The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Apr 19, 2006



The Professor and Sean - Book Two - Part 28

by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

The characters in this story do not always practice safe sex. Remember this is fiction. You should always use a condom for the your protection and especially for the protection of the one you love. The author recommends only safe sex. Be wise and follow safe sex practices.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive.


Thanks to the individuals who have emailed me to tell me they are enjoying the story. It is great to hear from you. I try to answer all of you; but if you have to wait a day or two, it is because I just can't keep up with the emails.

There's more story to come.

The marked improvement in the punctuation and spelling is because of the intelligent and careful assistance I have received from Wayne. This wonderful man is my editor, I thank him here publicly. As Sean would say, "He is awesome!"

NOTE: If you would like to know when I am posting the next part of the story, send me an email requesting that I notify you when I post to Nifty.

The Professor and Sean -- Book 2 -- Part 28

From the ending of Part 27

(Sean narrates)

"By the way, there is one other thing, and you may tell Ryan about this. You need to get measured for academic apparel. The Trustees voted last night to award you an Honorary Doctor of Music. It's in recognition of your contribution to the college and your remarkable musical ability. You need not tell Dr. Fillimore about this, as he will assist me in the procedure."

"Sir, I don't think I deserve such a wonderful honor. I mean, Sir, I'm just an ordinary guy, a student at State, who was financially able to make it possible for the college to have this chair. It really honors my husband, Sir."

"We know all that, Sean. Will you accept the Honorary Degree?" he asked.

My heart was beating very rapidly, and the thought of making the announcement of the chair and receiving the honorary degree had sapped much of my energy away. Dr. Williams waited patiently for me to answer.

"Yes, I will."

"Excellent!" was his response.

In the next few minutes he reviewed what would happen at the convocation. If I chose not to tell Ryan about the honorary degree, that was up to me. The college could not change the program, so no one would know about it until it happened. I would have to be in the academic procession. Although I could march with the English Department or the Music Department, President Williams wished I would march with him, the governor and the trustees, the usual place for a person who is to receive an honorary degree. He asked that I tell him tomorrow.

I left the office in a daze, stopping only long enough to have Carrie take my measurements. I walked across the quad toward Ry's office. What would I tell him? I couldn't think clearly about all that was happening.

We had learned on Monday that our appearance in Family Court was scheduled for the Tuesday after Ry returned from Denver.

What a couple of weeks it had been! Our lives seemed to be headed for a calmer time when we could enjoy our family, moving with love into the future.

The Professor and Sean -- Book 2 -- Part 28

(Sean narrates)

The nearer I got to Ry's office, the more confused I became about whether to tell him of my honorary degree. Suddenly an idea came to me, and I changed my direction and walked toward Rog's office in the music building. I checked the practice rooms first to see if he might be conducting a private lesson, but he wasn't there. I walked back to his office. The door was closed; I knocked. Silence. I knocked again.


"Dr. Fillimore, it's Sean. Can you spare a minute to talk with me?" I asked.

"Of course, Sean. I always have time for you and Ryan. Come in."

When I entered his office, I found him sitting at the piano, making notations on sheet music. I assumed it was something he had composed, but I didn't inquire. He got up from the piano and came over to meet me. He gave me a fatherly hug and asked me to sit down. He didn't go behind the desk, but chose to sit in a chair opposite from mine.

"So, what can I do for you?" he asked. I cleared my throat while my mind raced to find the right words to ask him about the honorary degree.

"Dr. Fillimore...."

"Please," interrupted Dr. Fillimore, "call me Rog. I know I'm your teacher, but I am also your friend."

I smiled, remembering how wonderful he and Greg had been to us.

"Rog, you talked to Dr. Williams?" Rog laughed a little, leaned toward me and said,

"I talk to him often. What are you getting at, Sean?"

"The honorary degree."


"Should I tell Ryan about it, or should I let him be surprised at convocation?"

"Why wouldn't you tell him, Sean? You love him very much, you trust him. You would want him to tell you, don't you think?" My face reddened realizing that all that Rog said to me was true. I was a little embarrassed.

"I'm a crap head again. Of course, I'll tell him. Rog, do you think he will understand about the other thing at convocation?"

"Do your stuff, young man. He loves you, so he will not be offended by the surprise. Now get going and tell him what you want him to know. Give him my best when you see him," Rog said almost as an order.

I shook his hand, then hugged him quickly and left, running most of the way to Ry's office.

(Ryan narrates)

It had been one of those days when college professors wonder why they chose teaching as their life's work. Not much had gone well, especially my James Joyce Seminar when I discovered that most of the class had not done any reading. So there would be no discussion. Rather, they had to sit and listen as I gave a modified lecture. They would be sifting out what they construed as important. This', I told myself, would save them from having to think too much.' I was royally pissed!

Angela Stefanno was the bright light in my Shakespeare's Histories class. At least she had done some reading. Only she asked questions or made intelligent comments on the plays we were discussing. The others languished, twisting in their seats much like branches in the wind. I managed to make it through the lesson, giving them an impassioned speech at the end of class about responsibility and maturity and studying. As I reprimanded them, I was thinking about my lover. Sean was all the things that the majority of students in this class were not.

Angela stopped by to express her regret over Kevin's suicide. She was thrilled when I told her about how well the adoption process was going. She told me, incidentally, that if we ever needed a nanny or housekeeper that she could probably help us find a competent and trustworthy person. I thanked her.

She wanted to be sure that I let Sean know how much she admired his virtuosity as a pianist. She had been at the concert, but failed to see any of us. She had attended with her brother and left immediately after the concert to return home. After telling me that she planned to pursue her master's in literature with a plan to teach, I was so happy I hugged her. She was pleasantly surprised.

After she left, and as I picked up my materials, readying myself to go back to my office, I suddenly realized how much I missed Sean. I wanted him with me so that I could take him in my arms and feel his warmth, and through that closeness to feel at home, at peace.

I hurried to my office hoping that he would be waiting for me, but unfortunately he was not. I supposed he was practicing in the music building. I sighed deeply in disappointment, unlocked the office, took off my jacket, sat at the desk, and tried to work on lesson plans. It was almost a waste of time, as I kept thinking of my lover. My desire for him increased until just the thought of him in my arms caused my penis to begin to grow in size and hardness.

It was a few minutes later when Sean appeared at the door. He smiled that smile at me, and I wanted him then and there.

"Lock the door," I ordered him. He looked confused by my command, but followed it immediately. I got up from my chair and moved to the front of the desk.

"Come here, come to me, Baby." Sean literally flew across the room and into my arms. My lips found his and we began to kiss passionately, seeking to release our desire, our need for each other.

I began to remove his clothing, kissing his nakedness as it appeared. I licked his ears, his neck, his armpits. I tweaked his nipples, and then licked them, sucked on them, and finally bit them gently. They rose up to a hardness that demonstrated the height of his desire. Before I could work on his trousers, he began to undress me, pulling my necktie off, unbuttoning my shirt, removing it from me as he licked my chest and sucked my nipples.

He had kicked off his sneakers and I soon followed him and had my shoes off. In what seemed only a millisecond, we were facing each other, he with only his white thong and me in my gray boxer shorts. His white athletic socks added to his sexy appeal, and I wondered what he thought of my dark gray dress socks.

As I knelt in front of him, I pulled down his thong, releasing his hard cock from its jail. Freed from its restriction, his penis popped up and slapped his tight, hard six-pack. I took it in my hand, and began to lick it from the root up to the head, at the same time holding his heavy balls in my other hand. He was moaning in pleasure.

Sean pushed me away from him and then pulled me to the floor, moving into the sixty-nine position. Somewhere in the move, he had my boxers off along with my socks. He was now barefooted, too. He took my throbbing cock into his warm moist mouth, and with ease took me into his throat, all of my eight and a half inches were enclosed in his warm love tunnel.

I was gasping for air as I also deep throated my lover. Sean moved to my balls and began to lick and suck on them, then he pushed on my legs and I pulled them back allowing him access to my ass. He spread my ass cheeks and was licking and sucking my crack, finally kissing, sucking and tonguing my rosebud.

"Oh, God, Sean, please fuck me. I want you in me. Fill me with you man-boy seed. Make me cry for more of you. I love you, Baby," I pleaded with him.

He ran his finger across the head of my cock and got a good amount of precum with which he unceremoniously lubricated my man cunt. His cock, dripping precum, was ready instantly to fill me. He leaned into me and pushed his rock-hard cock against my blinking hole. I was relaxed, as I wanted him in me, so that he was able, with little resistance from me, to plow deep into my hot ass.

His beautiful cock was rubbing my prostate on both the in and out strokes. I was in sexual nirvana. He was kissing me wildly and then I was sucking on his neck soon leaving my mark, as it were, on his neck and shoulder. He increased his speed, talking to me in a most arousing way.

"You, my lover, are a cock whore. You can't get enough of my cock in you, can you? I want to fuck your hot ass for hours, making you beg me for more. I don't want you to cum, slut. I want to tell you when you can. Understand?" he demanded in his best role-playing voice.

I submitted to him, telling him how much I loved his dick, how much I wanted him to fuck me. I begged him to let me cum, but he refused saying this was for his pleasure. I would have to wait.

He was really plowing my ass now, his balls slapping against my ass, his teeth biting my nipples, one hand holding my balls so tightly that I was uncomfortable. Then he began to pound me with a fury and, forgetting where we were, he shouted out with exclamations of his sexual pleasure, and filled my rectum with a flood of his seed. I had not cum, and I was near screaming.

Quickly he pulled out of me, and with a motion more like a gymnast or a professional athlete, he pushed my legs down, straddled me and sat on my throbbing cock. In a swift move, he had me fully enclosed in his hot, tight ass. He leaned forward and kissed me, gently this time. He smiled and told me,

"Hon, I've wanted this all day long. Fill me with your seed, make me know how much you love me as I just showed you."

With that he began to move up and down on my turgid cock, increasing his speed until his ass slapped against my crotch each time he sat down firmly on my dick. He was groaning and this helped me to reach a sexual level far above the usual. With a loud cry, I began to fill his hot love tunnel with my seed. To my surprise, his cock, long ago hard, was now shooting forth another load of cum. He collapsed against me, kissed me with passion, bit my ear and whispered,

"I'm getting an honorary degree on Saturday at convocation!"

"You're fucking what?" I demanded.

He kissed me again moving his tongue around my lips and in and out of my mouth. I was moaning now.

"They think I'm Mr. Wonderful, Hon," he told me with a laugh between kisses, now moving down to my chest and my nipples.

"You are Mr. Wonderful," I told him, as I rolled him onto his back and began to lick his body.

"You're not angry?" he inquired with a very serious tone.

"Not if you fuck me the way you just did. You, Baby, know how to throw a fuck. And I love it. You can tell me more later. Right now, I want you again. Do you mind?"

For an answer, he pulled back his legs and I plunged in.

Oh, such happiness!

(Jerrod narrates)

I had taken the college bus across town to Blake's apartment. He was at work now, and I had a key to get in. I liked being with Blake. There was something about him, something in the way he talked to me, smiled at me that made we weak all over. I had fantasies about having sex with him, but that was all they were. Blake was straight. I was gay. We would never get it on together.

There was mail on the floor where it had landed after the mailman had put it in the letter slot. I picked it up and had little intention of looking at it, assuming that it was all for Blake. But I noticed a large envelope addressed to me. It was from a law firm in Florida. I couldn't imagine what it might be. I was going to open it, but then decided that it would be better to wait until Blake got home a little later.

I put my books on the desk in the corner, pushed off my sneaks, flopped onto the sofa, and put my head back. As I dosed off a little, I clearly saw Blake naked and erect standing over me. His cock was large and beautiful. I reached out and took it in my hand and began to stroke it.

I woke enough to realize that I had taken out my cock and was jerking off thinking about Blake. I closed my eyes again and continued jerking my big dick. I was lost in the pleasure of the moment until I heard someone clear his throat. I hastily opened my eyes, and there stood Blake looking aghast as I worked my cock. I instantly stopped masturbating as my face turned very red.

"I'm sorry Blake, I should have done this in the bathroom in private. I just didn't expect you so early."

"No apologies are necessary, Jerrod. I jerk off, too. All men do at one time or another. Perhaps I should go to the bedroom and change while you finish," he told me.

"No, no, I'll just stop. I'm so embarrassed I could die," I stammered.

"I'll be right back. Let me change into some shorts and a T-shirt, then I'll be back out. Finish if you want.

After he left, I almost cried. What must he think of me? I won't be able to stay here any longer. Blake won't want an uninhibited homosexual living with him. I really blew it! I wondered what else could go wrong. How would I explain all this to Sean and Ryan? I knew I would have to beg them to live there.

What would I say to Blake when he returned to the room?"

(Blake narrates)

I hurried to the bedroom, closed the door and leaned back against it. My heart was beating rapidly, my penis was getting erect. `What the fuck's wrong with me?' I wondered.

I knew I was straight, wasn't I? How could seeing Jerrod masturbating cause all these reactions. I mean why would that sexually stimulate me? What was the matter with me? Was I queer and didn't know it? I hated the word "queer"!

The better word is gay or homosexual. I also hate the word "fag"!

Are these feelings that I have been having since Jerrod shared my bed, gay feelings, or are they just a response to his sexuality? He is, after all, a handsome and sexy young man. I can understand why someone would want him as a lover. But it might just be that I am sex starved as I haven't been with a woman for months.

I knew one thing for sure, when I saw him whacking off, I was highly charged with sexual desire. I wanted to touch him, to touch his penis, to stroke it. And if I could be honest with myself, I wanted him to touch me, to feel my penis, to stroke it. For God's sake, I wanted to have sex with him. That was the farthest from my mind when I offered him a place to stay. Now I knew that I would have to really work at controlling myself. I knew deep in my psyche that I really wanted him. Have I fallen in love with Jerrod?

I slipped into some shorts and a muscle shirt, straightened my semi-erect cock in my boxers, and tried to compose myself before I went back out to the living room.

What,' I thought, would I say to him?' I dared not sit on the sofa with him, as I knew with certainty that I would touch him, and then, it would be over. I would destroy our relationship.

Or did I want to expand our relationship into something more intimate, something almost sacred?

After a deep breath and a gulp, I headed for the living room and Jerrod.

(Sean narrates)

We were getting dressed and putting ourselves in order to leave Ry's office, when the telephone rang.

Ry answered the phone and spoke briefly, mostly asking one-word questions: "What?" "Why?." "Where?" "How" "Which one?" He answered in equally short sentences: "I understand." "Of course." "No, that won't be necessary." "Yes, he has." "Certainly." "Yes, I will, Sir." He finished the call with a perfunctory, "Good bye."

I was fascinated by the call and wondered if it had to do with the convocation. However, I chose not to ask any questions. Ry would tell me what it was all about when he felt the time was right.

"Are you ready to leave?" he asked me.

"No!" I answered.

"Why, what's the matter?" he demanded.

"I need something. It's important to me," I told him.

"For heaven's sake, Sean, what is it?" he questioned, a slight edge to his voice.

I walked over to him, wrapped my arms around him, looked him in the eyes, and smiled. Then I told him,

"I need a long, sexy kiss. And I won't leave until I get it," I said with my infamous giggle.

The phone call was apparently forgotten because only pleasure showed on Ry's face. He laughed quietly, and leaned in and kissed me. It was a long and passionate kiss, filled with dueling tongues and exploration of each other's mouth. I could feel my cock responding to my lover's kiss, and I was aware that he, too, was stimulated as I could feel his dick, now hard, pushing against my thigh.

He broke the strong, passionate kiss, then he quickly kissed the end of my nose, telling me as he did,

"You never have to ask for a kiss from me more than once. I deliver immediately. You are so hot, Sean. You take my breath away. Are you ready to leave now?"

I couldn't help but laugh, as I rested my head on his chest, enjoying his scent, hearing his heart beat increasing, and knowing that he wanted me and loved me. I kissed his neck, licking it just a bit. Then I moved to his ear, kissed it, licked it, and put my tongue into it, which caused him to moan. I whispered to him,

"I am ready, Hon, but not necessarily to leave. We haven't fucked on the desk in a while."

This caused him to laugh. He had found humor in what I had just said and I was pleased. That was the desired result. I got his jacket and helped him into it. We hugged again, walked to the door, switched off the lights and left our love nest.

It took us only a minute or two to get to the car. Ry got in the driver's seat leaving me to sit in the passenger's seat. It was sort of a game between us, you know: Whose turn is it to drive? Usually, Ry wanted me to drive. I think it gave him time to unwind from the day's work. Sometimes he was filled with chatter, but at other times he was silent and pensive.

Right now he was quiet, I suspected dealing with whatever the phone call had been about. I still dared not ask him, feeling it would be moving into his space. I also knew that if I hadn't been with him in his office, I would not have known about the call.

He squirmed in the driver's seat and glanced at me a couple of times, smiled, but said nothing. I reached across to him and squeezed his thigh, not in a sexual way, but simply as a way to let him know that I was fine with his silence. We were approaching the supermarket when he finally spoke.

"Got any ideas for dinner, Baby?"

"I'm pretty hungry, so whatever it is, let's have lots of it. Having sex always makes me hungry." I said. He laughed.

"Hungry for what, my little lover?" he asked.

"That depends. I am always in the mood for food. And now that I think of it, I am always in the mood for sex with you, my handsome hunk," came my chuckled response.

"That's my baby. Why don't we go out to dinner? Some good Italian food would work. Or there's Chinese. Both of them would provide us with lots of food. Or would you rather buy some big steaks and have a cookout and maybe, after finishing the main course, we could get into the hot tub for dessert."

"You dirty dog," I said with a laugh, "you know I want the steaks and the dessert in the hot tub. There is no other choice."

"Then that's what we do. We'll stop here and get some steaks. O'Grady's always has great steaks."

Ry pulled the Rover into a parking space. We were in the market in moments. It took only a few minutes to find great thick sirloin strip steaks. They cost a fortune, but what's important in life if you can't enjoy a great steak. We were waiting in line at the checkout when we heard a somewhat familiar voice.

"How are you two gentlemen this afternoon?" asked Larry Bigotan.

Although we were both surprised, we answered quickly and politely that we were fine. He smiled at us and moved to our side. He shook his finger at us and said,

"I'm trying my best to get you an earlier date in Family Court. I want you to have your family as soon as possible. They have a tendency to put off hearings in Family Court that don't involve abuse or some other serious thing. Well, I want you guys to get the boys out of that home and into your family and your new home. And damn it all, I'll get that done." Then his tone changed, but he continued,

"Well, I'll try. But Family Court is a tough nut to crack. Have you seen the boys recently?" Before Ry could answer, I blurted out,

"We try to see them every day. Sometimes we go over to help get them into bed, read them stories, that sort of thing. We take them out to lunch. Thank goodness for McDonalds. Joshua and Ethan think it's the best food on the planet."

Bigotan laughed heartily, and grasping Ry's hand, he shook it briskly. Then he grabbed me and gave me a rough almost, `I'm a little embarrassed but I want to hug you' hug. As he did this he continued,

"I know you think that I'm anti-gay or whatever, but that's not the case. I just want kids to be in safe, loving homes, and I know that's what they will get in your home. You two guys are extraordinary men. I like the fact that you are not afraid to show your love for each other, but more than that, I am sure that you want to share it with those boys. You'll make great parents. I wish you luck."

I was stunned into silence and stood there looking helplessly at Ry. He met the moment and told him,

"Sir, we respect the concern you had about the welfare of the boys. It's something that we would want if we were on a committee such as you serve on. Thank you for your high regard of us. We promise that we won't let you down."

Finally I could find words to speak, so I told Mr. Bigotan,

"When you hugged me just a moment ago, I knew you accepted us completely. Your trust in us is humbling and I promise you that everything we do will be for the welfare of those boys. They have suffered enough. We are ready to have them in our home, and thank you for attempting to get our Family Court date moved to an earlier time."

"Sir?" asked the checkout girl.

Ry snapped back to the moment and handed the girl the two steaks and some salad ingredients. She scanned the items and told Ry the amount due. As he paid the bill, Bigotan moved into another aisle to have his purchases tallied. We smiled at him and as we were leaving, we both waved and in unison said,

"Thanks, Mr. Bigotan."

It had turned out to be quite an afternoon.

(Blake narrates)

When I returned to the living room, I saw Jerrod sitting on the sofa, his head in his hands. He didn't look up, but I was aware that he knew I was back. I sat in the chair opposite the sofa, waited a bit more and asked,

"Want to watch a little TV?"

In a voice mixed with emotion and dread, Jerrod said,

"I'm so sorry, Blake, so sorry. I'll call Ryan and Sean and see if I can stay with them. If I can, I'll get my stuff together and get out of here."

I was pissed now and I nearly shouted at him,

"What the fuck is this all about? You're not going anywhere. Did I ask you to leave? Jer, for heaven's sake, so you were pulling your pud and I saw you. Did I faint? Did I scold you? Did I do anything that would make you think I didn't like you and that I didn't want you around? Damn it, Jer, answer me."

Jer was quiet for a few moments and then raised his head. It was then that I saw his red eyes, puffed from crying, that I almost lost it. I wanted to take him into my arms and comfort him, to make him understand that I really cared for him. But instead I just sat there waiting for him to answer me. He looked at me like a beaten puppy, and spoke, almost in a whimper,

"I let you down, Blake. I was stupid and I don't deserve your friendship. It's just with Kevin and everything, I am sort of out of it. Please forgive me, Blake, please." And the tears and sobbing began, almost as intense as at the hospital. I moved quickly across the room and sat on the sofa next to Jer and took him into my arms.

"It's all right, Jer. I want you as my friend. I want you." and before I knew what was happening I was kissing him, passionately and he responded, taking my breath away. His weeping ended and he asked in a voice filled with love and emotion,

"Will you make love to me, Blake?"

To answer, I did.

(Sister Mary narrates)

St. Anthony's had found the right people to care for the Carson boys. In all my years there, I never felt so right about an adoption. Sean and Ryan visited everyday, helping the boys with lessons, reading to them, preparing them for bedtime. It was wonderful.

Almost immediately, the boys began to change: they came out of their shells. No longer silent and morose, they laughed and played together and with the other children. They began asking early in the morning when their daddies were coming. The highlight of their day was when their daddies came to see them.

Grandma and Grandpa also visited nearly every day. They brought the boys clothes, took them to lunch (I always accompanied), played with them, and were forming a real bond with their grandsons. Zachary loved Grandma, clinging to her most of the time she was there. Grandpa also held him, tickled him a little, and made him laugh when he made silly faces for Zach.

I prayed often in those wonderful weeks that the date for the hearing in Family Court might be moved earlier so that the adoption could be finalized. As often is the case, my sincere prayers were not answered, probably because God was working on the tapestry and hadn't finished that portion of it. We would have to wait. I understood Sean and Ryan's impatience, but it gave them time to make improvements at the house and also to begin interviewing for a nanny or housekeeper or maybe both.

They had asked me for recommendations and I gave them a couple. Had I not made my vows long years ago, I would have volunteered to do the job myself. I did love those three boys.

I was old enough that if I wished I could retire and go to the motherhouse where I could live out my days in contemplation and discourse with Almighty God. I was not ready for that. I wondered if the Mother Abbess would allow me such an exception to "the rule". It would also take some doing with the bishop whom I imagined would never approve. Best to serve God as I did now, only learning of the boys through occasional correspondence or visits.

That was the way it would be.

(Sean narrates)

After our chance meeting with Larry Bigotan, we drove back to the townhouse. Ry wanted to change clothes and go to the house to see how things were progressing. I agreed, but reminded him that tonight we were supposed to give the boys their baths and put them to bed. He promised we wouldn't miss that. He loved the boys as much as I did. I guess the only reservation I had about the boys was wondering if it would change the relationship between Ry and me. Only time would tell.

We were in the bedroom changing into some comfortable clothes. I began to collect soiled clothing to do a load of laundry. I had separated the light from the dark and as I was picking the lights up from the floor, Ry came up behind me, hugging me as I stood. He kissed the back of my neck and spoke to me.

"Come and sit on the bed with me. I have something I want to tell you," he said.

I followed him to the bed and sat next to him. I wondered what it could be that he wanted to tell me, but I suspected it might have something to do with the phone call he had received at his office. He sighed, then quietly spoke,

"I should have told you this at the office earlier, but I just wasn't able. I guess I had to think about it, to understand it, to accept it."

He stopped, looking away from me and out the window toward the town. I remained quiet for a second or two, and then told him,

"Ry, if it's something that you would rather not discuss at the moment, we can wait. I trust you to tell me about whatever it is when the time is right." I put my arm around his shoulders and hugged him. He turned back to me and kissed me on the nose.

"Sean," he said, "it's not anything that important. Well, I guess it's important, but the thing is, I don't understand it. What I am trying to say, but I'm really screwing it up, is that Dr. Williams has sort of ordered me to march with you and the other dignitaries on Saturday."


"It's just that Janet will probably be disappointed as I am sure she anticipates that I will march with the English Department. I know she's grooming me for Department Chair, and it won't be well received by the English staff that I'm not marching with all of my colleagues."

I took his face in my hands and kissed him quickly and softly on those delicious lips. I had to ask him something that might screw up everything, but I hoped he would laugh a little and be less tense. I said in the most hurtful sounding voice I could muster,

"So, I guess you don't want to march with me. I understand."

He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me a little, glaring at me with fire in his eyes, he demanded,

"What did you just say?"

I knew now that my little attempt at humor had not worked and that I had to get Ry and myself out of what was beginning to appear to be a confrontation. He was still holding me by the shoulders, so I leaned in, put my arms around him, and kissed him hard on the lips. He began to return my kiss, and I melted into his arms, hopefully letting him know that I was his, all his. Finally we broke our kiss and I said,

"Ryan Taylor, I want to apologize to you. I was trying to be lighthearted, hoping that you would loosen up a little. But I failed. I understand why you would prefer to march with the English Department, but Dr. Williams must have told you why he asked, or as you said, ordered you to march with the administration and dignitaries. By the way, Hon, don't include me with the group of dignitaries. It's just little old me, Sean Kelly marching there because someone made a great deal out of something like performing with the all college philharmonic."

"You're pissed at me, aren't you?" he asked me.

"No, I'm not. What did President Williams tell you?"

He almost squirmed on the bed, moving with nervous energy, extricating himself from me, but not moving away. He looked serious and intense.

"He told me that they would announce my up-coming trip to Denver and that he thought it would be nice for the college community to see me. He also wanted the trustees and the governor to meet me personally just in case positions opened at State for which I might wish to apply. I think that's not a really good reason, Sean. Other people have attended national meetings and I don't remember any of them being introduced to the trustees and the governor. I don't think I'm getting the whole story. Do you know what's going on?"

Ah, yes! Now I found myself on the horns of that infamous dilemma. If I tell him what I know, then I spoil a really important surprise. If I don't tell him, then it will be the first lie I tell him, and that would make me sick to my stomach. How could I handle this? My mind was racing through ideas, but it was taking too much time.


"Ry, I think if you are this unsettled by his request that you should call him now, even if he is at home, and ask him if there is any other reason that he is expecting you to march with the group," I stuttered out.

Now for some inexplicable reason, Ry was laughing. He hugged me tightly and kissed me again, not with any sexual implications, but simply as one lover to another. Then he told me,

"You bugger, you do know something, don't you. But I bet you are sworn to secrecy. I don't want you to break your promise, Baby. You have told me enough by your silence and your recommendation to call President Wilson, to let me know that there is something else. Let's leave it at that."

What a relief! For a split second I thought I would have to tell him about the chair, but thank the good Lord, he let me out of the dilemma. For that I would be eternally grateful. I was so relieved that I giggled, saying as I did,

"Fine with me, Hon. Let's leave it at that. Now we should get over to the house before the workers leave. I wouldn't be surprised to find Mom and Dad there."

"You can bet on that," he told me as he took my hand and kissed it.

"What was that for?" I asked him.

"For saving me from some truly horrible embarrassment. Thanks," he responded.

We left for the house, happily in concert about the convocation and I had not revealed any information about the chair.

(Ryan narrates)

After our episode in the bedroom where I tried to discover what was going on at the convocation, I accepted that there was something important and that it had been kept as a grand secret. I decided not to press Sean about it, even though I strongly suspected that he knew.

When we arrived at the new house, there were numerous trucks parked in the driveway and in the street, all with various crafts displayed on their side panels. We had to park some distance from the house, but still just a short walk. We passed Dad's rental car parked almost directly in front of the house on the street. We laughed a little in acknowledgement and appreciation of them and their efforts and help.

When we entered the house there seemed to be nothing more than chaos. Workmen were everywhere performing various crafts, painters, wallpaper hangers, electricians, plumbers, and assorted others that we couldn't identify. Amidst it all stood Mom giving orders, asking questions, and keeping Dad under control. They were so busy that they failed to see us enter. We watched and enjoyed the whole scene.

It was obvious that much work had been done at the house. Everything was clean! Some of the walls had been wallpapered, while others had been painted in new colors. Furniture that we had purchased was stacked in groupings and covered with plastic tarpaulins. Dad glanced our way, saw us, and smiled as he moved toward us.

"Thank goodness you're here. I can't talk your mother into leaving for the day. She's apt to have all these workmen on strike if she pushes too hard. How has you day been?" he said.

We hugged Dad, and Sean told him that things had gone well for us, not mentioning the little moment of anxiety caused by the marching orders President Williams had given me. Dad moved us toward Mom, who when she saw us, rushed to hug us. She was excited.

"Come with me. You have to see this," she told us. She took Sean's hand and pulled him toward the stairs and then up them to the second floor. I followed with Dad who was smiling and chuckling under his breath.

I whispered a question to Dad,

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing," he replied, "it's just your mother's enthusiasm about the boys' rooms. She has had some wonderful ideas and now that most of them are finished, she's anxious to show you two, and hopeful that you will like them."

At that moment, Mom stopped outside one of the bedrooms. She looked directly at Sean, and told him,

"Now, Sean, if you don't like this it can be changed. It's just that I thought this would make a great room for one of the boys. Tell me what you think." She gently pushed Sean into the room.

"Wow! This is wonderful. Ry, you've got to see this," he exclaimed. I went into the room and found myself surrounded by a wonderful seaside environment. Everything in the room was of the ocean. It was a masterful accomplishment. I was once again in awe. Mom stood there looking a little perplexed. She asked,

"Well, you two, what do you think?"

Sean stammered, "Mom, this is wonderful. How I wish I could have had this when I was a boy. It's terrific."

I could tell that Sean was just wowed beyond words. Mom looked at me, her eyes glistening with tears. I hugged her and kissed her on the cheek and told everyone in the room,

"I remember this, Mom. It's my room, like it was years ago. I can't thank you enough for doing this."

"Your room was like this when you were a boy?" asked Sean.

"Yes it was," Dad interjected, "only materials today are better and craftspeople are more talented. But it's almost identical to Ry's room when he was a kid about Ethan's age. Your mother has done a masterful job of recreating it, Ryan. Pretty nice isn't it, Sean."

Mom moved quickly to Sean, putting her arm around him. I wondered what she was about to say.

"Does this upset you, Sean? I don't want it to do that. It's just a happy way I had to make Ryan feel a little more at home in this wonderful new home," she explained to Sean.

He hugged her tightly and with a wonderful smile, told us all,

"Of course it doesn't upset me. I think it's wonderful and it's even more wonderful because it is like Ry's old bedroom. If he is happy, so am I."

"There's more. Come on, all of you. I want to show you two other rooms. That's the first one. You two will have to decide who gets which room, but anyway, here's the next one. You first, Sean," directed our mother.

No sound came from the room, and then I could hear Sean, gasping for breath I thought. I hurried into the room, and there he stood amidst all kinds of reminders of music. The walls were covered with pictures and murals of every instrument you could imagine including a grand piano. Tears were streaming down his face. I took him into my arms and hugged him. He wasn't weeping, but he certainly was overcome with emotion. Mom and Dad stood nearby holding hands and watching Sean. He moved to Mom and Dad saying,

"This is so wonderful. How I wish I might have had a room such as this when I was a youngster. But I didn't. I know that the boys will enjoy it. I do have a suggestion about the rooms, however."

"What would that be?" asked Mom.

"I think there should be twin beds in both rooms, or bunk beds. I know Ethan and Jacob will want to be in the same room, at least for a time. Can that be arranged?"

Mom laughed lightly and told us,

"Your Dad has already made arrangements for twin beds in these rooms as he feels the same as you do. Eventually they may want separate rooms, but certainly not for a while. Maybe they can switch from one room to the other so that they get the feel of both rooms."

"Great idea," I told Mom.

"Is the other room the nursery?" asked Sean.

"Sort of," said Mom, "but it's also ready for a toddler or a very young child. Come with me and I will show you. You'll notice that it is closest to the quarters for the help.

I went into the room first and was charmed by the circus motif. It would be ideal for the youngest of our sons. Sean followed me into the room and was as charmed as I was. He walked over to Mom and Dad, and said,

"How can Ry and I ever thank you enough for planning these wonderful rooms for the boys?"

"We are fully repaid now; because of you two, we have three grandsons. That's pay enough," Dad told us, his eyes glistening.

"There's more to see. Come with me," ordered Mom.

We followed her as she gave us a quick tour of the house, explaining each change, discussing with us the placement of furnishings. She asked where we planned to put the piano and Sean quickly informed her it should be in the family room. I agreed. After an hour of delighting in the changes in the house, we left, as did most of the workmen. Dad and Mom would stay until all the workers left and the house could be secured for the night. How useful the alarm system was now.

(Blake narrates)

After we made love, we lay on the bed next to each other our naked bodies touching. We were both quiet. Jer would stroke my arm from time to time, and once he leaned over and kissed my chest. I was getting aroused again. I finally told him,

"Jer, this is a first for me. I have never had sex with another man. I tried to avoid it with you, but I failed. I hope you don't think that I took advantage of you, because, of all things, I would want that to be the very last thing you would think. I just was overcome with desire to comfort you. And . . ."

"And what?" asked Jer.

"I wanted to touch you. I wanted you to touch me. I can't explain it, and I apologize for my behavior."

Jer laughed and rolled on top of me. He kissed me and I opened my mouth and our kissing took on a feverish pitch. My hands roamed over his young athletic body, stroking, touching, exploring as his hands discovered my body.

"We have to stop this," I told Jer.

"Why? Aren't enjoying it?"

"Of course I am enjoying it, but I shouldn't be enjoying it. I mean I'm not . . ."

"Gay? You're not gay, Blake! Did I say your were. Did I ask you to be gay?"

"No, but . . ."

"There are no buts, Blake. We had sex and I enjoyed it. I had hoped you enjoyed it, too. But I was wrong. I won't let it happen again..."

"You just shut your mouth. Who said I didn't enjoy it? I did enjoy it very much. You are a wonderful lover, and I responded to you with more passion than I ever did with a woman. Do you understand what that does to the psyche of a guy who thinks he's straight?" Jer laughed and kissed me again, this time softly on my lips.

"It means that I am a red hot lover. You can't resist me, so it's up to me not to do anything that will stimulate you," he told me as he rolled off of me.

I felt cold and alone when he did that. I wanted him back in my arms with his warmth and his kisses. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I love you, Jer. Do you hear? I fell in love with you, probably the first time I met you, only I didn't know it then. I want you by my side, in my life, in my bed. I want you to be my lover, my partner. There, I've said it and I feel better."

Jer just lay next to me, not moving, not speaking. I assumed I had scared him away, the first person about whom I had sincere and deep feelings. Now he would certainly leave. I was about to get up from the bed, when he rolled onto me, sat on my chest and smiled at me. I almost wept. His penis was growing hard and was moving slowly up my chest. My penis was growing even faster and it was rubbing against his naked ass cheeks.

He tweaked my nipples getting them hard. He had not yet spoken. I was very hot and wanted him desperately. He reached behind his body and grabbed my cock in his hand, stroking it gently. That's when he leaned in and kissed me, running his tongue over my lips, pushing past my lips and into my mouth; tasting me as I began to taste him. My heart was beating rapidly. It was then he spoke,

"Blake, couldn't you tell that I desired you a lot from the time in the hospital when you massaged my back. And when you let me into your bed, I thought I would cum all over you. But you didn't show any interest. You dick, I love you. Now let me pleasure you."

He reached for the tube of KY that lay on the bedside table with the condoms. He took a condom and handed it to me.

"Open that for me," he said as he rubbed KY into his hot hole, getting it inside with his fingers.

I handed him the condom with a questioning look on my face. He moved down to my crotch and took my hard cock deep into his throat. I moaned and started to fuck his face. He let me get to a high point, then he pulled off my cock and rolled the condom down on me. He moved back up to my chest, lifting himself so that he could get his cockhead to the entrance of my hole. Then he started to slowly sit on me. I was gasping, but hardly moved. In a few movements, he had me fully enveloped in his rectum. I still had not moved. He began to fuck himself on my hard cock.

"My god, Jer, that's so fucking hot. Oh, Baby, ride me. Make me feel wonderful. Oh, yes, yes."

As I increased my speed, he began to fuck into me. He lifted himself off the bed to meet my down thrust. My eyes were closed and he leaned into me, kissing my ears, inserting his tongue into my ear. My cock was playing a magical rhythm on his love button and he was nearing a climax.

"Don't cum yet," I ordered him.


"I want your cock in my mouth. I want to taste you again, like I did a while ago."

"Are you ready, Blake, to fill my ass with your seed?"


We both increased our fucking speed and suddenly I was filling his hot love passage with load after load of hot cum. Without knowing it, I was yelling. I had clasped Jer to me in an iron hug, neither of us breathing properly. He rested on me and I could feel copious amounts of precum on my chest. My cock softened and slipped out of his wonderful sheath, now marked as mine.

I pushed him backward on to the bed, and in a second had his delicious prick deep in my throat. My tongue was working overtime stimulating him. It didn't last long as he began to pump load after load of his delicious love juice into my mouth and throat. Swallowing as rapidly as I could, I was unable to swallow it all and it leaked out of my mouth and down on to his balls. I licked his cock clean and then took charge of his balls, cleaning them with passion.

"Are we a couple?" he asked.

"You bet your ass on it, Jer," I responded.

"That sounds like a good arrangement to me, Blake. No betting is needed. My ass is yours."

I was in love with Jer and I was happy. I hoped that I would be a better lover than Kevin had been.

I moved up to Jer's face, looked lovingly at him and sealed the deal.

"You're mine, Jer. I want you and I will love and protect you. Do you understand?"

"I do. Blake, you have returned happiness to my life. Don't ever leave me as Kevin did."

"You are mine for the long run. When we're ninety and can't get it up, I will still love you."

Jer's eyes were filling with tears and I kissed away the few that escaped to his cheeks. I knew then, and it would be the center of our relationship for many years to come, that I had found my soul mate and best friend.

I kissed his gently and silently thanked God for him.

Our lives were joined. Hopefully we could have a love like Sean and Ryan.

(Sean narrates)

After a great steak dinner and some lovemaking in the hot tub, we hurried to St. Anthony's to get the boys ready for bed. As usual, they were waiting for us, throwing themselves into our arms and peppering us with a thousand questions about our day. We got them into the bath and after they had amused themselves by getting us both soaked, we got them out of the tub and dried. In their pajamas now we went to their room where there were four beds. The two other boys, Tobias and Ned, were already in bed awaiting our arrival to read and tell stories before the boys had to shut off the lights and get to sleep.

We enjoyed reading and telling stories for a half-hour. Then sister Mary appeared at the door, our signal to leave. Ethan held on to me not wanting me to leave. Jacob was in a quiet, but intense, conversation with Ry. After some kisses and assurances that we would be back the next day, they agreed to let us go. Ry went over to Tobias and Ned and gave them a quick kiss and a goodnight. I did the same. As we left the room, Sister Mary switched off the lights.

"Do you know how much your visits mean to Tobias and Ned? It makes them feel wanted and included. Thank you for that."

After a good night to the reverent sister, we left for home. In three days we would be at the convocation.

I wondered how that would play out.

(To be continued)

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Next: Chapter 82: The Professor and Sean II 29

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