The Rack

By S2G

Published on Nov 30, 2005



Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction, depicting sex acts between two men. If you are under eighteen or if the laws where you live prohibit you from viewing or possessing such material, please move on.

My friend Jake recently admitted to me that he was gay. I have to admit that I was a bit surprised by his revelation as we have been friends since high school and he and I had no problem getting dates with women. In fact, he was always considered to be quite the ladies man.

A couple of weeks ago, we were sitting at his apartment, watching football and drinking beer, when he all of a sudden came out with it as if he was telling me that it was supposed to rain that weekend. He could tell that at first I thought he was bullshitting me, but then he gave me a deadly serious look and said it again. His gaze removed all doubt from my mind. He was trying to be honest with me and I felt like I wasn't being a very good friend.

"When did you realize this," I asked, dumbfounded.

"I've known it for quite some time," he told me. "I tried to repress my feelings, but I just can't lie to myself anymore. I'm gay and I'm not ashamed of it."

He then went on to tell me of some of the experiences he'd had, how the sex was so intense, how that during his first time, his cock had gotten harder than it had ever been before.

"In fact," he said, "all men have homosexual tendencies to some extent, they just have to be brought out."

"I don't." I laughed uneasily.

"Yes you do. You just haven't been in the right situation with the right person. You haven't been presented the opportunity. If you were, you'd give in to those impulses. Gay sex is just too good. The right man could make you forget all about pussy."

The whole thing was making me a bit uncomfortable. I mean, Jake was my best friend and I could accept his choice and everything, but I didn't like him insinuating that I had a gay streak in me. I liked girls.

"Hey, don't worry about it. It's cool." Jake could tell that I was getting flustered.

The rest of the night we were just hanging out, drinking more beer and basically avoiding any discussion about his sexuality. Around one in the morning, I started getting tired and stood to go.

"Hang on, I want to show you something before you go." Jake started to his bedroom. "Don't worry, it's cool. Come check this out."

I shrugged and followed him.

In his room, there was a contraption on his bed, a board, with a padded rest in the center and four sets of what appeared to be handcuffs at each corner.

"This is the rack," he said proudly. "I made it for one of my boyfriends. He likes to be restrained when I fuck him. Check it out."

"Uh, that's nice," I said, wanting to leave. I felt a strange rush throughout my body.

"No really check it out. Get down on it and see how it feels."

"No thanks. I really need to get going." I thought I felt my cock twitch.

"Look, man. Nothing's gonna happen that you don't want. Besides, you're fully dressed. Just check it out."

I laughed, chiding myself for my suspicion. Of course Jake wouldn't try anything; he was my best friend. I crawled up onto his bed so that my stomach was resting on the pad and I was on all fours. My whole body seemed to be pulsing with nervous energy.

"See, it's cool," Jake said walking around the bed behind me, where my feet were.

Suddenly I heard the click of the shackles as he locked my feet in place.

"Hey, what the fuck?" I sprang to my knees and swung my head around.

"Chill out, I'm just showing you how it works."

"Unlock me right now. This is not cool." My voice was trembling.

"Don't worry, I will." Jake smiled. "But I'm not unlocking you until you let me shackle your hands too."

"Like hell, unlock me now."

Jake laughed. "Suit yourself." He started to walk out of the room. "But I'll let you go if you just let me shackle your hands for a minute."

I couldn't get up. The best I could do was sit on my knees and rest my hands on the pad.

"Trust me," Jake said. His eyes clear, and the best I could tell, free from deception.

"Fine." I couldn't believe it, but my cock was nearly at half mast. I laid back down on the pad and Jake came over and locked my hands one by one, looking into my eyes as he did it.

"There. Is that so bad?"

"OK, you've had your fun. Now unlock me."

"Oh, but the fun is just beginning."

I swallowed hard.

"I told you that all men are gay to an extent and you didn't believe me. Well after we're done tonight you'll more than believe." He smiled wickedly and started unbuttoning his jeans and stripping off his shirt. I could see his cock tenting up through his boxers. Soon he was completely naked, his massive cock standing at attention.

"Hey what the fuck are you doing? I don't want to do this." My own cock betrayed me. I was fully hard in my jeans.

"Oh we're not going to do anything that you don't want to do. Believe me, before we're done you'll be begging to suck my cock, begging for me to fuck you in the ass."

Jake came up behind me and took off my shoes. Then he turned to the dresser and pulled out a large pair of scissors. He started at my wrist and cut my shirt all the way up the sleeve and to the collar. I could feel the cold steel on my hot skin. Then he did the same with my right sleeve and then finally he cut from the small of my back to the collar. He pulled the ruined shirt away and gave my nipple a little squeeze.

"I have a confession. I didn't build this contraption for my boyfriend. I built it for you. I have always wanted to fuck you, but I knew that you would never do it willingly. So I built this. Just for you."

I felt a drip of precum ooze out of my cock. "But I'm not gay," I stammered.

"The night is young."

Jake cut my jeans from the cuff of each leg to my waist and pulled them away. I was chained there, on all fours, wearing only my boxers.

"Looks like you may enjoy this more than I thought," Jake said noticing my hard-on beneath the fabric of my underwear.

Jake grabbed a belt and strapped me firmly to the pad before he finally cut my boxers away, freeing my swollen cock.

"Look at this," he said showing me my boxers and the wet spot on them from my precum.

I couldn't deny it any longer. I was totally nude, my dick throbbing with every beat of my heart as my friend stood before me. I hung my head.

Jake grabbed my cock and gently squeezed. He ran his finger across the head, gathering another drop of precum and brought it to his lips. "MMM. That's good. Do you want a taste?"

"Please, just let me go," I croaked, knowing that I wasn't going anywhere.

"No? OK." Jake reached for my cock again and began to stroke it, using my own precum for lubrication "So, tell me honestly. How does this feel?"

A moan escaped my lips, answering for me.

"Good huh?" He kept stroking me and then I felt his tongue on my ass, working its way towards my crack, which I kept shaved clean for my girlfriend who enjoyed a little ass play from time to time. Before I knew it, his tongue was all over me, the backside of my balls and in my ass, probing every inch of skin.

My moaning grew louder as I writhed against the restraints. He kept his tongue firmly planted in my ass and rubbed my cock. I felt like I was going to explode.

"Do you want to come?" He asked and then licked my balls with a long upstroke that made me shudder with pleasure.

"Ohh, yes."

"How bad?" He squeezed my cock.

"Very bad." I could hardly speak.

"Then you're going to have to be good and do what I say, OK?"

"Oh fuck, yes. Anything."

He stopped long enough to walk around to the front of the bed and thrust his cock in my face. "Alright then, suck me off." He rubbed his cockhead on my lips, smearing them with his precum.

I licked it off. It had a musky taste. I wanted more. I opened my mouth, ready to receive my first cock.

"Not so fast," Jake said and grabbed my hair with his fist. "I want you to beg me to let you suck my cock."

I couldn't help myself. It looked so good. I had to have him inside my mouth.

"Please." My voice was barely a whisper.


I knew I was beaten. "Please let me suck your cock." The lust in my voice surprised me.

He patted my head and smiled, feeding me that magnificent rod, slowly, an inch at a time, giving me a chance to relax my throat before sliding it in a bit more. Then he held my head with both hands and facefucked me until my nose was nestled in his pubic hair and his balls were slapping against my chin.

It was pure ecstasy. I couldn't believe how warm and smooth it felt. How it was so hard and soft at the same time. How it felt so natural with his cock plunging down my throat. My own cock dripped. I knew right then that it wasn't going to be the last cock I would suck. I was hooked.

I felt him tense up, his cock growing even larger, spreading my jaws apart, and then he shot hot thick ropes of cum into my mouth and down my throat. I swallowed it greedily, wanting to capture every drop. Once he stopped convulsing in my mouth, he slid his semi-hard shaft out and then bent down and kissed me. Our tongues intertwined.

"I've got a surprise for you," he said. "I took a little something earlier to stay hard, because I knew that I was going to lure you here."

He slowly stroked his cock with hand. I watched in anticipation as he became fully erect again. "Now I'm going to fuck you. Do you want me to fuck you?"

My cock was aching for release. "Oh God, yes."

"Tell me."

"Please, fuck me. Fuck my ass."

"Good." He smiled and patted my head like a dog once more. "You're gonna like this."

He left the line of my vision and I felt something cold and oily being smeared on my ass. I shivered. Then I felt the tip of his cock at the entrance to my ass. Jake took it slow, like he did when I sucked him, easing his cock in a bit at a time until I could handle it. I bit my lip in the delectable agony of it all. After a minute or two of this, he was all the way in. I had never felt so aroused, my cock was so full I thought I'd pass out, the movement of Jake's cock in my ass causing it to throb with each thrust.

"Ahh, that's it, bitch. That's right, take it."

I strained against the pressure, feeling his body on mine, his cock stretching my ass. I could feel him so deep inside me. I knew that I was his. He grabbed my hair and pulled my face towards his as we kissed. I had never felt anything like it, the rush of emotions as I felt myself somehow changed. This beautiful man had changed me and I let myself go and ride the waves. I would never be the same.

I could feel that he was getting close, his cock growing larger once again and then he filled me with his seed. I felt his cock erupt inside me and then I could take no more. My own cock shot farther than it ever had, my own cum hitting my face as I looked down in amazement. I nearly passed out from the force of my orgasm.

And then he was in front of me again, sliding his cock inside my willing mouth as I cleaned him, sucking out every last drop of his cum. My degradation and submission was complete.

After a while, he freed me and then held me in his arms, kissing me softly and stroking my body as we fell asleep.

The next morning I awoke to find Jake's cock in my face. I slowly lowered my head on it, unable to resist. I sucked his cock until he was hard and he fucked me again, only this time he didn't have to put me in the rack.

I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comments are always welcome at

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