The Professors

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 16, 2014



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The Professors


Jubal Merrifield was gay. His friends knew it, his parents knew it, his teachers knew it, and anyone who met him knew it. Nevertheless, he graduated high school incident free. Nobody would dare abuse him for his sexual orientation. Jubal was six feet, two inches tall. He worked out in a local gym every chance he got. His muscles had muscles, but better than that, his eyes were fierce. They looked at any potential trouble maker, and seemed to say...I dare you.

Those eyes, which so frightened people, were steel blue, and seemed to x-ray right through anyone looking at him, friend or foe. Yet, there was a soft side to Jubal. It was almost a cuddly side. If he liked you, and if you were lucky enough to elicit a smile from him, you would be turned into butter. His smile was so open, so sincere, so ingratiating, so infectious, that it could melt an iceberg.

Now, this hunk of mankind, was about to enter his first class, on the first day of his college career. Fear of the unknown made this hero's knees buckle, but he didn't let anyone see his uneasiness. He didn't just enter the class room, he sauntered in. His head was held high; and instead of his beautiful smile, there was a defiant look on his face. It was almost a smirk.

His first college class ever, was English Literature. Once his mask was in place, and he had entered the room, he looked around him. The only empty seat was in the first row, right in front of the teacher's desk. He chided himself for not coming in sooner, and vowed that he would rush to his next class, so he could sit in the back of the room. He had purposely dawdled earlier, in order to put off this inevitable moment.

Nobody in the class seemed inclined to introduce themselves to anyone else. There was a deadly silence in the room, as each student prepared himself to be greeted by the imposing, scary individual, commonly referred to as "The Professor."

He didn't know what went through the minds of his classmates, but Jubal expected some middle aged, overweight, balding, short man to enter the room. He was not expecting to see the individual who came in, and threw his brief case on the desk. The man said nothing, but he turned toward the black board, picked up a piece of chalk and wrote, Prof. Morgan Prentiss. Below his name, he wrote: English Lit 101.

The professor was lean and hard. He had on a loose fitting pair of slacks. He wore loafers on his feet, with no socks. Although he was wearing a pullover long-sleeved sweater, Jubal was certain he had a dress shirt on underneath. But Jubal paid no attention to the man's apparel. He was staring at his formidable face and body. Sitting so close to the professor, Jubal could smell his after shave lotion He never wore any himself, so he could not identify it. He just knew that he liked the aroma. Professor Prentiss had to be about six feet, four inches tall. His face reminded Jubal of a very young Brad Pitt. His eyes were a seductive brown. His straight hair was brown also, and he wore it long. It fell to around the bottom of his ears. The professor was thirty years old, but he didn't look any older than Jubal at eighteen.

"This class is English Literature 101. If this is not the class you signed up for please leave," the professor said. Nobody moved. These entering freshmen, so lately hot shot high school seniors, were scared shitless.

Jubal was smitten with lust. He wanted to spend a few hours in bed with Professor Prentiss in the worst way. In fact, he developed a hard-on so fast, he surprised even himself. Then when Prentiss asked the class to stand, Jubal was in a quandary. He tried to cover himself as best he could with a couple of note books he had been told at orientation to have with him, on his first day of classes.

"I want to seat you alphabetically," Prentiss said. "It will make it easier for me to learn and remember your names."

Jubal partially got his wish. His name started with the middle of the alphabet, and he found himself seated in the third of four rows, at the extreme left side from the professor's view.

When everyone was settled in their permanent seats, Prentiss asked each student in turn to stand, introduce themself, and let the others know where he or she was from. Poor Jubal was still hard, but he had no choice. He had to stand. The men and women in the first two rows, and most of the third row turned to look at him. There was no doubting what they saw, but the frightened students kept stony faces, as did Prof. Prentiss.

He was used to seeing his gay students `rise up' when they first saw him. He was secretly flattered, but in no way was he turned on. However, no man as good looking as he was, had not reached his age without having had several male to male sex encounters. He enjoyed his homosexual meetings, and he always assumed that he would do it again should the circumstances arise. However, he would never admit to being bi-sexual. At worst, he would admit to being bi-performing. The man identified his preference as straight, and he enjoyed the favors of a harem of young women, including a female student, named Connie. If truth be told, Connie had stolen his heart.

He had learned to keep a stony demeanor with his gay students, and even now, his face did not deceive him. In fact, he enjoyed teasing them with sly looks and innuendos. While Jubal was relating his biography, Prentiss made him uncomfortable by smiling at him in a most delicious manner.

When everyone had spoken, Prentiss took the floor. "This is what I expect of you," the professor began. "I expect that you will come into each class fully prepared, having read everything I assign to you. We will have six short quizzes during the semester. All of them will be open-book and pre-announced. A third of the way through, two-thirds of the way through, and at the end of the semester, you will be given closed book tests lasting the entire hour. The closed book tests will account for 50% of your grade. The open book tests will account for 35% and the remainder will be determined by me, based on classroom participation and preparedness.

The professor then handed out a computer generated paper. It contained the dates of all the exams, and a list of books for the class to buy, or borrow from the library. "You will notice," Prentiss said, "that the first book on the list is Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. You will also notice that each of you has a different tale listed on your print out. When you come to class next time, I expect you to be able to discuss in depth the tale that has been assigned to you.

He then asked the class what they knew about The Canterbury Tales. Not much it seemed, so the professor did most of the talking until the bell rang. The second it rang, Jubal was out the door and running to the nearest men's room. He took a stall, and proceeded to take care of his still raging hard-on. Usually when he masturbated, he liked to bring himself to the edge a few times, but this time he went right to it. He then rushed to his next class, and in spite of his resolve, he had to sit in the front row again.

The semester ground on interminably, and before Jubal realized it, the day had arrived for the first trimester closed book test in English Literature. He was ill prepared, which was certainly not at all like him. He spent so much time in class ogling Prentiss, that he barely absorbed the course material.

Not only did he flunk the test, he got the lowest score in the class. The worst thing was that he knew it would happen, but he was so love sick, he didn't know what he could do about it.

The morning after the exam, Prof. Prentiss handed back the papers. Even before he held it in his hand, Jubal saw a big red F on the front sheet. The professor's face was stoic and Jubal could not read anything into it, but when the bell rang, Prentiss said, "Before you leave, Mr. Merrifield, I'd like to talk to you for a moment."

"Yes, sir." Jubal knew it was time to turn on the charm, and he gave the professor one of his killer smiles. It had no effect on him. In fact, he wondered what the hell Jubal had to smile about.

"You realize that you are flunking this course. I want to speak to you about your poor showing, and what we might be able to do about it. I'd like to see you in my office at 4 PM this afternoon, after classes. Can you be there?"

"Yes, I can," Jubal answered. He had lost his smile.

At precisely the appointed time, Jubal reached the professor's office door. The door was open, but Jubal knocked anyway. Prentiss looked up and stared sternly at Jubal. "Come in, and close the door behind you, please," he requested. Jubal did just that, and when he closed the door, he was aware that it locked automatically. Prentiss pointed to a chair facing his desk, and when Jubal sat down, the professor stood up and sat on his desk facing his student.

Jubal was very surprised. Sometime between his early morning class, and now, Prentiss had changed his clothing. He was wearing tight fitting jeans, a sleeveless tee shirt, and sandals. This did not help Jubal to concentrate on his situation. He kept staring at the professor's package, and would have bet that he was not wearing underwear. As usual in Prentiss's presence, Jubal could not think straight (no pun intended).

Jubal put his hand over his crotch. He automatically went into seduction mode, and he wasn't even aware of it. Prentiss either paid no attention, or pretended not to notice.

"You're getting off to a very poor start," Prentiss began. "You are failing the course. You have flunked all the open book tests so far, and now the first closed book test. Furthermore, you never participate in classroom discussions. What am I to make of it?"

Jubal remained silent, but he continued to rub his crotch. Finally, the professor began to feel a bit uncomfortable.

"I checked your high school records. You were an A student, so what's going on here? What's the problem? Is it something I can help you with?"

Jubal jumped up. "Oh yes, Morgan. You certainly can." Jubal had decided to call Prentiss by his given name. As he jumped out of his seat, Jubal wrapped his hand around Morgan's package. There was no question that Morgan had lots to offer.

Morgan jumped up, and said, "Don't do this Jubal. What do you expect will happen?"

"I expect that it might earn me an A."

Morgan didn't move. He stood as still as a statue, and Jubal was encouraged to continue to massage his package. Morgan started to say something, but instead he just sighed. It was the kind of sigh, someone used when they wanted to say, "What the fuck?" Finally he pushed his hard package firmly up against Jubal's palm.

Morgan was no fool. He realized from the get-go that Jubal's poor performance resulted from an obsession with him. He had decided a while ago to have sex with the boy and let him get it out of his system. He saw the potential that was there, and he believed that if Jubal's fantasies came true, he would come out of his near coma. He even decided to give Jubal very kinky sex, way beyond what his fantasies may have conjured up.

Jubal leaned into Morgan and placed his lips on his teacher's lips. It wasn't a kiss, just a placement of lips. It was Morgan who couldn't resist. Jubal felt Morgan's lips parting. His tongue came out and forced Jubal's lips to open. That was the end of pretending. The two men began to kiss with all the passion that was in them. Jubal began to massage Morgan's crotch harder and steadier, and at last Morgan reached for Jubal's manhood.

They wrapped their arms around each other, and Morgan whispered in his student's ear, "You're very bad, Mr. Merrifield. You're a very bad boy."

"I know," Jubal whispered back.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Would you like to take this to my apartment? I live only five minutes from campus."

Jubal gave Morgan his killer, melt your heart, smile. "Lead the way, Professor. I'll follow you anywhere."


Morgan put his key in the door, and Jubal, who was standing close behind him, was shaking like a leaf. This was totally unlike him. He was usually bold and confident. He knew that his attributes would please any partner. His cut cock was five inches flaccid and eight inches hard, but its beauty was in its girth. Most men he had been with could not completely close a fist around it. Morgan was taller and even broader in stature than Jubal. The young student had often pictured his professor's endowments in his wishful thinking brain,and it was enormous. He could not wait to see the real thing.

The two men entered the apartment and Jubal was immediately overwhelmed by the smell of fragrant flowers. Morgan had generously infused his home with room fresheners. It was almost too much. In fact, it was overwhelming, but at the same time it was very pleasant. Neither man realized it, but the heady aroma of floral perfume was actually acting as an aphrodisiac. Once inside, with the door locked, they resumed their passionate kissing.

Jubal pulled off Morgan's tee shirt, and then did the same to himself. The men pushed their naked chests against each other, and rubbed their nipples together. Their packages were not idle either. Their cocks were massaging each other, and Jubal felt an orgasm coming on. He pulled away.

"Let's play in the shower," Morgan advised. He took Jubal's hand and led him to the bedroom. Inside his man castle, he shed the rest of his clothing, and Jubal did the same. At last, the object of all of Jubal's day dreams was exposed to him. He had no idea what it looked like flaccid, but nine hard inches of uncut beauty, stared him in the face. Morgan's cock was pretty hefty, but Jubal's was heftier.

Jubal felt like a wild beast. He fell to his knees, and took Morgan almost fully into him. The bedroom floor was plush with expensive carpeting, and Jubal was perfectly comfortable. He licked and sucked with abandoned joy, until Morgan pushed him away.

"Come, shower with me," he said. He led Jubal to the bathroom where he started the water flowing. While waiting for the temperature to come to his comfort zone, Morgan smiled at Jubal, and resumed kissing him.

"So my little maverick," Morgan said, you want to have sex with me? OK. But forget your adolescent attempts to please yourself. I'm going to make sure you have real, grown up, hard core sex. You're going to please me also, or that grade of yours isn't going to improve. What do you think of that?"

Jubal had no idea what Morgan was inferring, so he just nodded and said, "Sounds like a plan to me."

When he was satisfied with the water temperature, Morgan stepped into the shower, taking Jubal with him. Jubal immediately grabbed the soap and started massaging Morgan's cock, but Morgan pushed him away.

"Piss on me," he said. "Piss all over me. Piss into my ass, and into my mouth."

"What?" Jubal muttered. He couldn't believe that he had heard right.

"I told you, Maverick, if you want to have sex with me, it's not going to be kid stuff. It's going to be man sex, grown-up sex all the way. Do you understand?"


"And are you willing to go man to man with me?"

"Uh huh."

"Then pee on me, or get out of my house."

Jubal was glad that he hadn't peed in a couple of hours. Still he didn't know if he had enough in him to satisfy his teacher. He decided to piss in Morgan's ass and mouth first, as Morgan had requested. Then if he had anything left over he could spray his body. He turned Morgan around, and aimed at his ass hole. Most of it ran down Morgan's leg, so Jubal decided to go for his mouth. Morgan took a good swig and swallowed what Jubal had given him. Then he turned away, and Jubal finished relieving himself by spraying all over Morgan's body.

"That was pretty good for a beginner," Morgan complimented Jubal. "If we ever do this again, come to me with a full bladder, you hear?"

"Yes sir." Jubal was elated. There might be another time.

"Open your mouth," Morgan said. "Now I'm going to give you my best ever golden shower." Jubal hadn't expected that, but he opened his mouth wide, and prepared for the worst. Morgan had swallowed as much of Jubal's piss as he could, but Jubal let it all drip out of his mouth. He felt like he had been sprayed with salt water, and was surprised that piss tasted a little gritty as well. Morgan must have had a full bladder. There seemed no end to the spray going up Jubal's ass, and all over his body.

When he had emptied his bladder, Morgan's cock was flaccid. Jubal was glad to note that he was about the same size as he was, and still not as wide. Morgan took the soap and started to swathe Jubal's body, making sure that all the urine was washed off. He let the soothing water cleanse Jubal's body, and then he fell to his knees and started to suck his student's burgeoning cock. After just a few strokes of Morgan's mature and educated tongue and lips, Jubal felt an orgasm growing deep within him.

Of course, Morgan was fully aware of what was happening. He handed Jubal the soap, and a wrapped condom which sat in a tray of condoms on the shower shelf. In a deep and threatening voice, he commanded, "Fuck me now, Maverick, and make sure you fuck me hard. Don't enter slowly like a sissy. Come in fast, and come in hard. I want to know damn well that I'm being fucked. Don't make me wonder if you're in yet or not."

Every other partner that Jubal had ever been with, had urged him to lube up excessively, and enter slowly. He was too big for most, and they feared the consequences, no matter how much they wanted him to fuck them. This was new for Jubal, and he was ecstatic. He needn't be told twice. He reamed in fast and hard.

Morgan gave out a blood curdling scream, and Jubal feared the worst, but Morgan yelled out, "That's it. That's how I like it. Fuck me, man. Fuck me hard." He kept repeating, "Fuck me", over and over. Jubal was terribly turned on, and he came much faster than he would have liked. After he came, he nearly collapsed from a combination of rapture and exhaustion.

Morgan caught him in his arms, ripped off the condom, and tossed it over the shower curtain, and onto the bathroom floor. "Get yourself together like a man, you wuss," Morgan chastised him. I'm going to fuck you now, just like you fucked me...hard and fast."

Morgan wasn't kidding. He invaded Jubal without any preparation, using soap as a lubricant. Jubal screamed in pain. Unfortunately for Jubal, Morgan came so quickly, the pain didn't have time to turn to pleasure. Morgan slipped out, and he threw the used condom over the curtain, where it joined its counterpart. He wrapped Jubal up in his arms, and it was a totally different Morgan who whispered in Jubal's ear, "How did you like grown up sex, Sonny? Do you want more?"

Jubal could only nod his head.

"Me too," he said. "Let's get dressed. I'll take you out to dinner and you can spend the night with me."

"Lovely, Professor. But am I going to get an A?"

"Now that you've gotten this frustration out of your system, and if you pass every remaining test with flying colors, I might consider giving you a B."

Jubal took Morgan's cock gently into his hand and started stroking it. "I intend to work real hard at satisfying you, sir, in class and in the bedroom. I'm going to meet all your expectations of me." Jubal said.

"So far, I'm beginning to see how much effort you are putting into passing my course, and I do appreciate it."

Teacher and student kissed passionately, dressed and went out to dinner.


A few years later, a batch of frightened entering freshman sat expectantly in their classroom waiting for the professor to arrive. It was their first day in their first college class. The young man who came in was nothing like they expected. He was tall, well built, and exceptionally handsome. The women in the class sighed and one gay man erected immediately.

The professor threw his case on his desk, turned to the blackboard, picked up a piece of chalk, and wrote, Prof. Jubal Merrifield. Below that he wrote, English Lit 101. He then called each class member by name, and re-sat them in alphabetical order.

He picked up on the gay young man immediately. David Swensen was ogling him, and moving in slow motion. Jubal saw himself on his first day of college, ogling Prof. Morgan Prentiss. He was unable to think coherently in Morgan's presence, until his professor had sex with him, and helped him relieve all his frustrations. It was great sex too, and Jubal wondered if he would have to repeat the process someday with David. He decided he would just have to wait and see how things played out. He had been invited to dinner that night at Morgan's house. He thought he might be able to discuss the situation with his former professor, who was now his boss. Morgan had been promoted to head of the English Department.

That evening he approached Morgan's front door with a bottle of white wine in his hand. Morgan had let him know that they were having baked salmon for dinner. The door was opened by Morgan's beautiful wife, Connie. He handed her the wine, gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and bent down to scoop up his three year old godson, Leo.

"Unca Jubal, Unca Jubal," the little boy yelled, as he presented Jubal with slobbery kisses on his face. When he came up for air, he announced proudly, "I'm gonna be a big brother."

Jubal looked at Connie, who nodded and smiled. "It was just confirmed this morning," she beamed.

Morgan came up behind her, and the two professors gave each other a hug. It was a chaste and manly hug. The two men never had sex together again, after their only encounter, when Jubal was a freshman. Jubal tried to bed Morgan again, but Morgan insisted that he was straight, and what he did was only to relieve Jubal of his frustrations, so that he could become the great student and scholar that Morgan knew he was.

Leo was put to bed before dinner, and after dinner Connie told the men to get out of her way while she cleaned up the kitchen and dining room. They went into the den, and Jubal related the situation with one of his students.

"It's déjà vu, you and me," he told Morgan.

"No, it's different," Morgan said adamantly. "You were gay, and I presume you still are. I was straight. I had sex with you hoping that you would snap back to life. I needed for you to get your obsession for me put behind you. I must admit, it worked. I was glad to see that after I refused to have sex with you again after that night, you played the field, and seemed to settle down into normalcy."

"Well, Boss," Jubal got cutesy. "I'll see how it goes with David. If he acts like me, I'll give him the same treatment that you gave me. I looked up his high school records after class, and he was an A student in high school. He was also an athlete and he played on the school baseball team."

"There's a catch here, Jubal, or I should say, a caution. I'm presuming that David is gay, and you are too. It's never a good thing to get involved romantically with a student. It was just luck that it worked out so well with Connie and me. Watch yourself, and please don't break the boy's heart."

After that, nothing that happened even vaguely resembled the incident between Jubal and Morgan. David was an excellent student, and he was acing Jubal's course. It was he who decided on a subtle plan to seduce Jubal.

It was well known throughout the university that Jubal was gay. He had been out all his life, and he never denied it. David decided to use that knowledge to his advantage. He was smaller than Jubal at five/ten. He had been an athlete in high school, where he lettered for the baseball team. Although he was only second or third string for the gymnastics team, it was there that he developed his muscular body. He had curly blond hair, hazel eyes, which sometimes had a tinge of green in them, a small nose, and a strong jaw.

David started his seduction by stopping for a moment at Jubal's desk on his way out of class after each session. In a few succinct words, he would tell Jubal how much he enjoyed the class that day. He did that several times, and one day, he asked a simple question, which Jubal was glad to answer. What Jubal didn't notice was that David had a smile easily as seductive as his own.

Little by little, David's questions got more challenging, until one day Jubal had to ask him if he would like to meet him outside of school after their last classes of the day. "That way, we'll have time for a good discussion. I'd like to pursue your theories about what you consider to be the hidden meaning in `Pride and Prejudice.' You claim that Darcy represents the inflexible, conservative government of Victorian England, and Elizabeth represents the more liberal, growing democratic forces. Nobody has ever seen politics in the novel, nor considered that approach before. It was Jubal's way to create a meeting with David outside the school. He had finally begun to see what David was doing, and he was growing hot to trot with the boy.

"Gee, Professor. I'd love to meet you after classes one day soon. Could we have dinner together? My treat."

That gave Jubal a great opening, which he thought he had dreamed up. He gave no credit to David's seductive abilities. He didn't even realize that David had maneuvered him exactly where he wanted him to be.

Jubal said rather innocently, "Save your money. Come over to my apartment, and I'll whip something up. Mind you, nothing fancy. Cooking is not what I do best."

David winked at him, and produced his killer smile. "I'm sure you have other great talents." David was standing, and Jubal could clearly see that his student had a hard-on. Jubal was glad he was seated, because if he had stood, his erection might have ripped his trousers. He handed David a card with his address and telephone number on it.

"Come by any time after five, but I'd like to have dinner about 6:30 so don't be too late."

"I'll be there promptly at five so we'll have plenty of time to discuss my theory."

At exactly 5:02 Jubal's doorbell rang. When he opened the door, David got the eyeful he yearned for. Jubal was wearing a muscle shirt and gym shorts, and nothing more. His cock was clearly outlined in the shorts, and David began to breathe heavily.

As soon as he was inside the apartment and the door was locked, he dropped all pretense. He grabbed Jubal's cock and started massaging it. Jubal leaned into David, and the two men began to kiss passionately with lots of tongue.

"We have lots of time before dinner," Jubal advised David. He took off his shirt. David stripped to his shorts also, leaving everything on the floor. Jubal pinched David's nipples and began to kiss them. David began to purr like a kitten.

"Shower with me," Jubal commanded, and he led David into the master bathroom. There they stripped completely, and ogled each other's genitals. David was fully erect at about 7 inches. He was cut and dripping precum. As soon as they entered the shower, and the water was running all over them, David soaped up his hand and began to massage Jubal's cock with soap. He was shocked when Jubal began to laugh.

"What?" David asked.

"If you're going to treat me to high school sex, you might as well leave right now."

David looked perplexed.

"I want to have sex like two grown men, not like two little pussies."

David was getting the picture. "What would you like to do? You're the teacher. Teach me." David threw the ball to Jubal.

"I want you to piss in my mouth and up my ass. If you have anything left over, spray the rest of my body. Make sure my cock is full of your piss and then suck it. When I tell you to stop, I want you to rim me until I beg you to enter me. There are condoms on the shelf behind you."

"I've never tried some of that stuff."

"Are you going to wimp out, or are you going to make love like a man?"

"I'll do all you ask of me. I really want to so badly. Will you do that to me also?"

"You can bet on it." Nothing was as David expected it to be. He thought he knew all about having good and satisfying sex with a man, but his professor was making him see sex with new eyes. He hadn't peed in a while and he was able to cover Jubal well with piss.

"Suck my cock," Jubal ordered. David took Jubal's hard manhood in his hand. It was wet with his urine, and he didn't think that he could do what Jubal wanted. He had committed himself, however, to seducing his professor and if this was part of the process, so be it.

He fell to his knees and took Jubal into him. The salty, gritty taste of Jubal's cock was new to him, and quite nice. He sucked Jubal until he felt the teacher's balls getting smaller and harder. Jubal pulled out. He reached for a condom on the shelf in the shower and handed it to David.

"Put this on and fuck me, but rim me first. Don't soap up. I want to feel you dominating me, raping me. Drive in fast and hard and fuck me that way." David was so turned on that he was actually frenzied. He fucked Jubal just as Jubal had requested, but neglected to rim him. Jubal didn't even notice. The young student was so worked up, he came in just a few strokes, much to his disappointment and Jubal's.

"I see I'll have to teach you how to delay your orgasms, high school boy," Jubal said snidely as David's prick receded from Jubal's ass. "Have I gotten rid of your frustrations?"

"Not yet. Not until you piss all over me, suck my cock, and fuck me into next year."

"Wow. You learn fast. Now you're talking like a man, not a teeny bopper. OK, then. Open your mouth."

Jubal aimed his cock at David's mouth, and David caught his piss and started to swallow. That was more than Jubal had done with Morgan. He swung David around and proceeded to piss into his ass hole. Finally, with whatever he had left, he sprayed as much of David's body as he could. At last, he fell to his knees and proceeded to suck David's piss covered cock. He stopped when David's balls began to harden. He ordered David to face the wall, and stick his butt out. Jubal put on a condom and did not lubricate it in any way, spit, lube, or soap. He was harder than when they started this sex session, and he rammed into David's ass. David bit his tongue to keep from screaming. He could actually taste his own blood.

Jubal delayed his orgasm for as long as he could, but finally, with one loud prolonged groan, he shot his load. He stayed inside of David for quite a long time, unable to move.

"That was pretty intense, teeny bopper. Did you learn how to make love like a man?"

David didn't answer. Instead he did something quite unexpected. He pulled Jubal's cock out of his ass, and turned his professor around to face him. He began to kiss Jubal with lots of tongue, and very sensuously. The hard, slam-bang sex was done with. David began to make love to Jubal, and Jubal could do nothing but respond to David's kisses.

"Don't misunderstand," David said. "I loved the sex we just had. It was hot and macho, but I would much prefer to make love to you. You see, Professor, I fell in love with you the moment you walked into the classroom. I've been working my ass off to get an A, so that you would notice me. This past hour has been the happiest of my life, but the next time we make love, I want to do it my way. Everything I do will be designed to please you. I promise you'll love it. You don't even have to reciprocate if you don't want to."

Jubal was flabbergasted. For the last year he had actually been thinking about settling down, but certainly not with one of his students. He felt he had to abort this nonsense.

"Who says there'll be a next time?" he asked snidely.

"Me, I said so."

"You know David, you're way too young for me. I prefer a more mature man. Why you're just starting college. I've got nearly ten years on you."

David started to laugh. "How old do you think I am?"

"No more than nineteen."

"I'm twenty-six," David smiled. "I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life after high school. I was eighteen, going on nineteen when I graduated. I joined the army until I could work things out. I just got discharged after six years of service. I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan. I even have a purple heart."

"But you look so young," Jubal muttered.

"Maybe so, but I'll bet I've fucked more men and women in my time than you have."

"You probably have, David, because I've never fucked a woman in my life." They both laughed.

Then David got a serious look on his face. "Give us a chance, Jubal. I already love you, and I've seen how you look at me in class. You feel something for me also, don't you?"

"I was only teasing you, because I knew you were hot for me. I'm sorry if you misread my intention. I did tease you at first, but now, after what we just did together, I don't know how I feel about you, but whatever it is, it feels real good."

Then you'll at least give us a chance to grow a relationship?" David pleaded.

"What the hell. Why not?"

David enveloped Jubal in his strong arms, and began to kiss him, if you could call it a kiss. His tongue was jabbing at Jubal's in sword-like thrusts, and Jubal was growing weak. Both men had grown hard again, and they made love all night. They sucked, rimmed and fucked each other for hours.

By morning they both had the same unvoiced feeling. Making love had never been this good with anyone else. But Jubal wasn't willing to admit it yet. He wanted to go slow, slower than they had this night.

When Jubal saw David in class, all his resolve left him. The two men stared at each other. Their eyes met with such longing and desire, neither could resist the other. At the end of the class, David lingered, and approached Jubal's desk. He uttered one single word.


"Yes," Jubal answered him. "Come around tonight."

So David came around that night, and many nights to come. One evening he arrived with his car fully loaded with his belongings. He just moved in without even asking if he could. He didn't have to. Jubal had been hinting at it for weeks. Jubal worried about his involvement with a student, but in the end he was too much in love to give a damn. He just stopped worrying, and allowed himself to love David without restraint and without guilt. He didn't need it, of course, but he also got approval of his relationship with David from the other most important man in his life, his boss, Professor Morgan Prentiss.

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