The Project

By AD .

Published on Mar 6, 2000


The Project:

Well, here's a new story from me. As I write this I'm not certain whether TOF (if u read it)is going to be permanently finished or not, but it certainly looks that way. This story is completely totally and utterly different from TOF, and I'm not certain how it'll go down. This is based off one I did quite a while back, but has been drastically improved, but some of the most basic ideas remain the same. Please email me with your opinions anyway, or as always. It's a short first chapter anyway. The next one is quite a bit longer. I just thought I'd give you a brief introductory piece into the story. Legalities: this story is fiction, very fictional in fact, and implies nothing about the sexuality on NSync. The ideas come from the deepest darkest deeps of my conspiracy theorising mind. There is no sex in this story for quite a while, so if you are under 18, it's not actually illegal for you to read yet I suppose since there's no sex or even signs of a gay relationship yet, but I've still gotta say all this stuff. Oh yes, I've not had a proper proof on this one, so forgive me for spelling and grammar mistakes, i'm sure there's a few i missed when i quickly flicked thru a minute ago


Anyway, read ahead.

Chapter one - arrival.

"Condition red. Unidentified vessel has breached solar system perimeter. It's on a direct intercept course. Calculating estimated intercept." The voice boomed over the announcement system of the main control centre of earth space command, embedded one mile down underneath the Atlantic sea bed.

"Very good. Initiate close range scanning, attempt to identify the vessel type."

"Scanning. Ship does not fall under any known types of any known races. Base design resembles species 038. Sub light propulsion appears to be ion based. It dropped from high light speed ten kilometres outside of our standard perimeter, undetected by standing scanning."

"Very good. Hail them, all known frequencies, all known language derivations."

"Hailing standard greeting." A few seconds passed as the man apparently in charge sat calmly in his seat surveying the large holographically projected screens in front of him. Five more men sat at consoles slightly beneath and in front of him, weapons, communications, sensors, scanners and operations.

"No response to standard greetings. Weapons have obtained a positive lock."

"Trajectory calculated. The vessel will intercept with a Concorde flight in 13 minutes if it continues on its projected trajectory taking into account entry angles. It's a direct course, 80% probability this is there intended target"

"Ok. Get me a passenger list for the flight."

"We'll have the list in a minute. The ship is still proceeding on projected course, no reply to hails, they're shields and weapons are down, they have detected our scans and have scanned our orbital weapons array."

"Power down the main weapons away, have them on standby to bring them back on line as quickly as possibly. Keep target lock."

"Very good sir." A few more seconds of silence followed as they waited for the passenger lists.

"The passenger list is on your screen sir."

"Thank you." He pressed a button the edge of his arm rest and a holographic screen came up in front of him. Scrolling through the list of names nothing popped out at him. "Let's see what happens. If it is species 038 what are they doing this far out of their space, and why are their weapons down. Whatever they're here for it seems to be non-viol..."

"Four more vessels have dropped out of slipstream in the solar system, they are intercepting the first unknown. Their weapon systems are fully armed."

"Power up full defence and offensive arrays. Target the new ships and prepare to fire. Hail them with warnings."

"Aye sir. One of the vessels is preparing to fire on the first unknown."

"Fire anti matter charges onto the vessel. Try and take out it's sub light drive."

"Firing." The main screen showed several small dots head from earth and hit the second vessel. Nothing happened for a few seconds, until it suddenly dropped back. The first ship was now in evasive manoeuvres as the display focused on the area and jumped out into full 3D.

"There shields are holding."

"Ok, fire at will, destroy the aggressors. Let the first ship get through."

"Very good, firing primary weapons array." This time a massive bombardment of antimatter charges flew from earth and impacts onto the ships. After a few seconds one of them exploded, shortly after the other three were also destroyed. It was too late to prevent them from causing damage to the first ship as they got several shots off.

"Their propulsion systems are barely functional, weapons down, defensive shields down, running deflectors are still operational. They have altered trajectory to compensate for reduced speed, still on line for intercept with aeroplane."

"Let it proceed. Obviously someone didn't want them to get here."

"Very good sir. Still no reply from greetings."

"Stop hailing them, tell them they are free to proceed and if they require assistance, ask."

"Aye sir."

"Hey, JC, certain you don't want to be dealt in this time?"

"No, you three keep playing, I just want to read in some peace and quite!" JC said exasperated after being asked the same question for the umpteenth time.

"Hehe. You keep on reading whatever you're reading. I've never seen you so engrossed out of a porno mag!" Justin said giggling. JC just through one of the cushions at him before settling back down to reading.

"Well, are you going to admit defeat yet?" Joey said confidently.

"Never, let's see your cards then."

"Ok, 2 pair."

"3 of a kind." Justin said confidently laying down his cards.

"Guess I win then!" Joey said quickly reaching in to collect the stash of chocolate coins. on the tray. Justin was quick to protest.

"What do you mean you win, three of a kind beats two pair!"

"Since when!"

"Since ever. Lance, back me up here."

"I agree with Justin, Joey. Three of a kind wins here I'm afraid."

"Well, be like that." Joey said huffily sinking back in his chair sulking, while Justin gathered up all the chocolates and started munching away, smiling at his victory.

"Next time don't bet all your chocolates!" Justin said. As Joey had put everything he'd won onto the table, so arrogantly confident he'd win again, while Justin only had one coin to bet. Suddenly the plane started shaking slightly, the lemonade of Justin's tray slowly moving across, before he caught it as it shook itself off the edge. The shaken became slightly more violent, until the whole plane became eerily still, the engine noise died down for a second, and everything became completely silent.

"You up for blackjack Lance?"

"Nah, I'm tired of card games now. We'll be landing in fourty five minutes anyway."

"It's broken away from the plane sir."

"How long was it with it?"

"12 minutes."

"Ok, I want the craft brought it."

"Aye... The craft is diving, loosing altitude rapidly."

"Get a ship on it now!"

"Too late, the craft just exploded at 24 thousand feet. It was not detected by any conventional radar systems."

"Very well. I want the plane to be taken into holding, no one is getting off until it's been searched. They almost got themselves destroyed, now I want to know what for."

"Very good sir."

"I'm going there myself. You have command Mr Paton."

"Very good sir." With that the nameless man in command walked towards the door at the back of them room, as they disappeared as he walked towards them, reforming as he went through. He headed towards the 'elevator' at the end of the corridor. Putting his eye in front of the retinal scanner, the doors opened and he stepped in.

"Computer, surface, north american continent, USA, New York." Lights slid up and down the side of the walls and the doors slid open onto the ground floor of the New York officer of the agency, a small, unassuming building located on the edge of the city. He exited the building and climbed into the waiting car. Without any words being spoken it headed off towards JFK Itl. Airport. *****

"Ladies and Gents. We've just landed at JFK. It's a mild 20C outside, that's about 70F. Unfortunately, you're all going to have to stay on the plane a little while. The FBI are wanting to check the plane over, so if you'll all keep your seats for a while, we're get you disembarked as soon as possible." The pilot finished, before flicking off the intercom. As the flight attendants opened the door, five men in suits entered the plane, followed by the mystery man from earlier.

"Search the plan, you know what to look for. We've got people checking the hull, there's bound to be detectable marks. Keep your scanning discreet." The men dispersed throughout the cabin, small handheld devices scanning the integrity of the hull. He was hoping to see where they entered the plane from. Usually whenever an object passes through matter it leaves a detectable signature for several hours.

A voice in his eye piece signalled him over to where the five young men from NSync sat in their chairs. "Gentlemen, if you wouldn't mind staying behind for a few minutes."

"Anything else?"

"No, this was the only spot on the plane, it looks like these five left and returned from the disassociation in the wall." The tall suited man said quietly into the ear of the commander.

"Ok then. Ladies and Gentlemen, please feel free to depart the aircraft now. Thank you for your patience." He glanced down at five people occupying the two and a bit rows, "You've not done anything wrong, just bare with us a while."

Justin glanced worriedly over at JC, who just shrugged. "We'll see what happens, you heard the man, we've not done anything wrong."

"Ok then gents, if you'd like to leave the aircraft. Follow me when you leave, we'll be taking you down to our facility."

"Wait a minute. We're not going anywhere. I've not seen any ID from you or anything. Do you have any idea who we are?"

"Yes," he turned his head a little, "Joshua Scott Chasez sir." "Yes, I do Mr Joshua Scott Chasez, I know who you are. I don't give a damn who you are right now though to be honest."

"Some ID please or we're leaving right now."

"Ok then, you're ID." He said, pulling out an ID card from his pocket.

"Ok, you seem to have ok ID. We'll have to contact our management. They won't want us going anywhere without them knowing, and they'll want lawyers with us."

"As I've said, you're not in any trouble. We'll take care of informing your management. Know, if you would care to follow me." The man replied, more authoritatively this time.

"NO. We're contacting management, they will contact the FBI and check this is all above board."

"Very well. Call your management, but let's get on the way. People want to clean the plane" The man replied, clearly not liking having his authority questioned. He didn't usually deal with public cases, but this did seem quite a mystery to him on why a ship would come, take 5 people off and then put them back.. They walked out of the gangway, but the five suits blocked the main gangway, and herded them down the stairs to the floor, sitting beneath the large graceful, but nonetheless primitive aircraft. A few minutes later after a phone call Lance walked back over to the waiting group after talking on the phone.

"Ok, management have confirmed your ok, and we're supposed to co-operate with you."

"If you'd like to get into the cars then gentlemen." They eleven men piled into the 3 waiting cars and the sped off out the airport and back towards the agency building from which the commander left.

Ok, this is a very short and quick first chapter. No apparent relationships here yet, but we'll see how it evolves. Also, if anything made sense, you're doing very well, it's not supposed to really, not yet. Wait a few chapters for some sense. Let me know what you think. This first chapter outlines some very basic stuff, but you still have no idea how anything is going to proceed yet. You'll see things a lot more clearly in the longer second chapter. The second chapter is done, I'll post it in a week or so, and then we'll see what happens from there. Email me with your opinions at You'll be getting the next chapter regardless of replies, but if their aren't any, you might not get much more after that.


Next: Chapter 2

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