The Project

By moc.loa@1naFnragusanaT

Published on Jul 15, 2000


I originally have a story in the Gay-High School section of Nifty. If you could you delete the previous posts for the story The Project...and replace them with the attachment? Thanks.


[ Part 2: "Attached Text" ]

DISCLAIMER: If your offended by this don't read it. If your to young to read this don't get caught. I won't take any responsibility, for your mistakes. Now you have this let's go on to the story.

I have restarted this story because, I thought the last parts of the stories sucked. So, I am starting over and hopefully I can make it better this time.

The Project: Chapter 1

"J, yo wake up," Audrey said. They were in World History class, and J had fallen asleep. This was a standard occurrence, and again Amanda was there to save the day. "You have to start going to sleep, I can't save your ass everyday."

"Sorry, thanks. I couldn't sleep last night," James replied. For the past few weeks he was only getting 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night. His grades were dropping and he was not as lively as usual. No one knew what was bothering him, except for his best friend Audrey.

"Class, I am setting you guys up into pairs. Each pair will have one historical figure, you have to find biographical information, important historical facts and ect. You will need to make one poster for both of you, one research paper for both of you. Both of you will also need to write an opinion sheet on what you feel was the most important thing your historical figure did. Also, you will write a short evaluation on your partner's performance. All the things that need to be done, is on this paper," Mr. Howerson said. "Grab one on the way out. I'll leave the list of pairs on my desk."

With that, the bell rang and everyone got up to check out the partner situation. James and Audrey waited for the others to leave. While sitting there they overheard some of the other classmates talking.

"Oh, shit Matt I feel so bad for you. You got that blue-haired freak," Garett started. He was talking about James. James was 5'10'', a tennis player's build. His hair color was naturally black. However, while trying to be rebellious he colored his hair a dark blue. He admitted at times, that the blue hair did not match him. He still dressed in "preppy" clothes, and the blue hair didn't mix.

Matt didn't respond. He actually didn't mind James. They were classmates in 8th grade and he actually enjoyed talking to him. He also didn't want to be singled out. He explained to his friends that he had to talk to James. "Hey, James. I guess you heard we'll be working together," said the seventeen year old, star of the baseball team. "Well I really need a good grade on this so would you mind stopping by on Friday? You can sleep over and we can talk about the project and then get the supplies on Saturday. You got a car right?"

"Yeah, I do," James replied.

"Good so we can take your car, well I have got to go, so I'll see you Friday," Matt said as he left the room. James thought he was a little to eager, but wrote it off. James and Audrey walked up to the table to see who she was working with.

"Shit, I got Garrett," Audrey said. She was referring to the 6'2" jock god of the school. Both she and James knew about her crush on him, but personality wise it wasn't happening.

"Oh, well just don't touch yourself to much while your with him," James replied jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah you too," Audrey said. She was referring to James crush on Matt. James had came out to Audrey a few years ago and to this day only those two knew about his status. James loved everything about the 17 year old classmate. His thin brown hair, his deep eyes, his boyish looking face, and most of all it was his dashing smile. His smile was one of those smiles that if used the right way could always make you agree with him.

James and Audrey went to lunch, and sat and their usual table along with their friends Jason, Kelli, Liz, and Markus. They rambled on about the usual meaningless chat, until Garett walked up to them.

"Hey freak," he started looking at Audrey. "We need to talk, about the project. Can you be at the library after school tomorrow?"


"Be there, and we'll start," Garett said while walking away.

"Why don't I buy him a car too. Damn it, if he thinks he can order me around, he's gonna get smacked the fuck up," Audrey said, a little loud causing Garett to walk back at the table.

"What the hell did you just say?" Garett asked furiously.

"I said if you think you can talk to me like that your gonna get smacked the fuck up," Audrey said even louder than before.

"Bitch please, calm the fuck down and take you damn midol tomorrow," Garett laughily said. He again walked away.

"Well, this should be fun for you. Work for the school's biggest bastard, for a project," Markus said, saying bastard a little louder than normal. "J, who you got?"

"No, one better, I got Matt Mr. 'Snobercrombie and Bitch' himself," James said. "I'm actually going to sleep over at his house. He better not be like that, or I'll take the F. I'm sure he would love that."

Next thing Matt came. He didn't look happy as he heard the Snobercrombie and Bitch statement. He never wanted anyone to hate him. He never wanted to hurt anyone. He came to the district in 7th grade. The fact he was good looking and had money made him popular. He had a paper in his hand which had his phone number and e-mail address. "Hey, James here is my numbers, so we can talk about the project. So, I'll see you Friday," Matt said walking away.

"Well, I guess I got the good one," James said.

"Well, hey why don't you talk to him about me," Kelli said. She had a crush on Matt and wasn't afraid to let everyone know. "Hook me up!"

"Hey, what about me?" Jason asked.

"You want me to hook you up with Matt?" James replied laughily.

"No, you asshole. You very well know Kelli is my girl, and you shouldn't be thinking about anyone else."

"You know I'm just joking," Kelli said. Kelli and Josh walked away as lunch was beginning to end. Audrey and Marckus followed as James sat there contemplating. He was thinking about Matt, and how he had to control himself around him. While in deep thought he was tapped on the shoulder. He jumped and turned around to see Matt.

"Yo, J, you don't mind if I call you J do you? Anyway, I am going to be online at 9:30 tonight, and I would appreciate if you could go on. Can you?" Matt asked.

"Yes, you can call me J, and sure I'll go on. My screen name is SyKoPatHIc231."

"Spell that?"

"Forget it I'll im you," James said. They both agreed and went to the last period classes. Before James knew it school was over, and waited for Audrey so he can drop her off. Audrey came.

"Yo, Markus is gonna drive me home so peace. I think I am going to hook up!" Audrey said. James went to his car and saw Matt standing there. 'He must be stalking me," James thought.

"Uh, hi James," Matt said tentatively.

"Hey Matt what's up?" James replied.

"Well, I kind of missed my bus and I was wondering if you could drive me home," Matt said. If Matt ran he could of made the bus, but he also wanted to get to know James. He was interested in him. He always wondered what happened to him. When they first met in 7th grade James was such a prep. He wasn't rebellious got straight As. In eighth he started being rebellious got detentions and first colored his hair. He also knew about his suicide phase. Matt was intrigued by James. His attempts to get to know him was always shot down either by James or the nervous Matt. He hoped he could find a friend. All the jocks and the popular people were all superficial and Matt never trusted them. All the petty fights and the narrow minds were not for him. He knew James was different and he wanted James to know he was more than just a dumb jock, or a 'Snobercrombie and Bitch'.

"I guess I could. You live near the old middle school right?" James asked.

"Yeah, I'll give you directions," Matt said. Matt guided James to his house. James pulled into the driveway and waited for Matt to get out. Matt decided he would ask James to come in. "Uh, J do you want to come in. Have a soda or something?"

James felt really ackward. He really didn't want to go in, but it seems Matt really wanted him to go in. From the look on his face and the tone of his voice James really couldn't say no. A few months back James got over his crush over Matt, and now he realized what made James like him in the first place. "Sure, I don't want to be a burden or anything."

"Don't worry J, no one's home and I could use the company. Besides if we're going to spend the weekend together we ought to get to know each other," Matt said softly motioning James out of the car. They both walked into the house, James sat on the couch in the living room while Matt got two sodas. "So, do you mind if we just ask each other random questions? It's the easiest way to get to know someone."

"Sure. You can start," James said.

"So, J what's with the hair? What made you decide to color it blue?" Matt asked first.

"Well, I don't know. You know before I colored my hair I was so plain. I didn't have an identity I was just that unpopular kid. While changing my hair color I changed my image my personality. I wasn't just that unpopular kid, I'm you know whatever you popular people call me know," James said. When he first colored his hair he wasn't thinking about image. He was thinking about just acting dumb. After it faded he realized how much the color was a part of him. No matter how much his parent's protested, the blue was going to be put in for a very long time. "Now my turn. Why do you even want to get to know me? We're just doing a project together it's not like we have to be near each other for a long time or anything."

"Umm, honestly? I don't know. For some reason you seem interesting. I would like to get to know you. Your a pleasant change for me. I mean no offense to my friends, but there just so superficial and I don't know. I am usually paired with them. To finally get to talk to someone different is, I guess good for me," Matt said. He know felt ackward, he didn't know how James would react to such a statement.

"Really? Wow, Mr. Popular wants to be my friend," James laughed.

"Please don't call me that. I get a bad name being popular as it is, and I just hate that. Being THE popular kid. I hate it," Matt said.

"Well color you hair pink and turn Goth, you won't need to worry about that," James said as Matt smiled. The rest of the night they really got to know each other, and before either of them knew it was 6:00 pm. "Damn, can you believe we've been sitting here talking for what four hours now?"

"It's been four hours really? Wow, so hey do you want to get a burger or something?" Matt asked.

"Sure where do you want to go?" James asked.

"Actually do you know that place right next to the Rockingham Mall, I love it there but no one wants to take me."

"Sure, let's go," James said. They both got into the car and drove to the burger joint. They were both really hungry so talking was put into a minimum. It was 10:00 when James pulled into Matt's driveway.

"Hey, are you still going to go online?" Matt asked.

"I can't, I'd have to take a shower, and I am tired so I won't be able to. Well, so I'm driving you home tomorrow right? I'll remember to bring clothes so I can sleep over," James said.

"Cool, see you tomorrow," Matt said. Both Matt and James slept in anticipation for tomorrow's day. Each had thoughts running in their minds. Waiting to see each other again.

The Project: Chapter 2

James felt like an outsider at the lunch table. Not only was he an outsider of the world, he was the outsider of his own group. The whole time he would glance and see Kelli and Jason making out. If he glanced to the other side he would see Audrey and Markus going at it. James was the only single one. He couldn't stomach to see more making out from his own friends. He left the table unnoticed and went to the quad in the front of the school. He sat their contemplating how he wished he had a mate. Seeing the happiness in his friends faces made him wish he had someone. Lunch had just started and he didn't want to be there. He decided he would blow off the last two periods and go to the beach. Something relaxing. Then he remembered he had to pick Matt up at school. 'Shit,' James thought. 'Finally I think of something I want to do I have a responsibility.'

"What are you doing out here?" Matt asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," Josh replied coolly.

"Well, I came out here to see what was wrong with you," Matt said.

"Well my lunch table of 5 had 2 couples and an outsider. So, I left," James said. "I was thinking about cutting the last two periods to go to the beach. Then I realized I had to pick your sorry ass up."

"Well let's go," Matt said while walking towards the parking lot. "We have to stop by my house so I can get my suit and we can leave."

James and Matt got into the car and drove to Matt's house. "Don't you have a reputation of perfect attendance to hold up?" James asked.

"Well, going to the beach seems so much better," Matt said as they got out of the car and went into his house. "Hey, come up here you can leave your stuff in my room."

They both went upstairs and into Matt's room. James put down his things and sat on the bed. Matt went to the bathroom to change. In a few minutes they were ready to go. They were on the highway, when Matt turned on the radio. "Last Resort" by Papa Roach was on. Matt decided that this would be the best opportunity to ask James about his suicide phase. He didn't want to be to nosy, but he really wanted to get to know James better then he did. "James do you mind if I ask you something personal?" Matt asked.

"Uh, I guess."

"I was wondering about your suicide phase. I wanted to ask you about it," Matt said. James changed the station on the radio quickly as he heard those words. The song was now "Don't Think I'm Not" by Candy.

"I really don't want to talk about this right now," James said. The rest of the ride was silent as James parked the car. James went to a beach that usually had less people, and the fact it was Friday afternoon most people were at work and this part of the beach was nearly empty. They put down their stuff down in the middle of the beach and Matt was the first to take off his shirt. His slightly tanned body glowed from the noon daylight. It was a sight to see. His chest was better developed than James. However, when James stripped off his shirt it his best feature was shown. James may of had the best abs in the high school. He worked hard over the years to get his abs perfect.

"Let's go," Matt said.

"Go where?"

"To the ocean, we're here to swim aren't we?" Matt asked.

"I'm here to get a tan, I don't know about you," James said.

"Oh, come on. Just put your feet in," Matt said giving James his puppy dog face that would always work on him.

"Fine," James stopped protesting. He knew he would end up getting soaked with the icy cold salt water, but he didn't care. As long as he could lay later in the sun and get the tan he would be fine. Matt had different idea as they were standing in the water he splashed James.

"You mother-fucker," James said. They splashed the hell out of each other until they were exhausted. They collapsed on the towels.

"Let's go," Matt said. "We should start on the project."

"I want to get a tan," James replied.

"Fine well I'm gonna go," Matt said grabbing his towel and James' keys.

"You bitch," James said, while chasing after Matt.

"I always get my way, and get what I want. What I want now is to go home and it's going to happen. Also I want to drive..."

"No, that's one thing you won't get," James said while grabbing the keys from Matt. They both headed to the car and were on the way back home. "Who do we have again?"

"Huh, what?" Matt asked stupidly.

"Who do we have to research for the history project?"

"Oh, we have Clara Burton. Do you know anything about her?"

"Oh, yeah she's the woman who started the Red Cross," James said.

"How the hell do you know that?" Matt asked.

"I studied her in eighth grade, before I turned into this," James replied.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" Matt asked.

"I dunno what do you want to do?" James asked.

"Well, we can order out and we can watch a movie. Want to go rent one?"

"Sure, I'll get one and you can."

"Cool," Matt said while turning on the radio. It was on a hip-hop/r&b station with Janet Jackson currently on. The ride to the video store was silent other than the radio. James pulled into the parking lot of the video store, as Matt got out of the car. "So, what you going to get?"

"Well, my favorite actress is Toni Morisette, so I think I am going to get one of her films."

"Oh, she's the chick from the Sixth Sense right?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, but I am not going to get that one. I am thinking about getting 'Clockwatchers' I haven't seen that one yet. It has Parker Posey and Lisa Kudrow too."

"Cool, I think I'm going to get 'Cruel Intentions' I have wanted to see that movie for awhile. And besides Ry..ugh Reese Witherspoon is really hot," Matt said.

"That movie is one of my favorites," James replied. With that decided they got the videos and left. They went back to Matt's house to decide what to do about the project. After a few hours of research, they had the information. All they needed to do was get a poster board and paste the information. It was now 7:00 p.m. "Do want to call take out?"

"Sure," Matt got the phone book out and called the Chinese place to order the food they had selected before they started the project. Twenty minutes later the food came. They sat in the living room, and put in 'Clockwatchers'. James took the chopsticks out and began eating. He looked at Matt and saw he had a fork.

"Don't tell you don't know how to use chopsticks!"

"Shut-up dude I never learned," Matt said impishly.

"Want me to teach you?"

"Sure," Matt said. James grabbed the chopsticks out of the bag and handed them to Matt.

"You have to hold them like this," James said grabbing Matt's hands and putting them the way they should be. A shiver went through Matt's spine as he felt James's hand caress his. "Got it?"

"Uh..what? Oh, yeah sure," Matt said. They watched the movie. Once 'Clockwatchers' was over James put in Cruel Intentions. When the movie ended it was now 11:30 p.m. They decided that they both needed to shower. James was first to go. They both went upstairs, James reached into his bag to get his clothes. While grabbing his shirt, his journal fell out. Hoping Matt didn't see he quickly stuffed it back in and went into the shower. Matt did see the journal. He went to James' bag and grabbed the journal and flipped to the last page. Matt couldn't read it. He didn't want to invade James' privacy. A few minutes later James walked in still wet from the shower wearing only a towel.

"I grabbed the wrong shirt," James said as he bent down to grab his shirt, his towel came off showing Matt his pale white ass. "Shit."

James grabbed the towel and ran out of the room. A few minutes James came in, and heard the taunts of Matt. "James I never knew how nice of an ass you had."

"Can you stop and take a shower?"

"This is fun why would I want to stop?" Matt asked. A few minutes later he went in for his shower, and came back dressed. James was preparing to sleep on the floor, when Matt piped up. "If you don't mind we can just share the bed. It's big enough."

"Sure." James climbed on to the bed and laid next to Matt.

"So, James I heard a rumor about you and I was wondering if it was true."

"What is it?"

"Well, I heard from someone that you were gay?"

"Do you want to know the honest answer?" James asked.


"Well, I don't know. I am confused. I mean I guess I am attracted to both men and women. I guess I am bi, but I don't know. Does that freak you out? Because if it does I'll go sleep on the couch downstairs no problem."

"No, it's cool. So, bi huh?" Matt asked.

"I guess so."

"Well, then are you attracted to me?" Matt asked.


"Oh, come on I want to know."

"Yeah I guess."

"Really? What do you like about me?"

"Matt, come on. Don't make me tell you."

"Please?" Matt asked flashing again his puppy dog face.

"That damn face again. How the hell am I suppose to say no to that? Well, you've got a great body an adorable face. A great smile. I also have a thing with lips. I don't know why, but I do. You have great lips. That's why."

"Why don't you give my lips a taste?" Matt asked.


"This," Matt said. He got on top of James and grabbed the back of head and kissed. It didn't take long for James to stop resisting, as he opened his mouth letting Matt's tongue in. They shared this kiss for a minute or so, as Matt pulled away. "As good as you thought?"

"Uh, definitely."

"Good, glad you like them. You'll be getting some more tomorrow hun, but now let's go to sleep."

"Does this mean that we're..."


Matt rested his head on James' chest as they both went to sleep.

There here is the new The Project Chapter 1-2. I like this version better than the first and I hope you do too. Please e-mail me with any of your comments at Please e-mail me if you read this story. I really want to know what you think of this. Thanks!

-JS (next two chapters by next week I promise)

Next: Chapter 2: The Project 3 4

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