The Project

By moc.loa@1naFnragusanaT

Published on Aug 13, 2000


DISCLAIMER: If your offended by this don't read it. If your to young to read this don't get caught. I won't take any responsibility, for your mistakes. Now you have this let's go on to the story.

Well I hope you people enjoyed the first two chapters. Thanks to everyone who have sent mail to me. Remember you can always e-mail me at Well, here are the next two chapters of the Project.

The Project: Chapter 3

James woke up with the feeling of two lips pressing against his. Matt opened his soft lips letting James tongue explore. Matt had made breakfast for James while he was sleeping. Before Matt woke James, he stared at his partner's wonderful physique. He looked at his beautiful face, his outstanding abs and anything else that was on his lovers body. Matt absolutely adored James. Ever since they first locked eyes, he knew he wanted to have him. It took 5 long years, but he finally did and he was satisfied, finally. He began to think about his life, and what kind of future he could have with James. It was senior year, and college was around the corner. He didn't want to think about the bad things, he wanted to think about all the good things that could happen.

"I made you breakfast in bed," Matt said.

"Oh, you shouldn't have. I don't deserve it," James responded with a huge smile on his face.

"The second you kissed me back, you deserved it!" Matt said, while he started feeding James.

"Wow, cute and you can cook too? Now I really need to be with you," James sarcastically decided.

"I wouldn't mind that," Matt said.

"Dude, you've only been with me for a day, believe me when I say you will mind it!" James exclaimed, in both a sarcastic and serious way. Matt didn't respond. They both ate their breakfast and both took separate showers. They wanted to finish the project, before they started anything sexual. At least that's what Matt thought. What he didn't know was that James was a virgin. Not like he didn't have his chances. Everyone assumed that he had done it, considering his clique has had a very bad reputation for being, "horny sluts" as James called them. James was a romantic at heart.

It was 1:00 p.m. when they finally departed from Matt's house. The plan was to go to Staples, buy a poster board, finish the project then go clubbing later tonight. They hadn't decided if they were going to a gay club or a straight one. They only knew of one under 21 gay bar, while they knew many straight bars.

It was now 5:00 p.m.. They had finished the project, the written report even the partner evaluation. The project wasn't due for two weeks. It would be one-third of their final history grade. Graduation was in two months. Both James and Matt knew that college would be a definite problem.

"We can't go now, it's only 5:00 p.m.. What do you want to do in the meantime?" James quizzed.

"Well, it'll take us two hours to get ready knowing us. Then another hour to get to the gay club, so by the time we get there it'll be around what 8:00 p.m.. I think that'll be good, anyways I don't want to be out to long, I need my beauty sleep," Matt replied.

"Matt, let me tell you beauty sleep is something that you don't need." James responded.

"Stop it, your making me blush. Do you want to take a shower together?" Matt said softly.

"I don't know. If we take it together, I mean it might lead to you know....I really want to take it slow. Sex is something special to me, and....." James never finished.

"Really? Wow, sorry if I was moving to fast, it's just you have a reputation," Matt said apologetically.

"Yeah, I am surrounded my horny sluts, so I'm a horny slut by association. To be honest I haven't gone past third base," James said.

"Oh, well if you don't want to take it with me I understand, I'll just jump in first."


"Yeah babe?"

"I promise you one day before graduation, we will do it if we're still together. It's just it's only our second day together and..."

"I understand," Matt interrupted. He softly kissed James on the lips and headed upstairs. James got up and put his favorite cd in. It was Kina's self titled debut album. He put it on random, and contemplated. He thought how lucky he was to have Matt. He never thought he'd ever have a chance to be with him. He was finally happy. He knew that he was so lucky to have a man in his life. His favorite song on the album came on, and he could only sing along.

I don't got the question, baby I don't got the question Are you askin if I love you Are you saying you don't know by now You should never wonder, baby You should never wonder `Cause I need you more than ever We will always be together, yeah

You control my heart I feel you in the very air that I breathe You're such a man, I need you with me And, when the world seems hard You protect me like a man does a child With them big ol' arms

Oh no, you don't ever have to wonder You're me knight and shining armor You're my heart, I'm proud to say I love you, I love you, I need you I want to spend forever, together, my partner Can't live a day without you I love you, I need you I want to spend forever, together, leave never Can't live a day without you

I can see the day we met I can see it clearly The first day of my new life I knew I would be your wife, yeah Always heard of love at first sight Thought it was kind of silly How could love shine on a stranger Love comes on a little stronger

Oh no, Cupid shot me with that arrow I could barely catch my breath Cupid scared me half to death Oh yes, You came runnin' and ensalved me With the love no other man could give me

I wanna say I love you, I love you, I need you I want to spend forever, together, my partner Can't live a day without you I love you, I need you I want to spend forever, together, leave never Can't live a day without you I love ya!

Oh no, you don't ever have to wonder You're me knight and shining armor You're my heart, I'm proud to say I love you, I love you, I need you I want to spend forever, together, my partner Can't live a day without you I love you, I need you I want to spend forever, together, leave never Can't live a day without you I love ya, I need ya.

James was startled with the sounds of clapping. In came Matt looking as fine as can be.

"James you really have a great voice."

"No, I suck, I'm going to take a shower."

"O.K.," was Matt's reply. After he heard the shower turn on he looked over the lyrics for song #2. He replayed the song. He know considered it their song. Matt wasn't sure if the song was referring to him, but he didn't care he loved it and was glad he heard James' wonderful voice. James finally came downstairs. "Damn, you look hot."

"Why, you don't look so bad yourself."

"Thanks. Well we should be leaving," Matt said.

"Sure," James replied. They both went to the car, as James drove the hour long drive to the club. When they got there it was 8:00 p.m.. Both Matt and James headed in. They were very tentative as it was the first time either of them were at a bar like this. The first thing they decided to do was to, dance. The dance wasn't any dance. They were bumping and grinding, they didn't care if anyone was around. They were really getting into and didn't notice the circle that surrounded them, watching their every move. Finally the song ended, and applause was loud. Matt and James both blushed and continued dancing.

"Tonight we're having a wet underwear contest, we need contestants. Winner receives 200 dollars."

"Matt you should try it, I mean your hot great body, and it would be cool. We would be in money," James said.

"I'll only do it, if you do it too."

"Why the hell not," James said. They both went up there and looked as 10 others joined them. Each person stripped down to their underwear got drenched with water and danced around. Matt was second, and he was up rather quickly. James was the last to go, so he could wait and see what everyone else did. Matt walked up and shaked what he had, along with James. It was now 10:45 and winners were decided by 3 judges.

"Number 1, 4. Number 2, 9. Number 3, 7. Number 4, 6. Number 5, 8. Number 6, 7. Number 7, 8. Number 8, 1. Number 9, 8. Number 10, 9," exclaimed the judge. "Number 2, and Number 9 shares the prize! Hey aren't you two the ones that gave us a great show earlier?"

"Uh, yeah if your talking about our dirty dancing," James said.

"Yeah, that was us."

"Well, here's your check. How would you cuties like to get on stage and give us a victory dance?" one of the judges asked. Matt and James looked at each other for a moment and said "What the hell."

Matt and James walked up on the stage. "The dual winners of the underwear contest are nice enough to give all of another dance like earlier, let's give them a hand."

James and Matt had already started their grind session before the announcement was made. There were really going at it. Crotches touching, hands roaming, it was definitely a sight to be seen. The crowd was paying strict attention to the two teens standing on the stage. The song finally ended and a loud applause was heard. Matt and James bowed and went to the bar to get a coke before they left. When they got home it was nearly 2 a.m. They made out while walking up to Matt's room. They stripped off all their clothes and fell asleep in each other's arms.

The Project Chapter 4:

A piercing scream filled the air, as Matt jumped out of bed. It was 5 a.m. "Matt, what's wrong?" James asked, while holding Matt down.

"I had the freakiest dream, where you dumped me for Garrett, and I screamed NO!!!!"

"Oh, that's it?" James said, half asleep.

"What do you mean that's it?"

"Well, I mean it's only a dream, and it's only me anyway."

"Only you??? Do you even know how much you mean to me? I mean only you is like saying only being alive!" Matt yelled.

"I never realized you liked me so much, I mean I never think of myself as being that important in anyone's life."

"Well you are because I'm kind of......never mind," Matt hesitated.

"No, what tell me."

"No, no forget it."

"Tell me," James demanded.

"Well, I think I'm kind of falling for you," Matt said softly.

"Your falling in love with me?"

"Head over heals, grand slam kind of love. When I think about going to college and might be away for you, it scares me. Thinking about how we're just starting and we don't have much time together scares me," Matt responded.

"I don't get it, how can you be falling for me? You barely know me, we've only been together for a day, it's not something that is possible. Especially when it's with a guy like me, when your a guy like you."

"What do you mean by that?" Matt questioned.

"Face it Matt, we're from entirely two different worlds. Your Abercrombie catalog, all American, jock star. I'm freaky rebellious, anti-popular kid. It's just not going to work, face it."

"It will work, if you let it happen. Your preventing it from happening, you know what we have is really great, and we could be in love. Why won't you let it be, we could be great. I mean we're like meant to be, if we weren't then we wouldn't of hit it off so well. I wouldn't feel this for you," Matt said sincerely. "Fate brought us together, and now we have to make it happen. Why won't you let it happen?"

"I'm afraid, ok that's why."

"Afraid? Afraid of what?" Matt said, a little too loudly.

"Forget it this was a bad idea. I don't think I want to talk about this," James reluctantly said.

"I do, what are you afraid of?" Matt pleaded.

"I'm afraid I'll fall for you. When I fall for people my world is turned upside down. I completely lose my senses. I get used, kicked around people realize it. I become vulnerable, and I won't do anything about it. It has happened before and I don't want to see it happen again," James confessed.

"James," Matt started while putting his hand on James' face, "I would never do that to anyone. Especially you. I want you, I mean you mean everything to me. I know we have only been seeing each other for a day, hell we've only been friends for a week, but it's love at first talk. Whatever, I swear that I really want us to be together. Even it's only for what, the few months we have left together, this feeling I need it to last a little longer, can you please accept that we're in love with each other?"

"You feel that strongly for me? I never thought that could ever happen in my life. I thought I was incapable of being loved. I mean I get dumped all the time, and I just thought I wasn't the date type. No one wanted to be with me, so the fact you say you feel so strongly about me, it shocked me I never that, was ever possible you know." James said. "Let's go back to bed."

With that they went into peaceful slumber. They awoke it's was now 11:30 a.m. While Matt was sleeping he thought of an idea. That James and him would come out to their parents on the same day. This way if something bad happens they'll have eachother to turn too. Once again James awoke with a kiss.

"Oh, no breakfast?" James laughed.

"Shut-up, umm...there is something I want to do today, and I think it would be best if we did it together."

"What is it?"

"Come out to our parents," Matt hesitated.

"Uh, well Matt you know my parent's very traditional. I don't think it would be best if I did this because what if like I get kicked out or something. I mean I love them but they are very closed minded."

"You'll always have me to turn to," Matt said. "We can do this together to know your not alone in this it'll defitnitley help. So, please do this with me. I don't think I'd be able to do it without you doing it too."

James pondered for a moment. With Matt's pleading gave James a hope that his parents would be different. He actually thought they might accept it. "O.K. we're doing this seprately right?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Let's go get breakfast first and then you can drop me off," Matt said. The breakfast convorsation centered on what they were about to do next. Both were clearly nervous. Matt had a feeling his mom would defitnitley have no problem. He wasn't going to tell his dad. His dad had abandoned Matt's mom at an early age. Steve, Matt's sister's father had done the same. He didn't make contact with eithr of them. He could care less whether they died or not. He didn't want a part of them.

James had an entirely different view. He knew his parents would not accept it. In the back of his head he thought if they couldn't accept him for who he is, he shouldn't be living with them in the first place. He loved his parents dearly, but they were one hundrer percent homophobic. They had finished breakfast. The rain was coming down hard and James and Matt were in front of Matt's house. Matt wouldn't stop kissing Matt.

"Your such a horndog, go in and do what you have to do," James said.

"Kiss my ass," Matt said.

"I'd prefer the other side, but if you want the back that's fine too,' James replied. Matt blushed. He got out of the car and went inside. James drove home.

"Mom, I need to tell you something," Matt said.

"OK, son what's up?" Lora, Matt's mom replied.

"I have been debatng whether to tell you this for a very long time, and I am hoping you'll accept my decsion."

"Your not dropping out of school are you?"

"No, what I am trying to say is that. Mom, I'm gay," Matt hesitated.

"That's it?" Lora asked.

"Well yeah.."

"Matt, mothers always know these things. So, are you and James...."


"Remember use a condom, because who knows..."


"I heard when males put it on it enhances the pleasu..."

"MOM! You shouldn't be saying this," Matt exclaimed. The doorbell rang. Matt was afraid it was James and he chickened out or got kicked out. Matt answered the door.

"Hey MATT!" Mogan, Matt's litte cousin scremed.

============ MEANWHILE ============

"You faggot," James' mom started. "Your a fucking dissapointment. I want you out of this house. We never want to see you again.


"Get the hell out you make me sick. Kissing other guys, oooh I knew it. A fucking disgrace get out," James' dad said.

"What about college?" James asked.

"We'll pay for one year since we already did, but after that your on your own. Never set foot in this house again."

James ran upstairs, he already packed his bags because he knew this was going to happen. His parents were so homophobic and he knew it. He grabbed his bags, and ran out the door. He heard the door slam shut behind him. He reached into his pocket and realized he left his keys in the house. He was about to knock on the door when the keys flew out the window into the mud. James rummaged through the mud and finally found his keys. He was going to Matt's house.

James stood outside Matt's door in a muddy wet mess. He looked horrible, tears streaming down his face debating whether or not he should enter the house. He thought Matt wasn't excepted, and it was a bad idea. He knocked on the door. Matt ansewered the door.

"Oh my god James,"

Ok I took a little longer than a week, but I lost my train of thought. Please tell me what you think of this story e-mail me at I hope the next installment won't take as long! I know I hate it when I read stories and the updates are so long, so I'll be better next time I promise! Thanks!


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