The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Aug 28, 2005


The Professor and Sean - Book Two - Part 15

by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists and/or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive.


A special `thank you' goes to my editor and proof reader, Wayne. His contribution is significant and greatly appreciated.

As Sean would say, "He's "Awesome!"

NOTE: If you would like to know when I am posting the next part of the story, send me an email requesting that I notify you when I post to Nifty.

The Professor and Sean - BK2 - Part 15

From the end Part 14, BK II

I don't know how much time had elapsed, but I awoke to find Sean on his side, his head resting on his fist. He was staring at me.

"You're handsome and sexy, you know," he said.

"Hmm, and so, my lover, are you. Come here. He moved quickly into my arms and we kissed. He rolled away and yawned. He smiled and asked,

"Are you a little hungry? I am. Think there's anything left to eat out there?"

"I am hungry. I'm sure there is something left. Knowing Jesse, there was probably enough for eight guys. Let's freshen up a little and go join the others," I said.

We did our toilet and. freshened and alert, we made out way to the door of the cabin bedroom. I took the door handle, and with Sean at my side, swung the door open. We both stopped in our tracks, gasped, and for a moment couldn't accept what we saw before us in the cabin.

"Ry, can you believe this?" he asked.

"Seeing is believing," I responded.

(Ryan narrates)

Not in my wildest imagination would I have thought I would see what met our eyes when we opened the door. All four of the guys were naked and involved in some pretty heavy man-to-man sex. Sen grabbed my arm as we looked at the scene. It was Peter who was the center of attention. He was on all fours on the floor. Under him was Jesse who was sucking his cock while Peter fed on Jesse's prick. Graham had his cock shoved into Peter's hot hole, fucking the shit out of him. And, Kent, our pilot, was feasting on Graham's asshole. None of them were aware that they were being watched. I admit I got turned on and my cock hardened. Sean was almost gasping for breath and his hand moved to my cock to determine if I was being affected as he was.

He took me by the cock and pulled me back into the bedroom and closed the door. He was immediately in my arms, kissing me wildly. He began to remove my clothing, but I wanted relief soon, so I helped him and in a flash we were naked on the bed, i was on my back and he was sitting on my chest feeding his beautiful cock into my willing mouth. I could tell that he was exceptionally horny and I knew that this was not going to be a gentle fuck.

As I sucked his cock deeper and deeper into my willing mouth, he reached behind him and was stroking my cock. Then he would lift my balls and cradle them in his hand. I was playing with his nipples, pulling on them as he fucked my face. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and crawled down between my legs, stopping momentarily to suck on my cock, which was drippling copious amounts of precum. Then he pushed my legs back and immdiately was rimming my hot hole. I was moaning, desperate for him to enter me.

"Sean, for heaven's sake, fuck me. I want you in me!"

He pulled his mouth away from my ass and told me in a firm voice,

"Quiet! This is my show, and you will have to wait until I want to fuck you, Hon. Now let me enjoy your ass."

I almost wanted to laugh, but when he started to lick and tongue my hole, I was quickly seized by sexual euphoria, and decided I would let him do what he wished with me. He moved from my ass back to my balls and then he swallowed my cock in one mighty gulp until it was down his throat. He worked magic with his tongue, while his hands were on my nipples, pulling, twisting, making my moans sound like growls.

"Get on all fours," he ordered me, as he took a break from sucking my prick. I moved into position, and now he was really hot. I could sense that there would be little preparation, but that wasn't really necessary as he had been in me many times and I could accommodate him with little pain. In fact, I loved it when he fucked me. I liked the feeling that he was in control and that I was there to give him pleasure. Of course, in doing this, I also garnered great pleasure.

"For all the times we have made love, Hon, this is one time when I just want to fuck the shirt out of you. Is that okay?" he asked me.

I grabbed his cock and pulled him toward my ass. He got the message and was plunging his hard cock into me without mercy. I cried out in pleasure,

"Yes, Baby, fuck me hard. Make me your bitch."

Getting into the dirty talk mode, he added,

"You two-bit slut, I'm gonna fuck you so deep and hard that my cock will come out your mouth. Come on, whore, push that ass onto my cock. Don't expect me to do all the work, you cunt. You want my cock, work for it."

In response I began push back against his hard cock in time with his every in stroke. I was so turned on, that I said,

"I thought you were gonna fuck me silly. Come on you horny bastard, let's feel that cock. Fill me with it! Make me cum! Fill my man pussy with your fucking cum. Come on, man, do it!"

He fucked me hard and long, until I felt ravaged and full, enjoying every moment of him in me. As he conitinued to pound my ass, I felt my balls tighten and I began to shoot all over the bed. As my ass tightened around his cock, he filled me with his hot man-boy cum. He fell on me, forcing me onto my stomach. His breathing came in short gasps as he tried to get control.

I, too, was slowly coming down from the sexual high and likewise was trying to get control of my breathing Our bodies were covered in sweat. The bed was covered with my cum which was now sticking to my chest. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to have that empty feeling I would have when his cock finally popped out of my ass. We were both moaning, or was it groaning - an expression of our contentment.

"You, my lover, are one hot fuck," he told me with his famous giggle. At that moment his cock, still semi-erect, popped out of me. I sighed deeply, not wanting the feeling to leave me. He rolled off of me and onto the bed, finally lying beside me. I remained lying still on my stomach.

"Hmm!" I told him, "that was delicious. I like it when you take control. I love you so much right this minute that I could weep with joy. Doesn't that make me a silly ass?"

He stroked my hair, which was still damp from our sex, and then moved ing over me and began to massage my shoulders. I could feel his cock on my lower back, and I was suddenly getting hard again. He continued his massage, causing me to relax and remember so much about him, our meeting, our problems, our hopes for he future. Neither of us spoke, but remained connected by our intense feeling for each other. Then he leaned forward and kissed the back of my neck. My body reacted as if it had been struck by an electric shock.

"Thank you for being with me yesterday. You are so easy to love, Hon. You always know what to say, what to do. I don't think I would have managed to get through yesterday without you."

His head was now lying on my back and I thought I could feel something warm, finally realizing that it was his tears. I lay still, letting him weep for the sister he never knew and for the old priest who he loved as a father. Finally, the emotions of yesterday that he had kept bottled up in him were finally released, and I knew that this was not some boy filled with angst lying on me.

No, it was a man who had finally come to terms with his past, his parents, his sibling, his priest, his relatives. All i could do was to say to him,

"I love you, Sean, my gentle lover. I love you!"

And then his body shook with the sobs he had been trying to keep away from me. Suddenly, I was weeping, too. I knew that we had experienced things together that most couples, gay or straight, have never known. He quickly sensed that I was crying also. He moved off my body and turned me to face him. We were quickly in each other's arms, holding each other to soothe the pain and sorrow of life. Our weeping stopped, and we kissed tenderly with a love that came from our souls.

(Jesse narrates)

When Ryan and Sean left and went into the bedroom for a nap, the three of us continued to playing scrabble after Kent went back to the cockpit and his responsibilites as pilot. After about fifteen or twenty minutes, the game ended and Peter came and sat on my lap.

He began kissing me, his tongue working away exploring my mouth. Graham had come over to where we were and I became aware that Peter was stroking Graham's cock. I broke our kiss, and Peter and I slid to our knees. In a flash, we had Graham's trousers and underwear down to his ankles, and both of us were licking his cock. We each took a side and slid our mouths up and down his shaft. Then Peter took the throbbing cock into his mouth and I slid down further and started licking Graham's balls. For a bit we were content for a while. Then Peter said,

"Fuck, I want to get naked so we can really have some fun."

As if we had agreed verbally, we all were rapidly naked and hard. We looked at each other for a bit, enjoying each other's bodies. All the rigid cocks looked delicious. Suddenly we heard,

"Well, isn't this just great! Some hot sex is about to happen and I didn't even get an invitation," said Kent playfully.

We all quickly moved to him, and in a moment he was stripped and naked. Peter began to suck Kent's cock, while Graham took up residence behind him and was soon licking and rimming his hot hole. I was kissing him, using my tongue in his mouth to help turn him on. He had reached down and was stroking my cock. We seemed to be content until Peter said,

"I want all three of you...I need a hard cock in my mouth and one up my hot ass, and I want one of you to take my cock deep in your throat...I am so fucking hot. Let's do it."

I lay down on the floor while Peter got on all four with his cock was just above my face and mouth. Graham began to eat his friend's hole, and then with little ceremony, he started to push his big cock deep into Peter's hot ass. At that, I took Peter's hard cock into my mouth. He bent forward and soon was enjoying my dick. I wondered where Kent was, and then I realized that he was eating Graham's ass. At just about that time, I heard the door to the bedroom open, and I knew that we were being watched, but I made no move to let the others know, hoping that Sean and Ryan would join us. But, alas, they didn't. I heard the door close, and I was now aware that Kent had his beautiful cock deep in Graham's ass. This went on for a while until Graham pulled out of Peter and he pushed my legs back and plunged his cock deep into my ass.

By this time Kent was fucking Peter. They were like two dogs in heat. I loved Graham's cock in my ass, and I knew over the next two weeks that we would have many hot sessions with these two guys. Peter and Kent moved so, that as they fucked, they could lean in; Peter kissing me, and Kent and Graham playing tongue gymnastics. Graham was now beating my meat as Kent did the same for Peter. With numerous groans and moans, we all reached the peak and began to shoot cum everywhere.

We collapsed in a pile of sweaty, cum-streaked bodies, gasping for breath and quick to compliment each other on his sexual prowess. Kent brought everyone back to reality when he told us he had to get back in the cockpit. I ran to the bathroom, returning with dampened towels, which we used to clean ourselves. Then Peter and I took turns sitting on the toilet expelling the cum from our asses.

We dressed leisurely, enjoying looking at each other's bodies. I was really fascinated by Peter. The fact was that I was beginning to fall a little for him. He was so hot, so cute, so happy to make you comfortable, to give you pleasure. I wondered if Kent had any feelings for Graham, knowing full well that Graham had shown his interest in Kent by letting him fuck his ass. Graham, we had all be led to believe, was a top. But when Kent went in for the kill, so to speak, Graham was willing to give up his ass. It made me wonder.

I went to the galley and brought out some more food, some of it left from our earlier flight, alonf with some beer and soda. I also made a fresh pot of coffee, knowing that someone would want that. I wondered if we were going to see Sean and Ryan anytime soon, or if we would have to wait until just before landing. I decided to knock on the door and let them know that I was putting out food again.

I crossed the cabin and knocked softly on the door. No one answered, so I knock a little harder.

"Yes?" came the sleepy question.

"It's Jesse. I just wanted you to know that I was putting out food again and thought you would want to know. Everything will be ready in about five minutes."

I recognized Ryan's voice saying, "Thanks, Jesse. We just want to freshen up a little and then we'll be out."

I could hear them stirring, so I went back to my duties in the galley. I thought as I placed items on trays, `Wonder if they had sex as hot as ours? Bet they did, especially after what they saw.' I would never know because I would never ask. And I would never let them know that I knew they had seen our orgy. I liked them, but I had learned not to mix friendship for them with any kind of sexual interest in them. They were committed, and I respected that. I noticed the the coffee was ending its cycle, so I reached for the silver pot in which I would pour the coffee. I had many tasks to accomplish. Fantasies of any kind would have to wait for another time.

(Sean narrates)

Someone knocking on the door awaken me. Ry didn't seem to notice, so I somehow got `Yes?' out of my mouth. I barely heard Jesse, but I knew he said something about food and that caught my interest. Ry had been stirring beside me and he quickly answered in a more understandable fashion that we needed to freshen up and that we would be out shortly. I giggled a little because I knew we had dry cum to wipe off our bodies as well as a bed that had become the repository of more man juice. That would be Jesse's problem, and it would answer any speculation of his about what we did in the bedroom.

As Ry stretched, I licked his armpit, and played with his nipple with my fingers.

"Enough of that, you naughty boy. You keep that up and I'll have to fuck you, Baby."

"That's what I was hoping, " I said.

"Later, Baby, now we have to get presentable. I don't care if the guys out there see us with dried cum on our faces and in our hair, but I don't think that it would be a good idea for the folks at home to see us that way," my lover told me.

Ry was out of bed and in the small bathroom, which interestingly also had a small shower, much like the kind in an RV. `Could it take two of us at once?' Before I could wonder anymore, Ry told me to get in the shower with him. He told me that it might be close quarters, but we would be finished sooner. So we took a funny shower together. I had all these images of the two of us so cramped in the shower that we could barely move. Neither of us had to try to get close to press against the other. No, both of us were hard from the close contact, but neither of us complained.

After the shower, we dressed in fresh shorts and T-shirts. We smiled knowingly at each other, kissed briefly, and opened the door walking into the main cabin. Peter and Graham were sitting at the table, but Kent and Jesse were no where to be seen.

Peter smiled broadly and welcomed us,

"Hey guys, did you have a good nap?"

"Super!" I replied.

Graham chuckled and added,

"We found things to entertain ourselves and pass the time. Jesse says we should be landing in about a half an hour. He's in the galley getting the rest of the goodies. Kent can't leave the cockpit, so it's just us."

With a smile, Ry asked,

"So what did you do, play cards, Scrabble? What?"

I almost lost it, but I didn't even smile. Meanwhile, Peter's face was red, almost purple. Graham continued,

"No, as a matter of fact, we had sex. Sort of a groupie. Does that bother you?"

"Not really," I said, "we didn't knit as a pastime and we didn't sleep the entire time either.

Peter seemed to relax, smiled at us, and added,

"Glad you had some time to yourself. We both understand that you don't get into group sex and that sort of thing, and that's fine with us. Jesse and Kent have been great, and thinking about the next two weeks gets me excited. Actually, I want you to know that Graham and I are lovers, but we are sort of comfortable having sex with other guys. That's probably difficult for you to understand, but it's the way we are."

Ry walked over to Peter and took his hand and shook it. Any tenseness in the cabin dissipated with that handshake. He told Peter,

"We have not always been so strict about sex with other guys, but once we made a public commitment to each other, things changed. Now we want to spend our lives together, and frankly, Sean is all I need for lovemaking."

I added, "And Ry is all I need or want."

Graham, who had been listening carefully to what was being said, surprised us when he said,

"You two are at a place where Peter and I hope to be in a very short time. I guess you could say that the next two weeks amount to our last fling. When we get back to Vermont, we will be lovers, not wanting anyone else in our sexual lives. I guess what I'm saying is that I want only Peter."

There was an audible gasp from Peter who now had tears running down his face. He stood as did Graham and they met in the center of the cabin. They stood there silently looking at each other. Graham reached for Peter's hand and pulled him closer.

"I love you, Pete. I want you with me always," he whispered.

"Gram, oh, Gram, I've wanted to hear you say that for so long. I love you, too. I don't need, or want, anyone else; I want to be with you always," Peter said softly and with intense emotion. Then they were kissing, and with Ry by my side, we applauded the couple, who had finally said what they had felt for some time. It was a wonderful way to complete the flight home.

Jesse was also applauding, too. He had been standing near the galley listening. He smiled widely as he approached the two lovers. He hugged them, and with a laugh told them,

"Wow! It was great to hear that. Kent heard it, too, as I switched on the intercom when you started to speak to each other. I am so happy for you two."

"Me, too," came the voice of Kent over the intercom.

Jesse had everything for a quick lunch now spread out on the table. We all helped ourselves and enjoyed the lunch and the conversation with the other travelers. It only took a short time to eat, and as Jesse was just cleaning up the last of the food, Kent informed us over the intercom that we should get into our seats and fasten our seatbelts. By this time Jesse was in his seat in the cockpit. We were soon all secured and began our decent into the airport. Florida was bright and sunny, welcoming us home with a smile.

Ry reached across the table and took my hand in his. His look said it all, but my heart fluttered when he softly told me,

"I love you, Sean."

I squeezed his hand and said the same to him as the plane touched down on the runway, not even screeching as the two wayward sons were again home.

(Gerry Taylor narrates)

When the phone call came last night, all four of us jumped in unison, sensing that it was from Ryan and Sean. I answered the call and was overjoyed to learn that they would be home today. There was little explanation of what had happened, but I knew that we would know everything when they were comfortable telling us. How strange the world can be. Poor Sean had already lived through times we couldn't even understand. How proud I was of Ryan for his steadfast commitment to Sean. When you see love like that, whether it's between a man and woman, or two men, or two women, how can you disapprove of it?

The four of us talked about the two of them, almost from the moment they left us to go to Vermont.

It was warming and reaffirming to a parent to hear friends such as Rog and Greg say honest and complimentary things about our son. We knew he must have shortcomings, but as parents, we never were able to see them. But Rog and Greg's stalwart support of him gave both his mother and me, great pleasure.

I had been thinking a great deal about Ryan. As I had gotten older and Ryan had left our keep, I missed him more than I ever let his mother know. I recalled those years of his growing up and all the things that fathers and sons do. The silly fishing trips where we ended up buying fish so we could make Ellen think we had been successful fishermen. I learned later from her that we never fooled her.

What I remembered most about Ryan was how his intellectual curiosity grew. He was an avid reader.

He loved music and the arts. His participation in sports was limited, as he preferred the sports where he could be his own competitor. He swam, ran cross-country. he rowed for a short time, and he liked tennis, but not in the competitive sense, and he enjoyed golf. He played some baseball early on, but he left that when he got a little older. It didn't take me long to realize that my son was a student, a young man who liked the finer things in life. I never was disappointed in him, and when he declared his sexual preference to his mother and me, we supported him. All we ever wanted was for Ryan to be happy.

When he became intimate with Kevin, we both worried. There was something about Kevin that concerned us. He seemed nice enough, but we wondered if he was as committed to the relationship as Ryan was. Then they broke up, and Ryan, the gentleman that he was, told us that he had decided that it wasn't what he wanted. We learned the truth later on, and I was enraged at Kevin for devastating my son.

There followed a long period of time when Ryan seemed lost to us. He became depressed, lonely, solitary. His mother worried all the time, and I was angry because I blamed Kevin for the breakup and hurting my son. We were happy when he took the teaching job at State. At least now he had something to keep him busy. There were colleagues he could talk with, go places with. He could have a life. But that didn't happen. He was still in the hermit mode. We worried.

Then the telephone calls and the letters and the emails began. It was Sean this and Sean that. His tone changed and he became happy and filled with humor and lightness. There was no doubt in our minds that he was in love with Sean, but we only listened. We wanted to meet this new love of his life, but we never thought it would be under the circumstances when we did.

I was asleep, but Ellen was awake reading, when the call came from Roger Fillimore, or maybe it was Greg who called. Nonetheless, when we heard what had happened to Sean, I got on the phone immediately and made reservations for the earliest flight out. What we saw over the next few days confirmed what we had always thought; we were lucky parents indeed to have a son like Ryan. His strength, his love for Sean, and his desire to stay with his love gave us pride in him. He was a remarkable guy. And when Sean improved and we met him, we fell in love with him, too. He completed Ryan, and I think Ryan completed him.

I thought back to Sean's recovery, the reconstruction of the townhouse, the tremendous support from State and the community, the friends, colleagues, even people who had never met either Ryan or Sean; it made us realize how much this couple meant to so many people.

When they told us they wanted to make their relationship permanent and legal, we were thrilled. Ellen, as she had with the reconstruction of the townhouse, took over; planning, worrying, being concerned with every detail. But the result was amazing, and with the help of Rog, Greg, Kathy and Janet, the wedding was a total success.

I kidded the couple about waiting for their honeymoon to consummate their union, knowing quite well they had been intimate many times before the wedding. But it was fun to take on my gruff exterior and play the part of the dad. It was one of the happiest days of our lives, watching our two sons commit to each other.

I felt a lone tear sliding down my face, and as I moved my hand up to wipe it away, I heard the roar of the jet as it prepared to set down on the runway, bringing our two sons back home.

-------------------- (Ryan narrates)

The plane touched down, and I watched Sean and saw a look of relief on his face. I squeezed his hand and then brought it to my lips and kissed it. He smiled at me and then squeezed my hand.

"You okay, Baby?" I asked.

"Yeah, just happy to be back on the ground. There's something about taking off and landing in a plane that unnerves me. I know I'm a silly goose, but it does," he told us.

Peter's voice sounded over the noise of the plane,

"You're not a silly goose, Sean. I feel the same way. I think Graham does, too, but he would never admit it. Thinks it would damage his hot male stud reputation."

Everyone was laughing, including Graham, who now had Pete's hand in his. I was surprised when he took it to his lips and kissed it. Pete smiled, and returned the favor. Graham told us,

"If anyone is a hot male stud, it's Peter. With a cock like his and a tight ass that he knows how to use, I'd say he was number one. I am a weak second."

The plane was taxiing to its place near the hanger. I could see Dad standing near the building, the draft from the plane messing his usually well-groomed hair. Suddenly a wave of emotion swept over me, and I realized with certainty how much I loved him. I know Sean sensed my emotion, and when I glanced at him, he smiled and wiped a tear from his face. My, God, I loved him so much; my Sean, my lover. The plane had now stopped, and we were all unbuckling our seatbelts. As we were getting out things together, Peter walked over to us. He looked us straight in the eyes and said,

"Whatever Graham says about whose hottest, I love him very much. Understand you two, that we admire your faithfulness to one another and we only hope that we can have a relationship that is half as good as yours. You two are an example of how gay men ought to behave. Thanks for letting us fly with you. Please, whatever else, look us up when you are in Vermont."

Graham put his arms around Peter and hugged him, pulling him back to his body. He kissed the back of Peter's neck, nibbling a little, and spoke softly,

"I love this guy so much. I hope that I can be as loving and caring as you two are toward each other. I have learned a lot from you two about commitment, about real love. I won't forget the lessons."

I moved to the couple and hugged them. Sean followed me, and as he hugged them, he told them,

"Thanks for your kind words about our relationship, but if I may, let me say that you need to find your own way, which you will, because it is easy to see that you love each other. There are many temptations in the world, and Ry and I have had to fight against them. We have won most of the battles, but we have also failed a couple of times. One last thing that I have learned from Ry, it's this: forgiveness is the most direct path to love. Good luck."

We turned shook hands with Jesse and Kent, hugged them and walked down the stairs and into the arms of Dad. It was then that we felt we were home.

(To be continued)

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Next: Chapter 69: The Professor and Sean II 16

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