The Psych Experiment

By smsp202

Published on Apr 4, 2015



The Psych Experiment

When I was in college, I got to participate in a psychology experiment that changed my outlook on life. I was a freshman, and had spent my first semester studying and not doing much else. Just a normal nerdy kind of guy I guess. After the first semester, there was a poster offering $100/week to participate in this study, and I needed the money, so I went to sign up. They recruited 100 girls and 100 guys for the study. We each had to answer an extensive series of personal questions, and create a kind of online profile. Some of the questions were pretty probing. Not just about social and economic backgrounds, and physical specs, but also about your life experiences. Especially personal ones about sex and sexuality. Who you'd hooked up with, what you had done, that kind of stuff. But only the picture, and some generic background information, was available online. Plus some contact information, in case you wanted to message other people in the study.

The first week: controls

After finishing the questionnaire and online profiling, we all met in an auditorium. There was a short lecture explaining that we would meet as part of the study each week, and that further instructions would be given then. In the meantime, we were told, we should continue our lives relatively normally. However, one condition was that we were expected to only socialize with other people in the study – it seems this is why they were only recruiting guys and girls who weren't dating anyone. Furthermore, we would have to go to our profile at least once a day and update it with details of any social contact we made. They also explained this instant messaging and email features of the profiles – we could browse other people's pictures and contact them if we wanted to.

I guess the point of the experiment was to keep track of people's sex lives. But we were in college, and there's a lot going on – I had tests to study for, books to read, lectures, that kind of stuff.

The second week: libido

At the beginning of the second week, we had a meeting in the auditorium, and they distributed pills to all of us. These, we heard, were an experimental medicine, and supposedly it would make everyone's sex drive a little higher. Most people laughed, some nervously, but in order to stay in the study, we all had to take them. I mean, I didn't think a pill could make me do something I wouldn't otherwise do. But it's not like I wasn't a normal college guy – horny, looking to score – so this should be no problem, right?

One nice feature of the study was that they did testing for STDs, too – a bit of relief to know that you don't have anything, plus to know about anyone you're going out with. (They had to click something to share the results with you, I think.)

The second week was a good week. Every date I had, I hooked up on. Not always sex, but at least a blowjob. And this was with four different girls, every night from Thursday to Sunday. Friday night was the best: Went out with a cute, short Asian girl named Angela. We really just had some dinner and then watched a video in her dorm room. We were sitting on the couch together for a while, but I guess she got kind of bored towards the end of the movie, `cause before it was over we were totally making out on the couch. And from there it just seemed we wandered into the bedroom.

Oh my God! She was very tight. Tight and wet. Her pussy felt so snug as I pounded into it. At first I was on top of her, missionary style, kissing her neck and listening to her moan. All of a sudden, I whispered ... "Do you wanna try doggie-style?" I don't know what made me say it, but in seconds she was on all fours, begging me to keep fucking her again. It felt fantastic as my cock slid back into her. She began to moan deeply: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuuuuck meeeee!" I did. I loved watching her ass as my cock kept pounding into her. It wasn't long until I was spurting into her. "Oh God!" she moaned. "I don't know what's gotten into me lately, but I've been feeling ... oh! Oh! Oh! God, I feel like such a slut! I love it! Fuuuuuuuuuuck me-me-me-me-me!" "Unggg!" I shouted in reply. "I'm cuming!" "Fill me with your cum!" I'm cuuu-uuuuuming!"

The third week: curiosity

At the beginning of the third week, we had another meeting in the big auditorium, where they distributed the same pills as last week (I think?).

Then they showed a video to us, telling us that part of the study required some diversity training. The video was actually pretty professionally made. It was all about respecting differences in people's sex and sexuality. It began by explaining that, though only about 10% of people were gay or lesbian, as many as 80% of straight guys and girls experiment with the same sex during their life. A group of cute girls and guys in the movie said that, and then turned to the camera and said "And most of that experimenting occurs ... in college!" Each scene thereafter featured a couple, typically either guy-guy or girl-girl, holding hands and reading the script. Sometimes they kissed, too – when the girls did that, some of the guys in the audience cheered. "In case you don't know," said a girl seated in the middle of a row of two guys and two girls, "heterosexuals are attracted to the opposite sex!" And then she kissed one of the boys.

"Homosexuals are attracted to the same sex," another boy said as he kissed the first guy. The girl turned and kissed the other girl. "And bisexuals are attracted to both!" said the first guy and girl in unison. This group also explained that some people are romantically attracted to one gender, but sexually to something else, and that's perfectly normal. It's also important to accept who you are, they said – please see a counselor at health services if you ever need someone to talk to. Some of the scenes talked about violence, others talked about discrimination and harassment. But there were some about STDs and safe sex, too. Two busty lesbians seated so close and face to face that their chests were practically touching asked each other to get tested before getting intimate. And made it sound more comfortable to talk about. Two boys explained that, even though they were horny fuck-buddies, they always used a condom. One even giggled before they kissed on screen.

Later that day, I got a message. `R U curious 2?' was the title of his email. It was from a guy named Eric in the study. Basically the message said he was straight, but the video that day had kind of made him curious about trying something with another dude, and we'd run into each other a couple of times, and he wanted to know if I was interested in hanging out sometime. I didn't know what to say. I quit the program and walked away thinking about it.

But I knew what I was going to say from the moment I got the mail in my inbox. I really was kind of curious about hooking up with a guy, and this study seemed like a great chance to try it. I didn't want to seem to anxious or too gay, but my hard on was throbbing as I wrote him back. "Yeah, dude, hit me up sometime after class." I mean my cock was throbbing hard. I couldn't resist stroking it, even as I wrote the message. I was coming like crazy after I hit send. Very next class, he came up to me and said: "Hey dude, wanna hang out and watch the game tonight?" Our eye contact lasted a little longer than I thought was normal. I was noticing all kinds of stuff I never paid attention to before. He had short blonde hair and smooth skin. Really big happy smile. "Uh, yeah." I stammered. I was basically thinking ... this is going to be the first guy I hook up with ... "What time? I've got a TV in my room." Why did I add that part? Did I want him to think that all I wanted to do was get some guy back to my room for sex? But also thinking ... this may be the first cock I get to play with! What's he got in his pants down there? "Let's meet up around 8? Here's my number." He handed me a slip of paper and walked off.

"This is so hott ... Eric" (and then his phone number) is all it said.

Just like clockwork, he showed up and knocked on my dorm room door. I let him in, and already had the TV on. We sat down on the couch, but I was feeling kind of shy and all I looked at was the TV. "Hey, she's kind of cute" he said, as that TV ad with Lauren from `The Hills' came on. "They all are." Did he mean the other girls in the ad, or that guy in the ad too? "Um, yeah" I whispered. He slid down the couch a bit to be closer to me, and then put his arm around my back. I looked around a bit surprised. I guess he was going to be the aggressor. As I looked we made eye contact. Wow. And then he totally went for it. Kissed me. A guy just kissed me. And I liked kissing him. Uncontrolable lusty making out in short order, with all the tension gone. Hands all over each other's backs pulling our shirts off.

I was so turned on now. My cock was instantly hard. It was only a few minutes after we first kissed that I reached my hand down to the button of his jeans. OMG. I was literally reaching for his cock. I started to fumble with the button. He knew I wanted his cock. He knew now. He abruptly stopped kissing me and stood up. "Oh God. Dude, I am so horny now. I've wanted this all year, dude. Let's get down with some hard cock play. Dude, I can't believe I'm becoming bi." On my knees now, it felt so degrading, but also so good, and I helped him get his jeans off. There it was, a big spot of precum where his cock was tenting his boxers. The first cock I was going to suck. And then I helped him out of his underwear, revealing the throbbing flesh. I loved looking at it. Actually, close to my own size!

This was the moment of truth. But there wasn't even really a moment of hesitation. I just opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue, and after a few long licks, took Eric's cock into my mouth. Warm. Silky smooth. Interesting taste. A little trouble breathing. But fun! I loved having a cock in my mouth. "I can't believe it. I love cock! I love it!" I ran my tongue up and down, and started to settle into a good rhythm bobbing my head to move my tongue along the length of his cock. "Oh my God I really am a cocksucker now!" "Yeah, yeah, dude, you're great. Damn my cock feels so good in your mouth. Keep sucking dude. Suck me!" I did. Deeper into my mouth. Longer strokes, feeling more of the cock in my mouth. Loving running more of the length along my tongue. I stopped, motioned towards my bed, and he went over and laid down there, now completely naked. I still had my jeans on! But that didn't stop me. I felt crazy. I got on all fours and crawled onto the bed between his legs and resumed my first amazing blowjob.

He started to shout, "I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming!" and followed with a few grunts of "Unngh! Unngh! Unngh!" I should have told him to be more quiet – I didn't want my neighbors in the dorm to know about this, and I didn't think our voices sounded that much alike. Plus they might have seen me go into the room with another guy. But there was no doubt: he was coming, and in a big way. I want to think it was because I was good, but maybe just `cause he was so turned on by the experimentation, or maybe that he hadn't gotten off in a while. But whatever the reason, his come was filling my mouth to the brim. I was struggling to get it all down, while continuing to suck him off and lick the shaft. I swallowed it all. "Dude, I liked it too, but keep it down. Don't want the neighbors to think I'm turning bi or gay or something," I whispered. "Ok, dude. It's cool. God damn you were hot. That was, that was incredible." "I've got a throbbing cock for you still, too." "Uh, yeah." He seemed less interested in sex after getting off. But I couldn't control myself.

I took my pants off and started stroking it. Right there in bed next to him. "C'mon dude, touch me." He looked over at my cock. I kept stroking it. "Dude, I'd love a blow job. I just loved sucking you." I was getting close, but he still wasn't interested. "I'm bi now. I can't believe it, I'm bi now." Yeah. He was falling asleep, but the memories of my first hot guy-on-guy action kept me going. I sprayed all over my chest. There was so-o much cum. I was feeling real happy – I had done it, and it had felt good. As I fell asleep, I was thinking that leaving the next morning would be a trick too – how to get out of my room without people knowing I'd hooked up with some guy last night. But maybe I'd get some cock in the morning too.

The next day, Eric and a friend came up to me walking around campus. "Hey dude. Meet my roommate Bill." Bill didn't say much, but was staring at me a bit too much. I shook his hand. He was about my height, short black hair, looked kind of like he worked out. Weird – I suck one dick and all of a sudden I'm checking out whatever guy I meet. "You wanna hang out again tonight?" asked Eric. Broke me out of being spaced out. I was still thinking about my new experience last night. "Um, sure." "We can chill at my place, about the same time?"

That night, when I went by his place, he and Bill were hanging out watching TV. I chilled with them a bit. After about half an hour, Eric said, "Bill's doing that study we're in, too." "Yup." "You liking it so far?" I asked. I shouldn't have asked this week – things have been crazy enough for me. "Yeah dude! It's the best. This week is pretty interesting, huh?"

"Um, yeah."

"Dude, c'mon – my gaydar's been going crazy since you came in."

"What do you mean?" I asked. I was a bit scared. He was asking me this right in front of his roommate, the very guy I had sucked off last night. Did he even know where Eric spent the night?

"I mean, dude, this whole week, I'm not out or anything, but I'm definitely bi and totally want to hook up. I just figured you might be game."

"How'd you figure?"

"Dude, c'mon, don't try to deny it, let's just get together." Eric put his arm around me at that point. I turned to see what was going on, and then he kissed me again. I was instantly hard. "This morning after I got back from your place, Bill and I were talking about the study, and he told me how his curiosity was just impossible to control. When I asked curiosity about what, he was like – to suck a dick, crazy, huh? And then I started to figure you guys should meet too."

Bill was already down to his underwear, cock throbbing.

I got down on my knees. Both guys were naked in front of me, presenting their cocks. I had a hand on each, slowly massaging them up and down, Eric to my left and Bill to my right. I'm left-handed, and Eric was my first, so you might say I have a sentimental attachment to his cock. But in this case, the attachment was real, but temporary: I was bobbing my mouth up and down on his cock, then alternating with Bill's. I was transforming both of these guys into bisexuals, and myself into a cock-craving bi sex machine. I barely stopped to breathe for the next 10 minutes, just alternated cocks while my new playmates moaned and occasionally complimented my cocksucking ability. Eric filled me up with cum first, then Bill. A little of his sprayed out on my face, too, so I'm sure I did look like a slut. This time there was more reciprocation: Not long thereafter, I was naked, on my back in bed, making out with Eric while Bill was down between my legs sucking me for all he was worth. My first orgasm in another guy. "Dude, it's a shame. Eric and I never even talked about hooking up until today. It's gonna be fun living with another bi boy the rest of the year."

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