The Quest

Published on Sep 28, 2022




"THE QUEST" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2018
written on November 23, 1993
Translated by the Author
English text kindly revised by John


Leo listened to him, and while Osvaldo was telling him the facts, he asked some questions.

At the end he said, "But, what more do you want? If he says he's in love with you..."

"In my opinion, he's deceiving himself. He's just shocked, as I am too."

"But you can't be certain you are right."

"A straight boy who suddenly converts and discovers he's gay? Come on!" Osvaldo said, unconvinced.

"But the world is not made of only gay and straight people. We have the habit of always gluing labels on people... and on ourselves. But I'm convinced that if our society didn't artificially create so many taboos, we would all be bisexuals, some more and some less, and rather fewer oriented towards one of the two extremes of that spectrum. All of a sudden Giulio didn't convert, all of a sudden he simply opened his eyes and realized it's possible for him to fall in love with one of his own gender, that is you. I'm too young, I don't have so much experience, but really I believe it is so. I understand you want to be cautious, but in my opinion you're exaggerating..."

"He... he's waiting for me at his place, now."

"So, then, don't make him wait too long. Go, and try to be less prejudiced. I understand that you want to be sure that his love is real, but don't deny beforehand that it could be love. Don't waste an opportunity that has turned up so easily."

"Alright. You're a dear friend, Leo. And thank you for so much. Thank you for having made love with me, thank you for your ID card, thank you for having listened to me today, and for giving me your advice. You really are a dear boy."

"Well, I'm glad I met you, and I've been able to be of some use. And if everything works out nicely with Giulio, I would be pleased to meet him. Let's keep in touch, anyway."

"Yes of course, Leo. Can I call for a taxi here? Now I'm longing to be back at Giulio's place..."

In the taxi Osvaldo was musing over Leo's words. Yes, possibly because the boy saw the facts in a detached way, Leo was able to put them in their true perspective. Nobody said that Osvaldo was mistaken in his opinion, which was that Giulio mistook friendship and affection for love. But nobody said that Giulio's belief that it was true love was wrong either. But if it was true love, Osvaldo would have felt he was the luckiest person in the world, not just because Giulio was physically wonderful, but much more because of his inner beauty. Living with such a man, Osvaldo was thinking as the taxi was stopping at Giulio's, would be wonderful!

He paid, got out of the taxi, walked quickly through the open gate, climbed the stairs and rang the bell. Giulio came to open the door immediately.

"Oh, hi! I hoped it was you..." he said with a sweet but tired smile.

"Yes, I came as fast as I could." Osvaldo said, entering.

"Come in the kitchen. I'm cooking chicken and potatoes in the oven. Do you like them?"

"Yes. Can I help you?"

"No... I just need company. Your company." Giulio answered, underlining the "your".

Giulio checked the oven, then sat on the other side of the table, in front of Osvaldo.

"You know... I've thought about what you told me..."


"Yes. And... you see... even at this very moment I desire you. I desire to touch you and kiss you... I want to make love with you, Osvaldo."

"I don't know... I've desired you for ages, Giulio. But... are we right to even think about this desire?"

"But why not? Besides admiration and affection for you, I also feel a clear and strong sexual attraction. The very thought of touching your body arouses me. When attraction is both physical and psychological, as well as... as any other sense, isn't that love, in a word? I want to love you, Osvaldo, to give you all of my love and to receive all of yours... forever. I want to be yours, and make you mine, in every sense and in all senses."

"In all senses?"

"In all senses, yes. Last night we drew near, we touched, we enjoyed ourselves together. But we didn't really unite and become one. And I feel now that I want to blend my body with yours. As I told you, to become yours and make you mine..."


"Totally. Completely." Giulio confirmed and stretched his arm across the table and slipped his hand under Osvaldo's.

The boy enjoyed that contact and quivered. Giulio turned his hand and their fingers intertwined, squeezed. They looked in each other eyes, each lost in the other's gaze.

"I desire you, Osvaldo... Come here, on my lap. I want to kiss you and touch you... and be touched by you. I need it!"

"I too desire it, Giulio, but..."

"I want to make love with you, Osvaldo. To tell you with my entire body what my words can't really tell you..."

"Giulio... but what if later you become aware you made a mistake? If you then open your eyes and realize it was just the emotion of the moment? What if you then regretted what you are offering me and what you are asking from me?"

"I don't think it will be at all likely..."

"But it's possible."

"I love you, Osvaldo, and you told me you love me... why then, this resistance? Come here to me, please..."

Without leaving Giulio's hand, Osvaldo stood up and moved round the table. He sat astride Giulio's legs, guided by him. Thy embraced, squeezed against each other, kissed.

They needed each other, it was undeniable.

"I love you, Osvaldo. I need you, don't run away... Accept my love, please... Don't refuse me."

"It would be beautiful..."

"It is beautiful."

"Yes. It is beautiful. And yet, I'm still scared. Possibly because it is way too beautiful."

"Last night... I was awkward, wasn't I?"


"Yes. I'm not used to making love with a boy, you'll need to have patience."

"But it was still wonderful. I really felt your desire so strongly."

"I will learn to make love with you... I'll learn to know you physically. I'll learn quickly because I really love you."

"I'm feeling drunk, Giulio."

"But this time we haven't drunk whisky. And we don't have any other pretext. This isn't a moment of weakness. I'm feeling strong, and I want you! And I want to be yours. I want to give you all my love and receive all yours. Don't refuse me, Osvaldo. We are born for each other, I can feel it... I know it... And really, you do too, don't you? You know it too, don't you?"

They kissed again. Osvaldo felt his friend's erection pushing under his buttocks and pushed his erection against Giulio's belly.

"I want to make love with you, Osvaldo."

"Oh... I too..."

"Now, immediately."

"Yes, now."

"Let's go there on the bed, then."


They kissed again, while they were standing up, tightly embracing each other. Then Osvaldo parted from Giulio, without leaving him.

He said, "The oven... don't let everything burn..."

"It switches off automatically. Come..."

Giulio guided Osvaldo to his bed. Again embracing and kissing, they started to undress each other, feeling full of emotion. Their clothes were falling on the floor one after the other, and their bodies were revealed to each other's eyes and were exposed to their touches.

"God, how beautiful you are!" Giulio murmured, "All beautiful!" he added caressing Osvaldo's hard member. "Come on the bed..."

They laid down, and they tightly embraced.

"I'm yours, Giulio. Take me." Osvaldo murmured sweetly.

"No, my love. You first take me. I've wanted it and desired it ever since I woke up this morning."


"Yes, really. I want to feel your virility inside me."

So with extreme tenderness, Osvaldo penetrated him. They made love for a long time. Then Osvaldo offered himself to Giulio and they united again and then again.

"I'm now really yours, my love!" Giulio panted as they relaxed, each in the other's arms, "Don't ever desert me..."

"I couldn't... I don't want to. Do you love me, Giulio?"

"I adore you. Come on top of me. Kiss me again."

Osvaldo didn't need to be told twice.


"Yes, Giulio?"

"It's so good staying like this, isn't it?"

"Yes, love, it's wonderful."

"I love you."

"I too love you."

"I'm not confused now. This isn't a moment of weakness. I really do love you, Osvaldo!"

"Yes, I believe you..."

"Happily! I need you, Osvaldo."

"And I you, Giulio."

"It's so beautiful making love with you."

"Good. Then we'll make love again." Osvaldo said, tenderly smiling him.

They remained there for a while, on the bed, their limbs intertwined, in a mutual embrace.

"Do you feel hungry, love?" Giulio asked.

"I am ravenous, now."

"Let's go and eat, then."

"We dress again?"

"No, no. I want to look at you still naked, Osvaldo. Let's go as we are."

"As you like."

"I already saw you naked plenty of times but now your nakedness has another flavour for me, can you understand?"

"Of course."

Holding each other's hands, they went back to the kitchen. Osvaldo set the table while Giulio served the food. As they ate, smiles were back on their lips, even if somewhat clouded by the odd thought of Letizia. When they finished eating, Giulio said to leave everything as it was and they went to sit on the sofa, where they embraced again.

"You're thinking of Letizia, aren't you?" Giulio asked.

"Yes. I have to call our parents... but I don't know what to tell them."

"I think you can't tell them the truth. They would feel too bad."

"But I can't tell them I didn't find her."

"I agree. Do you have any ideas?"

"I was thinking I can say she's doing a job requiring her to go abroad often and that doesn't leave her much free time... And possibly tell them she said she sent them a letter, that evidently went missing... That she is well and that sends them her greetings... I don't know if this story will stand up, but..."

"It could be a good story."

"I also thought of sending a letter to Letizia, care of Aphrodite Films, to explain to her what I'm going to tell our parents, and asking her to call them, or to send them a letter, at least once in a while..."

"Yes, that's good too."

"You... how do you feel now, thinking of her?"

"I feel weird. Earlier last night I was desperate, but today, now that I know that I love you, and that you love me, it just seems to me like a bad story from the past. Now I can look at it with some detachment, almost as if it doesn't concern me any more. After all, I'm thinking, you and I met, got to know each other and fell in love... and we owe it to her. I don't say I'm grateful to her for her behaviour, but... but it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. Rather, I know that I will be much, much happier with you than I could ever have been with her."

"You seem very self-confident about what you're saying."

"Of course I am. I'm able to recognize real love... and I really am in love with you, Osvaldo. I love you very much."

"And after all we owe it to my sister."

"Well, only indirectly. We owe it mainly to ourselves. You are the most extraordinary person I ever met, Osvaldo. This is why I fell in love with you. I became aware of it only last night, it's true, but I know now that I was already in love with you before, but I was distracted by her, do you understand?"

While they were talking and confiding their feelings for each other, they were gently caressing one another, giving each other kisses full of tenderness. They were feeling so good together, both of them, and all the tension, disappointment and rage accumulated in the previous days, were rapidly subsiding.

Osvaldo wrote the letter to his sister and then, around supper time, he called his parents. He told them the story he had planned and with some difficulty, managed to have them believe it and to soothe their worries.

They ate supper, and this time Osvaldo wanted to cook. They cleared up and then went again to sit on the sofa, half embraced, and switched on the TV.

"Osvaldo... when do you have to go back to Milan?"

"Bah... sooner or later..."

"I don't want to be separated from you."

"Neither do I, my love. Perhaps one of us can try to move..."

"It could be easier for me."

"Why for you?"

"I don't think there are comic strip publishers here, but in Milan there will surely be computer-graphics firms, right? And then, in any case I prefer to leave Florence."

"It's a pity, this house is so beautiful."

"Yes, but... I'll let it out, possibly for offices. We'll find something even better, in Milan. You can go and start to look both for a job for me and for our apartment. Alright?"

"No, I want to look for an apartment together with you. At first you can just come to live at my place."

"But don't go back too soon. Stay with me a while longer, please."

"Sure, love. I can stay here another week. Is that alright?"

"Yes. I'll take you to visit Florence's surroundings."

"Very good. And I promised Leo I would arrange for you two to meet and get to know each other. And then, when you move to Milan, you can come to my village. I would like you to meet Marco too, if you want."

"Sure. I want to know all the people you love. Before you leave for Milan, I'll take you to Prato to meet my parents."

"What will you tell them?"

"That you're my closest friend. I can't tell them you're my lover, Osvaldo, they wouldn't understand."

"My parents neither, unhappily. I know how it is very well. Our love can never be celebrated..."

"Celebrated? Not publicly, perhaps. But we two will celebrate it day after day."

"Will you not grow tired of me?"

"That seems impossible to me."

"If you were in love with a girl, you could marry her, introduce her to your friends with pride, to your parents. You can't do so with me. Did you ever consider that, Giulio?"

"I don't think it will be a problem. I will introduce you to everybody as my best friend. And sooner or later, some will understand and then... either they accept us and remain our friends, or they don't accept us and then... so much the worse for them. It will be their problem, not ours."

"You seem very self-confident, Giulio."

"It's my love for you that gives me this assurance."

"You know, Giulio, I must confess that your love is so unexpected that to me it still seems impossible."

"And yet I'm here, naked, in your arms. Am I not?"

"But... will it last?"

"We will do our best to make it last, my love. And with the passing of time you'll become really aware that my love is true and sincere."

"I haven't the slightest doubt that you are sincere. But you never loved a boy..."

"Before, if I had met a boy like you, I think I would have fallen in love with him. Because I don't love boys, but just one boy, only one - you!"

"Maybe I'm just a dolt worrying so much still ..." Osvaldo whispered, smiling.

"Yes, love, you really are a complete dolt." Giulio confirmed, sweetly kissing him.

Their desire gradually burned once more and they again started to make love. Osvaldo was feeling happy and could read the happiness in his lover's eyes. Osvaldo adored Giulio's smile, the corners of his lips tucked slightly upwards, his bright eyes. And he adored knowing that that smile was only and all for him. He adored Giulio's perfect body, with his hard dark nipples, the light down adorning his forearms and on his powerful legs, the forelock eternally falling over his eyes, the wonderful firm member pointing upwards toward his navel.

He adored each pore of the smooth and velvety skin covering his firm muscles, he adored the light male scent that exhaled from it, his bursting out and yet sweet virility. He adored Giulio's strong hands that were fondling and caressing him. He adored the long and passionate, breathtaking kisses, the warm and soft lips exploring him, the tongue rummaging all over him.

He adored uniting with him, accepting him in himself or being accepted... He adored the joy that was transfiguring Giulio's face when, together, they reached ecstasy. And he finally adored relaxing, intertwined with the limbs of that beloved body.

"Osvaldo... I never made love in such a passionate, complete way. For the first time in my life I can feel that it is not just my body making love with another body, but also my soul with another soul... and it's so sublime! Thank you, love, for making me experience the richness of real love!"

"Do you really mean that?"

"Do you have any reason to doubt it?"

"No, it's true."

"Do you want to go to bed, now?"

"Yes, Giulio. But let's talk a little more before sleeping. I feel I have so many things to tell you and ask you..."

"I too. I want to know everything about you."

They talked for a long time, in low voices, laughing and joking, enjoying the sweet intimacy they could now fully savour. They were feeling happy and carefree like two youngsters, and both were aware that they were able to recover so quickly from the shock of their clash with Letizia because of their love for each other, and they were both grateful for that.

"What do you think if we now try to sleep?"

"I don't know... I still don't feel sleepy, Osvaldo. Let's switch off the light, anyway."

"Give me your hand..."

"Only if you give me a kiss."

"I never felt so good."

"Neither have I, love."

"But why are you in love with me?" Osvaldo asked.

"Because... you're you, as simply as that."

They talked in low voices for a little more, until sleep come on them.

The following morning Giulio woke up first. He very cautiously got up and went to prepare breakfast, put it on a tray and took it to the bed. He awakened Osvaldo with a kiss.

"Breakfast in bed, sir!"

"But you're really spoiling me!" said Osvaldo with a broad smile.

"Sure. So then you'll never leave me."

"Just for the breakfast?"

"No, no. Also for the breakfast."

They ate; and then went to wash and dress. Osvaldo phoned Leo but didn't get a reply. They went out to post the letter to Letizia, then made a trip downtown, enjoying the splendid day in May.

After lunch, Osvaldo tried to call Leo again, but he still didn't get an answer. They continued their carefree tour in the old town with Giulio acting as his friend's guide. An itinerant photographer offered to take their photo in front of Palazzo Pitti and they posed merrily together, taking the name card with the address to go to fetch the photograph the day after. At mid afternoon Osvaldo tried again to contact Leo and this time the boy answered.

"Can I come with Giulio to see you, so you can get to know each other?"

"Of course, and willingly. Is everything alright with him?"


"Oh, I'm really glad. Are you coming now?"

"Yes. It will take us about twenty minutes, I think."

"If you don't find me at home, just wait a moment, I'll be back very soon."

"Do you have to go out?"

"Nothing special, just a very quick errand. But almost certainly you will find me at home. I'll be waiting for you."

"See you soon, then."

They reached Leo's home, Osvaldo rang the bell and the boy came to open the door. He was not wearing his usual track-suit but dead-leaf green jeans and a lilac T-shirt. He welcomed them with an enormous smile and asked them in. On the table there were freshly cooked fancy cakes and a bottle of sweet wine.

"I thought I had to celebrate with you..." Leo said with a saucy smile.

"Celebrate? What?" Osvaldo asked.

"But... what do you think? The fact that you've become a couple, of course." Leo answered.

"That's nice. You are the first to know about it, and also the first to celebrate it. You are a darling, Leo..." Osvaldo said.

"Yes, I know that! And I'm really glad for you, for both of you. And Osvaldo, I see that your boyfriend is really splendid. You weren't exaggerating at all describing him. You know, at times, when one is in love, one sees the lover nicer than he really is, but this time..."

Giulio blushed delightfully but smiled, and said, "After having called my Osvaldo Leo for so many days, I'm very glad to meet the real Leo. You have been really very kind to help us, and now to celebrate with us as well."

"Bah, Osvaldo is lovable at first sight, Giulio."

"You are perfectly right, Leo. Even though it took me a good many days to be aware that I'm in love with him."

"Well, women had made you lose your bearings; it wasn't your fault, was it? But now you are happily settled down!" Leo said jokingly and all three laughed.

They chatted, ate the cakes and drank happily. Then Giulio invited Leo to go out with them to have supper somewhere. After they had eaten, they went to the Lungarno for a walk, going on chatting and joking, happy and carefree.

After they said goodnight and parted, while Giulio and Osvaldo were on their way home, Giulio said, "He really is a very delightful boy, Leo, and also very handsome. I'm glad you didn't fall in love with him..."

"I couldn't. I was already in love with you. To be honest, I did have a few thoughts that way about him, but I really couldn't fall in love with him."

"Well then I have really been lucky. Do you know that I never had gay friends before, at least not that I know of."

"But what did you think of gay people?"

"What did I think? Nothing. At university I had a course mate who was said to be gay, but I didn't think anything of it."

"How is that possible?"

"Well, I mean... I also had a course mate who was Egyptian, and I didn't think anything special about him, other than he was born in Egypt... Can you see what I mean?"

"Yes, I do see. And I like it."

"It's just normal, isn't it?"

"No, not really, in fact it's quite rare. But anyway you are a rare person."

"Don't flatter me too much, or I'll end up believing it!" Giulio said with a laugh.

"When we get back home, do you feel like having a shower with me?" Osvaldo asked him.

"Mmmhhh, it seems a tempting idea. But I fear you've something in mind..."

"Just energy saving, I assure you!" Osvaldo answered making a funny face.

"Oh no! You can't fool me! Quite the contrary, I really think that we will spend a lot of energy, you and I, there under the shower..."

"And does that displease you?"

"Oh no! Not at all. On the contrary..."

They hurriedly went upstairs, went in full of desire and passion. Under the stream of water they relaxed, engaged in long love preliminaries and their mutual desire strengthened. Then they dried each other and moved to the bed to unite in long and hot lovemaking.


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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 13

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