis. Tell Stannis he has to take the case. Say it like this, `a little boy named Charlie told me to tell you that you have to take the case'. Make sure he takes you seriously. It sounds confusing and it's supposed to, but say it like that. You don't know anything else. Did you get all that?"

"Yes," Chris said. "A boy named Charlie said for you to take the case. And make sure he takes what I'm saying seriously."

Charlie nodded. He knelt down again. "Are you sure you are okay? Because if not I will stay and fuck it."

Chris shook his head. "No, go do what you need to do. I will do my part."

"Okay," Charlie said. He took the door and glanced back at Chris before he disapparated, leaving Chris to stare up at the stars thinking how he now owes Charlie twice for saving his life.

Chris was only in the hospital for one day, but took five days at home to recover his ankle before returning to work. He had only suffered a small concussion and a sprained ankle but the doctor put him out for three days, to Chris's annoyance. He was anxious to get back to the work, to talk to Charlie and to find out what happened. On his first day back right after Sasha left, to his surprise Charlie appeared at the door of the Tank. He hugged Chris, another surprise, and said, "Are you okay, mate?" Chris smiled widely. "Peachy!" They sat at the round table and Chris asked what happened. Charlie explained: "What we encountered was a dark wizard trying to do a necromancy spell. His girlfriend died during the Second Wizarding War and he was trying to bring her back. The woman we found was her cousin. The door had ancient marking meant as a literal doorway for her spirit to reenter the world into her cousin's body. Pretty creepy stuff." Chris was fascinated. "Anyway," Charlie continued, "Stannis did take the case, thank you very much for that, and covered it up as a psychopath attempt rape and murder. His magic has been subdued and he will be transported to Numerand, the closest Wizarding prison." Chris continued to be in awe of this world. "Wizarding prisons. Wow. That's a real thing." "It sure is," Charlie said. "And although your ankle is fine, I'm still going to patrol with you nightly in case you come against something like that again. You need a partner, and I'm your official one, so be ready." Chris almost laughed at his seriousness. Nothing ever happens in these woods but he was not going to deny the company. ~~~~~ Charlie started spending more hours at the Tank with Chris. He would arrive at 1am at the Tank and they would patrol all markers together, then head back to the Tank to eat and hang out. Chris started bringing dinner for two instead of just for himself from The Atrium, and a case of beer. The Atrium was a bar and restaurant in the front frequented by wizards and muggles, with an apartment complex in the back where Charlie and other wizards and witches lived, and it's the only place of it's kind in all of Albania. Right next door to The Atrium is The Exchange, where muggles changed currency and wizards exchanged Galleons for whatever currency they needed: euros, pounds or dollars. Charlie explained that the Atrium and The Exchange was owned by an American Wizarding family, the Wyndfields. Erle ran the restaurant with his oldest daughter Maggie, her daughter Clare and his youngest son Nicklaus the cook. Esme, his wife, managed the residential part of the Atrium. And their son Cole ran the Exchange with his wife Rebecca and his oldest son Elijah. Chris was fascinated. "So if muggles go there I can go there too, right?" He had fallen in love with their rib eye steaks and baked potato combo. "Yes. I will take you one day, we'll plan it," Charlie said, to Chris's delight. They continued to talk about sex a lot, as Chris more comfortable with Charlie, would initiate it. He talked about his random encounters with strangers and one night stands often and lamented about not having enough of it. "Shit I miss the feel of a nice round tight ass around my cock." Mostly to watch Charlie turn pink with embarrassment and get uncomfortable. He asked him one day, "Why do you talk about sex so much?" "Because I like having it." Chris laughed. "And I haven't done it in a while. I've spent the last two years focused on my career and getting this position. But now that I'm here working full time, I'm starting to think about all the randos out there just calling for my tongue on them." And like clockwork Charlie laughed, would turned pink and look away. But then he asked, "So how long has it been, really?" "Four months, last July. But that was with my ex." It was Chris's turn to look away as he got solemn. Charlie said, "Doesn't sound like it was a good idea." "It wasn't," Chris said as he got up to grab another beer from the mini fridge. "And you? Your last real fuck?" "May 29th." said Charlie said. Chris laughed. "Why do you know the exact date?" "It was the day before my birthday," he said laughing as well. "Oh so birthday sex. Was it good at least?" "Actually yes." He laughed again. "Or maybe I just think so because it's been so long and maybe I miss it too." "Well then stop punishing yourself. Nobody is forcing you to be celibate but you, mate. I'm going to get you laid real soon, watch me." He winked at Charlie who blushed again. ~~~ One cold December night in early December, Chris warned Charlie, "The thermostat is broken in the Tank and it's stuck at 88. It's scorching hot in there." As soon as they walked into the Tank after their rounds the blast of humidity hit them. Chris said, "Told you," and started opening back up the windows he had opened earlier and leaving the front door ajar. He started immediately stripping down to his bare minimum of clothing, a tank top and his pants, no socks or shoes. Charlie started taking off his outerwear as well, pulled his work jumper down to his waist and took his sweater and t-shirt off. Chris gasped at Charlie's back. "Charlie! You have a tattoo. Of a dragon!" "Oh yea, my first baby. His name was Liu." Charlie lifted up his black tank top to reveal his Chinese Fireball dragon that spread across the top half of his back onto his right shoulder, so when he lifted up his arm, the dragon lifted up its wing. "It's magnificent," Chris said softly, and he moved close behind Charlie and touched it. Charlie's stomach leaped at the feel of his fingers, which he wasn't exactly sure why, except that Chris's hands were softer than he imagined they would be. Chris traced the outline of the entire dragon slowly, his face so close that Charlie could feel his breath on him. Charlie could not find words, for some reason his mouth was dry. Chris suddenly stopped touching him and said, "I'm going to shine it up. Take your tank top off and sit down." Charlie said, "Sure," although he was unsure what Chris meant. Not that Chris was asking, as he had already moved to his locker. Charlie sat down at the round table and Chris came back over with a small bottle of almond oil, a subtly sweet smell. Charlie had forgotten to take off his tank top so as Chris sat behind him, he started lifting it over his head. Charlie did not resist, as he felt kind of numb and confused to what he was feeling at the moment: nervous? Chris was totally focused on the artwork. "I'm going to shine him up so he looks real. What's his name again?" "Liu," Charlie said as Chris rubbed oil on his hands, rubbed them together, then proceeded to slowly massage Charlie's shoulder blade and right side of his back. No one spoke or made a sound as Chris's hands moved on Charlie's skin, up and down, side to side on the body of the dragon. Chris then moved to Charlie's shoulder and down his arm. He kneaded the top of his right shoulder, then came around to the triceps, bicep, elbow, arm, wrists and hand and fingers, adding more oil at each interval. Chris realized Charlie has not moved, let alone stopped him from going beyond the dragon. But Chris couldn't help it, he had full access to the body he had only felt and never seen, and was transfixed on how truly defined Charlie really was. He wondered what was going on in Charlie's head, as he was slightly bent over, eyes open but his mind was definitely someplace else. Chris was spot on as many thoughts were racing through Charlie's head. The first one was how amazing Chris's hands were. The man could give an excellent massage. His skin was soft and his grip was firm. The second thought was how much he wanted – really wanted – Chris to keep touching him. Which led him to his third thought: Charlie realized he was growing an erection and he was trying to figure out what that all meant. Somewhere along the way, Chris moved back up from Charlie's fingers, past his shoulder blades back to the center of his back. He continued to massage Charlie to his left shoulder, down his triceps, bicep, elbow, arm, wrist, hand and fingers. Then Chris slowly made his way back to his back, upper part, then lower part. Charlie was lost in the sensuality and the sexual implications of it all. Chris sensed that something had definitely shifted between them and he thought to say something but he didn't know what and he didn't want to break the silence. How much had shifted, he had no idea, but he knew he liked touching Charlie and he knew that Charlie liked Chris touching him too. As to not push it too much, he made his way back to the dragon. It was so shiny with yellow glowing eyes and it almost looked alive. Chris resisted the urge to kiss Charlie's shoulder blade and instead said a quiet thank you to God for making this specimen of a man and bringing him into his path. He said quietly, "All done. You should see him, all like new. C'mon." Chris got up and walked to the mirror on the bathroom door thinking Charlie would follow. But he turned to see Charlie sitting in the same position, slowly putting his t-shirt back on. "I...I have to go," he said. "I just remembered some work I needed to take care of at the Reserve. Dale is going to kill me." He stood up and automatically faced the door to avoid Chris seeing his obvious full boner. Charlie zipped up his brown jumper and started walking toward the door. "Alright then Charlie," Chris said, curious of Charlie's reaction. Charlie stopped at the door and said over his shoulder without turning around, "I will see you tomorrow." Then he disappeared into the night. And in that moment it dawned on Chris just what was that unspoken feeling bouncing around the room. He knew he liked Charlie, but now he realized how much he was actually attracted to Charlie. Then he laughed out loud and put his hand to his mouth to control his smile. He realized that Charlie liked him too, possibly in the same way. Ho. Lee. Shit. Charlie could not shake this feeling. He went back to the Reserve and checked on Betta first, and he found Tommy his Tamer watching her. They moved Vlad to daytime where he is doing much better. He continued to walk the perimeter, then started jogging into the valley but no amount of running could stop his thoughts from catching up with him. He slowed down. Charlie was not gay. "I'm not!" he found himself saying it out loud. He had been with plenty of women, too many for his own comfort level. He was a strong heterosexual alpha male who loved the feel of a woman beneath him. It's all he's known and all he will ever be. And yet. He could not deny the intense attraction he was starting to feel toward Chris. Too much late night sex talks and drinking, he reasoned to himself. He tried to brush it off, but a little nagging voice in him wouldn't let him. It's more than that, the voice said. It's who he is, funny, brave, smart and yes, sexy. Charlie had never thought he would think that about a man before, sexy. But he was, and it was obvious to anyone that had eyes. His light brown skin, brown eyes, full lips, the bottom one slightly bigger than the top one, and he found himself wondering what it would be like to kiss him. Charlie broke into a run again. He tried to take his mind off of it, thinking about his dragons and dragon dung, anything else but imagining Chris's full lips around his penis, which is what snuck into his mind now. Charlie ran and argued with himself, Get a grip! he thought. It's only because I know he's bisexual, he reasoned with himself again. And the fact that he talked about sex and his sex life a lot, almost in a braggadocios way. Yeah, he told himself. Sexuality is fluid and it's just his human side being fluid right now. He doesn't actually want to fuck Chris, Chris his friend. His best friend right now. Yes you do, the voice said again. You want him to take your full girth and deep throat it you want him to bend him over and see just how tight he is you want him to bend you over just one time so you know how it feels to submit to a man how it feels for him to enter you you want to lay him down and flip his legs far apart so you can enter him too "FUUUUUUUUUCK!" Charlie screamed out loud and stopped running. He felt a little sick and began to dry heave as he tried to get his breath together, but mostly trying to get his erection to go down that had never really left him, but instead got harder. It was so hard he was afraid to touch it. He leaned against the side of the mountain and tried to calm down. He realized he was least three miles away from the Reserve at this point. There is nothing wrong with being bi, or gay, he said to himself. It's okay. It's okay and accepted and I'm fine with who he is. It's just not who I am. As Charlie walked back to the Reserve he convinced himself that it was just a fluke incident and that there must have been some internal switch within himself that made him feel all those feelings, and nothing to do with Chris himself. Maybe I do just need to get laid, he laughed to himself. It would just be too weird to be attracted to his best mate.

The next night Charlie stood at the entrance of the Reserve at 12:45am, feeling nervous. Almost to the point of shaking. Charlie turned around and went back up the hill to the compound. He was not ready to face Chris just yet. Being alone in a room with him again, he just wasn't sure how he was going to react, and he was scared to find out.

Chris glanced at his watch, 1:32am. He knew Charlie wasn't coming but he waited another eight minutes before moving on to the next marker, slowly. He went back to the empty Tank and opened the buttons on his shirt, as the heat was still broken. He got in the bed and closed his eyes and thought about all the different moments he has had with Charlie so far.

Admittedly, he had always had fleeting thoughts of being with Charlie, but his number one rule is to not come on to straight guys. If he wants others to respect his sexual fluidity, he would respect the rigidity of another. His number two rule is not to break in virgin males with sexual curiosity. Charlie fit both of those things. But suddenly Chris found himself wanting to break his rules, to push and see what Charlie would do. There was a strong sexual attraction between them. He saw it, he felt it and he knew Charlie did too. And suddenly Charlie's disappearing act tonight made perfect sense.

Chris must have dozed off because the next thing he knew Miche, the next ranger was shaking him wide awake. After giving him the report, he stepped out onto the catwalk squinting into the sun. That's when he saw him, leaning against his car. He realized he had never seen Charlie in the light of day in the four months they have known each other. His hair was even more fiery in the sun, tied back in a ponytail. He felt internal flutters and consciously kept his face neutral as he walked toward Charlie. Likewise, the closer Chris got, the more Charlie could feel his palms sweat, and he purposely grabbed his satchel strap with two hands and did a slow exhale.

"Hey," Chris said first.

"Hey," Charlie responded. "Sorry about last night, It was really busy last night and I couldn't get out." Chris raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. "I just mean it might be hard for me to get out and patrol some nights. But I am. I will...tomorrow. Or tonight. Well. Tomorrow. It should be fine."

Chris let a moment pass as they looked at each other. "Okay," he said nonchalantly.

He gave Charlie a quick shoulder squeeze and opened up his car door. He started the car and backed out of the space amusingly aware that Charlie was still standing there, holding onto his satchel. He rolled down his window and said, "See you tonight then...or tomorrow." He winked and drove off.

Charlie stood there a few moments to watch the car disappear down Pine Road. He inhaled and exhaled, surprised at how readily Chris accepted it.

Over the next two weeks Charlie and Chris met up as usual, patrolled and went back to the Tank, carrying out their normal routine. Chris kept the conversation light for the most part, talked about holiday plans and work issues as Charlie's thoughts continued to wander when they were in close proximity, and more so when he was alone in his flat. Chris would still throw up sexual jokes, and Charlie would laugh them off. "I'm definitely getting some for Christmas, and I plan on cumming twice in one night, calling it making it a Happy Chris-Mass miracle!" And Charlie would turn pink or turn away and casually deal another card or make another chess move. He couldn't tell if Chris was testing him or really oblivious to what was stirring up inside of him. Chris did notice that when he would go a little overboard with his jokes, Charlie would suddenly get "busy" the next day or two and he wouldn't patrol with him. When he would show up in the morning, apologetic, Chris would continue to act unfazed by it all. But in fact it nagged him a bit. A lot. After a three day disappearing act late December, and Charlie showing up at his car, Chris cut him off in the middle of his apology tour and said, "Could you stop apologizing to me already? I'm not your boss. I'm your friend. If you want to be here, be here, if you don't, don't. No pressure." Charlie was taken aback. "Um, yeah. Okay," he mumbled. Chris chuckled at his awkwardness and started to get in the car, but then looked up and said, "Do you want a ride Charlie?" Charlie laughed. "I think you know I can get myself home." "Yes I know you can get home but I'm asking if you actually want me to take you home." "Ah...okay. Sure. I'm in Barmash, about a 35 minute drive from here." Chris nodded, "I think I can manage that. Get in." And Chris got in the driver's seat. Charlie slowly walked over to the passenger side and got in, then gave Chris his address. Chris started driving and heading south from Maliq. He popped in his American pop music and started singing along to Green Day's American Idiot. Charlie couldn't help but be mesmerized by Chris and his ability to put any situation at ease. By the time they had pulled into his block, he had Charlie singing Boulevard of Broken Dreams with him at the top of his lungs, albeit with less talent. Chris stopped in front of the Atrium Restaurant and Charlie didn't want their time together to end. "Come in for breakfast." "Really, breakfast as foreplay?" Chris smiled slyly. Just as smoothly as Chris put him at ease, is just as quickly as he made Charlie feel awkward again. Charlie's eyes got wide and his dick involuntarily spasmed as he looked at him lost for words. "My God, you are adorable when you are pink," Chris said. "Let's go." He parked into the nearest space as Charlie inhaled and exhaled. He led Chris into the restaurant portion. Maggie greeted Charlie with a warm smile, "There's my guy. I thought you'd be here by now. Byreck with a side of eggs to go?" "No actually I'm going to get a booth. I'm with a friend," Charlie stated. "Oh!" Maggie's eyes widened with surprise, Charlie rarely actually eats in the dining area, just takes his food to go or at the counter. She led them to an open booth near the back window. Charlie ordered his usual and Chris ordered Shawarma with egg inside. When she left, he watched Charlie play with the salt shaker for a moment before asking. "So why do I feel like there is something you aren't telling me? Or something you want to say but afraid to?" "There isn't," said Charlie avoiding his gaze. "Okay." He waited. "I just got a lot on my mind lately. Work stuff. Family stuff." Chris nodded. "Okay. But you know you can talk to me, right? That's why I'm here, mate." "I know," Charlie said. "Some things I don't think you will get...about me. Some things I don't understand...about myself right now." "Well I know that feeling of thinking no one gets you, why you do the things you do or feel the way you feel. I spent too many years trying to fit someone else's idea on what my sexuality should be, gay, straight, masculine, feminine. When I stopped trying to fit myself into a box, I became free. I freed myself from my own internal struggle. And I've been happier ever since." Charlie was dumbstruck. Does he know? "But that's me, my past struggle," Chris continued casually. "What about you? What internal struggle are you going through?" "I...can't...not yet." He sighed. "I have to know what it is, how to describe it, before I can explain it to anyone else." "Okay. Well don't wait too long. Don't let it tear you apart from the inside out." he said concernedly. Charlie looked Chris directly in the eyes and said, "When I'm ready, you will be the first to know, I can promise you that." They looked at each other for a moment, then Maggie came over with drinks breaking their eye contact. They spent the next hour eating good food and talking with Maggie.

The week of Christmas Charlie changed his plans and decided to stay in Albania. Mostly because he knew how hard it was going to be for Chris and wanted to be there for him. Chris's mother passed away two days before Christmas, and every year since on Christmas Eve he and his sisters get together to share stories and remember their beloved mother. Chris decided to work the holiday so Charlie met up with him as usual at 1am. Chris greeted him cheerfully but it did not meet his eyes. Charlie also noticed how much quieter their walk was and he realized how much he depended on Chris's energy to keep conversation going.

So Charlie stepped up to fill the void and started talking about things going on at the Reserve: how much Tommy, his protege was being annoying as usual; running into Benji his archnemesis today in the beginning of his shift as he was leaving; How Charlie was next in line to lead a dragon mission and he was excited about that; Sarah perfecting a potion to heal poison ivy faster; Dale being as bit less surly and he is beginning to think something is going on between him and Sarah; and the five new recruits from Durmstrang Wizarding School, with dreams of being close to dragons only to be sloping up dung, holding logs over their heads in the rain and being told what big head and little dicks they have by Sven the trainer. Charlie predicted only one or two will make it by the end of their first year.

Chris chuckled at all the appropriate parts and gave mechanical "Yeah?" and "Wow's" when the story deemed so. But Charlie could tell was struggling to hold it together.

When they got back to the Tank, Charlie pulled out a pack of cards while Chris pulled a six pack of beer from the mini fridge. Charlie said, "Bavarian Rules."


"We're going to play Exploding Snap, Bavarian Rules." Charlie explained the difference and they began the fast past version of the original game. Chris lost the first round and it burned his fingertips.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed and Charlie laughed uncontrollably making Chris laugh as well. After that, Chris paid more attention and won three out of the five games they played. It definitely took his mind off his mother for the next hour and he was grateful for the distraction. But melancholy was seeping in and Charlie noticed.

After a full minute of silence, Charlie said, "Tell me about her." Chris looked up. Charlie said again, "Tell me about her. Your mum."

Chris sighed and leaned back in the chair. Then he got up and moved to lay in the bed and started talking. Charlie moved to lay next to Chris, resisting the urge to hold his hand but feeling it would be totally appropriate to do so.

Chris talked about his mother, Amina Fatu Thiene, born in Dakar, Senegal, who they affectionately called Ma Ami. He talked about her growing up and her life in Senegal, how she went to the University of Ireland on a scholarship and met and fell in love with his father Collum Dougal Jennings, who was her best friend's older brother. How their love was never fully accepted by his side of the family, and they made the decision to move back to Albania to her family's home right after Chris was born.

How she was an amazing cook, mostly french cuisine and it was her art and passion as well as her day job. He told Charlie how Ma Ami was not just his mother, but his best friend and confidant. That she knew his sexuality before he did, how she always knew what he was thinking and feeling, and the only one to bring him out of his dark cloud. How it has been six years and it still feels like it was yesterday that he lost his first love.

Chris let the tears flow freely as he talked. He was still very upset with his parents for keeping the diagnosis of cancer a secret for a full year before they told their children and by then it was too late. But it could have been an extra year of hiking and fishing and spending time together that they missed out on, as Clarissa, his older sister was going through a divorce and he and his little sister Charity were at University in Tirana. Chris spoke of their favorite moments together right here in these woods. He talked until the sunlight began streaming through the windows and Charlie barely spoke, just listened.

Charlie realized he missed the rest of his shift and Dale was going to be annoyed but he didn't care right now. He said, "Hey, walk me back to the Reserve." And Chris agreed.

They began walking mostly in silence, then Charlie said, "I think she raised a brilliant son, and she is smiling down at you at all you have accomplished. Sounds like she was waiting for you to find your happiness and you're getting there."

Chris said, "Professionally yes I'm kicking ass, but my private life is in shambles." he laughed. "I think she'd wonder..." Chris stopped abruptly. Suddenly he remembered he needed to wash his car and had the strongest desire to do so.

He started turning around to walk away when Charlie grabbed his arm and said, "Hold on there, muggle." He tapped his wand in the center of Chris's back and Chris had a feeling of warmth go through him. He gasped and shuddered a bit, then it was gone.

He turned to Charlie and said, "What the fuck was that?"

"Muggle Repellent. I removed it from you," Charlie told him. "There is a 20 foot perimeter around the Reserve with Muggle Repellent Charm among other things. As we approached the barrier you were being repelled away. But now you can walk closer without interference."

Indeed, Chris realized he had never been this far into this side of the woods where the trees were denser. They approached a tree that looked like three redwood trees stuck together. Charlie stood in front and faced him. "Here's the entrance. In case you ever needed to know."

"Can I walk in now that the Muggle Repellent is gone?" He asked.

"No," Charlie said. "There are more charms attached here, for muggles and wizards. We don't even let wizards just walk in either, they have to be escorted by a senior official. If you touch it, you will just be touching a tree. But if I touch it..." Charlie put his hand out and it disappeared into the tree as if the tree wasn't there.

Chris was fascinated again by the world of magic and secrecy. He was thinking this as Charlie suddenly reached out and pulled Chris into an embrace with both arms over his shoulders. Chris returned the hug lifting his hands around Charlie's back, surprised but grateful. It surprised Charlie how little sexual tension it was, but more of a loving feeling that he felt, more of a desire to hold and comfort him. They hugged for a full minute before Charlie let go first, and he walked backwards into the tree entrance watching Chris watch him.

Chris did not see Charlie again until New Years Eve, in the morning at his car. Though not unexpected as they shared a moment which he knew would scare Charlie a bit, he was disappointed in Charlie's ability to stay away from him for almost a week, as Chris was finding it harder and harder when Charlie disappeared on him. What Chris was unaware of was that Charlie watched him every day, saw him come in when he started his shift at 10:45pm and struggled with wanting to be around him but afraid of how he was feeling.

Charlie was honest with himself: If Chris was a woman this would be a no brainer, he would pursue it to see where it would lead. But he's a man, and Charlie wrestled with thoughts of wanting to express his feelings of...what was it? Attraction? Infatuation? Bicuriousity? But he also had another practical reason, Chris had become a close friend to him and Charlie did not have many of those. If they were to cross some forbidden line and it went to shit, he would lose a friend. A best friend at the moment. So was he willing to take that huge leap into the unknown for the almost imminent possibility that it would end at a loss at best, heartbreak at worse?

Every day Charlie had a different answer. And the one person who could probably understand was the one person he couldn't talk to about it. Charlie also sensed that Chris was figuring it out and growing impatient with his disappearing acts, but he didn't know how else to clear his mind but to keep his distance. When they were together in the same room the question lingered and he knew it was coming some day and Charlie knew what the answer would be, an unequivocal yes. But to step outside of the bubble was to face reality – it just wasn't that simple.

These were all the thoughts in Charlie's head as he stood by Chris's car on New Year's Eve that morning, waiting for his shift to be over. Chris gave a wryly smile as he walked over and said, "Those bloody dragons again, keeping you busy huh?"

Charlie looked sheepish. "You're working tonight?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Yeah." An awkward silence ensued. Chris leaned over and Charlie shifted his feet slightly away but didn't back up. Chris pretended not to notice and said in Charlie's ear, "Don't disappoint me."

He got in his car as Charlie said, "I won't." And he meant it.

Charlie met up with Chris at Marker 11 at 1:20am. They had small talk as they patrolled, chased some kids from the lake and talked about previous New Year activities since they were both working this year. They went back to the Tank and brought out a game of Wizard Chess that Chris keeps in his locker. Chris, who had been thinking about Charlie in a sexual manner all day decided to tease him a bit. "God, I miss fucking," he said out loud looking directly at Charlie.

Charlie didn't say anything but felt himself grow warm as Chris continued, "I miss the feel of a warm hot mouth and long tongue on my cock. I need a nice, wet hairy hole to dig into. It's been way too long for me." Again, Charlie did not respond and pretended to be concentrating on his next move.

"What about you?" Chris asked.

Charlie mumbled, "what?" still not looking up.

"Sex, Charlie. Fucking? Do you even remember the feel of the last time you fucked someone? Or better, when was the last time someone fucked you?"

Charlie was practicing his breathing as his heart started racing. He looked up and saw Chris had a sly smile and he realized what he was after. "You asked me that already. Last spring, remember?" he said with a straight face. "Been a while for me too." He went back to his chess pieces.

Chris continued to talk nonchalantly. "Yea that's just way too long. We should make a pact to get fucked in the New Year." Charlie laughed. "I'm serious," Chris said. "We should just go bar crawling one weekend, find some ladies and have at it. A pair of sisters would be nice. I'll take the one with the fattest arse."

Charlie made a move still chuckling at his friend's words. Chris continued to talk about his favorite sexual positions to get a reaction out of him. "Doggy style. Because when they are face down, arse up, man or woman, it all looks the same, and it's the most beautiful sight to behold. Although one hole is tighter than the other." Chris made a move. "Check. Can you guess which one?"

Charlie, thankful for the opportunity to concentrate on his pieces again, didn't answer. Chris waited a few more seconds, then said softly, "Have you ever fucked someone in the ass Charlie?"

Charlie felt his dick twitch and he drew in a small breath which he played off with a clearing of his throat. "No," he said simply and without looking up. He made a move and instantly realized it was the wrong one. "Shit," he mumbled. He glanced across the round table to see Chris staring at him intently.

"You should try it. At least once. A cunt is soft and warm and even the tightest cunt is still like a tight wet pillow around your cock. But the arse, it's firmer, unforgiving in how it grips onto your dick, like a warm wet suction that keeps grabbing you from the inside. And the deeper you go, the tighter it holds on until you explode. It's the best feeling in the world."

They stared at each other. Charlie was perfectly aware of how hard he was at the moment but kept his face stoic. Chris was more amused and was only about halfway there. This talk was more for Charlie's benefit than his own.

"Check. Your move," Charlie said.

Chris smiled. Looked down at the game and said casually, "Your face is red, Charlie."

Charlie was almost angry at himself for being so transparent. He decided to turn the tables. "Why do you always talk about sex, really?"

Chris laughed. "I told you, because I like having it. And I'm not having it nearly as much as I would like to right now."

"But what about love? Relationship? Commitment. Don't you want that too?" Charlie asked.

Chris sighed. "I do. At least I think I do. I'm just bad luck with love."

"Why is that?" Charlie asked.

Chris leaned back in his chair. "I don't know. Maybe it's my fucked up daddy issues. I know he loved my mum and she would tell me all the ways he does but I just never saw it. Maybe it's because very few people in my life have actual long loving relationships. My older sister's marriage failed and she is pregnant by another man so she's going to have two kids by two different fathers. My little sister is a whore like me. We just don't know how to do relationships well. But we are fantastic lovers." He winked, looked down and made a move.

Charlie was not going to let up. "No one teaches you how to be in a relationship. You just go in with equal footing, open hearts and knowing you want the same things. Then you take that journey together."

"Well maybe I haven't found someone who wants the same things as me," Chris shrugged.

"What do you want? In a partner?" Charlie asked.

Chris mumbled, "I don't know."

"Try. Think about it."

Chris leaned back again, thoughtful. "I want someone who sees me, the good and the bad. Someone who knows my whoring past and never brings it up and still wants to fuck me anyway." He laughed. Charlie didn't, and waited for him to continue.

"I want a love that gives me a reason to get out of bed every morning, someone I can cook for and give back massages and they would do the same for me without asking. I want someone who knows how to make me laugh when I'm sad, and calm me down when I feel like putting my fist through a wall. Challenge me when I'm wrong, encourage me when I'm on the right path. Someone that will take me sailing into the middle of the ocean to make love under the stars, just because. I want that unconditional, unequivocal ability to love someone and know they got me completely."

He looked away and said, "That doesn't exist for me."

"Maybe they do," Charlie said softly.

Chris looked at Charlie in the eye almost angrily. "And what about you? What do you want Charlie?" And in that moment Charlie knew that Chris knew his deepest desire.

He looked down. "I don't know anymore."

"I think you do know. I think you are just chicken shit to say it out loud."

Charlie looked up and laughed. "Chicken shit? Really?"

"Yes. Chicken shit."

"I'm not afraid to say anything out loud, especially to you," Charlie said. "I'm just...It's a lot going on with me. I'm just trying to figure it all out."

"Yeah? Well maybe I can help you if you tell me what's been bothering you. Maybe we can work it out together."

"No, you can't help me with this."

"Oh I think I can," Chris said smugly.

Charlie was starting to get annoyed. "Whatever you think you know, you don't."

Chris folded his hands on the table. "Okay. I wasn't presuming anything. But I will say that you have always been straight with me, we have always been straight with each other, but lately it's like you are hiding something from me and it's just...weird. We're friends right? Friends tell each other everything so all I'm saying is, whatever it is, you can say it. No judgment. No snarky comments. I can listen and advise or just be there for you like you have been for me. Or maybe... maybe you want me to start the conversation."

Charlie looked at him for a minute. "Is there something you want to ask me?" They stared at each other.

Then Chris said, "Not yet. But I will when the time comes."

"And like I told you before, when I am ready to talk about what's bothering me, you'll be the first to know. Trust me."

Chris looked around. "It's past time for you to head back and we never finished our game."

"Oh I think we've been playing chess all night," Charlie said.

Chris smiled. "Yeah, who won?" Charlie did not respond, just smiled back.

Chris spent the month of January throwing out sexual innuendos to Charlie during their time together. Charlie knew Chris wanted a reaction out of him and he would laugh them off or ignore them. But inside he wasn't sure if he wanted to throttle him or bend him over the table. He was growing increasingly distracted at work with his thoughts as well, even Dale whose natural demeanor is crappy barked at Charlie to get his shit together and stop snapping at the trainees. Charlie couldn't help it, his head was spinning and Chris was getting under his skin. He started having dreams shortly after New Years that didn't help. They started innocently enough, Chris and Charlie hanging out, and then suddenly one was on top of the other pumping away. If Charlie was on top Chris would be face down in a pillow, cheeks spread apart while Charlie penetrated with fury until he exploded inside of him. He could handle those dreams a bit better although disturbing. No it was the other ones, when Chris was on top and Charlie was lying face up. Those dreams seemed to go on forever, as Chris moved slowly, passionately. And Charlie would see and study his face: the shape of his top lip slightly thinner than his body lip, the small black beauty mark on his left cheek, his brown eyes, the dark brown curls of his hair. In the dream his face was close enough to touch but they never kissed, just stared into each other's eyes. And Chris never came, he just moved in and out like the ocean until Charlie woke up sticky from his own ejaculation. The former dream made him feel powerful and in charge of his fate, but the other made him feel completely defenseless, as if he had given himself over to something so unexplainable. The loss of control is what scared him. So he endured Chris' sexual innuendos: "Not even a finger in your bum? Never?" "That two males to one female bisexual threesome is the most amazing experience" and outright explicit monologues, "Sucking dick is an art form. There is a correct tongue flicking throat compression combo that not many people are able to accomplish. And to be able to deep throat is all in the mind." Those days he contemplated not seeing Chris but he knew if he missed just one day of patrolling, Chris would win this never ending chess match they were playing, calling him chicken shit again, and that Charlie could not let happen. ~~~ February rolled around and Chris announced he was finding them dates for Valentine's Day. Charlie reminded him it falls on a Friday and they are both working. "Okay Sunday then. An after V-day pussy grab. So many lonely hearts and wet cunts available that weekend," Chris said excitedly. "Just leave it to me." "So you want a woman, not a man?" Charlie said before could stop himself, instantly regretting it when he saw the look in Chris's face, one of desire directed toward him. Chris said, "No, the man I want doesn't want me." Charlie looked away, needing to put some distance between him and this conversation, and the focus back on Chris. "Okay fine," he agreed. "Find us dates and I will go." "Really?" Chris said excitedly again. "Because I meant it when I said I'm getting laid this year. I also meant it when I said you were too." "Yeah, make plans, I will be there." Chris came back a week later and said, "Okay. I met these two nurses at the hospital where my sister works. They are also working Friday and Saturday but available on Sunday. I told them we will have a whole Valentine's Day redo that day, with flowers, chocolate and dinner. I also told them I got a hotel room in case they didn't want the night to end, and they agreed!" Charlie was not paying attention to the game they were playing and burned his hand on an exploding snap card. "Ow!! Room? Just one?" he asked. "Don't worry you prude, double beds." "And the just agreed to fuck you, who they met and fuck me, who they never met?" Chris smiled. "I'm pretty convincing." Charlie looked unsure about this now and Chris saw it. "Oh don't back out on me now. We are so close to getting our nobs slobbed on!" Charlie chuckled but his mind was still on the one room. "Why not two rooms though. No privacy, we'll be able to hear and see each other." Chris looked at Charlie in the eyes and said with a straight face, "Maybe I want to hear how you sound when you moan." Charlie was not prepared for the boldness of that response and his mouth dropped open. Chris laughed a loud belly laugh and said, "Christ, you should see your face." "You're an arsehole." He shook his head and scoffed, but noticed his heart was beating fast. "Listen if you really want privacy we will get two rooms, no big deal. I just thought it would be fun. Plus I get the sense they are kissing besties so I am kind of hoping they give us a show. Charlie did not speak right away, he was focused on slowing down his heartbeat. Then he said, "Okay." Chris smiled widely. "Excellent." The following Monday overnight shift before Valentine's Day, Chris and Charlie did their normal routine of patrolling, beers and monopoly. Chris had not dropped one sexual joke so Charlie relaxed a bit. Then Chris brought up the dates. "So we're going to meet at Avery's Mountain Grill, you're in charge of the romantic shit – flowers and chocolate." Charlie laughed. "Why me?" "Please. We both know you're the romantic one out of the two of us." Charlie laughed again. "This is true. Okay, I've got it." Chris continued, "Afterward we'll head to Hilton International. Drinks at the bar until they decide when they want to go up. If they decide." "And if they don't?" "Then we go home with blue balls and cotton mouth." Chris laughed. Charlie didn't, but seemed thoughtful. He asked, "What's on your mind?" "Nothing," Charlie said. Chris didn't say anything, but waited. Then Charlie said, "It just seems like a waste if they didn't want to go, that's all." Chris decided to push Charlie further than he has before. He said, "We don't have to waste it. We could go up to the room ourselves." "And why would we do that?" Charlie said sharply. Chris glared at him. Then he scoffed, "Okay." They were quiet for a moment but Chris couldn't help himself. "It must be fucking exhausting being you," he said. "Come again?" "I mean, the amount of mental gymnastics you must do on a daily basis. It must be fucking exhausting." Charlie mumbled, "Fuck off." Chris said loudly, "No you fuck off!" They glared at each other. Chris asked, "What do you want, Charlie?" "What do I want about what?" Chris's eyes narrowed. "What. Do. You. Want. Charlie." Charlies stuttered, "I'm...I'm no..we...we're not...doing this..not today." "Okay, then when?" Chris asked boldly. "When would be a good time to do...." he gestured his hands around, "....this?" Charlie didn't answer, instead leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Chris started again. "What do you want, Charlie?...What do you want, Charlie?... What do you want-" "AAAAH fuck off already! Don't you think if I knew what I wanted I would have..." he trailed off. Charlie opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. "You should probably cancel the dates. I'm sorry." "And do what instead?" Chris asked. Charlie did not answer. "What do you want, Charlie?" "Back off Chris," Charlie said frustrated. "No. What do you want, Charlie?" "What do YOU want Chris?" Charlie yelled at him. "Do you really want me to answer that?" Chris said calmly. Charlie did not speak, unsure. Chris said, "I want you to be honest about how you are feeling." Charlie said sarcastically, "Right. And you think if I unburdened myself all my problems will go away?" "No," Chris said seriously, and leaned in. "But I think you will feel less fear." Again Charlie didn't answer. Chris continued. "I think you know what you want. I think you are scared of what will happen if you go for what you want. But you should know by now that I won't leave you out there by yourself. You've walked with me almost every day for six months, since you saved my life. You know who I am. Let me walk this walk with you." Charlie said, "You don't know what I want. Bloody hell, I don't know what I want. But I know that you don't want what I want. So how could you walk this walk with me?" It was Chris's turn to be silent. He wanted to touch Charlie but was afraid he would pull away from him. It was the closest Charlie had come to confessing how he felt about him, and it left him speechless. Charlie suddenly stood up. "I gotta go." He grabbed his jacket and headed out into the cold as Chris called "Charlie!" after him. That Tuesday night, Charlie did not come to the Tank or met him at Marker 11, nor at his car on Wednesday morning. Chris was annoyed but glad they started putting things out there. He was tired of the Merry-Go- Round of unspoken feelings that they were on and someone needed to get off or they keep going around together, but this standstill was not going to happen anymore. He canceled the dates under the guise of "My buddy went out of town, sick grandma, ya know?" without a promise of a reign check. On Wednesday evening at the start of his shift, he walked Sasha out and stood on the catwalk looking out. He thought he caught a glimpse of Charlie by the edge of the woods but wasn't sure. When Charlie did not show up for patrol again, he had resolved in his head he was not going to let him off the hook anymore. He was going to confront Charlie the next time they saw each other and he was going to get his answer, one way or another. Charlie felt his nerve wavering. Chris's words struck a cord deep and the challenge was too great to ignore. He knew the next time they saw each other, he would need to give an answer, but he still wasn't sure what that answer would be. So instead he spent the next couple of days borderline stalking Chris, watching him at the start and end of his shift. On Thursday morning Chris stepped out 10 minutes before the end of his shift and Charlie had to quickly apparate at the edge of the woods, hoping he was not seen. Unfortunately Chris did see him and laughed at the absurdity of it all. So a game of cat and mouse was in pursuit, he thought. On Thursday night, Chris arrived 20 minutes before the beginning of his shift. He parked under the lamp post, got out of his car and waited. Then called out, "Charlie. I know you are here." Charlie who was a couple of yards away behind a tree felt his heart come out of his chest, but then walked out. He stopped under the lamp post, put his hands in his pocket and looked at Chris. "Where you been?" Chris asked. "Around. Thinking." Charlie couldn't avoid his intense gaze even if he wanted to. Chris nodded. "I thought I saw you the other day." Charlie did not respond. Chris walked over to him and stopped about a foot from him under the lamp post. Charlie was prepared for the, What do you want, barrage of questions that was sure to come. Chris was ready to confront Charlie as well on what he believed to be true, that Charlie had real feelings for him, and enough of the hiding from them and him. But the vulnerability in Charlie's eyes made Chris want to take a different approach. "Tomorrow, actually tonight at midnight, is Valentine's Day," said Chris. Charlie was thrown off by the statement. Obviously they both know this. He let Chris continue. "You know, I've never been kissed on Valentine's Day." Charlie just stared, his mouth getting very dry. "I mean, I've been kissed obviously. Just not romantically. I've never been a romance kind of guy and I've never had someone want to be romantic with me. It would be nice for once if I could be that guy, you know. The guy who gives or gets the sweet romantic kiss on Valentine's Day." Charlie held onto the inside of his pocket a little tighter, but otherwise he could not move. "You're a romantic kind of guy, aren't you Charlie?" Charlie couldn't move or speak. "Do you think you could do me this favor?" His feet felt like they were stuck in quicksand. "Would it be alright if I showed a little romance on Valentine's Day?" Even if he wanted to run away at this moment, he couldn't. "A little Valentine's Day kiss for a best mate?" Charlie suddenly realized how close Chris had gotten. So close he could see the black mole on his left cheek, he could stare at the brown in his eyes under the light of the lamp post, see how his bottom lip is slightly fuller than his top lip. He could feel his breath on his face and heard him say so softly it was almost a whisper, "Can I kiss you, Charlie?" Charlie looked into Chris's eyes before he instinctively closed them and Chris followed suit. Their lips touched, softly at first, then with a little more pressure as Charlie opened his mouth slightly and pulled Chris's bottom lip gently between his two lips. Then Chris slowly pulled away. "Thank you," he said softly. Charlie opened his eyes still afraid to speak, lips still slightly parted from when Chris pulled his own from them. Chris moved back a little and softly again, "Thank you for my Valentine's Day kiss." He slowly backed away, watching Charlie watch him. Eventually he turned around and walked up the stairs into the Tank without looking back, leaving Charlie standing there. Charlie realized he had been standing there a few minutes, then horrified to realize Chris could still see him standing there like an idiot if he wanted to just by looking out of the window. That thought wiggled him out of his stupor and he began to have feelings in his legs again, just enough to apparate. But Chris was not looking at the window. He was too busy being stunned himself and he had a smile on his face he could not get rid of, for various reasons. For one, he was proud of himself for making the first move, two, surprised that Charlie let him, he had to know what was coming, three, Charlie had absolutely kissed him back and four, the realization that he was not alone in his feelings, that his suspicions were confirmed and that Charlie had real feelings for him too. ~~~ Charlie stumbled into the Reserve looking harried. He fumbled with putting on his outerwear, barely noticing Dale watching him at first with impassivity, but as the agitation continued with actual interest. When he finally succeeded, he stood for a moment, lost in thought. A line had been crossed, that he knew for sure, but what happens now? Dale watched Charlie as he looked at himself in a nearby mirror. "Hey Charlie?" "Hmmm?" "Are you pretty enough for your dragon babies today?" Charlie looked up confused. "Huh?" "Take your cunty arse to work, that's what!" Dale barked. Charlie rolled his eyes and headed into the valley. His head was spinning. What now, he kept thinking. We can't just go on patrol and pretend like he didn't kiss me. That I didn't just let him kiss me, but I sort of kissed him back. Somehow Charlie thought it would be different kissing a man, somehow rougher. He laughed at himself, of course a kiss is just a kiss. It could be as hard or as soft as you made it to be. And Chris's lips were very soft. Sex is probably similar... Oh! Does this mean we will have sex now!? Charlie worked himself into a tailspin over it: I have no idea what I'm doing. How much of it transfers from sex with a female to sex with a male? All those conversations where Chris was educating Charlie he was now trying to recall. Doggy style, sure. But what about missionary, do men do missionary? Is it anatomically possible? Charlie had never thought about it until this moment. What about oral? He vaguely remembered Chris' monologue on how to do a fellatio excellently. He's almost certain to screw that up. He's never sucked anything bigger than a tit, what if he choked and threw up? All of these horrifying thoughts of him fucking up sex with Chris circled his head as he checked on each dragon, ensured their supplied were stocked and talked a bit with Tommy. They were running low on dragon claw, he would make a note to the day team to collect some. The garden crew needs more Horntail dung for their flitterblooms. London has been looking paler lately. He needs to go on the list for a check up sooner rather than later. By the time he looked at his watch it was 10 minutes past 1am and Charlie panicked. There was no way he was going out there to patrol. He wasn't even going to the doorway. He knew it was decision time and he needed to delay it a bit more. Instead he went back to the breakroom for the veal soup they offered. But Charlie couldn't eat either. He instead paced the room, thinking. It was obvious Charlie had real feelings for Chris. Undeniable at this point. The question for him was, does he go all in? With a man? With a muggle? And if he does, what will his family say? He had already broken Wizarding law and will have to answer to that at some point. But would his family accept him being with a man? Was Charlie even gay? If so he was already terrible at it. Chris would literally have to teach him the ins and outs from love making to handling discrimination. What would his mother say? Charlie was so lost in his thoughts he failed to see Dale enter the room. "Aren't you supposed to be patrolling?" Charlie jumped at the sound of his voice. "No," he mumbled. "Not tonight." Maybe never again, the way the conversation in his head was going. Charlie continued to pace, sat down, shook his leg until he had to get up and pace again. Dale was watching Charlie with great interest now. It was apparent to him that something shifted in his "friendship" with the ranger, and frankly Dale wondered what had taken them so long. After the fourth pace-sit-shake-pace combination, Dale pulled up a chair and sat in front of Charlie during the shaking stage. Charlie stopped shaking his leg. "What?" "You tell me," Dale said. Charlie didn't answer, he instead turned away. "It's okay, you know," Dale said. Charlie did not look at him. "What is?" "Everything you're feeling. It would be crazy if you weren't confused, debating the pros and cons of it all." Charlie wanted to pretend that he had no idea what Dale was talking about but he realized this is the closest he had come to hearing someone other than himself on the issue. Dale continued, "For the record, no one in our world will give a murlap's arse. We care more about bloodlines than where or who you stick your prick in, in case you didn't notice." Charlie, still looking away, said, "I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never been so clueless about myself in my entire life. What if I fail?" "It's not a fucking test, Charlie. No one is grading you on your love life. Shit, if that's the case I've failed three times already, and that's just counting my marriages, not the string of broken hearts I've left along the way. No, you only fail if you never tried in the first place. Spend your life wondering if he was the One and you were too pussy to figure it out. Since when is a Snek like me telling a Lion like you about bravery?" Charlie knew Dale was right. There was something about Chris that drew him in. The connection from the moment they met grew into a spark, then an attraction and the kiss tonight sent it into overdrive. He wanted to know. He needed to know. And he would be kicking himself if he just ran away from it all. He was just trying to figure out when and where he should make his move when Dale barked, "What the fuck are you still sitting her with me for? Get the fuck out of here!" Charlie smiled and stood up. Dale continued his berating, "Oh and take a shower before you go, you smell like shit. Literal dragon shit. And don't come back here until you sort this shit out. Can't have you distracted on the job, dying on my watch. Who else is going to tame Robetta? Not that half wit cunt Tommy that follows you around like a lost puppy. Not me, that mean dragon bitch. No you can't die here, so do what you need to do, come back tomorrow, ready to act like you have some goddamn sense." Charlie laughed at Dale's attempt to cover up his fatherly mentoring with spite. ~~~ Chris did not expect Charlie to come out for patrol. He actually did not expect to see Charlie for the next week, maybe two. He sat at the table with his feet up and his eyes closed, reliving the barely kiss again, smiling at Charlie's reaction. He was trying to figure out whether he should leave the ball in his court or make another move the next time he saw him when Charlie apparated outside the Tank door. Chris was startled by the sound of the door opening and fell backwards crashing the chair he was in onto the floor. He stood up quickly, shocked and called his name. "Charlie!" Charlie was wearing street clothes like he does at the end of his shift. "Yeah, sorry I missed patrol, I was ... figuring stuff out." He came in and closed the door behind him, took a deep breath, then turned around and walked to the round table. "So what were you trying to figure out?" Chris was suddenly aware of how fast his heart was beating. "Us," Charlie said simply. "What about us?" Chris asked. "How we feel about each other." Charlie started walking around the table towards him. "What do you mean by that?" Chris started walking in the same direction away from Charlie, but kept eye contact with him. Charlie noticed and stopped walking. Chris did as well. "You kissed me," Charlie said factually. "I did. You kissed me back," Chris said just as factually. He paused. "Was that a test? To see if I would?" Chris shrugged a bit. "I didn't really put much thought into it." Charlie's eyes narrowed at Chris's attempt to shrug off what was happening between them. He started walking again and so did Chris, around the table. He asked with a realization, "Am I making you nervous, Christopher?" "No," Chris said unconvincingly. "Why are you running from me then?" Charlie stopped walking and realized he was now on the other side of the table, and Chris was now near the door. "I'm not running. I'm walking like you are." Truthfully he was a little afraid of what Charlie might do if he caught up to him. "You look nervous." "I'm not nervous. I'm just...surprised to see you. I didn't think I would see you for a while." Charlie started walking again, slower, and Chris followed suit. "You thought I would be chicken shit again." Chris laughed. "Yeah well... maybe a little." "Well maybe I don't feel like being chicken shit anymore. Maybe I'm ready to tell you what's been bothering me these last couple of months. Do you want to hear it, Chris?" And suddenly Chris wasn't so sure he did. He realized just how much would change between them once Charlie confessed his feelings and suddenly he wasn't sure he wanted things to change. Chris is really good at fucking up relationships, and he realized at this moment how much he cared about this one. Charlie sensed his trepidation and said, "You asked me a few days ago to tell you what I want." It was Chris's turn for his mouth to go dry. He just nodded. Charlie laughed. "Look who's chicken shit now?" Chris stopped walking abruptly and Charlie did as well. They were standing again where they started, Charlie on the side of the table near the door, Chris on the side of the table near the bed. "I'm not scared, I'm not chicken shit and I'm not nervous. It's just...really this is a lot. For both of us. I never wanted to pressure you, I wanted you to just...know what you wanted. And I would spend some time trying to figure out what I wanted." "Do we want different things?" Charlie asked quietly. "No," Chris said. "I don't think so. Well maybe a little. Maybe we will approach it from different angles and meet in the middle. I don't know. I told you I'm not good at these things." And Charlie understood. While Charlie was worrying himself hours, months really, about the sexual aspect of a relationship with Chris, Chris was worried about the emotional part, feeling something real for another person that goes beyond sex. Worried more about how their relationship would end up, if he would fuck it all up with his commitment issues. Worried about hurting Charlie in the long run. And suddenly Charlie was completely at ease with his decision. "I trust you Chris," he said. "I trust you to help me figure out the parts of all this that is new and confusing for me, if you trust me to help you navigate the stuff you aren't so good at." Chris paused, then said, "Listen. I just need you to be absolutely sure. Because once we cross that line, there is no going back. Are you ready for that? Because there is no going back for either of us, Charlie." Charlie quickly circled the table and took Chris's by the back of his head and kissed him on the lips, pulling his bottom lip then putting his tongue in his mouth. Chris moaned a bit and returned the kiss with enthusiasm reaching up and touching Charlie's face, licking his tongue and pulling in his top lip as well. Charlie broke away first, looked Chris in the eye and said, "I'm ready."

Next: Chapter 2

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