The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Jun 14, 2005



The Professor and Sean - Book Two - Part 10 by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

The characters in this story do not always practice safe sex. Remember this is fiction. You should always use a condom for the your protection and especially for the protection of the one you love. The author recommends only safe sex. Be wise and follow safe sex practices.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists, or their publishers, and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the music.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive.


Thanks to the individuals who have emailed me to tell me they are enjoying the story. It is great to hear from you. I try to answer all of you; but if you have to wait a day or two, it is because I just can't keep up with the emails.

There's more story to come.

The marked improvement in the punctuation and spelling is because of the intelligent and careful assistance I have received from Wayne. This wonderful man is my editor, I thank him here publicly. As Sean would say, "He is awesome!"

NOTE: If you would like to know when I am posting the next part of the story, send me an email requesting that I notify you when I post to Nifty.

The Professor and Sean - Book - Part 10

(Sean narrates)

I had sensed a little unhappiness or maybe jealousy on Ry's part when Jesse paid so much attention to me. Kent was interested in me, too, as he told me with his eyes. I had been slightly uneasy because I was aware that Jesse was visually undressing me at least three of four times. While he was holding my hand, his fingers caressed my hand slightly. I knew Ry hadn't noticed that, and I chose not to tell him about it.

After we had boarded the plane, Kent went about the business of flying, but Jesse showed us around the cabin, making sure that we saw the bedroom and assuring us that we could use it if we so desired. It was an invitation offered without additional words, and frankly, directed to me. I could tell that Ry was not pleased.

When we were finally alone, he spoke to me about the two of them, indicating that they both wanted me for sex. I knew that, but I didn't wish to let him know that at the moment. He asked me what I would do, and I told him if we were together I might indulge in some mindless sex. He was a little sad when he told me they didn't want him, that they wanted me. I made it clear, that they got us both, or neither of us. He said that maybe he could let them have me alone, but I told him `no'. It's a package, the two of us or neither of us.

As we were taking off, conversation waned, perhaps because I was still a little uneasy about flying, especially takeoffs and landings. Everything went smoothly, and before we knew it Jesse was coming out of the cockpit, telling us that we were at cruising altitude, and that he would be serving us some food in a little while. He told us to feel free to get up and walk about the plane. If anything changed, Kent would tell us to return to our seats.

We undid our seat belts, not only gaining freedom from the restraint, but also getting a curious feeling of vulnerability. Ry was still preoccupied, and had little to say to me. I sensed that he was still mulling over in his mind the whole discussion we had about sex with Jesse and Kent. I was worried that I had done something wrong, that I had unknowingly sent messages to Jesse and Kent that I was available. I decided that I would have to ask him. So I did,

"Ryan Taylor, did I do something I shouldn't have done to attract the attention of Jesse and Kent.

If I did, I want you to tell me what I did so that I will guard against doing it again. I sense that you are angry with me, and it makes me sad."

"I am not angry with you, Baby. It's just that I realize, and it's difficult to accept, that you are handsome and sexy, and guys who are gay are drawn to your looks. You didn't do anything except be yourself, and frankly, I don't want you to change anything about yourself.

"Remember, Baby, I was immediately attracted to you in Walgreens that evening, and you did nothing but be yourself. It's just that I love you so much that seeing other guys look at you the way they did, well, it makes me feel left out. That's it in a nutshell," he said to me.

I laughed, and told him.

"You are silly, Hon. They looked at you with great interest, too. You forget how sexy you are, or that I fell for you hook, line, and sinker when I saw you at the convocation. I spent a great deal of time researching where you lived and what you taught. Do you think I did that because I was interested in your wonderful mind, which I was to some extent?

"But, Ry, I fell for a handsome sexy man. Don't forget that. All you have to do is touch me and I tingle and start to get hard. Why? Because, my dear lover, you are hot. Ry, I love only you, and I will always love you and only you. Kiss me, Hon, and relax. We don't have to have sex anymore than we have to have dessert. It's optional."

By this time we had walked to the back of the plane and were at the door to the bedroom. Ry opened the door and pulled me in. He quickly locked the door, pushed me onto the bed and was on top of me, kissing me with intense passion. I returned his kiss and as we ground our cocks against each other, all the concerns he might have had evaporated. He broke our embrace, leaned on his elbows, smiled and said,

"Forgive me, Baby. I get a little rattled when I see how you turn on other guys. It's funny really, because I remember getting hard in Walgreens and trying to hide it. So if you got me hard just looking at you, why should I suppose that other men don't react the same way. By the way, I feel like dessert, don't you."

"Hmmm, only if you are on the dessert plate. Hold me for a few minutes. It always make me happy to be in your arms. You always make me feel comfortable and relaxed and content."

(Ryan narrates)

Sean's breathing confirmed my suspicion that he had fallen asleep, with his head on my chest. I yawned, but had no intention of falling asleep. Then suddenly I heard Sean speak. He sighed, smiled and then said,

"Look, I tend to be direct so I want to ask you two something."

"Go ahead," offered Jesse.

"Are you two guys gay?" Sean asked.

Without hesitation, Kent told us,

"Yes, we're gay, and we're also lovers. Does that bother either of you?"

"No, we suspected you were," he told them.

Kent laughed and Jesse joined him, as he announced,

"So four gay guys in a private jet on their way to New England. What will we do to wile away the time?"

There was general laughter, and Sean put us all at ease when he said,

"I guess I'm the youngest and maybe the hungriest, but I say we should take care of some of this great looking food."

There was general agreement and we began to have our fill of the various items. I smiled slightly as Kent recommended that we all have a glass of champagne to cement our friendship. I was pleased when Sean told them that he would only have a small amount. The gist of the conversation that punctuated our eating was essentially about our trip to Vermont. Kent was interested in our wedding in Vermont, and wanted to know all sorts of things about it. He was surprised at how similar it was to an actual marriage ceremony. Sean was gracious in explaining why we did certain things, answering all their queries. Jesse was enraptured by our story, and as we continued to talk, he took Kent's hand in his. It was obvious to me that they were in love with each other.

In defense of our relationship, Sean took my hand in his. I was excited by the scene and stood, pulled Sean to his feet and began to kiss him with passion. In a moment, Kent had Jesse in his arms and they were involved in a tongue-filled kiss. I didn't care about the others, but I knew I wanted my lover, so I began to undress Sean, first his shirt, and as I began to work on his jeans, I noticed the Jesse had removed Kent's uniform jacket and necktie and was working on his shirt.

We had not gone much further when Sean, broke our embrace and said,

"Let's go to the bedroom, guys. It will be more comfortable there. And let's each take the responsibility of stripping ourselves." There was a murmured agreement as we moved toward the bedroom, and various articles of clothing began to be strewn on the plane's carpeting. When we reached the door of the bedroom, we were nearly naked. Our socks and briefs were the only clothing we all had on, and I knew that in a few moments, the socks and underwear would be gone.

(Kent narrates)

Jesse and I had talked about the moment that was about to happen when we first saw the two of them. Sean was hot, really hot, and young, and handsome. Ryan, was equally as attractive, and we both thought he would be a powerful lover. We had worked hard, since we saw them on the tarmac in Florida, to arrange for us to all be together for as much of the time as possible.

Jesse was hot for Sean and I was yearning to have my time with Ryan. The thought of a foursome just about blew my mind. Jesse had been hard since he saw Sean, and I had to concentrate not to show my hardon when I was around Ryan. Actually both of us wanted to have sex with both of them. Now we were going into the bedroom and I knew that we would soon see each other naked and aroused.

My cock was so hard that it hurt, and I wondered if I might shoot off just from seeing the two of them naked as they were both handsome and horny.

Sean was the first to remove his underwear, and when I saw his cock, I knew that before this was over I would have it in my mouth and up my ass. And when Ryan dropped his briefs and I saw his monster cock, I fell onto my knees before him and licked his cock. Surprisingly, he didn't move away from me, and when Jesse saw that, he fell to his knees and began to lick Sean's cock. As we worked on their cocks, they began to kiss passionately. By this time I had Ryan's eight-and-a-half-inch prick in my throat and Jesse was doing the same to Sean. A glance between us and we changed partners, Jesse know working Ryan's cock and I was swinging on Sean's.

At about this time, the two hot passengers moved to the bed, fell onto their backs and spread their legs. To our mutual surprise, they both pulled their legs back to their chests, exposing their rosebuds to us two hungry sex fiends. They continued to kiss and play with each other's nipples, Jesse and I began to lick their ass cracks and then started to eat out their beautiful assholes. All of us were moaning with pleasure, but when I tried to finger Sean or put my cock head against his hole, he pulled away from me. I noticed Ryan did the same thing with Jesse. I asked for both Jesse and me,

"What did we do wrong?"

"Nothing, but its our turn to work on you two, if that's okay with you," offered Ryan.

Jesse asked, with much disbelief in his voice,

"You mean you want to suck and rim us?"

"That's the idea," said Sean.

"There's just one little difference, guys. We will tell you what we want you to do and we expect that you will do it without question. Agreed?" I told them.

In unison came our answer, "Agreed!" -------------------------- (Sean narrates)

Having our cocks sucked by Jesse and Kent as Ryan and I made out had been stimulating. I was hot for some dirty sex. Ryan had whispered to me what his plan for the hot pilots was. I agreed, and was now waiting for him to give instructions.

Ryan began with his instructions.

"You two get into a 69 position. Kent, you on the bottom and Jesse on top. Jesse, you will be on all fours and will pull Kent's legs back so that his ass is exposed. You two can suck each other's cocks as Sean and I fuck you. I will start fucking Kent and Sean will fuck Jesse. We'll switch off at some point, as we want to try each of your assholes. Any questions?"

Instead of asking questions, both of them got into position and were soon sucking cock. I got behind Jesse and rubbed some KY onto his tight hole and more on my steel-hard cock. I didn't wait for any invitation and quickly shoved my cock deep into his ass. He moaned in pleasure. I was slightly ahead of Ryan, but soon his cock was deep in Kent's hole. We checked with each other and coordinated our fucking. We were able to kiss deeply as we fucked the flyboys.

After we had been pounding their asses for a while, Ryan whispered to me,

"Let's change partners, Baby."

We quickly pulled out of the asses we were fucking, much to the disappointment of Kent and Jesse, but they were soon appeased when we shoved our still steel-hard cocks deep into their asses again.

Kent was almost screaming at us,

"Fuck us, come on you two studs, make us cum. We're just fucking whores. Fuck us. Jesse is a hot fuck. Pound him Ryan."

Jesse joined in now,

"Kent's ass is a hot love tunnel. He likes it hard, long and fast. He's a cock whore. Fuck him till he begs for more. He can take a telephone pole up his ass."

We began to slow down and there was much complaining from the two pilots, but we needed more of them, so we pulled out, whipped off the condoms and lay on our backs on the bed. They stopped sucking each other and looked at us and our hard cocks. They waited for Ry's instructions.

"Okay, guys, Sean and I have great asses and we loved to get rimmed. Jesse you take care of Sean and Kent you eat my ass. Now!" Ry ordered them.

In a millisecond they had their faces in our asses. Jesse was a spectacular rimmer. He worked my ass until I thought I would cum. Then he would stop and play with my cock and lick my balls. I was going crazy. I could hear the sloppy eating that was going on next to me, as Kent was eating Ry's ass like there was no tomorrow.

Jesse's voice interrupted and announced,

"If it's a convenient time, I have some food ready. If the time isn't good, just let me know."

Ry awoke first. We had fallen asleep and I had a sex-filled dream. I must have blushed a bit, because before he answered Jesse, he asked me,

"Did you have a hot dream. Your cock was rock hard and you kept rubbing it against me? I had a beauty involving the two flyboys."

"Yeah, they were in my dream, too.

Answering Jesse, Ryan said, "We'll be right there. We just tried out the bed in case we want to take a nap later."

-------------------- (Ryan narrates)

Jesse chucked and told us, "Fine. I have the food set out on the table. Kent and I will join you. The plane is on autopilot."

Sean gave me a knowing look and giggled, then he whispered to me,

"Do you think they're trying out autopilot for later? They must be hot for us, I guess."

"I think you're right, Baby. Let's see what happens, okay. Now let's go out and have some refreshments."

We opened the door and walked to the table. There were a number of finger foods, shrimp, small sandwiches, pastries, things of the nature. There were a number of drinks, too. Champagne was one of the choices and I wondered if that would be the beverage being pushed. As we reached the table, Jesse came out of the galley carrying a thermos pitcher of hot coffee. He smiled broadly at us and invited us to begin, saying,

"Kent will join us in a couple of minutes as he has some last minute matters to complete. You're quite safe with autopilot. At our altitude and flight plan, we have little to worry about. The plane has an alarm system to warn us of any unexpected problems. If you have worries about the plane, all I can do is to tell you to relax."

As we took seats, we glanced at each other, and I worried about the whole situation. Sean could sense my concern, but remained silent. I realized that it was up to me to say something. As I pondered this, Kent came out of the cockpit and came to the table to join the three of us who were already there.

"So, men, how's everyone going. Anything about the flight of concern to you? If you have any questions, please ask," he said as he sat in the last chair at the table.

I immediately asked,

"Where will we be landing?"

"Oh, yes," he said, "I should tell you about that. The nearest airport to Putney that can handle this plane is in New Hampshire, just across the Vermont border from Brattleboro. All the arrangements have been made to land there, including a company car. It's about a forty-five minute drive to Putney.

"Ryan, I talked with your Dad just moments ago and he made reservations for us at West Hill Inn where you exchanged vows. Your dad thought that would please you; I hope it does. If it doesn't, we can change it. Jesse and I will be driving with you and staying at the inn, too."

I think that both Sean and I showed a look of surprise on our faces, which caused Kent to ask,

"Is there a problem?"

"Not really," I told him, "it's just that we didn't know that you would be our drivers, too. So it's a little surprise, that's all."

Jesse jumped into the conversation immediately,

"If this bothers you, it can be changed. We don't want problems. We just thought that, as long as we had to wait for you until your flight back to Florida, that it seemed logical to drive you. But we don't want to upset you. We don't want to do anything that will cause you any more grief."

"Don't worry about it, please. It's just that we didn't know. It will be fine, and you will love West Hill Inn. It's a great place and the food is terrific." I told them.

Kent, smiled at us, and told us,

"We are looking forward to seeing the inn. Your Dad made the reservations for our rooms. Ryan, your dad must have some great connections to get good rooms with so little time before we arrive."

Sean and I laughed, and I told them,

"My dad is usually two or three steps ahead of everyone. He's amazing, really. I suspect he had the reservations made shortly after we took off. And if you are wondering about the extra room for you two, I imagine he wanted our driver to stay at the inn, too, and to be near us in the event that we needed him in a hurry. His years in business holds him in good stead."

Kent got up and as he moved toward the cockpit, he told us,

"It will be about an hour and a half before we land, so you can entertain yourself, or take a nap, or whatever. Jesse will be with me in the cockpit, so if you need us, please use the call buttons that I am sure Jesse has pointed out to you. Maybe we can treat you two to dinner and drinks tonight at the Inn."

Sean quickly spoke, "We'll certainly consider that, but before we make any firm commitment, we need to get our plans all in order for tomorrow."

I quickly added, "We really have to put our visit here for gathering information ahead of all other things, but I think we will be able to work out everything so that we can join you for dinner and drinks tonight. We'll let you know as soon as we can. I think, we'll take a nap now, and later we'll work on our plans, hopefully getting everything in order for tomorrow."

Jesse and Kent smiled at us, and as they moved toward the cockpit, Jesse commented,

"We hope it all works out so that we can get together tonight. If you can't work it out, we will certainly understand. We will need to know what time you want to get started in the morning, however. So if you could decide that, it would be helpful to us. Have a nice nap."

Sean and I walked to the back of the plane and into the bedroom. I was tired, but I suspected that he would have more amorous ideas. He put his arms around me after we had closed the door to the bedroom. I smiled at him, and pulled him to my chest and kissed his forehead. He relaxed, and I asked him,

"You ready for a nap, Baby, or do you have something else you would like to do?"

He laughed softly, kissed me gently on the lips, and told me,

"Hon, you know I always have other ideas. You turn me on, and in addition to that, I am a hot, sex-crazy guy. But really, at this very moment, I would like to take a nap in your arms. Does that surprise you?"

"Not really, but I thought you might want to make a little whoopee!"

"What they hell does that mean?" he asked laughing.

"Perhaps I should show you. You won't forget the meaning of the word," I told Sean as I pushed him onto his back on the bed. I covered his body with mine and began to kiss him passionately.

He pulled away from me just long enough to ask,

"Professor, am I going to love this lesson?"

Without another word, I began to show him what `whoopee' is all about.

He loved the lesson.

(To be continued)

If you wish to comment on the story, you may email me at

Next: Chapter 64: The Professor and Sean II 11

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